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Menggambar Mesin

TM091323 – Dimensioning

DepartemenTeknik Mesin
Fakultas Teknologi Industri dan Rekayasa Sistem
Institu Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
 Important to achieve the purpose of engineering drawings
 Clear and simple → good readability, misinterpretation avoidance
 Following rules or standards
Basic rules for dimensioning
Views that must be given the basic dimension
 Basic dimension
 Determine the typical shape or function of the object
 Must be placed in a view or section that provides the clearest shape of the workpiece
 Generally, a front view is chosen
 The dimension is placed as much as possible on the front view.
 If not possible, other sizes can be placed on other views.
Basic rules for dimensioning
The view that should be given basic dimension
Basic rules for dimensioning
Components for dimensioning
a. Dimension line
b. Extension line
c. Number e
d. Symbol a
e. Leader line
c d
Basic rules for dimensioning
Direction of dimensioning
 In the image, it is generally located in a
horizontal and vertical position
 Horizontal → can be read from below
 Vertical → can be read from the right
Basic rules for dimensioning
Direction for the number
 Writing numbers that are not horizontal/vertical is adjusted to the position of the
dimensioning line
 Avoid dimensioning in the hatched area
Basic rules for dimensioning
Functional, non-functional and additional dimensioning
 Functional (F): The most important size to
achieve the function of an object's shape against
the function of its partner's shape according to
its use in its composition. This dimension is
always followed by a special tolerance or
adjustment tolerance
 Non-functional (NF): Size that does not affect
the function of the object's shape in principle.
Only needed to help the process of working,
measuring or checking. This dimension is usually
only accompanied by a general tolerance
 Additional (A): Size that is not so important in
the process of working on a workpiece. This
dimension is given only as information, written
in brackets
Basic rules for dimensioning
Units of measurement and decimal points
 Units in mm
 Angles using degrees (°), minutes (‘), seconds (“)
Dimensioning designation
Linier dimensioning
 For normal image dimension
with normal reading distance
Dimensioning designation
Linier dimensioning
 Additional conditions: Number height ± 3.5 mm.
 The distance between the dimension numbers and the dimension line is ± 1 mm.
 Arrow tail size ± 2 mm.
 Excess extension line size ± 2 mm.
 Distance of dimension line to object line + 10 mm.
 The distance between each line is ± 10 mm. If the image space is not enough, this
distance can be reduced.
 If it is not possible to make an arrow, it can be replaced with a point.
 The size arrow is sharpened and blackened, with a dimension comparison as shown
in the image on the previous slide.
Dimensioning designation
Dimension arrangements
 Chain dimensioning
Used when the distance between parts
is more functional than the distance
from the side of the object to each part.
Dimensioning designation
Dimension arrangements
 Parallel dimensioning
Used when all dimensions have the same
reference plane. The distance from one side to
each part is more functional than the distance
between parts.
Dimensioning designation
Dimension arrangements
 Combined dimensioning
Chain + parallel. Used when viewed from the function or work process, more than one
reference plane is required. This combined measurement method is more widely used in
Dimensioning designation
Dimension arrangements
 Consecutive dimensioning
Saving time and space, this method is used as a substitute for parallel dimension
designation, namely by taking one reference plane.
Dimensioning designation
Dimension arrangements
 Coordinate dimensioning
Helps to facilitate the reading of dimensions in the work process. The dimensions of the
coordinate method are recorded in a table (tabulated).
Dimensioning designation
Dimension arrangements
 Coordinate size of a particular object shape
The shape of an object that has a curve can be measured using coordinates.
Dimensioning designation
Dimension arrangements
 Dimensions against a reference plane
For technical purposes of manufacturing or
assembly, sometimes the dimensions of an object
must be stated against a reference plane or Reference line
reference plane.

