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Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag - Praburanganathan S & Chithra S

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Journal of Green Engineering (JGE)

Volume-11, Issue-3, March 2021

Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper

Slag on the Engineering Properties of Green
Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing
Technique: A Pilot Scale Study
Selvaraj Praburanganathan, 2Sarangapani Chithra
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Government College
of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 013 E-mail: praburanganathan@yahoo.com
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr), Department of Civil Engineering, Government College
of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 013 E-mail: mail2chith@gmail.com


Numerous studies were found in literature engaging the industrial and

municipal waste products such as copper slag and waste glass utilized in
concrete products independently. This study investigated the coupled effects
of Copper Slag (CS) from the copper industry and finely ground waste Glass
Powder (GP) obtained from the municipal sector in the green production of
low-energy based fly ash bricks by the non-conventional method. The slag
and glass powder were replaced for stone dust and fly ash by 0, 5, 10, 15, 20
and 25% respectively. The characterization of waste materials was studied
using SEM, EDS, and BET area analyser with pore size distribution. The study
involves the determination of physio-mechanical, durability, and
microstructural characteristics together with the non-destructive evaluation of
developed bricks. (Compressive strength, split tensile strength, Modulus of
rupture, Hardened density, water absorption, the initial rate of suction,
sorptivity, and direct UPV measurements). The results reveal that the copper
slag and glass powder-based bricks provide enhanced engineering properties,
which makes the final product suitable for construction purpose.

Keywords : Brick; Fly ash; Mechanical properties; Compressive strength;


Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 11_3, 2301-2315.

© 2021 Alpha Publishers. All rights reserved
2302 Selvaraj Praburanganathan et al

1 Introduction

Due to the faster urbanization, the exponential growth of industries and

modern living standards of the society, the accumulation of industrial and
municipal wastes are ever-increasing day by day. The term sustainability and
circular economy are more pronounced nowadays as it affects the future
generation indeed [1]. To handle effectively the huge waste arising from the
municipal and industrial sector, it is to consider the proper way out of utilizing
those wastes as the raw materials to another industry [2]. The construction
sector is the vast arena having the potential to engage the diverse waste
materials arising out of continuous industry operations. As of date, to convert
the industry and municipal rejects as useful and effective products which are
technologically sound, environmentally viable and cost- effective are the
prime area of research and is the need of the hour. In general, glass is an
amorphous product manufactured by melting silica, calcium carbonate, and
soda ash at very high temperature and followed by cooling [3]. The discarded
glass as it often calls the post-consumption glass recycled without any
alteration of its physical or chemical properties [4]. The discarded glass other
than recycled dumped into the landfills, which cause environmental threats to
Based on the earlier studies [5-8], it was emphasized that the glass powder
has pozzolanic characteristics and it has the potential to use as alternate
supplementary cementitious materials if it has finely ground of size 38-45µm.
Among the standardized supplementary cementitious material from industrial
by-products such as fly ash, silica fume, GGBS, etc., the most potential one is
fly ash, which is derived from thermal power stations. Hence, in this attempt,
the glass powder partially replaced with fly ash were tried in the
manufacturing of evergreen building material such as brick. Consumption of
natural aggregates creates sustainable issues, which is to be addressed is the
need of the hour. In the current scenario, the worldwide production of natural
aggregate for the construction industry is around 3.7 billion tonnes [9]. This
will increase in the coming days, and the scarcity of natural sand is an increase
in an exponential way [10] The optimum way to take out this issue is to utilize
the industrial by-products, which can act as a potential fine aggregate. Based
on the previous studies [11,12] it is noted that the copper slag obtained as a
by-product in the copper extraction process can act as a natural aggregate. To
take out the fine aggregate scarcity, the copper slag is used in combination
with stone dust in this attempt. Bricks are the evergreen building material used
by humanity since ancient days. The conventional bricks use clay as the raw
material. Due to the continuous extraction, the natural resource gets depleted,
and the sustainability problem emerges. The bricks are manufactured using
firing leads to higher CO2 emissions. To take out these issues, in this attempt,
the low energy bricks using fly ash as the raw material and convention
production process changed from firing to pressing technique.
This work addresses the possibility of utilizing the waste glass powder
and copper slag in the waste-based fly ash bricks and explore the combined
Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag on the Engineering Properties of
Green Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing Technique: A Pilot Scale Study 2303

