2022 California Building Code CBC Summary of Changes OAK
2022 California Building Code CBC Summary of Changes OAK
2022 California Building Code CBC Summary of Changes OAK
Chapter TITLE
Part 2, CBC Volume 1
1 Scope and Administration
2 Definitions
3 Occupancy Classification and Use
Special Detailed Requirements based on Occupancy and
5 General Building Heights and Areas
6 Types of Construction
7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features
Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildfire
8 Interior Finishes
9 Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems
10 Means of Egress
11A Housing Accessibility
Accessibility to Public Buildings, Public Accommodations,
Commercial Buildings, and Public Housing
12 Interior Environment
14 Exterior Walls
15 Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
Part 2 CBC Volume 2
16 Structural Design
17 Special Inspections and Testing
18 Soils and Foundations
19 Concrete
20 Aluminum
21 Masonry
22 Steel
23 Wood
24 Glass and Glazing
25 Gypsum Board, Gypsum Products and Plaster
26 Plastic
31 Special Construction
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
Chapter 1
105.2 Work exempt from permit Exception 1: Allows application of CBC 710A (WUI) to structures under 120 sq. ft.
105.5.1 Expiration Language added to coincide with CA HSC 18938.5 and 18938.6.
New section, requires building official to take immediate action in accordance with decision of the
113.4 Board of Appeals
115.3 Stop Work Order, Emergencies New section allows building official to stop work without written notice in emergencies.
Chapter 2
202 Child Care New definition: Care of children during any period of a 24-hour day where
permanent sleeping
Gypsum Sheathing New definitions added. "Gypsum sheathing" is a gypsum-based product used in exterior applications;
Gypsum Wallboard "gypsum wallboard" is gypsum-based product used in interior applications.
New definition for rigid panel or board insulation (R-2 thermal resistance min.) suitable for use on
202 Insulating Sheathing
walls, floors, roof or foundations.
Chapter 3
Residential Group R.
Residential Group R includes...not constructed in accordance MODIFIED -Added "...Group R occupancies not constructed in accordance with the California
with the California Residential Code as permitted by Sections Residential Code as permitted by Sections 310.4.1 and 310.4.2 shall comply with Section 420."
310.4.1 and 310.4.2 shall comply with Section 420.
Lodging houses.
Owner-occupied lodging houses ... shall be permitted to be
constructed in accordance with the California Residential Code, MODIFIED -Added language to require automatic fire sprinkler systems installed in lodging houses
provided that an automatic sprinkler system is installed in when constructed in accordance with the CRC.
accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 or Section P2904 of the
California Residential Code.
Combustible storage.
High-piled stock or rack storage, or attic, under-floor and
311.1.2 ADDITION
concealed spaces used for storage of combustible materials,
shall be in accordance with Section 413.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
Aircraft hangers.
311.2.1 Aircraft hangars used for storage or repair shall comply with ADDITION
Section 412.3.
[Group U] General.
...Group U shall include, but not be limited to, the following: MODIFIED -Added "Fences more than 7 feet in height" to Group U occupancies. Increased fence
... height from 6 feet to 7 feet
Fences more than 7 feet (2134 mm) in height
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
Chapter 4
406.2.4 Floor Surfaces Exception 2 allowing no slope on S-2 garage floors is removed.
A requirement that all exits open automatically and readily available upon activation of the alarms,
411.5 Puzzle Rooms
and have a manual control at a constantly attended location.
424 Play Structures No longer limited to children's play structures, additional flame-spread limitations for large structures.
Chapter 5
Code now specifies that an occupied roof is not included in the allowable height, number of stories, or
503.1.4 Occupied Roofs
allowable area provided that penthouses comply with Section 1511.
In addition to providing automatic fire sprinklers to permit the Occupancy to not be limited to the
503.1.4 Exception 1 Occupied Roofs
occupancy immediately below the roof, Emergency voice/alarm notification system must be provided.
504.4 Number of Stories The allowable number of stories now specified as number of stories above the grade plane
Calculating frontage increase has been revised from calculating If to instead use new Table 506.3.
