Review - Machine Learning Techniques in Analog - RF Integrated Circuit Design, Synthesis, Layout, and Test
Review - Machine Learning Techniques in Analog - RF Integrated Circuit Design, Synthesis, Layout, and Test
Review - Machine Learning Techniques in Analog - RF Integrated Circuit Design, Synthesis, Layout, and Test
© 2020 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
Review: Machine Learning Techniques in Analog/RF Integrated Circuit Design,
Synthesis, Layout, and Test
Rapid developments in semiconductor technology have substantially increased the computational capability of computers.
As a result of this and recent developments in theory, machine learning (ML) techniques have become attractive in many
new applications. This trend has also inspired researchers working on integrated circuit (IC) design and optimization. ML-
based design approaches have gained importance to challenge/aid conventional design methods since they can be employed
at different design levels, from modeling to test, to learn any nonlinear input-output relationship of any analog and radio
frequency (RF) device or circuit; thus, providing fast and accurate responses to the task that they have learned. Furthermore,
employment of ML techniques in analog/RF electronic design automation (EDA) tools boosts the performance of such tools.
In this paper, we summarize the recent research and present a comprehensive review on ML techniques for analog/RF circuit
modeling, design, synthesis, layout, and test.
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Analog and Radio Frequency, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence,
Integrated Circuits, Synthesis, Optimization.
2. Background
Figure 3: DT for the selection of a circuit topology given the target specifica-
³ ´
y i h(x i )T β ≥ 1 − ξi ∀i ,
tions. Adapted from [19]. min kβk subject to (8)
ξi ≥ 0, P ξi ≥ constant.
both at transistor level and with the augmented functional
model. According to the reported results, the simulation time
+1 +1
ŝ 1
ŝ 10
decreases to 12 s from 168 s while the estimation error in en-
s1 Y
ergy is only 2.7%.
a11 ŝ 10
Z ŝ 11 f̂ (s) Y
f(s) A different application of ANN-based modeling is pre-
a12 ŝ 11 sented in [22], where power consumption of analog circuits is
ŝ 12 Output modeled and then estimated via empirical-based ANN rather
a1k ŝ 12
than achieving performances through the input parameters.
ŝ n The idea behind this study is to estimate the mathematical
sn Y
description of the power consumption as a function of var-
Scaling ied input parameters of any analog circuit using neural net-
ŝ nd works. The proposed approach is generic and even suitable
for heterogeneous systems. Moreover, one can perform on-
Delay Input
line power consumption estimations via the proposed strat-
egy. First, analog circuit power measurements are performed
Figure 5: TDNN delay neural network model [27].
via a measurement set-up including a PC for generating dif-
ferent input patterns and saving the power data. Second, the
obtained data is used to train the ANN to obtain a continu-
information of circuits to their purely functional models of ous mathematical function of the power consumption. The
AMS blocks. Due to the nature of the problem, an improved neural networks include three levels: one input, one hidden,
version of the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) approach, which and one output layer. The activation functions for the hidden
is called time delay neural network (TDNN) shown in Fig. 5, layer and the output layer are sigmoid and linear, respectively.
is utilized in this study. In this approach, the inputs pass A backpropogation-based training (Levenberg-Marquardt) is
through a delay cell and are given as the inputs of the network employed. Once the power model is obtained, it is com-
in order to capture the temporal changes. The flow of the bined with a data flow-based generic functional model of the
proposed approach is as follows. First, the behavioral model circuit. Hence, both circuit performances and the instanta-
(Verilog-AMS) of the circuit is constructed. Meanwhile, tran- neous power consumption are obtained, which makes possi-
sistor level simulations are performed to extract signal traces ble to estimate circuit performance without performing any
for power calculation. Then, the TDNN is trained and the empirical measurements. By combining this framework with
power consumption model is obtained. Once the model is digital power consumption estimation techniques, the power
obtained, it is translated into the behavioral model compat- consumption of heterogeneous systems can be predicted. A
ible with the circuit simulators. Finally, the first behavioral wireless sensor system is provided as the case study, where
model is integrated with the power model. As a case study, the main focus is to estimate the power consumption of ana-
a low power relaxation oscillator is designed and simulated log parts (a temperature sensor, an amplifier, an analog to
digital converter, and a wireless transceiver.) According to the
results, the maximum and the average estimation errors are
3.06% and 1.53%, respectively.
microwave/RF design.
