Aysha Jinan M S
Aysha Jinan M S
Aysha Jinan M S
A Dissertation submitted by
July 2022
A Dissertation submitted by
July 2022
This is to certify that the project entitled “Development of Ready to Reconstitute Chocolate
Drink Mix”, submitted by Ms. AYSHA JINAN M.S., (Reg no: VM20FPT006) during
February 2022 – July 2022, in the partial fulfilment for award of the degree of Master of
Vocational Studies in Food Processing Technology, Kerala, is the result of study carried
out by her in department of Traditional Foods and Applied Nutrition, at CSIR- Central
Food Technology Research Institute, Mysore, under the guidance of Dr. CHETANA
Dr Chetana Ramakrishna
Place: Mysuru Principal Technical Officer
I Aysha Jinan M.S. (Reg no:VM20FPT006), hereby declare that the project work
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award
authentic record of the original research work carried out by me during the period from
February 25 to July 17, 2022 under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Chetana
Nutrition, CSIR-Central Food Technology Research Institute, Mysore. I also declare that this
project has not been submitted to any other universities or institutions for the award of any
This project would not have been possible without the guidance of number of loving
people. First of all, I thank God almighty for his shower of blessing on me for completion of
this project.
I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere salutation to St. Teresa’s college
(Autonomous) Ernakulam Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam and Central
Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore which gave me the opportunity to complete
this project successfully.
I would like to express my gratitude and sincere obligation to my advisor and guide, Dr.
Chetana.R, Principal Technical Officer, Department of Traditional Food and Applied
Nutrition, Central Food Technological Research, Mysore, for her efficient guidance precious
advice and constant encouragement throughout my work.
I thank Dr. Ng. A.S. Chauhan, Head, Department of Traditional Foods and Applied
Nutrition, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore for his keen interest and
support during my project.
I sincerely thank Ms. Bhavya E.P (Head of the department of Food processing
technology), St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), for allowing me to undertake this project
and for providing with the valuable suggestion at various stages during my project and
I would also like to thank all my friends for their valuable suggestions, help and support
throughout my work. Last but not least, I am really ever grateful to my parents, who
remained a constant source of encouragement and inspiration during the completion of this
work successfully in CSIR-CFTRI.
Aysha Jinan
1. Introduction 13
2. Review of Literature 17
6. Reference 54
Ready to reconstitute products are those which require less effort to reconstitute or cook. An
attempt was made to develop ready to reconstitute chocolate drink mix powder that has rich
chocolate flavour and taste. The chocolate drink can be instantly prepared by just adding
water to the mix. Five variations of the blends were prepared using ingredients like cocoa
powder, chocolate, sugar/ jaggery, dairy whitener, khoa and coconut milk powder. Food
additives were added to increase the body on reconstitution which in turn enhances the
mouthfeel and consistency of the chocolate drink.
Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation of all the formulated samples was carried out. The
prepared samples were estimated for DPPH and flavonoid testing. Quality parameters of the
reconstituted chocolate drink like viscosity, pH and total soluble solids were carried out. The
Chocolate drink mix was formulated using sugar and dairy whitener and the other jaggery
based beverage was marginally higher in consumer acceptance compared to that of the other
formulated products. Trials were carried out to develop chocolate drink tablets with the
formulated chocolate drink mix powder using tablet making machine.
The results obtained indicate that the formulated chocolate drink mix has a great potential to
provide rich chocolate flavour along with health benefits. This product offers convenience as
it can be easily reconstituted with water when required and tastes richer than that of
commercially available powders.
1.1 Cocoa
In the globalisation era, instant drinks are already a necessity to satisfy human
consumption. Consumers are increasingly looking for food that tastes good, can be prepared
quickly, is simple to consume, and healthy. People who want specific health benefits from
their foods have recently become more interested in beverages with functional qualities.
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is acknowledged to play a significant role in the socio-
economic sector of many countries in the world, because global demand for this commodity
is high particularly for producing various food products (Kindangen et al., 2017). Many years
ago, humanity has benefitted from cocoa, the food of the gods. Products made from cocoa are
becoming more and more popular. In fact, from a nutritional and health perspective, cocoa is
particularly interesting due to its high polyphenol content and widespread use in many foods.