Proponents indicated this code change simplifies the process of calculating frontage increase without
New section
change added
in result, byaddressing
strictly usingunlimited areaitbuildings
only the table will resultallowing
in a slightless than 60-feet
reduction separation
but footnote A specifically
506.3.3.1 Frontage Increase, Section 507 Buildings
distance on all
states that sides in accordance
interpolation is permitted.with
HownewthatTable 506.3.3.1
interpolation is calculated needs to be resolved.
508.1 Exception 3 Exception 3 for live-work units Exception 3 pointing to 419 omitted as 419 is moved to 508.5.
New Footnote i added: "[SFM] Group E child-care separation with I-4 child care can be reduced to 1-
Table 508.4 Required Separation of Occupancies
hour with NFPA 13 fire sprinklers"
New footnote j added: When not considered accessory use I accordance with Section 508.2.4, the
required separation between Group I-2 and required covers for accessible entrances and emergency
Table 508.4 Required Separation of Occupancies
vehicle entrances, when in accordance with Section 606.5.3 and protected by an automatic sprinkler
system, shall be reduced by 1-hour but to not less than 1-hour.
change in result, by strictly using only the table it will result in a slight reductio but footnote a
New exception 4 (subsequent sections renumbered) permitting combustible interior exit stairs in the
building below the horizontal separation provided:
510.2 Horizontal building separation allowance
1) the building above is of combustible construction, and
2) the stairway within the Type 1A building is enclosed by a 3-hour construction.
Group B or M buildings with Group S-2 open parking garage Exits from open parking garages in Type 510 buildings (horizontal separation) must now discharge
above directly at grade with adirect andunobstructedaccess to the street or public way.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
ADDITION- New Section added clarifying noncombustible test method for Mass Timber Elements.
Determination of noncombustible protection time contribution.
703.6 A test method has been provided to determine the contribution time of noncombustible protection to
mass timber fire-resistance. In addition, edges and intersections between adjacent elements are to be
sealed to limit smoke and air movement within a building.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
703.7 Sealing of adjacent mass timber elements. ADDITION- New Section added clarifying method for sealing adjacent Mass Timber Elements.
TABLE 705.2 Minimum Fire Separation Distance of Projections MODIFIED- altered table row 3'- less than 5' = 2/3 Fire Separation Distance.
MODIFIED- Section retitled from Combustible Projections to Projection protection and includes
705.2.3 Projection protection section reformatted to list/outline layout.
noncombustible materials as protection method.
Added Exception 3: Fire barriers creating an exit passageway may now terminate at a fire-resistance-
707.5 Exception 3. Fire Barriers, Continuity
rated top (lid) instead of continuing to the underside of the roof slab above.
"6.Walls separating ambulatory care facilities from adjacent spaces, corridors or tenant as required by
Section 422.2.
708.1 Fire Partitions
7.Walls separating dwelling and sleeping units in Groups R-1 and R-2 in accordance with Sections
907.2.8.1 and 907.2.9.1.
MODIFIED- expanded exception to include "...fire partitions separating ambulatory care facilities from
708.4.1, Exception Fire Partitions, Supporting Construction adjacent spaces or corridors, fire partitions separating dwelling and sleeping units from Group R-1
and R-2 occupancies and fire partitions separating vestibules from the level of exit discharge.
MODIFIED- by adding the clarifying separations: "...or smoke barrier wall to an outside wall or another
709.4.1 Smoke Barrier Continuity
smoke barrier wall and to the horizontal assemblies."
MODIFIED- reformatted section. Added item 3. "Extend past the roof assembly and comply with the
requirements of Section 1511."
713.12 Shaft, Enclosure at top
The three options for termination at the top of a shaft enclosure have been clarified.
MODIFIED- added footnote i. “Two doors, each with a fire rating of 20 minutes, installed on
opposite sides of the same opening in a fire partition, shall be deemed equivalent in fire protection
Opening Fire Protection Assemblies, Ratings, and Markings
one 45-minute
rating to fire door."
TABLE 716.1(2) Table modified to include glazing in ESS enclosures and two
doors protecting single opening.
Appropriate opening protection is now addressed where two doors are used to protect a single
opening, such as between adjacent hotel rooms or where a double fire wall is constructed.
