83 Reichbusters Projekt Vril Rulebook
83 Reichbusters Projekt Vril Rulebook
83 Reichbusters Projekt Vril Rulebook
It is late December 1944. World
War II continues to rage, with the
Nazis launching their latest offensive
in the Ardennes only last week. To
the public, this latest offensive has
come as a surprise, but to the men
and women of the Special Operations
Executive (SOE), it has not. The Nazis
are desperate and will try anything to
turn the tide of the war. The Wacht
am Rhein offensive in the Ardennes is Vril began years earlier. In 1938-9 under the castle at Wewelsberg.
only the tip of a very large iceberg of the SS sent a mission to Tibet. In Many secret bunkers hold all manner
secret plans that aim to snatch victory public, this achieved very little. Behind of research into the properties of the
from the jaws of defeat. the scenes, it was a huge success, enigmatic vril. This powers all their
discovering a source of vril that was machineries, their reconstructed
For some time, the SOE has been brought back to the Reich for study. UFOs, their destructive ray weapons,
aware of the top secret Operation Vril is a liquid that “can control all and their animated corpses.
Lebenskraft, also known as Projekt types of matter, both animate and
Vril. According to intelligence gained inanimate. It can destroy like lightning Most of the Nazi high command
from Enigma decrypts, this will or replenish life, heal, or cure. It is have no idea about this research,
change the tide of the war, and is used to rend ways through solid and despite the desperate war
almost ready for deployment in battle. matter. Its light is said to be steadier, situation would be horrified by it. The
The details of Projekt Vril remain a softer and healthier than that from Vrilmeisters who run the research are
mystery. Even when they use Enigma any flammable material. It can also be very happy with their secrecy as it
codes, the Nazis have been extremely used as a power source for animating allows them to work quietly, in the
secretive about what it might be, but mechanisms… ” shadows, away from any oversight.
yesterday, someone made a mistake Vril is unbelievably powerful, as the
and gave away the location of the If the Nazis work out how to harness death toll from even minor accidents
headquarters of the Lebenskraft this power it will be more potent that shows. Even the few small steps they
programme. Now they finally have the atomic bomb that the Americans have made to harness the true power
a t arget, the S O E has rapidly are secretly working on. They know of vril have yielded incredible results.
assembled a special international that they are losing the war, and that If they ever gain full mastery then they
team of Allied commandos for an they have little time. They will cut any will be godlike, and the Allies will be
assault on Lebenskraft. This has been corners to extract the raw energy and subjugated to their will!
codenamed Operation Falcon, though create battlefield-ready weapons that
even High Command calls them the they can use to turn the tide and The Reichbusters’ mission is vital.
Reichbusters. If the rumours are true, throw the Allies back into the sea. It cannot fail.
this could turn the tide of the war. The vril research is conducted in great
Unbeknownst to the Allies, Project secrecy in the dungeons and tunnels
2 3 4 5 8 10
12 12 12 15 15 16
The players are an elite squad of Players take turns acting, using basic
Allied Heroes. Working together, actions, a hand of unique action
they must raid a Nazi castle and find cards, and a reserve of heroics points
the secret laboratories and bunkers to choose what their Hero does.
hidden within. They will need to After each Hero acts, the Nazis
sneak past the guards, achieve all react.
their mission objectives, and then
at least one of them must escape in
order to win. As this is a cooperative
game, either all the players win, or occasoughout the
one. ional rule
all the players lose. are a These arely see boxes you will
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The players control the Allied Heroes. i n t
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Their Nazi foes are controlled by the how tses behind developmsome of
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The Map Cards
In Reichbusters, the board is called a map, and is built up of map tiles. Reichbusters uses many types of
Tiles are either rooms or corridors. A tile is made up of 1 or more areas. cards: Hero stats, Hero actions,
pre-alarm noise, post-alarm noise,
In addition, a map may have overlays and room features to change the wound, spawn, team, and RAID
character of individual tiles. Each map will always have at least 1 start and (which is made up of map, mission,
exit location for the Heroes, plus 1 or more barracks entrances for the Nazi and faction cards).
reinforcements to deploy from.
