Avia Airlegislation Ref r1 '2012020
Avia Airlegislation Ref r1 '2012020
Avia Airlegislation Ref r1 '2012020
Training Purposes Issue 01 Rev 00 01/2020
0900 - Welcome Introduction to Aviation Legislation
0915 - International and Malaysian Requirements,
1030 - Break
1045 - Civil Aviation Operating Regulation
1300 – Lunch
1400 – Air Transport Operation
1500 - Break
1515 - Organisation and Management of Operator
1630 - Day 1 complete
0900 - 0915- Review of Day 1
0915 – Operator Economics related to Maintenance
1030 - Break
1045 - Approved Maintenance Organization,
The roll of CAAM as an Aviation Regulatory Body
1300 - Lunch
1400 – Aircraft Certification, Documentation and Naintenance
1500 – Break
1515 – Requirement for Continuing Airworthiness
1630 – Day 2 complete and summary Q&A
Table of Content
0.0 - Introduction to Aviation Legislation
1.0 - International and Malaysian Requirements
2.0 - Airworthiness Requirements
3.0 - Civil Aviation Operating Regulation
4.0 - Air Transport Operation
5.0 - Organisation and Management of the Operator
6.0 - Operator Economics Related to Maintenance
7.0 - Approved Maintenance Organisation
8.0 - The Role of CAAM Malaysia as an Aviation Regulatory Body
9.0 - Aircraft Certification, Documentation and Maintenance
10-0 - Requirement for Continuing Airworthiness
Chicago Convention established:
The 1944 Convention has been extended since then, and there are currently
nine different freedoms (see the following pictures):
Traditionally, an airline needs the approval of the governments of the
various countries involved before it can fly in or out of a country, or
even fly over another country without landing.
Prior to World War II, this did not present too many difficulties since the
range of commercial planes was limited and air transport networks were
in their infancy and nationally oriented.
Five freedom rights were designed, but a multilateral agreement went
only as far as the first two freedoms (right to overfly and right to make a
technical stop).
ICAO maintains regional offices in:
Mexico city
CHICAGO CONVENTION Chicago, 1 November to 7 December 1944
52 nations met at the International Civil Aviation Conference in Chicago to plan for
international cooperation in post war era air navigation.
This conference framed the constitution of the International Civil Aviation
the Chicago Convention.
The Chicago Convention affirms every state's "complete and exclusive sovereignty
over the airspace above its territory." It provides that:
Non-scheduled flights may be made by the civil aircraft of one country into or over
the territory of another.
Scheduled international air service may be operated from one country into or over
the territory of another country only with the latter's authorization,
Member states are permitted to establish areas prohibited to foreign aircraft as long
as these regulations are non-discriminatory.
The Chicago Convention established the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), to:
supervise "orderin the air,"
obtain maximum technical standardization for international
aviation, recommend certain practices that member countries
should follow,
carry out other functions.
Countries ratifying the convention thereby agree to conform to ICAO-
adopted civil aviation standards and recommendations
The countries that have ratified the Chicago Convention are
called contracting states.
Until 2011 there are 190 contracting states.
1.2 ICAO Annexes
Among the most significant Annexes to the aircraft maintenance
engineers are:
Annex 1: Personnel Licensing
It provides information on licensing of flight crews, air traffic controllers
and aircraft maintenance personnel.
Annex 6: Operation of Aircraft
The operation of aircraft engaged in international air transport must be as
standardised as possible to ensure the highest levels of safety and efficiency.
Annex 6 includes:
Flight operations
Aircraft performance operating limitations
Aircraft instruments, equipment & flight documents
Aircraft communication & navigation equipment
Aircraft maintenance
Flight crew, cabin crew, flight operations officers & flight dispatcher
Manuals, logs & records
Annex 8: Airworthiness of Aircraft
Specifies uniform procedures for:
Type certificate
Certificate of Airworthiness
Continuing airworthiness for aircraft
Aircraft design
Annex 16: Environmental Protection
Annex 16 sets out specifications regarding:
aircraft noise
aircraft engine emissions.
Refer Also ICAO Annex 7, 13 and 19.
After the establishment of EASA, it has taken over all
the functions of JAA.
All JARs are being replaced by new EASA Rules and
This transition is on going process.
It will take substantial effort and time for EASA to make
and put into effect all the regulatory frame work.
Adopted by
The European Parliament
Civil aviation act
Council Regulation (EC)
(Basic Regulation)
Regulation divided into 2
Adopted by
Implementing Rules Cert. Implementing Rules Maint. The European
Commission Regulation Commission Regulation Commission
1702/2003 2042/2003 Regulations as ( MCAR )
IR Part – 147
This section establishes the requirements to be met by organizations seeking
approval to conduct training and examination as specified in Part-66.
The ICAO Annexes will then form the basis for each Contracting State
to promulgate their civil legislation as their Law of the land governing
civil aviation.
(Power to give effect to the Chicago Convention and regulate civil aviation)
Section 3, Part II
Now ( Amendment ) 2003
1st April 1996 – Malaysian Civil Aviation Regulations
( MCAR ) 1996 enacted. Replaces ANO 1953.
Civil Aviation
Regulations 2016 (by
CAAM Compliance
(Issued under Section 24O
of the CAA)
Eg. AN
Issued by CEO
Malaysian Civil Aviation Regulations
Latest CAR 2016
To regulate the activities of Civil Aviation in Malaysia and carry out the Chicago Convention
and any Annexes.
• To established a system of licensing on the use of aircraft on flights for hire and reward.
• To impose conditions onto any aircraft before it is allowed to fly, including conditions relating
to airworthiness, maintenance, repair and overhaul.
• Part I Preliminary
• Part II Registration & Marking of Aircraft
• Part III Licensing of Air Services
• Part IV Air Operators Certificate
• Part V Airworthiness and Equipment of Aircraft
• Part VI Aircraft Crew and Licensing
• Part VII Operation of Aircraft
• Part VIII Fatigue of Crew
• Part IX Documents and Records
• Part X Control of Air Traffic
• Part XI Aerodromes, Aeronautical Lights & Radio Station
• Part XII Investigation of Accidents
• Part XIII Detention and Sale of Aircraft
• Part XIV Aircraft Mortgages
• Part XV Landing, Parking & Housing, Passenger Service and Air Navigation Facility
• Part XVI General
New Civil Aviation Regulations 2016* Parts
• Part I Preliminary
• Part II Registration Marking & Mortgage of Aircraft
• Part III Airworthiness of Aircraft
• Part IV Environmental Standards - New
• Part V Aircraft Crew and Licensing
• Part VI Protection of crew
• Part VII Aircraft in Flight -New
• Part VIII Operation of Aircraft
• Part IX Height Keeping and Navigation - New
• Part X Air Operator
• Part XI Article 83BIS agreement - New
• Part XII Commercial air transport operations - New
• Part XIII Carriage of Munitions of War and Dangerous Goods
• Part XIV Aerial Work Operations
• Part XV Ground Handling Services
• Part XVI Unmanned Aircraft System- New
• Part XVII General Aviation - New
• Part Xviii Licensing of Air Traffic Controller
• Part XX Aeronautical Telecommunication Services-New
• Part XXi Documents and Records
• Part XXII Safety Programme and Safety Management System - New
• Part XXiV Security Measures- New
• Part XXV Detention and Sale of Aircraft
• Part XXVI Investigation of Aircraft Accident And Incident
• Part XXVII General
• Part XXVIII Savings Provisions
CAR 2016
Regulation Approval for Organisations to engage in Continuous
Airworthiness Management, Maintenance of
31 Aeronautical Product and Maintenance Training
Approved Signatory
Aircraft Maintenance License
CAR 2016
• Certificate of Maintenance Review (CMR) is replaced with
Airworthiness Review in line with the introduction of DCAM Part M
The one sector that relates to both DCAM 145 and DCAM 147
is the Airworthiness Sector which is headed by the Director of Airworthiness,
main objective being enhancing and promoting aviation safety through effective
and up to date airworthiness regulations and by encouraging industry to deliver
high standards of airworthiness . Airworthiness activities are
regulated through various processes , taking into consideration
all aspect of the airworthiness that affects safety , these processes
1. Engineering – ADs, Modifications and repairs , Approval of DOA and POA
2. Repair Stations – Investigation of Incidents and Defects, AMO/Repair Stations
3. Maintenance – C of A, Approval of Am and Facilities, Investigations ,CAM
4. Engineers Licensing – Examination, ATO , Licensing
5. Standards – Registration of all civil aircraft and aircraft mortgage, standards
development and update, analyze airworthiness data including all occurrence
reporting and service difficulty defects
The one sector that relates to both DCAM 145 and DCAM 147
is the Airworthiness Sector which is headed by the Director of Airworthiness,
main objective being enhancing and promoting aviation safety through effective
and up to date airworthiness regulations and by encouraging industry to deliver
high standards of airworthiness . Airworthiness activities are
regulated through various processes , taking into consideration
all aspect of the airworthiness that affects safety , these processes
1. Engineering – ADs, Modifications and repairs , Approval of DOA and POA
2. Repair Stations – Investigation of Incidents and Defects, AMO/Repair Stations
3. Maintenance – C of A, Approval of Am and Facilities, Investigations ,CAM
4. Engineers Licensing – Examination, ATO , Licensing
5. Standards – Registration of all civil aircraft and aircraft mortgage, standards
development and update, analyze airworthiness data including all occurrence
reporting and service difficulty defects
The civil aviation activities of these states are among the most
numerous and most advanced in the world.
Often their civil aviation codes and civil aviation administration serves
as a model for the rest of the world.
An aircraft shall not fly in or over Malaysia unless it bears a common mark or is
registered in;
Malaysia; or
a Contracting State; or
any other State in relation to which there is in force an agreement between the
Government of Malaysia and the government of that State.
1.7. Gliders
A glider may fly unregistered,
and shall be deemed to be registered in Malaysia on any flight, which begins
and ends in Malaysia without passing over any other State; and is not for the
purpose of public transport or aerial work
1.7 Exemptions by the CEO CAAM
Any aircraft may fly unregistered on any flight which;
1. begins and ends in Malaysia without passing over any other State; and
2. is in accordance with a permit to fly as per MCAR 2016 (Reg 4, 2b )
The Aircraft Register shall-include the following particulars in relation to each aircraft:
The number of the certificate
The nationality mark of the aircraft and the registration mark assigned to it
Ref: AN 7201
1.7 Registration Marking Of Malaysian Aircraft
These marks shall be of a size and type and its position required by the
regulation of the country.
In addition to these marks, a fireproof metal plate bearing the name and
address of the registered owner and the registration mark of the aircraft.
1.7 Malaysia Flag
The Minister of Transport has directed that all aircraft owned by public companies in
Malaysia be painted with:
the Malaysian Flag
Certificate Of Airworthiness
I. The normal period of validity of the C of A in Malaysia is 1 year.
II. The operator’s name and address must be stated in the certificate.
1.8 Aircraft that do not require a C of A
C of A shall not apply to the following aircrafts if their flights begin and end in
Malaysia and does not pass over another State:
glider used for flight lessons conducted by an approved flying school;
balloon flying on a private flight;
a kite;
an aircraft flying in accordance with the conditions of a permit to fly issued
by the CEO in respect of that aircraft.
Drone …
The CEO shall issue, in respect of any aircraft, a
C of A if he is satisfied that the aircraft is fit to fly having regard to:
Aircraft are categorised according to the purpose for which they fly;
Public Transport (Passenger) - Any purpose.
Public Transport (Cargo) - Any purpose other than carriage of
Aerial Work - Any purpose other than public transport.
Private - Any purpose other than public transport or aerial work.