effects. The analysis is based on the compressive strength, split tensile

strength, modulus of rupture, hardened density, water absorption, capillary
water absorption by sorptivity studies, and direct UPV Measurements. Prior to
the study, the characterization of waste materials and their pore size
distribution and surface area and elemental analysis was carried out and
reported. The microstructural evaluation also carried out to emphasize the
morphology of the raw materials and further developed product. The
investigation advantageous in two folds reportedly, the first one being the
utilization of industrial and municipal wastes for the creation of an effective
final product. The second is to address the sustainability issues of the use of
natural resources to some extent.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Raw Material Characterization

Fly ash conforms to ASTM C618-15 [13] of class F from the Mettur
Thermal power station was used for all the mixtures. The specific gravity of
obtained fly ash was 2.2, and the particle size was 35 µm. The surface area as
per BET Analysis was 1.84 m2/g. The mean pore diameter as per pore size
distribution is 5.025nm. The fly ash contains a total pore volume of 0.0023154
cm3/g. GP obtained from a recycler of the southern part of Tamil Nadu were
used for the study.

Table.1. Elemental Composition of Waste Materials

Element Si Na Mg Al S Cl K Ca Fe Cu

GP 77.12 8.59 1.88 0.36 - - - 5.09 - 0.51

CS 45.36 1.03 0.67 1.8 0.85 0.23 0.83 4.66 37.23 1.56

As per the elemental analysis, GP contains 77.12% of silica and 5.09% of

calcium. The particle size of the GP was less than 30µm. The surface area and
mean pore diameter of the GP as 0.16715 m2/g and 2.7931nm. According to
ASTM C618-15, the obtained glass powder fulfils the limits to use as
pozzolanic material. Black, glassy and granular CS of the air-cooled type
obtained from M/s. Sterlite Industries Tuticorin used for the study. It has a
surface area of 1.686 m2/g. The locally obtained stone dust used for the study,
which has a particle size lower than 4.75 mm. Table 1. provides the elemental
composition of waste Materials. The pore size distribution and surface area of
ingredients are provided in Table.2. It is to be noted that the reaction between
the silica (amorphous) present in the GP and lime produces C-S-H, fills the
pores of the capillary. The densification of capillary pores by C-S-H leads to a
reduction of the total volume of voids. The particle morphology and EDS
spectrum obtained by Scanning Electron Microscopy equipped with EDS are
depicted in Fig.1.
2304 Selvaraj Praburanganathan et al

The surface morphology of glass powder shows angular, clastic, and block
and Granular structure, which is distinguished from fly ash particles, which is
spherical [14]. The morphology of CS is irregular and rough texture and
provide dense particles as shown in Fig.2.

Table.2 Surface area and pore size distribution of materials

Material Area, as, Total Pore Pore Dia-

BET(m2/g) Volume (cm3 /g) Mean(nm)

FA 1.843 0.0023 5.025

GP 0.167 0.0001 2.7931
CS 1.686 0.0002 3.9706

Fig.1.Photomicrograph and EDS spectrum of glass powder

Fig.2.Photomicrograph and EDS spectrum of copper slag

Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag on the Engineering Properties of
Green Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing Technique: A Pilot Scale Study 2305

2.2. Mixture Composition and Manufacturing of Bricks

Six brick mixes were prepared with various proportions of CS and GP,
ranging from 0% to 25% at an increment of 5%. The control mix was labelled
as CB. The other mixes were labelled as BGPCS-X-Y in which X and Y denote
the change in percentages of CS and GP. The fly ash and stone dust was fixed
as 60% and 25% in the control brick mix. The lime and gypsum fixed as
constant values of 12% and 3% of the volume of total ingredients for all the
mixes. The mix proportions of all brick mixes were presented in Table.3.

