TT Mag Issue 019
TT Mag Issue 019
TT Mag Issue 019
Digital Twins: Revolutionizing Testing of Protection Relays
Power Cable Systems Reliability and Longevity: Past, Present, and the Future
Cost Effective Methods for Repairing Oil and Gas Leaks
Expanding relay testing
MLLA Rogowski
Several protective relay manufacturers are offering
protective relays with Rogowski sensors and voltage
dividers inputs instead of conventional current and
voltage transformers inputs.
North America
Index Contents
Table of
Table of Contents_04
Transformer Technology April 2022 5
Issue 19
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Electrical Safety
Recent statistics show there
is a severe lack of safety in the
electrical world that results in
an incredible amount of injuries,
fatalities, and cost. The most
effective way to achieve success
in protecting electrical workers,
assets, and operations, is to follow
a Problem ⟶ Action ⟶ Solution
approach. This article brings an
overview of these steps.
TMC @ IEEE T&D Exhibition:
30 Network Transformers on Stage
Index Contents
Table of
Power Cable Systems Reliability 54
and Longevity: Past, Present, and Power Cable Systems
the Future_54
Reliability and Longevity:
Past, Present, and the
Technical Advisors’ Column: Future
Control Transformers_64 Medium and high voltage cable systems are
one of the most commonly overlooked power
Women of Note: Efra Farah system assets and yet they are the arteries
enabling reliable grid operation. This article
Usmani_69 takes a step back to promote knowledge
sharing and industry best practices by reviewing
How Crucial is HVDC for Energy the past and the present, providing a vision for
reliability and longevity beyond 100 years of
Transition? Landscape of HVDC service life.
Coming in April_88
Transformer Technology April 2022 7
Issue 19
Technical Advisors’ Column:
Control Transformers
How Crucial is
HVDC for Energy
Landscape of
HVDC Technology
in North America
and Europe
There are more than 350 installed
and upcoming HVDC projects
globally, with the largest number
of them being in APAC, followed by
Europe and North America. This
article focuses on two of these
regions: North America and Europe.
Types and Their
Impact on System
What is the impact of transformer
connections and the type of neutral
grounding on system performance?
Find out in this article.
Issue 19
Choosing FR3® fluid by Cargill means not having to
compromise on superior transformer performance,
ROI, or safety for people and the environment.
You can have it all.
More reliable
10x higher moisture saturation point
compared to mineral oil.
Fire safety
2x higher flash point compared to
mineral oil.
Impressum Editors
Graphic design
BE Koncept Communication Boutique
TAB Member
Photo Cover Tony McGrail, PhD
Shutterstock Asset management &
Condition monitoring
Sales & Marketing
Rachel Linke
Kevan Sears
Issue 19
TAB Member
Alan Sbravati, ME, MBA
Transformer insulating
DIGITAL Membership
Free TAB Member
Marco Tozzi, PhD
Transformer Technology magazine is a quarterly Diagnostics and asset
magazine published by APC MEDIA LLC, 2152 monitoring
Caper Dr., Marietta, GA 30064, USA. Published
content does not represent official position of APC
MEDIA LLC. Responsibility for the content rests
upon the authors of the articles and advertisers,
maintains the right to keep the textual and
graphical documents submitted for publication. TAB Member
Curtus Duff
Copyright and reprint permission Power transformer design
Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source.
Libraries are permitted to photocopy isolated
pages for private use of their patrons.
For other copying, reprint or republication
permission requests should be addressed to TAB Member
Traci Hopkins
Publisher: Transformer Condition
APC MEDIA LLC Assessment
2152 Caper Dr.
Marietta, GA 30064, USA
TAB Member
Jon Trout, PE
Electric utility
TAB Member
Michael Riccio, CRL, IRT CAT-1
Reliability, Electrical safety
TAB Member
Alexander Doutrelepont
High voltage bushings
& insulators
Dear Readers,
I am most thankful that in trying times like these, If I could go back to university and change my
we still manage to focus on our tasks at hand, the major, it would be to become a Systems Engineer
daily things that keep life on track. In the power rather than a mechanical one. Why? Because the
industry we must do that, or the lights don’t shine, system that an asset is in is much more important
the factories shut down and normal life as we than any one asset within that system, and as
know it comes to a halt. In the media industry, that assets become more complex, more solid state
means we need a continuous flow of great content than electromechanical, then looking at the whole
to share with each other in the Transformer is often the best way to understand the impact
Technology community. Once again, our authors, any one asset has on the overall results produced
interviewees and staff came through. by the system. In the case of electrical systems,
that result is safe, clean, cost effective and quality
It is especially gratifying because we stretched our power.
wings a bit this month, by adding content outside
the direct realm of transformers and we did it for Add to the fact that a resilient or reliable grid
a reason. In June and beyond, we will be adding requires that we consider every part of that grid
another aspect to our community, Power Systems to work together to accomplish the desired result.
Technology. While the heart of the system is the Speaking of reliability, the past few decades of
transformer, there is so much more to the power work in the power reliability world has taught me
system that we will begin to address. This issue that all reliability begins with design. The design
is merely the beginning. While we will always of the system and the assets that make up that
stay true to our roots, Transformer Technology, system. Unfortunately, we seldom get to design
we will also focus on those components of the brand new systems, hopefully something that is
system that are impacted by or have an impact on changing globally as economies look to rebuild
transformers. infrastructure. Usually, we must upgrade existing
systems by adding new technology and new assets
into an older existing system. That is why we bring
Power Systems Technology thinking and content
to our community. Given that transformers are
usually the oldest part of an existing system, the
addition of a lot of newer technology means we
must expect there to be an impact either on the
high side or low side of the transformer.
In June and beyond, we will
be adding another aspect to
our community, Power
Systems Technology.
Transformer Technology April 2022 13
Issue 19
Alan M Ross
technology can and will
impact these changes for
building new grids and
updating existing ones.
President of EPRA
Digital Twins:
Revolutionizing Testing
of Protection Relays
by Niclas Wetterstrand
and Andrea Bonetti
utilization, comfortable working hours, and trained Cigré member and is a frequent speaker at
international conferences.
personnel, are being achieved.
Transformer Technology April 2022 15
Issue 19
digitally connect them with a few test system can be reused later when Yes, this is true, and this cannot be
clicks. Once it is set up, this system arriving at the site. This saves time skipped before the system is put in
can be accessed and worked upon in the time critical commissioning service. Then the question becomes:
by many engineers in parallel, which phase. This also How many
gives opportunities to reduce the gives the commission WHEN THE DIGITAL TWINS times do we
lead time. engineer confidence OF BOTH THE PROTECTION need to test
that the system has the hardware
In addition, these engineers can worked before so the RELAY AND TEST SET before it is
comfortably work from their desk troubleshooting of INTEROPERATE, IT IS placed into
during their normal work hours problems that arise service? It is
instead of travelling to the FAT site. in this stage can be POSSIBLE TO EVALUATE already done
If they need to be at a different focused on hardware THE VIRTUAL PROTECTION in the factory
location, engineers can access the and connection issues. when the
digital twin wherever they are in the Furthermore, the digital RELAY FUNCTIONS WITH asset passes
world, if they have access to internet. twin system should SO CALLED “VIRTUAL its final quality
Virtual FAT with digital twins has be saved for future assurance
been extremely valuable during the use in training, remote TESTING”. THIS UNLOCKS test; can we
pandemic where travel bans, and support, or when ENORMOUS POTENTIAL TO rely on that?
social distancing have been imposed. validating ensuing To fully benefit
upgrades. PERFORM A LOT OF TEST the virtual FAT,
Commissioning ACTIVITIES VIRTUALLY the answer
“But wait a minute”, say is yes. The
The benefits don’t end with the the professionals, “we INSTEAD OF RELYING ON hardware tests
validation of the protection system didn’t capture any tests THE TRADITIONAL WAY performed in
Photo: Megger
design. A subset of the tests that of the hardware and the the FAT are
were created in the digital twin for the physical connections?” WITH PHYSICAL ASSETS. then moved
Transformer Technology April 2022 17
Issue 19
t o the site and taken care of in the data (settings, configuration etc...): beforehand? Well, you guessed it,
commissioning phase. the setting file validated during the with the digital twin this is possible.
virtual tests can be transferred to the Personnel can get training not only
The key factor for physical twin, on the actual IEDs used in this project
a successful virtual THE DIGITAL TWIN minimising the but also on the system where the
commissioning, and TECHNOLOGY CAN PLAY risk of mistakes, IEDs are working together. Training
a subsequent site increasing after completion of the virtual FAT is
commissioning, is the AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN the quality of possible as the test equipment and
reusability of the data THE SUBSTATION LIFE the delivered the prepared test files used for this
between the digital protection FAT are available. This preparation
twins and the physical CYCLE IN THE EVENT system, and gives greater confidence that the
twins. Put differently, OF AN UPGRADE – FOR contributing commissioning will go according
the digital twin and its to great time to plan and minimises the risk of
physical twin must be THE CONFIRMATION OF savings. being caught off-guard by something
able to share the HOW THE REPLACED IEDS unexpected.
same data. Training
WILL OPERATE IN THE For junior engineers, this is even more
With this data sharing OLD ENVIRONMENT, FOR Wouldn’t it be valuable since experience can be built
approach, the test files wonderful if in a comfortable home environment
that were validated TESTING THE SUBSTATION there was a where mistakes aren’t hazardous
during the virtual tests, EXPANSION DESIGN, possibility to or costly, as they don’t involve live
where digital twins were get familiarised voltages and hardware that can be
used, can be reused by AND FOR HOW THE NEW with the damaged. Plus, expert guidance and
the physical twin test SECTION WILL WORK substation that’s support is nearby. As with the FAT,
set. The same is true going to be the training can also be performed
of the relay protection WITH THE OLD. commissioned in parallel, where all students have
Are the
settings wrong?