1 Nazi Offic
1 Nazi Soldi ANGE DE LA MORT!
th Sap
1 Experiment 601
1 Zombie Drop one
Until your next turn: add one item
Gain +2 defence. noise.
Tiles Room Area Reichbusters uses 4 types of dice:
attack, defence, noise, and vril.
Mission Tracker
This keeps track of the Heroes’ progress through their mission. It is clearly
divided into pre-alarm and post-alarm rounds. Reichbusters uses a variety of tokens
to track which skills Heroes have,
where items can be found, where
Nazis lurk, and much more.
Hero Dashboards
Each Hero has their own dashboard showing
their basic stats, skills, weapons, and items.
4x Nazi officers
4x Tracking bomber
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If ’ll fi rules Tests
you the
Most Hero actions other than movement require a test to determine the
outcome. These use one or more types of the 4 types of Reichbusters dice:
attack, defence, noise, and vril. Dice are only ever rolled by a player for their
Hero. The Nazi AI does not use dice.
Keep the Noise Down!
Some Hero actions cause noise, and All tests work as follows:
this may alert nearby Nazi patrols.
Whenever this is the case the Hero 1 Determine the target number for success.
will need to make a noise test.
2 Build your pool of dice and roll them all together.
3 Trigger any special effects and play any action cards you want to modify
the initial result. Continue doing this until you have played all the cards you
want to, and have triggered all special results.
Noise tests are resolved in the same 4 Calculate your total score and compare it to the target number.
way as other tests (described below).
5 Apply the results of your success or failure.
Noise is never tested for Nazi actions.
Typically, a player must equal or exceed a target number to succeed.
the Alert
to balance this with the fact that your mis- the target number in the middle of the card
A surprised this
patrol enters iately
room. It is of you.
sion may well be to find secret documents then also apply the lower effect. Alerted by
the alarm,
Nazi units
from the barrac
The only attacks
you can make
Special Results You may freely choose which effects Hero Dashboards
to trigger. If you re-roll any dice then
Each of the different types of dice Each Hero has their own dashboard.
any special results may also be used
has one special result and it’s worth This holds their weapon, skill, and
to trigger effects. However, remember
explaining those rules now. These use item tokens. Weapons and skills are
that only boost may be used more
variations of a standard icon and are fixed at the start of a mission. Items
than once in a single action, and that
easily recognisable. may be picked up and dropped during
all special results must be spent to
the mission.
trigger something.
“ Nearest” and adjacent”
Some cards or rules says that an
In addition, some cards or items can
It’s really important to note that effect applies to the “nearest” room,
be used to add special results to a
special results rolled during a tile, or area. In every case, count
test. All special results work in the noise test will trigger a boost the number of areas between the
same way, regardless of where they (unless you can spend the
special elsewhere) even though triggering area and the potential effect
come from. A special result has 3
this is bad for the Heroes. This locations. When several locations
key effects: means that you really want to are equally near, the players choose
avoid making any noise as even which to apply the effect to.
1 Each special result counts as the slightest sound out of place
+2 towards your total. can potentially alert nearby pa-
trols – and that’s really what the If several potential locations are
2 Each special result must be spent noise test represents. It’s not as adjacent to the triggering area, the
much how loud the noise is in a
to trigger 1 effect. literal, measurable sense; more players choose which to apply the
3 That dice cannot be re-rolled. a reflection of how attentive any effect to.
nearby Nazis happen to be at
that moment.
Each Hero has different effects
available to them depending on their
current skills, items, weapons, and
so on. Each of these effects may be Cards, Discards and ShufFLing
triggered 0-1 times per action.
This is another rule which is reused
In addition to any triggered effects
throughout the game and is worth
that a Hero may have access to, all
explaining now.