MODIFIED- added footnote "C. Fire-protection-rated glazing is not permitted for fire barriers
Window Assembly Fire Protection Table footnote added to
by Section 1207 of the California Fire Code to enclose energy storage systems. Fire-resistance-rated
TABLE 716.1(3) reference fire protection glazing requirements for incidental use
required glazing assemblies tested to ASTM E119 or UL 263, as specified in Section 716.1.2.3,
shall be
MODIFIED- added the following language "Terminated stops shall be prohibited on doors required by
Section 405.4.3 to comply with Section 716.2.2.1 and prohibited on doors required by Item 3 of
Smoke and draft control section language added to prohibit the Section 3006.3, or Section 3007.6.3 or 3008.6.3 to comply with this section."
use of terminated stops at protected elevator lobbies.
The use of “terminated stops” on door frames of doors providing smoke and draft control protection at
elevator lobbies is now prohibited.
716.4 Fire protective curtain assembly. ADDED- New Sections relating to Fire protective curtain assembly testing, installation and labeling.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
MODIFIED- Exception 3. to include "fully ducted" at all HVAC references and include the use of
"nonmetal flexible air connectors…"
717.5.2 Dampers, Fire Barriers, Exceptions
An allowance to eliminate fire dampers where a fully ducted HVAC system is provided has been
modified to permit the use of flexible connections.
Chapter 7A
1. Noncombustible material.
Previous language was separated into two sections, Wall coverings & Exterior wall assemblies.
2. Ignition-resistant material. The ignition-resistant material shall Compliance may be obtained by either method.
be labeled for exterior use and shall meet the requirements of
Section 704A.2.
Chapter 8
Where lockers constructed of combustible materials are used, ADDITION- Combustible lockers were previously regulated in the California Fire Code Section
806.9 the lockers shall be considered to be interior finish and shall 808.4Now addressed in California Building Code.
comply with Section 803.
Chapter 9
TABLE 903.2.11.6 ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PROTECTION SYSTEMS CHANGED - Verbiage from suppression to "Protection" in the Table Title
903.3.1.2 NFPA 13R Sprinkler Systems The maximum building height where an NFPA 13R sprinkler system is permitted has been reduced to
four stories above the grade plane. In addition, where the podium provisions of Section 510 are
applied, the story height measuring point has been changed to grade plane.
CHANGED- Section changed to include balconies and clarify corridor examples requiring protection.
NFPA 13R Sprinkler Systems, Corridors and balconies in the
means of egress. Sprinkler protection must now be extended into corridors and balconies used in the means of egress,
even though the location may be exempt based upon the NFPA 13R standard.
MODIFIED- added "6)..smoke alarms and smoke detectors installed between 6 feet - 20 feet... from a
stationary or fixed cooking appliance shall be listed for resistance to common nuisance sources from
Specific smoke alarm location requirements. Language and cooking.
format changed with no change in application.
(7)Smoke alarms and smoke detectors shall not be installed within a 36-inch... from a door to a
bathroom containing a shower or tub unless listed..."
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
ADDED- Sections added to clarify requirements for alarm requirements in R-1 & R-2 signals and
Audible signal frequency in Group R-1 and R-2 sleeping rooms. locations in sleeping rooms.
Audible signal frequency in Group R-1 and R-2 occupancies
shall be in accordance with Sections 907. and Where a fire alarm system is required in Group R-1 and R-2 occupancies, a low-frequency signal
907. shall be used in the sleeping rooms to improve the waking effectiveness of the occupant notification
MODIFIED- 24hr standby power duration provision removed.
Standby power. Emergency ... shall be provided with standby
power in accordance..
A standby power supply can now be used for emergency voice/alarm communication systems.
5.A visible alarm notification appliance installed in a nurses’
control station or other continuously attended staff location in a
Group I-2 care suite shall be an acceptable alternative to the
[F]907.5.2.3 Exceptions ADDED- Exception 5
installation of visible alarm notification appliances throughout
the care suite in Group I-2 occupancies that are in compliance
with Section 907.5.2.5.