Reference plane

Reference plane
Dimensioning designation
Dimensioning for parts of a specific work process
 Example: a hole to be drilled
 The designation uses the dimension line
with the number and its description.
 The arrow of the dimension line
touches the intersection point of the
axis line and the object line for a
cylindrical image,
 For a circular image, the arrow touches
the circle line itself
 Dimension line is drawn obliquely
forming a 60° angle with the
Dimensioning designation
Dimensioning for parts of a specific work process
 The dimension lines are also used in numbering parts in a layout drawing
 The ends of the dimension lines are marked with arrows when they end on the
object line and are marked with dots when they end inside the drawing.
Dimensioning designation
Dimensioning for parts of a specific work process
 For certain surface parts that must be specially worked on (for example, polished,
gilded), the surface part is marked with a thick axis line, then given a dimension
line and a description of the special work desired. The tip of the arrow of the
dimension line ends at the thick axis line.
Dimensioning designation
Symbols on the number

Dimensioning designation
Symbols on the number
Dimensioning designation
Symbols on the number

Dimensioning designation
Symbols on the number
Dimensioning designation
Symbols on the number
Dimensioning designation
Angle, arc and chords dimensions

Angle Arc Chords

Dimensioning designation
Dimension with special extension line
 Special extension lines are drawn with thin lines until they intersect at one point.
The intersection point determines the size that determines the shape of the object.
Dimensioning designation
Inappropriate numbering with the scale
 Dimensional figures for parts drawn out of scale below those marked with lines or
objects cut with thin free lines
Dimensioning designation
Slope and taper dimensions
 Slope


(a) Slopes (b) Slopes symbol (c) Designation

Dimensioning designation
Slope and taper dimensions
 Taper

D-d 
= 2 tg
L 2
Dimensioning designation
Slope and taper dimensions
 Taper

Dimensioning designation
Partial dimensions for symmetrical objects
 To save time and drawing space, symmetrical objects can be drawn in half only. The
dimension line is drawn beyond the limit of the symmetry axis line.
Dimensioning designation
Dimensions for the inside and outside of an object

 In objects that are cut in half, the inside

and outside dimensions of the object
must be separated.
Dimensioning designation
Dimensions of keyway section on shaft and hole
Dimensioning designation
Dimensions of keyway section on shaft and hole
Dimensioning designation
Dimensions for the equal distance
Dimensioning designation
Dimensions for the equal distance
 For the position and size of a hole, threaded hole, gap, and the same division, the
number can be directly indicated using the leader line.
Dimensioning designation
Pay attention to the manufacturing process
 Size of hole in flange (flange)
 placement of hole sizes and diameters of spacing circles on flanges and the similar,
together on a view drawing showing the spacing
Dimensioning designation
Pay attention to the manufacturing process
 Dimension according to manufacturing
 Placement of dimension of parts that are
processed with the same process in groups
Dimensioning designation
Dimension for curved object
 Curved plates or bars must be given the dimension in the stretched state.
Dimensioning designation
Dimensioning of a part in an arrangement drawing
 The dimensions of each part in the arrangement should be separated as much as
Dimensioning designation
True – False in dimensioning
 The dimension lines are too close together and not parallel to the object line.

(a) False (b) True

Dimensioning designation
True – False in dimensioning
 Intersection between dimension lines

(a) False (b) True

Dimensioning designation
True – False in dimensioning
 The dimension line is too far from the one being reviewed

b. True

a. Unclear b. Ok
Dimensioning designation
True – False in dimensioning

a. False b. True

a. False b. True
Dimensioning designation
True – False in dimensioning

False True True

False True True

Dimensioning designation
True – False in dimensioning

(a) False (b) True

Cara Penunjukkan Ukuran
True – False in dimensioning

(a) False (b) True

Menggambar Mesin
TM234103– Pandangan & Penggambaran Khusus

DepartemenTeknik Mesin
Fakultas Teknologi Industri & Rekayasa Sistem
Institu Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
 For objects with certain shapes, orthogonal presentation can sometimes be unclear
or require multiple views.
Auxiliary view
 To describe parts of an inclined or oblique objects
 Following American system projections

(a) Orthographic projections Unclear (b) Auxiliary view Clear

Auxiliary view

(a) Orthographic projections Unclear (b) Auxiliary view Clear

Auxiliary view
Auxiliary view using arrow
 Can use American or European projections
 The direction of view is indicated by an arrow
Partial view
 To clarify the shape of the object
 Not the direction according to orthographic projection
Partial view
 Clarifying a 2-view image that produces a blurry image

