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Voter Registration Application

Before completing this form, review the General, Application, and State specific instructions.

Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Yes No

□ □ This space for office use only.
Will you be 18 years old on or before election day? Yes No
If you checked "No" in response to either of these questions, do not complete form. □ □
(Please see state-specifc instruc tions for rules regarding eligibility to register prior to age 18.)

□ Mr. □ Miss Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) □ II

□ Jr □
1 Ms. Dinku
□ Mrs.
□ Royal □ Sr □ IV
Home Address Apt. or Lot # City/Town State Zip Code
14656 Fox Glove Ct Woodbridge Virginia 22193
Address Where You Get Your Mail If Different From Above City/Town State Zip Code
Date of Birth Telephone Number (optional) ID Number - (See item 6 in the instructions for your state)
4 05 29 2000
5 (571) 866-3396
Month Day Year 6
Choice of Party
(see item 7 in the instructions for your State)
Race or Ethnic Group
(see item 8 in the instructions for your State)
I have reviewed my state's instructions and I swear/affirm that:
Q I am a United States citizen

Q I meet the eligibility requirements of my state and

subscribe to any oath required.
Q The information I have provided is true to the best of my
I Please sign full name (or put mark) A
knowledge under penalty of perjury. If I have provided false
information, I may be fned , imprisoned, or (if not a U.S.
citizen) deported from or refused entry to the United States.
I Month
z z Day Year
If you are registering to vote for the first time: please refer to the application instructions for information on
submitting copies of valid identification documents with this form.

Please fill out the sections below if they apply to you.

If this application is for a change of name, what was your name before you changed it?

Miss Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) II

Mrs. Ms.

If you were registered before but this is the first time you are registering from the address in Box 2, what was your address where you were registered before?

Street (or route and box number) Apt. or Lot # City/Town/County State Zip Code
If you live in a rural area but do not have a street number, or if you have no address, please show on the map where you live.
■ Write in the names of the crossroads (or streets) nearest to where you live. NORTH 

_ I .______I_
■ Draw an X to show where you live.
■ Use a dot to show any schools, churches, stores, or other landmarks
near where you live, and write the name of the landmark.

Route #2

● Grocery Store
Woodchuck Road
Public School ● X I I
If the applicant is unable to sign, who helped the applicant fill out this application? Give name, address and phone number (phone number optional).

Mail this application to the address provided for your State.

OMB Control No. 3265-0015


OMB Control No. 3265-0015

General Instructions
Who Can Use this Application
If you are a U.S. citizen who lives or has an address
within the United States, you can use the application in
this booklet to:
• Register to vote in your State,
• Report a change of name to your voter registration
• Report a change of address to your voter registration
office, or
• Register with a political party.

• A current and valid photo identification or

• A current utility bill, bank statement, government
check, paycheck or government document that
shows your name and address.
Voters may be exempt from this requirement if they
submit a COPY of this identification with their mail in
voter registration form. If you wish to submit a COPY,
please keep the following in mind:
• Your state may have additional identification re-
quirements which may mandate you show identi-
fication at the polling place even if you meet the
Federal proof of identification.
• Do not submit original documents with this appli-
cation, only COPIES.

If You Were Given this Application in a State

Agency or Public Office
If you have been given this application in a State
agency or public office, it is your choice to use the
application. If you decide to use this application to
register to vote, you can fill it out and leave it with
the State agency or public office. The application
will be submitted for you. Or, you can take it with
you to mail to the address listed under your State
in the State Instructions. You also may take it with
you to deliver in person to your local voter regis-
tration office.
• First, read the Application Instructions. These in- Note: The name and location of the State agency
structions will give you important information that or public office where you received the applica-
applies to everyone using this application. tion will remain confidential. It will not appear on
• Next, find your State under the State Instructions. your application. Also, if you decide not to use this
Use these instructions to fill out Boxes 6, 7, and application to register to vote, that decision will re-
refer to these instructions for information about main confidential. It will not affect the service you
voter eligibility and any oath required for Box 9. receive from the agency or office.
When to Register to Vote
Each State has its own deadline for registering to vote.
Check the deadline for your State on the last page of
this booklet.
OMB Control No. 3265-0015 1
Application Instructions
Before flling out the body of the form, please answer the questions on the top of the form as to whether you are a
United States citizen and whether you will be 18 years old on or before Election Day. If you answer no to either of these
questions, you may not use this form to register to vote. However, state specifc instructions may provide additional
information on eligibility to register to vote prior to age 18.

