Mubarak Plus CC TC en
Mubarak Plus CC TC en
Mubarak Plus CC TC en
Arab National bank (“Bank”) will issue the Al Mubarak Plus Credit Card (“Card”) in accordance with the following Terms
and Conditions:
1. Standard Definitions
1.1 Customer: The customer is the person who submits an application to obtain the card and is the primary card holder.
He is also responsible for all due amounts arising out of or consequent upon issuance and utilization of the primary and
supplementary cards.
1.2 Cardholder: Cardholder is the person whose name appears on the card and the term cardholder includes the primary
cardholder and the holders of supplementary cards.
1.3 Card limit: The credit limit is determined after analyzing the customer’s credit history based on his/her credit
worthiness and according to the general policy of the bank.
1.4 Account statement: It is a monthly statement issued by the bank to the cardholder showing the details of the
transactions made by using the card and all the amounts owed by the card holder in favor of the bank. The account
statement also shows the name of the merchant and all transaction details. The customer can view the electronic
statement through anb mobile or anb Net. The customer can request the account statement be sent to the customer’s
national address registered with the bank, for a fee to be charged to the customer.
1.5 International transaction: is any transaction performed at a merchant who is registered outside Saudi Arabia or any
transaction performed with-a currency other than the Saudi Riyal.
2. Customer Acknowledgment
2.1 The customer agrees and authorizes ANB to inquire, verify and fetch any customer’s information from the Saudi Credit
Bureau (SIMAH)/ National Information Center or any other entity licensed by the government for the purpose of creating
an account with the bank review and/or manage it and/or apply for any of the bank's products or services. The cardholder
authorizes ANB as well to inquire, verify and fetch any customer’s information from time to time to review & validate any
customer's information as deemed appropriate by ANB.
2.2 The customer agrees to receive phone calls and text messages from ANB for marketing purposes and to sell products
and services provided by the bank, and agrees to recording all calls made between the customer and the bank, and the
recorded calls are considered an authentic and admissible evidence that may be referred to, relied upon and acted on
when needed.
2.3 The Cardholder acknowledges that he/she has read these Terms and Conditions and fully understands their contents
and the obligations created thereby and fully accepts to be bound by the same. Also, customer’s activation of the card is
an acknowledgment from him that he has read and understood the Terms and Conditions of the card and agreed to them.
2.4 The Cardholder undertakes to maintain his/her PIN, OTPs and card information in confidence at all times and shall not
disclose, write or record it in any means, and takes full responsibility and liability for any transaction (financial or
no-financial) that occurs from disclosing such details.
2.5 The card holder undertakes to pay the value of all transactions posted to his account and resulting from his use of his
credit card, whether or not the card holder is issued with a receipt, and the card holder consents that using the card to
make purchases through websites or digital wallets or enter the OTP to confirm the online purchase transaction is an
acknowledgment from him of approval of the purchase process and he has no right to claim any compensation in
connection therewith from the Bank.
2.6 The customer agrees that not receiving the card account statement does not constitute an excuse for the customer for
not paying the due amount. The customer can find out the due amounts on the card through the phone, ANB Net, ANB
mobile or by visiting the branch. The customer also undertakes to update personal contact details such as the post office
box number, mobile number and e-mail on bank records relating to the card account, and the bank is not responsible for
not informing the customer of any modifications to this agreement as a result of his/her breach of this obligation.
2.7 The Cardholder warrants that he/she will not use nor facilitate use of his/her Card(s), whether directly or indirectly, for
any purposes connected with money laundering and terrorism financing.
3. Billing Cycle and Card Payment
3.1 The bank sends the customer’s card statement in the second week of every month to the last email address the
customer provided to the bank. In addition, the customer can view the card statement through the official channels of the
bank (anb Net). The statement includes details of the amounts of purchases, cash withdrawals and any amount in excess
over the limit, and any fees or other amounts charged to the card as described in the card usage guide.
3.2 At any point of time if credit limit exceeded , customer will required to make 100% entire amount to be paid, In case
non-payment of total due, the amount will be deducted from the customer’s current account and the card will be
permanently canceled. The customer’s failure to pay negatively affects SIMAH’s credit history, Negative history in SIMAH
will impact negatively on customer future obtaining any facilities or financing from ANB or other banks.
3.3 If the card holder fails to pay, this will negatively impact the credit history of the cardholder, which means he will be
unable in the future to obtain any facilities or financing from other banks.
