NAM Standards TGML Graphic Component Library
NAM Standards TGML Graphic Component Library
NAM Standards TGML Graphic Component Library
Design Principles
The NAM Standards TGML Graphics Component Library has a few guiding principles behind the design.
• Vectored Aesthetic – All components are representational without being photorealistic. This takes the most advantage of the
best of TGML.
• Cabinet Oblique Projections – Ductwork is all designed with a 3D projection that preserves the ability to snap-to-grid for
positioning. This gives the best of both worlds providing some perspective while also being easy to use and edit.
• Natively Designed – All components were built using the TGML Component editor. This means they are all easily extensible
by the greater community. If a new component is needed, a user creation will be comparable to the rest of the library.
• Optimized for EBO – Binding strategies, naming conventions, and JavaScript best practices are all designed for the most
seamless integration and operation within EcoStruxure Building Operation Workstation and Webstation.
• Community Support – NAM Standards teams provide direct support while the community at large also participates in best
practices, troubleshooting, or creation of new components.
• Continued Optimization – No good library is ever “finished” so new components continue to be added as requested by
customers or engineers, or as new products are released.
Additional Resources
The library can be downloaded, feedback provided, and discussions with global experts all on The Exchange Community. In
addition, a Fusion Friday session deep dive into the design principles and practical application of the library can also be found on the
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Component Library
The NAM Standards library is shared as a single tgmlcomponentarchive file. It can be installed through a double-click operation. All
components will be displayed within a single library category, but prefixed with names that group similar components together.
Whenever possible, default binding names are set to match the corresponding signal in the EcoStruxure database. This allows for
simple binding templates to match signal names and attributes without any logic for cross referencing differing naming standards.
When used together with SEBA Naming Convention, this greatly simplifies the binding requirements.
All NAM Standard applications come with one or more graphics utilizing this library. By making the full library available to all, the
remaining systems not represented by a standard application can be created maintaining a consistent look and feel throughout the
operator’s workstation.
Central Plant
Bindings: None
The Boiler component is a static representation of a hot water boiler. A central plant diagram can use one or many of these with
piping between to show the layout of a hot water system.
Chiller Centrifugal
Bindings: None
The centrifugal chiller component is a static representation of a chiller. A central plant diagram can use one or many of these with
piping between to show the layout of a chilled water system.
Bindings: Hours, Minutes, Seconds
A clock bound to server time with optional second hand will also show displayed value during TimeLapse.
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Fume Hood
Bindings: SashPosition
The sash for the fume hood will rise and lower based on a 0-100% signal.
Bindings: None
Including the Replay component on a graphic using the NAM Standards TGML Component library will enable Replay functionality –
the ability to rewind a live graphic in the WebStation environment.
Bindings: None
A break in the ductwork can be represented by overlaying this component on top of a stretch of ductwork. This indicates a long
distance of uninterrupted ductwork that could otherwise not be displayed in the flow diagram.
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Endcap Inlet Up
Bindings: None
An inlet endcap represents air flowing into a system. This is typically from outside air or return air ducts. This component should be
“on top” of the straight sections of ductwork.
HD CD Converge
Bindings: None
Hot deck/cold deck ductwork is double height to account for the two sets of heating and cooling coils. Ductwork can be stacked with
no extra consideration, but this piece allows them to converge back into a single height duct.
HD CD Supply
Bindings: None
Hot deck/cold deck ductwork is double height to account for the two sets of heating and cooling coils. Ductwork can be stacked with
no extra consideration, but this piece allows a single height duct to split into two.
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Heat Recovery
Bindings: None
Heat recovery shows a more detailed depiction of the cross between exhaust an intake ducts. If this is too large of a footprint for the
duct flow diagram, the Energy Recovery Unit can represent the same system.
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smaller footprint. A vertical section of ductwork can be stretched to any length vertically without loss of resolution or aspect ratio.
Section Horizontal
Bindings: None
A horizontal section of ductwork can be stretched to any length horizontally without loss of resolution or aspect ratio.
