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66.-68. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 67. According to the passage, there are two ways in
which a whiteout occurs, and in both cases, ----.
A) nothing with dark colours could be seen
Whiteout is the condition in which the ground, air, and
sky are all a uniform white and no landscape features B) there should be snowflakes falling quickly from the sky
are visible. Persons exposed to a whiteout lose their
perception of depth and quickly become disoriented, so C) the shadows of some objects get darker
a whiteout is extremely dangerous. There are two ways
in which a whiteout can occur. In calm weather, a D) using a flashlight is not helpful to identify objects
uniformly white snow surface may lie beneath low cloud.
The cloud diffuses light passing through it, so light falls E) the light is diffused by clouds
on objects evenly from all sides and there are no
shadows. Consequently, everything appears white. If
dark objects are visible, they appear to float, and it is
impossible to determine their distance. Whiteout can
also occur in a blizzard. Again, the light is diffused by
clouds, but in this case there are also snowflakes
between the cloud base and the ground. The
snowflakes are falling quickly and turning in all
directions, reflecting light in all directions as they do so.
68. What is the passage mainly about?
A flashlight is useless in the second type of whiteout,
because the light is scattered by the falling snowflakes. A) The description of a natural event together with its

B) Reasons why a whiteout gives permanent damage to

a person’s perception

C) Factors influencing the occurrence of a whiteout in a

66. It is clearly stated in the passage that in a whiteout,
----. D) The use of a flashlight in the occurrences of whiteout
A) the snowy surface meets harsh cold weather
E) A natural phenomenon that has not been clearly
understood by scientists yet
B) the ground, air, and sky are alike in terms of colour

C) light falls on objects from a certain side

D) dark objects become more visible since their distance

can be estimated more easily

E) the weather is relatively warm with clear skies

21 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


69.-71. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 70. Which of the following is true about the Florida
A) They stop eating when their habitat is destroyed by
The Florida manatee is a large marine mammal with a humans.
rounded, heavy grey body and a horizontally flattened
tail. Native Americans hunted manatees for centuries, B) They cannot live comfortably in temperatures below
using their flesh for food, their bones for medicine, and 15°C.
their skin for leather. When Spanish explorers began
colonising the Caribbean islands in the 16th century, C) Humans are not as dangerous as natural events for
manatee hunting increased. Biologists believe this them.
hunting is responsible for the manatee’s initial decline.
Natural events, such as sudden changes in water D) Their horizontally flattened tail causes them to act in a
temperature, also can be deadly to manatees. In the lazy way in water.
1980s, three abnormally cold winters in Florida lowered
water temperatures throughout the state. In water below E) The measures introduced by the Florida legislature to
15°C, manatees become lazy, stop eating, and protect them are criticised by swimmers and divers.
eventually die. Many manatees perished during those
cold Florida winters. The greatest continued threat to
manatees, however, comes from humans. To fix this
problem, in 1978, the Florida legislature passed the
Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act, which designated the
entire state a shelter and a protection area for the
animal. In areas declared manatee shelters, no boats,
swimmers, or divers are allowed.
71. What is the primary purpose of the author?
A) To emphasise the importance of the Florida Manatee
Sanctuary Act for the protection of the manatee

B) To explain why natural events lead to deadly

consequences for the Florida manatee

69. Which could be understood from the passage? C) To inform the reader about the reasons for the decline
A) Manatees are still being hunted in large amounts in numbers of the Florida manatee
despite measures taken to increase their numbers.
D) To highlight that human activities pose serious threats
B) The impact of Native Americans on the manatee’s to the effective protection of manatees
decline was much bigger than that of Spanish
explorers. E) To encourage the states other than Florida to declare
protection areas for manatees
C) Due to cold Florida winters, manatees have adapted
themselves to living in extremely low water

D) After Spanish explorers colonised the Caribbean

islands, they did not hunt manatees for a long time as
their numbers were decreasing.

E) For native Americans, manatees were not only a

source of food but also a material used for different

22 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


72.-74. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 73. One can understand from the passage that faster
growth of a tree ----.
A) has been shown by Büntgen to be an important
Planting trees is widely accepted as a way to counter advantage for the tree
global warming, but in the future, this strategy could
become less effective. In a warmer world with rising B) can cause the tree to have a shorter lifespan
levels of carbon dioxide in the air, researchers think
trees will grow faster, but this is not necessarily a good C) could mean a quick recovery of the forests lost
thing. Faster growth may mean a shorter tree life, recently
reducing the amount of time they lock carbon up.
A study adds to the evidence that this is the case. D) dramatically increases the amount of carbon dioxide it
Ulf Büntgen at the University of Cambridge and his can absorb from the air
colleagues looked at tree ring records going back
2,000 years, and found that the longest-lived trees were E) means that it will provide more help to alleviate the
those with the slowest growth rates. The team studied negative effects of global warming
1,800 trees, all mountain pines from the Spanish
Pyrenees or the Russian Altai region, which can live up
to about 800 years. Yet, in a warmer world with more
carbon dioxide, these trees might live just 150 years
after growing rapidly. Büntgen says "We should keep
planting trees to tackle climate change, but we should
realise that, on a timescale of centuries, the carbon
these trees seize may not stay there long. However, it
does not mean that the carbon sink of forests will go 74. The underlined word 'seize' in the passage is closest
away". in meaning to ----.
A) jeopardise B) revive

