Saes B 014
Saes B 014
Saes B 014
1 Scope............................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 References.................................................... 2
4 Definitions...................................................... 5
5 General Requirements.................................. 8
6 Fire Containment/Separation...................... 13
7 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.............. 16
8 Fire Protection and Fire
Suppression Systems.......................... 19
9 Pressurization.............................................. 20
10 Access and Egress...................................... 21
11 Maintenance Shops..................................... 21
12 Temporary Buildings................................... 22
13 Construction Support Buildings
for Grassroots Facilities....................... 23
1 Scope
This Standard covers the minimum mandatory safety requirements governing the siting,
design, and construction of (a) all onshore plant buildings, (b) out-of-plant buildings
within 500 m of a plant perimeter fence, (c) offshore buildings, with SAES-B-009
taking precedence over SAES-B-014 in case of conflicts, and (d) service buildings,
whether inside or outside of plants, that directly support plant operations, such as
communications facilities, centralized computer facilities, and electrical substations.
Where SAES-B-014 is in conflict with the specialized requirements of SAES-B-060 or
SAES-B-070, those Standards shall govern.
2.1 Any conflicts between this Standard and applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering
Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Standard
Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in
writing by the company or buyer representative through the Manager, Loss
Prevention Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this Standard in writing to the company or
buyer representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Loss Prevention Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.
3 References
The selection of material and equipment and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of buildings covered by this SAES shall meet the latest edition of the references
listed below, unless otherwise noted.
Underwriters Laboratories
UL 10C Positive Pressure Tests of Door Assemblies
UL 790 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof
UL 1479 Fire Tests of Through Penetration Firestops
4 Definitions
Building Risk Assessment (BRA): The method of estimating the impact of accidental
fires, explosions or toxic releases from a process equipment on exposed buildings. See
Appendix 1 for further information.
Classified Location: A location where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to
ignitable concentrations of gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dust under
normal, abnormal, or upset conditions. See SAES-B-068 for more information on the
Control Building: Control buildings are manned buildings that provide a location for
monitoring and control of a process plant or multiple plants (refer to SAES-J-003 for
more details). For the purposes of this Standard, a PIB is not considered a control room
Essential Personnel: Personnel with specific work activities that require them to be
located in buildings within or near a hazardous process area for logistical and response
purposes. The identification of essential personnel will vary with the phase of operation
and work activities including normal operation, start-up, and planned shut-down.
Examples of essential personnel include, but are not limited to, operators, craftsmen,
technicians, and their immediate supervision directly involved in day-to-day activities.
Examples of persons who are not essential personnel include time keepers, clerical staff,
administrative support, materials planning and procurement staff.
I/O Rack Room: A room with essential electronics equipment to support the process
facilities, data acquisition and control functions (refer to SAES-J-003 for more details).
Listed: Equipment, materials, or services that have been tested and listed or approved
as suitable for the specified use by an internationally recognized certification agency
such as Underwriter Laboratories (UL) or FM (Factory Mutual).
Noncombustible: Material that will not ignite, burn, support combustion, or release
flammable vapors when subjected to spark, fire or heat.
Out-of-Plant Buildings: Buildings that are outside the plant perimeter fence of an
industrial facility or plant.
Plant Perimeter Fence: A security fence or, in the absence of this security fence, the
fence which completely surrounds a plant area designated by Saudi Aramco.
See SAES-L-100 for other related definitions.
Plant Buildings: For the purposes of this standard, all permanent buildings that are
inside an industrial facility or service buildings that directly support plant operations,
such as control rooms, communications facilities, centralized computer facilities, and
electrical substations.
Side-On Pressure: The rise in pressure above ambient produced by a blast wave
sweeping unimpeded across any surface (walls or roof) not facing the blast source (see
SAES-M-009 for more information).
Toxic Material: For the purpose of this Standard, is a liquid or a gas substance
whereby the toxic concentration in the gas phase, determined through equilibrium flash
calculations, exceeds its Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) value (see
SAES-B-006 for the definition of IDLH).