Section Vertical
Bindings: None
A vertical section of ductwork can be stretched to any length vertically without loss of resolution or aspect ratio.
T-Connection 4-Way
Bindings: None
Ductwork T-connections connect a piece of vertical duct to a piece of horizontal duct. This component should be “on top” of the
straight sections of ductwork.
T-Connection Down
Bindings: None
Ductwork T-connections connect a piece of vertical duct to a piece of horizontal duct. This component should be “on top” of the
straight sections of ductwork.
T-Connection Left
Bindings: None
Ductwork T-connections connect a piece of vertical duct to a piece of horizontal duct. This component should be “on top” of the
straight sections of ductwork.
T-Connection Right
Bindings: None
Ductwork T-connections connect a piece of vertical duct to a piece of horizontal duct. This component should be “on top” of the
straight sections of ductwork.
T-Connection Up
Bindings: None
Ductwork T-connections connect a piece of vertical duct to a piece of horizontal duct. This component should be “on top” of the
straight sections of ductwork.
MOA Supply Right
Bindings: Value
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Minimum Outside Air intake ductwork is smaller than normal ductwork and as an associated set of components to fit within the
smaller footprint. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts the rotation of the fan.
Supply Left
Bindings: Value
A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts the rotation of the fan.
Supply Right
Bindings: Value
A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts the rotation of the fan.
Bindings: None
Note: This component must be used in conjunction with a global script: _ToggleInfoTextBox. The exposed attribute “Content”
dictates what will be displayed after clicking on the ? icon. Courier New font is used because a monospaced font allows for
calculation of line lengths and line wrapping with a predictable width and height of the popup. If the user clicks the Info button, the
info appears. Clicking again or clicking on another Info component will cause the currently displayed info to disappear.
Air Flow Station
Bindings: None
This component is a visual representation of an air flow station, sensing the air flow in a piece of duct. It does not have any
animation associated with it.
Baseboard Heat
Bindings: Value
Baseboard heat has a binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal which starts an animation that toggles the fins from red
to grey representing heat. Either a binary or an analog signal can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
Condensate Pan
Bindings: Value
Condensate pan has a binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal which starts an animation that represents water
actively in the pan. Either a binary or an analog signal can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
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from normally closed to normally open. Direct acting means 0=closed and 1=open. Reverse acting means 1=closed and 0=open.
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DX Cooling 1 Stage
Bindings: Value
Direct Expansion cooling with one stage can be used either to represent a standalone stage of cooling, or in conjunction with 1-3
additional single stage components for clarity. If a more realistic representation of a single direct expansion unit with multiple stages
inside is desired, there are 2, 3 and 4 stage components available. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts an
animation that toggles the coil from blue to grey representing active cooling. Either a binary or an analog signal can be used. Any
value above zero is considered on.
DX Cooling 2 Stage
Bindings: Stage1, Stage2
Direct Expansion cooling with two stages represents a single direct expansion unit with multiple stages inside. Each stage is
represented equally as 1/2 of the full number of coils. A binding to Stage1 and Stage2 of the associated signal starts an animation
that toggles the respective section of coil from blue to grey representing active cooling. Either a binary or an analog signal can be
used. Any value above zero is considered on.
DX Cooling 3 Stage
Bindings: Stage1, Stage2, Stage3
Direct Expansion cooling with three stages represents a single direct expansion unit with multiple stages inside. Each stage is
represented equally as 1/3 of the full number of coils. A binding to Stage1, Stage2, and Stage3 of the associated signal starts an
animation that toggles the respective section of coil from blue to grey representing active cooling. Either a binary or an analog signal
can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
DX Cooling 4 Stage
Bindings: Stage1, Stage2, Stage3, Stage4
Direct Expansion cooling with four stages represents a single direct expansion unit with multiple stages inside. Each stage is
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represented equally as 1/4 of the full number of coils. A binding to Stage1, Stage2, Stage3, and Stage4 of the associated signal
starts an animation that toggles the respective section of coil from blue to grey representing active cooling. Either a binary or an
analog signal can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
Bindings: Value
The filter component represents a filter in the supply flow of an air side piece of equipment. A binding to the Value attribute of the
associated signal starts an animation that turns the filter from green to brown and shows the filter sliding out of the ductwork
indicating it needs to be changed.