Special - Any purpose, other than public transport, specified in the
Certificate of Airworthiness, but not including the carriage of passengers
unless authorized by CEO .
1.8 Issue, Renew and Validity of C of A by DGCA
This prohibits any further flights by the aircraft until the C of A for Export is
validated by the country it is re-registered in, or replaced by a Certificate of
Airworthiness issued by that country.
When issued it signifies, that, except for those significant derogations from
the requirements listed on the front, the aircraft is airworthy.
In addition to any other logbooks required by the MCAR, the following
logbooks shall be kept in respect of every Malaysian aircraft flying for the
purpose of public transport:
An aircraft logbook (AJL);
A separate logbook for each engine fitted in the aircraft; and
A separate logbook for each variable pitch propeller fitted to the aircraft
The issue of CMR should not exceed 4 calendar months for all aircraft type except for private
category aircraft of less than 2730kg MTWA, which shall not exceed 1 year.
1.11 Certificate Of Maintenance Review
The CMR requires only one signature.
A CMR shall be issued only by:
A LAME possessing a Type Rated License valid in at least two categories (other than
Category X Compasses), each category being appropriate to the particular aircraft type.
A person whom CAAM has authorized to issue a CMR in a particular case and in
accordance with that authority; or
A person authorized by an organisation approved by CAAM as being competent to issue
such a certificate and in accordance with that Authorization and Approval.
Should a minor adjustment of the Vital Point / Control System be necessary when the
aircraft is away from base, the second part of the duplicate inspection may be
completed by a pilot or flight engineer licensed for the type of aircraft concerned.
2.1 Aircraft Design Requirement
The Airworthiness Authority must approve an aircraft design before it can be legally
produced and flown.
It must follow the Approved Design Standards imposed by the Airworthiness Authority.
All countries in the world generally follow airworthiness standards as per ICAO Annex 8.
However the country to which the certified aircraft is to be exported may impose its own
additional design requirements before it can be certified in the importing country
Single failures of any component or system during any one flight are assumed.
These single failures should not prevent continued safe flight and landing, or significantly
reduce the capability of the airplane to cope with the failure.
Later failures during the same flight are assumed, unless their joint probability with the first
failure is shown to be extremely improbable.
2.1 Fail Safe Philosophy
Failure warning or indication to assure failure detection.
Crew procedures, after failure, to enable continued safe flight and landing.
Testability, the ability to check a system or component's airworthiness.
Designed failure-effect limits, the capability to sustain damage that limits the safety effects
of a failure.
Designed failure paths that control and direct the effects of a failure in a way that limits its
safety impact.
Margin of safety that allowed for any unforeseeable condition
Error tolerance that considers the adverse effects of foreseeable errors during the aircraft’s
design, test, manufacturer, operation and maintenance.
Designed failure paths that control and direct the effects of a failure in a way that limits its
safety impact.
Margin of safety that allowed for any unforeseeable condition
Error tolerance that considers the adverse effects of foreseeable errors during the aircraft’s
design, test, manufacturer, operation and maintenance.
2.1 Certification Specifications
Certification Specifications (CS) is a document specifying aerodynamics, engineering
design, construction and performance requirements which must be met before an
aircraft can be legally produced.
CS-E Engines
CS-P Propellers
The PMA parts may not necessarily have the original type certificate
holder’s endorsement.
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Date: 1 October 2002
1. Introduction
1.1 In the FAA system, Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA) Is one of the
production approvals granted to manufacturing organizations that want to produce and sell
modification or replacement parts directly to the public for installation on type certificated
products. PMA is unique as it is actually a combination of both production and design approvals. It
also includes installation approval for the PMA parts.
2.The engineering approval of the design of the PMA parts can be granted based on
subsitution by using means ranging from the normal tests and computations method to
reverse engineering. In respect of production, the PMA holder is required to establish a
fabrication inspection system. However. There is no requirement in the FARs for the PMA
holder to have a Quality Assurance Procedures Manual. such a manuals considered
2.2 Approval Process For TSO Product – CAA Malaysia
Application for the design and manufacture of any TSO product shall be made in writing
to CAAM. The following is required to be submitted by the applicant (minimum):
Description of the product and its specifications with brief functional
operation of the unit.
Drawings that reflect size and weight, materials, specials processes, power
supplies, system architecture complete with input and output
The Technical Standards Order (TSO) of the latest revision that is applicable
to the intended product with documentary
evidence to show compliance.
Certification Test Plan (CTP).
Software qualification per RTCA DO 178 or the equivalent EUROCAE
(for JTSO) requirement as applicable
2.2 Test Results (TSO) – CAA Malaysia
The completed test results shall be signed by the approved person of the organization,
and sub- mitted to CAAM, a Qualification Test Report as a prerequisite for the equipment
Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP) signed by the approved person shall be
submitted to CAAM.
The DDP is a declaration that the design of the product is in accordance with the
requirements of CAAM Malaysia.
They are issued by the National Aviation Authority from either the
manufacturer’s or
the airline’s country.
2.4 AD and Type Certificate
Airworthiness Directives effectively alter the original certification of the product.
Thus, an AD against a Type Certificated product becomes a part of the Type Certificate.
The Airworthiness Directives may also be raised due to change in aviation legislations
eg. mandating of TCAS and EGPWS.
2.4 Recurring/Periodic AD
An AD should provide for adjustment of repetitive inspection intervals to coincide
with inspections required by approved maintenance program inspections.
Any conditions and approval requirements under which adjustments may be allowed
are stated in the AD.
If the AD does not contain such provisions, adjustments are usually not permitted.
2.4 Alternative Means of Compliance
Many ADs indicate the acceptability of one or more alternative methods of
Any alternative method of compliance not listed in the AD must be approved by
the certifying Airworthiness Authority before it may be used.
The alternative method may recommend different actions necessary to address
the unsafe condition.
It may be stated in the AD itself e.g. an extra repetitive inspection in place of a
mandatory modification
2.4 CAM AD
For aircraft, engines, propellers or installed equipment for which Malaysia is the
State of Design and the Certifying Authority, CAAM will issue Airworthiness
Directives (AD) which will be known as CAM AD.
A summary of CAM AD will be issued in the form of an appendix known as
Appendix 2 of AN4 and the CAM AD will have the following numbering system:
S/No – month - year, e.g. 001 - 04 - 997.
2.4 VAM AD
For aircraft, engines, propellers or installed equipment for which Malaysia is the
Validating Authority and the State of Registry, the following will apply:-
Airworthiness Directives issued by the Certifying Authority or State of
Design of the aircraft, engines, propeller or installed equipment.
Airworthiness Directives issued by CAAM which be known as VAM AD.
A summary of VAM AD will be issued in AN4 Appendix 3 and the VAM AD will have
the following numbering system:
year S/No
e.g. 1997 - 002.
2.4 UK Manufactured Products
UK Register aircraft are required by law to comply with applicable Airworthiness
Directives (ADs) issued by the UK CAA, EASA, National Aviation Authority (NAA) of
the State of Design.
2.5 MEL
The MEL provides the means to release an airplane for flight with
inoperative equipment.
The intent is to permit operation for a limited period until repair or
replacement of the defective equipment can be accomplished.
It is important that repair be accomplished at the earliest opportunity.
The pilot in command has the final authority and may require that any
item covered by the Minimum Equipment List be repaired before flight.
2.5 Operator MEL
Operator's MEL is developed on the base of manufacturer’s Master MEL
(MMEL) and customised by the operator as a function of its own
operational policies and national operational requirements.
MMELs are not intended for operating use. Rather they act as the source
document from which an individual operator's MEL is developed.
Category D - Items which are in excess of regulatory requirements. They are not
required by the MMEL. These must be repaired within 120 consecutive calendar
days, excluding the day the malfunction was recorded in the logbook/AJL.
2.5 MEL Repair Extension
Dispatch of the aircraft is not allowed after expiry of the Rectification Interval specified
in the MEL unless the Rectification Interval is extended.
A one time extension of the applicable Rectification Interval B, C, or D, may be
permitted for the same duration as that specified in the MEL provided:
A description of specific duties and responsibilities for controlling extensions is
established by the operator, and
The Authority is notified within 10 days of any extension authorized
This normally involves, at the minimum, station maintenance personnel and the pilot in command.
In many instances flight dispatch, maintenance engineering, and a central maintenance control or
quality control organization will be a party to the decision.
Some airlines designate, in the body of their MEL, specific individuals or organizations that
have deferral authority for each item listed in their MEL.
2.5. Deferral Procedures
After the decision is made to defer, station maintenance personnel will:
Properly secure the deferred item.
Appropriately, placard the cockpit.
Clear the aircraft log/AJL by transcribing the item to a deferred log.
The deferred log is carried aboard the airplane.
Notify the record-keeping function within the airline, thus ensuring that the item is
properly tracked and scheduled for later repair.
Notify dispatch and/or the pilot in command that the item is deferred.
Notify other organizations within maintenance affected by the deferral; eg, main base
stores, line station maintenance, central maintenance control.
Dispatch and/or the pilot in command shall, as appropriate.
2.5 Configuration Deviation List (CDL)
Normally these will be access doors, fairings and non-structural parts.
Absence of these parts do not adversely affect the basic aircraft handling
and performance and are not considered as airworthiness items.
Configuration Deviation List (CDL) is a means of releasing the aircraft
with items missing from aircraft standard design configuration.
During the course of operation, certain secondary airframe or engine
parts may be missing from the aircraft.
Determination of items is done during type certification itself i.e. they
have been flight tested during certification.
The CDL is a part of the Approved Flight Manual.
2.5 Handling CDL Items
Rectification Interval does not exist for the CDL items but not allowed to be left unrepaired for
an unlimited period of time.
Decision for repair is under the operator responsibility.
Every effort should be made to maintain 100 % serviceability with rectification being
initiated at the first practical opportunity.
An aircraft must not be dispatched with multiple MEL/CDL items inoperative without the
Commander having first determined that any interface or interrelationship between
inoperative systems or components will not result in a degradation in the level of safety
and/or undue increase in crew workload.
In case of defect, engineering personnel will certify in the Technical Log/AJL, adjacent to
the appropriate defect, the MEL / CDL subject title, system and item number together with
any operational limitations.
When applicable, operational flight plan, take off and landing performance and fuel
requirement penalties must be taken into account due to inoperative equipment or
2.5 Handling CDL Items
When a CDL item is rectified,
engineering personnel should enter in the Technical Log / AJL identifying the item and details of
the rectification, including a statement that a statement that the CDL item has been removed .
2.5 CDL
2.5 Dispatch Deviation Guide (DDG)
With increasing complexity of aircraft and its systems, airlines reliance on the
manufacturer guidance for maintenance and flight operations matters has increased.
Frequently it involves tricky MEL/CDL matters.
With the advent of glass cockpit aircraft, the fault messages generated by the cockpit is
now tagged along with possible defect, defer and trouble- shooting advice.
DDG is produced to help the airlines in this respect.
Structures 50-59
Propellers/ Rotor 60-69
Accurate identification of incipient failures will allow economical repairs before extensive and costly damages take place.
Identify MSI
Train working groups in MSG-3 and airplane
training materials Working groups review manufacturer’ data
Preliminary MSG
3 systems and SC prepares & submits
powerplant analysis Maintenance Plan Proposal to FAA
Preliminary MSG
structure systems Airplane Maintenance Planning Document
Specialists in systems, structures, and components are members of the working groups.
They participate in the MSI analysis offering guidance, including recommendations for
specific tasks and inspection methods.
Cycle-influenced items include landing gear, wheels, tires and brakes, leading,
and trailing edge devices.
Flight cycles are the principal determinants of structural inspection items.
