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Saep 125

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The document outlines the process for developing and maintaining Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards, including defining the standards, applicable documents, responsibilities, and two styles (Exception and Narrative) that can be used.

The two styles used for Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards are the Exception style and the Narrative style. The Exception style defines requirements as additions, modifications or deletions to an industry standard. The Narrative style is used when no appropriate industry standard exists.

The sections that are mandatory in both the Exception and Narrative styles of standards are: Title and Table of Contents, Scope, Conflicts and Deviations, and References.

Engineering Procedure

SAEP-125 15 October 2008

Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Applicable Documents.................................... 2
3 Instructions..................................................... 2
4 Responsibilities.............................................. 6

Attachment I Exception Style
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard............. 7
Attachment II Narrative Style
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard............. 9

Previous Issue: 31 May 2003 Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013
Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 9
Primary contact: Ghulam, Ziad Mohammad J amil on 966-3-8745670

CopyrightSaudi Aramco 2008. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

Page 2 of 9

1 Scope
This procedure establishes instructions for the development and use of Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs). This procedure also assigns responsibilities for those
associated with these documents.
2 Applicable Documents
The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure.
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-14 Project Proposal
SAEP-103 Metric Units of Weights and Measures
SAEP-133 Instructions for the Development of "Regulated
Vendors List" Engineering Standards
SAEP-301 Instructions for Establishing and Maintaining
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design Criteria
Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing
AE-036411 Drawing and Equipment Index Key
3 Instructions
3.1 Definition and Application
SAESs are standards, approved by Saudi Aramco Management, that establish
minimum mandatory requirements for the selection, design, construction,
maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities. The requirements in these
standards apply Company-wide. All capital, non-capital and expense projects
under the control of Engineering and Project Management shall use SAESs in
effect on the Project Proposal approval date. See SAEP-14. Maintenance
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

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projects and all other work performed without Project Proposals shall use
SAESs in effect when the work is authorized.
Standards are generally not applied retroactively to the maintenance and repair
of existing facilities. However, new or revised standards which impact existing
facilities regarding safety, environmental protection, health, or security shall be
reviewed by operating organizations with Industrial Security, Loss Prevention,
Consulting Services, Process & Control Systems Department, and others, to
determine applicability and extent of implementation. For on-going or active
projects, operating organizations shall include Project Management in their
review to evaluate cost and schedule impact. Review decisions shall be
documented for appropriate levels of Management.
The development and maintenance of Regulated Vendors List Engineering
Standards are governed by SAEP-133.
3.2 Format
Base the structure of all SAES documents on one of two styles: Exception or
3.2.1 Exception-style SAESs define requirements as additions, modifications
or deletions to the requirements in an industry standard, using the
industry standard's chapter/sections/paragraph numbering system. Use
this style when an industry standard already defines the majority of
Saudi Aramco's requirements. This is the preferred style because it
reduces the number of requirements that must be generated and
maintained. It also offers the benefit of alerting users to the Company's
special requirements. See Attachment I for details of this style. Avoid
repeating unchanged parts of the industry standard in the SAESs.
3.2.2 Narrative-style SAESs are used when the Standards Committee
Chairman determines that an appropriate industry standard does not
exist. He may supplement the content of one, or more, industry
standards, but the requirements are not written as exceptions. Tailor the
document structure of this style to meet the specific needs of the subject.
See Attachment II for additional details associated with this style.
3.3 Contents
3.3.1 Write using simple, easy-to-understand language. Active sentences are
preferred. They are usually shorter and more explicit than passive
sentences. Use the verb shall to indicate mandatory requirements.
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

Page 4 of 9
Establish the wording of the title as carefully as possible. It shall
indicate, concisely and without ambiguity, the subject matter of the
standard in such a way as to distinguish it from that of others, without
going into unnecessary detail. Any necessary additional particulars shall
be given in the scope.
Every standard shall begin with a scope section. Here, define without
ambiguity, the subject of the standard and the aspect(s) it covers. The
scope shall not contain requirements.
To assist Users of SAESs, locate requirements in SAESs that are most
closely aligned with their discipline, as defined by Standard Drawing
Include in SAESs, all requirements needed by engineers, maintenance
organizations, inspectors, contractors, vendors (for SAESs written for
attachment to procurement documents), and any others involved with the
selection, design, construction, maintenance, or repair of Company
equipment and facilities.
To avoid the occurrence of duplicate or conflicting requirements, do not
extract and repeat requirements from Saudi Aramco Materials System
Specification (SAMSSs), or other SAESs. Instead, if a requirement is
needed in both a SAES and a SAMSS, locate the requirement in the
SAMSS and make reference to it in the SAES. Include all mandatory
paragraphs shown in Attachment I.
Make reference to the content and details of Standard Drawings, to the
extent they apply. To assist equipment or material specifiers in correctly
using SAMSSs, include information needed to make decisions to fill-out
equipment data sheets.
Include definitions of technical terms used in the SAES. Do not include
nontechnical provisions already covered in Saudi Aramco's standard
terms and conditions for contracting and purchasing, such as risk of loss,
liability for failure or damages, warranties, rights to inspect, and other
such legal matters. Check with the Law or Purchasing Departments if in
Pay attention to the way requirements are stated. Be aware that when
design or construction alternatives (material selection, etc.) are allowed
in a SAES, the decision-making criteria and thought process for a Lump-
Sum-Turnkey contractor (minimize first costs) may be completely
different from and contrary to those for a Saudi Aramco engineer
(minimize total life-cycle costs). Where there is a need to review or
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