Around 40 to 50 million people depend on the income from cocoa farming, which contributes
to an annual global production of 4.2 million tonnes of cocoa valued at $11.8 billion and
increasing at a rate of 3% per year since the last ten years (Beg et.al., 2017). The third-highest
earner of foreign exchange after oil palm and rubber, cocoa is one of the major national
commodities, producing the fifth-largest volume of goods after oil palm, coconut, rubber, and
sugar cane. Polyphenols from cocoa are a source of health-promoting compounds. According
to some studies, polyphenols have advantages such as fighting inflammation, acting as
antioxidants to combat free radicals, and preventing the growth of cancer cells.
Colour, appearance, odour, taste and texture contribute to the acceptance of the beverage
and are decisive for consumer preference. The cocoa in the beverage formulations plays an
outstanding role for the general sensation. The cocoa type strongly determines the intensity of
sensory attributes such as colour, flavour, mouthfeel and consistency, and bitterness. Cocoa
powder is frequently combined with other ingredients to create a suspension system, which is
then used to make cocoa drinks. Cocoa-based products are very popular among various
groups of people because of their distinctive taste, aroma, and colour. Today, consumers of
chocolate food and drinks are not only dominated by certain groups, but all levels of society.
It indicates an encouraging development on the prospects for the chocolate food and beverage
market. Chocolate drinks are among the most well-liked food items. It becomes a new
favourite and has been transformed into straightforward products like "instant hot chocolate"
and "ready to drink chocolate." In small amounts, catechins, procyanidin B1 and procyanidin
B2 are among the active substances found in chocolate drinks; their concentrations range
from 0.01 to 0.12% (w/w). Cocoa products can be developed into healthy beverage products
because cocoa beans contain polyphenolic compounds and have antioxidant properties (Tyas
et.al., 2022).
In the tropical region of the world, coconut is one of the most significant tree crops,
providing food and shelter for millions of people. On an area of 11.95 million ha, coconut is
grown in more than 93 different nations. producing 57,510 million coconuts annually as well.
The provision of food, drink, fibre, wood, medicine, energy, shelter, and a variety of other
uses for humankind makes it economically significant as well as culturally significant and
useful. It is an amazing tree that produces more than 300 items. Coconut powder, which is
high in fibre, protein, and calcium, is referred to as a "functional food" because of its many
health advantages, including lowering bad cholesterol, preserving the health of the digestive
system, and maintaining blood sugar levels (Ramaswamy, 2014).
of minerals and vitamins that are naturally present in sugarcane juice. Jaggery is one of the
world's most wholesome and healthy sugars because it naturally contains a vast amount of the
minerals, proteins, and vitamins found in sugarcane juice. More importantly, jaggery has
great nutritional and therapeutic value because regular consumption may lengthen human life.
It is known for being a medicinal sugar and is recommended as an ayurvedic treatment for
conditions like dry cough, sputum-producing cough, indigestion, constipation, etc. Jaggery
contains magnesium, which supports the nervous system, and potassium, which protects the
cells' acid-alkaline balance and fights acids and acetones. Iron is abundant in jaggery, which
prevents anaemia (Walhekar et.al., 2018).
The market for powders that dissolve right away in cold water has been expanding over
the past few years. Due to their wide variety and superior effects after reconstitution, instant
items are growing in popularity among customers today. Food items like milk, coffee, cocoa
drinks, desserts, soups, and health supplements are just a few examples of what you may get
in the grocery store that fit into our contemporary lifestyles. Indian cuisine has a long history
and a wide range of traditional preparations, making it the birthplace of this timeless art.
These are prepared mixtures used in the production of goods. They contain all the
components and additives that can be stable in a single, homogeneous mixture and serve a
specific function in the production of the product. All-inclusive dry powder blends of this
kind are used to create products and only require the end user to add water. The fundamental
premise is to make product production more streamlined and reliable. This category of food
is referred to as convenience foods because it requires little to no significant processing or
cooking prior to consumption, providing convenience to consumers. It only needs to be
handled minimally, such as mild heating or warming and rehydrating in hot or cold.
Typically, cocoa powder is combined with other ingredients like sugar, milk, and stabiliser in
hot water to create chocolate-flavoured beverages. Both adults and children frequently choose
chocolate milk as a beverage. Its flavour, colour, and texture can differ widely, and it is
prepared from a mixture of whey, milk, chocolate, and other components. Chocolate milk's
sensory and nutritional benefits, as well as its usefulness and use, attest to the product's
popularity with customers. The overall benefits of the beverage compositions are greatly
increased by the addition of cocoa.