Am I using the
correct test method?
Issue 19
Should I
escalate the issue?
What if I do nothing?
ing job know that there are always Navigating these nagging concerns is see the problem for themselves, and
some uncertainties, which may all in a day’s work for commissioning propose a definitive working solution.
lead to problems that need to be engineers, and they do it very well. The actual setting files and testing
solved on the fly. Typical questions However, sometimes even these files from the field are read from the
from commissioning engineers, talented people get stuck, or at least physical devices and are sent to the
experiencing doubts, are: like to get a second opinion to ensure expert who loads the received data
their proposed solution is appropriate. into the digital twins and can start
• Is the relay performing correctly? This is where the digital twin again troubleshooting.
• Am I using the correct testing provides a huge benefit.
method? When the problem is found and
• Should I escalate this issue? A problem discovered during corrected, an updated settings file
• What happens if I do not escalate it? commis-sioning can easily be with corresponding updated tests
• Who can help me with a good replicated so that more experienced are returned to the commissioning
‘second opinion’? experts back in the factory both, can engineer. These files are now reused
and tested in the field to make sure substation owner wants to make sure environment, for testing the substation
the problem is solved, even though that this upgrade will not affect the expansion design, and for how the new
the likelihood is high that the problem IED protection capabilities. By making section will work with the old.
is solved, since it has already been a few successful tests in the digital
confirmed with the digital twin. The twin environment, the substation Conclusion
digital twin technology enables the owner confirms that the firmware
technical expert to be present when upgrade will not cause an unexpected The digital twin technology exceeds
needed, without travel or disruption to interruption, or worse, insufficient what standard simulation tools can
normal working hours. The technology protection of the network assets. This perform today. To have an exact
also allows high level specialists to be will ease the minds of both the one functional digital copy of the IEDs
present on test activities that are too responsible from the supplier and the and the test equipment that also
demanding for average technicians. substation owner. can interact with each other has
This way the specialists can contribute proven to provide benefits in the
to decreased mistakes during on-site Major upgrades to an existing system, areas highlighted in this article –
commissioning testing. such as multiple IED replacements FAT, Training, Commissioning, and
or a substation expansion, are rather Upgrading – and it doesn’t stop
Firmware or hardware updates commonplace since many power grids there! The abilities of digital twins can
were built a long time ago, and have offer significant help with research
Finally, the digital twin technology capabilities that are reaching their and development, challenging test
can play an important role in the limits with today’s increased demands tasks with great distances between
substation life cycle in the event of an for electrical supply. These projects IEDs, or situations where a super-
upgrade. This may range from a small are like new installations, but the test set would be needed. The digital
firmware upgrade to something lager, new parts need to work with the old twin marks a new era of substation
such as an upgrade of several IEDs or installation, therefore the digital twin is verification and will drive increased
Photo: Megger
extending the substation capability. In beneficial for the confirmation of how quality and reduced costs for the
the example of a firmware upgrade, the the replaced IEDs will operate in the old delivered protection systems.
Transformer OF
Technology April 2022 21
of all the expert knowledge exchanged AND IT'S FREE.
through TT publications.
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Electrical Safety
by Michael Riccio
Issue 19
daily, this might seem like a basic electricians have been shocked or
fact. From a wider perspective, injured on the job. Arc flash fatalities
however, the number is surprisingly are not counted in this statistic;
high when we consider how few they are logged under burn injuries,
people in the overall American meaning that the rates are even
workforce perform “electrical-related higher. One of OSHA’s recent reports
work” as part of their standard job show that 80% of electrical-related
duties. accidents and fatalities involving
“Qualified Workers” are caused by
Another concern to take note of is Arc Flash or Arc Blast.
that electrical shock is the second
leading cause for lost time on the 2,000 workers are treated in
job in the electrical world. Every specialized burn trauma centers each
thirty minutes during the workday, year from arc flash injuries. These
as reported by the Electrical Safety high-tech facilities only treat the
Foundation International, a worker most devastated burn victims -- those
Photo: Shutterstock
Issue 19
the crossover point itself tends to become a single This can be achieved through
an “all-hands, top-to-bottom”
point of failure. High availability engineering must approach to designing and
implementing an effective and
provide for reliable crossover. adaptable electrical safety and
reliability program. Some may
3. Detection of failures as they occur. If the first argue that too many cooks in
the kitchen will spoil the dish,
two principles are observed, then a user may never but without 100% commitment
from the entire team, no plan
see a failure. But the maintenance and reliability will work. The key is to a
shared understanding of who is
Photo: Shutterstock
activities must be designed to detect early signs responsible for what, and how
everyone’s role fits into the
of impending failure. bigger picture.
Transformer Technology April 2022 27
Issue 19
Occupational Health & Safety organization and ability to get things training new hires or co-workers;
standards are a clear statement as done and requires that responsible assisting in accident investigations)
to the general responsibility of both parties have the necessary authority provides the means through which
employer and employee: and equipment, so that assigned workers develop and express their
responsibilities can be met. own commitment to safety and health
General duties on the employer protection. Making use of everyone’s
• provide safe place of work Encouraging employee involvement insight not only creates a synergy
• provide safe plant and equipment in the program and in decisions that among participants, but also a shared
• provide safe systems of work affect their safety and health (e.g., sense of ownership that leads to
inspection or hazard analysis teams; participants holding themselves and
General duties on the employees developing or revising safe work rules; each other accountable.
• to take reasonable care
• to co-operate with the employer
• not to interfere with safety
[1] NFPA 70E, Standard for
Electrical Safety in the
Workplace, accessed here:
Photo: Shutterstock
Electric Substation
Large Power Equipment:
Cost Effective Methods
for Repairing Oil and
Gas Leaks
by Steven H. Wickman
To keep in tune with the theme of the last edition of Transformer Technology, a large, oil-filled
power transformer is definitely the heart of the power system. Even with the advances in the
technology of other insulating media, the large oil-filled transformer is still the tried-and-true
major component of the transmission-type electric substation, as well as the sub-transmis-
sion and distribution substations. Many transformers still in service today were built in the
slide-rule era designed by engineers with a built-to-last mentality. Thus, there are many old-
er oil-filled transformers still out there throughout the world. Although they were built to last,
they have their share of old age issues coming to bear. One of the greatest issues is oil leaks.
Gaskets on bushings, radiator flanges, pumps, piping, etc. are deteriorating and leaking.
Transformer Technology April 2022 31
Issue 19
Figure 1. Evidence of oil running down the sides of a large power transformer creates a negative
perception of the utility’s maintenance program.
Services. After a 37-year career with Common- However, transformers are typically diators, removing bushings, and so on.
wealth Edison, Co., Chicago, IL in various expected to remain in service much
electrical engineering positions primarily in the longer than this. Thus, sometime All these steps keeping your
substation, testing, engineering, construction during the operating life of the transformer out of service for weeks,
and operations areas of the company, Steve transformer, the unit is going to and utilizing large substation crews,
is now providing his expertise to TDS as a experience deteriorated gaskets and cranes, tankers, vacuum fill-oil
Technical Consultant. Steve is a Registered subsequent oil leaks. If oil is leaking processing trailers and similar can
Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois, out, there is a risk of moisture and air be a costly endeavor. Today’s electric
and he holds a BSEE from Iowa State University, being drawn in via capillary action, utility management is monitoring
Ames, IA and an MBA from the Keller Graduate compromising the transformer oil expenses closely. Transmission
School of Management, Chicago, IL. insulating qualities. operations are wheeling power from
Figure 2. Drill and Inject technique. Left: A graphical sketch depicting how the injection valve is drilled into the gasket groove to inject the liquid
sealant material and effectively replace the failed gasket material. Right: Injection valve with sealant injection hose.
