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PH: 301 Methods of Mathematical Physics

Review of vector analysis: definitions, rotation of coordinate axes, scalar product,
cross product,addition of vectors.Differential operators, gradient, divergence, curl,
integration of vector fields, Gauss' theorem, Stokes'theorem, Gauss' law, Poisson's
equation.Definition of delta function, representations including plane wave
expansion, generalization to 3dimensions.Vector analysis in curvilinear
coordinates, orthogonal coordinates in R3, circular and sphericalcoordinates,
definition of tensors, contraction, direct product, quotient rule, pseudo tensors,
dualtensors, tensor derivative operators.Determinants, matrices, orthogonal and
unitary matrices, matrix diagonalization, trace theorem,relation between
determinants and traces.Finite and infinite sequences, limit of a sequence.Finite
and infinite series, tests of convergence, alternating series, algebra of series, series
of functions,Taylor's expansion and power series, Bernoulli numbers, Euler-
Maclaurin formula, asymptotic series,infinite productsFourier series and analysis,
use and application to physical systems. orthogonality and
orthonormality,complete sets of functions, Gibbs phenomenon, discrete and
continuous Fourier transform.Complex algebra, functions of a complex variable,
Cauchy-Riemann conditions, integration of complexfunctions, calculus of residues,
Cauchy's theorem, Laurent expansion, dispersion relations.
Recommended Texts:
Mathematical Methods for Physicists, by Arfken & Weber, publisher: Academic
Press; 6th Edition, (2005)Mathematical Methods for Physicists, by Tai L. Chow,
publisher: Cambridge University Press, (2002)Basic Training in Mathematics: A
Fitness Program for Science Students, R. Shankar, publisher: Springer

PH-302 Basic Electromagnetism.

Vector calculus: vector fields, divergence, curl, Laplacian, Gauss and Green
theorems. Force on a charge ,work, energy. Conductors and insulators. The
concept of induced charge and surface charge, the forceon a conductor.
Coulomb’s law, Electric field, electric field from continuous charge distributions, Gauss’s law
with applications, electric potential of a localized charge distribution, Poisson’s
and Laplace’s equation.

Solutions of Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations in Cartesian, spherical and

cylindrical coordinates .Boundary conditions and uniqueness theorem, methods of
images, charge between parallel plate s,charge outside metallic sphere, induced
surface charges. Multipole expansion, potential due to electric and magnetic
monopoles and dipoles, electric and magnetic dipoles, fields at long and short
distances .Electric polarization and induced dipoles, bound charges and field inside
a dielectric, electric
displacement, Gauss’s law in the presence of dielectrics, electric susceptibility, permittivity
and dielectric constant, boundary value problems in linear dielectric medium,
forces and energy in dielectric systems.Lorentz force, magnetic induction, Biot-
Savart law, magnetic induction due to a long straight current carrying wire and for
a circular loop, Hall effect in semiconductors.
Vector potential, applications of Ampere’s law, multipole expansion of the vector potential.
Introduction to magnetostatics, magnetic field inside matter and the concept of
auxiliary field H.
Ampere’s law in magnetized materials, magnetic susceptibility and permeability. Linear and
media with boundary conditions
Recommended texts:
Introduction to Electrodynamics, by David J. Griffiths, publisher: Prentice-Hall;
3rd Edition, (1999).Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, by Paul Lorrain and
Dale R. Corson, publisher: S. K. Jain for CBSpublishers; 2nd Edition, (2003)

PH-304 Classical Mechanics

Functions, power series representation of an arbitrary function, kinematics, div,
grad, curl. Basictheorems (Gauss, Green).Cylindrical and polar coordinates,
expressions for velocity and acceleration, coordinate transformations,rotating
reference frames.
Newton’s laws, momentum, impulse of a force, applications.
One-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator, damped SHO, forced SHO,
resonance, 3-D SHO, responseto several forces applied simultaneously, linear
superposition principle.Potential energy, conservative and non-conservative
forces.Motion in electromagnetic fields, cyclotron motion, motion in crossed
electric and magnetic fields.Rotating coordinate systems, fictitious forces.Angular
momentum and central forces, planetary motion under inverse-square force,
constants of
motion, Kepler’s Laws, orbital transfers and gravitational boosts, radial oscillations
about a circular orbit.
Systems of particles, motion with a variable mass, rocket motion.Collisions, center
of mass frame, elastic and inelastic collisions.Rotations, angular momentum,
moment of inertia and theorems, the inertia tensor, principal
axes,diagonalization.Principle of least action, Brachistrochrone problem.
Generalized coordinates, Lagrangian mechanics, generalized forces, Hamilton’s

principle, Hamilton’s
equations.Coupled oscillations, normal modes, CO2 oscillation modes.
Recommended texts:
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, by Stephen T. Thornton and Jerry B.
Marion, publisher:Brooks Cole; 5th revised edition, (2006).Classical Mechanics,
by Herbert Goldstein, publisher: Safko and Poole, 3rd Edition (2006).Classical
Mechanics, by John R. Taylor, publisher: University Science books,
(2005).Classical Mechanics by L. Chow, publisher John Willey (1995).