(a) Unclear

(b) Clear
Local view
 It is drawn with a thick line and must be connected to the main image by an axis
Detail view
 To enlarge the image of a small object (with a certain magnification scale)
 The enlarged part is given a thin circle and marked with capital letters
 The detailed image is made in another place not far from the main image.
Special Drawing Method
Drawing of flat areas
• Describes the shape of a flat/level plane without adding other views → diagonal
lines on a flat plane

(a) Real plane (b) Real planes (c) Hidden planes

Special Drawing Method
Drawing of flat areas
 In building or architectural drawings, a square with a diagonal is interpreted as a
hole (square)

A-A Section
Special Drawing Method
Drawing of intersecting lines
 To draw the intersection between 2 surfaces → 3 possibilities
 Drawn as it really is, meaning the intersection is drawn with a thick line if it is visible
and with a dash line if it is hidden.
Special Drawing Method
Drawing of intersecting lines
 Described simplified

 Drawn with imaginary lines

Thin line Thick line

Special Drawing Method
Drawing symmetrical objects
 Symmetrical objects are only depicted in part
Special Drawing Method
Describing objects that are too long
 Depicted in a broken manner with thin free lines or thin zig-zag lines.

(a) Free thin line break (b) Zig-zag line break

Special Drawing Method
Depiction for repeating shapes
 There is no need to draw the whole thing, just 1-2 shapes in important places.
Special Drawing Method
Depiction of the original shape of an object
 Depiction of the original shape of an object before being bent with a double dotted
Special Drawing Method
Depiction of adjacent parts
 If the main image requires a part next to it, then that part is depicted with a thin
double dotted line.
Special Drawing Methods
Drawing of cast parts, wire mesh, checkered plate, etc.
 The pattern is drawn only partially on the area being reviewed.

(a) Chartered part (b) Toothed part (c) Wire mesh (d) Checkered plate
Special Drawing Method
Rotational projection depiction
 A part of an object in one view is projected into another view, not using straight
lines but with lines that rotate to produce a clearer and more comprehensive view,
so that the number of images can be limited.


(a) Object
Menggambar Mesin
TM234103 – Sectioning

Departemen Teknik Mesin

Fakultas Teknologi Industri & Rekayasa Sistem
Institu Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Drawing of the inside of an object

• Drawn by a dash line

Simple form

• Cut
Complicated • Cross-section/Cut
shape • Clarifying the shape of an object
Explanation of Sectional Drawings

If behind the section plane there is still a part of the object that is
obstructed, then that part does not need to be drawn. Unless it is considered
very necessary, it can be drawn with a dash line.
Presentation of Sections and Cutting Lines

 In general, cuts are made on the basic axis:


 Cutting planes outside the basic axis (if necessary),

are described using Cutting Lines

 The general rules that apply to projection drawings

also apply to section drawings.
Section Lines and Size Indicator Letters

• The cutting is drawn with an axis line

with both ends in thick lines.
• The arrow faces the cutting direction
• The cutting letter is written outside the
arrow in a vertical position on the A B C D
drawing paper
• For objects that are cut in a curved
manner, a thick line is made at each C D
bend (if necessary, the letters are also
written at each bend)
Location of Cuts and Cutting Line
 Simple shapes, symmetry, and  Cutting plane is not on the base
Cutting planes on the axis of: axis/some cuts/jumping cuts:
Cutting lines do not need to Cutting line must be drawn to
be drawn. explain.
Simple Section/One Plane
 Full section
The object is cut all over and then half
of it is removed as if it were half cut
 Potongan Separo
A quarter of the object is removed,
so that what is visible is half of the
Outside and half of the inside of
the object
 Local section
The object is only cut in certain parts that
you want to show
Sections by More Than One Plane
 Jump Cut/Folding  Section by Two Intersecting
Projection and Rotated Planes
There are two parallel planes So that the typical shape of the parts
that intersect objects of an object can be displayed clearly
and easily understood.
Multiple Sections (cont.)