ADDED- Section added to identify required capabilities for replacement appliances, future wiring
Wired equipment. Where wired equipment is used to comply extension, and excess power supply provided.
[F]907. with the future capability ...the system shall include one of the
following capabilities The code specifies three options designing a fire alarm system in Group R-2 occupancies to allow for
the future addition of visible notification appliances.
ADDED- Section
Transmission of alarm signals. Transmission of alarm signals to
a supervising station shall be in accordance with NFPA 72. Fire alarm monitoring must be in accordance with NFPA 72 and must go through a human interface
prior to alarms being transmitted to the emergency dispatch center.
MIY Monitoring.
Direct transmission of alarms associated with monitor it yourself
[F]907.6.6.2 ADDED- Section
(MIY) transmitters to a public safety answering point (PSAP)
shall not be permitted unless approved by the fire code official.
ADDED- Section
Vent operation . Smoke and heat vents shall be capable of
being operated by approved automatic and manual means. Smoke and heat vents must have a manual release in addition to an automatic release. If the
automatic release is a fusible link, a minimum operating temperature is now specified.
Fusible link temperature rating.
Where vents are installed in areas provided with automatic fire
[F]910.3.5 ADDED- Section
sprinklers and the vents operate by fusible link, the fusible link
shall have a temperature rating of 360°F (182°C).
General (Fire Command Center) . MODIFIED- Language added to include Group F-1 & S-1 occupancies over 500,000 sf in size.
Where required by other sections of this code... and in all F-1
and S-1 occupancies with a building footprint of over 500,000 A fire command center is now required in buildings housing Group F-1 or S-1 occupancies where the
square feet building footprint is over 500,000 square feet in size.
Size (Fire Command Center). MODIFIED- Added language to clarify new formula for minimum size and dimensions for fire
The fire command center shall be not less than 0.015 percent of command center areas.
the total building area of the facility served or 200sf in area,
[F]911.1.3 whichever is greater, with a minimum dimension of 0.7 times
the square root of the room area or 10', whichever is greater.
...Group F-1 and S-1...the fire command center shall have a
minimum size of 96 sf with a minimum dimension of 8' ....
Chapter 10
Exception 1 is now limited to exterior doors that are not on the accessible route in Group F, H, R2,
1003.5, Exception 1 Elevation Change
R3, S and U occupancies. Steps at exterior doors complying with Section 1010.1.4.
Unoccupied mechanical rooms and penthouses are not required to comply with the common path of
1006.2.1, Exception 3 Added Exception 3
egress travel distance measurement
1006.2.2 Egress based on use Panic hardware requirement for refrigerated spaces and electrical rooms added to align with fire code
Added exceptions for path of egress travel to pass through more than one adjacent story as follows:
1006.3 Egress from stories of occupied roofs: Exit access stairways and ramps within an atrium complying thye 404; and exterior exit access
stairways and ramps between occupied roofs.
In buildings where a required accessible floor or occupied roof is four or more stories above or
1009.2.1 Elevators Required
below a level of exit discharge. Added "occupied roof".
1009.6.3 Accessible Means of Egress Area of refuge wheelchair spaces are to be 30x52, changed from 30x48
1009.8.1 Two-way communications Formatting revisions, but the language, "approved supervising station" has been added
1010.1.1, Exception 4 Size of doors Clarifies the maximum width of door leaves in revolving doors is not limited
Means of egress from exterior spaces through interior spaces Adds provisions and limitations for locking exterior doors used as means of egress FROM exterior
(other than egress courts) spaced thru interior spaces
Adds / expands requirements for exits and exit hardware on refrigeration rooms exceeding 1000 s.f.
1010.2.9 Panic and fire exit hardware
and electrical rooms
1010.2.12 Sensor release of electrically-locked egress doors Added requirement for emergency lighting on egress side of door.