They impart stresses and loads on the structure resulting in fatigue.
These include gust and maneuvering loads and pressurization loads.
Engines are affected by the number of thermal cycles to which they are exposed,
particularly the application of takeoff power
2.6 Time-Influenced Items
Items subjected to operating wear and deterioration are related to the
operating hours they experience.
Typical examples include systems and components installed in the airplane.
Some items deteriorate not from use but merely the passage of time.
These items are related to calendar time rather than airplane use;
an example is emergency equipment.
2.6 Maintenance Recommendations
The product of the working groups' activities is a recommended list of inspection, check tasks,
and check intervals.
Inspection intervals may be expressed as flight time, calendar time, takeoff/landing cycles, and
pressurization cycles as may be appropriate to the item analyzed.
To select/adjust
systems tasks and
Zo nal ..
Validatio n
Maintenance Working Group
Policy and Procedures handbook
Maintenance Working Group
2.6 Maintenance Review Board
This draft is then reviewed by the MRB Chairperson and his/her advisors.
2.6 Maintenance Review Board
The MRBR outlines the initial minimum maintenance requirements to be used in the
development of an approved maintenance programme for the aeroplane.
The MRBR becomes the basis for the first issue of an air operator’s initial maintenance
With the MRB Report finalised, the maintenance programme for the aircraft is approved
by the certifying Airworthiness Authority.
the MRB only defines the basic type configuration, it will not cover buyer furnished
items such as customised avionics package and in-flight entertainment systems.
Another document is needed before a complete maintenance programme can be
Flight Time
10 80 40 1600 16000
Flight Time
2.6 Check Cycle Blocks
When compiling the maintenance schedule / program, the aircraft operator is to take
into factors as the areas and routes over which the various types of aircraft are to be
operated, frequency of operations and types of equipment necessary for operation.
2.7 Certifiers
Category A certifier means an Aircraft Maintenance Technician issued with DCAM Part 66 licence
for issuance of Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) with limited certification privileges.
Category B certifier means an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer issued with DCAM Part 66 licence
with full certification privileges as defined in Regulation 31 CAR 1996.
2.7 Category A and B1 Subdivision
Categories A and B1 are subdivided into subcategories relative to combinations of
aero- planes, helicopters, turbine and piston engines.
Category C certifying staff shall ensure that all work required on aircraft has been
accomplished during the particular base maintenance check or work package.
in the preceding 2 year period he/she has, either had 6 months of maintenance
experience in accordance with the privileges granted by the aircraft
maintenance licence or, met the provision for the issue of the appropriate
For all applicants, at least 1 year of the required experience must be recent maintenance
experience on aircraft of the category/subcategory for which the initial AML is sought.
2. the holder familiarises himself with the type by attending and passed required
examination an appropriate type course under an appropriate ATO or participate
in a training program acceptable to CEO.
3. To qualify for a CAAM type rating endorsement on a specific type of aircraft, the
applicant shall posses aircraft type certification privileges from an appropriately
approved maintenance organisation.
2.7 Type Training And Ratings Category A
May only exercise certification privileges on a specific aircraft type following
the satisfactory completion of the relevant Category A aircraft task training
by an approved maintenance organisation or ATO.
The training includes practical hands-on training and theoretical training as
appropriate for each task authorised.
Satisfactory completion of training shall be demonstrated by an examination
and/or by workplace assessment carried out by an appropriately approved
maintenance organisation or appropriate ATO.
Category B1 and B2
The holder of a category B1 or B2 AML shall only exercise certification
privileges on a specific aircraft type that when the aircraft maintenance
licence is endorsed with the appropriate aircraft type rating.
It is the responsibility of the individual concerned to ensure that they do not report
for duty or certify if they are genuinely unfit.
Such persons should also be aware of an organisation’s own internal policies and
monitoring procedures to verify the above.
3.1 Fitness
Licensed aircraft maintenance engineers are required by law to assess their
own fitness to carry out professional duties.
Sub-standard performance, subtle physical or mental illness or unusual
behaviour may not always be apparent to the individual
It will be noticed by colleagues of a team or supervisors who should notify
management so that appropriate support and counselling action can be
A decrease in mental fitness may be related to stress from within the
working environment or to personal circumstances of the individual.
Aggressive behaviour, vagueness and slippage of personal standards
(cleanliness, appearance etc.) may be indicative of more serious mental
Such issues may bring into question the ability of the individual to be
trusted or to maintain the necessary levels of concentration to take
appropriate decisions on airworthiness matters.
3.2 Fatigue
Tiredness and fatigue can adversely affect performance.
Excessive hours of duty and shift working, particularly with multiple shift
periods or additional overtime, can lead to problems.
Individuals should be fully aware of the dangers of impaired performance due
to these factors and of their personal responsibilities.
3.3 Stress
Stress can often be stimulating and beneficial but prolonged exposure to chronic stress
(high levels or differing stress factors) can produce strain and cause performance to suffer
allowing mistakes to occur.
We get acute stress ( typically intense but of short duration and chronic stress
( frequent recurrence or long duration ) respectively.
Stress factors can be varied,
physical – e.g. heat, cold, humidity, noise, vibration;
They can be due to ill-health or worries about possible ill-health;
They can also be from problems outside the workplace – e.g. bereavements, domestic
upsets, financial or legal difficulties.
A stress problem can manifest itself by signs of irritability, forgetfulness, sickness absence,
mistakes, or alcohol or drug abuse.
Management have a duty to identify individuals who may be suffering from stress and to
minimize workplace stresses.
Individual cases can be helped by sympathetic and skilful counseling which allows a return
to effective work and licensed duties.
3.4 Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Drinking problems or the use of illicit or non-prescribed drugs are
unacceptable where aircraft maintenance safety is concerned.
This period will vary depending upon individual circumstances, but may even
extend to 24 or 48 hours.
When load factors average 60%, 7% of flights will be full and unavailable for late-
booking passengers.
When load factors reach 70%, 21% of flights will have to turn away prospective
The higher the load factor, the more likely some passengers will experience service
inconvenience by finding their preferred departure fully booked.
Demand is highly cyclical, peaking and regressing at different hours of the day, days
of the week, and months of the year.
Demand can also ebb and flow, on a directional basis, depending on the season.
As a service industry, airlines are subject to constraints different from that of
Professor Newal Taneja notes three differences
an airline's output (a seat on a flight) cannot be inventoried to match
fluctuations in demand, as can most physical products;
air services, unlike manufactured goods and products, are produced and
consumed at the same time;
the customer participates in the service delivery system.
The industry has always had excess capacity, even during boom times.
4.2 Demand
Because its fixed costs are high and virtually impossible to pare
down without major negative ramifications, an airline can be bled dry
very quickly if beset by:
a recession,
slack demand,
insane price competition,
high labour costs,
high fuel prices
international terrorism.
In addition, during recession airline performance drops more deeply
than does the rest of the economy.
4.2 Costs
Airlines have relatively low variable costs (typically fuel and labor),
accounting for less than 25% of fully allocated costs.
Fixed costs, or constant costs are the dominant costs in the industry.
Once aircraft are purchased, crews trained, and flights scheduled, almost
all costs are fixed.
Difficulty in determining joint, or common costs
True for network carriers to determine how much of the cost of flying
from A to B must be attributed to the passengers connecting at B to the
flight flying them on to C
Or how much of the flight's cost should be attributed to the
transportation of belly cargo
4.2 Price
The airline industry has a tendency both to produce excess capacity and to price
its product below fully allocated costs.
The demand of consumers for schedule frequency produces tremendous excess
capacity with no shelf life, pushing costs up.
The widespread price elasticity of demand of discretionary travellers creates an
environment where lowering prices will sell highly perishable inventory.
Factors that drive prices down to levels which often fail to cover fully allocated
The demand of consumers for low prices
Perception that air transportation is a fungible commodity
Desire to sell as much of their abundant and perishable inventory as
4.3 Air Transport Operation
On December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the Wright Brothers
made the first recorded successful flight with powered, heavier-than-air
machine to achieve controlled and sustained flight with a pilot aboard.
More than ten years passed before first faltering efforts to launch scheduled
passenger services.
On January 1, 1914, the world’s first scheduled flight with a paying
passenger hopped across the bay separating Tampa and St. Petersburg,
Florida, USA.
World War I provided the first real spur to the development of commercial
aviation as air power began to be used and better aircraft were quickly
The war left a legacy of thousands of unemployed pilots and surplus aircraft
along with an appreciation for the future significance of this new technology.
However, air transport still suffered from limitations in terms of capacity and
1919 marked the first commercial international air transport service between England and
It was also the same year that with the Paris Convention that each country controlled the
airspace over its territory.
Governments played a crucial role in the next phase of aviation history.
In Europe, governments established new passenger airlines while on the other side of the
Atlantic, the American government heavily subsidized airmail.
Airmail was one of the earliest avenues via which air transportation became commercially
relevant because it helped to accelerate the velocity of the money supply and helped to better
tie together far-flung enterprises, facilitating the emergence of continental and intercontinental
US airmail also subsidized the emergence of the first major US passenger airlines.
By the eve of World War II, air travel was quite literally taking off, borne aloft by important
advances in technology.
Particularly important was the Douglas DC-3, the first airliner that could fly profitably without
government subsidies (air mail routes).
The 21-seat DC-3 was a long-range aircraft for its time, able to fly across the US
stopping just three times.
By 1941, 80% of all commercial aircraft in the US were DC-3s.
The DC-3 was a landplane; but on longer-haul, intercontinental routes,
flying boats remained common through World War II.
Flying boats, like the double-deck Boeing 314, were the largest commercial
aircraft until the building of the 747.
They could fly very long distances but their slow speeds undercut
their profitability.
And the market for long-haul travel was very small, partly because of the
extraordinarily high cost.
Many of the long-haul air services were to colonies and dependencies.
Only the elite or government officials was able to afford air travel.
War again encouraged the rapid growth of air transportation.
Indeed, it was only after World War II that air transportation became the
dominant mode of long-haul passenger travel in developed country markets.
In 1958, airlines carried more passengers than ocean liners across the
Atlantic for the first time.
Even more momentous, in October 1958, the Boeing 707 took its maiden
commercial flight.
The 707 was not the first jetliner, but it was the first successful one.
The 707 and other early jets, especially the Douglas DC-8, doubled the
speed of air transportation and radically increased the productivity of airlines
which enabled fares to fall.
Just a few years after the 707’s debut, jet service had been extended to most
major world markets.
In the years since the beginning of the Jet Age, commercial aircraft have
advanced markedly in capacity and range.
Just 12 years after the debut of the 707, the 747 made its maiden flight.
Not coincidentally, it too premiered on a transatlantic route from New York City.
The entrance of dozens of 747s into the market around the same time that
the Arab Oil Embargo triggered a worldwide recession led to a torrent of red
ink for early Jumbo enthusiasts like Pan Am; but the longer term effect was to
push real airfares ever downward, thereby democratizing aviation beyond the so-
called "Jet Set".
The 747 particularly the longer-range 747-400 version introduced in the late
1980s, has been nicknamed the “Pacific Airliner” because of its singular
significance in drawing Asia closer to the rest of the world and because Asia-
Pacific airlines have been major 747 customers.
Surprisingly, commercial jets have not improved in terms of speed.
The fastest airliners in regular use today are about as fast as the 707.
The only carriers to regularly operate it were British Airways and Air
France, and although many cities had Concorde services in the first
halcyon years of its early use, by the time the supersonic transport
(SST) was finally grounded in 2003, only London, Paris, New York, and
Washington had scheduled year-round services.
Alone, North America and Europe accounted for 70.4% of all passenger
movements in 2000, but this share is declining.