An attempt was undertaken for the development of ready to reconstitute chocolate drink
mix to provide rich chocolate taste and flavour.
1) To formulate rich chocolate beverage mixes by varying sweeteners and milk powders.
2) To study their physico chemical and sensory quality.
contributes to more than just sweetness, it also enhances smell, helps to develop flavour, and
gives the beverage body, which directly affects mouthfeel by altering flow behaviour. Studies
that linked sensory qualities to the physicochemical characteristics of hot chocolate drinks
mainly concentrated on instant cocoa powder without taking into account other preparations
that are now accessible, like block chocolate or cocoa mixtures that include milk powder,
which are considered just-add-water instant products. Both of the aforementioned product
categories are currently important to take into account when thinking about convenience and
tradition. (Rivas et.al., 2018).
2.3 Cocoa
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is widely recognised to play an important role in the
socioeconomic sectors of many countries throughout the world, because global demand for
this commodity is considerable, notably for the production of various food goods.
(Kindangen et al., 2017). People are drawn to cocoa derivative products because of its
sensory qualities, such as their distinct colour and flavour. (Aprotosoaie et al., 2016). Cocoa
beverage is one of the favourite cocoa-derived products in the global market since it was
introduced in Europe in the mid of 18th century (Cidell and Alberts, 2006).
One of the main national exports, cocoa ranks fifth in terms of volume behind sugar
cane, rubber, oil palm, and coconut. It also earns the third-highest amount of foreign
exchange after these two commodities. Polyphenols found in cocoa have positive effects on
human health. According to some studies, polyphenols have advantages such as their ability
to combat free radicals, reduce inflammation, and stop the growth of cancer cells (Tyas et.al.,
Moreover, nowadays, cocoa has been proven to contain polyphenol compounds that have
the potential to act as antioxidants (Counet, 2017). Due to its high flavonoid content, which
benefits human health, chocolate is a functional food product (Wollgast and Anklam, 2000).
Latif (2013) reviewed the effects of chocolate on human health and showed how cocoa,
which has high concentrations of flavonoids like epicatechin and catechin and procyanidins,
is a rich source of antioxidants with radical scavenging activity
addition to colour and flavour, help to define cocoa powder and have a significant functional
impact on the final product that uses it (Ana et. al., 2010).
One of the most significant tree crops in the tropical areas of the world, coconut provides
food and shelter for millions of people. On an area of 11.95 million hectares, coconut is
grown in more than 93 nations worldwide. producing 57,510 million coconuts annually as
well. A provision of food, drink, fiber, wood, medicine, energy, shelter, and a variety of other
uses for humankind makes it economically significant as well as culturally significant. It is a
remarkable tree that produces more than 300 items (Jayasekara and Gunathilake, 2007).
Coconut powder, which is high in fibre, protein, and calcium, is referred to as a "functional
food" because of its many health advantages, including decreasing bad cholesterol,
supporting a healthy digestive system, and regulating blood sugar levels.
contains the natural sources of vitamins and minerals that are naturally present in sugarcane
juice (Singh et.al., 2015).
Food with good flavour that is quick to prepare, simple to consume, and nutritious is
becoming more and more in demand. Although avocados are fruit, that are difficult to
preserve, which presents a problem for food scientists. Avocado is used to create a novel
freeze-dried milkshake powder. With high nutritional value and a longer shelf life, this
product offers a nutritious combination of dairy and fruit ingredients (Shreya et. al., 2020).
The consumer preference for marketed foods with the flavours of cocoa and coffee. Due
to its flavour and high nutritional value, the sapota powder created by standardising the
blending of cocoa and coffee has a very wide market and contributed a combination of
chocolate and sapota ready to use milkshake powder (Patel et. al., 2015). Since many children
do not like the taste of milk as it is, but readily accept it when it has been given a good
flavouring, the consumption of flavour-enhanced milk is constantly rising. (Taware, 2002).
This chapter describes the materials that were procured and used for preparation of
chocolate drink beverage mix. The methods used in the present study to measure the
proximate composition, physico-chemical, sensorial and rheological properties of chocolate
drink mix are discussed here.