Table.3 Mixture Proportions of Bricks

Ingredients (%)
No Mix ID Fly Lime Gypsum Stone Glass Copper
Ash Dust Powder Slag
1 CB 60 12 3 25 - -
2 BGPCS-5-5 55 12 3 20 5 5
3 BGPCS-10-10 50 12 3 15 10 10
4 BGPCS-15-15 45 12 3 10 15 15
5 BGPCS-20-20 40 12 3 5 20 20
6 BGPCS-25-25 35 12 3 - 25 25

Firstly, the lime and gypsum were mixed separately without any lump, and
then the raw materials are intimately mixed in the pan mixer. Water is added
as per the requirement to obtain a homogeneous mix. The mix was fed into a
hydraulic feed hopper and pressed under a pressure of 200 kg/cm 2. The
standard mould size of bricks was 230 mm x110 mm x 75mm. The obtained
bricks were air-dried for 4 days, and then the bricks were cured for 14 days
under the sprinkle type of curing. Finally, it underwent 3 days of dry curing
before obtaining the final product.

2.3 Test Methods

A total of 300 bricks was used for the investigation. The compressive
strength test was done under UTM of 1000 KN capacity at the age of 3,7,14
and 28 days by ASTM C67 - 03[15]. Tests for split tensile strength was done
as per ASTMC-1006-07 [16]. Tests for modulus of rupture was carried out as
per ASTM C67-03. Both the split tensile and modulus of rupture was
determined as the ages of 7,14 and 28 days. UPV was carried out to evaluate
the qualitative assessment of developed bricks as per BS1881-203 [17]. The
water sorptivity was performed as per ASTM C1585-13[18]. The IRA is a vital
test method of bricks as it indicates the quantum of water absorbed by the brick
samples when it comes into contact with the water at the initial
2306 Selvaraj Praburanganathan et al

period of not more than 2 minutes. It replicates the durability and water
tightness performance of bricks. The microscopic observation was done using
a Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss Sigma VP-FE-SEM) at the age of 28

3 Results and Discussion

3.1. Coupled effects of CS and GP on Physical Properties

In the current study, the water absorption of the developed bricks ranged
between 9.928% - 12.160%. Under severe weathering exposure condition, the
maximum water absorption is 17% is stipulated in ASTM C-67. All the brick
types developed using the various replacement of GP and CS shows the
maximum water absorption below 17%. The results indicate that the increase
of copper slag and glass powder in the bricks gradually reduces the water
absorption. The reason attributed is that the inherent physical property of low
absorption of water by the copper slag. Fig.3.provides the test results of the
coupled effects of GP and CS on water absorption. It is observed that the
incorporation of waste products increases the waster absorption values for all
the replacement levels. Apart from waste materials, fly ash also water-
absorbent material that increases the water absorption characteristics of dry
brick specimens. The variation of hardened density of brick mixes with an
increase in substitution of GP and CS in place of fly ash, and stone dust is
observed from the results. It is noted that the incorporation of waste materials
tends to increase the hardened density in all the substitution level. The addition
of 10% and 15% of CS and GP provides equal density. The addition of 20%
of CS and GP provides the highest density of 1734 kg/m3, which is 4.3% higher
than the control brick mix. The reason attributed to this increase in density is
due to the inherent increased bulk density and 37.23% of ferrous content
presented in the copper slag. Due to the very fine nature of glass powder may
fill up the pores effectively and improves the grain size distribution, resulting
in higher densification and lower porosity also may be the reason attributed to
this increased density characteristics of the brick mixes.