At any given time, there are more then 5,000 planes in the air over North
Meanwhile, on dedicated freighters and in the bellyholds of passenger
aircraft, a growing share of the world’s trade is carried.
Air transportation’s share of world trade in goods is only 2% measured
by weight but more than 40% by value.
For the international operations, freight can account to 45% of the
revenue of a regular airline.
Typically, air cargo relates to time sensitive, valuable or perishable
freight carried over long distances.
This is particularly suitable in supporting "just-in-time" production and
distribution strategies with low inventory levels.
Air cargo has also a niche market for emergency situations where the
fast delivery of supplies (e.g. medical, food) prevails over cost issues.
Efficient and affordable air freight has contributed to changes in diet by
making available new products or products in seasons during which they
would not be available, to changes in retailing and correspondingly to
changes in manufacturing.
The US, which emerged from World War II with by far the
strongest airline industry in the world, had wanted third and fourth
freedom rights to be freely exchanged as well.
Instead, these and the other rights have been the subject of hundreds
of carefully negotiated bilateral air services agreements (ASAs).
In an ASA, each side can specify which airlines can serve which cities
with what size equipment and at what frequencies.
The Chicago Convention of 1944 established the basic
geopolitical guidelines of international air operations, which became
known as the air freedom rights.
ASAs often include provisions that also regulate fares and the sharing of
revenue among the airlines serving a particular international route.
Yet even in international markets, the extent and degree of state intervention
has diminished.
An important trend in the past decade has been the proliferation of Open Skies
By the end of 2006, the US, for instance, had such agreements with nearly 80
Open Skies agreements can be viewed as a roundabout way for the US to gain
what it could not get at the 1944 Chicago Conference – relatively unfettered
access for American carriers to foreign markets.
Potentially the most important Open Skies agreement would be between the US
and European Union.
The financial woes of the industry have implications for the future of
air transportation for it is the great carriers that have provided the
launch orders for new airliners in the past.
Pan Am, for instance, launched the 707 and 747; United launched the
767 and 777; and Air France and Lufthansa provide the launch orders
for most of Airbus' airliners.
Seventh Freedom. The freedom to base aircraft in a foreign country for use
on international services, establishing a de facto foreign hub. Covers the right
to operate a passenger services between two countries (A and B) outside the
home country.
Eighth Freedom. The freedom to carry traffic between two domestic points in a
foreign country on a flight that either originated in or is destined for the carrier's
home country. Also referred to as "cabotage" privileges. It involves the right to move
passengers on a route from a home country to a destination country (A) that uses
more than one stop along which passengers may be loaded and unloaded.
Ninth Freedom. The freedom to carry traffic between two domestic points in a
foreign country.
Also referred to as "full cabotage" or "open-skies" privileges.
It involves the right of a home country to move passengers within
another country (A).
A salient issue remains that air freedoms are independent from trade agreements.
Therefore, a free trade agreement could exist between two nations, implying a
liberalization of commercial transactions and the opportunity for respective
corporations to invest.
However, their respective air carriers could still operate under the same commercial
restrictions than before the trade agreement.
This article is produced with the consent and courtesy of; Professor Jean-Paul Rodrigue,
Ph.D Dept of Global Studies & Geography Hofstra University, New York, USA 11549
Dated 28th March 2012.
5.0 Organisation and Management of the
5.1 Air Operator’s Certificate ( CAR 2016 Reg 110 ) AN 68
A Malaysian aircraft shall not fly for the purpose of public transport except
under and in accordance with the terms of an Air Operator's Certificate (AOC)
granted to the operator of the aircraft.
In addition to the Air Service Licence, aircraft flying for the purpose of public
transport must be certified that such flights are operated safely.
The AOC certifies that the holder of the certificate is competent to secure that
the aircraft operated by him on such flight is operated safely.
5.1 Requirements for Grant
The Director General shall grant an AOC if the applicant is:
competent, having regard to his previous conduct and experience
his equipment, sufficient in quality and quantity
acceptable organisation structure
staffing, sufficient in coverage and quantity
maintenance facilities
maintenance programme
other arrangements, especially at line stations to secure the safe operation
of his aircraft.
5.1 Certification Process
5.1 Pre-Application Phase
This phase includes the preliminary contact with the prospective operator
prior to the submission of a formal application.
The CAAM will make the potential operator aware of the regulatory
requirements, which must be met to obtain an AOC, and of the steps in the
certification process before the AOC may be issued.
5.1 Formal application
The formal application consists of a letter to CEO, CAAM containing the following
The name and address of the applicant and the main base of the proposed
Description of the applicant's business organization, corporate structure, and
names and addresses of those having a major financial interest;
Information on management organization and key staff members, including their title,
name, background, qualifications and experience;
Detailed information on flight operations;
Detailed description of how the applicant intends to show compliance with each
provision of the applicable code of air navigation regulations;
Specified financial data; and
Desired date for operation to commence.
It is essential that the applicant has a clear understanding of the form, content, and
documents required for the formal application.
5.1 Document Compliance
When the proposed operation meets the necessary financial, economics, and
legal criteria for the issuance of Air Service Licence or Air Service Permit, a
preliminary technical assessment of the operation will be undertaken.
The operator will first be required to submit to the CAAM the following
documents or their equivalent(s):
Aircraft Flight Manual(s)
Maintenance Manuals
Basic Operations Manual
Flight Attendant Manual
Minimum Equipment Lists and Configuration Deviation Lists
Flight Operations Officer or Dispatcher Manual
Weight and Balance Manual
Dangerous Good Manual
5.1 Demonstration and Inspection
CAAM will need to investigate thoroughly the operating ability of the
This relatively more detailed phase of the investigation will require the
applicant to demonstrate through day-to-day administration and
operations, including:
Organizational Structure/Management
Evaluation Operational Control Inspection
Training Programme Inspection
Training and Qualification Records Inspection
Flight and Duty Time Records Inspection
Station Facility Inspections
Emergency Evacuation Demonstration Ditching Demonstration
Proving Flights including En Route
Cockpit and Cabin Inspections
5.1 Certification
Following the completion of the assessment and inspection programme, the Flight
Operations Division will recommend to the CEO that the applicant is either:
limitations; or
In those cases where the application is successful, the CAAM will prepare:
5.1 AOC
When the AOC is issued, the operator should be provided at the same time with
copies of the approved Operations Specifications.
5.1 Application is Not Successful
Should the applicant be considered not yet capable of conducting the proposed
operation in the required manner,
an AOC will not be issued and the applicant will be so advised by letter, indicating
the reasons for the lack of approval.
Operating rules
Operating environment
Routes and areas of operation
Operator experience and capability
Aircraft fleet maintenance Organizational structure.
Third Freedom of The Air - the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air
services, granted by one State to another State to put down, in the territory of the first
State, traffic coming from the home State of the carrier
Fourth Freedom of The Air - the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air
services, granted by one State to another State to take on, in the territory of the first State,
traffic destined for the home State of the carrier
Fifth Freedom of The Air - the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air
services, granted by one State to another State to put down and to take on, in the territory
of the first State, traffic coming from or destined to a third State
The operator must have nominated post holders, acceptable to the CAAM, who are
responsible for the management and supervision of the key areas.
5.5 Key Areas: Engineering and Maintenance
Engineering and Maintenance is responsible for the control of maintenance and
accomplishment of all maintenance activities related to the aircraft fleet.
This includes responsibility for providing assurance that all aircraft are:
maintained in a compliant manner,
in accordance with manufacturer and vendor instructions, and
that their configuration is at all times in compliance with mandatory requirements.
ii) Aircraft maintenance staff should be provided with an area where they may study
maintenance instructions and complete continuing airworthiness records in a proper
iii) Secure storage facilities are provided for components, equipment, tools and material.
storage facilities for serviceable aircraft components should be clean, well-ventilated
and maintained at an even dry temperature to minimise the effects of condensation.
Manufacturer’s storage recommendations should be followed for those aircraft
identified in such published recommendations.
Adequate storage racks should be provided and strong enough to hold aircraft
components and provide sufficient support for large aircraft components such that
the component is not damaged during storage.
All aircraft components, wherever practicable, should remain packaged in their
protective material to minimise damage and corrosion during storage.
A shelf life control system should be utilised and identity tags used to identify
Unserviceable components should be segregated and stored in a separate
secured location from serviceable components.
Aircraft Operation In Malaysia
= RM6M
6.1 Indirect Operating Costs
The flight crews are also governed by strict duty rest period beyond which another
set of fresh flight crew is required.
The same economic consequences would also apply to any technical mishap
such as an aircraft incident in flight – caused by an engine flameout, system
malfunction or failures, causing an air turn back to the departing airport or the
nearest airport, and the implication would be more drastic if there were an
aircraft accident due to human error.
The design of airframes and engines affects the frequency and complexity of each
maintenance activity
The presence of different aircraft in the same fleet (because they are owned by
different (leesors) will require different maintenance programmes
The challenge of scheduling shop visits only when aircraft, engines and components
need them, yet also ensuring that maintenance capacity is fully utilised
is complicated by the industry's demand peaking - which means that at certain times of
the day, week, and/ or year every airline will want as many of its aircraft as possible
available for service.
There are three primary categories:
1.Labour Costs
2.Material Costs
3.Overhead / Burden
Assuming the availability of required facilities, there are three potential influences on maintenance
The Effectiveness of Maintenance Programme Design and Maintenance Planning
Labour Productivity
Inventory / Productivity
Advantages of outsourcing –
saving in capital costs associated with investment in hangars, bays, shops, and tooling
a smaller airline can benefit from the contractor's experience.
Direct maintenance costs ranges from between US $300 per flight hour to US
$1,800 per flight hour, depending upon many variables, such as aircraft type,
age, condition, operational parameters etc.
Airlines spend on average of US $870 in direct maintenance costs for every
flight hour (2011 figures).
Direct maintenance costs ranges from between US $300 per flight hour to US
$1,800 per flight hour, depending upon many variables, such as aircraft type,
age, condition, operational parameters etc.
Airlines spend on average of US $870 in direct maintenance costs for every
flight hour (2011 figures).
Maintenance Cost (MC) is decomposed in Direct Maintenance Cost (DMC) and
In- direct Maintenance Cost (IMC) as follows:
The 747 is the main long-haul airliner in use world-wide Designed before the
fuel price increases of the 1970's.
The 767 is a medium-haul successor to the original Boeing 707 jet airliner.
Designed when fuel prices were at a peak.
Looking at these costs it can be seen that total hourly maintenance costs were
25% for the 747
and 17% for the 767.
This is to be expected as the 747 is a much older aircraft and therefore requiring
more maintenance.
The share representing depreciation is much lower with the 747 than the 767.
Fuel costs dominate the costs for the 747, but for the 767, fuel costs are only slightly
greater than the other categories.
US $ per block $ %
Crew 504 23%
Fuel 720 32%
Depreciation & 596 27%
Rental B767
Total Maintenance 377 17%
(Other Items) 31 1%
Total Aircraft Cost $2,228 100%
B1.1/B2M10.6 Presentation V2.0 dated 05.09.11 T:1 Slide No. 46
6.5 Maintenance Man-Hours
IATA figures
Table shows Maintenance & Overhaul (M&O) proportions for some major operators in
The average percentage of M&O employees was 18% of the total employees.
6.5 Maintenance Man-Hours
Another measure of maintenance cost often used by operators is the ratio of
maintenance man- hours to aircraft flying hours.
Cost figures expressed in money are often influenced by inflation and exchange
rate fluctuations, whereas man-hour figures are not subjected to these
Man-hours can, however be influenced by technological changes and by
variations in experience and training requirements.