Since EM-based ANN approaches need a relatively long Figure 7: Volterra-ANN device model [32].
training phase for accurate modeling, the efficiency can be
low. [31] presents a solution for modeling of RF devices with Two of them utilize Vd s and Vg s to obtain Ids and Igs. The
Radial Basis Function(RBF)/MLP modular structure, where remaining 8 use Vd s , Vg s , and to yield real and imaginary val-
the efficient Resilient Backpropagation (Rprop) algorithm is ues for Yi j . The total number of parameters is 25 each for
used during the training phase. The authors use a well- the first two and 76 each for the remaining 8. The 10 neural
known plan, "divide and conquer", where the propose frame- networks are trained separately, on 350 measurement points
work is provided in Fig. 6. The complicated design problem for DC characteristics and 7000 measurement points for Y-
is divided in sub-problems, distributed over the neural net- parameters. The results on test points agree perfectly with
works of the modular structure. Their claim is that this type lumped equivalent circuits. For the circuit modeling exam-
of modular structure can improve the efficiency of EM-based ple, 4 neural networks were utilized. The 5 inputs are ω and
Table 2: Summary of ML-based IC circuit synthesis applications.
the real and imaginary parts of the input and output voltages, type of evaluation, simulation-based approaches is the most
whereas the outputs are the real and imaginary parts of the prevalent ones in terms of accuracy. However, the cost of
input and output currents. This type of modeling allows the SPICE-based circuit synthesis may be expensive in terms of
model to take into account input and output loading. Learn- computation time due to the need of running large number
ing was performed on 2625 measurement points and results simulations (ten and even hundreds of thousands) to achieve
on new data were encouraging. The use of more generic the targeted performances. Hereby, ML-based synthesis ap-
neural network-based models could overcome the problems proaches have become popular to overcome this time effi-
associated with lumped equivalent electrical circuit models, ciency problem. The idea behind employing ML in circuit
which are the most common models in use. These models of- synthesis is to replacement of the simulations by the func-
fer the advantage of being computationally efficient and ac- tional model(s) generated via ML techniques; thus, the exces-
curate, but at the expense of very complex model parameter sive number of simulations can be avoided during the syn-
extraction carried through numerical fitting and optimiza- thesis process. A summary of reviewed papers related to ML-
tion as well as the requirement to an accurate circuit struc- based IC synthesis applications is provided in Table 2.
4.1. ML for Optimization-based Circuit Synthesis
4. Machine Learning for IC Circuit Synthesis The most established method to automate the circuit syn-
thesis is optimization-based circuit synthesis that uses an op-
Conventionally, circuit synthesis is described as an auto- timization method to explore the design space. Analog/RF
matic process in order to determine the dimensions of the circuit optimization tools certainly accelerate the design
devices, such that the resultant circuit meet a given target time, in which several nature-inspired algorithms (evolution-
specification on a given technology node. Considering the ary, particle swarm, reinforcement learning, etc.) are em-
ployed to search the design space and find an optimal so- Circuit Specs.
Simulation Phase
lution for a given circuit problem. However, a large design ML Phase
space should be visited via simulations through the itera-
tions, and, more dramatically a few of them are only used
at the end of optimization process, which means that a large Circuit
Trained? SPICE
portion of the simulation data is wasted during the optimiza- Optimizer Circuit
tion process. Integration of ML techniques into the conven-
Circuit Yes
tional optimization loop is highly promising to mitigate this Variables
computational cost by reuse of the simulation data in order
to learn circuit behavior and to develop a model that will re- Circuit Specs. ML
place the circuit simulator once the model is obtained, shown (ANN ,SVM ,RL, etc.)