5 General Requirements
The building risk assessment shall evaluate the explosion, fire, and toxic
release hazards using the three-stage process outlined by Appendix 1.
The assessment shall be prepared by an organization specializing in and
experienced with API RP 752 and API RP 753.
For existing buildings that were built without a risk assessment, and would
now require screening according to this Standard, should be assessed
using the process outlined in this Standard. This screening study should be
introduced as an agenda item in each facility Safe Operations Committee
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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-014
Issue Date: 2 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 2 January 2021 Safety Requirements for Plant and Operations Support Buildings
All permanent buildings in the scope of this Standard shall meet the
requirements of SAES-M-100 and this Standard. Where SAES-B-014
requirements exceed those of SAES-M-100, SAES-B-014 shall govern.
5.6 Plant buildings with a below-grade cellar, basement, or cable vault shall meet
5.8 Windows
External windows are prohibited for plant buildings and all out-of-plant
buildings located near enough to a plant where it is possible to receive 3.5 kPa
gauge (0.5 psig) peak side-on overpressure or more from a vapor cloud
a) If the risk assessment shows that the risk exposure of the building to
overpressure is acceptably low as determined under Section 5.2.
b) Operator shelters that are specifically designed for personnel protection and for
monitoring of a process facility or bulk plant operation such as truck loading.
Personnel protection against any overpressures anticipated by the risk
assessment shall be included in the sizing and design of the windows.
c) A small inspection window is allowed in analyzer shelter doors. The window shall
not exceed 0.065 m² (100 in²) in area.
5.9.2 The use of spray applied and other foam plastic roof insulation systems
are prohibited unless otherwise permitted in SAES-M-100, Chapter 26
and tested as part of a Class A, B, or C roof assembly according to UL
790 or ASTM E108.5.9.3.
5.9.4 Roof systems shall be tested for water leaks per SAES-M-100.
5.10.1 Plant building emergency response plans shall meet the Saudi Aramco
Safety Management Guide for Emergency Preparedness.
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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-014
Issue Date: 2 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 2 January 2021 Safety Requirements for Plant and Operations Support Buildings
5.10.3 Proper operator response to smoke, fire, smoke alarms, fire alarms,
or trouble alarms shall be described in a written response plan. The
response plan shall be kept up-to-date.
5.10.4 A clearly labeled copy of the written response plan and instructions for
operation of the fire detection and fire protection systems shall remain
in the plant training area and in an appropriate on-site location.
5.10.5 Evacuation plans shall be provided inside control room buildings over
1000 m² to meet NFPA 75. The evacuation plan shall include
drawings that show routing to the nearest exit and location of the
associated building exterior assembly area. The drawings shall be
posted in the main exit corridors and the control room.
5.10.6 These instructions shall be updated with all modifications in the fire
detection and protection system. Redlined (up-to-date) copies of all
revised drawings shall be kept on-site until formal revisions are issued
to replace them.
Refer to SAES-J-510 for electrical area classification, gas detection and alarms, and
other requirements.
Air intakes to air compressors, internal combustion engines, inert gas generators,
or other equipment within enclosed or partially enclosed shelters shall be located
outside the shelter and at least 4.5 m above the classified electrical area and at
least 7.5 m above grade.
In facilities where no hydrocarbons are being handled, elevating the air intakes is
not required and, provided that the shelter ventilation is designed adequately for
it, the air intake may be inside a shelter.
5.13 Substations, motor control centers, and other rooms that contain electrical
connect and disconnect equipment shall have doors that open outwards.
Panic hardware shall be installed on the doors.
6 Fire Containment/Separation
6.1.3 Essential electronics equipment rooms shall not have steam, water
(except for fire sprinkler piping), or horizontal drain piping located in
the space above a suspended ceiling, over I/O racks, or over computer
The firestop materials shall be listed for the specific application for
which they are to be used, and shall meet ASTM E814, and UL 1479.