Added allowance for courtrooms in A-3 and B occupancies on all exit or exit access doors, other than
1010.2.13 Delayed egress
main exit, in buildings with sprinklers and automatic smoke detection.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
1010.3.1 Revolving doors Item 5 requires emergency stop switch to be between 34" and 48" AFF (was 24"-48")
1010.5.2 Security Access Turnstiles Item 1 now requires a SUPERVISED automatic sprinkler system.
Clarified riser height is to be measured between adjacent treads or between landings and adjacent
1011.5. Riser height and tread depth
1011.6 Stairway Landings Clarifies doors shall not project more that 7" into the required l a n d i n g width.
Clarifies measurement of landing dimensions at curved stairs; and measurement of required landing
1011.6 Exceptions 2 and 3
depth when landing turns 90-degrees or more.
1011.7 Stairway Construction Use of wood handrails now restricted per CBC 510.2.
1011.11 Handrails Exception 5 added for handrails at platform lifts serving as upper stair landings
1011.15 and 1011.16 Ships ladders and ladders Specifies ladders to be designed for live loads per CBC 1607.17.
1013.4 Exit Signs Added verbiage indicating where tactile exit signs are required
1015.2 Guards, Where Required Exception 8 added to not require guards at the loading side of rail station platforms
Specifies length of guards at roof hatches, where required, need only extend 30" past each edge of
1015.7 Guards, Roof Access
the roof hatch opening
Changes 36" measurement between FF and top of sill to instead measure from FF to bottom of the
1015.8 Guards, Window Openings
clear opening of an operable window.
Clarifies that when two or more exits are required, at least one exit access shall NOT travel through
1016.2 Egress through intervening spaces
the elevator lobby.
1017.3 Exit Access Travel Distance, Measurement Clarification for measuring exit access travel distances.
Exit Access Stairways and Ramps, Occupancies other than I-2, Verbiage updates, plus Exception 8 added for exterior exit access stairways or ramps between
I-3 and R-2.1 occupied roofs.
Clarified that enclosures for interior exit stairways and ramps shall have a fire-resistance rating, and
1023 Interior Exit Stairways and Ramps, Construction
added Exception 4 for interior exit stairways per CBC 510.2.
1023.5 Penetrations Reformatted, and added Exception for structural elements supporting the stair, ramp or enclosure
1023.11 Tactile floor-level signs New section. Requires floor-level tactile signs where floor-level exit signs are provided
1024.8 Exit Passageway Exterior Walls New section. Provides requirements for exterior walls of exit passageways
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
1028.2 Exit Discharge Exception 1 now includes atriums on the level of discharge
1030.6.3.1 Open-air assembly seating, Automatic sprinklers New section. Requires sprinklers at enclosed areas.
Requires two handrails when stepped aisle width is 74" or greater with seating on one side. One rail
1030.16 Assembly, Handrails
must be within 30" of the stepped aisle.
1031.2 Emergency Escape and rescue, Where required, Exceptions Exception 6 for storm shelters added.
Provisions added to maintain fire escape stairs and balconies, and to provide examination of same
1031.2.2 and 1031.2.3 Maintenance and Examination
for structural integrity by registered design professional every five years.
1031.4 Emergency Escape and Rescue Doors New section. Requires door to be either swinging or sliding.
Chapter 11A
No significant changes
Chapter 11B
11B-206.4.1 Entrances 11B-206.4.1 section removes reference to exits and relocates them to 11B-207.
Chapter 12
1202.3 Unvented Attics New options for unvented attics with air permeable insulation.
Added section and table to differentiate between climate zones Tables identify climate zones between ICC model codes and climate zones identified in the CA
in IECC vs CEnC. Energy Code.
Table 1202.3 Insulation for Condensation Control Table is now modified. CA Energy Code adopted new Table 1202.3.1 from the International Energy Conservation Code.
1210.3 New public restroom privacy added. New requirement for a screening wall or other obscuring measure in the entry to the restroom.
New enchanced acoustic requirements apply to classrooms where volume doesn't exceed 20,000
1207 New section for Enhanced Classroom Acoustics.
cubic feet (assume a 10-ft ceiling ht, a classroom up to 2000 sq ft). Group E occupancies only.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
Known as studio apartments, reduction in area is now aligned with Section 1208.3.
Efficiency Dwelling Units (EDU) living room area reduced from
220 to 190 sq ft.
Section 1208.3 requires one 120 sq ft room and a second 70 sq ft room.