Water absorption(%) Dry Density(Kg/m3)

14 1,800
12.16 11.974 11.299 11.606
12 9.928 10.334
Water absorption(%)

Dry density(kg/m3)

1,713 1,720 1,720 1,734 1,700
8 1,663
0 1,500
CB BGPCS-5-5 BGPCS-10-10 BGPCS-15-15 BGPCS-20-20 BGPCS-25-25

Brick Mixes

Fig.3.Coupled effects of GP and CS on Water absorption and dry density

Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag on the Engineering Properties of
Green Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing Technique: A Pilot Scale Study 2307

3.2 Coupled effects of GP and CS on Strength Properties

Fig.4 shows the results of the coupled effects of GP and CS on strength

properties. The results indicate that the combined addition of GP and CS tends
to increase the compressive strength up to 20% replacement level. At the age
of 28 days, the compressive strength of mix BGPCS-15-15 and BGPCS-20-20
shows almost equal strength of 6.82362 and 6.862 MPa respectively. The
addition of 25% of GP and CS drastically decrease the strength, which is lower
than the control mix.
The reason attributed to this sudden drop in strength is due to the complete
replacement of copper slag with stone dust. There may be more voids unfilled
up in the mix creates a reduction in strength. Up to the addition of 20% of CS
and GP improves the strength which is greater than the control mix. The
strength increment correlated with density observation. The predominant
reason for the improvement in strength for the mix BGPCS-20- 20 is that the
effect of glass powder more pronounced here than the addition of copper slag.
A similar trend of strength observed in 3,7,14 and 28 days of observation.
When compared to 28 days strength the 3,7- and 14-days strength observed are
23-25%,42-44% and 71-74% for all the mix combinations. It is observed at the
age of 28 days, the mix BGPCS5-5, BGPCS-10-10, BGPCS-15-15, BGPCS-
20-20 are 11%,17%,32% and 32% enhanced strength than the control brick.
Mix BGPCS-25-25 shows a 7% reduction in strength than the control brick.
With respect to the optimum mix BGPCS-20-20, the mix BGPCS-5-5,
BGPCS-10-10, BGPCS-15-15 and BGP25-25 shows 16%, 12%, 1% and
30% reduction in strength. Bricks, when loaded in compression till failure gets,
fail in tensile mode. Due to the different elastic properties of mortar and
masonry units, the bricks get fail under load due to the development of tensile
stresses, which leads to a splitting type of failure. Fig.4 provides the split
tensile strength of developed brick specimens. Split tensile strength follows a
similar trend at the ages of 7 days,14 days, and 28 days respectively. When
compared to 28 days, the 7 days and 14 days having the strength ranges of 41-
50% and 66-75% respectively. At the age of 28 days, the 20% addition of glass
powder and copper slag provides a higher split tensile strength than all other
mix combinations. The addition of 20% of CS and GP provides 1.176 times
improved strength than the control mix. The addition of 15% of combined
addition of GP and CS provides almost a similar strength as that of the control
mix. All other mix combinations show a reduction in strength than the control
mix. The addition of 20% of copper slag improves the strength of 18% at the
age of 28 days observed. The mix BGPCS-5-5, BGPCS-10-10 and BGPCS-
25-25 shows reduction in strength of 63%,20% and 61% than the control mix
at 28 days. When compared to the optimum mix BGPCS-20- 20, the mix
BGPCS-5-5, BGPCS-10-10, BGPCS-15-15 and BGPCS25-25 provide
reduction in strength of 32%,68%,86% and 33% respectively at the age of 28
days. It is observed that the 20% replacement of GP and CS enhanced strength
due to the predominant influence of CS and GP, respectively, as in the case of
compressive strength.
2308 Selvaraj Praburanganathan et al

fc(MPa) 3d fc(MPa) 7d fc(MPa) 14d fc(MPa) 28d

ft(MPa) 7d ft(MPa) 14d ft(MPa) 28d fcr(MPa) 7d
fcr(MPa) 14d fcr(MPa) 28d
6.823 6.862
4.500 7.000
5.186 3.847 6.000
3.500 4.809
Strength (MPa)


