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May 5th 2024

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Welcome to Queen of All Saints Parish

May 5th, 2024, Sixth Sunday of Easter

Mass Schedule—Heures des Messes
Monday 9:30 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole Saturday 4:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s Sunday 9:00 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole
Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole (French) 11:00 a.m. St. Augustine’s
Thursday 1:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy 4:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy
Friday 12:00 noon St. Augustine’s 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
First Saturday of the month Mass is celebrated each month at 10:00am
St. Augustine’s Church / Confessions available.
Saint Lawrence O’Toole Mondays 10:00am to 12:00noon
St. Augustine’s Wednesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Our Lady of Mercy Thursdays 11:00am to 1:00pm
Throughout the month of May we will have a special altar at Saint Augustine’s Church
devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Any items you wish to include for display on the
Altar can be brought in throughout the month, statues, medallions, petitions, letters,
prayers, pictures of loved ones, flowers, rosaries, etc. The May Altar will be available for
public devotion during the month of May before and after each mass.
Daily Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration: To honor the month of Mary, Queen of all
Saints, the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be prayed daily at 6:30pm at
St. Augustine’s Church. Following each rosary, will be a period of Eucharistic Adoration.
Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Intercede for us!

Monday Memorial: St. Francois de Laval

2 Timothy 4:1-5; John 10:11-16
Tuesday Acts 16:22-34; John 16:5-11
Wednesday Acts 17:15, 22-18:1; John 16:12-15
Thursday Acts 18:1-8; John 16:16-20
Friday Acts 18:9-18; John 16:20-23
Saturday Acts 18:23-28; John 16:23-28
Sunday Ascension of the Lord: Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Mark 16:15-20

Weekly Offering—Thank you for your generosity!

St. Augustine’s: Envelopes: $2,445.00 (101 env.); Loose: $1,027.40; Building Fund: $65.00 (3 env.);
Candles: $83.75; Pre-Authorized: $2,645.00 (49 env.).

Saint Lawrence O’Toole: Envelopes: $620.00 (24env.); Loose: $85.00; St. Vincent de Paul: $70.00 (2 env.);
Pre-Authorized: $265.00 (8 env.).

Our Lady of Mercy: Envelopes: $1,164.00 (27 env.); Loose: $106.00; Community Garden: $20.00; Kitchen
Renos: $75.00; Missals: $10.00; Pre-Authorized: $150.00.
Sat 4 4:00pm St.A Late Anna Mary (Dutcher) Innes Linda Cuthbertson
Sun 5 9:00am SLOT Late Marie-Celine Thebeau Alfred Thebeau
11:00am St.A Late Jack McDermott Ann Marie and Family
4:00pm OLM Earle Leaman Odette Babineau
7:00pm St.A Late Vitaliano Escalona Alivit Escalona
Mon 6 9:30am SLOT Late Jim Tuck Danny and Nicole Sullivan
Tues 7 7:00pm St.A Special Intentions Bobbie Kervin Frank Cameron
Wed 8 4:00pm SLOT Cecile Meunier Clarence and Maria Richard
Thurs 9 1:00pm OLM Bradley McShane Leonard McShane
Fri 10 12:00noon St.A Deacon Frank Quinn Frank and Elizabeth
Sat 11 4:00pm St.A Thanksgiving Anil
Sun 12 9:00am SLOT Late Doris Lirette Yvonne LeBlanc
11:00am St.A Late Juanita Knorr Family
4:00pm OLM Tom Clements Muriel and Marion
7:00pm St.A Late Desire Lirette Jeannette Lirette

We pray for the sick including

Norman & Pauline Gagnon, Harvey Gagnon, Anna Curtis,
Bobbie Kervin, Matthew Maillard, Fr. Laurence Quin Morris, Frank Quinn
We also pray for those who have died including
Jessie Galacgac
And for those who mourn the loss of a loved one.

Please keep in prayer, the children in our parish unit who are
preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of 1st Eucharist
on May 12th. As they continue to walk in faith may
Christ always guide their steps.