Box 1 — Name Box 7 — Choice of Party

Put in this box your full name in this order — Last, In some States, you must register with a party if you
First, Middle. Do not use nicknames or initials. want to take part in that party’s primary election,
Note: If this application is for a change of name, please caucus, or convention. To fnd out if your State requires
tell us in Box A (on the bottom half of the form) your this, see item 7 in the instructions under your State.
full name before you changed it.
If you want to register with a party, print in the box the
Box 2 — Home Address full name of the party of your choice.
Put in this box your home address (legal address). Do
not put your mailing address here if it is diferent from If you do not want to register with a party, write “no
your home address. Do not use a post ofce box or party” or leave the box blank. Do not write in the word
rural route without a box number. Refer to state-specifc “independent” if you mean “no party,” because this
instructions for rules regarding use of route numbers. might be confused with the name of a political party in
your State.
Note: If you were registered before but this is the frst Note: If you do not register with a party, you can still
time you are registering from the address in Box 2, vote in general elections and nonpartisan (nonparty)
please tell us in Box B (on the bottom half of the form) primary elections.
the address where you were registered before. Please
give us as much of the address as you can remember. Box 8 — Race or Ethnic Group
A few States ask for your race or ethnic group, in order
Also Note: If you live in a rural area but do not have a to administer the Federal Voting Rights Act. To fnd
street address, or if you have no address, please show out if your State asks for this information, see item 8
where you live using the map in Box C (at the bottom in the instructions under your State. If so, put in Box 8
of the form). the choice that best describes you from the list below:
• American Indian or Alaskan Native
Box 3 — Mailing Address • Asian or Pacifc Islander
If you get your mail at an address that is diferent from
• Black, not of Hispanic Origin
the address in Box 2, put your mailing address in this
box. If you have no address in Box 2, you must write in • Hispanic
Box 3 an address where you can be reached by mail. • Multi-racial
• White, not of Hispanic Origin
Box 4 — Date of Birth • Other
Put in this box your date of birth in this order —
Month, Day, Year. Be careful not to use today’s date! Box 9 — Signature
Review the information in item 9 in the instructions
Box 5 — Telephone Number under your State. Before you sign or make your mark,
Most States ask for your telephone number in case make sure that:
there are questions about your application. However,
you do not have to fll in this box.
(1) You meet your State’s requirements,
Box 6 — ID Number and
Federal law requires that states collect from each (2) You understand all of Box 9.
registrant an identifcation number. You must refer to
your state's specifc instructions for item 6 regarding
information on what number is acceptable for your Finally, sign your full name or make your mark, and
state. If you have neither a drivers license nor a social print today’s date in this order — Month, Day, Year.
security number, please indicate this on the form and a If the applicant is unable to sign, put in Box D the
number will be assigned to you by your state. name, address, and telephone number (optional) of the
person who helped the applicant.

OMB Control No. 3265-0015 2

State Instructions
attesting that you have sworn or
Vermont affirmed the Vermont voter’s oath Washington
Updated: 09-19-2019
as printed above.
Updated: 07-01-2022
Mailing address: Registration Deadline — Online
Registration Deadline — Your
Office of the Secretary of State and mail registration forms must
mailed registration must be re-
Elections Division be received by an elections ofcial
ceived in the clerk’s Office on the
128 State Street no later than 8 days before the
last day the clerk has hours before
the election. Vermont has Election Montpelier, VT 05633-1101 election. Register in person any
day voter registration at the polls time during business hours and
as well as online voter registra- before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
tion. To Virginia
register online visit – https://olvr. Updated: 09-19-2019 6. ID Number. You must provide
sec.state.vt.us. your Washington driver’s license
Registration Deadline — The or ID card number. If you do not
6.ID Number. You must provide application must be delivered or have a Washington driver’s license
your Vermont Driver’s license postmarked 22 days before the or ID card, you must provide the
number, or if none, the last 4 digits election. last four digits of your Social Se-
of your Social Security number. If curity Number. Failure to provide
you do not have a Vermont 6.ID Number. Your full social this information may prevent your
Driver’s license or a Social Securi- security number is required. Your registration from being processed.
ty number, please write “NONE” social security number will appear 7.Choice of Party. You are not
on the form. The Secretary of on reports produced only for ofcial required to designate your party
State’s Office will assign you a use by voter registration and elec- affiliation to register in Washington.
unique identifying number. tion ofcials and, for jury selection 8.Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
7.Choice of Party. Vermont does purposes, by courts. Article II, §2, blank.
not require party registration to Constitution of 9.Signature. To register in
participate in any election. 8.Race Virginia (1971). Washington you must:
or Ethnic Group. Not required. 7.Choice of Party. Leave blank. • be a citizen of the United States
9.Signature. To register in Ver- 8.Race or Ethnic Group. Leave • be a legal resident of Washington
mont you must: blank. State, your county and precinct for
• be a citizen of the United States 9.Signature. To register in Vir- 30 days immediately preceding the
• be a resident of Vermont ginia you must: election in which you want to vote
• be 18 years of age on or before • be a citizen of the United States • be at least 18 years old by
election day • be a resident of Virginia and of Election Day
• have taken the following Oath: the precinct in which you want to • If you were convicted of a felony
You solemnly swear (or affirm) vote in Washington State, another state,
that whenever you give your vote • be 18 years old by the next May or in federal court, your right to
or sufrage, touching any matter or November general election vote will be restored automatical-
that concerns the state of Vermont, ly as long as you are not currently
• not have been convicted of a serving a sentence of total confne-
you will do it so as in your con- felony, or have had your civil rights
science you shall judge will most ment in prison. You may re-regis-
restored ter.
conduce to the best good of the • not currently be declared mental-
same, as established by the Con- • 16- and 17-year-olds can sign up
ly incompetent by a court of law as Future Voters and be automati-
stitution, without fear or favor of
any person [Voter’s Oath, Vermont cally registered to vote when they
Mailing address: qualify
Constitution, Chapter II,
Virginia State Board of Elections
Section 42]
1100 Bank Street, 1st foor Rich-
By signing in Box 9, you are
mond, VA 23219

OMB Control No. 3265-0015 21

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