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Lecture Notes

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Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychologists are interested in

common patterns of development and growth and the
way in which people differ throughout the lifespan.

Continuity and Discontinuity

 Developmental stages are periods during which physical or

psychological functioning differs qualitatively from that of
either earlier or later periods.
 A critical period is a sensitive time in organism's development
when organism may acquire particular behavior conditional on
the occurrence of certain stimuli and events.

Nature and Nurture

 Nature-nurture controversy - long-standing debate over

relative importance of heredity and learning in many aspects
of functioning.
 John Locke, British philosopher, believed that human infants
born without knowledge or skills.
 Jean Rousseau, French philosopher, argued that we bring into
our world our evolutionary legacy.

Physical Aspects of Development

Development begins at conception when sperm cells unite with the


 23 chromosomes from each parent unite at conception to form

 Period from conception to birth called the prenatal period.

Stages of Prenatal Development

 Stage of zygote - shortest, from conception until approximately

2 wks later.
o Ovum usually fertilized in one of fallopian tubes.
o Zygote takes 7 days move down fallopian tubes to
o Zygote takes another 7 days to be firmly implanted in
wall of uterus.
 Stage of embryo - lasts 6 weeks, from week 2 to week eight.
o At Beginning three types of cells can be differentiated.
 Some become the nervous system
 Some will become internal organs
 Others become muscles, skeleton, and blood
o Unborn organism most sensitive to external or
environmental influences.
 Stage of fetus - longest, lasting until birth.
o Organs grow and begin functioning
o Arms and legs move by end of third month
o By 7 month reaches viability - can survive if born
o Fetus ready to be born at about 270 days.

Environmental Influences On Prenatal Development

 During rapid stage prenatal development, even small

environmental disturbances can have serious and lasting
 Maternal malnutrition - increases in miscarriages, stillbirths,
and premature births.
o Deficiencies in specific vitamins and minerals
o Calcium deficiencies -- development of bones and teeth
in fetus
o Nutrient deficiencies may adversely affect mother.
 Drugs and chemicals
o Smoking by mother - low birth-weight, hearing defects
o Smoking mother may have more miscarriages, stillbirths,
and babies who die soon after birth than mothers who do
not smoke.
o Alcohol - heavy drinking increases probability of having
smaller babies and babies with retarded physical growth,
poor coordination, poor muscle tone, and intellectual
retardation; collectively these are called fetal alcohol
 FAS leading preventable cause of birth defects
leading to mental retardation.
 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates 8,000
babies born with FAS every year in US.
 Total abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy
best advice.
o Psychoactive drugs such as heroin and/or cocaine
 Babies may be born addicted leading to painful
withdrawal and hospital stay averaging 42 days.
 Low birth weight, difficult regulating sleep/waking
cycles, and symptoms of FAS.
o Drugs should be used with great care and only after
consulting with physician.
 Tetracycline taken during pregnancy colors fetal
bones and teeth yellow.
 Even aspirin become suspect as potential
 Maternal stress causes hormone changes and reduces oxygen
available to fetus.
 Role of father
o one third Down's syndrome babies result from difficulties
with sperm
o Undernourishment, alcohol or drug abuse, or stress in
father near time of conception may have developmental
consequences on child.

Motor Development

 First two weeks of life newborn referred to as neonate.

 Neonate capable wide range behaviors
o Reflexes
o Useful purpose
o More than dozen reflexes in neonate.

All human senses function at birth -- Infants focus on objects at 1 or

2 feet; visual acuity shows 3 to fourfold improvement during first

 Perception of Depth and Distance

o "Visual Cliff" used to test depth perception in young
o Even 6 month old children not venture over deep side,
even to get their mothers...
 Neonates hear very well
o Sound localization - 3 to 10 minutes after birth
o Respond to differences in pitches and loudness.
o 3 day old newborns discriminate sound mother's voice.
 Newborns respond to differences in taste and smell
o Discriminate between the four basic taste qualities,
preferring sweet-tasting liquids.
o Sense of smell may develop before birth
Cognitive and Social Development

 Neonates engage in simple learning tasks

o Learn through classical conditioning
o Head turning and sucking movements brought under
control through operant conditioning
 Friedman demonstrated memory in neonates 1 to 4 days old -
using habituation method.
 Robert Frantz -
o Babies prefer look at more complex patterns
o Neonates show preference for drawing of human face

Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

Centers on acquiring schemas ... Processes for organizing and

forming mental representations

 Assimilation - taking in new information and fitting it into

existing schemas
Accommodation - changing and revising existing schema in
face of new experiences or new information.

