Saes B 068
Saes B 068
Saes B 068
Engineering Standard
SAES-B-068 23 November 2017
Electrical Area Classification
Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee
1 Scope ................................................................ 3
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 3
3 References........................................................ 3
4 Modifications to API RP 505
(Reaffirmed, August 2013) ................................ 5
Revision Summary................................................. 17
1 Scope
The API RP 505 - 2013 in its entirety, with all amendments, errata, and supplements
thereto, shall constitute the Electrical Area Classification methodology adopted by Saudi
Aramco except as modified by this standard. The provisions of this standard, hereinafter
referred to as “this code,” shall apply to classify hazardous areas for the purpose of
selecting the appropriate electrical equipment to be installed in that classified area.
The electrical classification of areas containing combustible dust (Class II) and easily
ignitable fibers (Class III) atmospheres per NFPA 70 shall be developed with the
concurrence of the Saudi Aramco Chief Fire Prevention Engineer (SA CFPE).
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
3 References
The classification of hazardous areas covered by this standard shall comply with the
latest edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
The following part, section, and section numbers refer to the API RP 505 (August
2013), which is part of this SAES. The text of each paragraph below is an addition,
modification, exception, or deletion as noted.
1.2.1.d Scope
(Addition) Combustible gases and vapors are those which can form
flammable or explosive mixtures with air.
(Addition) Is any space which is open and free from obstruction to the
natural passage of air through it, vertically or horizontally. Such locations
may be roofed over and/or closed on one side.
5.2.1 General
(Addition) Add to append the following at the end: “For a gas or mixture
of gases composed entirely of lighter-than-air gases, the extent of the
classified location shall satisfy the requirements for lighter-than-air vapors.
standard conditions, the extent of the classified area shall satisfy the
requirements for lighter-than-air vapors.
Where the mixture has a density equal to or greater than 75% of air at
standard conditions, it shall be considered as a heavier-than-air vapor for
area classification purposes.”
5.5.5b.1 The ignition temperature of that gas/vapor in the mixture having the
lowest individual ignition temperature per NFPA Fire Protection Guide
to Hazardous Materials.
For existing facilities that are not yet reclassified, P&CSD (Instrument Unit
Supervisor) and the SA CFPE or their representatives shall approve Zone
1 certified instrumentation within an existing Division 1 area. Zone 1
equipment may not be appropriate since Division 1 contains both Zone 1
and Zone 0 conditions. Only listed intrinsically safe equipment shall be
installed in Zone 0 conditions per SAES-J-903.
7.1 General
8.1a General
8.1b (Modification) Modify to insert that the pipeways at grade which are
bordered by elevated roads or dike walls, all of height 1 m or greater, on
two sides shall create electrically classified locations as follows:
- Nonclassified: When the minimum distance between the outer edge
of the pipeway and the closer wall is 30 m or greater.
- Class I, Zone 2: When the minimum width between dike walls or
roads is 30 m but the minimum distance between the outer edge of the
pipeway and the closer wall is less than 30 m.
- Class I, Zone 1: When the minimum width and length is less than 30
8.1c (Modification) Modify to insert that in tank farm areas, pumps which are
located at the edge of a pipeway and which are bordered on the other
three sides by dikes or walls of
1 m height or more shall create classified locations as follows:
- Class I, Zone 1: When the linear dimension between opposite
walls is less than 30 m.
- Class I, Zone 2: When the linear dimension between opposite
walls is 30 m or greater.
For onshore bulk plant or fuel terminal loading / unloading bays, the
general 3-dimensional area within truck loading rack curbs and between
grade and the canopy, shall be Class I, Zone 2 for the purposes of
installing fixed instrumentation and electrical equipment such as lighting
(Modification) Modify to replace Fig. 14 for the vents and insert for the
terminations of vents and drains of process equipment (this includes
vents and drains on all instrumentation impulse lines containing volatile
liquids or combustible gas) that have to be opened to the atmosphere as
part of the normal operation, to be classified as follows:
a) Figure 20 and 21, when the source is adequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is heavier than air.
b) Figure 24, when the source is adequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is lighter than air.
c) Figure 22, when the source is inadequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is heavier than air.
d) Figure 25, when the source is inadequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is lighter than air.
e) Vents and drains that are installed solely for hydrotest, steam-out,
and maintenance and that are plugged or blinded, shall not be
designated as release points.
f) Vents and drains to the atmosphere on fired equipment and other
equipment having a continuous source of ignition shall be
considered a release source.
8.2.6 Batteries Bulk Storage Plants and Aircraft Fueling Systems: NFPA 70, Article 515 Commercial Garages Repair and Storage: NFPA 70, Article 511 Gasoline Dispensing and Service Stations: NFPA 70, Article 514;
NFPA 30A, Chapter 6
b) The space between grade elevation and 0.6 m above the top of
ditches and swales. This shall extend from the centerline of the
ditch or swale at this elevation to points 4.5 m from the edges of
the ditch or swale.
c) Within an impounding basin, up to the top of its dike.
Pits, sumps, open trenches, and any other below-grade locations in Class
I, Zone 2 locations shall be classified as Class I, Zone 1.
Class I, Zone 1 between 0.5 m and 1.5 m from the vents of the
following: manholes, lift stations, sumps, underground piping
Class I, Zone 1
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-068
Issue Date: 23 November 2017
Next Planned Update: 23 November 2020 Electrical Area Classification
Class I, Zone 2
a) Space between 1.5 m and 3 m of termination of vents from lift
b) 0.6 m from the edge and 0.6 m above the cover of a sanitary
sewer lift station.
10.1 General
For threaded fittings that are not seal-welded, the classified area shall be
determined by:
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-068
Issue Date: 23 November 2017
Next Planned Update: 23 November 2020 Electrical Area Classification
a) Figure 20, Figure 21, when the source is adequately ventilated and
the gas/vapor is heavier than air.
b) Figure 24, when the source is adequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is lighter than air.
c) Figure 22, when the source is inadequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is heavier than air.
d) Figure 25, when the source is inadequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is lighter than air.
e) Adequately ventilated threaded fittings that are not seal-welded
shall not be considered release sources when containing fuel gas
with a maximum gauge operating pressure of 350 kPa (50 psig). (Modification) Modify to exclude the section and insert the following:
For flanges, fittings, and valve stems, the classified area shall be
determined by:
a) Figure 22, when the source is inadequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is heavier than air.
b) Figure 25, when the source is inadequately ventilated and the
gas/vapor is lighter than air.
c) When the source is adequately ventilated, it shall not create a
classified location.
Revision Summary
14 August 2014 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued as
major revision.
23 November 2017 Major revision to update/reaffirm the contents of the document and align with the API RP
505, (Reaffirmed in August 2013). In this revision, guidelines on conversion to Zone from
Division for existing facilities and requirements for submitting Electrical Area Classification
drawings has also been added. Scope has also been modified to address electrical area
classification of low to modertae size or batch chemical process facilities.