Extraction of Oil From Orange Peel by Steam Distillation
Extraction of Oil From Orange Peel by Steam Distillation
Extraction of Oil From Orange Peel by Steam Distillation
The extraction of essential oils from natural sources has 2. ESSENTIAL OILS
garnered significant attention in recent years due to their
diverse applications in various industries such as food, 1. Aromatic Qualities: The oil possesses a refreshing,
cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and aromatherapy. Among tangy aroma that is both invigorating and uplifting. Its
these natural sources, citrus fruits, including oranges, bright citrus fragrance is often used in aromatherapy to
stand out for their rich content of essential oils found promote a positive mood, reduce stress, and create an
primarily in their peels. Orange peel, a byproduct of the energizing atmosphere.
citrus industry, is abundant and possesses valuable 2. Therapeutic Benefits: Rich in compounds such as
aromatic compounds that contribute to its distinct limonene and citral, orange peel oil offers a wide range
fragrance and therapeutic properties. One of the most of therapeutic benefits. It is known for its antimicrobial
common methods employed for the extraction of essential properties, which can help inhibit the growth of bacteria,
oils from plant materials is steam distillation. This viruses, and fungi, making it useful in natural cleaning
technique involves the use of steam to rupture the oil and disinfecting applications.
glands within the plant material, releasing the essential 3. Digestive Support: Orange peel oil has long been used
oils, which are then carried along with the steam and to support digestive health. It may aid in relieving
subsequently condensed into a liquid form. Steam symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and nausea by
distillation offers several advantages, including high promoting healthy digestion and soothing the
extraction efficiency, minimal degradation of heat- gastrointestinal tract.
sensitive compounds, and environmental friendliness, 4. Skin Care: In skincare, orange peel oil is valued for its
making it a preferred method for obtaining essential oils astringent and antioxidant properties. It can help tone
from botanical sources. In this project, the focus lies on the and rejuvenate the skin, reduce the appearance of acne
extraction of oil from orange peel using steam distillation. and blemishes, and improve overall skin texture and
The utilization of orange peel for oil extraction not only appearance.
5. DIFFERENT EXTRACTION METHODS FOR mass transfer and extraction efficiency. It's applicable
OF EXTRACTION OF OIL FROM ORANGE in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food,
PEEL and environmental analysis. Optimization of
parameters like frequency and power is essential for
maximizing extraction yield. Ultrasound extraction
1. Cold Pressing: Cold pressing, also known as
offers advantages like reduced extraction time,
expression or mechanical pressing, is a simple and
improved selectivity, and lower solvent consumption.
traditional method for extracting oil from citrus peels.
In this method, the orange peel is mechanically pressed
to release the oil, which is then collected. Cold pressing
preserves the natural aroma and flavor of the oil but 6. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT
may yield lower quantities compared to other EXTRACTION METHODS
extraction methods.
2. Steam Distillation: Steam distillation is a widely used From above comparison we found that distillation is
method for extracting essential oils from plant most suitable path
materials, including orange peel. In this method, steam
is passed through the orange peel, causing the oil 1. Efficient Process: Steam distillation is an efficient
glands to rupture and release the essential oil. The method as it can extract oils from the peels in a fast
steam and oil vapor are then condensed and collected, and effective way.
with the oil separating from the water. Steam 2. Less Harmful to Environment: Steam distillation is a
distillation allows for efficient extraction of oil while green method and not harmful to the environment
preserving its aromatic and therapeutic properties. compared to other methods that use chemical
3. Produces High-Quality Oil: Steam distillation
3. Solvent Extraction: Solvent extraction involves using produces pure and high-quality orange peel oil by
a solvent, such as hexane or ethanol, to extract oil from separating the oil from water and impurities.
orange peel. The solvent dissolves the oil from the peel,
forming a solution that is then separated from the solid
plant material. The solvent is then evaporated to
recover the oil. Solvent extraction can yield high
quantities of oil but may require additional processing
to remove traces of solvent from the final product.
Plant Material: orange peel Step 3: Boiling Water - Water is first boiled in a large
boiler to generate steam.