 Sections by Adjacent Planes

Adjacent planes follow the curve of the pipe axis line


nar B
Sections by More Than One Plane (cont.)
 Example




 Wrong B-B

Revolved Section
The object is cut according to the cutting line and then rotated.
The drawing can be at the cutout or elsewhere

 At the

 At another
Sequential Sections


Thin Section Objects

(a) Thin pieces of objects (b) Overlapping thin pieces of objects

(c) A thin section of an object drawn with thick lines

• All objects that are cut, the
cross-section is drawn with
hatching lines
• Hatching lines are thin lines that
are slanted 45° to the axis line or
the outer line of the object.
• For the same object, the
direction of hatching and the
distance must also be the same
HATCHING (cont.)
 For paired objects, hatching with
opposite slopes or by differentiating
the distance of the hatching lines.

 The hatching lines must not collide

with the dimension (line and number),
because it will make it difficult to read 50
(it will be unclear)

 Relatively large hatching lines are only

made in the outer line areas of the
Parts of objects that cannot be cut

 Shaft and

(a) Wrong (b) Right

 Solid ball

(a) Wrong (b) Right

Parts of objects that cannot be cut (cont.)

 Bolts, Nuts
and Washers

(a) Wrong (b) Right

 Tapered

(a) Wrong (b) Right

Parts of objects that cannot be cut (cont.)

 Ridge

 Reinforcing (a) Wrong (b) Right
Fins or Ribs

Object  Ball

(a) Wrong
(a) Wrong (b) Right (b) Right
Parts of objects that cannot be cut
 Wheel Spokes
Menggambar Mesin
TM234103 – Projection

Departemen Teknik Mesin

Fakultas Teknologi Industri & Rekayasa Sistem
Institu Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
An image of a real or
imaginary object, depicted
according to the observer's
lines of sight on a flat plane
(picture plane).

Pictorial Orthographic

Third angle First angle

Axonometric Oblique Perspectif
(America) (Europe)

Isometric Dimetric Trimetric
Pictorial vs. Orthographic projection
 Pictorial views show a 3-D view of the object of the drawing and
are the best views for visualizing an object's shape. Orthographic
views show a 2-D view of the object from multiple directions and
are the best view for showing detail and measurements.
Pictorial vs. Orthographic projection (2)
 Pictorial: projection lines are parallel and perpendicular to the
projection plane, but the object planes/object edges are not
perpendicular to the projection plane.
 On the projection plane, an object is depicted as if it were the actual shape of
the object.
 Orthographic: projection lines are parallel and perpendicular to
the projection plane. Object planes are perpendicular and/or
parallel to the protection plane.
 Each projection plane has only one plane.
Pictorial projection
A method for depicting an object that closely approximates its actual
shape and size in three dimensions, using a single view.

Also referred to as:

Chart Drawing
SingleView Drawing

Commonly known as Technical Illustration Drawing (in line form


Note: Technical Illustration Drawings are not necessarily pictorial

Gambar Piktorial dan Gambar Ilustrasi Teknik
Various Technical Illustration Images:
lines (pictorial),
graphic art results,
Axonometry Projection
 Objects are projected with lines
parallel and perpendicular to the
projection plane
 The planes or edges of the object
are tilted to the projection plane, so
that the three faces of the object
will be visible simultaneously and
provide an image of the object's
actual shape.
Projection Angles and
Shortening Scales in

Angle Shortening scale

x-axis y-axis z-axis


Oblique Projection

 The projection line is not

perpendicular to the projection
plane but forms an arbitrary
 The front surface of the object is
drawn, and its depth is drawn at
an angle 30o, 45o or 60o to the
horizontal plane.
Type of Oblique Projection
 Cavalier Oblique Projection  Cabinet Oblique Projection
If the depth length is equal to the If the depth length is shortened, for
actual length example ¾, ½, or 1/3.

Cavalier image with 45-degree angle and 1:1 Cabinet image with 45-degree angle and 1:2
depth depth
Perspective Projection

 The observer's lines of sight are focused on one point.