3.1 Materials
3.1.1 Raw Materials
All the materials like cocoa powder, dark chocolate compound (grated form),
pasteurized dairy whitener (Amul), khoa powder, coconut milk powder, jaggery (powder
form), sugar and vanillin (flavouring agent) were procured from Loyal World supermarket,
Mysore for product development.
Other food additives of beverage mix are guar gum, tri-calcium phosphate and
carboxymethyl cellulose were purchased from SD Fine Chemical Ltd, Mumbai.
Fig 3.1 cocoa powder Fig 3.2 Chocolate (grated) Fig 3.3 Sugar powder
Fig 3.4 Dairy whitener Fig 3.5 Coconut Milk powder Fig 3.6 Khoa powder
Fig 3.7 Carboxy methyl cellulose Fig 3.8 Tri calcium phosphate
3.1.2 Chemicals/Reagents
All the chemical used in the experiments and for analysis were of analytical grade. Chemicals
are quercetin solution, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrite, aluminium chloride and gallic acid.
Fig 3.12 Weighing Balance pH meter
pH meter from Control Dynamics India Model, APX 175, was used during the project for
measurement of pH of the sample.
Fig 3.14 Muffle Furnace
Five different variations of chocolate drink mix blends were prepared with ingredients as
shown in table 3.1. Ingredients are weighed and blended in a mixer grinder to get a uniform
mixture. Food additives were added to improve the texture, thickness and viscosity of the
sample while mixing in a blender.
A commercial hot chocolate mix was used for comparison. All other formulations were
compared to the commercial product. The prepared chocolate drink mixes were packed in
aluminium laminate pouches and stored for further analysis. The chocolate drink mixes were
reconstituted in hot water and thoroughly mixed to assess the final product's taste and sensory
Table.3.1 Formulation of RTR Chocolate drink mix
Ingredients Formulations(g)
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Sugar 200 -- 200 -- 200
Jaggery -- 200 -- 200 --
Dairy Whitener 80 80 -- -- --
Khoa -- -- -- -- 140
Coconut Milk Powder -- -- 160 160 --
Cocoa Powder 80 60 60 60 60
Chocolate 60 80 70 70 90
CMC* 4 4 4 4 4
GG* 4 4 4 4 4
TPC* 4 4 4 4 4
Vanillin 4 4 4 4 4
*CMC= Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, *GG= Guar Gum, *TPC= Tri Calcium Phosphate
CMC 2% 2% Vanillin
1% 2%
Chocolate 34%
Fig 3.15 Formulation sample F1 = Beverage mix with dairy whitener and sugar
1% 1% 1% Vanillin
Chocolate 1%
Cocoa Powder
Fig 3.16 Formulation sample F2 = Beverage mix with Jaggery and Dairy whitener
Representative photo of Beverage mix made using sugar and dairy whitener
Representative photo of Beverage mix made using jaggery and dairy whitener
3.3 Physico Chemical Analysis FAT
The crude fat estimation by Soxhlet method according to AOAC method no.920.85
To determine the amount of fat present in the samples, empty round bottom flasks were
weighed. 10g of chocolate drink mix sample was weighed in to the thimbles and the thimbles
were plugged with cotton. The thimbles were kept in the extractor of the Soxhlet Apparatus.
Petroleum ether were poured into the extractor and whole apparatus was fixed. Fat extraction
was continued for 8 hours, it should be 16 cycles. After complete extraction occurs, thimbles
were removed from the extractor and petroleum ether was distilled off from flask by using
rotavapor. After removing the solvent completely, the flasks were kept in oven at 100° C to
remove traces of petroleum ether left, if any. The flasks were then cooled in a desiccator and
Sample weight Protein
Protein was estimated using Thermofisher scientific protein analyser (Flash 2000) by dumas
method according to AOAC method number 992.15(AOAC2012).
Duma’s method determines the protein content by estimating nitrogen in the sample. This
method is based upon the fact that nitrogenous compound when heated with cupric oxide in
an atmosphere of carbon dioxide yields free nitrogen. Traces of oxide of nitrogen, which may
be formed in some cases, are reduced to elemental nitrogen by passing over heated copper
spiral. Then the mixture is passed through potassium hydroxide to remove carbon dioxide.
The nitrogen is then quantified using a universal detector.