2024 Steubenville Atlantic Youth Conference: Calling all

youths (Ages 14-18) In our ever-changing world, Jesus is the answer
to the longing of our hearts for meaning, fulfillment, security, and love.
Join hundreds of Catholic teens at Steubenville Atlantic in Halifax,
NS on July 5-7, 2024 to be illuminated in the light of Christ.
Steubenville Conferences are an outreach of Franciscan University of
Steubenville. The conferences serve nearly 50,000 high school youth
and their leaders at 25 different conferences across North America
every summer.

The conferences seek to invite teens into a life-changing

relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church, empowering them to
live as his disciples. These conferences are high energy events
featuring inspiring talks, dynamic worship, and profound encounters
with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and sacrament of reconciliation. Come and join us! The registration fee will
be covered by the archdiocese, parishes, and donors. It means the residence accommodations, five meals
(Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast), talks, and sessions are all covered. You just have to show up!

If you are interested or someone you know is interested, please contact Fr. Carlos Jacinto
at fathercarlosj@gmail.com or call the St. Bernard’s Parish Office 506-857-0425 (Monday-Friday:
9:00am-12:00noon; 1:00pm-4:00pm)
Faith Development / Family Catechism St. Augustine’s
Registration is now closed, will re-open September 2024 for the 2024-2025 sessions. You can register on our
website and your information will be placed on file for September.
Level 4-6 (age 9-11)
Session #16 Monday May 6th - 6:30pm Group C Tuesday May 7th - 6:30pm Group D

1st Eucharist Rehearsal: St. Augustine’s main church Thursday May 9th 6:15pm.

1st Eucharist Celebration: May 12th at St. Augustine’s (11:00am Mass) and at Saint Lawrence
O’Toole (9:00am Mass).


Gather in the church basement May 26th.

Mass Intentions for St. Augustine’s and Saint Lawrence O’Toole can be
scheduled by calling the parish office during regular office hours
Monday to Friday. For Our Lady of Mercy call Josephine at
506-871-9508. The cost is $15.00 per intention.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism

will be celebrated at St. Augustine’s on Saturday May 11th, 4:00pm
Please join us as we welcome new members into our Faith Family


A message to all Catholic families: National Family and Life Week
(NFLW) this year will take place from 13th May to 19th May 2024.
The theme for this year is “Love hopes all things,” which is taken
from Saint Paul’s hymn on love in 1 Corinthians 13.7: “[Love] bears
all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things.” This description of love is also at the heart of Pope Francis’s reflection on the dynamics of
spousal and family love in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, chapter 4. Through this
theme, families are encouraged to cultivate, deepen, and renew Christian hope by drawing on scriptural
reflection, family prayer, and the Sacraments. The CCCB Standing Committee for Family and Life and its
corresponding Office have developed a pastoral toolkit specifically designed for the “domestic church.” Each
day of the NFLW 2024 celebrates a specific theme, accompanied by prayers and activities for different ages,
cultures, and circumstances. The toolkit includes: the logo for the 2024 National Family and Life Week;
catechesis; prayer intentions and daily activities for families and parishes; graphic resources with quotes on
Christian hope for daily social media campaigns; as well as pastoral suggestions for a Mass to celebrate
Family and Life. Dioceses/Eparchies, parishes, and Catholic movements and associations are encouraged to
make good use of the pastoral toolkit in their own planning of activities to mark this Week, which concludes
on Pentecost. May the Holy Spirit lead us into a “Love [that] hopes all things” during this Week. May our
thoughts, words, and actions be inspired by the same Spirit, and may God hear the prayers of our Catholic
families and grant them the hope that only He can give.
—The Most Rev. William T. McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary


Simply send your email request to parish.office@qasmoncton.com
Trevor Droesbeck 857-4879
Karen Leblanc 387-4198


Parish Catechetical Coordinators - May 22nd at 6:00 PM, Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sessions Three and Four of our Zoom R.C.I.A. formation with Catherine Ecker will take place on
Monday, May 6th, and May 13th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
MONDAY @ THE MOVIES Our next Monday @ The Movies will be on May 13th at 2:00 PM when we will
discuss the 2022 film The Whale, starring Brendan Fraser. Monday @ The Movies is a film discussion group
which meets monthly on Zoom to discuss faith themes in popular films. Contact Karen LeBlanc at 387-4198
or email karen.diocese@gmail.com
Welcome to Seniors Connect A safe space for Seniors to gather, socialize, learn about, and discuss issues
related to aging in New Brunswick. Our next gathering will take place on Thursday May 9th at 10:30am at
the Holy Family Church, 52 Falkland St. Moncton. Our topic of the day will be "Being Safe in the Sun”, things
to consider as we enjoy the lovely days of summer! Don’t forget to bring your favorite summer hat! Ques-
tions? Contact Karen LeBlanc at 387-4198 or email karen.diocese@gmail.com