PH-305 Quantum Mechanics-I

Historical motivation: wave-particle duality, photo-electric effect, instability of
atoms, black bodycatastrophe.Observables and operators, postulates of mechanics,
measurement problems, the state function andexpectation values, Schrödinger
wave equation.Time-independent Schrödinger equation and one-dimensional
problems, stationary states,superposition principle, free particles, infinite and finite
square well, harmonic oscillator, and delta-function potential.Hilbert space, Dirac
notation, linear transformations, discrete and continuous basis vectors,
hermitianand unitary operators.Compatible observables, commutators, uncertainty
principle, minimum uncertainty states.Time development of state functions,
symmetries and conservation laws, conservation of parity,operators for time and
space translations.Waves incident on potential barrier, reflection and transmission
coefficients, WKB method.Quantum mechanics in three-dimensions, cartesian and
spherical forms of Schrodinger equation,separation of variables.Rotational
symmetry, angular momentum as a generator of rotations, spherical harmonics and
theirproperties. Completeness and orthonormality properties.
Recommended texts:
Introductory Quantum Mechanics, by Richard L. Liboff, publisher: Addison
Wesley; 4th Edition, (2002).Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by David J.
Griffiths, publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition(2005).Quantum Physics by
Stephen Gasiorowicz, publisher: Willey International, 3rd Edition
PH-401 Quantum Mechanics-II (Pre-requisite PH-305)
Motion of a particle in a central potential. Separation of variables, effective
potential, solution for theCoulomb problem. Spectrum of the hydrogen atom.Spin
as an internal degree of freedom, intrinsic magnetic moment, intrinsic angular
momentum, spin-orbit interaction and total angular momentum.Identical
particles: Many-particle systems, system of distinguishable noninteracting
particles, systemsof identical particles, symmetrization postulate, Pauli exclusion
principle and the periodic table.
Time-independent perturbation theory: Nondegenerate perturbation theory,
degenerate perturbationtheory.The variational principle: Variational theorem,
variational approximation method, the ground state ofhelium atom.The WKB
approximation: WKB wave functions, general connection rules across a classical
turning point,tunneling.Time-dependent perturbation theory: A perturbed two-level
system, perturbation by anelectromagnetic wave, transition into a continuum of
Fermi’s golden rule, Oscillator strengths,
selection rules.Scattering: Classical scattering theory, quantum scattering
theory, partial wave analysis, phase shifts, theBorn approximation.The ad
iabatic approximation: The adiabatic theorem, Berry’s phase, the Aharonov
-Bohm effect.
Recommended texts:
Introductory Quantum Mechanics, by Richard L. Liboff, publisher: Addison
Wesley; 4th Edition, (2002).Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by David J.
Griffiths, publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition(2005).Quantum Physics,
by Stephen Gasiorowicz, publisher: John Wiley, 3rd Edition (2005).
PH-306 Electromagnetic and Relativity Theory (Pre-req. PH-302)
lectromotive force and motional emf, Faraday’s law, induced electric field, energy stored in
electric and
magnetic fields.
Current conservation, modification to Ampere’s law, magnetic charge, magnetic monopoles,
equations, gauge invariance.Conse
rvation of momentum, Poynting’s theorem, Newton’s third law in electrodynamics,
Newton’sthird law in electrodynamics, Maxwell’s stress tensor, angular momentum of fields.
Magnetic and electric polarizabilities, Maxwell equations in a medium, dielectrics
and magneticmaterials, boundary conditions.Wave equation, general solution,
Fourier expansion, reflection and transmission of plane waves,electromagnetic
waves in vacuum.