6.1.5 Fire-resistant separation walls shall extend from the subfloor slab to the
underside of the next fire-rated floor above or to the underside of the roof.
6.1.7 Finishes such as wall coverings, wall panels, and furnishings such as
desks, area dividers, work station cabinetry, control consoles, shrouds,
enclosures, and cabinets shall be noncombustible to the extent possible
in essential electronics equipment rooms, electrical substations and
switchgear rooms. When use of a noncombustible finish item is not
practicable, the flame spread index (FSI) shall be 25 or less per
ASTM E84. Combustibility of these items and consumable items such
as for paper goods stock, records, and other combustibles shall also be
minimized in all other-use areas adjacent to the above areas.
There are no chairs that are rated to meet 6.1.7. However, chairs using
fire resistive materials should be provided to the extent possible.
6.1.9 Tape library storage shall be in fire resistant cabinets designed for such
use unless the tapes themselves have a fire resistance rating.
6.2.1 Interior doors, door frames, and window frame assemblies shall be made
of steel and fire-rated for the appropriate fire-separation rating of the fire
wall they penetrate, as specified in SAES-M-100 and NFPA 80. Fire
rated doors shall be UL 10C listed and labeled and fire resistance
windows shall be UL listed and labeled.
6.2.2 Internal and (where allowed) external windows shall have a minimum
of 6 mm (¼ in) thick glass that is wired, tempered, or laminated safety
glass. The glass shall meet all fire-resistive regulations and safety
performance requirements of SAES-M-100 and ANSI Z97.1 and shall
be labeled as such by the supplier.
6.2.3 Exterior doors and all interior doors penetrating fire walls shall be
equipped with automatic, quick-acting, adjustable door closers.
The door closer shall be adjusted to close the door within five (5)
seconds except that blast doors may be adjusted to close within fifteen
(15) seconds. The doors shall be kept closed and sign-posted to meet
the requirements of SAES-M-100.
6.3 Transformers
Oil-filled transformers shall meet the fire separation or protection and oil
collection requirements in SAES-P-119. Drainage requirements shall meet
6.4 HVAC
6.5 In rooms with raised floors, such as PIBs, control rooms, and computer rooms, an
extra tile lifter reserved for emergency use only shall be mounted near the room
entrance and in a well-marked mounted case. A car-sealed or break-glass-type
case shall be used. The tile lifter shall be always available inside the room.
Attending personnel, such as operators and maintenance technicians, shall be
trained to use the lifter in response to subfloor smoke alarms.
6.6 All debris shall be cleared from the ceiling and subfloor areas, and the subfloor
area shall be vacuum-cleaned before plant startup or prior to hot cut-overs.
Commentary Note:
Modifications of existing buildings to improve fire separation are relatively low cost,
yet very effective in keeping fire losses low. It is recommended that Section 6
requirements be applied to existing facilities as well as new ones, except that it
probably is not cost-effective to add fire walls in existing buildings (this is not to be
interpreted as an exemption for fire walls required by SAES-M-100). Instead,
analyze where fire separation may have been compromised and reinstate those
separations. Replace fire doors that may have been removed from fire-rated
corridors. Remove doorstops from fire doors. Confirm that firestops are located in
cable runs where needed. Remove or seal nonrated windows and other
penetrations that have been installed in fire walls. Minimize combustible materials
in all subject areas.
7.1 Control buildings, PIBs, SIHs, UPS rooms, substations, and communications
buildings/rooms shall have a fire detection and alarm system. Other buildings in
the scope of this Standard shall have a fire detection and alarm system if
required by SAES-M-100.
7.3 Fire detection and alarm systems for in-plant buildings shall include a listed
interior and exterior local audible alarm and listed exterior visual beacon.