 Pictorial drawings are the best, but their depiction is so difficult
and complicated that they are rarely used for technical drawings
Three types of perspective drawings
 Commonly used projections:
Isometric projection
Dimetric projection
Cabinet oblique projection

Isometric projection Dimetric projection Trimetric projection

 Presenting objects
accurately and no
object sizes experience
a shortened scale
Example Isometric drawing
Example Isometric drawing (2)
 Can reduce
overlapping lines
(such as in
 In general, what is
used is a tilted cabinet
image with a depth
angle of 45°
Oblique vs.

Oblique drawing Isometric drawing

assignment 1
Make an isometric drawing
sketch like the example
shown in 5.27, on A4 paper.
The sketch is made with a
pencil. Start by making the
guidelines as shown in figure
Note: Page 88, question
number 7 Book "Mechanical
Engineering Drawing" by
Ohan Juhana (Tentative)

 Also known as multiple views or multi-view

 The object is displayed in 2D form with several
 The projection lines are parallel to each other and
perpendicular to the projection plane.
Orthographic Projection
To show the views required for the manufacturing process

3D Drawing Projection
Orthographic Projection
Orthographic Projection on Drawing Paper
Divided into two types
1. Quadrant I (First angle)
Also called the European
projection method (SPE)
If the object to be depicted is
placed in quadrant I
2. Quadrant III (Third angle)
Also called the American
projection method (SPA)
If the object to be depicted is
placed in quadrant III
First Angle Projection (European Projection)

Top view C Front view A

Top view B
Third Angle Projection (America Projection)

Top view B

Front view A Side view C

Objects in glass box
Projection Method Symbol
Using ISO standard
(ISO/DIS 128)
There cannot be two ISO
standards in one drawing
Most drawings in ISO
standard use European
projection (Quadrant I)
Determination of View
 The selected view
must be able to
provide a complete
picture of the shape of
the object. Top view

 The front view must

be chosen as the main
view, so that it
provides the general
shape or function of Front view Side view
the object.
Line Projection Perpendi
Line →
Parallel Lines
Plane Projection
Close plane
Open plane
Object Projection
Top view
Top view

Side view
Front view

Front view Side view

Example of working drawing “Guide Base.
Filet image
Image Arrangement
The position of the object on the working drawing paper must
correspond to the actual position or when it is being worked on or
in the arrangement. For example, a shaft that is being turned.
Position of the object (on the working drawing)
where the work is done using a planner, Shafer
and freis machine.
Menggambar Mesin
TM234103 - Introduction

Departemen Teknik Mesin

Fakultas Teknologi Industri & Rekayasa Sistem
Institu Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
1. Clearly drawn lines on engineering drawings indicate the engineer's level of
2. Accurate lines in engineering drawings serve as the primary means of communicating the
exact dimensions, shapes, and relationships between various parts of a design.
3. In engineering, small errors in the selection of line types and dimensions can cause major
problems during the production, assembly, and operation of a product.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Precision & clarity:
Accurate lines ensure that the design is clear and unambiguous, reducing the risk of errors in
Tolerance & fit
Engineering drawings often include tolerances, which define allowable dimensional variations.
The accuracy of the lines directly affects the interpretation of these tolerances, resulting in a good
fit between parts.
Quality Control:
Accurate lines are essential to the quality control process, as they allow inspectors to ensure that
the design is drawn to the correct standards.
Accurate lines in engineering drawings ensure that the manufacturing and assembly of parts runs
smoothly and safely, reducing the potential for equipment damage.
Cost Efficiency:
Inaccurate lines in engineering drawings result in wastage of materials, labor, and time during the
production process.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)


(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)


(Giesecke, “Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics”)


(Ir.Ohan Juhana, M Suratman S.Pd., “Menggambar Teknik Mesin Menurut Standar ISO”)
Line garis
Ketebalan thickness
paper size
lines Examples
Contoh of use
A4 A3 A2 A1 A0

A 0,5 mm 0,7 mm Garis

Thick lurus
straight A1 Visible object line
line A2 Border line

B 0,25 mm 0,35 mm B1 Hidden line

Garis straight
(lurus B2 Dimension line
curve line
melengkung) B3 Projection line
B4 Leader line
B5 Hatch line
B6 Center line