Strength (MPa)

2.000 1.999 3.000

0.500 0.441 0.444 0.519
0.165 0.173
0.000 0.000
Brick Mixes

Fig.4.Coupled effects of GP and CS on Strength Properties

In the case of modulus of rupture, the addition of CS and GP improves

the flexural strength in all the increment levels when compared to the control
mix. At the ages of 28 days the flexural strength of Mix BGPCS-5- 5,
BGPCS-10-10, BGPCS-15-15, BGPCS-20-20 and BGP-25-25 provides
40%,74%,87%,93%and 34% enhanced strength than the control mix. When
compared to the optimum mix of BGPCS-20-20, the 5,10,15 and 25%
replacement of CS and GP shows a reduction in strength of 73%, 90%, 97%
and 70% respectively. BS6073 [19] stipulates the minimum flexural strength
of 0.65 MPa for the building materials for structural applications. All the
tested bricks satisfy the stipulated criteria as per BS 6073. The reason
attributed for the strength increment is due to the equal amounts of waste
materials maximizes the filling of gel pore in the matrix and provides a more
dense and solid structure to the brick mix. The Relationship between various
strength properties using regression analysis is presented in Fig.5. A simple
empirical formula is presented to determine the strength of the combined
addition of GP and CS. R2 value is 0.803, 0.864, and 0.973 were obtained for
the ft vs. fc, fcr vs. fc and fcr vs. ft. respectively.

3.3 Coupled effects of GP and CS on direct UPV measurements

Ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements conducted at the age of 28 days

are presented in Fig.6.Results varied from 1891 m/s to 2263 m/s. The
incorporation of CS and GP significantly reduces the UPV Measurements
Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag on the Engineering Properties of
Green Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing Technique: A Pilot Scale Study 2309

Relation between ft and fc ft = 0.1682fc - 0.6885 Relation between fcr and fc fc = 0.5881fcr - 0.2557
R² = 0.8034 R² = 0.8643
0.600 8.000

Compression (MPa)
Split tensile (MPa)

0.400 7.000
0.300 6.000
0.100 5.000
0.000 4.000
4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500 7.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000
Compressive strength (MPa) Modulus of Rupture(MPa)

Relation between fcr and ft fcr = 3.3261ft + 2.2089

R² = 0.973

Modulus of

0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600
Split tensile strength(MPa)

Fig.5. Relationship among strength properties on the coupled effects of

GP and CS

when compared to the control mix without waste materials. The addition
of 20% of CS and GP exhibits higher UPV than the control mix. Up to 20% of
CS and GP incorporation tends to increase the UPV and beyond the value gets
decreased. As per earlier findings [20], the acceptable Ultrasonic pulse
velocity values of bricks is 1453-2758 m/s. The UPV of clay brick and cement
brick results of earlier literature were 793 m/s and 1501 m/s. [21] and
comparatively the values obtained in the present investigation provides greater
values. UPV values through the voids are lower, which may be produced by
the copper slag content in the samples, and hence, the reduction in strength
causes the reduction in UPV values. Fig.7 Provides the relationship between
UPV and compressive strength, split tensile strength, and flexural strength. The
results suggest that the fc, ft and fcr of combined addition of GP and CS can
be obtained without destructive testing using the Non-destructive Ultrasonic
2310 Selvaraj Praburanganathan et al

Direct UPV Measurements Comp Vs UPV Flex Vs UPV Split Vs UPV

2500 2228 2119 2263 8.00

1891 1975 1876
2000 7.00

1500 6.00 fc = 0.0045UPV - 3.0949

5.00 R² = 0.7686
3.00 fcr = 0.003UPV - 2.7121
0 2.00 R² = 0.8306
ft = 0.0009UPV - 1.5436
1.00 R² = 0.9152
1850 1950 2050 2150 2250 2350
Brick Mixes