Stages of Cognitive Development

 Sensorimotor stage (0 to 24 months) discover by sensing and

o Causality important schemas learned
o Object permanence develops
 Preoperational stage (2 to 6 years) thinking is self-centered or
o Begin to use symbols - usually words
o Do not understand how to manipulate symbols
o Animistic thinking - imagining inanimate objects having
life and mental processes
o Centration - too focused on single perceptual quality to
notice or understand event.
 Concrete operations stage (7 to 12 years) begin develop many
concepts and show they can manipulate concepts
o Conservation develops
o Begin operate - use and manipulate - on concepts and

Formal operations stage (over 12 years) abstract, symbolic

reasoning and ability deal with hypothetical problems develop.

Kohlberg's Stage Theory Moral Development

 Consists of six stages of development

o Preconventional level very rule focused
o Conventional level - blind acceptance social convention
and need for social approval
o Postconventional stage reflects complex, internalized
 Carol Gilligan challenges Kohlberg's data.
o Moral reasoning in females different from males
o Males concerned with rules, justice, and individual rights

Females concerned with caring, personal responsibility,

and interpersonal relationships.

Erik Erikson - Psychosocial, stage theory of


 Lists eight stages of development covering entire life span:

o trust/mistrust -
o autonomy/doubt -
o initiative/guilt -
o industry/inferiority -
o identity/role confusion -
o intimacy/isolation -
o generativity/self-absorption -
o integrity/despair -

Each stage consists of series of conflicts or crises that must be

Major strength is that it covers entire life span


A strong, two-way emotional bond, usually referring to relationship

between child and mother or primary caregiver.

 Protects child while providing child freedom to explore

 Strong attachments likely to be formed if adult sensitive to
needs of child
 Promoted by spontaneous hugging, smiling, eye contact, and
Secure attachments in infancy tend to lead to sociability,
higher self-esteem, better relationships with siblings, fewer
tantruming or aggressive behaviors, better classroom
behavior, more empathy for others, fewer behavioral problems
at later ages, and better attention spans/confidence in problem


Adolescence is stage that begins at onset of puberty.

In many societies, rites of passage, or initiation, mark transition from

childhood to adulthood. Usually take place around puberty. Serve as
public acknowledgment of transition from childhood to adulthood.

Adolescence is period of transition.

 Biologically - begins with puberty

 Psychologically - development problem-solving skills and
increase reliance on symbols, logic, and abstract thinking.
 Socially - between childhood and adulthood.

Onset Adolescence marked by two biological changes.

 Growth Spurt - marked increase in height and weight.

 Sexual maturation - in males the appearance of live sperm in
semen; in females the first menstrual period - the menarche.

The major task of adolescence is resolution of identity crisis, the

struggle to define and integrate sense of who one is, what one is to
do in life, and what one's attitudes, beliefs, and values should be.


Psychological markers

 In dependence, taking responsibility for one's actions and no

longer being dependent on one's parents.
 Interdependence - building new commitments and intimacies
in interpersonal relationships.

Adulthood is three overlapping periods

 Early Adulthood - 18 - 45 years

 Middle Adulthood - 45 to 65 years
 Late Adulthood - after 65 years

Early Adulthood

 At peak during 20s and 30s

 Two important decision making processes
o Choice of mate and family
o Choice of job or career

Middle Adulthood

 Place in framework of society fairly well set by time one is 40

 A time of transition and reexamination
o Own mortality
o Sensory capacities begin to diminish
o Gray hair and middle age spread
o Time is running out sense may lead to mid-life crisis
o For most is time of great satisfaction and true

Tasks of Middle Adulthood

 Accepting and adjusting to physiological changes of middle

 Reaching and maintaining satisfactory performance in
 Adjusting to aging parents and/or assisting teenage children
become happy and responsible adults.
 Achieving adult social and civic responsibility
 Relating to spouse as a person
 Developing leisure-time activities

Late Adulthood - early to mid-60s

 Number increasing
 By 2000 make up 20 percent of population
 Ageism - discrimination or negative stereotypes formed on
basis of age.
Kubler-Ross described five stages in facing one's own death:

 denial
 anger
 bargaining
 depression and
 acceptance

 Many dying patients do not fit this pattern

 Dying people may be forced into and through these stages
instead of letting them face death their own way.
 Many dying patients do not fit this pattern
 Dying people may be forced into and through these stages
instead of letting them face death their own way.

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