Performances Agent
building blocks of the design so that they may be appropri- minimized weights simultaneously several factors, includ-
ately optimized. The primitives at the lowest levels are set, ing interconnection estimates between pairs of cells, overlap,
and then, ML handles the ambiguities in the way these prim- symmetry, proximity and boundary, the later used to keep
itives are assembled, attempting to mimic the expert IC de- cells inside the W×H plane. Recently, ANNs were used to
signer. pursue the knowledge mining route on placement automa-
tion [55]. A model with 3 hidden layers with 250 to 1000 neu-
5.2. Placement by ANNs rons each was used to learn the design patterns (including
the inherent topological constraints) of more than 10.000 dif-
Analog/RF IC layout design is usually split into placement
ferent placement solutions with conflicting guidelines among
and routing. In the placement task, many requirements must
them (validated symmetry and current-flow constraints) of
be considered to produce a robust floorplan solution against
the same circuit topology. The output layer is used to pro-
parasitic structures or process variations, e.g., minimizing the
vide the exact placement coordinates of each cell of the cir-
layout area while satisfying several topological constraints
cuit for any given sizing in the 2-D plane, as illustrated in
that span from symmetry, proximity, or boundary, among
Fig. 12. The model training is made by minimizing the mean
others without hindering its potential to be routed effec-
squared error (MSE) between the predicted floorplan and its
tively. Analog/RF IC placement automation has been inten-
corresponding solution from the training set. Unlike pre-
sively studied in the last few decades, and the works proposed
vious deterministic knowledge mining approaches [65], this
usually follow a descriptive approach or an optimization-
end-to-end approach does not require to define any kind
based approach. Descriptive procedural [59] or template-
of tie breaker manually, with the trained model embedding
based [60] approaches are applied with a moderate level of
reusable design patterns that generalize beyond the train-
success on migration of legacy layouts [61] or layout-aware
ing data, and, provide different placement alternatives (e.g.,
sizing methodologies [62], where fast generation techniques
different aspect-ratios) for the same circuit sizing at push-
in-the-loop are required to be executed in-the-loop. Opti-
button speed.
mization mechanisms, mostly based on simulated anneal-
ing kernels that either change the absolute coordinates of
the cells on a 2-dimensional plane [63] or perturb a topo-
logical representation that encodes the floorplan [64]. While
presenting a reduced setup time, its execution can be time-
consuming. This trade-off between setup time and compu-
tational efficiency marked the previous generations of auto-
matic placement tools, a reality that ML promises to change
by pursuing, for the first-time, flexible push-button solutions.
An initial approach based on an ANN architecture was pro-
posed in [54], whose goal was to place the cells within a seg-
mented plane of fixed size W×H. A mean-field neural network
with n×W×H neurons, where n are the number of cells to be
placed, is used. Each neuron is assigned with a binary out-
Figure 12: ANN architecture used to solve the map from the physical and
put value, whose ’1’ corresponds to the assignment of that
effective Pcells’ dimensions to the placement coordinates, where topologi-
cell to a respective panel of the WxH plane. While an ANN cal constraints are implicit (shaded box) [55]. Topological constraints can be
structure is used to represent the problem, the hill-climbing added in the input layer for topological loss function training [56].
algorithm is still used to solve its gradients as a new set of
cells’ dimensions are requested. The energy function being In [56], a nonlinear ANN model is also applied but used to
train topological loss function on legacy sizing data only, that methodologies have not been popular among industrial IC
learns how to fulfill the topological constraints. It promotes design environments. GeniousRoute [24] attempts to extract
the application of the acquired "knowledge" instead of penal- routing strategies of legacy layouts and apply the acquired
izing it with high MSE errors as in [55]. Additionally, the work knowledge in guiding a routing algorithm. Similar to Well-
took one step further towards the prediction of floorplan so- GAN, in the pre-processing of the training data, placement
lutions for circuit topologies, which the model has never been and routing are represented as 2-D images, where routing-
trained before, by supporting different circuit topology en- relevant information is extracted. For each data point, the
codings (with different number of devices) on the input layer pins of the entire design and pins for the given net are
of the same ANN, reusing knowledge among topologies. mapped into two separate 64 × 64 channels. These channels
are then used on a semi-supervised model training, where,
5.3. Post-Placement Processing first, the ANN used as variational autoencoder (VAE) is initial-
ized in an unsupervised fashion, and only after, supervised
When designing a floorplan, experienced IC designers of-
decoder training. GeniousRoute then uses a classical A* path-
ten have the locations of the well regions in mind, i.e., areas
finding algorithm assisted by the model’s inference, which
where the doping is uniformly shared among a group of de-
generates the routing probability map to guide search. Tradi-
vices. Although abutment techniques help [60], embedding
tional rip-up and reroute techniques are still used to ensure
this information during automatic placement methodologies
that a successful solution is attained. However, the legacy de-
is not always straightforward. In WellGAN [57], n-type well
sign patterns will be present on the automatically generated
definition is left for post-placement placement, where a gen-
routing solutions.