Fig.6.Coupled effects of GP and CS on UPV Fig.7. Relation among UPV & fc,fcr, ft

3.4 Coupled effects of GP and CS on durability properties

Masonry unit and mortar are largely affected by the water absorption
characteristics of the unit, and the water-retaining ability of mortar.it is a well-
known fact that the brick absorbs a higher amount of water, the hydration
deficiency occurs in the mortar face, and it increases the speedy set without
proper bonding. In the case of low water absorption, the brick samples tend to
float and hence, poor bond results. To avoid these issues, bricks to be wetter
before laying.

IRA-1 Min(kg/Sqm/min)
IRA-2 Min(Kg/Sqm/min)
3.50 0.4
0.348 0.331 0.362 2.97
0.358 0.35
3.00 0.307

0.299 2.31
2.10 0.3
IRA( kg/m2/min)

2.05 2.22
1.79 1.67 0.25
2.00 1.55
1.22 0.2
1.50 1.06
0.89 0.15
0.50 0.05
0.00 0
CB BGPCS-5-5 BGPCS-10-10BGPCS-15-15BGPCS-20-20BGPCS-25-25
Brick Mixes

Fig.8.Coupled effects of GP and CS on Initial Rate of suction and Sorptivity

Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag on the Engineering Properties of
Green Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing Technique: A Pilot Scale Study 2311

Fig.8 shows the initial rate of absorption of brick samples incorporating

GP and CS. The addition of GP and CS tends to increase the Initial rate of
absorption, both 1 and 2 min. Up to 10% of incorporation of GP and CS
tends to lower the initial absorption, which shows the values lower than the
control mix. Further addition tends to improve the initial water suction. This
might be due to the addition of waste products improve the porosity of the
brick samples on higher addition. The 5,10,15,20 and 25% of GP and CS
addition shows the IRA-1 min values as 0.89,1.22,1.55,2.05 and 2.31
kg/m2/min. These results can be compared with the findings of clay brick
(0.97-2.26 kg/m2/min) [22]. Except for the 25% addition of GP and CS, all the
values are lower than the findings. However, it is suggested to wet the brick
samples before laying for effective bonding between the brick and Mortar.
The capillary water absorption (Sorptivity) is the measure of the water
infiltration inside the porous material having the constant hydraulic ability
during its wet surface, permit the harmful substances to travel and cause
destruction in the building material. The sorptivity coefficients of the
combined effects of GP and CS presented in Fig.8.The addition of CS and GP
tends to decrease the Absorption characteristics of the mixes in secondary
absorption Up to 4320 minutes of observation. The maximum reduction in
sorptivity coefficient occurred at the replacement of GP at 20% may be due to
the higher filler effect of Glass powder combined with a decrease in porosity
and further addition lead to higher porosity and higher sorptivity coefficients
because of higher specific surface area and higher demand of water and large
capillary pores.

3.5 Coupled effects of GP and CS on Micro-Structural Properties

The photomicrographs of brick type BGPCS-5-5 and BGPCS-20-20 of

brick samples at the age of 28 days were presented in Fig 9 & 10 respectively.

Fig.9.Photomicrograph of BGPCS-20-20 Fig.10. Photomicrograph of BGPCS-5-5

2312 Selvaraj Praburanganathan et al

Photomicrographs show clearly the visible Fly ash particles surrounded by

cementitious materials. The copper slag coated with Glass powder was visible
through microscopic observation. Due to the powdery nature of glass powder,
a foamy structure visible in the case of a 20% replacement of Glass powder.
In the case of 5% replacement, the copper slag coated with glass powder shown
clearly. The formation of C-S-H gel indicated in the photomicrograph. Un
reacted gypsum particles are also observed under microscopic study. Due to
the irregular morphology of copper slag and spherical particles of fly ash, it
may be assumed that improper bondage may result due to loading. The glass
particles may fill up the pores due to their very fine nature, and there are no
voids presents under observation.