Propagation of electromagnetic waves in conducting media and in ionized gases,

reflection andtransmission at normal and oblique incidence, absorption and
dispersion of electromagnetic waves in aconductor.Inertial frames, postulates of
special relativity, invariant interval, Lorentz transformation, time dilationand
length contraction, relativistic Doppler shift.Relativistic energy and momentum,
four-vectors, kinematics of collisions, centre-of-mass, rapidity andpseudo
rapidity.Four vector potentials and currents, covariant form of Maxwell equations,
field strength tensor andconstructed invariants, plane-wave solutions of
Maxwell equations, transversality.
Recommended texts:
Introduction to Electrodynamics, by David J. Griffiths, publisher: Prentice-Hall;
3rd Edition, (1999).Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, by Paul Lorrain and
Dale R. Corson, publisher: S. K. Jain for CBSpublishers; 2nd Edition, (2003).
PH-307 Thermal Physics
First law of thermodynamics, equilibrium, functions of state, internal
energy; reversible changes,enthalpy, heat capacities, reversible adiabatic
changes.Entropy, second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle; determination of
entropy in irreversibleprocesses, the approach to equilibrium.Microstates and
macrostates, counting microstates, ensembles and ensemble averaging, approach
toequilibrium.Classical probability, Statistical probability, axioms of probability
theory, probability distributions,discrete and continuous distributions, binomial and
Gaussian distributions, central limit theorem,combinatorics.Microcanonical
systems, definition of a quantum state, entropy and equilibrium in a
microcanonicalsystem, the second law in statistical form (S=klnW)Canonical
ensemble, partition function, entropy in canonical system, Boltzmann
distribution,thermodynamical averages, applications to single particle, factorization
of partition function.Equipartition theorem, free energy and its minimization,
Gibbs and Helmholtz free energy and applications.

Maxwell distribution of molecular speeds, classical probability of a

state, Maxwell-Boltzmann probabilitydistribution, density of states in k-space,
distribution of speeds in a classical gas.Black body radiation, Rayleigh-Jeans
theory, Planck distribution, free energy of a photon gas, Stefan-Boltzmann
formula, phonons.Systems with variable number of particles, chemical potential,
grand canonical ensemble, relation tothermodynamic variables.Identical particles,
fermions and bosons, partition function for identical particles, semi-
classicalapproximations, identical particles localized on a lattice, thermodynamic
properties of a Fermi gas, lowand high temperature regions, Bose condensation,
applications to neutron stars.
Recommended texts:
Introductory Statistical Mechanics, by R. Bowley and M. Sanchez. Publisher:
Clarenden Press, Oxford,2nd Edition (2000).Thermal and Statistical Physics, by H.
Gould and J.Tobochnik, Publisher: Princeton University Press.(2010)Introductory
Statistical Physics, by K. Huang, publisher: CRC, 1st Edition (2001).Thermal
Physics, by C. Kittel and H. Kroemer, second edition, W. H. Freeman (1980)
PH-402 Atomic and Molecular Physics
The hydrogen atom, the Schrödinger equation, solution of the angular equation,
solution of the radialequation, spin of the electron, spin-orbit interaction, the fine
structure of hydrogen, parity, selectionrules, transitions between fine-structure
levels.Helium, the ground state of helium, excited states of helium, spin
eigenstates, transitions in heliumMany electron atoms, shell structure and
the periodic table, Theoretical models for multielectron atoms,The model of
Independent Electrons, The Hartee method, The Hartree-Fock Method,
Configuration Interaction Couplings of Angular Momenta, LS coupling scheme,
jj coupling scheme, hyperfine structure and isotopeshift.Atoms in External Fields,
The Stark Effect, The Zeeman Effect (normal and anomalous Zeeman effects).The
Einstein A and B coefficients, the laser, Pumping, population inversion, rate
equations and lasing conditions, optical resonators.

Fundamentals of Quantum Theory of Chemical Bonding, The Hydrogen-Molecule

Ion H2+, The TunnelEffect, The Hydrogen Molecule H2, Covalent-
Ionic Resonance, Hybridization, The π Electrons of Benzene
Recommended Texts:
Physics of Atoms and Molecules, by B.H. Bransden and Joachain, publisher:
Pearson Education 2ndEdition (2003)Atoms, Molecules and Photons, by W.
Demtroder, publisher: Springer (2005)The Physics of Atoms and Quanta, by H.
Haken and H.C. Wolf, publisher: Springer 7th Edition (2004)Atomic Physics, by
C.J. Foot, publisher: Oxford University Press 1st Edition (2005).
PH-404 Sub-Atomic Physics I
Review of accelerators, cross sections, luminosity, electrostatic generators (Van de
Graaff), linearaccelerators (Linacs), beam optics, synchrotrons.Collisons, flux,
intensity, laboratory and center-of-momentum frames, colliding beams, super-
conducting linacs, beam storage and cooling.Passage of radiation through matter,
heavy charged particles, photons, electrons, detectors, scintillationcounters, simple
derivation of Bethe formula, statistical aspects.A first glance at the subatomic zoo:
particles and antiparticles, gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesonand baryon ground
states.Rutherford and Mott scattering, form factors, the charge distribution of
spherical nuclei, leptons aspoint probes, nucleon elastic form factors, charge radii
of pion and kaon.Inelastic electron and muon scattering, deep inelastic electron
scattering, structure function for a pointparticle.Nuclear structure: Weizacker mass
formula, volume and surface energies, valley of stability, liquid dropmodel, fermi
gas model.Shell model: magic numbers and closed shells, spin

orbit interaction, isobaric analog resonances,coupling with electromagnetic field.
Collective model, nuclear deformations, rotational spectra ofspinless nuclei,
rotational families, one-particle motion in deformed nuclei (Nilsson model),
vibrationalstates in spherical nuclei, interacting boson model, highly excited states,
giant resonances.General description of fission, understanding through liquid drop
and collective models, application topower generation and radioactive dating.