Heroes can use the boost effect.
Reichbusters uses several decks of
BOOST cards that are used as randomisers
A boost allows the player to roll an rather than reference (Hero action
additional dice of the same type as decks, wounds, noise).
the dice that triggered it. Add the
result to your total. If this is another Each of these decks of cards has its
special, it must be spent as normal. own discard pile. Whenever any such
Boost can be triggered as many deck of cards is exhausted, follow
times as you roll special results. these steps:
1 Decide on a mission to play. This will either be RAID, or the next incomplete mission in your campaign.
a. For a RAID, draw 1 map card, 1 mission card, and 1 Nazi faction card. The combination of these
cards builds the RAID mission. Set up the map as shown on that card.
b. For a campaign scenario, use the mission briefing to set up the map and decks.
3 In all missions, players choose a team card. This gives them certain bonuses and initial items. The combination
of team, mission, and Hero chosen will define the available items, skills, and heroics points.
5 Place the starting Nazi faction card for the mission beside the map, along with any required miniatures that
are not already in play.
6 Place the attack, defence, noise, and vril dice near the map, along with the spare tokens.
For example, the map on the next page is one of the many possible RAID setups.
Make a + attack on any Until your next turn:
Until your next turn: Nazi units that activate Roll + for every
Gain +2 defence. in or move into your defence roll. If you draw
Make a + melee attack line of sight. Lasts until a wound card, you may
If you wound a Nazi on all Nazi units on the your next turn. If you immediately make an
unit, immediately make same area as you. fail to wound Overwatch attack on one of the Nazi
an additional attack. ends and move 1. units that attacked you.
2 2 2 2
Continuing the tradition of Robin Claudine hates Nazis with a passion, She doesn’t say much, preferring The Sarge has seen it all before,
Hood, Quentin has trained to and has a huge chip on her shoulder her rifle to do the talking for and killed most of it too. He’s
her. the
deadly effect with the English about France surrendering. She Years of stalking animal prey definition of grizzled veteran.
is a in the
longbow. Silent kills at a distance murderous shadow, stalking
her foes Russian forests has given Red
Hawk Nothing surprises him, and
are his speciality – one that the wherever she can find them. an uncanny ability to move silently. everyone looks to him for support
Reichbusters have found great you need someone killed up close The first her foes know of her and leadership. If you need a
use and silent, Claudine is your avenging presence is the bullet in their
for. When silence is golden, you’ll brain. between you and trouble, Sarge
angel. She also enjoys explosives. For those awkward to reach is
want Quentin by your side. Nazis, your man.
"Follow me, chaps!" "Die Nazi pig!" call Red Hawk. "Zombies? They’re nuthin."
Reichbusters is played in a series of A player may do each basic action or defence tests have been made
rounds. Each round is made up of 1 once per turn. yet. to be “in melee” if they are in the
turn for each Hero, and 1 Nazi turn same area, even if no actual attack or
after each Hero turn. At the end of a Move defence tests have been made yet.
round is a simple end phase to tidy Unless otherwise specified, a moving
things up. Hero or Nazi will move 1 space on Ranged attacks are when the attacker
the map, into an adjacent area. and target are in different areas. If a
Before the alarm is raised, players
Hero is in melee then they cannot
may choose the order in which they
A Hero cannot move into and out of make ranged attacks.
act. They can do this one Hero at a
an area that contains a Nazi unit in
time; they do not need to decide the
whole round order at the start. the same action. However, a Hero When a Hero attacks, follow these
can move out of one area containing steps:
After the alarm sounds, player order a Nazi unit, and into another that also
is allocated randomly at the start of contains a Nazi. A Hero can also 1 If more than one weapon is
each round by shuffling and dealing move into an area containing a Nazi available at the current range, then
out the turn order tokens. The order in one action, and then out of that the Hero declares which is used in
is fixed for that round. The Nazis still same area with a second action. the attack.
take a turn after each Hero turn.