1210.3 New public restroom privacy added. New requirement for a screening wall or other obscuring measure in the entry to the restroom.
Chapter 14
Where paints
are used as vapor retarders, they must be applied in accordance with the
Hybrid insulation for moisture control with Class III manufacturer’s instructions to achieve the required perm rating for the vapor retarder class. Misuse or
vapor retarders. For the purposes of compliance with Table misapplication of paints that are not specifically recommended for use as vapor retarders has been
1404.3(3), shown to increase
1404. the combined R-values of spray foam plastic insulation and the risk of moisture problems in walls requiring Class III vapor retarders.
continuous insulation shall be permitted to be counted towards Some paint applications may have a water vapor permeance of more than
the continuous three times the maximum limit for Class III vapor retarders. As a result,
R-value requirement. walls designed with Class III vapor retarders can experience an increased
risk of moisture accumulation problems. Paints should be verified to be
acceptable Class III barriers when intended to be used as a vapor barrier.
1. The MCM system is specifically approved based on tests
conducted in accordance with NFPA 286 and with the
acceptance criteria of Section 803.1.1.1, UL 1040 or UL 1715.
Such testing shall be performed with the MCM in the maximum
1406.10.2 exception
thickness intended for use. The MCM system shall include
(formerly 1406.10.3)
seams, joints and other typical details used in the installation
and shall be tested in the manner intended for use.
2. The MCM is used as elements of balconies and similar
projections, architectural trim or embellishments.
The recognition of alternate conditions dealing with fire separation distance, self-ignition temperature,
panel size, occupancy limitations and automatic sprinkler system protection has been deleted. MCMs
Full-scale tests. The MCM system shall be tested in
were the only system in Chapter 14 where the presence of sprinklers inside the building was the
accordance with, and comply with, the acceptance criteria of
reason to eliminate height and coverage limitations associated with fires along the exterior wall
1406.10.3 NFPA 285. Such testing shall be performed on the MCM
envelope. However, interior sprinkler systems for high-rise buildings are not intended to control
system with the MCM in the maximum thickness intended for
outside exposure fires. The presence of sprinklers inside the building should not provide a full
exception from testing to NFPA 285 or from height limitations considered necessary to ensure a
minimum level of safety.
Chapter 15
Parapet walls shall be coped or covered in accordance with
Parapet walls now require moisture resistance in
1503.3 Sections 1503.3.1 and 1503.3.2. The top surface of the parapet
a manner similar to the remainder of the building.
wall shall provide positive drainage.
Fire-resistance-rated parapet walls. Parapet walls required by
Section 705.11 shall be coped or covered with weatherproof Section 1503.3.1 is applicable to parapet walls required to comply with Section 705.11 regulating the
1503.3.1 materials of a width not less than the thickness of the parapet fire resistance and related features of such walls. Parapet walls shall be coped or covered with
wall such that the fire-resistance rating of the wall is not materials that are both weatherproof and maintain the required fire-resistance rating.
Section 1503.3.2 addresses parapet walls that are exempt from the parapet wall requirements of
Other parapet walls. Parapet walls meeting one of the
Section 705.11, such as those parapets intended to conceal the roof slope or rooftop equipment. With
exceptions in Section 705.11 shall be coped or covered with
1503.3.2 no fire resistance man dated, the only requirement is that parapet walls be coped or covered with
weatherproof materials of a width not less than the thickness of
weatherproof materials. In both cases, coping materials are to extend the full thickness of the parapet
the parapet wall.
Ballasted roofs must now solely comply with American National Standards Institute (SPRI) RP-4
Single Ply Roofing Industry and are no longer regulated by Section 1504.9.
Ballasted low-slope (roof slope < 2:12) single-ply roof system The requirements in SPRI RP-4 are based on a complete set of wind
1504.5 coverings installed in accordance with Sections 1507.12 shall tunnel tests. In this test series, variables that impact the wind performance
be designed in accordance with ANSI/SPRI RP-4. of ballasted single-ply roof assemblies were evaluated, including stone
size and distribution as specified in ASTM D7655. In the series of tests,
three critical wind speeds were identified for each condition of parapet
height and stone size:
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
Critical parameters, such as aggregate size and parapet height, will now govern performance. The
use of aggregate-surfaced roofing systems is a viable option in high-wind areas with appropriate
aggregate sizing and parapet height.
