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Boris Challenge

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Boris Mechanics Problems

1. Challenge: Two cars begin to move toward each 6. Challenge: A projectile launched from the ground
other simultaneously along a straight road. Car 1 explodes into three fragments of equal mass at the top
starts from point A at a speed v1; car 2 starts at point point of the trajectory. One of the fragments lands t
B at a speed v2. The acceleration of car 1 is a1; it is seconds after the explosion; two other fragments land
directed toward A. The acceleration of car 2 is a2; it simultaneously 2t seconds after the explosion. How high
is directed toward B. In the process of motion, the above the ground does the projectile explode?
cars meet twice; the time interval between the (Nopember 2011)
meetings is t. Find the distance between A and B. 7. Challenge: An inclined plane is placed on a horizontal
(September 2003) smooth surface. The plane is struck by an elastic ball
whose velocity is horizontal just before the impact. The
2. Challenge: Two simple pendulums of length L each are ball bounces off the inclined place and then lands on it
attached to the ceiling. The small balls attached to the
again at the point of the first impact. Find the ratio of the
strings have equal masses m. The weights are connected
masses of the ball and the inclined plane. Angle θ is
by a very light relaxed rubber band (not a spring) with the
given. (Nopember 2006)
force constant k. At a certain moment, each ball is given
alight quick push as shown, resulting in equal initial 8. Challenge: A small ball is hung as shown on a string of
speeds. Find the period T of the ensuing motion. length l. What minimum horizontal speed must be given
(January 2004) to the ball so that it hits the pivot point? (December

3. Challenge: Find the period of low-amplitude vertical

vibrations of the system shown. The mass of the block is
m. The pulley hangs from the ceiling on a spring with a 9. Challenge: A string of length 2l is suspended at points A
force constant k. The block hangs from an ideal string. and B located on a horizontal line. The distance between
(January 2004) A and B is 2d (d < l). A small, heavy bead can slide on
the string without friction. Find the period of the small-
amplitude oscillations of the bead in the vertical plane
containing the suspension points. The acceleration due to
gravity is g. (December 2006)
10. Challenge: Projectile 1 is launched vertically upward with
initial velocity v. Projectile 2 is launched vertically
upward t seconds after the launch of projectile 1.
Projectile 2 passes projectile 1 as the latter reaches the
top point of its trajectory. Find the initial velocity Vi2 of
projectile 2. The acceleration due to gravity is g.
(October 2003)
4. Challenge: A straight metal rod of length 3l is bent 11. Challenge: When the system shown in the diagram is in
through the right angle as shown. The bent rod is then equilibrium, the right spring is stretched by x1. The
placed on a rough horizontal table. A light string is coefficient of static friction between the blocks is ; there
attached to the vertex of the right angle. The string is is no friction between the bottom block and the
then pulled horizontally so that the rod slides at a supporting surface. The force constants of the springs
are k and 3k (see the diagram). The blocks have equal
constant velocity. Find the angle α that side 2l would mass m. Find the maximum amplitude of the oscillations
make with the string. (Nopember 2004) of the system shown in the diagram that does not allow
the top block to slide on the bottom. (January 2004)

5. Challenge: An elastic ball is dropped on a long inclined

plane. It bounces, hits the plane again, bounces, and so
on. Let us label the distance between the points of the
first and the second hit d12 and the distance between the
points of the second and the third hit d23. Find the ratio
d12 /d23. (October 2004)


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