For example the new part 65 training and experience requirements will have a
major effect on the man-hours required to maintain aircraft.
The maintenance free aircraft is a dream, which is unlikely to become reality.
Technological developments such as Built in Test Equipment (B.I.T.E) can
improve the situation, but not cure the problem.
The aircraft engineer can only hope to provide a product with a good cost /
quality ratio.
Demand for air transport varies with time, as with many other goods.
There may be daily, weekly and annual demands that result in peaks at popular times.
The competitive market in which most operators’ work forces them into trying to meet
these peaks as reasonably as possible by making serviceable aircraft available at the peak
Aircraft maintenance has to be fitted into the spare time not required for commercial
Aviation Operation
7.0 Approved Maintenance Organisation
7.1 Approved Organisation (AN 6501)
With regard to this, part 145 has been raised as the standard adopted for
organizations that carrying out maintenance of aeroplanes, helicopters,
engines, aircraft components, heat treatments and other specialized
The JAR 145 standard succeeds the BCAR’s which CAAM had adopted
may be granted an approval in one or more groups as set out in the MCAR.
( Regulation 31/32 )
7.1 Approval of Organisations
Part 145 Class Ratings
A1 Primary Companies
Organisation Approval reference number should be quoted on all relevant documents.
The Terms Of Approval lists out the scope of work on products and activities granted
in the Approval.
The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager who has corporate
authority for ensuring that all maintenance required by the customer can be
financed and carried out to the standard required by this requirement.
The management team shall be responsible for all functions under this
Procedures shall make clear who deputises for any particular person in the
case of lengthy absence of the said person.
Workshop manager
responsible for ensuring that all work on aircraft components
is carried out to the standards and
responsible for any corrective action resulting from quality compliance monitoring
all of whom should report to the accountable manager.
The organisation shall ensure that certifying staff and category B1 and B2
support staff have an adequate understanding of the relevant aircraft
and/or components to be maintained together with the associated
organisation procedures.
Certifying staff must understand the relevant aircraft and/or components
before the issue or re- issue of the certification authorisation .
Category B1 and B2 support staff” means those category B1 and B2 staff in the
base maintenance environment who do not hold necessarily certification
“Relevant aircraft and/or components”, means those aircraft or components
specified in the particular certification authorisation.
Certification authorisation” means the authorization issued to certifying staff
by the organisation and which specifies the fact that they may sign
certificates of maintenance release within the limitations stated in such
authorisation on behalf of the approved organisation.
subject to
the licence remaining valid throughout the validity period of the authorisation
and the certifying staff remaining in compliance with Part 66.
The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff and category B1 and B2
support staff are involved in at least six months of actual relevant aircraft or
component maintenance experience in any consecutive two year period.
involved in actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance’ means that the
person has:
worked in an aircraft or component maintenance environment
exercised the privileges of the certification authorisation and/or
has actually carried out maintenance on at least some of the aircraft type
systems specified in the particular certification authorisation.
All certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff receive sufficient
continuation training in each two year period to ensure that they have up-to-
date knowledge of relevant technology, organisation procedures and human
factor issues.
The organisation shall establish a programme for continuation training for
certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff, including a procedure as the
basis for issuing certification authorisations to certifying staff, and a procedure to
ensure compliance with Part 66.
The organisation shall assess all prospective certifying staff prior to the issue
or re-issue of a certification authorization.
The organisation shall issue a certification authorisation that clearly specifies
the scope and limits of such authorisation
Continued validity of the certification authorisation is dependent upon
continued compliance to requirements.
The certification authorisation must be in a style that makes its scope clear
to the certifying staff and any authorized person who may require to
examine the authorisation.
‘Authorised person’ means the officials of the competent authorities, the
Agency and the Member State who has responsibility for the oversight of
the maintained aircraft or component.
The Quality System Manager shall be responsible on behalf of the organisation
for issuing certification authorisations to certifying staff.
He may nominate other persons to actually issue or revoke the certification
authorisations in accordance with a procedure as specified in the exposition
The organisation shall maintain a record of all certifying staff and category B1
and B2 support staff.
The staff records shall contain:
details of any aircraft maintenance licence held under Part-66;
all relevant training completed
the scope of the certification authorisations issued, where relevant, and
particulars of staff with limited or one-off certification authorisations
The organisation shall retain the record for at least two years after the certifying
staff or B1 or B2 support staff have ceased employment
The certifying staff shall be given access on request to their personal records as
detailed above.
Certifying staff shall produce their certification authorisation to any authorised person
within 24 hrs.
The minimum age for certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff is 21
The organisation shall establish and control the competence of personnel involved in
any maintenance, management and/or quality audits.
The organisations may also use appropriately task trained category A certifying
staff to carry out minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect
The availability of such category A certifying staff shall not replace the need for
Part-66 category B1 and B2 certifying staff.
However, such Part-66 category B1 and B2 staff need not always be present at the
line station during minor scheduled line maintenance or simple defect
Continuation training is a two way process to ensure that certifying staff remain current in
terms of procedures, human factors and technical knowledge and that the organisation
receives feedback on the adequacy of its procedures and maintenance instructions.
Ensure that feedback is formally passed from the training department to the quality
department to initiate action.
The quality department shall be involved to ensure that feedback is actioned.
Continuation training should cover:
changes in relevant requirements
changes in organisation procedures
modification standard of the products being maintained
human factor issues identified from any internal or external analysis of incidents.
In many cases the continuation training will:
reinforce the need to follow procedures
ensure that incomplete or incorrect procedures are identified to the company in
order that they can be corrected.
This may lead to the possible need to carry out a quality audit of such procedures.
Continuation training should be of sufficient duration in each 2 year period and
may be split into a number of separate elements.
For an organisation that maintains aircraft components, the content of
continuation training should be related to relevant quality audit findings and it is
recommended that such training is reviewed at least once in every 24 month
Maintenance organisation exposition is a document that contains the material
specifying the scope of work deemed to constitute approval and showing how the
organisation intends to comply with this requirement.
The organisation shall provide CAAM with a maintenance organisation exposition,
containing the following information:
When the accountable manager is not the chief executive officer of the organisation then
such chief executive officer shall countersign the statement;
the organisation's safety and quality policy;
the title(s) and name(s) of the persons nominated;
the duties and responsibilities of the persons nominated, including matters on which they may
deal directly with the competent authority on behalf of the organisation;
an organisation chart showing associated chains of responsibility between the persons
a list of certifying staff and B1 and B2 support staff; a general description of manpower
In order to determine the work items to be considered, the following maintenance tasks
should primarily be reviewed to assess their impact on safety:
Establish procedures to minimise the risk of multiple errors on an aircraft
Ensure that no single person is required to carry out a maintenance task on more than
one system on the same aircraft during a particular maintenance check.
When only one person is available to carry out these tasks, include in the work card an
additional stage for re-inspection of the work by this person after completion of all the
same tasks.
Maintenance procedures shall be established to ensure that damage is assessed,
modifications and repairs are carried out using data approved by the Agency or by an
approved design organisation, as appropriate.
Installation, rigging and adjustments of flight controls, Installation of aircraft engines,
propellers and rotors,
Overhaul, calibration or rigging of components such as engines, propellers,
transmissions and gearboxes,
Previous experiences of maintenance errors, depending on the consequence of the
failure, Information arising from the Occurrence Reporting System
In order to prevent omissions, every maintenance task or group of tasks should be
To ensure that the task, or group of tasks, is completed, it should only be signed-off
after completion.
Work by unauthorised personnel (i.e. temporary staff, trainee, etc.) should be
checked by authorised personnel before they sign-off.
The grouping of tasks for the purpose of signing-off should allow critical steps to be
clearly identified.
A “sign-off” is a statement by the competent person performing or
supervising the work, that the task or group of tasks has been correctly
A sign-off relates to one step in the maintenance process and is therefore
different to the release to service of the aircraft.
“Authorised personnel” means personnel formally authorized by the
maintenance organisation to sign-off tasks.
“Authorised personnel” are not necessarily “certifying staff”.
7.7 State Safety Programme (SSP) CAR 2016 REG 167
The safety management responsibilities of the State, through compliance with SARPs,
the conduct of its own safety management functions and the surveillance of SMS’s
implemented in accordance with the provisions of ICAO Annex 19- Safety
Each State shall establish an SSP for the management of safety in the State, in order
to achieve an acceptable level of safety performance in civil aviation.
The SSP shall include the following components:
State safety policy and objectives;
State safety risk management;
State safety assurance; and
State safety promotion.
The SSP established by the State is commensurate with the size and the complexity of
its aviation activities.
The acceptable level of safety performance to be achieved shall be established by the
The following service providers are required to implement an SMS:
approved training organizations in accordance with Annex 1 that are exposed to
safety risks related to aircraft operations during the provision of their services;
operators of aeroplanes or helicopters authorized to conduct international
commercial air transport, in accordance with Annex 6, Part I or Part III, Section
II, respectively.
approved maintenance organizations providing services to operators of
aeroplanes or helicopters engaged in international commercial air transport, in
accordance with Annex 6, Part I or Part III, Section II, respectively;
organizations responsible for the type design or manufacture of aircraft, in
accordance with Annex 8;
air traffic services (ATS) providers in accordance with Annex 11; and
operators of certified aerodromes in accordance with Annex 14.
State Safety Oversight System.
The State shall promulgate a comprehensive and effective aviation law, consistent
with the size and
complexity of the State’s aviation activity and with the requirements contained in
the Convention on International Civil Aviation, that enables the State to
regulate civil aviation and enforce regulations through the relevant authorities or
agencies established for that purpose.
The aviation law shall provide personnel performing safety oversight functions
access to the aircraft, operations, facilities, personnel and associated records, as
applicable, of service providers.
Surveillance obligations.
The State shall implement documented surveillance processes, by defining
and planning inspections, audits, and monitoring activities on a continuous
basis, to proactively assure that aviation licence, certificate, authorization
and/or approval holders continue to meet the established requirements.
This includes the surveillance of personnel designated by the Authority to
perform safety oversight functions on its behalf.
Resolution of safety issues.
The State shall use a documented process to take appropriate corrective actions, up
to and including
enforcement measures, to resolve identified safety issues and shall ensure that
identified safety issues are resolved in a timely manner through a system which
monitors and records progress, including actions taken by service providers in
resolving such issues.
The service provider shall develop and maintain SMS documentation that describes its:
The service provider shall develop and maintain an SMS manual as part of its SMS
The service provider shall develop and maintain the means to verify the safety
performance of the organization and to validate the effectiveness of safety risk controls.
The service provider’s safety performance shall be verified in reference to the safety
performance indicators and safety performance targets of the SMS.
Safety Communication.
The service provider shall develop and maintain a formal means for safety communication
ensures personnel are aware of the SMS to a degree commensurate with their
conveys safety-critical information;
explains why particular safety actions are taken; and
explains why safety procedures are introduced or changed.
A SMS is a systematic, explicit and comprehensive process for managing risks.
SMS provides for goal setting, planning, and measuring performance. SMS is
woven into the fabric of an organisation and becomes part of the culture,
the way people do their jobs.
Annex 6 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation requires States to
mandate the implementation of SMS by Approved Maintenance
Organisations (AMO) by 1 January 2009.
The organisation shall establish a quality system in the exposition that includes the
Independent audits in order to monitor compliance with required aircraft/aircraft
component standards and adequacy of the procedures to ensure that such
procedures invoke good maintenance practices and airworthy aircraft and
A quality feedback reporting system to the quality person and ultimately to the
accountable manager that ensures proper and timely corrective action is taken in
response to reports resulting from the audit.