Transformer Technology April 2022 33
Issue 19
Lastly, with this minimally invasive same leak seal sealant to create, in
repair technique, it can be a viable essence, an external gasket around
option to only address the existing the leaking component. This leak
leaking components as opposed to repair technique works effectively on
doing a complete drain and regasket virtually any flange that cannot be
of the entire unit. drilled and injected (Figure 4).
In addition to the common piping a clamp filled with sealant to nitrile rubber gasket material. The
flange leaks and those that have been enclose on this interface surface. cured compound material does not
mentioned above, there are other adhere to the internal surfaces of
unique repairs that can be performed This technique is also the most a gasket groove, nor to the internal
with this leak seal technique: common solution for addressing cavity of an external clamp. Thus, if
leaks in SF6 filled CB bushings. the leak seal repaired flange requires
• Radiator fin leaks — application of disassembly for other repairs of
an external clamp Properties of the Leak Seal the apparatus, the cured leak seal
• NLTC operating rod penetration; Compound compound can be easily peeled away
failure of the packing/bushing with a simple tool, even a pocket
around this rod — external clamp For all leak seal repairs performed knife (Figure 6).
• Large open-faced flanges on electrical substation apparatus,
between sections of transformer only one type of leak seal compound If it is necessary, sometime after the
tanks, such as the flange between is used, regardless if the device is a repair is completed, to disassemble
the main tank and an LTC transformer, oil circuit breaker (OCB) the component, upon reassembly of
compartment or gas circuit breaker (GCB). The the flange either a new OEM gasket
• Interface in bushings between leak seal material will not adversely can be put in place of the removed
porcelain and steel flange — often react with transformer oil, nitrogen leak seal compound, or, in the case
there is a gasket in a bushing gas used in a transformer blanket, of a repair with an external clamp,
between the porcelain insulating nor OCB oil or SF6 gas. When fully the leak seal technicians can be
column and the bushing base. cured, the leak seal compound is called back to reinject the clamp with
This gasket can fail and leak always soft and flexible, and it feels new leak seal compound, restoring
oil. The solution is to fabricate and behaves the same as OEM the leak to its repaired state.
Transformer Technology April 2022 35
Issue 19
Figure 7. Left: Clamp on an EHV GCB bushing base. Right: Clamp enclosing on the end bell flange of an EHV GCB interrupter tank.
Photo: Transmission and Distribution Services – TDS, LLC
Additionally, leaks in instrument/ generation plants, refineries, and Future of Online Leak Sealing
metering tubing, where threaded other chemical processing plants.
fittings are used, can be repaired with In 1988 one of the established high Large power transformers and EHV
external clamps. As in the case with pressure leak-sealing specialists was circuit breakers are going to continue
transformers, to perform complete approached by a U.S. electric utility’s to be the heart of the electric utility
regasket overhauls on large EHV senior equipment specialist in their grid. As sources of generation
GCBs, an extended outage with Substation Services Group and asked evolve perhaps away from large
degassing of the GCB and opening up if it was possible to apply the high- central power plants to more widely
all components is required, as well as pressure leak seal techniques to distributed wind and solar farms, the
the testing and adjusting of the GCB repairing transformer oil leaks. The need for a reliable transmission grid
mechanism upon completion of the utility equipment engineer worked will be as important as ever. Plus,
leak repairs, all of which is time and with the leak seal specialist to develop the ability to get extended outages
labor intensive, and costly. the low-pressure leak seal technique for major overhaul of the apparatus
and the Substation Leak Seal will be ever challenged. The ability
With these leak seal techniques, no Services, as we know it today, was to address maintenance issues
disassembly or full gas removal is born. This low-pressure technique such as oil and SF6 leaks in a quick
necessary. Outages are necessary was further developed and performed and short outage manner will be of
only for the duration of the work and by several leak-sealing contractors major benefit. This author predicts
post repair leak testing the next day to around the country. Today, there are that this repair technique will be a
assure all leaks have been corrected. only a few leak-sealing contractors popular option. In addition, the leak-
still performing this repair technique sealing specialists are embracing
in the North American continent, and new technologies such as modeling
Today, there are only only one firm that specializes in only clamp design on 3D printers to test-
a few leak-sealing low-pressure leak-sealing technique fit a new clamp prior to fabrication in
exclusively on electric substation aluminum to assure proper fit. Also,
contractors still equipment. A skilled high-pressure these technicians are exploring the
performing the low- leak seal technician is not necessarily use of portable scanning devices to
best skilled for this low-pressure measure leaking flanges and fittings
pressure repair technique technique and is potentially not going from a safe distance for clamps,
in the North American to do the best repair. Thus, a firm without getting an electrical outage
that specializes in the low-pressure for the measurement phase of the
continent, and only one electric equipment repair technique repair. These new technologies will be
firm that specializes is most likely to perform a successful beneficial in adding to the success of
leak seal repair. this leak repair technique.
in only low-pressure
leak-sealing technique The ability to address Photo credit:
Issue 19
(731) 664-4345
Issue 19
TMC is manufacturing dry type transformers and reactors for all applications
worldwide, such as industry, building and infrastructures, traction substations,
marine and offshore, oil and gas, renewable energy, battery storage, mining and
data centers.
TMC has a large customer base, which led to the development of all types
of customized solutions in the world of dry transformers. This experience has
made possible the development of creative projects adapted to the needs of the
clients, both in transformers for indoor and outdoor installation, that are able
to reach temperatures of -50°C in operation, as well as incorporating different
cooling systems (natural air, forced with exchangers, air-water or air-air).
Photo: Shutterstock
Transformer Technology April 2022 41
Issue 19
Dr. Mital Kanabar is an Office of Innovation John McDonald, P.E. is Smart Grid Business
leader and global Applications Architect in Development Leader for GE’s Grid Solutions
Grid Automation (GA) of Grid Solutions busi- business. John has 47 years of experience
ness, GE Renewable Energy at GE Grid IQ in the electric utility T&D industry. John
Center in Ontario, Canada. Mital has 15+ received his B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. (Power
years of power industry experience and holds Engineering) degrees from Purdue University,
12+ international patent applications. He has and an M.B.A. (Finance) degree from the
published more than 50 journal/conference University of California-Berkeley. John is a
papers, 5 industrial magazine articles, and a Life Fellow of IEEE (member for 50 years),
book chapter. He holds an honorary Adjunct and has received a number of distinguished
Professor position at OntarioTech University, IEEE and IEEE PES medals and awards.
Canada. Mital is also serving as a Chair and John is Past President of the IEEE PES,
Vice-Chair of three Working Groups (WGs) at the VP for Technical Activities for the US
IEEE PES Power System Relaying Committee National Committee (USNC) of CIGRE, the
(PSRC). And, he is an active member of sev- Past Chair of the IEEE PES Substations
eral technical working groups at IEEE, IEC, Committee, the IEEE Division VII Past
NERC and NASPI. Mital earned his PhD de- Director, and a member of the US National
gree from the University of Western Ontario, Academy of Engineering.
London, Canada.
The energy
transition is at
hand, but its
success relies
on our ability
Palak Parikh, PhD PEng is a Lead Application
to adapt our Engineer with GE’s Grid Automations’ Product
aging power R&D group, focusing on various product de-
signs in the area of Distribution Automation
infrastructure & Protection. She received her Master’s and
to support the Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering
from Sardar Patel University, India. She pur-
integration of sued her PhD from the University of Western
more renewable Ontario, Canada. Palak has expertise in the ar-
ea of distribution automation, microgrid solu-
energy tions, and power system protection. She has
resources. authored more than 30 international journal
and conference articles and holds 1 patent.
