d. Right not to be harmed (An/R,EMR) Ethics in Research Ethical Trustworthiness CLASSIFIED EXAMINATION Rationale: Self-determination (Option A) means that prospective FOR CRITICAL TEST ANALYSIS participants have the right to decide voluntarily whether to participate RESEARCH CONCEPTS & STATISTICS in a study, without risking any penalty or prejudicial treatment. Full LOCAL NURSING LICENSURE EXAM disclosure (Option B) means that the researcher has fully described Prepared by: Mr. Ejay M. Reantillo, RN the nature of the study, the person’s right to refuse participation, the researcher’s responsibilities, and likely risks and benefits. Privacy Warning: This material is protected by Copyright Laws. Unauthorized use shall be prosecuted in the full extent of the Philippine Laws. For and confidentiality (Option C) pertains to participants’ right to expect exclusive use of CBRC reviewees only. that any data they provide will be kept in strictest confidence. The right not to be harmed (Option D) is non-maleficence. . 1. The nurse was asked by her colleague. “What are the possible 5. Nurse researcher Ejay has fully described to prospective nursing areas that we can focus our research on?” Which of the study participants the nature of the study, their rights to following areas will not be provided as an answer by the nurse? refuse participation and likely risks and benefits that would a. Nursing Administration c. Community Health be incurred, he ensured that prospective participants have b. Nursing Practice d. Nursing Research the right to ask questions, to refuse to give information, and (K,R/R,PPR) to ask for clarification: He has done: Introduction to Nursing Research a. Full disclosure c. Informed Consent Sources of Evidence in Nursing Research b. Fair treatment d. Debriefing Rationale: Nursing research is a systematic inquiry designed to (Ap/EMR,SQC) develop trustworthy evidence about issues importance to the nursing Ethics in Research profession, including nursing practice (Option B), nursing education, Belmont Report nursing administration (Option A) and informatics (Pollit and Beck, Rationale: Full disclosure (Option A) means the researchers have 2012). fully described to prospective participants their rights and the full 2. A clinical instructor was asked by a student “Why are we nature of the study. Justice includes the right to fair treatment (Option conducting nursing research?” The most appropriate response B) is under the principle of justice, wherein study participants have from the clinical instructor is: the right to fair and equitable treatment before, during, and after their a. “We conduct nursing research because incentives and participation in the study. Informed Consent (Option C) means that funds are available for researchers.” participants have adequate information regarding the research, are b. “We do research because we want to enhance the capable of comprehending the information, and have the power of services for the recipients of nursing care.” free choice, enabling them to consent to or decline participation to c. “We formulate researches because the body of knowledge develop trustworthiness voluntarily. of nurses will be furthered.” d. “Nursing research is important for us because it is part of 6. Omega group studied interpersonal conflict among workers the professional and personal adjustments.” in a company in Batangas City. A questionnaire is (C,U/R,PPR) distributed and was mailed to over 500 hired workers in a Foundations of Nursing Knowledge company, asking them about the type and frequency of any Definition of Nursing Research interpersonal conflict they had experienced in their job. The Purposes of Nursing Research questionnaires were returned without any identifying information. This is an example of? Rationale: Nursing research is a systematic inquiry designed to a. Confidentiality c. Autonomy develop trustworthy evidence about issues of importance to the b. Anonymity d. Justice nursing profession. It is designed to guide nursing practice and to (C/R,EMR) improve the health and quality of the life of nurses’ clients. (Polit and Justice Beck, p.3.) Confidentiality and Anonymity Rationale: Anonymity (Option B) occurs when the researcher cannot 3. All but one are included in the primary roles of nurses in nursing link participants to their data. A promise of confidentiality (Option A) research: is a pledge that any information participants provide will not be a. Principal Investigator publicly b. Evaluator of research findings reported in a manner that identifies them and c. Subject in studies will not be made accessible to others. Autonomy (option C) is self- d. Financer of a research determination. Justice (Option D) refers to