The beacon shall be positioned so that it is not blocked by adjacent buildings or
structures to the extent possible. The system shall alarm at a local, dedicated,
listed Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) in the building. All sensing devices
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Document Responsibility: Loss Prevention Standards Committee SAES-B-014
Issue Date: 2 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 2 January 2021 Safety Requirements for Plant and Operations Support Buildings
Beacon color shall follow plant precedent; otherwise, fire alarm beacon color shall
be red.
7.4 The local FACP for plant buildings shall be located at the building entrance or
air lock, except that, for small stand-alone control rooms such as those at
GOSPs, the local FACP may be located in the control room near the exit door.
7.5 In communications facilities, control rooms, and I/O rack rooms, smoke
detection shall continuously monitor subfloor spaces, room areas, and above
suspended ceilings. The end devices shall be point-type addressable spot-type
smoke detectors. If these subfloor spaces and above suspended ceiling areas are
used as air plenums, consideration shall be given to the design and spacing for
warning of fire in high air-movement areas.
7.6 Interiors of floor-mounted I/O, ESD, UPS, and other digital cabinets containing
power supplies shall be monitored by an addressable high-sensitivity air-sampling
or point-type smoke detection system. In cases where these high-sensitivity air-
sampling or point-type detectors are to be installed in buildings at a distance from
Control Buildings, a careful assessment is needed; these detectors shall be
provided only when the operator response is available within a reasonable time.
a. The detection systems shall have at least two adjustable set points (see
NFPA 76, section details).
c. Two or more cabinets bolted together side-by-side with free air movement
between cabinets may need only one air-sampling tube per row of cabinets,
as determined by the detection system designer.
The signal from high-sensitivity smoke detection systems for the I/O, ESD, UPS,
and other digital cabinets are normally alarm only; the signal should not control
any other systems such as shut-down building air conditioning.
All outputs, including the trouble signal, go to the local building FACP. The local
FACP, per 7.3, will send a common alarm to the control room for that plant area
either via the plant DCS system or hardwired to a dedicated fire alarm in the
control room.
Air sampling tubes or pipes for high sensitivity smoke detection systems shall be
steel or otherwise have a flame spread rating not over 25 without evidence of
continued progressive combustion and a smoke developed rating no higher than
50 or otherwise be UL listed specifically for air sampling smoke detector
service. Use of unrated PVC pipe or tubing is not allowed.
Electrical substations over 100 m² floor space shall have a fixed projected beam-
type smoke detection system. The smoke detection system shall be an
addressable system that meets the requirements of NFPA 72 and the
manufacturer's documented instructions. These facilities shall have listed
interior and exterior local audible alarm and listed exterior visual beacon visible
from the roadway and personnel entrances to the building.
a) Certified, as-built drawings for the fire alarm system and the “Cause and
effects matrix.”
b) Written certification from the professional design engineer that the fire
alarm system is in compliance with NFPA 72. (A stamp of the registered
engineer on the drawings or a written document by the registered engineer
stating that he supervised the design of the system and that it is in
compliance with NFPA 72 shall be considered as meeting this requirement).
c) For air aspirated high sensitivity smoke detection systems utilizing
sampling pipes, provide certified drawings of the piping network showing
size and locations of all orifice holes in the sampling pipes and end caps,
and the location and specifications of all piping components. The design
calculations or program output used to design the piping network shall also
be provided.
d) Programming documentation for the fire alarm control panel.
e) For all high sensitivity smoke detection systems, the manufacturer or
manufacturer's representative shall provide recommendations for the alarm
and pre-alarm sensitivity settings.
f) Operating and programming manuals for the system.
g) Commissioning procedures.
8.1 Fixed gas-type fire suppression systems are not required in new facilities that are
designed to meet SAES-B-014.
A fixed gas-type fire suppression system may be considered in the following
facilities if they are not protected by an automatic sprinkler system or if there is
essential function installed in only one fire zone without backup (see SAER-6119,
section 6.4, for more information):
8.2 For general philosophy and recommendations for the phase-out of existing
Halon 1301 systems, refer to SAER-6119.
with tests specified by NFPA. For other building fire protection requirements,
see SAES-B-009, SAES-B-017, and SAES-B-019.