Key Challenges and system evolutions. Next, we look at industries. With the integration of
Opportunities with Grid grid system integrity and protection large renewable energy farms on the
Modernization schemes for high-speed grid stability transmission grid, and distributed
controls. Finally, we discover how energy resources on distribution
The energy transition is at hand, secured wireless technologies, such networks, several challenges and
but its success relies on our as licensed/unlicensed radios or opportunities have presented
ability to adapt our aging power private LTE (long-term evolution) themselves during the modernizing of
infrastructure to support the networks, are bringing industrial- decades-old grid infrastructures.
integration of more renewable grade reliability and security with
energy resources. Innovation and the integration of distributed energy Digital transformation with grid
the digital transformation of the grid resources (DERs). modernization technology for the
substation are crucial to evolving our transmission and distribution system
technology rapidly enough to meet Grid Infrastructure - Major will play the central role between
the world’s rising demands of green Challenges and Opportunities renewable generation and prosumers
energy. In this article, we discuss of energy. The four key aspects shown
four grid technological innovations The electrical grid has been largely in Figure 1 illustrate grid modernization
that are changing the way power evolving for over 100+ years. So, why through innovation and digital
substations work and giving grid now? In speaking with many global transformation, including:
operators the ability to better manage utilities and heavy power users, three
those substations and the network clear factors have emerged as being • Improving grid performance
as a whole–paving the way to meet driving forces: the need and push for and utilization of the existing
changing energy demands. decarbonization, the decentralization infrastructure with innovations
caused by the growth of renewables in grid asset (e.g., transformers,
First, we examine the use of data and DERs, and digitization–our feeders) monitoring;
in the move from time-based to ability to connect more assets and • Enhancing grid reliability and
condition-based maintenance and visualize more data than ever before. flexibility with digital substations and
performance of primary substation Digital transformation enabled by software-defined automation and
equipment, such as power grid modernization technology in the controls;
transformers. We also explore grid transmission and distribution system • Maintaining grid stability and
sensing with analytics to improve will play a central role in the energy resiliency on large integrations of
network utilization. We then consider transition. inverter-based renewable energy
the new flexible architectures of resources using system integrity
the digital substation, and how they Power grid infrastructure has been built protection schemes; and
create a more scalable, grid-reliable and maintained over the past century • Enabling cyber security with
control and automation platform to deliver reliable, safer, and affordable end-to-end communication for
that is ideal for tomorrow’s power electricity across communities and geographically dispersed DERs.
Photo: GE
Transformer Technology April 2022 43
Issue 19
Evolving Grid Analytics models with a combination of physics There are several methods of condition
Innovations and machine learning methods, monitoring, generally categorized as
including anomaly detection, the following:
Power grid networks and equipment classifications, and/or learned
infrastructure are monitored and patterns. Further grid innovations • Automatic and online: Continuous
controlled by edge devices with can be applied to suggest potential monitoring applied while the asset is
sensors and actuators with some level implications and recommended running; analysis performed without
of intelligent analytics. As illustrated actions. Finally, the autonomous grid human intervention
in Figure 2, the evolution of grid edge with self-healing would use edge- • Automatic and offline: Scheduled
analytics innovations moves from a to-edge communications with very monitoring applied when the asset
reactive management strategy that limited or no human interventions. is stopped; analysis performed
responds to failures after they occur to without human intervention.
a more autonomous future state with Grid Innovations for Online • Manual and online: Continuous
self-healing. Asset Condition Monitoring monitoring applied while the asset
is running; analysis performed
The majority of existing grid edge The aging of the existing installed base manually on collected data.
analytics are reactive to failures to limit and the lack of sufficient upgrades of • Manual and offline: Scheduled
damage, with limited responsiveness the grid infrastructure are challenging monitoring applied when the asset
to restore automatically. The predictive for grid reliability, resiliency, and is stopped; analysis performed
stage may utilize system or asset affordability. manually on collected data.
Normally, the online methods require Figure 3 presents integrated condition With deep equipment design expertise,
additional devices connected to the monitoring of the transformer using proactive functions are designed
sensors applied to the equipment protection relay and dissolved to continuously perform online
whereas the offline methods require gas analyzer data. Traditionally, equipment condition monitoring
scheduled shutdown to perform the a transformer protection relay is in combination with protection
tests. Autonomous monitoring and connected to current and voltage and control measurements of the
diagnostics need enough processing transformers to obtain the currents equipment to be protected. Proactive
capabilities and memory within and voltages needed to detect functions take a holistic approach
an edge device whereas manual electrical faults. It is interfaced with to the equipment to be protected,
monitoring and diagnostics require circuit breakers for control actions. capturing the entire evolution of a
time from an expert team to perform In addition, dissolved gas analyzer potential failure, including:
analysis and prepare asset health devices connected to a transformer
reports. can draw oil samples regularly • detecting an anomaly or
and perform continuous chemical degradation of a subcomponent of
Power Transformer Example analysis. the asset,
• alarming the condition, and
An example of power transformer In the past, these two distinct • recording and logging the signals
equipment monitoring and systems (electrical protection and and evolving changes.
diagnostics is presented below which chemical monitoring) have not been
can provide risk index and score interconnected. Since both systems Proactive functions are essential
with actionable condition-based provide much-needed asset and to detect critical asset degradation
maintenance through a combination performance management data, or anomaly conditions before they
of electrical, chemical, and thermal bringing them together provides a evolve into catastrophic failures. This
data. Power transformers are among more comprehensive view of the avoidance of costs, damage, and
the most critical power substation transformer’s overall health as reliability costs justifies the investment
assets required to maintain a reliable shown in the figure. This integrated in this digital transformation.
and efficient power supply. Yet approach of combining two systems
more than half the transformers (a protection relay with electrical Data correlation models are time-
in the developed world are several functions and a dissolved gas analyzer aligned and trended among electrical,
decades old or older. With almost with chemical analysis) allows chemical, and thermal characteristics
half of transformer failures caused by tracking of trending incipient fault through a range of transformer
insulation degradation and electrical events with the same timestamps, a conditions. Reports from the system
abnormalities due to aging, extending correlation between the electrical and (including the energization record,
the life of these devices has become chemical models, and integrated asset integrated transformer fault report,
a top priority for major power utilities. health analysis and reporting. and transformer health report)
Figure 3. Holistic electrical, chemical and thermal models for transformer monitoring and diagnostics
Photo: GE
Transformer Technology April 2022 45
Issue 19
allow capturing key operational expenditures while maintaining the limit but can prevent catastrophic
dynamics that provide insight about power system reliability demanded by events. Digital protection relays
both internal and through-fault today’s market. are checking for anomalies around
conditions. Critical transformer data every 2ms. Instead of witnessing
is compiled into reports and models With advancements in data analytics, the evolution of equipment failure
that are easy to interpret, supporting interoperable data communication, until the set threshold of traditional
informed decision-making. This and high-speed networking, the protection function is reached,
ultimately delivers conditions for availability of data for advanced proactive functions can provide early
asset management optimization analytics is ushering in a new era of warning upon detection of abnormal
and potential for a transformer predictive analytics. New predictive operating conditions. These can be
life extension, enabling operators analytics can be applied to build key inputs to managing assets using
to reduce capital and operational proactive functions which do not just digital data.
Figure 5 presents an example of a • Risk assessment of the overhead line monitoring devices.
transformer model from its health transformer population in service, The integration of monitoring data
report. When a protective relay especially critical transformers and received from line monitoring devices
detects an internal fault, it trips the important connections; with distribution management
transformer. External or through faults, • Condition assessment of individual system helps improve the reliability
however, can result in high current transformers, identifying those and safety of the system, and thus
flow through the transformer before which may require follow-up such optimizes the use of the network.
the device is tripped offline, causing as visual inspection, diagnostic Typically, line monitoring devices are
significant stress on the transformer. measurements, and maintenance; mounted at strategic points in the
A typical distribution utility experiences and overhead network. The system is
about 15 to 20 through faults each • Proactive risk mitigation actions for shown in Figure 6.
year even in advanced distribution transformer asset management.
systems. Research demonstrates These line sensors measure current
that many transformers that fail An Example of Grid Utilization and calculate both amplitude and
catastrophically start showing and Fault Location phase of the root-mean-square value,
indications of problems immediately and have built-in communications.
following a through fault event. The integration of renewable The sensors can pick up fault
Developing situations such as these generation into existing grids currents and report this current
are more easily detected with visibility is increasing. One of the main data back via radio to the sensor
into pre- and post-fault electrical, challenges is that power flows are network gateway (SNG). The SNG
chemical, and thermal data. In the uneven and decentralized, and line links a network of sensors together,
transformer relay, this data is delivered loading at specific points in the sending commands to the sensors
via the user-friendly integrated network becomes uncertain with the and receiving data. This data consists
transformer fault report. This graphical change in the feed. This challenge of current values, fault event current
fault report can provide a clear visual is reduced with real-time or near- data, or other related information,
indication of the fault condition as well time grid visibility. Using dynamic line such as temperature, etc. The SNG
as any changes to the transformer’s rating data monitored by sensors, the links back to the data acquisition
health. power handling capacity of the line communicator unit. The unit is
at specific points can be determined. generally mounted in the substation,
This integrated solution provides a This allows the utility to provide and its function is to record the
heightened level of visibility, allowing improved power quality and a better- activity of the sensor network. It acts
the data to be applied in a meaningful managed system with increased as a database for line status including
way to maintenance or troubleshooting visibility into the network. With a events like line loading, tripping faults,
needs. An asset health report gives regulatory requirement to minimize or sub-tripping events. The data
a snapshot of the transformer’s outage times, it is important to detect acquisition communicator also links
condition, and helps utilities analyze and locate faults and disturbances the sensor network to the system
the following: across the distribution grid using software controls.