being fair. (K/R) Roles of Nurses in Research 7. During the defense of the students, the panel of critiques Rationale: The Roles of Nurses in Nursing research are: found out that the research group had made up some of the Principal Investigator data in their study, and edited some of the results that’s why Member of the Research Team they had difficulty defending their study. Which of the Research Finding User following is described the violation done by the group? Identifier of research problem a. Plagiarism c. Fabrication Client Advocate b. Falsification d. Research misconduct Evaluator of research findings (Ap/R/EMR) Subject Ethical Issues in Research Option D is not included in the Roles of Nurses in Nursing Research Rationale: The phrase, “the research group has made up some of the data in their study” is a form of fabrication (Option C) – made 4. An 85 year old client in a nursing home tells a nurse, “I signed the papers for that research study because the doctor was so up the results of the study, while “edited some of the results” is a insistent and I want him to continue taking care of me”. Which form of falsification (Option B) – manipulated the results. All these client right is being violated? three, plagiarism, falsification and fabrication, are forms of a. source Rightwasof downloaded self determination research misconduct (Option D). This study by 100000891974070 from CourseHero.com on 11-12-2024 06:02:05 GMT -06:00 b. Right to full disclosure DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -1- https://www.coursehero.com/file/194256998/Ejay-Research-Concepts-and-Stat-N2015-Keypdf/ 8. In general, research with vulnerable subjects should be d. Describe the characteristics, opinions, attitudes or undertaken only when the investigator has determined that the behaviors of certain population about a current issue or risk/benefit ratio is low. The following are considered vulnerable event subjects except: (C,R) a. Mrs. Reantillo, 89 years old who is living with her daughter. Types of Nursing Research according to nature b. JV Revilla, an institutionalized person at Provincial Jail. Experimental and Non-experimental Research c. Sarah Balabagan, an AIDS/HIV+ subject. Rationale: Experimental studies are explicitly designed d. Shamcey, a sixth day post-partum mother. to test causal relationships. Option A is a description of (K/R,SQC,EMR) experimental research. Vulnerable subjects Rationale: Vulnerable subjects includes children, mentally ill or 13. If the nurse plans to conduct a true experimental study, emotionally disabled people (Option A), severely ill (Option C) or he/she must be able to have the following essential physically disabled people, terminally ill, pregnant women, and components, except: institutionalized people Option B). a. Manipulation/Intervention b. Control group 9. Which of the following ethical requirements is the most difficult c. Randomization to satisfy when conducting a placebo-controlled randomized d. Quota sampling clinical trial? (K,C,U/R,PPR) a. Ensuring the privacy of the research participants. True Experimental Research b. Obtaining informed consent from all research Rationale: A true experiment is characterized by the following participants. properties: (1) Manipulation – Option A; (2) Control – Option B; and c. Protecting research participants from unnecessary risks. (3) Randomization – Option C. Option D is not included. d. Providing the best available treatment for all research participants. 14. Which of the following is true in an experimental study? (An/R,EMR,SQC) a. Clients most likely to perform the best are assigned to Ethics in Research the experimental group Placebo b. Subjects are randomly assigned to both Rationale: experimental and controlled group 1`uey c. Conditions affecting the subject are left uncontrolled 10. An ethical review board is needed to determine the ethical d. The control group receives the therapy being studied protocol of a certain study. Which of the following is considered (Ap/R,PPR) the least person to choose as part of the ethical review board? Characteristics of Experimental Research a. Medical Health Worker b. Priest Rationale: Option A – A true experiment employs randomization, so each b. Legal Counsel d. Ordinary bystander member of the population has an equal chance to be assigned as the (An/R,EMR) experimental group. Option B is a characteristic of a true experiment. Option C – Control is one of the elements of a true experiment. Option D – The Ethical Trustworthiness control group does not receive an intervention or treatment. Ethical Board Committee 15. A research project was started by a nurse in the oncology Rationale: An Institutional Review Board must have 5 or more