2 The Hero declares the target
of the attack. In melee, this can be
any Nazi in the same area. In ranged
The difference between the attacks, this is limited by targeting
players choosing their turn restrictions (Meat Shield and
order before the alarm, and
Bodyguard keywords).
the random allocation after
the alarm shows the change
in control. Before the alarm 3 Ranged attack only) Check the
the Nazis don’t even know line of sight, range, and blocked
the Heroes are in the castle. areas.
This gives the Heroes the
initiative. As soon as the a. Line of sight: Heroes can see
alarm sounds, the mission in the 4 cardinal directions (North,
becomes much more reac- MOVEMENT INTO OR OUT AN AREA South, East, West) as far as they have
tive, and it’s a frantic race CONTAINING A NAZI UNIT an unblocked straight line. Walls and
against time… closed doors block line of sight.
Players have 2 basic actions they may 2 MOVEMENTS IN 2 ACTIONS
take each turn. In addition, they may
play as many action cards or feats as
Attack actions can be either melee
they want from their hand, and take
or ranged. The only difference is the
one free action to donate an item to
another Hero. distance at which the attack is made.
If a Hero is in an area that contains 1 The Sarge has seen it all before,
and killed most of it too. He’s the
definition of grizzled veteran.
Nothing surprises him, and
everyone looks to him for support
range is lisgted on it’s token. then they can search it. Choose 1
item to take.
c. Blocked areas: Heroes cannot
• If you choose a face-up item, it
attack through areas containing Nazi
is added to the Hero’s dashboard
units. If the out of action token is on a vril
automatically with no noise test.
item, it can only be removed if the
• If you choose a face-down item, Hero discards a vril orb from their
make a noise test at the value shown dashboard. Note that this orb is
on the back of the token before you removed from the game, not dropped.
look at it. Once the test is complete,
and regardless of the result, add the Open/Unlock Door
IMPOSSIBLE TO ATTACK THE ZOMBIE. A NAZI item to the Hero’s dashboard. The Hero opens an adjacent unlocked
SOLDIER IS BLOCKING THE AREA door. Make the appropriate noise test.
Each Hero can carry up to 4 items If the door is locked and the Hero
4 The Hero makes an attack test at a time. If a Hero picks up a fifth does not have the key, then this action
and applies the results. item then they must choose 1 of their unlocks it causing the same noise as
other items to drop. Dropped items opening it would. If the door is locked
Damage: If a Hero’s attack is a are placed in the Hero’s current area, and the Hero does have the key, then
success, the target Nazi suffers 1 face-up. this action opens it with the normal
wound. Most Nazis only have 1 noise for doing so. Once opened,
wound, so this will kill them. Remove doors cannot be closed.
the miniature.
Face-up items represent stuff Use an Item
Nazis that have more than 1 wound openly lying about, so it seems
Use 1 of the items on the Hero’s
fair to allow our Heroes to pick
will have 2 or more stat cards. Each dashboard. The item cannot be out of
them up with little fuss.
corresponds to a wound state (OK action. Make any required noise test.
or wounded). If the target Nazi is an An Unreliable item will go out of action
Face-down items, on the other
individual, simply place the correct hand, represent stuff that’s (mark it with a token) when it is used
card on top of the other as a reminder. hidden in drawers or down the unless it has a special result spent on
If the target Nazi is one of several of back of sofas. That’s why rum- it during that action. Some particularly
the same type, mark the miniature maging about to find them may low ammo or unpredictable weapons
with a wound token and place both cause noise, and why you can’t or items can have multiple Unreliable
wounded and unwounded cards by just pick them up when you’re keywords. In these cases, each
the map as reference. in the middle of fighting off the keyword will trigger an out of action
Nazis up close and personal. token unless a special result is spent
Either or both of these basic actions on it.