Outline of Big Bang cosmology, primordial nucleosynthesis, stellar energy and

nucleosynthesis, stellarcollapse and neutron stars, cosmic rays, neutrino astronomy
and cosmology, leptogenesis as basis forbaryon excess.
PH-502 Sub-atomic Physics II
Additive conservation laws, conserved quantities and symmetries, electric charge,
baryon number,lepton and lepton flavor number, strangeness and flavor, additive
quantum numbers of quarks.Electromagnetic interaction, electromagnetic
scattering of leptons, vector mesons as mediators of thephoton-hadron interaction,

positron collisions and quarks, photon

hadron interaction, realand spacelike photons.Importance of P,C,CP, and T
in elementary particle physics, parity operation, intrinsic parities,conservation and
breakdown of parity, charge conjugation, time reversal, two-state problem,
neutralkaons, fall of CP invariance.Weak interactions, muon decay, weak current
of leptons, chirality versus helicity, the weak couplingconstant gf, weak decays of
quarks and the CKM matrix, weak currents in nuclear physics, inverse betadecay,
detection of neutrons, massive neutrinos, Majorana versus Dirac neutrinos, weak
current ofhadrons at high energies,Introduction to gauge theories, Aharonov

Bohm effect, gauge invariance for non-abelian fields, Higgsmechanisms,
spontaneous symmetry breaking, gauge bosons and weak isospin, electroweak
interaction,tests of the standard model, quantum chromodynamics, QCD at low
energies.Range and strength of the low-energy strong interaction, Pion

nucleon interaction, Yukawa theory ofnuclear forces, low-energy nucleon

nucleon force, meson theory of the nucleon

nucleon force,strong processes at high energies.Overview: grand unified theories,
supersymmetry, string theories.

Particles and Nuclei: an Introduction to the Physical Concepts, by Povh B, Rith K,

Scholz C and Zetsche F,publisher: Berlin Springer, 5th Edition (2006).Nuclear and
Particle Physics, Martin B R, publisher: New York: Wiley (2006)An Introduction
to the Standard Model of Particle Physics (Kindle Edition) by W. N. Cottingham
(Author),D. A. Greenwood, 2007.
PH-503 Lasers and Quantum Optics
Review of quantum mechanics, Dirac’s notation, Pauli spin matrices, electromagnetic waves
photons, wavelength and frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.Spontaneous and
stimulated emission, absorption. Maser principle, cavity, gain medium,
populationinversion, Boltzmann statistics, threshold condition.Three-level laser,
properties of a laser beams, black-body radiation theory. Modes of a
rectangularcavity, Raleigh-Jeans and Planck radiation formula.Semi-classical
treatment of the interaction of radiation and matter. Radiative transition
rates,Interaction Hamiltonian, dipole approximation, rotating-wave approximation,
electric dipole moment,allowed and forbidden transitions, ratio of the electric-
dipole transition probability to the magneticdipole transition probability, transition
cross-section, absorption and gain coefficients.Line-broadening mechanisms.
Homogeneous broadening, collision broadening and natural broadening.Wiener-
Kinchine and Parseval’s theorem. Inhomogeneous and Doppler broadening.
Rate equation approach to Laser theory, stationary solution, time-dependent
solution, Gain, loss andsaturation parameters, lasing condition.Ray and wave
propagation in optical media. Matrix formulation of Geometrical optics. Wave
reflectionand transmission at a dielectric interface. Diffraction optics in paraxial
approximation.Passive optical resonators, plane-parallel (Fabry-Perot) resonator,
concentric, confocal, generalizedspherical and ring resonator. Eigen-modes and
Eigen-values. Stability condition, unstable resonator,photon lifetime and cavity
Q.Q-switching, electro-optical, and acousto-optic Q-switches, saturable absorber
Q-switch.Theory of mode-locking, active and passive mode-locking.Laser
excitation techniques, optical, electrical, and chemical pumping, laser pumping,
excitationtransfer, meta-stable states and lifetimes.Types of lasers, solid-state, dye
and semiconductor lasers, gas, chemical, free electron, and X-ray lasers,laser

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