Module 5. Communication For Various Purposes Continuation
Module 5. Communication For Various Purposes Continuation
Module 5. Communication For Various Purposes Continuation
“Communication is a systematic process of dissemination of information which will serve its
purpose for inquiry, information, reservation, and entertainment.” Martinez, 2002
Opening Task: Listen, Jot Down, Interpret! (see activity on a separate sheet).
Communication Fundamentals
• According to Oliver Schinkte, communication is a critical part of our daily lives, and it is
something that we often overlook and fail to practice.
• Although communication is an innate skill that is subconsciously learned and used, this
skill needs to be enhanced in order to attain a strong foundation of your communication
What are the basic communication principles?
1. Know your purpose
o Why are you speaking?
o A purpose is an exact statement of what you want your audience to understand,
to do, or to believe.
o You may want to entertain, inform, or persuade your audience.
2. Know your audience
o To whom you will speak?
o As a communicator it is important that you need to analyze, cater, and respect
the needs of your audience.
3. Organize your ideas
o How will you put your ideas together?
o Create an outline to diagram how your communication will be organized.
o Your outline should help you ensure that you don’t omit any vital information
4. Follow Basic Communication Principles
o How will you be an effective communicator?
o Master the principles of clarity in presenting your ideas, use familiar words in
communicating your thoughts, and be an active participant in the entire
communication process.
“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the
world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.”
-Tony Robbins-
• Various information and meaning are conveyed when people communicate with each
• People may use language, which is a system of symbols in communicating.
• These symbols can either be written or spoken.
2. To evoke
To evoke means to rely on passion and controversy to make a point. Evocative
communication centers on controversial topics that typically use emotion to make a point.
Evocative communicators must show a lot of enthusiasm and concern for the topic and must
use personal experience to draw the audience. Using government research, statistics and data
can all help make their topics more believable and more engaging
3. To Entertain
To entertain is to transmit a feeling of pleasure and goodwill to the audience. The
communicator is considered gracious, genial, good-natured, relaxed, and demonstrates to his or
her listeners the pleasant job of speaking to them
4. To Argue
To argue is to persuade, to assent to the plausibility of the communicator’s side of a
debatable question. The speaker’s purpose is to appeal to the intellect of his/her listeners so
that they will be convinced.
5. To persuade
To persuade is to move the listeners to action. The communicator should demolish the
listener’s objection, and prove the acceptability of this or her argument or position.
Magan, Rhodora, 2018. Purposive Communication in the 21st Century. Manila, Philippines:
Mindshapers Co., Inc