C) store D) violate

E) improve

72. According to the passage, it is a common belief

that ----.
A) planting trees helps us to fight against global warming

B) the effects of global warming have become more

apparent because of shortened lifespan of trees

C) the positive effects of planting trees are lessened by

global warming

D) trees grow more slowly in warm regions, such as the

Spanish Pyrenees

E) a large number of trees can live up to about 800 years

23 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


75.-77. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 76. It is clear from the passage that ----.
A) bombs are heavier than blocks as they are composed
of a hot liquid
Tephra is the name given to all the material that erupts
from a volcano, excluding lava. Tephra comes in all B) volcanic eruptions are accompanied by a change in
shapes and sizes, and is also referred to as pyroclastic weather conditions
material or fire particles. Geologists classify tephra
according to size and believe that ash, block, and C) bombs gain a different form when they come in
bombs are the most common types. Ash is a material contact with air
smaller than two millimetres that is emitted from an
erupting volcano; it can also contain little stones. In a D) ash is transported a short distance by wind if it carries
large eruption, ash can accumulate to a great thickness stones
and spread out for thousands of kilometres, usually in
the direction of the prevailing winds. Blocks, on the E) blocks may spread out for thousands of kilometres
other hand, are solid rock emitted from an erupting thanks to winds
volcano. They can be anywhere from the size of a
baseball to the size of a boulder as large as a house.
Finally, bombs are volcanic rocks that are still molten
inside; they are shaped by their passage through the air.
Typically ranging from baseball to basketball size, they
can be bigger than a small plane.

77. What is the passage mainly about?

A) Major characteristics of volcanic eruptions that emit
lava and tephra

B) Explanation of why tephra occurs and how it

75. According to the passage, tephra ----.
contributes to volcanic eruptions
A) varies depending on whether it includes lava
C) The impacts of air and wind on the formation of tephra
B) is generally shaped by lava
D) The definition of tephra together with its widely-known
C) has the same shape in all categories categories

E) The spread of ash to different places after a volcanic

D) consists of various materials in different sizes
E) is categorised based on the intensity of a volcanic

24 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


78.-80. soruları aşağıda verilen parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 79. Which of the following is true about the study?
A) Some subjects in the first group did not want to
deactivate the robot because of emotional concerns.
New studies show that we are easily emotionally
influenced by humanoid robots. Scientists from a B) All subjects in the first group refused to deactivate the
leading university made 43 subjects play a quiz game robot when it cried.
with a humanoid robot. They were told that the aim was
to test a new robotic software, so they did not know they C) The subjects in the second group did not want to shut
were being observed. After the game, the test subjects the robot down although it did not cry.
were told to deactivate the robot, but before their fingers
touched the button, the robot cried, “No, no, I am afraid D) Deactivation of the robot meant that the test subjects
of the dark. Do not turn me off”. This made almost all failed to play a quiz game with the robot.
test subjects hesitate, and 14 of them refused to press
the button. Subsequently, eight test subjects explained E) The subjects in the second group were asked to
they felt sorry for the robot, whereas six said they did deactivate the robot without paying attention to its cry.
not wish to do something that the robot did not want
them to. The scientists also made another team take the
test without the robot crying. In this case, the test
subjects had no problems shutting the robot down.
According to the scientists, it is deeply rooted in us that
we would rather treat a machine as a human being than
risk that something human is treated inhumanely. It
seems that our reactions to machines are not very
different from those we show to humans, and we should 80. The author's attitude towards the emotional
not treat anything in a bad manner, be it a human or a reactions of the subjects to the robot in the test is
machine. ----.
A) Sarcastic B) Pessimistic

C) Overcritical D) Favouring

E) Disapproving

78. It is understood from the passage that before the

test, the subjects ----.
A) were not informed that their reactions were going to be

B) were instructed to think and feel like a humanoid robot

C) were asked to treat the robot as if it were a human

D) were not willing to play a quiz game with the humanoid


E) were told that the purpose of the study was to test the
level of interaction of humanoid robots


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