Appropriate facilities should be provided for all planned work, ensuring protection
from the weather elements.
Specialised workshops and bays are segregated to ensure that environmental and
work area contamination is unlikely to occur.
For base maintenance of aircraft, aircraft hangars are available on planned base
Ensure all tools, equipment and test equipment are controlled and calibrated
according to an officially recognised standard at a frequency to ensure
serviceability and accuracy.
Records of such calibrations and traceability to the standard used shall be kept by
the organisation.
All components shall be classified and appropriately segregated into the following
Components which are in a satisfactory condition, released on DCA Form 1 ,an
Authorised Release Certificate (ARC) or equivalent and marked.
Unserviceable components which shall be maintained in accordance with this
Unsalvageable components which are classified.
The organisation may fabricate a restricted range of parts to be used in the course
of undergoing work within its own facilities provided procedures are identified in
the exposition.
7.9 Approved Stores Procedures
Information to incorporate aeronautical parts from suppliers for aircraft, its
engines, propellers or equipment can be found in the DCA AN29.
Information and storage conditions for aeronautical parts can be found in CAAIP Leaf/BL
The User is the person or organisation incorporating the aeronautical part into an
aircraft, its engines, propellers, or equipment.
The Responsible Authority is the body in a foreign country, which exercises control in a
similar manner to the CAAM in respect of regulatory procedures and airworthiness
control of the item un- der consideration.
7.9 Originating source
All parts and materials used in the construction, servicing, maintenance, repair
and modification of civil aircraft must ORIGINATE from a CAAN APPROVED
SOURCE, or a source acceptable to CAAM.
In all cases the verifying document must bear the signature of an appropriately
authorised person.
7.9 Bonded Store
All organisations concerned with the manufacture, maintenance, repair and overhaul
of civil aircraft must maintain a BONDED STORE.
This store will contain ONLY those parts intended for aeronautical use and which have
been found to conform to all REQUIREMENTS.
Only serviceable aircraft parts and components shall be kept here.
Work cards and worksheets may be computer generated and held on an electronic
They should have:
adequate safeguards against unauthorized alteration
a back-up electronic database which shall be updated within 24 hours of any entry
made to the main electronic database.
Complex maintenance tasks shall be transcribed onto the work cards or worksheets
and subdivided into clear stage so ensure a record of the accomplishment of the
complete maintenance task.
Where the organisation provides a maintenance service to an aircraft
operator/customer who requires their own work card or worksheet system to be used
then such work card or worksheet system may be used.
In this case, the organisation shall establish a procedure to ensure correct completion
of the aircraft operators' work cards or worksheets.
The organisation shall report to the competent authority, the state of registry and
the organisation responsible for the design of the aircraft or component,
any condition of the aircraft or component identified by the organization that has
resulted or may result in an unsafe condition that hazards seriously the flight safety.
The internal occurrence reporting system shall: identify adverse trends, identify
corrective actions to address deficiencies.
The organisation shall furnish the reports and ensure that they contain all pertinent
information about the condition and evaluation results known to the organisation.
If the organisation is contracted by a commercial operator to carry out maintenance,
the organisation shall also report to the operator.
The organisation shall produce and submit the reports as soon as practicable but in
any case within 48 hours of the incident.
A certificate of release to service shall be issued before flight at the completion of any
New defects or incomplete maintenance work orders identified during the above
maintenance shall be brought to the attention of the aircraft operator for the specific
purpose of obtaining agreement to rectify such defects or completing the missing
elements of the maintenance work order.
A certificate of maintenance release shall be issued at the completion of any
maintenance on a component whilst off the aircraft.
The authorised release certificate or airworthiness approval tag constitutes the
component certificate of release to service .
When the organisation is unable to complete all maintenance ordered, it may
issue a certificate of release to service within the approved aircraft limitations.
The organisation shall enter such fact in the aircraft certificate of release to
service before the issue of such certificate.
If an aircraft is grounded at a location other than the main maintenance base due
to the non- availability of a component with the appropriate release certificate,
It is permissible, subject to the aircraft operator agreement, to temporarily fit a
component without the appropriate release certificate.
Up to a maximum of 30 flight hours or until the aircraft first returns to the main
maintenance base, whichever is the sooner.
Such components shall be removed by the above prescribed time limit unless an
appropriate release certificate has been obtained.
8.0 The Role Of CAA Malaysia As An
Aviation Regulatory Body
The safe conduct of air operations is achieved by an operator and CAAM working
in harmony towards a common aim.
The functions of the two bodies are different, well defined, but complementary.
The CAAM, working within the framework of law, sets and monitors the
The operator complies with the standards through a competent management
8.1 Departments in CAAM Malaysia
CAAM Malaysia is headed by CEO and assisted by 2 deputy CEO.
The one sector that relates to both CAAM 145 and CAAM 147
is the Airworthiness Sector which is headed by the Director of Airworthiness,
main objective being enhancing and promoting aviation safety through effective
and up to date airworthiness regulations and by encouraging industry to deliver
high standards of airworthiness . Airworthiness activities are
regulated through various processes , taking into consideration
all aspect of the airworthiness that affects safety , these processes
1. Engineering – ADs, Modifications and repairs , Approval of DOA and POA
2, Repair Stations – Investigation of Incidents and Defects, AMO/Repair Stations
3. Maintenance – C of A, Approval of Am and Facilities, Investigations ,CAM
4. Engineers Licensing – Examination, ATO , Licensing
5. Standards – Registration of all civil aircraft and aircraft mortgage, standards
development and update, analyze airworthiness data including all occurrence
reporting and service difficulty defects
The Airworthiness Sector carries the regulatory function in respect of airworthiness
through the establishment of standards, recommended practices and guidelines,
and their enforcement as required by the Civil Aviation Act [CAA] 1969.
The primary role of this Sector is to enhance and promote aviation safety through
effective and up-to-date airworthiness regulation and by encouraging industry to
deliver high standards of airworthiness.
Airworthiness activities are regulated through various processes, taking into
consideration all aspects of the airworthiness which have an impact on aviation
to enhance and promote aviation safety through effective and up-to-date airworthiness
regulation and Regulation processes include:
registration of civil aircraft,
certification of aircraft design and built standards,
licensing of aircraft maintenance engineers,
approval of relevant organizations, development of standards and
safety investigation.
8.1 Airworthiness regulating activities:
Certification of aeronautical products.
Issue of Airworthiness Directives.
Approval of Modification and Repair.
Approval of Design Organisations and Production Organisations.
Repair Stations
Investigation of Incidents & Defects.
Approval of Maintenance Organizations / Repair Stations
. Maintenance
Initial Issue and Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness.
Approval of Aircraft Maintenance & Facilities.
Continuing Airworthiness Maintenance.
Registration of all civil aircraft and aircraft mortgage.
The Flight Calibration Division of this sector provides navigational aids calibration
services locally and regionally.
Flight Crew Licensing is enforced upon pilots for various categories and type
This activity includes issuing, renewal and verification of pilots and flight engineers
Pilot licences processed are Private Pilot License (PPL), Commercial Pilot License
(CPL) and Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL).
The Airport Standards Division ensures that any aerodrome opened to public
transport operations shall meet the Annex 14 requirements in terms of facilities
and specifications.
The primary role of the Air Transport Division is to promote a sustainable,
economic and efficient air transport industry.
The BIT is the regulatory body that oversees the provision of ANS by the ANS
providers to ensure compliance with the national legislations, namely the Civil
Aviation Act 1969 and the Civil Aviation Regulations 2016, together with its related
ICAO Annexes to the Chicago Convention and ICAO Docs.
The Aviation Security Division is responsible for safeguarding domestic and international
civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference, as guided by the ICAO Annexes 9, 17
and 18, as well as DOC 8973 and DOC 9284.
The MAVA provides aviation related training to meet national and international needs;
for operational and management personnel.
Other aviation related management courses will be conducted towards building MAVA as a
centre of excellence for training.
MAVA also takes part in Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP) and provides
training for international participants under ICAO’s umbrella.
The Management Services Division oversees the housekeeping of the
department, including finance, administrative, service matters and welfare of the
officers and staff.
• Interpretation of Law
To assist DCA in interpreting relevant laws which are applicable in carrying out
DCA’s role in the aviation industry.
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22 — The Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) is set to
be upgraded into a statutory body to be known as the Civil Aviation Authority
of Malaysia (CAAM) through the formulation of the 2016 Civil Aviation
Authority Bill.
The Bill, among others, was formulated to meet the demand of the
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), which wanted all countries
which signed the Chicago Convention, to set up an autonomous civil aviation
authority to ensure the aspect of civil aviation safety would be efficiently
The Bill will help Malaysia to ensure all businesses involving the civil aviation
industry meet the standards and safety requirements of international civil
aviation as fixed by ICAO.
In addition, it will also play a role to regulate, coordinate and protect the civil
aviation industry from illegal disturbances and cooperate with any authority
responsible for investigating incidents involving aircraft.
The Bill, among others, also authorises CAAM to develop and encourage
national civil aviation industrial development programmes, conduct research
and be involved in search and rescue operations (S & R).
It provides for CAAM to be headed by a chief executive officer (CEO), who is
appointed on the advice of the minister of transport.
Once passed, CAAM would have the freedom to attract and maintain qualified
technical staff to ensure Malaysia’s obligations in ensuring the safety of the
national civil aviation industry is in line with ICAO’s aspirations.
Deputy Transport Minister when tabling the Bill in the Dewan Rakyat said the
second reading would be made in next year.
He also tabled a Bill to amend the Civil Aviation Act 1969 which among others
is aimed at changing the designation of director-general to chief executive
officer in line with the new Bill on CAAM.
The amendments in this Bill, among others, gives the minister of transport the
power to draw up regulations on safety in civil aviation, investigate mishaps
and serious aircraft incidents.
The amendments also will allow raised the penalties for dangerous flight
offences and intrusions into licensed or government aerodromes.
9.0 Aircraft Certification, Document And
The State of Design, upon receipt of satisfactory evidence that the aircraft type is in
compliance with the design aspects of the appropriate airworthiness requirements, shall
issue a Type Certificate to define the design and to signify approval of the design of the
aircraft type.
When a Contracting State, other than the State of Design, issues a Type Certificate for an
aircraft type, it shall do so on the basis of satisfactory evidence that the aircraft type is in
compliance with the design aspects of the appropriate airworthiness requirements.
A commercial transport aircraft will only be developed if the manufacturer finds that it is
The process starts with market surveys, discussion with potential airlines and world
economic forecasts.
The proposal floated is called the “paper aircraft”.
If the manufacturer decides to enter the market, engineering and manufacturing
studies are now done with the paper aircraft to ensure that the aircraft can be
operated economically and built cost-effectively.
Component and engine vendors are now consulted; the “paper aircraft” is thus refined
in terms of its range and performance.
As the “paper aircraft” design is finally agreed the aircraft design is said to be “frozen”.
A typical aircraft is designed for a typical 30-year economic life.
It involves the manufacturer and its partners’ huge sums of money.
After this, the manufacturer begins discussions with their National Aviation Authority
to familiarize them with the impending project.
This is advantageous to all parties as there is adequate time to define the project, brief
the participants on the design, begin development of a certification plan, and identify
Both parties are better able to forecast budgets and structure resources.
Issues will be resolved before they become problems.
9.1 Definition
Type Certification validates the conformity of the design to the basis of certification.
It applies to airplanes, power plants, and propellers.
It may require up to 5 years for a new airplane design.
It follows the Approved Design Standards and any additional conditions stipulated by
the National Airworthiness Authorities.
Flight limits
The National Airworthiness Authority’s flight test programme will lead to the
aircraft Flight Certification.