Photo: GE
Transformer Technology April 2022 47
Issue 19
The system software controls the As substation devices continue to First, it allows for a smaller control
entire network at one central location evolve, and we continue to capture house footprint which saves money
and can include a virtual line sensing and visualize more ‘real-time’ data in construction. It also allows for
gateway that provides access to faults about individual substation assets, significantly less wiring between
and line loading data centrally. It also the next level of value for grid edge devices which lowers cost and
provides a platform for line monitoring peer-to-peer device analytics may be reduces the opportunity for miswiring.
analytical applications such as: moving from predictive to autonomous It also allows for significant data to be
operation. We are starting to see this available for utilities to use to monitor
• fault location and fault signature, evolution now as machine learning and systems and leverage in their asset
• dynamic line rating, artificial intelligence capabilities are management programs. The SF6-free
• local sag/clearance estimation, and being implemented into field and edge technology innovations such as green
• remote system diagnostics and devices. For example, protection relays gas (g3) enabled switchgear already
maintenance applications including can trend operational data and use provide clean primary equipment for
remote SNG and line sensor built-in artificial intelligence/machine the grid.
firmware updates. learning algorithms supervised by logic
and controls to take prescribed and Figure 7 shows the hierarchical
This software can be stand-alone approved actions–thereby minimizing architecture of a digital substation
or be integrated into a distribution the need for truck rolls or manual PAC system divided into three
management system with mapping human intervention. existing levels: process, bay, and
and maintenance functionality. station. Considering the technology
Evolving Digital cycles discussed earlier, the process
Line sensors can be installed at Transformation Across Grid level needs to “simplify” through
demarcation points where the utility Infrastructures digitization using open standard
network connects to local grids, data sharing communication
allowing the utility to discover line This section presents the digital interfaces (i.e., IEC 61850-9-2LE
faults and determine whether the transformation applied within the and/or IEC61869-9/13). The bay
issues are upstream or downstream. substation as well as outside the level should be able to “converge”
This saves them about 35% in the fence of transmission and distribution PAC applications with centralized
number of truck rolls. The combination networks. substation protection systems.
of auto-recloser technology and down The modularized hardware of PAC
conductor detection line monitoring Architecting Flexibility and Safety intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)
can help mitigate wildfires risks. Also, with Digital Substations can provide completely independent
with the combination of distributed communication ports to facilitate
fault detection, isolation, and More and more utilities are investing cyber security perimeter segregation
restoration, this combined technology in new protection, automation, control for process bus and station bus.
can help the utility move towards the (PAC) systems in substations. They The station bus can be designed as
goal of a “self-healing” grid. are doing this for several reasons. “future-proof” with software-defined
Point-to-point connections
Auto alarm and events: visual, aural, email
applications for the grid of the future. to be minimal or, if possible, with and achieves cost-savings by reducing
As the grid/substation evolves (such minimum settings and segregated the amount of hardware used. While
as through renewables penetration), layer-2 (ethernet) level traffic. Easy- achieving the cost-saving is important,
the scalable substation control/ to-install and maintain hardware CPC shall not compromise the stability
automation application platform delivers higher reliability and, with and neglect the reliability offered by a
can allow future applications and interoperable protocols, this data conventional solution. Therefore, it is
solutions without replacing the would be available to any application important to find a balance of saving
hardware or platform software. at the bay or station level. without overlooking the criticality of
power system operation.
Process interface units installed Centralized Substation
close to, or as part of, primary Protection System CPC is not just about a single
equipment, are used to digitize the centralized protection device because
signal interface and communicate to Centralized protection and control (CPC) this device alone will not bring benefit
process bus over interoperable IEC is a concept to combine the function to the user. CPC is a system involving
61850-9-2 or IEC 61869-9/13 of several IEDs into single hardware process-level digitization and a
standards. The software and as illustrated in Figure 8. This allows substation human-machine interface.
settings at the process level need more efficient use of processing power Having all functions running in one
Issue 19
g Function
Real-time App Engine Server
RTOS Win 10 IoT Synchrophasors C37.118
Synchrophasors C37.118
GE Logic Engine RT v9.3 HMI application Function Straton®
g Function
IEC61850 stacks GOOSE IEC61850
g Function g Connection
C37.118 stacks SVIEC61850-9-2LE
g Function
g Function
Client Matlab Simulink®
g Function
g Function
Client Customer Logic 1
MMS IEC61850
g Function
Legacy protocols Customer Logic n
Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4
g Function
Legacy protocols
centralized hardware opens some architecture may have the potential The advanced software-defined
new requirements, such as the need to migrate non-mission-critical substation automation system shown
for robust cyber security in a CPC substation automation from native in Figure 11 is using container-
unit, redundant systems to prevent specific hardware platforms to virtual based architecture and a secure edge
maloperation due to a faulty device, machines or even cloud-native operating system lighter than typical
and time synchronization. Please containerized applications. virtual machines in terms of footprint
refer to the IEEE Power and Energy and memory usage. They boot faster
Society Power System Relaying and Figure 10 provides the architecture of and use fewer resources than virtual
Control Committee’s Working Group an advanced automation application machines. They can be deployed
K15 report online for more details on system that allows a real-time seamlessly across development,
the CPC system. operating system with a non-real- validation, and production and are
time Internet of Things operating easily portable across different
Software-Defined Automation system using virtual machine computing environments. This
and Controls architecture. The hypervisor allows system allows enhancement of grid
scalable multi-core CPU cores and reliability and flexibility to adapt to
Figure 9 presents innovation driving execution of real-time grid logic along the changes that come with the
software-defined grid automation with a non-time-critical human- integration of more renewable energy
and control platforms. The virtualized machine interface type of application. resources.
Substation IEDs Asset M&D Digital Fault Recorders Power Quality Meters Legacy Devices
Secured System Integrity Secured Wireless and which wired technologies and older
Protection System Remote Management for wireless technologies often cannot
Decentralization provide. As communication networks
System integrity (e.g., stability, evolve and data demand from the
and resilience) of the power grid As mentioned earlier, a utility’s network increases, advancements
provides fast controls across the ability to collect and analyze both in industrial wireless technology are
transmission and distribution grid, operational and non-operational demonstrating strong applicability for
especially with large integration of data will be significant to unlocking various power grid applications. There
low-inertia renewable resources such business value while improving grid have been recent advancements in
as those shown in Figure 12. Such reliability, resiliency, and efficiency. industrial wireless communications
a system is also known as system As we deploy more sensors and that can be utilized by new protection,
integrity protection scheme, special devices “at the edge,” we need to think automation, and monitoring
protection schemes, or remedial about the infrastructure required to applications in distribution and
action schemes. Of the entire system securely collect and move data using industrial facilities to provide robust
performance budget, three cycles grid secondary devices and primary and reliable performance.
(approximately 50 ms) are allocated equipment management systems.
for communication and controller/ Traditionally, wired interfaces (copper The ability to have smart meters
logic latency. Of the 50 ms, 38 ms or optical) were the most secure send customer use and outage
is designated for communication and efficient solution. However, data, monitor and control a greater
latency and 4 ms for controller advances in secure and cost-effective number of field-mounted reclosers,
reaction time. wireless technology have opened reconfigure circuits automatically, and
up many new utility applications on deploy flexible demand programs can
A generic object-oriented system the distribution systems with the provide significant benefits to utilities
event (GOOSE) mechanism is integration of DERs. With the ability now and in the future.
used for protection and control to make these communications
applications over local area networks. more secure, these technologies are Industrial strength wireless
To use GOOSE over WAN for delivering many new benefits. technology can provide the power
applications, the implementation of utility with industrial-grade reliability,
routable-GOOSE (R-GOOSE) protocol Table 2 recognizes the existing security, and performance. Today’s
is used. High-speed (e.g., priority and evolving challenges faced by wireless devices are built with
tagging), multicasting, and security distribution utilities and maps them various substation-hardened
mechanisms supported by R-GOOSE to ongoing technology evolution standards, such as IEEE 1613 and
are used using IEC 61850 and IEC to provide future-proof suggested IEC 61850-3, with the devices able
62351 standards. Alternatively, the solutions. to withstand electrostatic discharge
phasor measurement units and and electromagnetic field radiation
phasor data concentrator-enabled As illustrated in Figure 13, advanced as well as mechanical vibrations and
data-driven synchrophasor can industrial wireless technology extreme temperatures commonly
be used based on applications, offers inexpensive installation, rapid encountered in grid applications.
network bandwidth, and performance deployment, widespread access, and Wireless networks are equipped with
requirements. mobile/portable communications encryption technologies such as
Figure 12. A typical example of a system integrity scheme with performance requirements
Photo: GE
Transformer Technology April 2022 51
Issue 19
IP security (IPSec) and virtual private accounting services. Suitable configuration, and remote DER or
network (VPN) with key rotation used wireless technology should be substation monitoring. The grid of the
to enable an end-to-end encrypted selected based on criteria such future will continue to rely on a strong
IP tunnel through which data can as bandwidth, range, data latency, communications infrastructure, and
flow securely between utility assets. and regional frequency spectrum hybrid approaches that can extend or
availability. Industrial wireless supplement existing wired systems
Like a private network, a public has already been applied for DER with wireless solutions will be in the
wireless network allows transfer trip, line/feeder fault location, best position to meet current and
authorization, authentication, and distribution automation, PAC IED future grid needs.