Fig 3.21 Protein Analyzer
Muffle furnace is used for ash and mineral estimation of samples .it consists of an extremely
heated chamber the walls of which heat the content in the crucible without the flame directly
coming in contact with the sample. The sample is ignited at 550° C to burn off all organic
material. The inorganic material which does not volatilize at that temperature is called ash.
Silica dishes were weighed and marked with heat resistant pencil. Two gram of each sample
was weighed and added to the respective dishes with proper labelling. The samples were
charred in low flame to char all carbonaceous matter and smoke, which affects the lining and
coils of muffle furnace. After the smoke stopped, the silica dishes were placed in the muffle
furnace and the sample were ignited for 12 to 14hrs at 500-550˚C. In case the ash appears
black even after 12 hrs of ignition, 2-3 drops of concentrated Nitric acid were added to ash
and then ignited again, After the sample turned white, the silica dishes were removed from
the furnace and cooled in desiccators and weighed. The loss in weight was reported as ash.
W: Weight of sample,
W1: Weight of the empty crucible,
3.3.2 pH Measurement
pH of the beverage samples was determined using calibrated (buffers pH 4.0 & 7.0) digital
pH meter (Figure 3.23) (Model; Cyber scan 510). The glass electrode was dipped in the
sample solution to record the potential difference between the glass electrode and the
reference electrodes. The potential difference is used to measure the hydrogen ion
concentration indicating the pH of given solution using the Nernst equation.
3.3.3 Bulk density:
The food was taken in a measuring cylinder and filled up to 100 ml mark and the weight was
taken. The weight obtained per volume (g/ml) gives apparent bulk density. To obtained
compact bulk density, the same amount of food was tapped gently on a wooden/rubber flank
until a constant volume is obtained and the weight per unit volume (g/ml) gives the "Compact
bulk density". The exercise was carried out for 5 times and the average was taken to minimise
the error.
Fig 3.25 Viscometer
3.3.7 Particle Size Analysis
Particle size analysis was determined using Microtrac Particle Size Analyzer 3500 (Nikkiso
group, USA) (Figure 3.27) working on laser diffraction principle. Particle size is a
fundamental property of sedimentary materials that may tell us much about their origins and
history. In particular, the dynamical conditions of transport and deposition of the constituent
particles of rocks is usually inferred from their size. The size distribution is also an essential
property for assessing the likely behaviour of granular material under applied fluid or
gravitational forces, and gauging the economic utility of bulk materials ranging from foundry
sands to China clay.
3.3.9 Total Flavonoid Content Determination:
Total flavonoid content was determined by Aluminium chloride method using quercetin as a
standard.1 ml of test sample and 4 ml of water was added to a volumetric flask (10 ml
volume). Add 0.3 ml of 5 % Sodium nitrite, 0.3 ml of 10% Aluminium chloride was added
after 5 minutes. After 6 minutes incubation at room temperature, 1ml of 1 M Sodium
hydroxide was added to the reaction mixture. Immediately the final volume was to make up
to 10 ml with distilled water. Absorbance of sample was measured against the blank at 510
nm using a spectrophotometer. All the experiment was repeated three times for precision and
values were expressed in mean standard deviation in terms flavonoid content (Quercetin
equivalent, QE) per g of dry weight (Faiqoh et.al.,2020).
Fig 3.30 Spectrophotometer
3.4 Sensory Evaluation
The sensory qualities of the finished product were assessed using the hedonic rating test. It
was organised in a calm environment with well light, humid-free, and ventilated rooms while
upholding hygiene standards.
The test provides an indication of consumer preference and acceptance of the final product.
For each participant in the sensory exam, a separate score sheet card is used. Instead of
identifying differences, this test is better suited to identifying preferences.
Hedonic Test was employed for this purpose. A 9-point scale ranging from 'Like Very Much'
to 'Dislike Very Much' with Neither Like nor Dislike' as midpoint was used for this purpose.
Respondents included staff and students from other departments at CFTRI whose age ranged
between 21 to 50 years. Judges were asked to mark the product based on the degree of
preference. Each panellist evaluated 20 mL per sample of the warm beverage in cups coded
with random 3-digit number. Water was served for palate cleansing.