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2024 – SAVE THE DATE! This year’s Vacation Bi-
ble School (for ages 3 up to the end of sixth grade) is scheduled to take place this
upcoming June 26th, 27th, and 28th (mornings). It will take place at Immaculate
Heart of Mary church in Riverview. Watch for more information in the coming
weeks. This year’s theme is SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God.

Gospel Study Group: Saint Thomas Aquinas “The Golden Chain” http://
www.immaculatalibrary.com/books/catena-aurea.html. Weekly in person or Zoom,
Thursdays at St. Lawrence O’Toole 6:00pm followed by adoration at 7:00pm AND
Fridays at St. Augustine’s 11:00am, followed by Mass at 12:00noon and adoration.
For information contact Charlie Farrell at 857-4223 or charlie.farrell@qasmoncton.com.
For next session May 9th / May 10th) The Ascension of the Lord,
click on the following links and read:

St. Leo the Great


St. John Paul ll



Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30am to 1:00pm
Donations may be left at the Drop Off Barn from 8:00am until 8:00 pm only. A limit of 10
Customers are allowed in the store at one time for a 15-minute time period. Hand sanitizing
will be monitored. Items can be dropped in the Drop Off Barn in the parking lot from
8:00am to 8:00pm.
First communion for many children will be held at the 4:00pm mass on May 12th.
Please join in the celebration

Msg Coyle will be presiding Sunday morning masses at 9:30am from

June 23rd until August 18th at Our Lady of Mercy Church.

The annual general meeting for Our Lady of Mercy will be held on
Monday June 17th at 7:00pm. This year we are looking for nominations for
secretary...2 members at large...one of these 2 to chair adult religious
education in the parish. If interested in any of these positions please contact
Josephine at 506-871-9508 to voice your interest.

The Greater Shediac Community Garden is resuming its gardening

operations in late May. If interested in renting a garden plot call
The Greater Shediac Community Garden is hosting a fundraising
Spring concert on May 31st. More details to come.
For info or tickets call 506-531-0252 or 506-871-9508.

Kitchen renovations are ongoing. We hope that all will be completed before the end
of May. It will be an amazing space up to code. Renovations uncovered a lot of
electrical, plumbing, insulation, leakage and rot mildew problems. These are all
being addressed. What would have cost approximately 25k 2 years ago is costing
double. Please be generous with our renovation envelopes. Thank you so much for
your help and patience everyone.

Annual collection for the Indigenous

Reconciliation Fund May 11th and 12th
The Catholic Bishops of Canada have committed to raising $30 million
within five years. Last year, the collection across Canada raised $9,594,986. The funds are managed by a
national board of directors composed of leaders, half of whom are Indigenous. This Board is responsible for
implementing measures to ensure the proper functioning and transparency of the administration of the
collected funds. I am pleased to inform you that the funds collected in our parishes last year will be used for
local projects in collaboration with our four local Mi’gmaq communities: Elsipogtog First Nation, Bouctouche
MicMac, Fort Folly First Nation, and Indian Island First Nation. Special envelopes will be distributed to
parishes for this year's collection, which will take place on May 11th and 12th, 2024. I invite you to continue to
support this fund. Thank you. Archbishop Guy Desrochers

GARAGE SALE to raise funds for two different causes: 1) Haitian kindergarten
children and 2) Housing for Life, Inc, to build affordable housing units for the needy.
Date: Friday, May 10th from 1:00pm to 6:00pm and Saturday, May 11th, from
8:00am until 3:00pm. Location: Golden Age Club of Christ-Roi, 300 Dominion
Street. Club door opens every Friday at noon to receive donated items.
For information: Marie-Éva Gaudet (506) 961-5901 and Alphonse Dionne (506) 381-3525.

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