Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (Index of Active Saeps) June 2006
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (Index of Active Saeps) June 2006
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (Index of Active Saeps) June 2006
Current Previous
Document Title Planned
Issue Issue
About SAEPs Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures 5/31/2003 2/26/2003 3/1/2008
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan 8/31/2004 5/31/2000 9/1/2009
SAEP-13 Project Environmental Impact Assessments 6/29/2005 6/30/2003 7/1/2010
SAEP-14 Project Proposal 1/29/2003 6/28/2000 7/1/2003
SAEP-15 Preparation of Restricted Vendor Lists for Process Automation Systems 6/30/2003 4/28/1999 71/2008
SAEP-16 Project Execution Guide for Process Automation Systems 5/31/2003 5/29/2002 6/1/2008
SAEP-20 Equipment Inspection Schedule 9/28/2005 1/29/2003 10/1/2010
SAEP-21 Royalty/Custody Metering Facilities Execution Guide 5/3/12004 4/30/2003 6/1/2009
SAEP-22 Tank Calibration Requirements 4/4/2006 New 4/4/2011
SAEP-31 Corporate Equipment and Spare Parts Data Requirements 9/30/2003 8/31/1998 10/1/2008
SAEP-32 Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Program 6/30/2003 2/26/2003 3/1/2008
SAEP-50 Project Execution Requirements for Third Party Royalty/Custody Metering Systems 7/30/2003 12/1/1996 8/1/2008
SAEP-103 Metric Units of Weights and Measures 4/30/2005 12/1/1996 5/1/2010
SAEP-110 Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings 3/31/2004 6/30/2002 4/1/2009
SAEP-119 Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications 4/30/2005 5/31/2003 6/1/2008
SAEP-120 Saudi Aramco Security Drawings 3/31/2004 11/30/1999 4/1/2009
SAEP-121 Operating Instructions for New Facilities 8/31/2002 1/27/1998 9/1/2007
SAEP-122 Project Records 7/31/2005 2/29/2004 3/1/2009
SAEP-125 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards 5/31/2003 3/31/2003 4/1/2008
SAEP-127 Security and Control of Saudi Aramco Engineering Data 6/30/2004 12/31/2002 1/1/2008
SAEP-133 Instructions for the Development of "Regulated Vendors List" Engineering Standards 1/4/2006 6/29/2005 7/1/2010
SAEP-134 Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure Preparations 4/30/2003 New 5/1/2008
SAEP-135 Saudi Aramco Process Automation System (PAS) Obsolescence Program 7/30/2003 New 8/1/2006
SAEP-136 Saudi Aramco Management of Electric Equipment Obsolescence Program 6/30/2004 New 7/1/2009
SAEP-140 Project Training Impact Assessment 5/31/2004 New 6/1/2009
SAEP-201 Saudi Aramco Engineering Reports 3/31/2004 1/31/2001 4/1/2009
Instructions for Establishing and Maintaining Mandatory
SAEP-301 11/13/2005 6/29/2005 5/1/2007
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements
Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
SAEP-302 10/12/2005 01/31/05 7/1/2007
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
SAEP-303 Engineering Reviews of Project Proposal and Detail Design Documentation 7/31/2002 12/31/1996 8/1/2007
SAEP-305 Saudi Aramco Library Drawings 3/31/2004 11/30/1999 4/1/2009
SAEP-306 Evaluating the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines 6/29/2005 3/29/2000 7/1/2010
SAEP-308 Plant Inspection Unit Reviews 5/31/2004 7/30/2003 6/1/2009
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Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
(Index of Active SAEPs)
June 2006
Current Previous
Document Title Planned
Issue Issue
SAEP-309 Inspection of Community and Operations Support Facilities 6/30/2004 4/30/2000 7/1/2009
SAEP-310 Pipeline Repair and Maintenance 11/30/2005 1/29/2003 4/1/2006
SAEP-311 Installation of Hot Tapped and Stopple Connections 12/28/2005 11/13/2005 12/1/2010
SAEP-312 PLIDCO Weld+Ends Couplings 01/31/05 1/29/2003 2/1/2010
SAEP-313 PLIDCO Split Sleeves 01/31/05 1/29/2003 2/1/2010
SAEP-314 Use of PLIDCO Smith Pipeline Repair Clamps 01/31/05 1/29/2003 2/1/2010
SAEP-316 Performance Qualification of Coating Personnel 11/13/2010 7/30/2003 8/1/2008
SAEP-317 Testing and Inspection (T&I) of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 7/30/2003 3/29/2000 8/1/2008
SAEP-318 Pressure Relief Valve Program Authorization for Installation, Deletion and Changes 10/31/2004 3/31/2003 11/1/2009
SAEP-319 Pressure Relief Valves – Routine Test, Inspection, Quality Assurance and Regulation 10/31/2004 10/30/2002 11/1/2009
SAEP-321 Performance Qualification Testing and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders 6/30/2003 1/31/2000 7/1/2008
SAEP-322 Performance Qualification Testing and Certification of Saudi Aramco Brazers 6/30/2003 1/31/2000 7/1/2008
SAEP-323 Performance Qualification Testing of Contract Welders and Brazers 6/30/2003 1/31/2000 7/1/2008