C 0,35 mm 0,35 mm Garis tipisfree

Thin bebas Incorrect object view section
line C1 boundary / section on the axis line
H 0,5 mm / 0,7 mm / Dash-dot line, thick at H1 Section line
0,25 mm 0,35 mm ends and bends

J 0,5 mm / Dash-dot thick line J1 Lines to indicate surfaces to

0,25 mm be machined additionally.
0,7 mm /
0,35 mm

K Double dot dash line K1 Lines for adjacent objects,

0,25 mm
0,35 mm indicating movable parts

K2 The boundary line of a moving

K3 Center of gravity line
K4 Original shape before being
bent (formed)
K5 The object line that is in front
of the cutting section
D 0,25 mm Thin (straight) line with zig- D1 Same as C1, more
0,35 mm zag appropriate for machine
produced images

E 0,5 mm Thick dash line E1 Obstructed object line

0,7 mm
E2 Obstructed border line

F 0,25 mm Thin dash line F1 Obstructed object line

0,35 mm
F2 Obstructed border line

G 0,25 mm Thin dot dash line G1 Center line

0,35 mm
G2 The center line of a
symmetrical object
G3 Lines that indicate objects
that can move
Describes the visible surface or edge of an object.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)


(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

• Depicting hidden objects.

• The lines of invisible objects must have a uniform distance between the lines and length within
an object.
Rules for drawing lines of invisible objects:

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Centrelines are used to describe the location of the center of circles and arcs and to show the symmetrical
shape of a circle.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Rules for drawing centrelines:

Rules for drawing centrelines on small diameter circles:

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Dimension lines show the dimensions of an object in a technical drawing:

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Leader lines indicate an object that is given dimension information:

Rules describe leader lines

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Extension lines are lines used to show the extension of a dimension line.

Extension lines are also used to show the extension of a surface towards an imaginary intersection line.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Arrows are used to connect dimension lines and leader lines.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Arrows are also used to indicate section planes and view planes.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Section lines are lines used to indicate the cut planes of an object.

Rules for describing section lines

Minimum distance between section lines: 1.5 mm

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Section lines are drawn on two different objects:

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Section lines do not need to be drawn on thin sections.

Break lines are used to indicate partial features of a long object.

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Lines that indicate adjacent objects, indicate movable parts, repeating objects, contour fillets and rounded

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)


(Ir.Ohan Juhana, M Suratman S.Pd., “Menggambar Teknik Mesin Menurut Standar ISO”)
Type A Letter (d= h/14)
Items Comparison Size (mm)
Letter height
Uppercase letter h (14/14) h 2,5 3,5 5 7 10 14 20
Lowercase letter
height (without stem c (10/14) h __ 2,5 3,5 5 7 10 14
and foot)
Distance between a (2/14) h 0,35 0,5 0,7 1 1,4 2 2,8
Minimum distance b (20/14) h 3,5 5 7 10 14 20 28
between lines
Minimum distance
e (6/14) h 1,05 1,5 2,1 3 4,2 6 8,4
between words
Bold font d (1/14) h 0,18 0,25 0,35 0,5 0,7 1 1,4

Note: The distance between two letters (a) may be reduced by half, if this gives a better
visual effect; such as LA, TV etc.
Type B Letter (d= h/10)
Items Size (mm)
Letter height
Uppercase letter h (10/10) h 2,5 3,5 5 7 10 14 20
Lowercase letter
height (without c (7/10) h __ 2,5 3,5 5 7 10 14
stem and foot)
Distance between a (2/10) h 0,5 0,7 1 1,4 2 2,8 4
Minimum distance b (14/10) h 3,5 5 7 10 14 20 28
between lines
Minimum distance
e (6/10) h 1,5 2,1 3 4,2 6 8,4 12
between words
Bold font d (1/10) h 0,25 0,35 0,5 0,7 1 1,4 2

Note: The distance between two letters (a) may be reduced by half, if this gives a
better visual effect; such as LA, TV etc.
Height of Letters
and Numbers Usage Application

2,5 mm Tolerance
3,5 mm Size designation, writings
Scale of details
Machining marks
List of parts (label)
Scale (label)
Drawn/checked (label)
Changes, orders (label)

5 mm Section, view, detail

Name of institution/school
7 mm Image title (label)
Part number
Image number

(David A Madsen, “Engineering Drawing & Design”)

Use the guidelines as a guide for writing letters and numbers.