When full conformity to the Basis of Certification has been demonstrated
the design is awarded a Type Certificate.
Stage 3
Takeoff: Airplanes with:
More than three engines 106 EPNdB for maximum weights of 850,000 lb or more,
reduced by 4 EPNdB per halving of weight down to 89 EPNdB for 44,673 lb or less.
Three engines: 104 EPNdB for maximum weights of 850,000 lb or more, reduced by 4
EPNdB per halving of weight down to 89 EPNdB for 63,177 lb or less.
One or two engines: 101 EPNdB for maximum weights of 850,000 lb or more, reduced
by 4 EPNdB per halving of weight down to 89 EPNdB for 106,250 lb or less.
Stage 3
Sideline: Regardless of number of engines: 103 EPNdB for maximum weights of 882,000 lb or
more, reduced by 2.56 EPNdB per halving of weight down to 94 EPNdB for 77,200 lb or less.
Approach: Regardless of number of engines: 105 EPNdB for maximum weights of 617,300 lb
or more reduced by 2.33 EPNdB per halving of weight down to 98 EPNdB for 77,200 lb.
Stage 4 noise limit level is more stringent which restricts to much quieter than stage 3.
10 decibels (dB) quieter than Stage 3 – It applies to new aircraft designs submitted on or after
Noise measurements are mapped and form the aircraft noise footprint.
The aircraft noise footprint is made up of contours of equal-intensity sound measurements.
9.4 Noise Categories MCAR 2016 Reg 44
Regulation 44 – Noise Certificate
There is in force in respect of that aircraft a noise certificate which is: Deemed to
be issued by the Director General of Civil Aviation.
Issued or validated by the competent authority of the State in which the aircraft is
registered; or
All conditions subject to which certificate was issued are compiled with.
Noise Certificate
Means a certificate issued or validated or other document approved by the competent
authority of a State to the effect that the aircraft, to which the certificate or other
document relates, com- plies with the applicable noise certification requirements in force
in that state.
CAA Malaysia complies to current changes in ICAO Annex 16.
Noise certification level must achieve Stage 4 Noise Level from previously accepted Stage
3 Noise Level.
9.4 Noise Categories
DCA Airworthiness Notice 9101 – Statement Attesting Noise Certification.
SANC is issued by the DCA Airworthiness Division declaring regulatory compliance
with the standards and recommended practices prescribed in ICAO Annex 16 Vol. 1 –
Aircraft Noise Certification.
Noise certification level must achieve Stage 4 Noise Level from previously accepted
Stage 3 Noise Level.
All Malaysia registered aircraft conducting international air navigation shall carry
onboard the aircraft the Statement Attesting Noise Certification (SANC)
9.4 Approval of Modification (AN78 )
Modifications are changes made to a particular aircraft, including its components, engines,
propellers, radio apparatus, accessories, instruments, equipment, and their installations.
Substitution of one type for another when applied to components, engines, propellers, radio
installation, accessories, instruments and equipment, is also considered to be a modification.
A repair, the design of which has not been approved under the Type Certification process, must
be treated as a modification.
9.4 Requirements
It must be ensured that the proposed modification can be incorporated to the subject aircraft or its
The interrelationship between the modification and any other modification(s) incorporated will not
adversely affect the airworthiness of the modified product.
Inspection of appropriate documents of the aircraft or its components (such as log books and
modification record book) is necessary to determine the status or history of the subject aircraft or
its components.
Modifications contained in STC (FAA), STC (JAA) or AAN (UK), which is classified as OEM
Data, need not be submitted for approval.
9.4 Approved OEM (Original Manufacturer’s) Originated Data
Modifications which may be incorporated directly provided the instructions
and limitations of these are strictly followed:
Modifications contained in STC (FAA), STC (JAA) or AAN (UK), which is
classified as OEM Data, need not be submitted for approval.
Modifications contained in Service Bulletins approved by the authority for
State of Design, which are classified as OEM Data, need not be submitted for
Any deviation from the Approved Data shall be considered as a new
The data package for the modifications shall include information pertaining
to the operational limitations,
weight & balance changes,
Flight Manual Supplements and
amendments to the Illustrated Parts Catalogue (IPC) and
Maintenance Manual.
The Modification Record Book forms a part of the aircraft maintenance records.
A Modification Record Book of an imported aircraft is acceptable if certified by
originating country’s Airworthiness Authority.
9.4 Design Organisation Approval
An organisation responsible for the design of products, parts and appliances or
for changes or repairs,
shall hold a design organisation approval, issued by CEO of Civil Aviation
(CEO) Eligibility
Any organisation engaged or intending to engage in, any stage of design, of
aircraft, engine, propeller or aircraft part or appliance shall be eligible as an
applicant for a DOA.
Each application for DOA shall be made in a form and manner established by CEO and
shall include a draft of the Design Organisation Manual (DOM)
9.4 Design Assurance System
The design organisation shall establish and maintain a design assurance system for the
control and supervision of the design, and of design changes, of products, parts and
This design assurance system enables the organisation to:
ensure that the design complies with the applicable type-certification basis and
environmental protection requirements;
ensure that its responsibilities are properly discharged
monitor the compliance with, and adequacy of the documented procedure of the
This monitoring shall include a feed-back to a person having the responsibility to
ensure corrective action.
The design organisation shall furnish a DOM to the DGCA describing, directly or by cross-
reference, the organisation, the facilities, the relevant procedures and the products or
changes to products to be designed.
9.4 Duration and Continued Validity
A DOA is issued for a period of one year.
It will be renewed upon satisfactory CAAM annual audit and acceptance of annual
renewal fee .
Upon surrender or revocation, the certificate shall be returned to CAAM
It shall remain valid as stated in the certificate unless;
the design organisation fails to comply with the applicable requirements; or
CAAM is prevented by the holder to perform any investigations to determine
compliance with the requirements
the design assurance system cannot maintain satisfactory control and supervision of
the design of products or
the certificate has been surrendered or revoked by CAAM
9.4 Privileges
The holder of a design organisation approval shall be entitled to perform design activities
within its scope of approval:
To classify modifications and repairs as “Major‟ or “Minor”
To approve minor modifications and minor repairs.
To issue information or instruction containing the following statement: “The technical
content of this document is approved under the authority of the DOA Approval No.
To approve documentary changes to the aircraft flight manual, and issue such changes
containing the following statement: “Revision no. xxxxxxx to the AFM is approved
under the authority of the DOA Approval No. xxxxxx”.
To prepare and submit data packages for major modifications and major repair.
To enter into arrangements acceptable to CAAM for the production of approved designs
by organisations acceptable to CAAM
Only Production Certificate holders may manufacture the approved Type Certificate or
Supplementary Type Certificate design.
Production Certificate may be issued to;
1. Type Certificate holder.
2. Supplementary Type Certificate holder.
3. Licensee
It is not transferable.
It is only awarded if the organisation has an approved:
Administrative system.
Drawing system.
Quality control system. Adequate production facility.
The Quality Control should oversee the Production Certificate holder’s:
Material review board.
Inspection programme
The Production Certificate holder may:
Produce duplicate parts.
Perform repairs to produced aircraft/parts if so authorized.
9.4 . Definitions
Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) is a manual:
containing limitations within which the aircraft is to be considered airworthy, and
instructions and information necessary to the flight crew members for the safe operation
of the aircraft.
9.4 Applicability
Any Malaysian registered aircraft that is issued a Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) shall
include an Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM).
The two documents shall be submitted for CAAM Airworthiness Division’s approval.
For aircraft, which Malaysia is the State of Design, the proposed AFM amendments shall
be accompanied with CAAM’s Statement of Compliance (SOC) for CAAM Airworthiness
Division’s review and approval.
They shall develop organization procedures to ensure that:
The approval of AFM is adequately documented.
The AFM amendments/changes made by CAAM are adequately documented.
The above-mentioned procedures are documented prior to CAAM’s review of
an AOC application, or arising from changes within an AOC holder’s operation.
Basic Weight
• Basic Weight is the weight of the aircraft and all its basic equipment, plus the
declared quantity of unusable fuel and unusable oil.
• For turbine-engined aircraft less than 5700 kg Maximum Total Weight Authorized, it
may also include the weight of usable oil.
Basic Equipment
Basic Equipment is the inconsumable fluids, and the equipment, which is common to all
roles for which the Operator intends to use the aircraft.
Variable Load
Variable Load is the weight of the crew, of items such as the crew’s baggage, removable
units, and other equipment, the carriage of which depends upon the role for which the
Operator in- tends to use the aircraft for the particular flight.
Disposable Load
Disposable Load is the weight of all persons and items of load, including fuel and other
consumable fluids, carried in the aircraft, other than the Basic Equipment and Variable
Total loaded weight = Basic Weight + Variable Load + Disposable Load, which are to
be carried for the particular role for which the aircraft is to be used.
9.4 Weighing Report
Aircraft with MTWA exceeding 5700 kg, shall be:
reweighed within two years after the date of manufacture,
and subsequent check weighing shall be made at intervals not exceeding five years,
and at such times as CAAM may require.
A Weight and Balance Report shall be produced for each Prototype, Variant and Series
The equipment installed should not differ from that included in the declared list of
Basic Equipment associated with the Weight and Centre-of-Gravity Schedule or the
Loading and Distribution Schedule as appropriate.
The Basic Weight and the corresponding CG. position shall be determined and
entered in the Weight and Center-of-Gravity Schedule or in the Loading and
Distribution Schedule as appropriate.
A Weighing Record containing records of the weighing and the calculations involved
shall be made available to the DCA, and the Operator shall retain such records.
When the aircraft is again weighed the previous Weighing Record shall be retained
with the aircraft records
The weight schedule shall be preserved by the operator of the aircraft for a period of
six months following the next weighing
During type certification, the agreement between manufacturer and the
Airworthiness Authorities formalizes the Minimum Equipment as the Master
The principal criteria used when adopting an MMEL item are that:
An acceptable level of safety is assured after considering subsequent failure of the
next critical component within a system.
Any interrelationships between allowed inoperative items do not compromise safety.
Once adopted, a list is subject to periodic revision.
As operating experience is gained, revisions arise from needs from individual
operators petitioning the Airworthiness Authority.
There is no defined revision cycle.
Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
Any operator of Malaysian registered aircraft having a MMEL and is involved in public
transport/aerial work operations shall develop a MEL (based upon the MMEL).
9.4 Items of Aircraft Equipment Not Addressed by MMEL
Items of aircraft equipment not addressed by MMEL shall include equipment as required by
CAR, CAAM Airworthiness Notices (AN) and CAAM Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC).
The MEL shall also address any related equipment or systems modifications to Malaysian
registered aircraft.
The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness will determine the required number of
manuals required.
A broad listing of manuals are as follows
Maintenance Manuals (MM)
The primary reference tool for the LAE working on aircraft.
Airframe MMs cover an aircraft and all equipment installed on it.
Powerplant MMs cover areas of the engines that are not dealt within the airframe manual.
This manual is compiled by the manufacturer’s design office
MMs provide information on routine servicing, system descriptions and functions,
handling procedures, and component removal and installation.
MMs also contain basic repair procedures and troubleshooting guides for common
Maintenance information presented in these manuals is considered acceptable data by
CAAM, and may be approved data for the purpose of major repairs and alterations
Overhaul Manual (OHM)
OHMs contain information on the repair and rebuilding of components that can be
removed from an aircraft.
These manuals contain multiple illustrations showing how individual components are
assembled as well as list individual part numbers.
Illustrated Parts Catalogue (IPC)
IPCs show the location and part numbers of items installed on an aircraft.
They contain detailed exploded views of all areas of an aircraft to assist the technician in
locating parts.