Different devices, capabilities, versions, and configurations >> difficult to manage and train
Dynamic interconnections – Renewables, microgrids; bi-directional power flows, reliability Distributed Intelligence over ICT and
and efficiency standard protocols (e.g., IEC 61850)
Limited bandwidth, multiple communication protocols and mediums >> difficult to interoperate
and integrate
Evolving regulatory requirements and international standards, difficult to deploy and maintain Cyber security management
end-to-end security
Aging fleets with many assets reaching the end of design life in an environment of increased Predictive remote asset management
capital expenditure (CapEx) constraints integrated within smart IEDs
Issue 19
Kelman™ Transport X2 Intellix™ BMT 330 Hydran™ M2-X Perception™ Fleet Kelman™ DGA 900 PLUS MS 3000 CB Watch™
Portable DGA Online Bushing/PD Online H₂ DGA Advanced M&D Software Online Multigas DGA + Holistic Transformer Online Circuit Breaker
Monitoring Bushing/PD + Modelling System Monitoring Monitoring
Continuous monitoring of critical assets is an important aspect of transformational digitization in the grid of the
future. As considerably more renewable sources of energy are introduced to the grid, the stresses and strains on
new and existing critical power delivery assets increase due to the fluctuating loads, unique operating conditions
and differing environments. By providing early identification of incipient faults, continuous monitoring creates
the opportunity for business efficiencies and justification for interventions before faults peak. GE, the GE monogram, Kelman, Hydran, Intellix, Perception, Transport X and CB Watch are trademarks of
the General Electric Company.
© Copyright 2022, General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved.
Transformer Technology February 2022 55
Issue 18
The Past PILC cable cross section transient voltage conditions yield
local stresses 10 kV/mm or higher
Early power cable systems were In the 1960s and 70s medium and high causing irreparable damage. 40 years
made of oil impregnated paper voltage solid dielectric (SD) insulation later, we now know the problem with
insulation incased in a metal moisture systems were developed including aged cable systems has its genesis
barrier. The first cables date back to materials such as polyethylene (PE), with manufacturing or installation
the early 1900s. Paper insulated lead ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), anomalies that, in some rare cases,
covered (PILC) cable was a highly ethylene propylene diene monomer can be exacerbated by secondary
successful technology that enabled rubber (EPDM), and silicone rubber. moisture concentration effects (e.g.
cable systems to reliably operate These cable systems were expected water trees and halos).
at medium and high voltage stress to be cheaper and easier to install
levels for more than 60 years. These with less skilled labor; resistant to However, until the early 2000s
cable systems had the benefit of a moisture, and have a 40-year life. The when the technology to reliably
liquid dielectric (oil) that can move history of what actually happened locate defects in the field could
to void areas and provide a “self- with these early vintage SD cable illuminate the physics behind cable
healing” mechanism and paper tape systems is one of the major reasons failure mechanisms, many in the
layers that allowed technicians to underground is still a mystery to many, industry missed the origin story and
create terminations and splices and the thought of mass adoption can were misdirected to focus on the
onsite. generate fear of the unknown. secondary effects of moisture and
conduction – primary issues with
Unfortunately, much of the knowledge SD insulation fails due to an PILC cable! There were many efforts
and skill to install and maintain paper erosion process associated with a to develop tests to detect moisture
insulated systems has been lost to phenomenon called partial discharge and chemical solutions to react with
retirement and with environmental (PD). PD is an electrical discharge it and dry the cable. While tests like
concerns with oil and lead, they are (or “micro arcing”) that does not tangent delta, dielectric spectroscopy
rapidly being replaced with modern completely bridge the insulation. In and power factor could detect
plastic and rubber insulation systems. SD insulation, PD can arise from an elevated moisture or conduction
Operation and maintenance of extreme focus of electric stress, a lack levels, they could not detect most
paper insulated systems was largely of the appropriate solid insulation, defects or locate issues and often
based on material limitations and or a combination of both. Early produced erroneous values. Chemical
failure mechanisms. Many of the old manufacturing and testing standards injection processes could help dry the
systems had a maximum operating were inadequate to prevent subtle and cable insulation but could not fix any
temperature in the range of 70°C often gross defects from leaving the existing manufacturing or installation
and extreme temperatures could factory. defects that still went on to fail cable.
damage the paper irreparably. The While some manufacturers solved
most common failure mechanism was The primary cause of cable their product quality issues sooner
associated with conduction through system failure is human than others, by 1990 most of the
either moisture ingress and ionic induced damage exacerbated improvements included in today’s
conduction or carbonized papers due by extreme transient voltage cable systems had been implemented
to a localized lack of oil and partial conditions. and adopted by utility standards. For
discharge (PD, described in more detail this reason, the industry typically sees
below). Not surprisingly, the factory In one case in the 1970s, Dr. a significant reliability improvement in
and field tests typically recommended Matthew Mashikian working for cable systems installed after 1990.
were largely based on measurement Detroit Edison research lab asked
techniques sensitive to conduction thirteen manufacturers to supply
and insulation losses such as DC high SD cable. Using a modified World
potential (HIPOT) with leakage current War II radio, he performed 60 Hz
or AC or very low frequency (VLF, PD tests and disqualified eleven of
0.1 Hz) tangent delta (tan delta (TD)). the thirteen suppliers. Clearly, cable
100% PD tested in the factory was
Medium and high voltage insufficient for service in the early
cable systems are one of the 1970s. It wasn’t until manufacturers
most commonly overlooked learned to improve materials, material
power system assets and yet handling and the extrusion process
they are the arteries enabling that SD cable system reliability
reliable grid operation. started to dramatically improve.
Their invisibility has led Manufacturers learned that even
to mystery, a general lack variations as small as a tenth of a
of information sharing, millimeter in cable layer interfaces
and in some cases, over decades of time can yield
misunderstandings leading electrical stress concentrations, and
to suboptimal operation. in some rare circumstances, under
Transformer Technology February 2022 57
Issue 18
Today enable cable systems to last longer? by-meter profiles of over 200,000
Studies show that the SD materials new and aged cable systems rated
According to one recent study, can perform reliably for over 100 years. 5 to 500 kV and thousands of field
manufacturing issues constitute a and laboratory dissections, the
minimum of 5% of cable insulation Studies show that the SD primary cause of cable system
defects detected in new systems. materials can perform reliably failure is human induced damage
This means approximately 95% of for over 100 years. exacerbated by extreme transient
problems are caused by human voltage conditions. Successive
intervention during installation. What So why are cable systems failing transients initialize PD in defects
have we learned and what can we do today? On the basis of a study intermittently until the associated
to avoid the issues of the past and including field assessed meter- erosion process causes failure.
Issue 19
The Future buried to enable the best ampacity to improve craftwork and drive out
performance and the lowest upfront operating and maintenance costs
What will cable systems look like in and operating and maintenance during the capital investment period
the future? While we cannot predict costs. High-cost duct and vaults (installation). Once a cable system
the future, we can observe trends and systems have some of the highest is installed, the cable owner will only
extrapolate. Cable system technology maintenance costs and yet show no need to apply maintenance when
has not dramatically changed in the significant reliability improvement an extreme event is detected. In the
last three decades and will not likely over directly buried systems. future, data analytics will utilize input
change much in the next decade. from distributed sensors detecting
However, more and more power Compared to overhead, extreme voltage and current events,
system owners are looking at the underground is on the order and data from work orders which
lifecycle costs of transmission and of ten times safer and ten indicate potentially damaging
distribution systems and are choosing times more reliable, can last mechanical events (such as repairs,
underground over overhead. Compared two to three times longer than relocations, and support structure
to overhead, underground is on the wood supported systems, is failures) to drive work orders and
order of ten times safer and ten times far more resilient in the face direct technicians to
more reliable, can last two to three of natural disasters, and the re-baseline the cable system using
times longer than wood supported operating and maintenance the commissioning test and repair
systems, is far more resilient in the costs are typically more than accordingly (see best practices
face of natural disasters, and the three times lower. mentioned above).
operating and maintenance costs are
typically more than three times lower. Where the industry will likely see With modern cable systems
In the future, where the upfront costs great improvement is in grid reliability properly specified, installed,
are reasonable, cable systems are performance such as when cable commissioned, and protected
likely to be selected as the “ultimate owners take advantage of installer from extreme operational
sustainability solution” for power training coupled with effective events, the physics indicates
delivery networks. Where feasible, commissioning tests (as mentioned we can expect them to last
cable systems will likely be directly above) to provide a feedback loop longer than 100 years.