(Giesecke, “Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics”)


Serves as an image identity placed in the lower right corner of the drawing paper.
Usually contains columns of brief explanations of the working drawing, including:
Image Title,
Agency Name,
Image Number,
Image component name,
Component material
And other required columns.
Paper size standards according to ANSI/ASME and U.S.sheet size

(Giesecke, “Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics”)


(Giesecke, “Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics”)

Complete Drawing Paper Format
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13







G Title block G

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Title Block (3)

Model A Model B
Image Head Size Used In Lecture “Model A”
Image Head Size Used In Lecture “Model A” (2)
Menggambar Mesin
TM234103 - Introduction

Departemen Teknik Mesin

Fakultas Teknologi Industri & Rekayasa Sistem
Institu Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

 Ika DewiWijayanti, PhD

 M47 (2004)
 Laboratory of Metallurgy
 Moms of three cute kids
 Research interest: SOFC, battery, electrochemistry, failure analysis,
 Phone: 082110007268
 Email: ika.dewi.wijayanti@me.its.ac.id/ika.dewi.wijayanti@gmail.com
 Start 13.30? Crash with duties?
 Please, join the class ON TIME, if it is possible to do
 BE HONEST and NO CHEATING at all during class
 Please, ASK if the information and lectures are unclear
 Please, READ the RPS (MANDATORY)
 If someone is detected to be CHEATING, he/she will directly get E for final grade
 Do not HESITATE to correct me if I am wrong
 For studio assignments, all papers must be submitted ON TIME, otherwise it will be
considered as not submitting and the grade will be E.
 Who is the class representative ?
 Presence? Minimal 80% attendance=> ITS regulation
 Gadgeting during class? Prohibited, except, Urgent
 Eating? Dringking?
 Chatting? NO
 Final grade is my prerogratif
 Contact me (WA) only during working hours and urgently
 Etiquette & manners are priceless
Introduction to engineering drawing

Lines and symbols



Orthographic Views


Geometric construction

Surface configuration on engineering drawings

Screw fasteners

Gear and bearing

Shop drawing

Introduction to CAD drawing

Class schedule
Week Topics
Functions of Technical Drawing, Drawing Tools, Activities in the Drawing Studio
& Techniques for storing drawings
Class contract
Importance of technical drawings
Functions of technical drawings
I Standardization of drawings
Tasks of designers, draftsmen, drawing supervisors and drawing users
Drawing tools and how to use them
Drawing storage techniques
Folding drawing paper

Standardization (Normalization) of Engineering Drawings

Introduction to various types of lines
Introduction to letters
II Introduction to drawing layout, drawing headers and drawing scales
Making drawing headers
Practice Questions
Class schedule
Week Topics
Introduction to Orthogonal Projection Drawings (2D Drawings)
Projection Definition
Pictorial Projection
Isometric Drawings
Dimetric Drawings
Oblique Drawings
Orthogonal Projection
Determining Views
Basics of orthogonal projection drawing
Image Arrangement
Sectional drawings and presentation of sectional drawings
Definition of sectional drawings
Conventions for drawing hatching, types of hatching lines and hatching for assembly objects
IV Types of cross-sectional drawings (half, whole, and local cuts)
Cuts from more than one plane (angle cutting plane, parallel), rotated locally (profile), thin
objects and special cuts
Practice Questions
Class schedule
Week Topics

Types of special views and how to draw them

Auxiliary views, partial views, local views
Detailed views
V Drawing of flat planes, planes of symmetry
Views of objects with special shapes
Practice Questions
Size Designation (Continued)
Basic rules for sizing drawings
Classification of size instructions
VI Ways to indicate size
Special size designation
Size designation based on process
Practice Questions
Class schedule

Week Topics

CAD Tutorial
Introduction to CAD software
Training in drawing machine components or other objects using CAD
VII software such as inventor