3.4 The Bank shall exonerate the Cardholder from all due amounts in case of death or total disability leading to permanent
absence from work which results in salary discontinuation within a period not to exceed 30 days from the date the related
documents are received, and any amount deducted as of the date of death or total disability will be refunded, but
excluding cases of death or total disability due to the Cardholder’s deliberate self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide,
whether sane or insane at the time of the occurrence, and/or natural disasters or decisions of the court or competent
judicial authority under prevailing laws, rules and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and/or consumption of
alcohol, drugs or illegal medicines or substances, and/or taking part in, practicing or training on any hazardous sport or
competition such as participation in horse or car racing events, and/or death or injury attributed to the work nature,
and/or death or total disability due to, resulting from or aggravated by nuclear weapons, nuclear radiation or radioactive
pollution from any nuclear fuel or waste resulting from combustion of nuclear fuel, war, invasion, acts of a foreign enemy
or war-like activities or hostilities, excluding customers of the military sector, and/or acts of sabotage and terror committed
by a person or persons acting individually, on behalf of or in connection with any terrorist organization.
Card Type Infinite Signature Visa MasterCard MasterCard Classic Etihad MasterCard
Platinum Platinum Titanum Signature World
Annual Fees*1 SAR 977.5 SAR 517.5 SAR 345 SAR 402.5 SAR 230 SAR 230 SAR 690 SAR 805
Fee waiver Free for as long as the account maintains Platinum classification; if classification changes,
for Platinum
customers*1*2 annual fees will be applied
Fee waiver
for Gold Free for as long as the account maintains Gold classification; if classification changes,
customers*1*2 annual fees will be applied
Cash withdrawal
SAR 86.25 per transaction regardless of the amount withdrawn.
Transfer Fee*1 SAR 86.25 per transaction regardless of the amount withdrawn.
Invalid Dispute SAR 57.5 (if investigation outcome is against Cardholder).
Transaction 3.10% added to the transaction value
Tawarouq Profit Varies based in customer risk assessment
requested Free
fee (less than
1 year)*1
requested fee SAR 57.5
(from 1 year to
5 years)*1
requested SAR 115
fee (More than
5 years)*1
Late payment
SAR 100
Lost card
replacement Free SAR 115
Minimum 5% of total due amount or SR 200, whichever is higher.
Cash Advance 30% of Credit Limit (maximum single transaction value should not exceed SAR 5,000). ATM cash
Limit*1 withdrawals are subject to limits enforced in the jurisdiction where the Cardholder is making the
cash withdrawal
*1 Including VAT.
*2 Free for Platinum and Gold customers (for as long as the account classification is maintained only). The Bank periodically
reviews the membership of the customer’s program to verify eligibility based on the approved criteria for the Platinum
and Gold program, and in the event that the customer does not meet the criteria, the account grade rating is reduced and
thus the card fee type changes to a full fee.
*3 The example on APR Based on limit of SAR 30,000 and a monthly Tawarouq rate of 2.20%
• Example for Platinum Credit Card with credit limit of SAR 30,000:
Credit card Minimum Repayment Months Until Balance
APR Purchase Rate* Percentage Repaid**
6. Authorization and Compensation for the Instructions Issued by Telephone and Fax
6.1 The customer authorizes the bank to act in accordance with any notice or instruction, request or any other message
the customer may issue from time to time by phone or fax,or is believed to be issued on his behalf (instructions) without
any obligation on the part of the bank to inquire, and without prejudice in the general rules of authorization or the
identification of the person who issued the instructions or who is believed to have issued them, regardless of the
circumstances at the time of issuing the instructions.
6.2 The bank is entitled to consider the instructions issued as full authorization from the customer and binding to them.
The bank has the right to take the necessary steps in regard to the instructions or reliance thereon as it deems fit, whether
the instructions contained directives to pay money, debit from any account or related to disposition of any funds,
securities or documents or create the impression that they bind the customer to any other type of transactions or
arrangements whatsoever regardless of the nature of the transaction, arrangement or the amount associated with it.
6.3 Based on the bank acting according to the terms of this authorization and indemnity, the customer irrevocably
undertakes to compensate the bank for and protect it at all times from and against all losses, claims, lawsuits and legal
proceedings, damages, costs and expenditures incurred or borne by the bank of whatever nature or causes arising in
connection with the instructions.
6.4 This authorization and indemnity terms remain valid and fully effective until the bank receives notice of their
termination from the customer in accordance with the terms of the authorization on condition that the bank has sufficient
time to act accordingly, except that such termination will not relieve the customer from any liability resulting from this
7. Lost or Stolen Cards
7.1 Cardholder must report a lost or stolen card to the Retail Banking Group of the bank by phone 8001240088 (from
within the Kingdom) or 00966112994088 (from outside the Kingdom). The customer will be responsible for any
transactions made on the card before the Bank receives a notice through the official channels of the bank (branch, phone,
or anb Net) reporting loss or theft of the card.