Wind resistance of aggregate-surfaced roofs. Parapets shall
Note: ASTM D1863 maintains an aggregate size No. 67 that is sized between aggregates No. 7 and
1504.9 be provided for aggregate-surfaced roofs and shall comply with
No. 6.
Table 1504.9
Parapets of a minimum height are now required for aggregate-surfaced roofs to prevent blow-off.
The lift coefficient for concrete and clay tile shall be 0.2 or shall
1504.3.1.3 be determined in accordance with SBCCI SSTD 11 OR ASTM
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
1704.6 Structural Observations Verbiage added outlining what structural observer is expected to visually observe.
1704.6.1 Structural Observations required Risk Category III structures now added, and structures in SDC E that are three or more stories tall.
1704.6.2 and 1704.6.3 Structural observation for seismic and wind resistance Both sections deleted.
1705.3 Table 1705.3 Additional special inspection requirements for precast concrete
1705.13.7 Steel Storage Racks New section with more detail for special inspection fo steel storage racks.
Special inspection now required in fire areas of Group R occupancies with an occupant load
1705.18 Fire-resistant joints and penetrations
exceeding 250
Chapter 18
1809.5.1 Frost protection at required exits Frost protect provided to ensure unobstructed opening of required exit doors
1810.3.3.1 Exception added Allows building official to waive load testing
1810. Steel H-piles H-pile detailing must also comply with AISC 341
1810.3.8 Precast concrete piles Design and detailing now points to ACI 318.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
Item 3 added required a tensile capacity between pile and pile cap (=10% of pile compression
1810.3.11.2 Pile caps, SDC D through F
1810.3.13 Piles, seismic ties Design and detailing now points to ACI 318.
Chapter 19
1901.7 Tolerances for structural concrete New section, points to ACI 117.
1902 Coordination of Terminology New section, eliminates confutations between CBC, ACI and ASCE 7.
1906 Footings for Light-Frame Construction New section, allows 6" thick plain concrete footings with limitations
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
For racks 8' and taller in SDC D through F, the rack installer is submitting a certificate of compliance
2209.3 Steel storage racks, certification to the owner stating the work is compliant with the approved construction documents.
Chapter 23
2303.2.3 Fire testing of wood structural panels Fire-retardant-treated wood structural panels are to be tested with a 1/8" gap.
2303.4.1.2 Truss member restraint… Updated language and new figures
2304.12.2.3 Supporting member in exterior applications Exception for preservative-treated wood is now limited to SAWN LUMBER only.
2306 Allowable Stress Design Table 2306.1 provided to assist in applying/using correct design standard.
2308.7 Tables 2308.7.3.1 and 2308.7.3.2 Updates method of determining rafter tie connections, and now considers the "collar-tie" application
Chapter 24
Scope has been modified to add “Light transmitting plastic glazing shall also meet the applicable
requirements of Chapter 26
Framing has been renamed “Glass Framing.”
Edge deflection has been revised from 1/175 or ¾” whichever is less to:
2403.3 “1/175 of the glass edge length where the gass edge length is not more than 13-feet, six inches, or
1/240 of the glass edge length +/- ¼-inch where the glass edge length is greater than 13-feet, six
Laminated glass or plastic glazing as described above shall not require screening or height
restrictions has been added.
Annealed glass has been added to the list of sloped glazing and skylights that require screening to
protect occupants below.
Glass in handrails and guards: Minor wording changes (such as “guardrails” is now “guards” but no
2407 change in requirements except that a new sub section 2407.1.4 adds requirements for glazing in
windborne debris regions.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
Structural sealant testing and inspection: The seismic drift capability testing as been expanded to
add: “Analysis as an alternative to testing is not acceptable for the purposes of satisfying the seismic
drift requirements of the SSG system and an exception has been added for DSA-SS and DSA-SS-
CC. The items have been renumbered from alphabetic system to numerical system with out change.
Requirement to monitor the construction per CBC 2410.1.3 has been added to the requirements for
information to be placed on the construction documents.