4.1 Physico Chemical Analysis of Formulated beverage mixes
Serial Sample
No. Code Moisture (%) Fat (%) Protein (%) Ash (%)
1. 1.56±0.08 10.31±0.05 8.41±0.09 3.23±0.10
2. 2.48±0.34 11.43±0.14 8.23±0.08 3.44±0.23
3.. 2.67±0.06 12.61±0.13 6.20±0.12 3.45±0.25
4. 1.41±0.07 12.36±0.35 6.40±0.07 3.55±0.21
5. 1.70±0.25 10.24±0.22 10.31±0.05 4.04±0.44
Table 4.1. Proximate composition of chocolate beverage mix Moisture
Water influences the textural stability and shelf life of food products, as well as the growth of
microorganisms (Yetim & Kesmen, 2009). An important quality indicator of cocoa powder is
its moisture content, because in the presence of an excessive level of moisture, flavour may
deteriorate, and the possibility of microbiological spoilage will arise. Generally, the moisture
content of cocoa powder must be maintained at up to 5% (Minifie ,1989).
Moisture content has a significant impact on the food quality. The results are shown in table
4.1. It indicates that the samples had a moisture content ranging from 1.41 to 2.67 percentage.
Higher values were observed for formulations with jaggery, this could be due to the
hygroscopic nature of jaggery. The values of moisture content of the formulated chocolate
mixes were in the range of 1-2%. A study by Shreya et.al., 2021 has revealed that had content
of 2.9% which is similar to our study. It was also observed that fat content affects the
moisture content of cocoa, because the cocoa drink mixtures prepared from cocoa containing
higher fat content exhibited lower moisture percentage (Cvitanovic et.al., 2010). Fat
The formulated samples have high fat content ranging between 10 to 12 percent. Based on the
fat contents, cocoa powder can be categorized into high-fat (15-22%), medium-fat (8-14%),
and low-fat (2-7%) cocoa powder (Vasela et.al., 2007). High fat content in the sample F5 is
due to the addition of khoa powder into the product which itself is a good source of fat. Protein
The formulated mix has highest amount of protein for sample F5 in which khoa powder was
incorporated. Samples with coconut milk powder as carrier had lower protein compared to
other three samples. Protein is fairly high in the sample and thus it is a protein enriched drink.
In the appearance of food materials, colours play an essential role. It acts as an indicator of
quality which influences the surface, subsurface properties, taste perception, and the product's
acceptance. Observed the colour of the Chocolate beverage mix powder in this study. Studied
the effect of colour, and discussed the results in the following table 4.2.
Samples F1, F4 and F5 shows high L* (brightness) value as shown in the table 4.2, Addition
of Dairy whitener, coconut milk powder and khoa powder to the chocolate drink mix,
Lightness values (L*) was significantly increased, when compared to the other samples F2
and F4 with jaggery. Chocolate drink protein content is also linked to colour; the products
appear lighter with higher milk or protein content (Rivas et.al.,2018).
The (a*) value of all samples is significantly low due to dark chocolate pigments. There were
significant differences in lightness (L*), darkness (a*), and yellowness (b*) of the samples
due to different ingredients (Table 4.2). A study by Hough et.al., (1998) and Hough and
Sánchez (1997) published that the amount of suspended cocoa had a significant effect on L∗
value of hot chocolate drinks. Values of colour of the formulation was similar to the study by
Rivas et.al., (2018).
Sample L* a* b* dE*ab(D65)
Water Holding
Density Particle Size Distribution
Sample Capacity(g/ml)
(g/cm³) Dia (um) Vol (%) Width
F1 1.17±0.01 0.67± 0.004 172.4 83.2 289.7
Fig 4.1. Particle size analysis graph of Chocolate beverage mix
Droplet size distributions, which can be related to sensory mouthfeel and rheological
properties (Rivas et.al., 2018). The results showed that average particle size of the chocolate
drink mix had a diameter of 172.4 mm.
Table 4.4 Measurement of water activity of formulated chocolate drink beverage mix
Table 4.5. Total flavonoid contents and antioxidant potential of formulated chocolate
drink mix
F1 94.64±9.85 0.201
F2 94.36±7.26 0.265
F3 94.0±4.37 0.246
F4 93.40±1.15 0.203
F5 93.04±1.22 0.272
4.4 Studies on beverages after reconstitution
Data in the below table 4.6 shows the quality parameters of the reconstituted chocolate drink
4.4.2 pH
The pH content of the reconstituted formulations is depicted in table 4.6. The results of pH
were found to be 6.37, A study by Rivas, (2018) has revealed that 6.19- 7.08 pH in drinking
chocolate is similar to our study.