erative adversarial network (GAN) is used to mimic the be-
havior of experienced designers, by reusing the knowledge
embedded on previous manually-crafted layouts. To extract 6. ML In Analog IC Fault Testing and Diagnosis
the information from legacy data, the oxide diffusion (OD)
Specification testing and fault diagnosis are of the utmost
layer of layouts is used as input pattern, and, an RGB chan-
importance for robust circuits and systems. Analog circuit
nel encoding is used to differentiate the ODs, i.e., OD inside
testability analysis is significantly more complicated than its
n-type wells (red) and OD outside n-type wells (green), while
digital counterpart. The main culprits are the diversity of
wells are assigned to the blue channel. Thus, after training,
analog circuits with both linear and nonlinear characteristics
the model receives as input images with patterns R and G,
and a multitude of performance metrics that create barriers
and outputs images with RGB channels. To convert this in-
to a standard definition of fault models. Fault diagnosis for
formation into a floorplan, a post-refinement stage is used
electronics-rich analog systems with industrial-application is
to rectilinearize and legalize the wells based on these guiding
usually accomplished by monitoring the deviation of output
regions, fulfilling design rules (e.g., minimum spacing, enclo-
signals in voltage or current caused by the inevitable degrada-
sure, width, and area design rules). This approach was incor-
tion of one or more of its components. The degradation arises
porated on MAGICAL framework [66].
not only from inherent circuit mechanisms but also from im-
proper technician operation or environmental changes, for
5.4. Routing example.
Routing has a determinant impact on the post-layout per- Researchers in the area of analog IC testing since long
formance of analog/RC ICs, especially at deep nanometer in- turned to ML algorithms for the automation of analog spec-
tegration nodes, where the increasing congestion causes dis- ifications testing and fault identification [83]. Table 4 sum-
proportionate growth of the interwire capacitances. Differ- marizes the different ML techniques for IC fault testing and
ent types of automatic analog/RF IC routers were proposed in diagnosis that are overview within this section. In [72] a fault-
the last few years, based on: (1) procedures [67] or template model-based diagnosis for analog ICs was proposed. The
descriptions [68]; (2) heuristics that encode different rout- method is based on an ML-based defect filter [73] that dis-
ing techniques as constraints (e.g., wiring symmetry), and tinguishes failing devices due to hard faults, i.e., completely
then, path-finding algorithms (e.g., maze search [69]) are ap- malfunction, or soft faults, i.e., failing due to parametric de-
plied to draw a wire that connects two different terminals viations. Two types of diagnosis are handled based on the de-
of a net in the presence of obstacles; (3) integer linear pro- cision of the defect filter, and then an SVM-based multi-class
gramming (ILP) [70], by constructing a priori high quality ML classifier is used to identify which catastrophic fault has
routes for individual nets, and then, using ILP to commit occurred, and, inverse regression functions to localize and
each net to only one of its candidate routes; and, optimiza- identify the soft faults. This approach was demonstrated on
tion [71], where an evolutionary algorithm performs struc- an RF LNA. In [80], a sparse relevance vector machine [84]
tural and layer changes in the physical representation of a with Gaussian and polynomial kernels is used for fault prog-
population of independent routing solutions, allowing to op- nostic and remains useful performance estimation. The ap-
timize all wires of all nets simultaneously. Still, due to its proach uses AC voltage values over time as features to esti-
high setup configuration and customization, only procedural mate the health degree of the circuit. The authors define this
or template-based approaches are usually capable of repro- health degree as the cosine distance between the measured
ducing the IC designer preferences. Thus, automatic routing features and those at nominal value, and its value decreases
Table 4: Summary of the ML applications for Analog IC fault testing, diagnosis and calibration.
from 1 for non-fault circuits as the circuit’s elements degrade. Data Acquisition
The sparse kernel coefficients are obtained by minimizing the (AC, DC, MC Simulation,
MSE using particle swarm optimization (PSO). Experiments Measurement)
with a Sallen–Key bandpass filter, leapfrog filter, and nonlin-
ear rectifier circuit showed that the methodology was able to
accurately estimate the trajectories of the health degrees of Feature Extraction
the most relevant devices and accurately predict the remain- (Wavelet, dictionary, ...)
ing useful performance of the circuit.
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