Mid-term exam

Class schedule

Dimensional Tolerance
Definition of tolerance
International Tolerance Standard
Definition of tolerance
IX Standard tolerance
General tolerance and special tolerance
Custom tolerance
Conventions for writing tolerance on drawings
Practice Questions

Geometric tolerance
Geometric tolerance
X Types of geometric characters and symbols
Relationship between geometric tolerance and size tolerance
Application of geometric tolerance in drawings
Class schedule
Week Topics

Threads and Bolts

External threads and their drawing
Internal threads and their drawing
XI Image of external and internal thread assembly
Thread table and its reading
Practice questions

Types of gears and their parts
How to draw gears as individuals and as an assembly
XII Rolling Bearings
Types of rolling bearings
Drawing and numbering of rolling bearings
Practice Questions
Class schedule
Week Topics

Welding joint drawings
Working symbols
XIII Examples of the use of the working process
Use of working symbols in drawings
Practice Questions

Machining symbol
Understanding surface roughness
Designation of roughness values ​and machining indications
Basic symbols for ISA and ISO
XIV Symbols with roughness values ​and machining indications
Designation of symbols and roughness values
General, special and advanced roughness symbols
Conversion from ISA to ISO standards
Practice Questions
Class schedule

Week Topics

Evaluation of CAD software usage

XV Evaluation of CAD software usage capability

Final exam

Items Proportion
Studio 1 assignment 15%
Studio 2 assignment 15%
Studio 3 assignment 15%
Studio 4 assignment 15%
Mid-term exam 15%
Final exam 15%
Class assignment 10%
is a tool to convey the results of a person's thoughts or ideas into a form
that can be read and understood by others (communication language)
Types of drawing

Artistic Technical

Sketches Drawings
(conceptual) (technical/engineering)


Diagram Diagram Oblique Isometric Multi view

(design plan) (technical) projection projection orthographic

Less technical More technical

Oblique Projection
Oblique Projection (Cabinet)

Orthographic Isometric
Projection Projection
Example of sketch drawing
 Appears when the first idea comes out of a
designer and can be used as an initial concept
for creating a technical drawing.
 Performed without using tools or freehand
Example of sketch drawing
Example of sketch drawing
are rules, procedures for implementing the
creation of technical drawings that are regulated
according to the standards used and must be
understandable and comprehended by all
engineering practitioners, so that a standard
language/rule (ISO) is required.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

is an international body that has standardized engineering drawings with an
engineering language agreed upon by all engineering practitioners.
Example of technical drawing
Example of technical drawing

Technical Drawing of a spoon

Multi-view, Orthographic projection
Example of technical drawing
Functions of drawing

Delivering Information
Documentation, preservation, and
storage materials
Pouring out ideas for development
Flow of Drawing Process

Designer Drafter Operator

• Creating a sketch • Assisting designers in creating • Making images into reality

• Analyzing the design Working Drawings (products)
• Improving the sketch based • Presenting drawings accurately • Must understand working
on the results of the analysis according to the drawings and the standards
and synthesis (Design • designer's wishes and easy for used by working drawings
Drawing) users to understand
Drawing Table
Drawing tools
Table and tool
CAD Software & Drawing
CAD Software & 3D Printing
3D Printing
Drawing sheets

For arrangement For the images

Consisting of thick white paper. Consisting of transparent paper / tracing

A pencil is used to make the drawing,
so it is still possible to erase To draw a picture, this paper is placed
on drawing paper for layout, then using
On this paper the position of the an ink pen to scratch based on the
drawing is determined. visible transparent drawing lines.
Drawing sheets

A Series Formats

A0 841 × 1189

A1 594 × 841

A2 420 × 594

A3 297 × 420

A4 210 × 297

A5 148 × 210

A6 105 × 148

A7 74 × 105
Storing drawing

 Storage using files

 Storage with Microfilm
 Storage with Hard Disk
Storing drawing

Folding the drawing sheets


Triangle ruler
Measuring Ruler
and Scale Ruler
Vernier calipers
Ink Pen
Eraser and Eraser Mal
Other tools


Curved mal
Other tools

Letter mal
Shape mal

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