Play Action Cards and Feats Free Action Vril
Each Hero has their own, unique In addition to their basic actions and All vril weapons and items are
deck of action cards that define cards, a player may give 1 item to unpredictable. When they work as
their particular style of play. The deck 1 other Hero in the same area for free. intended they are near-magical.
includes 2 feat cards, each of which However, they are also prone to
has a single effect. The remaining 10 This action causes 0 noise. draining without warning, surging for
action cards in the deck each have massive effect, or simply exploding.
2 effects. When a card is used, the
Heroics Points
player must choose to use either the
Heroics points are one-use tokens Whenever vril equipment is used,
top or bottom effect. The top effect is
that come in 3 types: attack, defence, roll the number of vril dice shown
always a free action or reaction. The
bottom effect is always a modifier and wild. alongside the normal attack or
to another action (either a card or a defence dice. If a vril item doesn’t
basic action). normally require a test, roll the vril
dice shown anyway.
A player may play cards from his hand
before, between, or after taking his Results are:
basic actions. In addition, cards can Wild Defence Attack
be used to modify either basic actions Blank : The power drains
or other cards. Attack and defence points can only from the item. Mark it with
be used on those tests. Wild heroics an out of action token.
Cards can be played for their points can be used on either attack
modifiers after the dice have been or defence tests.
rolled. More than one card can be 1-3 : If making an attack or
played to modify a single test. You Heroics points can be spent in two defence test, add these to
may wait to see the results of one
ways: your total.
card before deciding to play another.
Only when a total is declared and the
Before a test: spend 1 heroics point
resulting effect applied is this process
of playing cards and modifying the to automatically succeed. The total is
result considered final. considered to be equal to the target
number. Special : If making an attack
or defence test, treat it as a
After a test: spend 2 heroics points normal special result. A vril
Deciding when and in what combina- to ignore what was rolled and special result can be used
tions you use your Hero’s cards is the
core of the game. Different Heroes have
automatically succeed. The total is to trigger either vril specials or the
very different strategies for using their considered to be equal to the target specials for the type of test being
cards, so there’s a lot to explore. Some, number. made. If no test is being made (for
like Quentin or Claudine, are great in the
early game, and often use their feats example, with vril goggles) this result
very early. Brick, on the other hand, will Heroics points never affect noise. has no effect.
often accumulate a huge hand of cards
before the alarm because he is rubbish
at attacking quietly and is trying not to A Hero may gain an additional heroics Surge : The item or weapon
give the game away. However, once the point each time they clear a room. To triggers its surge effect and
alarm goes off he tends to have an epic
turn or two of destruction, fuelled by all clear a room, a Hero must kill all the is then marked with an out
the extra cards he has, and this balances Nazis (and this must be at least 2) of action token.
him out. In fact, this sort of card-burning
heroic turn should happen to everyone
in that room in a single turn without
a couple of times in each game. It’s just spending heroics points to do so.
knowing when to pop that combo for
most effect.
OFF THE ALARM A Nazi turn only happens when there A tile will move up one level of
are Nazi miniatures on the map. awareness when:
The alarm can be triggered in one
of two ways. Either the players A Nazi turn has 3 phases: • The Nazi first sees a Hero. This
reach the end of round 6 by could be caused either by the Hero
taking their turns as normal and or the Nazi moving into line of sight
1 Raise the alarm! If 1 or more Nazi
completing the end of round phase, of the other. Raise the level as soon
units are alert at the start of a pre-
or something triggers it early. as this happens.
alarm Nazi turn, advance the mission
tracker by one round. • A Hero is in a Nazi’s line of sight at
If the alarm is triggered early then
finish the current action (not turn). the end of any Nazi turn. Raise the
Then move immediately to the end level at the end of the Nazi turn.
2 Action Stations! All Nazi miniatures
of round phase for that round. on the map move. Do this in the order • A Hero attacks in their turn, and
listed on the faction card. fails to kill all the Nazis in the target
Once the end of round phase is tile. Raise the level at the end of the
complete, the alarm triggers. Spawn Hero’s turn.
any remaining Nazis. 3 Kill the Intruders! All Nazi
miniatures which can attack do so.