Chapter 25
Water-resistive barrier requirements for stucco divided into two categories based on climate (dry or
2510.6 Stucco, Water Resistive Barrier
Chapter 26
No significant changes.
Chapter 31
Chapter expanded to include public restrooms on public land in flood zones and intermodal shipping
3101.1 GENERAL -Scope
Heavy timber frame-supported structures covered by an approved membrane in accordance with
3102.3 Membrane Structures -Types of Construction Section 3102.3.1 shall be classified as Type IV-HT Construction. Other membrane structures shall be
classified as type V construction. A previous supplement to 2019 code.
Adding construction type from 2019 supplement to this section building type IIB, III, IV-HT and V
3102.6.1.1 Membrane Structures -Membrane
Adding Special event structures, and added the word shall "Also" comply with fire code as to clarify it
is no the only applicable code.
3103.1 Temporary Structures -General
Special event structures, newly defined in Section 202, are now included in the types of temporary
structures that are regulated by both the California Building Code (IBC) and the California Fire Code
Temporary structures shall be located in accordance with the requirements of Table 705.5 based
3103.3 Temporary Structures -Location on the fire-resistance rating of the exterior walls for the proposed type of construction. This is a
change moving 2019 table 602 Fire-resistance rating requirements for exterior walls based on fire
separation distance to 705.5
Exception altered to clarify the sprinkler system shall be "an automatic" sprinkler system in
3104.5.3 Exception Open side on walkway
accordance with section 903.3.1.1
Revised rooftop-mounted photovoltaic panels and modules to state rooftop-mounted photovoltaic
3111.1.1 Wind resistance (PV) panel systems. Also revised exception code section to be in compliance with 1511.9 chapter
location change. previously 1510.7
added wording that solar thermal systems shall comply with this section. Also indicated "Where light-
3111.2 Solar thermal systems transmitting plastic covers are used, solar thermal collectors shall be designed in accordance with
section 2606.12" this was previously applicable to all solar energy systems.
Code Section Code Topic Revision and Remarks
added wording that allows for solar panels to be listed and labeled to either UL 1703 "UL 1703:
Standard for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels" or with both UL 61730-1 "UL Standard for
3111.3.1 Equipment (Photovoltaic)
Safety Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification – Part 1: Requirements for Construction" and
UL 61730-2 "Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification - Part 2: Requirements for Testing"
wording changed to photovoltaic (PV) panel systems. Also abbreviation for Building-integrated
3111.3.2 Fire Classification (Photovoltaic) photovoltaic systems (BIPV) and it shall have fire classification in accordance with section 1507.8
that references 1505 Fire class ratings for roof covering.
Building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems .
3111.3.3 ADDITION -Added section referencing BIPV installation.
…installed in accordance with Section 1507.
ADDITION -Added Section to specify support structure requirements
Elevated photovoltaic (PV) support structures .
...comply with either 3111.3.5.1 or 3111.3.5.2.
3111.3.5 The State Fire Marshal has added new language to establish appropriate fire testing and listing
Exception: Elevated PV support structures that are installed
criteria for overhead photovoltaic support structures that could have people or vehicles in the space
over agricultural use.
beneath them.
PV panels installed over open grid framing or noncombustible ADDITION -Added Section identify fire type rating requirements for application and prohibiting PV
deck. (Elevated PV support structures) panels marked "not fire rated" on elevated structures.
PV panels installed over a roof assembly. (Elevated PV support
3111.3.5.2 ADDITION -Added Section to reference fire classification requirements, per Section 1505.9
ADDITION -Added Section and concurrent sub-sections
3114 Special criteria to be applied where public-use restrooms are located within designated flood hazard
areas of publicly owned lands have been established to allow such restrooms to be at-grade or above-
grade but below the base flood elevation.
ADDITION -Added Section and concurrent sub-sections
3115 The use of intermodal shipping containers as buildings and structures is now recognized in the CBC,
and criteria have been established to address the minimum safety requirements without duplicating
existing code provisions.
Chapte 32
Chapte 33