SAEP-324 Certification Review and Registration of Project Welders and Brazers 6/30/2003 1/31/2000 7/1/2008
SAEP-325 Inspection Requirements for Pressurized Equipment 6/30/2004 3/31/2001 7/1/2009
SAEP-327 Disposal of Wastewater from Cleaning, Flushing, and Dewatering Pipelines and Vessels 5/31/2003 8/30/2000 6/1/2006
SAEP-329 Project Close-Out Report 11/23/2005 3/31/2001 12/1/2010
SAEP-332 Cathodic Protection Commissioning 5/31/2005 9/30/2002 6/1/2010
SAEP-333 Cathodic Protection Monitoring 7/31/2004 11/28/2001 8/1/2009
SAEP-334 Retrieval, Certification and Submittal of Saudi Aramco Engineering & Vendor Drawings 1/4/2006 9/29/2004 1/1/2009
SAEP-335 Boiler Condition Assessment 2/28/2005 1/28/2004 6/1/2009
SAEP-339 Marine Dredging and Landfilling Approval and Permitting 12/29/2004 12/31/2000 1/1/2008
SAEP-340 Air Quality Impact Analysis and Assessment 12/21/2005 1/30/2002 1/1/2011
SAEP-341 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure 3/15/2006 6/30/2001 3/15/2009
SAEP-342 Engineering Drawings Emergency Delivery Plan 3/31/2004 1/29/2003 2/1/2008
SAEP-343 Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) for In-Plant Static Equipment 12/14/2005 2/28/2005 1/1/2007
SAEP-347 Supplying Material from Stockists 10/31/2004 7/31/2004 8/1/2006
Chemical Cleaning, Disinfection, Post Treatment
SAEP-348 7/31/2004 New 8/1/2009
and Storage of Reverse Osmosis Membranes
SAEP-349 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems 11/30/2004 New 12/1/2007
SAEP-350 Regular Maintenance and Testing for Industrial Stationary Batteries 5/31/2004 New 6/1/2009
SAEP-351 Bolted Flange Joints Assembly 4/30/2003 New 5/1/2006
SAEP-352 Welding Procedures Review and Approval 5/31/2003 New 6/1/2008
SAEP-354 High Integrity Protective Systems Design Requirements 10/29/2003 8/31/2003 9/1/2008
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Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
(Index of Active SAEPs)
June 2006
Current Previous
Document Title Planned
Issue Issue
SAEP-355 Field Metallography and Hardness Testing 2/29/2003 New 3/1/2009
SAEP-357 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Grating Installation Guide 2/28/2005 New 3/1/2010
SAEP-358 Management of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material 3/30/2005 New 5/1/2010
SAEP-360 Project Planning Guidelines 1/31/2006 New 1/31/2011
SAEP-361 Storage, Handling and Installation of Weight-Coated Pipe 5/31/2005 New 6/1/2010
SAEP-362 Hand-Applied Tape Wrapping of Buried Pipe 5/31/2005 New 6/1/2010
SAEP-363 Pipeline Simulation Model Development and Support 1/25/2006 New 1/25/2009
SAEP-364 Process Simulation Model Development and Support 1/25/2006 New 1/25/2009
SAEP-1020 Capital Program Planning 6/30/2004 2/28/2001 7/1/2009
SAEP-1021 Surveying Services Division Project Control 11/23/2005 12/31/2002 12/1/2006
SAEP-1024 Chemical Cleaning of New Steam Generating Equipment1 7/31/2005 1/28/2004 8/1/2010
SAEP-1025 Chemical Cleaning of Boilers 2/28/2005 1/28/2004 11/1/2009
SAEP-1026 Boilers Lay-Up Procedures 2/28/2005 1/28/2004 3/1/2010
SAEP-1027 Pressure Relief Valve Conventional and Balanced Types 7/31/2002 1/31/2001 8/1/2007
SAEP-1028 Chemical Cleaning and Flushing of Lube/Seal Oil and Fluid Power Systems 1/28/2004 3/31/2003 4/1/2008
SAEP-1050 Guideline for Disaster Recovery Plan Development for Decision Support System 10/26/2005 7/31/2000 11/1/2010
SAEP-1101 Welding Test Supplement S01 SMAW, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Pipe, Uphill 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1102 Welding Test Supplement S02 for SMAW, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Pipe, Downhill 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1103 Welding Test Supplement S03 for SMAW, Stainless Steel, Single Sided 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1104 Welding Test Supplement S04 for SMAW, Stainless Steel/Nickel, Backing 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1105 Welding Test Supplement S05 for SMAW, Nickel, Single Sided 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1106 Welding Test Supplement S06 for GTAW, Aluminum with Backing 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1107 Welding Test Supplement S07 for GTAW, Carbon, Low Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1108 Welding Test Supplement S08 for GTAW, Nickel 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1109 Welding Test Supplement S09 for GTAW, Aluminum, Single Sided 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1110 Welding Test Supplement S10 for SAW, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Pipe 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1111 Welding Test Supplement S11 for SAW, Overlay, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Pipe 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1112 Welding Test Supplement S12 for SMAW, Carbon Steel, Small Diameter 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1113 Welding Test Supplement S13 for FCAW, Carbon Steel 10/29/2003 8/31/2002 11/1/2008