Do this in the order listed on the Apply each case up to once per Hero
After the alarm there are a few or Nazi turn.
important differences: faction card.
• All Nazis are alert the whole time, so Raise the Alarm!
you no longer need the suspicious/ Nazi units can be in one of 3 levels
alert tokens to track awareness levels. of awareness: at ease, suspicious,
• Player order is random. or alert. All Nazis on a tile share the
same level of awareness. Mission
• Ignore level 1 and 2 noise tests. briefings list the initial level for each
Once the alarm goes off, things get complicated real fast. This is an excellent
reason to put the moment off as long as possible. All the Nazis being on the
map is bad, and random player order is worse. However, it’s not all a disaster –
the blaring klaxons and the pounding of jackbooted feet on concrete does hide
a lot of noise.
The pre-alarm and post-alarm games can be quite different, which is entirely
intentional. Playing well needs an ability to both plan ahead, and deal with
emerging contingencies, and the balance of which skill is more important
shifts as the game progresses. It also varies with the Hero you’re playing, and
that of the others in your team. Luckily, the Heroes are all pretty heroic in their THE HERO DIDN’T KILL ALL THE NAZIS
own ways, so even if they get into trouble, they also can get out of almost IN THE AREA HE TARGETED.
If a Nazi unit enters a new area with
a different levels of awareness, the
area is raised to the higher of the two Kill the intruders
Nazis will attack the nearest Hero
For example, if a suspicious Nazi whenever they can. If two Heroes are
equidistant, the Nazis will attack the
enters an area that already contains
Hero who most recently had a turn
an alert Nazi, then the suspicious Nazi
this round. If none of the potential
becomes alert. If an alert Nazi moved target Heroes have had their turn this
into an area containing a suspicious round, then the players choose who
Nazi then the suspicious Nazi would the Nazis attack.
become alert.
If more than one Nazi miniature of the
After the alarm is triggered you no same type attacks the same Hero in
longer need to worry about awareness the same way (melee or ranged), then
levels. All Nazis are automatically alert. combine all the attacks into a single
defence test. Start with one attacker’s
Action Stations! value and add the support value of
each additional attacker. This total
Nazi units move 1 area per turn. becomes the target number for the
Unlike Heroes, Nazis open doors Hero’s defence test.
automatically. In the move phase, if a
Nazi miniature needs to move through For example, 2 zombies are in the
a closed door then they will open it same area as Quentin. In the Nazi
instead of moving. This may result in turn they make a combined melee
breaking up groups of the same type attack against him. Zombies have an
as one opens the door and the others attack of 6, and a support value of
move through. 3, so Quentin has a target of 9 for
his defence test. If there had been 4
zombies, Quentin would have needed
Once all players have had a turn,
and the Nazis have had a turn for
each player, there is an end of
round phase:
• Any player with fewer than 5
cards draws 1 card from their
own deck.
•Advance the mission tracker
by 1 round.
The above ru
le is the core
you’d expect rule. As
have special various Nazi types
to move faster les that allow them
on. These vari smash doors, and so
ations in beha
flagged with viour are
When a Hero uses a BANG! weapon before the alarm sounds, the
mission tracker is immediately advanced 1 round. If this moves the
mission tracker over the alarm threshold then stop moving the tracker
and trigger the alarm.
When a Hero uses a BOOM! weapon before the alarm sounds, the
mission tracker is immediately advanced
2 rounds. If this moves the mission tracker over the alarm threshold
then stop moving the tracker and trigger the alarm.
Captured Heroes
Heroes can be captured if they get isolated and overrun by Nazis. A
Hero is considered captured if, at the start of their turn, all 3 of the
following situations are true:
A captured Hero loses their turn. They also count as a Guard point for
the Nazis while they are captured.