7.2 In the event of loss of the card, mobile phone or any gadgets that accepts payment (in case the card is added to such
wallets), the customer undertakes to notify the bank immediately to request suspension electronic wallets transactions,
removal of the canceled card from the application and addition of the new card as the bank is not responsible for any
transactions performed on the card account through the mentioned applications after card freezing via Phone Banking
or anb Net. The customer is responsible for any transactions carried out by mobile (electronic payment wallets) before the
Bank’s Retail Banking Group receives a notification stating that the mobile has been lost or stolen.
8. General Provisions
8.1 The bank may, upon its sole discretion, to transfer and assign in any capacity, partly or wholly, any amounts owed by
the customer, and the customer should pay all unpaid amounts if it becomes necessary to claim payments through
collecting agents or recourse to the law to enforce payment.
8.2 The Bank sends marketing messages for credit cards or other financial products and banking services and the
cardholder agrees to receive such offers unless the cardholder expressly states or notifies the bank that he/she disagrees
to receive them.
8.3 The customer irrevocably agrees that the bank may at its discretion exchange any information or data regarding the
customer and / or cardholder or his transactions with any member or affiliated member, (Including for the purpose of
preventing fraud, auditing, or outsourcing services to a third party, collecting a debt or pursuant to a request from any
government organization or regulatory authority).
8.4 The airport lounge access program depends on the type of card and the service provider (Visa/MasterCard) and is
subject to the terms and conditions provided by them, including but not limited to: the number of free entry times,
lounges participating in the program etc. Please visit anb website for a list of approved lounges and updated list by the
service providers.
8.5 Atheer Contactless service allows the cardholder to use it in electronic payments but without exceeding the payment
limit for Atheer service specified by Arab National Bank without entering the PIN number through the NFC technology
where the customer passes the card in front of the special device. The customer acknowledges that he/she is aware of the
risks associated with conducting transactions through this service and takes full responsibility for the transactions made
using NFC. The Bank has the right to amend the payment limit in accordance with the relevant regulations without
securing the customer’s consent thereon.
8.6 Registering (adding) the card in mobile wallets such as Apple Pay, mada Pay…etc. is deemed an unconditional and
irrevocable authorization from the Customer to the person using the mobile or any gadgets that accept mobile payment
at any time for any transaction. The Customer is therefore directly responsible for all obligations arising from these
transactions as if these obligations originated from the Customer himself.
8.7 Provided the accountholder does not perform any debit transaction, the status of inactive accounts will be changed to
the following manner:
- Credit balance, an account, relationship or dealing for credit card shall be deemed “Active” if the last financial debit
transaction performed by the customer or his/her authorized agent over the account is not more than 24 Gregorian
months old starting from the date of the last transaction posted by the customer.
- Credit balance, an account, relationship or dealing for credit card shall be deemed “Dormant” if it completes a period of
24 Gregorian months from the date of the last financial debit transaction performed by the customer or his/her
authorized agent over the account as evidenced in a reliable and documented recording or written communication in
relation to transactions.
- Credit balance, an account, relationship or dealing for credit card shall be deemed “Unclaimed” if it completes a period
of 5 Gregorian years (60 months) (including the Dormant Account stage) if the customer personally or his/her
authorized agent does not perform a financial debit transaction as evidenced in a reliable and documented recording
or written communication, the bank could not locate the customer and has exhausted all possible communications
means to reach him/her.
- Credit balance, the account, relationship or dealing for credit card will be deemed “Abandoned” and the accountholder
ending the relationship with the bank if it remains Unclaimed for 10 Gregorian years (i.e. 15 Gregorian years in total from
the date of the last financial transaction).
8.8 The Bank has the right to change or amend any provision of these terms and conditions from time to time and the bank
will inform the cardholder of the new modifications in the manner the bank deems appropriate, and those modifications
become valid and effective after (30) days from the date of notice to the cardholder, at which point the cardholder
becomes bound by the amendments, unless the cardholder pays the full amounts due to the bank for transactions
performed using the card(s), and the cardholder cancels the card before the effective date of these modifications.
8.9 The Bank may, at any time, request any document (documents) from the customer or the cardholder that the Bank
deems necessary to enforce this Agreement or any of the transactions to be conducted using the card by the customer or
the cardholder and if the customer fails to comply therewith, the bank has the right to cancel the card and oblige the
customer to pay the full amount of the indebtedness immediately.
8.10 In case of discrepancy between Arabic text and English text of these Terms and Conditions, Arabic text shall prevail.
Arab National Bank - a Saudi joint stock co. - paid up capital SR. 15,000 Million - Unified No. 7000018007 - CR. No. 1010027912 - License No. (4017/m/a/254) -
National Address 7317 King Faisal Rd. Al Murabba, unit number 1, Riyadh 12613-3536 - P.O. Box 56921, Riyadh 11564, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Website: - Telephone +966114029000 - Fax +966114027747
Arab National Bank is regulated and supervised by the Saudi Central Bank