department. It seeks to determine the effects of cutaneous members, at least one of who is not a researcher (e.g. member of stimulation among children suffering from skin cancer. the clergy or a lawyer may be appropriate). One IRB member Which of the following is the control group in the research? must be a person who is not affiliated with the institution and is a. Group of children with skin cancer who will be not a family member of a person who is affiliated. To protect subjected to cutaneous stimulation against potential biases, the IRB cannot comprise entirely men, b. Group of children with skin cancer who will not be women, or members from a single profession (Polit and Beck, p. subjected to cutaneous stimulation 195). c. Both A & B d. Effects of cutaneous stimulation 11. Nurse Erwin is planning to conduct basic research for her post (An/R) graduate studies. Which of the following is true about pure Experimental vs. Control Group research? Rationale: Option A – is the experimental group. Option B is the a. Develops theories that increase the knowledge about a control group. Option C is wrong, only Option B is the control group. certain phenomenon Option D is the treatment or intervention. b. Aims to solve day-to-day concerns or issues c. Aims to establish a cause and effect relationship among 16. What type of experimental research design has manipulation variables of independent variable, no randomization and/or d. Service as the basis for further research comparison group but has efforts to compensate for this (An/R,PPR) lack? Types of Nursing Research according to purpose a. True Experimental c. Pre-experimental Basic and Applied Research b. Quasi-experimental d. Non-experimental Rationale: Basic/Pure research is designed to extend (E/R) the base of knowledge in a discipline for the sake of Types of Experimental Research knowledge production or theory construction. Option A is Rationale: (Option B) Quasi-experiments, involve the an example of pure research. Option B is an apllied manipulation of an independent variable, that is, an research. Option C is an example of experimental intervention. However, quasi-experimental designs research. Option D can be an applied research. lack randomization to treatment groups, which characterizes true experiments (Pollit and Beck, 2012). 12. If the nurse wanted to create an experimental research, he or she must be able to understand that the primary purpose of this 17. Which of the following studies is based on quantitative research is to: research? a. Test the cause and effect relationship among the a. A study examining the bereavement process among variable under a controlled situation spouses of clients with cancer b. Study something after the fact b. A study examining client’s feelings before, during and This study source was downloaded by 100000891974070 from CourseHero.com on 11-12-2024 06:02:05 GMT -06:00 c. Predicts the future based in past events after a medical treatment. DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -2- https://www.coursehero.com/file/194256998/Ejay-Research-Concepts-and-Stat-N2015-Keypdf/ c. A study experiences or smoking behavior of an social unit. Option B Ethnography is focuses on the culture of a group individual of people, with an effort to understand the world view of those under d. A study measuring the effects of sleep deprivation study. Option C - grounded theory An approach to collecting and on the functional health pattern. analyzing qualitative data that aims to develop theories and (Ap/R) theoretical propositions grounded in real-world observations. Option Quantitative Research D - Phenomenology is an approach to thinking about what life Rationale: Option A is a qualitative research. Option B is a qualitative experiences of people are like and what they mean research. Option C is also a qualitative research. Option D is a quantitative research. 23. At the middle of data collection, the nurse would like to create 18. Quantitative researchers are highly structured type of a theory that will explain the phenomenon of mothers who are research that requires collection of data through senses. In terminally ill. The primary research design that the nurse will conducting a quantitative research, researchers are use is. expected to: a. Case study c. Grounded Theory a. Gather in-depth information b. Ethnography d. Phenomenology b. Seek patterns in findings (An/R) c. Use inductive reasoning Types of Qualitative Research d. Gather empirical data Rationale: (C,R,PPR) Rationale: Option A -case study A research method involving a Characteristics of Quantitative Research thorough ,in-depth analysis of an individual, group, institution or other Rationale: Option A, B and C is done