Material And Instruments: Step 4: Steam Flow - The steam flows through the orange
peels in the extraction chamber, which releases the oil
Boiler or steam generator (to produce steam), Steam inlet from the peels.
tube (to direct steam into the distillation flask),Distillation Step 5: Condensation - The steam containing the oil
flask (where the orange peel and water are vapor is cooled and condensed in a separate chamber,
placed),Condenser (to condense the steam into which results in pure orange peel oil.
liquid),Receiver flask (to collect the condensed Step 6: Separation - The essential oil is separated from
liquid),Cooling water inlet and outlet (for circulating cold the distillate and collected for further processing.
water through the condenser),Vacuum pump (optional, for
reducing pressure in the system),Heat source (e.g., hot
plate or gas burner) for heating the distillation Calculation Of Oil Yield:
flask,Thermometer (to monitor the temperature of the
distillation process),Clamps and stands (for supporting The calculation of oil yield typically depends on several
and securing glassware), factors such as the type of oilseed, the extraction method
used, and the efficiency of the extraction process.
Collection And Identification Of Orange Peel: However, a general formula to calculate oil yield from
oilseeds can be expressed as:
Examine the orange peel visually. It should have a bright
orange color and a rough, dimpled texture. Look for small
Oil Yield (%) =
oil glands visible as tiny dots on the outer surface. Gently
crush or tear a small piece of the orange peel and smell it.
Orange peel typically has a strong, citrusy aroma, Here's a breakdown of the components:
characteristic of oranges. Feel the texture of the orange
peel. It should feel slightly rough and textured, with small 1. Weight of Oil Obtained: This refers to the weight of
oil glands releasing a slight oiliness when rubbed between oil extracted from the oilseed after the extraction
your fingers. Obtain fresh oranges from a reliable source. process. This can be measured using a scale that is
Ensure they are organic if possible, to avoid pesticide sensitive enough to measure small quantities
residue. Carefully separate the orange peels from the fruit. accurately.
Try to avoid including too much of the white pith beneath 2. Weight of Oilseed Used: This is the initial weight of
the peel, as it can affect the quality of the oil. the oilseed before the extraction process. Again, it can
be measured using a scale.
Orange peel sample
To calculate the oil yield:
Extraction Of Oil From Orange Peel By Steam 1. Measure the weight of the oil obtained after extraction.
2. Measure the weight of the oilseed used for extraction.
3. Plug these values into the formula above to find the oil
yield percentage.
It's important to note that oil yield can vary depending on
factors such as the quality of the oilseed, the extraction
method (solvent extraction, mechanical pressing, etc.),
and the efficiency of the extraction equipment
RESULT AND DISCUSSION extraction time. Factors such as the ripeness, freshness,
and variety of oranges can influence the composition and
We have seen the effect of time by taking temperature yield of essential oil, thereby affecting extraction kinetics.
constant on orange peel oil. The estraction time depends the design and efficiency of the steam distillation
on the material, solvent, extraction temperature. Longer apparatus, including the size and shape of the extraction
the extraction efficiency may be improve. the positive vessel, the effectiveness of condensation, and the
relationship only holds to a certain limit of extraction insulation of the system, can affect extraction time
duration where further time prolongation does not increase
the extraction efficiency . On the other hand, longer CONCLUSION
extraction time also impairs the quality of essential oils In this study, steam distillation was employed to extract
and is more time- and energy- consuming. Temperature is essential oil from orange peel, and several factors affecting
one of the factors affecting the extraction process because the extraction process were investigated. The extraction
the amount of oil is obtaines different from amount of oil yield, chemical composition, and extraction time were
when it is at a different temperature. analyzed to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the
Effect of Extraction time Factors affecting extraction time were investigated,
including the particle size of orange peel, temperature of
Several factors can influence the extraction time in the steam, pressure, water-to-orange peel ratio, duration of
steam distillation of essential oils from orange peel. distillation, plant material pre-treatment, agitation, orange
Understanding these factors is crucial for optimizing the peel quality and variety, equipment design, and operator
extraction process. Finely grinding or chopping the orange skill and experience. Optimizing these factors can lead to
peel increases the surface area available for extraction. faster extraction times and improved extraction efficiency.
Smaller particle sizes facilitate better contact between the Overall, steam distillation proved to be a reliable
orange peel and steam, leading to faster extraction. Higher method for extracting essential oil from orange peel, with
steam temperatures can accelerate the extraction process the potential for various industrial and therapeutic
by promoting the volatilization of essential oil components applications. Further research could focus on optimizing
from the orange peel. However, excessively high extraction parameters, exploring the biological activities
temperatures may also cause thermal degradation of heat- of the essential oil, and developing value-added products.
sensitive compounds. By understanding and controlling the factors influencing
extraction, the quality, purity, and yield of essential oils
can be enhanced, contributing to their commercial
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can raise the boiling point of water, leading to more
efficient extraction. However, excessive pressure may REFERENCES
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International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | April - 2024 SJIF Rating: 8.448 ISSN: 2582-3930