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B.Tech. V-Sem. (Back) Examination, January./February. - 2024 Computer Sc. & Engg. 5CS4-04 Computer Graphics & Multimedia CS, It

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B.Tech. V-Sem. (Back) Examination, January./February. - 2024
Computer Sc. & Engg.
5CS4-04 Computer Graphics & Multimedia
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 120
Min. Passing Marks: 42
Instructions to Candidates:
Attempt all ten questions from Part A, five question out of seven from Part B
and four questions out of five from Part C.
Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any data you feel
missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly. Units of quantities used/
calculated must be stated clearly. Use of following supporting material is
permitted during examination. (Mentioned in form No.205)

(Answer should be given up to 25 words only)
All questions are compulsory (10×2=20)
1. What is resolution?
2. Explain Ambient reflection.
3. Describe properties of Koch curve.
4. Define Pirel.
5. Explain scan conversion.
6. What do you mean by clipping?
7. Discuss YIQ color model.
8. Define shearing.
9. What is parallel projection?
10. Define concave polygon.

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(Analytical/Problem solving questions)
Attempt any Five questions (5×8=40)
1. Explain the application areas of computer graphics in detail.
2. Discuss the cohen-rutherland line clipping algorithm.
3. Explain flood fill algorithm. Differentiate it with boundary fill algorithm.
4. What are the various aspects of illumination of objects?
5. Discuss the Depth Buffer Algorithm to display visible surfaces of polygon.
6. Define Animation Explain principles of animation briefly.
7. Show that the composition of two rotations is additive by concatenating the matrix
representation for R 1  and R 2  to obtain. R(1 ).R  2   R 1  2  .

(Descriptive/Analytical/Problem Solving/Design question)
Attempt any Four questions. (4×15=60)
1. Write a routine to convert RGB color model to HSV color model. (15)
2. Explain the working of Ray tracing. Calculate rays for rectangular view port also.(15)
3. Explain B-Spline curve and Bazier curve in detail. (15)
4. a) Discuss Random scan system in detail. (8)
b) Draw a line from (10,12) to (20,18) on a raster screen using Bresenham’s line
algorithm. (7)
5. a) How is Liang-bersky algorithm more efficient than the Cohen Rutherland
algorithm ? Explain. (8)
b) Perform 450 rotation of triangle A(0,0), B(1,1), C(5,2) about an arbitrary point
(-1,-1) (7)


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