4 Conclusions

The present work has the objective to determine the coupled effects of
glass powder and the copper slag that in incorporated in the production of
waste-based fly ash bricks under pressing technique. Having analysed the
results of the present investigation, the conclusion derived is presented below.

1. The utilization of waste glass powder and copper slag in the production of
fly ash masonry units can be a significant way of recycling these abundant
wastes leading to an environmental and sustainable solution to society. The
pore size distribution of raw materials, physio-mechanical, durability and SEM
and EDS analysis indicates that GP and CS have an appropriate composition
for use as secondary raw material in the manufacture of fly ash bricks.
2. The combined addition of glass powder and copper slag technologically
advantageous as Up to 20% of addition, gradually improves the strength
properties of the developed bricks. The optimum addition of 20% of combined
addition of GP and CS improves the compressive strength, split tensile strength
and modulus of rupture as 32,18 and 93% of enhanced strength than the control
mix without waste materials. The reason attributed to the enhancement of
strength is due to the pore filling effect of very fine glass powder combined
with inherent higher density copper slag combination.
3. There is a good correlation observed between the strength properties and
the UPV observations. The regression analysis yields the relation to determine
the strength properties without destructive test using UPV for the combined
addition of GP and CS.
4. The mix BGPCs-20-20 improves the hardened density by around 4.5%
than the control mix. This may be due to the inherent bulk density of copper
slag and higher ferrous content present in the copper slag. The water
Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag on the Engineering Properties of
Green Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing Technique: A Pilot Scale Study 2313

absorption of developed mixes satisfies the limits of severe weathering case,

and it is suitable to use as a building material.
5. The results of IRA indicates that due to the incorporation of waste
materials the initial absorption of developed bricks shows higher absorption
than the control mix and it is suggested to wet the bricks before lay for the
proper bonding between brick and mortar.
6. The maximum reduction of sorptivity coefficients is noticed in 20%
addition due to the higher filling effect of glass powder and a decrease in
porosity. Further addition tends to increase the water demand and thereby
improves the sorptivity values.
7. From a textural point of view, the scanning electron micrographs provide
surface morphology which indicates the irregularly shaped copper slag and
granular, blocky glass powder coated with cementitious particles provides with
a dense matrix.


No funding received from any funding Agency.


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S. Praburanganathan is a research scholar (Full-Time) in the

Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He obtained his Bachelors in Civil
Coupled Effects of Waste Glass and Copper Slag on the Engineering Properties of
Green Ash Bricks Developed With Pressing Technique: A Pilot Scale Study 2315

Engineering from Government College of Engineering, Salem and Masters in

Structural Engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. He has
more than 15 years of industrial, academic and research experience. His
current area of research is the development of green waste - based masonry

Dr. S. Chithra is an Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in Civil Engineering,

Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Her Ph.D.
research was titled, “High Performance Concrete incorporated with Nano
Silica, Silica Fume and Copper Slag” in 2017. She has a wide range of experience
over 14 years of teaching under Government Service. She has published
around 17 research papers in International Journals and 30 papers in National
and International Conferences. As a noteworthy remark, her paper titled “The
effect of Colloidal Nano-silica on workability, mechanical and durability
properties of High-Performance Concrete with Copper slag as partial fine
aggregate”, published in the year 2016, was recognized as the, “Most Cited
Article”, in 2019 by Construction and Building Materials Journal (Elsevier).
She is an eminent reviewer in various high impact SCI journals like Elsevier,
Springer etc. She has 5 ongoing Ph.D.’s working through various areas of
concrete research and has guided over 15 UG and 30 PG student projects in
GCT. Also, she has received research grants from TNSCST and TEQIP R&D
grants for PG and PhD projects supervised by her. She is a Life Member in

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