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approve certain technical items covered by the SAES (alternate designs,
repairs, welder qualifications, test procedures, etc.) by someone in Saudi
Aramco at Manager level, or below, indicate this responsibility by
designating a specific position (Standard Committee Chairman, Unit
Supervisor, Division Coordinator, etc.). Do not use general titles such as
the Saudi Aramco Engineer unless this term is clearly defined within
the body of the document. See Attachment I for an example.
To avoid any misunderstanding about the use of SAESs, specific
authorization must be included within the body of the document to allow
it to be referenced in and made a part of purchase orders. Without this
authorization, it may not be included in purchase orders. See
Attachment I for an example.
3.3.2 Give preference to referencing SAESs to the latest edition of an
industry standard. However, the Standards Committee Chairman may
decide that reference to a specific edition of the industry standard, will
best satisfy the needs of the Company.
3.3.3 Use the International System (SI) of Units in SAESs, following the
instructions of SAEP-103, Metric Units of Weights and Measures.
3.3.4 Where additional information or explanation is needed to clarify the
intent of a requirement or where there is a reasonable chance of
misinterpreting or misapplying the requirement, include a commentary
note. Make the note brief, limiting it to only the essential items. To
distinguish it from the SAES requirements, label the note
COMMENTARY and use italics. See Attachment I for an example.
3.4 Deviations
Deviations proposed by any organization that result in facilities meeting less
than the minimum requirements require waiver approval in accordance with
SAEP-302 beforeproceeding with design or construction. For deviations
identified after the start of design or construction, the waiver approval is
required prior to design or construction completion.
3.5 Approval
Use the approval process outlined in SAEP-301 Instructions for Establishing
and Maintaining Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements to
develop new SAESs and revise existing SAESs. To keep SAESs current and
up-to-date, conduct a major review and revision of every SAES at least every
five (5) years, or other appropriate interval established for the document.
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

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3.6 Cancellation of SAES
Cancel existing SAESs by obtaining the signature of the Approval Authority.
4 Responsibilities
4.1 Standards Committee Chairman (SCC)
The SCC is responsible for doing the following:
- Determining the need for SAESs, and if required, developing them, making
decisions about their style and contents.
- Verifying the cost-effectiveness and technical adequacy of the minimum
technical requirements contained in the SAESs.
- Conducting a major review of every SAES at least once every five years.
- Forwarding draft documents to the Standards Coordinator to either route for
BOE review or for the completion of approval, publication, and distribution
processes per SAEP-301 paragraph 4.7(g).
- Coordinating the SAESs requirements with the RSA Representative.
4.2 Standards Coordinator (SC)
Ensure that the information of all approved SAESs is disseminated per
SAEP-301 paragraph 4.7(g).

Revision Summary
15 October 2008 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and
reissued with editorial changes.
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

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Attachment I Exception Style Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
The Exception style SAES is preferred. It shall follow the document structure outlined
The Title and Table of Contents identify the engineering standard and list its contents.
Subheadings may be used to improve the usefulness of the Table of Contents.
SCOPE (Mandatory)
The Scope will define the facilities covered by the standard. In most cases the Scope
will begin with:
This standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the
design and installation of ________.
If the document's Scope is not unique to Saudi Aramco, summarize the Scope section of
the industry standard. The Scope may include a description of areas specifically
excluded from the document. (For example: This standard does not apply to battery
chargers and distribution systems used by communication facilities). Do not include
requirements in the Scope.
Include the following sentence in only those SAESs, where it is appropriate:
This entire standard may be attached to and made a part of purchase orders.
Without this, the SAES may not be included in purchase orders.
Include the following two paragraphs in each SAES:
Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager (Consulting Services, Loss Prevention, etc.) Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.
Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager (Consulting Services, Loss
Prevention, etc.) Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

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REFERENCES (As applicable)
List all documents that are referred to in the SAES. Do not list documents that are not
referred to. Include the following requirement in this section:
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction,
maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard
shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below, unless
otherwise noted.
References are categorized by type under the following subheadings:
- Saudi Aramco References
- Industry Codes and Standards
- Other References
SAES-A-112, Meteorological and Seismic Design Criteria, has been developed to
consolidate this information and should be referenced in SAESs when environmental or
seismic design criteria apply.
Use the remainder of the document to identify the changes to individual paragraphs in
the referenced industry standard. Begin the section with the following paragraph,
inserting the name and number of the industrial standard in place of the parentheses.
The following paragraph numbers refer to (industry standard) which is a part of
this standard. The text in each paragraph is an addition, modification, exception,
or deletion to the requirements of (industry standard), as noted.
Section 3.3 of this procedure allows the use of short Commentary Notes that
add information or requirement explanations to assist specification users in the
proper interpretation and implementation of the document. Limit notes to
essential information, without which there is a high probability of misinterpreting
or misapplying the requirements. Locate the note immediately after the portion
of the standard to which it applies. Begin the note with the word
"COMMENTARY", and select an italics font for the note.
Document Responsibility: Standards Coordinator SAEP-125
Issue Date: 15 October 2008
Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

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Attachment II Narrative Style Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
In case an appropriate industry standard does not exist, or there are none considered
suitable for the Exception style format, write the SAES using the Narrative style format.
Up to Modifications to Industry Standard, the major sections in the body of this
format are identical to and follow the same order as those shown in Attachment I.
Select those Optional sections that apply to the equipment and facilities covered by
SAESs, and add other sections as necessary.
SCOPE (Mandatory)
REFERENCES (As applicable)
(Use this section for definitions and for specifying other requirements of a general
MATERIALS (Optional)
(Use this section to cover mandatory material selection requirements.)
DESIGN (Optional)
(Use this section to cover mandatory design requirements.)
(Use this section to cover mandatory fabrication and installation requirements,
including those that facilitate maintenance.)
(Use this section to cover testing and inspection requirements, with their associated
acceptance criteria, applicable to field fabrication and erection in the SAESs.)

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