8.5 In electrical substations, switchgear rooms, motor control centers, GOSP control
rooms, and PIBs, install two fire blankets and one basket type litter.
8.6 Portable fire extinguisher selection and placement shall meet SAES-B-019.
9 Pressurization
10.1 Access and egress design and installation shall meet SAES-M-100.
10.2 Doors in manned buildings shall face away from process areas whenever
possible. Refer to SAES-M-009 for more details.
11 Maintenance Shops
11.1 Office doors shall not open directly into the shop area.
A single or dual office for the sole use of dedicated workshop personnel is
allowed. Interior doors and door frames shall be made of steel and fire-rated for
the appropriate fire-separation rating of the fire wall they penetrate, as specified
in SAES-M-100. The door shall be fitted with a closer adjusted to close the door
within five (5) seconds.
11.2 Flammable or combustible liquid storage shall be limited per NFPA 30 and shall
be kept in listed flammable liquid storage cabinets and containers.
11.3 Safe storage, handling and transportation of compressed gas cylinders shall meet
requirements of Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM).
11.4.1 Indoor welding shall be allowed only in an area of the shop designed
for that purpose.
11.4.4 The fire detection and alarm, fixed fire suppression system, and other
fire protection equipment provided shall be specifically designed for a
welding area.
12 Temporary Buildings
12.1 Temporary buildings located inside a plant for activities such as T&I shall be
evaluated for siting relative to explosion, fire, flammable and toxic gas release
hazards in accordance with the BRA guidelines addressed in Appendix 1.
Commentary Note:
12.4 Temporary buildings shall also meet the requirements of Section 5.4 of this
12.5 Use of the temporary building is not allowed to exceed six months.
12.6 Temporary buildings shall not be occupied during the facility shutdown or
13.1 Buildings for use by Saudi Aramco Project Management, contractors, and
commissioning personnel in the course of building grassroots facilities must
meet standards for life safety such as GI 298.010, SAES-M-100 and fire
protection such as SAES-B-019 but are otherwise not required to meet SAES-B-
13.2 In the case of construction buildings proposed for locations near operating
pipelines, Loss Prevention concurrence shall be obtained in the course of
processing the Land Use Permit.
13.3 Use of construction buildings is not allowed to exceed six months beyond the
introduction of hydrocarbons or toxic materials into the new facility unless
buildings are 500 m outside the plant perimeter fence and outside a zone
predicted to receive less than 3.5 kPa gauge (0.5 psig) peak side-on overpressure
or the occupants will not be affected by a toxic material release. These buildings
shall not be occupied during the facility shutdown or startup.
Revision Summary
3 July 2012 Revised the “Next Planned Update”. Reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued
with minor revision.
2 January 2018 3 year Revision. Additional fire safety industry standards added. Addressed ‘Temporary
Buildings’ siting inside plants spacing, and other minor editorial changes.
A1 Objective
This appendix provides guidelines for assessing the hazards and risks associated with
buildings in process plant areas, as required by SAES-B-014, Section 5.2. These
guidelines apply to building risk assessments associated with either new projects or
existing buildings. They complement the methodologies contained in API RP 752,
“Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Buildings” and the
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Publication, “Guidelines for Evaluating
Process Plant Buildings for External Explosions and Fires.” These guidelines shall
govern if there is a conflict with API RP 752 or the CCPS Guidelines.
A2 Background
SAES-B-014, Section 5.2 requires an assessment of the hazards associated with the
siting of process plant buildings. The intent of SAES-B-014 is to ensure that people in
plant buildings are not exposed to an unacceptable risk in the event of an accidental fire,
explosion or toxic release. In addition, the Standard ensures that the hazards to
buildings considered critical to sustained operations are evaluated and mitigated as
necessary to meet the target levels of operational redundancy and reliability. Depending
upon the project, this Standard may require the assessment of process interface
buildings (PIBs) and utility buildings, such as substations.