in a qualitative research. Option social unit. Option B Ethnography is focuses on the culture of a group D is a characteristic of quantitative research. of people, with an effort to understand the world view of those under study. Option C - grounded theory is an approach to collecting and 19. An investigator distributes a questionnaire to a sample of ex- analyzing qualitative data that aims to develop theories and nurses in an attempt to discover their reasons for leaving the theoretical propositions grounded in real-world observations. Option profession. This is best described as: D - Phenomenology is an approach to thinking about what life a. A quasi-experiment c. An experiment experiences of people are like and what they mean b. A survey d. A social model (K,C,An/R) 24. The nurse will be immersed in a community because she is Instrument Tool in Quantitative Research conducting an ethnographic study. She will utilize participant Rationale: Option B- A survey is designed to obtain observation. Which of the following clearly describe participant information about the prevalence, distribution, and observation? interrelations of variables within a population. a. The observation of participants in the study b. The observation of the researcher’s input to a study 20. Which of the following studies is based on qualitative c. Participation in a group while studying it research? d. The study of observational and clinical techniques a. A study measuring differences in respiratory rate (C,An/R) before, during and after a procedure Ethnography; Instrument Tool b. A study examining client’s reactions to anxiety Participant Observation and pain after open heart surgery. Rationale: Participant observers participate in the functioning of the c. A study measuring nutrition and weight loss/gain in social group under investigation and strive to observe. Option A,B clients with diabetes mellitus. and C – is a non participant observer. d. A study examining therapeutic levels of lithium among bipolar patients 25. The nurse was asked “What kind of research design, according (An/R) to time dimension, will the nurse employ to determine the trend Qualitative Research of gaining knowledge among nursing students from their first Rationale: Option A, C and D are examples of quantitative research. year to the day that they graduate?” What is the nurse’s Option B is a qualitative study. response? a. Cross-sectional c. Longitudinal 21. The nurse wants to know the life of mothers who are newly b. Retrospective d. Prospective diagnosed to have terminal cancer. She has decided to focus (Ap/R,PPR) on the meaning of their experiences. Which of the following Types of Research According to Time research designs is the most appropriate? a. Ethnography c. Phenomenology Rationale: The study was conducted in a long period of time, b. Grounded theory study d. Case study therefore it is a longitudinal research (Option C). Option A - cross- (Ap/R) sectional design A study design in which data are collected at one Types of Qualitative Research point in time. Option B – studies past events. Option D – studies or Rationale: Ethnographic research (Option A) is used to study a predicts the future. certain group of people, ethnic race or culture. Grounded theory (Option B) is a theory developed from the data collected. 26. A group of researchers from LPU took a series of blood Phenomenological research (Option C) is used to study a certain samples from their subjects. They classified them into blood phenomena or real-lived experience of people. Case study (Option types and Rh factors. What level of measurement describes D) is an in-depth analysis of an individual, group,institution or other the category made? social unit. a. Nominal c. Ratio b. Ordinal d. Interval 22. The nurse decided to use an in-depth investigation on small (An/R) number of participants to capture their interesting and unique Level of Measurement Data stories about coping with cancer. The approach is known as: a. Case study c. Grounded Theory Rationale: Option A - nominal measurement, involves assigning b. Ethnography d. Phenomenology numbers to classify characteristics into categories. Option B - Ordinal (Ap/R) measurement involves sorting objects on the basis of their relative Types of Qualitative Research standing on an attribute according to order. Option C - Ratio scales Rationale: Option A -case study A research method involving a have a rational, meaningful zero point. Option D – Interval thorough ,in-depth analysis of an individual, group, institution or other This study source was downloaded by 100000891974070 from CourseHero.com on measurement 11-12-2024 is a -06:00 06:02:05 GMT quantitative data with no absolute zero point.
DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -3-
https://www.coursehero.com/file/194256998/Ejay-Research-Concepts-and-Stat-N2015-Keypdf/ Blood types are Type A, B, AB, O. these are classifications, therefore weeks if administered within 8 hours after injury. The study the data belongs to nominal measurement. covers a three month period. In the following distribution of data: 43, 44, 44, 45, 45, 46, 46, 46, 1. On the basis of the nature of the investigation, which of 47, 48 the designs listed below would allow the researchers to 27. From the distribution above, what is the mode? have the most confidence that the corticosteroids is a. 46 b. 45 c. 47 d. 43 effective in improving the motor and sensory outcomes Rationale: The mode is the score value that appears most frequently. of patients with spinal cord injury. a. Quasi or semi-experimental design 28. Determine the range of the distribution above. b. Non-experimental design a. 5 b. 6 c. 45 d. 43 c. Experimental design Rationale: Range is the difference between the highest score and the d. Retrospective-Prospective study lowest score. R = 48 – 43 = 5 2. Which of the following is present in conducting the 29. The researchers would like to determine the difference of above study? the responses regarding the effectiveness of cooperative learning of those who are irregular students versus the a. Experimental group c. Variables regular students of a nursing college. The researchers will b. Subjects d. Control group utilize a questionnaire with an interval data and cumulative means garnered. What is the most appropriate statistical 3. The target participants of the intended study are treatment will be the most appropriate? homogenous in the variables being measured. In a. Chi square c. Analysis of Variance determining the sample size, the researchers should b. t-test d. Mean include how many participants in the study? (Ap/R) a. 500 c. 30 Inferential Statistics b. 10 d. 100 Rationale: Chi-square (Option A) is a test of association that requires nominal data. T-test (Option B) is a test of difference between 2 scores. Analysis of Variance (Option C) is a test of difference 4. In the above study, the researchers manipulate the between 3 or more groups, while the mean (Option D) is the variable under study. Which of the following variables average. is sufficient for the effect to occur? a. Clients with spinal cord injury 30. The researchers also would want to determine the b. Injection of corticosteroids within 8 hours after injury differences of the effectiveness of cooperative learning as c. Research methodology perceived by the different year levels of the College of d. Motor and sensory outcomes patients with spinal cord Nursing (from first year to fourth year). Same questionnaire injuries were utilized. They asked their adviser what statistical tool they will utilize. The research adviser will most likely answer 5. The manipulated variable to the experimental group is the said question by saying that the most appropriate tool is: a. Pearson r c. t-test the: b. Analysis of Variance d. Chi square a. Improved recovery and lessen hospitalization period (Ap/R) b. Questionnaire in gathering pertinent data Inferential Statistics c. Improved motor and sensory outcomes Rationale: Pearson r (Option B) is a test of correlation between 2 d. Injection of corticosteroids within 8 hours post spinal variables. Analysis of Variance (Option B) is a test of difference cord injury between 3 or more groups. T-test (Option C) is a test of difference between 2 scores. Chi-square (Option D) is a test of association that requires nominal data.
31. Moreover, the researchers would like to determine if the
effectiveness of cooperative learning as a strategy is directly related to the student’s age. They are curious if there is an increasing effectiveness of the said strategy when age is NOTES: also increasing or vice versa. The most appropriate statistical tool for the said inquiry is: a. t-test c. Spearman rho __________________________________________________ b. Pearson r d. ANOVA __________________________________________________ (Ap/R) __________________________________________________ Inferential Statistics __________________________________________________ Rationale: T-test (Option A) is a test of difference between 2 scores. __________________________________________________ Pearson r (Option B) is a test of correlation between 2 variables. __________________________________________________ Spearman rho (Option C) is used in comparing 2 ordinal measurements. Analysis of Variance (Option D) is a test of difference between 3 or more groups. -END- “All successful men and women are POST SCRIPT QUESTIONS BIG DREAMERS. Situation: A team of researchers is conducting a study on the effect of high dose corticosteroids in improving the motor and -EMR- sensory This outcomes study source of patients was downloaded with spinal cordfrom by 100000891974070 injuries within 6 on 11-12-2024 06:02:05 GMT -06:00 CourseHero.com
DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -4-