SAEP-1114 Welding Test Supplement S14 for SMAW, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Plate 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1115 Welding Test Supplement S15 for SMAW, Stainless Steel Lap 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1116 Welding Test Supplement S16 for SMAW Nickel Lap 10/29/2003 8/31/2002 11/1/2008
SAEP-1117 Welding Test Supplement S17 for SMAW, Wet Welding 10/29/2003 12/31/2000 11/1/2008
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Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
(Index of Active SAEPs)
June 2006
Current Previous
Document Title Planned
Issue Issue
SAEP-1125 Brazing Test Supplement S25 with TB, Copper and Copper Alloy Tubing 10/29/2003 4/30/2000 11/1/2008
SAEP-1131 Pressure Relief Valve Program Use of Form 3099A-ENG, RV Authorization 10/31/2004 6/30/2002 11/1/2009
SAEP-1132 Instructions for Using the Relief Valve Test Stand 8/31/2002 4/30/2000 9/1/2007
SAEP-1133 Form 3750-ENG, Pressure Relieving Device Test Report 11/13/2005 7/31/2002 12/1/2008
SAEP-1134 Relief Valve Technician Certification 7/31/2004 4/30/2000 8/1/2007
SAEP-1135 On-Stream Inspection Administration 2/29/2004 8/31/1999 3/1/2009
SAEP-1140 Qualification of Saudi Aramco NDT Personnel 2/15/2006 7/31/2004 2/15/2011
SAEP-1141 Radiation Protection for Industrial Radiography 6/29/2005 12/31/1996 7/1/2010
SAEP-1142 Qualification of Non-Saudi Aramco NDT Personnel 2/29/2004 9/30/2000 3/1/2009
SAEP-1143 Radiographic Examination 5/29/2002 9/30/1998 6/1/2007
SAEP-1144 Magnetic Particle Examination 10/12/2005 9/30/2001 11/1/2010
SAEP-1145 Liquid Penetrant Examination 10/12/2005 9/30/2001 11/1/2010
SAEP-1146 Manual Ultrasonic Thickness Testing 8/31/2004 5/30/2001 9/1/2007
SAEP-1150 Inspection Coverage on Projects 6/30/2004 5/31/2004 6/1/2007
SAEP-1152 Approval Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design 3/30/2005 3/31/2002 4/1/2008
SAEP-1154 Guidelines for Contractor's Quality Plan 3/31/2004 New 4/1/2005
SAEP-1160 Process Controls for Capital Projects 6/7/2006 New 6/7/2011
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP) Preparation and Revision Procedure 3/20/2006 11/30/2005 4/1/2010
SAEP-1510 RVL – Products Management Procedure 4/30/2003 3/31/1999 5/1/2006
SAEP-1610 Preparation of Functional Specification Documents 2/28/2005 1/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1622 Preparation of Technical Bid Evaluation Plan Document for Process Automation Systems 4/11/2006 2/28/2005 4/11/2011
SAEP-1624 Preparation of System Design Documents 2/28/2005 1/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1626 Configuration and Graphics Guidelines 2/28/2005 1/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1628 Preparation of Integration Specifications Document 2/28/2005 1/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1630 Preparation of Integration Test Procedure Document 2/28/2005 4/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1634 Factory Acceptance Test 2/28/2005 4/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1636 Installation and Checkout Plan 2/28/2005 1/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1638 Site Acceptance Test Plan 4/30/2002 6/28/2000 5/1/2007
SAEP-1640 Operating Instructions for Process Automation Systems 2/28/2005 1/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1642 Maintenance Manual for Process Automation Systems 2/28/2005 1/30/2002 2/1/2007
SAEP-1661 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessments 1/31/05 11/30/2002 2/1/2010
SAEP-1662 Cleaning of Heat Exchangers and Unfired Plant Equipment 1/31/05 1/28/2004 2/1/2010
SAEP-3101 Equipment and Spare Parts Data Requirements for Contractor Procured Equipment 9/30/2003 8/31/1998 10/1/2008
SAEP-3102 Equipment and Spare Parts Data Requirements for SAPMT Originated Requisitions 9/30/2003 8/31/1998 10/1/2008
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Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
(Index of Active SAEPs)
June 2006
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Document Title Planned
Issue Issue
Equipment and Spare Parts Data Requirements
SAEP-3103 9/30/2003 8/31/1998 10/1/2008
for Proponent/MRO Originated Requisitions