This assessment should be made early in the project while modifications may be made
without excessive cost and schedule impacts. However, this assessment can also be
applied to existing buildings at anytime in their life (refer to the commentary in Section
The building risk assessment methodology consists of three stages, as shown in Figure
A1. The complexity and required resources of the analysis increase with each stage. The
intent is to screen out buildings at the lowest stage possible in order to provide an
efficient, yet comprehensive, analysis. Each of the stages is discussed in detail in the
following sections.
Stage-one screens the building on the basis of population and function to determine if a
stage-two building evaluation is warranted based on Saudi Aramco specific criteria.
Hazards to the building from fires, explosions, and toxic releases, are evaluated in
stage-two. Appropriate mitigation and risk-reduction measures are identified at this
stage. For unusual cases where risk-reduction measures are not clearly appropriate, a
Stage-three Risk Management Assessment is made to evaluate the acceptability of the
risks associated with buildings of concern. The information requirements and the
resources necessary for conducting the assessment increase with each stage. Typical
information needed for each stage is summarized in Table A1 of Section A4 below.
Stage-two building evaluations examine the explosion, toxic, flammable cloud, and fire
hazards that expose buildings, as shown in Figure A3. The following sections provide
specific information for evaluating the consequences of each hazard in terms of impact
to the building and its occupants.
The type of methodology used to model a VCE and the revision of any
software tool used to perform the evaluation shall always be approved
by the Loss Prevention Department.
Toxic materials released to the atmosphere in process plants can affect building
occupants. The toxic vapors may enter a building and cause impairment or
physiological harm to the occupants, depending upon the material released, its
concentration, and the exposure duration. Figure A5 illustrates the stage-two
analysis process for toxic releases.
identify the basis of selecting the release scenario. Toxic material may
infiltrate the building through unprotected openings or ventilation
systems. If the analysis shows that the ERPG-2 levels are exceeded
inside the building, there is a potential toxic hazard to building
This stage of analysis reviews the risks associated with the identified hazards. It is
anticipated that new projects should rarely require stage three analysis because it is
feasible to mitigate the hazards identified in stage two by proper attention to building
design and location. If a stage-three analysis is required, LPD/TSU must review and
approve the scope, methodology, and results of the analysis. Details regarding stage-
E, F, T* Questions Y N NA Remarks
FT 1. Is the building located upwind of the hazard?
2. Is the building included in an emergency
response plan for fire and toxic release? Are
EFT the occupants trained on emergency
response procedures? Are evacuation
instructions posted?
3. Are large office equipment or stacks of
E materials within the building adequately
4. Are the lighting fixtures, ceilings, or wall-
E mounted equipment well supported? Are
process controls mounted on interior walls?
5. Is there heavy material stored on the ground
floor only?
6. Have all the exterior windows been assessed
for potential injury to occupants?
7. Are there doors on the sides of the building
EFT opposite from an expected explosion, fire
source, or toxic release?
8. Is there exterior and interior fire suppression
equipment available to the building?
9. Is there a detection system within the building
FT or in the fresh air intake to detect
hydrocarbons, smoke, or toxic materials?
FT 10. Is the air intake properly located?
11. Can the ventilation system prevent air ingress
or air movement within the building? Are
FT there hydrocarbon or toxic detectors that shut
down the air intake? Does the building have
a pressurization system?
12. Are there wind socks visible from all sides of
the building?
13. Is there a building or facility alarm or
EFT communication system to warn building
occupants of an emergency?
14. Are sewers connected to the building properly
sealed to prevent ingress of vapors?
* E=Explosion; F=Fire; T=Toxic
Source: API RP 752, Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Buildings, May 1995.
Note: This is an example and should reviewed and modified to fit the situation.
The following table provides a sample format for presenting data obtained during a
stage-one screening study for a building hazard and risk assessment. This table contains
the minimum information that should be contained in a study report.
Building Risk
Screening Study