4.4.3 Viscosity
Viscosity of the reconstituted beverages were measured. According to Kristensen et al.,1997
viscosity increases with increasing particle volume and smaller particle size. The estimated
value on viscosity (cP) of the chocolate RTR beverage mix is illustrated in table 4.6. From
the graph illustrated below it can be observed that the lowest viscosity was observed in the
sample F5. This may be due to incorporation of high fat khoa powder. The fat of cocoa
powder was also proven to have a substantial effect on viscosity. It was shown that higher fat
of the cocoa powder results in a lower viscosity. Hence, in the aqueous medium, the powder
with high-fat content cocoa powder may flow faster than that with low-fat content cocoa
powder when determined in a certain shear rate (Faiqoh et.al., 2021).
Graph 4.3 Viscosity of the reconstituted chocolate drink mix
90 95
80 84
Viscosity (c.P)
60 65
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
10 99
Consumer Acceptance Study
8 77 7 7 7 7
6 6 66
000 0 0
Degree of Preference
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Results of consumer acceptance study indicated that the respondents rated the beverage from
“Like” category. There was no marking for the samples under “Dislike” side of the scale
(Fig). This showed that beverage samples F1 and F2 scored high and were acceptable.
4.6 Trials on Chocolate Milkshake Tablets
In order to prepare the Ready to Reconstitute (RTR) Chocolate Drink Mix (CDM) into
tablets, pilot trials were carried out. Dies of the tablet making machine are filled with a
specific amount of chocolate drink mix powder. The punches then apply a predetermined
amount of force to these dies. This causes the powder to be compressed into the desired shape
and size. Each tablet was made into a 5g small round shaped tablets.
5. Summary and Conclusion
Ready to Reconstitute Chocolate drink mixes were formulated. Five different blends of
chocolate drink mix were optimised by combining ingredients like dairy whitener, khoa
powder or coconut milk powder, sugar or jaggery, powdered chocolate along with cocoa
powder and food additives.
All the formulated products were evaluated for their physico chemical analysis and
evaluation of their sensory profiles. Proximate composition of samples indicates that moisture
content of the beverage mix is low (1-2%) and ash content of 3%. The fat content of all the
samples were 10-12% and the chocolate beverage mix formulated using coconut milk powder
had highest fat content due to its composition. The protein content ranged between 6.20-
10.31% with highest protein content in beverage mix incorporated with khoa powder. The
chocolate drink mixes were evaluated for their colour value, particle size analysis and water
holding capacity. The total flavonoid content of different samples was in the range of 0.201-
0.272 mg/g. Antioxidant potential of the samples was in the range of 93-94%. Measurement
of water activity was low (0.3-0.6) and is desirable for storage.
The formulated samples of chocolate drink mix were reconstituted with water for sensory
quality. Viscosity, pH and brix of the reconstituted drinks were examined. The physico-
chemical properties of this beverage mix along with colour, particle size of the mixes and
sensory analyses were carried out for all the products. Results indicated that the reconstituted
chocolate beverages had a dark chocolatey colour with no settling of particles indicating that
the mix was thoroughly dispersible and easily soluble. Body of the sample was perceived to
be desirable. The sample had a smooth mouthfeel without any perceptible lumps. Aroma of
the sample was perceived to be fresh and desirable. Taste of the drink was perceived to be
optimally sweet with a balanced sweetness and thick consistency which gave good
mouthfeel. The Chocolate drink mix formulated using sugar and dairy whitener and the other
jaggery based beverage was marginally higher in consumer acceptance compared to that of
the other formulated products. Based on the consumer acceptance study sample F1 and F2
had the highest score. The results showed that the product was found to be beneficial in
health due to its high flavonoid content and antioxidant potential.
Trials were carried out to develop chocolate drink tablets with the formulated chocolate drink
mix powder using tablet making machine. Tablets developed were in intact and not easily
breakable. The outcomes show that the developed chocolate drink mix has a great potential to
deliver a rich chocolate flavour in addition to health advantages. This product is practical
because it is quickly reconstitutable with water when needed. However, more research
regarding its shelf life needs to be done.
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