The industry has come a long way
from the days of the intensive skill
needed to install PILC cable and the
poor performance of early vintage
solid dielectric systems. Systems are
easier to install correctly and more
reliable than ever before. We have
learned the physics behind cable
reliability and longevity, and we no
longer need to guess at the failure
mechanism. This means we can
be much more efficient and precise
with specifications avoiding costly
partial solutions or risky, ineffective
procedures. With modern cable
systems properly specified, installed,
commissioned, and protected from
extreme operational events, the
physics indicates we can expect them
to last longer than 100 years.
Transformer Technology April 2022 61
Issue 19
Photo: Shutterstock
The step-down system of transformer as we pay control devices of a circuit transformers, machine tool
power grids is what makes attention to the big brother or machine, considering transformers and isolation
transformers so critical from of the transformer family, that the reduced voltage transformers, providing
generation to distribution, both fluid filled and dry type. provides a much safer much needed voltage
to power industrial and environment for technicians regulation where they are
commercial equipment, But control transformers working on or around the designed to produce a high
and ultimately to light the have their own important equipment. level of secondary voltage
lights that the world relies part to play. Control trans- stability during brief periods
upon. In many cases we formers are transformers They are also referred to of overload condition,
lose site of the seemingly that are used to step down as industrial control trans- typically known as inrush
insignificant control the voltage to power the formers, control power current.
Control Transformers
Issue 19
Additionally, control Growing Demand – as chemical, and metal and to hinder the market growth
transformers are used Growing Criticality mining), and the demand to during the forecast period.”
to reduce or eliminate reduce equipment failure on
harmonics or transients – A recent marketing report account of frequent voltage Now that the effects of
power quality issues that indicated that “the industrial fluctuations are likely to Covid seem to be waning,
can have a significantly control transformer market drive the market, especially will we see a rebounding
negative affect on solid is expected to grow at a in the emerging economies. effect, where the actual
state production equipment, CAGR of around 3.5% over However, due to the growth rate for the next few
an ever-increasing evolution the next decade. Factors outbreak of COVID-19, slow years will rebound beyond
within the move such as the increasing down, or delay of different 3.5%? It is more likely to
to “everything digital”. number of industries (such industrial projects are likely happen than not to happen.
Specification to the load circuit for • Inrush load power factor The concept of inrush
an extended period — is difficult to determine current can be seen in
For proper control trans- the amount of current without detailed vector heavy electricity-powered
former specification, three required to hold the analysis of all the load machinery when the start
characteristics of the load contact in the circuit. components. Since button is pushed to power a
circuit must be determined • Total inrush VA is the such an analysis is high-voltage motor and the
in addition to the minimum volt amperes that the typically not feasible, contactor coil is energized.
voltage required to operate transformer must deliver a safe assumption is The overload condition is
the circuit. upon initial energization 40% power factor. handled far more efficiently
of the control circuit. by control transformers than
These are total steady-state Energization of electro- A great example of an a conventional supply, making
(sealed) VA, total inrush VA, magnetic devices takes isolation transformer in them efficient power supplies
and inrush load power factor 30-50 milliseconds. action is the use of power that can be safely used by
as follows: During this inrush period, adapters for laptops since workers that use start and
the electromagnetic there is a difference stop buttons in dangerous
• Total steady-state control devices draw between the voltage levels work environments.
(sealed) VA is the volt- many times normal supplied to homes and the
amperes that the trans- current — 3-10 times lower voltage levels The control transformer, like
former must deliver normal is typical. required by the laptop itself. the ordinary transformer,
Issue 19
allows for the transformation in the control circuit. The circuit with the appropriate Most control transformers
of high-voltage electricity typical solution would be to amount of voltage. are sold in a variety of
from the main circuit into a install more bus bars or run forms, being classified by
lower voltage that is used separate cables through a Control transformers are secondary – 240 primary
to operate the switching separate power feed, but typically more expensive as & secondary, and 480
components within the anyone with experience will they tend to use insulating primary & secondary are
main circuit itself. tell you that this option is materials of the highest just a sample of the variety
impractical. quality. that is currently available
If you take a look at a on the market. These
machine that is powered Likewise, it is unsafe to For example, some brands transformers are being
by a 600-volt motor, the have high voltage electricity sell control transformers used in a wide variety of
contactors used to turn flowing through tightly that are oven-cured and applications that include
the machine on and off packed wiring with a impregnated with vinyl (but are not limited to)
are powered by electro- control panel. The easier toluene polyester resin, schools, shopping centers,
magnetic coils that operate and more effective solution which allows for the apartment complexes,
at voltages that are far is to keep the main circuit elimination of moisture industrial plants and
lower. In other words, the voltage and pass it through while keeping the surface hospitals.
voltage coming from the a control transformer that sealed and protected from
main circuit can’t be used can then provide the control environmental damage.
Issue 19 OF NOTE
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a rt m e n t a t
D ep logy
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Power Tech ).
h (P TR
A s a nature she
and a travele e
e th
likes to se
ys as
role she pla rgy
o f th e e ne
n si ti o n th at helps
th e planet.
s and Physic
Ef ra lo ve d Mathematic Electrical
ood, ies of
From childh led her to opt for stud ty of Management
This interest at the Lahore Universi , Pakistan. During
EngineeringUMS) in Lahore, Punjab the power and
Sciences (L Efra found her interest inlater do her senior
her studies, ergy sector and would le energy. She served
renewable enon the topic of renewab Chapter in her junior
year project sident of the IEEE LUMS ower and Energy
as Vice-Pre President of the IEEE P e was also involved in
year and as ) in her senior year. Sh ty Program (SRP) of
Society (PES first Social Responsibilier who was working as
initiating thealong with her twin sist neering (WiE) LUMS.
her societ y t of IEEE Women in Engi e did internships at
the Presidenundergraduate years shpatch Company of
During her Transmission and Dis itchgear component
the NationalTDC) as well as in the sw EL) and
on Limited (Paduated
P ak is ta n (N P ak El ek tr
er company NG. She gr
manufactur unications Company ZOical Engineering
at Tele co m m an El ec tr gy. Efra
2019, earning newable ener
from LUMS ina focus on power and rethe lead EV charging
degree with professional career astern and Eastern
star ted her e Analyst for the Wes er Grid depar tment
infrastructurarkets and in the Pow orked with some of
European m g her time there she w ution (T&D) and
at PTR. DurinTransmission and Distribojects and research on
the biggest ients and was part of pr n as Team Lead and
E-Mobility cl l. At her current positioDepar tment at Power
a global leve ager of the E-Mobility eps up to date with Source:
Project Man Research (PTR), she ke d enjoys working in Efra F. Usmani
Technology ends in the industry any sector. Efra is a big
the latest tr pact field of the energ ains and rivers of
this high-im ar t and loves the mountstan. She spends her
traveler at hel Nor thern areas of Paki time with her family, .
the beautifu oing out and spending ative documentaries
Photo: Efra F. Usmani,
Issue 19
3.8 GW to 8.5 GW Addition of 13.2 GW Addition of 1.8 GW Addition of 4.3 GW Addition of 29 GW Expected addition of approx.62 GW
Era of LCC HVDC Entrance of VSC in HVDC Market Combine growth of LCC and VSC HVDC
1970: LCC HVDC 1990: LCC HVDC B2B link 2010: Subsea nationwide 2021 onward: Offshore
Nationwide connection in in USA HVDC connection in USA wind power expansion,
USA inline with Bipartisan
Infrastructure Bill, will
boost both VSC and LCC
HVDC market in USA.
Figure 1. Timeline of deployment HVDC technology in the US (Source: Power Technology Research)
HVDC Market in North America and with a few cross-border HVDC Technology Split in North
interconnection with neighboring America
The North American HVDC countries. Canada, on the other hand,
transmission market is largely has a current HVDC transmission Overall, the HVDC transmission
driven by the U.S. and Canada where capacity of around 12 GW. The HVDC market of the North American region is
sweeping majority of the region’s market in Canada experienced a dominated by LCC HVDC technology.