Approved parts are controlled here provided it is current and not superseded by
mandatory instructions.
Wiring Diagram Manual (WDM)
The majority of aircraft electrical systems and their components are illustrated in
individual wiring manuals.
Wiring manuals contain schematic diagrams to aid in electrical system troubleshooting.
They also list part numbers and locations of electrical system components.
For repair of serious damage, structural repair manuals are used.
These manuals contain detailed information for repair of an aircraft's primary and
secondary structure.
The repairs described in a structural repair manual are developed by the manufacturer's
engineering staff, and thus are usually considered approved data by CAAM.
One way manufacturers communicate with aircraft owners and operators is through
service bulletins and service notes.
Service bulletins are issued to inform aircraft owners and technicians of possible design
defects, modifications, servicing changes, or other information that may be useful in
maintaining an aircraft or component.
On occasion, service bulletins are made mandatory and are incorporated into
airworthiness directives to correct an unsafe condition.
The above documents must be revised and/or updated and available for each aircraft
The owner is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft and shall
ensure that:
The aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition,
All operational and emergency equipment is correctly installed and serviceable,
The airworthiness certificate remains valid,
The maintenance of the aircraft is in accordance with the approved maintenance
Any person or organisation performing maintenance shall be responsible for the
tasks performed.
When the aircraft is leased, the responsibilities of the owner are transferred to the
lessee if:
The lessee is stipulated on the registration document, or;
Detailed in the leasing contract.
Pre-flight inspection
This inspection must be carried out by the pilot or another qualified person
Need not be carried out by an approved maintenance organisation or by Part-66
certifying staff.
The owner of an aircraft may contract the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness
to an approved Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO)
In this case, the CAMO assumes responsibility for the proper accomplishment of these
An owner who decides to manage the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft under its
own responsibility, may make a limited contract with an approved CAMO for the
development of the maintenance programme and its approval.
In this case, the limited contract transfers the responsibility for the development and
approval of the maintenance programme to the contracted CAMO.
In the case of large aircraft, the owner of an aircraft shall ensure that the tasks
associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by an approved CAMO.
A written contract shall be made. the CAMO assumes responsibility for the proper
accomplishment of these tasks.
Maintenance of large aircraft, aircraft used for commercial air transport and
components thereof shall be carried out by a Part-145 approved maintenance
Certificate of Airworthiness renewal application (Form JPA-AP2), together with the appropriate
fees must have been completed and received by CAAM.
Submission to CAAM of the pro-forma by organisation/person approved by, or acceptable to
CAAM at least 30 days before the aircraft and aircraft records are presented for inspection.
The applicant shall made available the aircraft and aircraft records including the required
Airworthiness Flight Test Report and associated load sheet and CMR for CAAM inspection.
All work required to be done on the aircraft for the renewal of the C of A shall be carried out
under the supervision of organisation/person approved by, or acceptable to CAAM.
All particulars of the work done shall be entered in the appropriate log book or in a separate
maintenance record which shall be numbered for identification purposes and a maintenance
release (CRS-SMI/BMR) shall be issued.
A CMR shall be issued in accordance to the requirements of CAAM and a copy to be placed
onboard the aircraft.
The applicant shall determine and provide a weighing report including any weight change record
and a weight and CG Schedule of the aircraft.
The applicant shall provide the necessary personnel and equipment to facilitate the required
inspections by CAAM.
Appendix 1 to AN2 provides details of the minimum information which must be
included in the pro-forma associated with Certificate of Airworthiness issue and
Operators/Maintenance Organisations are encouraged to present their proposed
pro-forma for comment by the Airworthiness Division before printing.
The Certificate of Airworthiness shall reflect the airworthiness design code to
which the aircraft type was certified and its validity shall not exceed a period of
12 months.
Aircraft for which the Certificate of Airworthiness has expired for more than 1 year
is considered INACTIVE.
CAAM AN89 explains the requirements of maintenance schedule to operators or
aircraft owners as required by the Regulation 31 CAR 2016
An aircraft will not be issued or renewed with Certificate of Airworthiness unless it is
maintained in accordance with the approved maintenance schedule / program, to
which it applies.
A maintenance schedule/ AMP is a document which describes:
the specific scheduled maintenance tasks and
their frequency of completion and other procedures related to the accomplishment of the
necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft and to ensure that the airworthiness of the
aircraft is preserved on a continuing basis.
It is mandatory for an operator to provide an approved maintenance schedule for use and
guidance to maintenance personnel and operational personnel concerned,
Copies of all approved amendments to the maintenance schedule shall be furnished
promptly to organization and personnel responsible for maintenance of the aircraft.
The following information shall be included in the approved maintenance
schedule/ AMP for each aircraft type:
1. Maintenance tasks and intervals at which this must be performed, taking
into account the anticipated utilization of the aircraft.
2. When applicable, continuing structural integrity program and / or
corrosion control program.
3. Procedures for changing or deviating from (1) and (2), where required.
4. When applicable, condition monitoring and reliability program
description for aircraft systems, components and powerplants.
5. Maintenance task and interval that have been specified as mandatory by
the manufacturer shall be identified as such.
1. Operators are required to base the maintenance schedule on the
maintenance program and recommendations of the manufacturer and
where necessary, any applicable operating experience.
2. . Operators are required to review the Continuing Airworthiness
Information and consider the applicability to the aircraft type operated.
3. In this respect, the requirements of Airworthiness Directives or
Alert/Mandatory Service Bulletin must be implemented, as applicable.
4. Operators must take into account the Human Factor Principles, when
designing and applying the maintenance schedule.
An operator, AOC Holder or aircraft owner shall submit to CAAM a maintenance
Schedule/ AMP, for approval before intending to operate any aircraft.
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NOTE 1 : A fatal injury is an injury in death within thirty days of the accident.
requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within seven days from
the date the injury received; or
result in fracture of any bone (except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose); or
technological obsolescence,
escalating cost of maintenance
question of safety
AAWG is tasked with the structural airworthiness aspects of the aging aircraft
ATSRAC to look into the continued airworthiness of non structural systems, which
include the electrical wiring and fuel tank safety
Defined as structure that has been shown to withstand repeated load of variable magnitude
expected during its service life without detectable cracks.
Principal Structural Elements (PSE).
Are those elements of structure which contribute significantly to carrying flight, ground,
and pressurization load and those failure could result in a catastrophic failure of the airplane.
The following criteria were adopted in the development of the Airworthiness Limitations
Analysis and Test
Operating stress level
Static/fatigue margins of safety
Severity of consequence of damage
Operational experience on the aircraft fleet
Manufacturer test data
Operational Susceptibility
Accidental damage
Stress corrosion
Manufacturing defects
Normal airplane operations are assumed for Damage Tolerance Assessment and typical
variations of flight range and gross weight of the aircraft are also taken into consideration.
Execution of the program:
3. Arrestment of the Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD) and Multi Site Damage (MSD) – Aging
Airplane Safety Rule (AASR).
Tasks in the Maintenance Schedule to mitigate the risks of WFD.
Revision of SRMs to account for the possibility of WFD and MSD as they are subjected
to rigorous DTAs (Damage Tolerance Analysis) by the OEMs.
From the results of the analysis, repairs deemed fit to last shall be left on the airplane
while those that failed to meet static strength requirements shall be immediately
removed from the airplane.
The continuality of the ETOPS Type Design Approval is dependent on satisfactory global
in-service experience of the said type.
This is under the purview of the type certifying authority.
For example, the FAA, for Boeing and other American aircraft,
EASA, for Airbus and other European aircraft.
10.7 ETOPS Operational Approval
An operator’s twin-engine aircraft can only operate ETOPS flight if authorized by Operation
Specification Approval issued by the local Airworthiness Authority (CAAM for Malaysia).
The operator has to prove that:
it has the appropriate experience with the considered airframe/engine combination and,
it is familiar with the considered area of ETOPS operation
ETOPS Operational Approval issued by CAAM does not refer only to the approval of the
operator's flight operations organisation and procedures but, more broadly, to all of the
following aspects:
aircraft configuration,
maintenance practices,
ETOPS training dispatch practices.
On the satisfaction of the DCA that the above conditions are met, these documents
are amended:
Crew Manual / Operation Manual
Operator’s MEL
Company’s Engineering Manual
All company ETOPS-related engineering procedures are mandatory and is in the
ETOPS Maintenance Manual.
Upon satisfactory application, the CAAM will grant to the airline an Operational
Approval to conduct ETOPS flight with a given maximum diversion time.
This Operational Approval can be in the form of . an approved Operations
Specification containing the appropriate limitations.
The ETOPS Operational Approval is for
75, 90, 120, 138, 180 minutes
not exceeding the Type design approval for the aircraft itself.
10.7 ETOPS Operational Approval
CAAM currently provides ETOPS operational approval on a route-to-route basis.
Maximum permitted diversion time upon entry into service of airframe/engine combination is
120 minutes.
The continuality of the ETOPS Operational Approval shall depend on the good In-Flight
Shutdown (IFSD) rate for the operator’s ETOPS fleet.
Any ETOPS-related incident must be highlighted to CAAM within 24 hours.
London Heathrow (LHR) United Kingdom --- Keflavik International (KEF) Iceland --- Kangerlus- suaq (SFJ)
Greenland --- Goose Bay (YYR) Canada --- John F Kennedy International (JFK) United States
10.7 RVSM, RNP , PBN and BRNAV
It is an ICAO requirement that the state of registry of the aircraft to maintain an approval process
for grant of each operational approval for flights into areas designated for
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM), Required Navigation Performance (RNP),
Performance Base Navigation and Europe Basic Area Navigation (BRNAV).
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) means vertical separation between aircraft of
300m (1000ft) between FL 290 and FL 410 both inclusive
RVSM Approval
To operate in the notified RVSM Airspace, both the Operator and the aircraft will need to be
RVSM approved.
The containment value is the distance from the intended position within which, flights
would be found for at least 95% of the time.
For example, if the accuracy of an RNP type is 10nm (RNP-10) it is assumed that, for
95% of the total flying time, an aircraft would maintain a lateral position within 10nm of its
air traffic control (ATC) cleared position.
Basic Area Navigation (BRNAV)
is basically the European airspace requirement where
aircraft built or modified with the approved navigation systems with the capability of position
updating from traditional radio aids
which have an RNP-4 capability.
Approval will be granted based on the Minimum Aircraft System Performance Specification
(MASPS) from the authority of type design of the aircraft.
Acceptable document references required for RVSM Approval are:
Aircraft made to FAR requirements
specified in FAA Doc. 91-RVSM, Interim Guidance Material for RVSM.
The equivalent guidance material for aircraft made under EASA
EASA (Temporary Guidance Leaflet No. 6) will need to be complied with.
Acceptable document references required for RNP-10 approval are:
Aircraft made to FAR requirements need to comply with the airworthiness requirements
specified in FAA Order: 8400-12A, Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP-10), Operational
The equivalent guidance material from EASA as applicable, will need to be complied with for
aircraft made under EASA
Basic Area Navigation (B-RNAV) is the forerunner of the RNAV programme.
It was introduced to enable capacity gains to be achieved through modifications to the
en-route structure.
Acceptable document references required for BRNAV approval
Aircraft shall comply with EASA Administrative and Guidance Material, Leaflet No. 2, Rev 1:
AMJ 20X2
Aircraft made to FAR requirements need to comply with the airworthiness requirements
specified by FAA.
Aircraft made to EASA rules shall comply with the applicable airworthiness requirements of
EASA for that particular type of aircraft.
Application for approvals for aircraft originating from other than FAA and EASA will require
further detailed investigation by the CAAM, and will be reviewed in case by case basis.