HVDC transmission capacity is boom in 1980s and in the last decade However, in the coming years,
installed. Region’s overall HVDC when majority of nationwide HVDC with the expansion of renewables,
transmission capacity accounts for interconnection commenced their particularly offshore wind farms, more
more than 32 GW, with LCC HVDC commercial operations. The Canadian VSC HVDC systems are proposed
projects dominating the installed HVDC market has been dominated by by TSOs to enhance the reliability
capacity. Figure 1 gives a brief timeline LCC HVDC, with the first VSC HVDC and transmission capacity of the
of key HVDC projects installed in system, installed by ABB, starting transmission grid.
the US. its commercial operation in 2018.
Beyond the U.S. and Canada, other Until 2000, an overwhelming majority
Within North America, the U.S. markets in the region have very small of the HVDC transmission systems
current HVDC transmission capacity installed capacities: e.g. Mexico installed in the region were LCC
is around 20 GW. LCC HVDC has only one LCC project (Railroad HVDC systems accounting for 95% of
technology is leading the market in DC Tie) with a capacity of 300 MW the total installations, whereas only
the country with the majority of HVDC connecting Mexican national grid 5% of the systems were VSC HVDC
interconnections being nationwide, to ERCOT. systems. From 2000 to 2010, majority
Transformer Technology April 2022 73
Issue 19
of the projects installed were still LCC HVDC Market Drivers in U.K., Italy, Denmark and France have
HVDC systems accounting for 71% North America the highest HVDC transmission
of the total projects installed, but VSC capacity. The region has a cumulative
HVDC technology gained traction The renewable energy targets, HVDC transmission installed capacity
accounting for 29% of the installed specifically the planned expansion of of around 43 GW, with Germany
projects. In the last 10 years, the trend offshore wind along with the proposed leading the region in terms of installed
has been similar, with 67% of the legislation (if approved) and the loan HVDC transmission capacity, followed
projects installed being LCC HVDC guarantees from the Department of by U.K. and Italy.
systems, followed by VSC HVDC Energy for transmission projects in
projects accounting for a slightly the U.S., will be the primary drivers of Germany has an installed HVDC
more than 33% of the total projects HVDC demand in North America. transmission capacity of 11.25 GW
installed (Figure 2). of electricity. German HVDC system
The U.S. has a 25.4% share of in spread not only within the country
in the Massachusetts,
York, Massachusetts, New Jersey,
Maryland, and Virginia will be spending
Figure 2. HVDC installations in North America (Source: Power Technology Research) administration.
24 GW capacity
addition is projected
by 2030.
3.6 GW capacity
addition is projected
in coming years.
16 GW capacity
addition is projected
by 2035.
5 GW capacity
addition is projected
by 2030.
5.4 GW capacity
addition is projected
in coming years.
Figure 3. Top five HVDC markets in Europe (Source: Power Technology Research)
U.K., with the second largest installed HVDC Technology Split in Europe HVDC Market Drivers in Europe
capacity, hosts 6.4 GW of HVDC
transmission capacity and the The majority of the HVDC systems Europe has set ambitious renewable
country has several cross border installed in Europe between mid- energy targets, whose realization
HVDC interconnections with France, 1970s and 2000 were thyristor based will provide a significant boost to
Netherlands and Norway. However, LCC HVDC systems. From 2001 to the demand of HVDC transmission
the country is continuing to expand 2010, however, the VSC IGBT systems systems. Several regulations are
the transmission capacity through market experienced a substantial in force in the E.U., such as the
new HVDC projects to transmit growth in the region as these systems renewable energy directive and
electricity from the offshore wind provide a quick switching response national renewable energy action
farms in the North Sea back to shore. compared to LCC Thyristor HVDC plans, which are key driving factors in
Italian HVDC transmission network systems. VSC IGBT systems and the transition to a low-carbon energy
has the capacity to deliver 3.7 GW LCC Thyristor systems accounted for system. Europe is striving to become
of electricity from the generation 56% and 44% of the new installations the first carbon neutral continent
center to load centers in the country. respectively between 2001-2010. by 2050 and the targets have been
Italy also has a couple of cross- From 2010-2020, 72% of the set accordingly for deployment of
border HVDC projects connecting the installations in the region were VSC renewables in the region. European
Photo: Freepik
Italian grid with grids of France and IGBT based while only 28% were LCC Union has set a target of installing at
Montenegro. Thyristor based installations. least 60 GW of cumulative offshore
Transformer Technology April 2022 75
Issue 19
wind by 2030 and 300 GW of renewable category, along with the the power generated by offshore
cumulative offshore wind capacity increasing cross-border connections wind farms in the load centers.
by 2050. within the E.U. and between the U.S. Canada is expected to install 4 GW of
& Canada, will continue driving the HVDC transmission capacity in the
Moreover, the European demand for HVDC systems in these coming years, majority of which will
Commission’s directive has two regions. be cross-border HVDC transmission
set a target of at least 10% capacity needed to import clean
interconnection capacity by 2020 The recent developments in the E.U. electricity to Canada from the U.S.
and 15% interconnection capacity indicate that there is a huge potential
by 2030 to transmit electricity to
neighboring countries. As the region
for deployment of renewables which
will give boost to the market of HVDC The U.S. is
pursues offshore wind energy transmission systems needed to
targets along with the increase in transmit power over long distances.
to install
the interconnection capacity, HVDC Development of offshore wind power
systems are expected to play a plants specifically is gaining a lot of
around 39
crucial role in transmitting this traction in the North Sea and Baltic
power in the continent. Sea regions, which will in turn provide
a push to the HVDC transmission
deployment HVDC Installations - Technology split, Europe
of renewables
Moving Forward
HaVe ClieNtS
Transformer Technology April 2022 77
Issue 19
APRIL 25-28, 2022 | NEW ORLEANS
Transformer Connections:
Types and Their Impact on
System Performance
by Ed Khan
1 2
Transformers are connected in
various configurations, some of which
are delta/wye, wye/wye and wye/
Photo: Doble Engineering
Issue 19
3. Flow of ground fault current
impacts relay protection and
system performance 4
4. Passage of third harmonic current
is needed to produce sinusoidal
transformer output voltage 5
5. Connections enabling twelve pulse
Impact on differential
If we look at a three-winding
transformer, a connection
designated as YNy0d1 means that
the primary is wye grounded at
12 o’clock and the secondary
winding is wye ungrounded also
set at 12 o’clock or zero hours.
The delta tertiary is shifted towards
Photo: Doble Engineering
Issue 19
Phasing issues
Shifting of transformer
damage curve
Figure 5 shows a delta-wye trans-
former with neutral grounded. In the
event of a line to ground fault on the
Figure 4. A typical powerplant layout wye side of the transformer, the ground
relays on the delta side will not see
this ground fault. This is due to infinite
zero sequence impedance between
the two windings. However, the phase
relays will see this as a phase-to-
phase fault with magnitude diminished
to 58% of what it would see if there
were a three-phase fault on the wye
side. The transformer damage curve,
which represents the capability of the
transformer to withstand a through
fault is plotted for a three-phase fault.
In effect, the phase relays on the
delta side are seeing only 58% of the
current and hence will not trip in time
to protect the transformer. Hence, the
solution is to shift both the damage
curve and the characteristics of the
phase relay by 58% towards the left.
In effect, the setting for the phase
Figure 5. A delta-wye transformer with neutral grounded overcurrent relay needs modification.
In Figure 7 we observe that the
vector addition of IA, IB, and IC for
both positive and negative Figure 7.
sequences result in a sum of
0 because of 120° separation. Hence,
there is no current at the neutral
to flow back to another available
neutral. This is not the case with the
3rd, 6th, and 9th harmonics. These are
zero sequence harmonics and the
summation at the neutral is three
times the current in each phase.
The 3rd, 6th and 9th harmonic will flow
if there is either a delta winding or a
close path through ground. In short,
the zero sequence harmonics need
a closed path. This is explained in
Figure 8.
Issue 19
Figure 14. Same as Fig. 13 but here the primary winding is connected
in wye and the secondary winding is connected in delta.
Transformer Technology April 2022 85
Issue 19
Issue 19
Photo: Shutterstock
Power Systems
Monitoring and
While Transformer Technology will always be the heart
of our digital offerings, we realize that transformers do
not stand alone and for a system to be reliable, we must
consider all parts of that system. We begin addressing that
with our theme for the June digital edition which includes
Power Systems Monitoring and Diagnostics.