Gas Heat
Bindings: Value
Gas heat represents a heating element powered by gas. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts an animation
that mimics an open flame pulsing in the duct. This is not physically accurate but gives the user the easiest depiction of the type of
heat being applied. Either a binary or an analog signal can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
Heat Pump
Bindings: Value, Reversing Valve
The heat pump has two bindings. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts an animation that toggles the coil
either from red to grey representing heating or blue to grey representing cooling. The color of the animation is controlled by the
Reversing Valve binding.
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Hot water coil has a binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal which starts an animation that toggles the coil from red to
grey representing heating. Either a binary or an analog signal can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
Humidifier (Steam)
Bindings: Value
Humidifier has a binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal which starts an animation that shows puffs of steam coming
up through the air flow inside the duct. Either a binary or an analog signal can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
UV Light
Bindings: Value
Ultraviolet lighting has a binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal which toggles the light bulbs from grey to white and
cyan representing active disinfection. Either a binary or an analog signal can be used. Any value above zero is considered on.
4-Way Connection
Bindings: None
Pipe T-connections connect a piece of vertical pipe to a piece of horizontal pipe. This component should be “on top” of the straight
sections of pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
Air Separator
Bindings: None
An air separator has no bindings but can be inserted into a piping diagram if needed.
Color Palette
Bindings: None
Rather than including 6X as many pipe components as there currently are just to preset colors, this color palette component is
included. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded
appearance. These can be mass edited for multiple pipe components at once. Colors represent in order: Chilled Water Supply,
Chilled Water Return, Condenser Water Supply, Condenser Water Return, Hot Water Supply, Hot Water Return.
Connection Left
Bindings: None
A pipe connection that connects into a piece of equipment like a pump or a chiller has an endcap on it with detailed screw heads
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connecting the pieces. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
Connection Right
Bindings: None
A pipe connection that connects into a piece of equipment like a pump or a chiller has an endcap on it with detailed screw heads
connecting the pieces. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
Immersion Sensor
Bindings: None
An immersion sensor can be placed on top of any section of pipe to indicate the placement of a temperature sensor well. Exposed
attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can
be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
Section Horizontal
Bindings: None
A horizontal section of pipe can be stretched to any length horizontally without loss of resolution or aspect ratio. Exposed attributes
for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be
customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
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Section Vertical
Bindings: None
A vertical section of pipe can be stretched to any length vertically without loss of resolution or aspect ratio. Exposed
attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can
be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
Side Connection
Bindings: None
A pipe connection that connects into a piece of equipment like a pump or a chiller has an endcap on it with detailed screw heads
connecting the pieces. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
T-Connection Down
Bindings: None
Pipe T-connections connect a piece of vertical pipe to a piece of horizontal pipe. This component should be “on top” of the straight
sections of pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
T-Connection Left
Bindings: None
Pipe T-connections connect a piece of vertical pipe to a piece of horizontal pipe. This component should be “on top” of the straight
sections of pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
T-Connection Right
Bindings: None
Pipe T-connections connect a piece of vertical pipe to a piece of horizontal pipe. This component should be “on top” of the straight
sections of pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
T-Connection Up
Bindings: None
Pipe T-connections connect a piece of vertical pipe to a piece of horizontal pipe. This component should be “on top” of the straight
sections of pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its
rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
Point Display
Point Display
Bindings: ActiveCommandPriority, Reliability, Value, DESCR, OutOfService, TYPE
The point display is intended to be universally applicable to any Automation Server or XPX Controller BACnet values. The only
property the user must set is the component name. All other configurations can be automatically derived from the database
bindings. Every property is available for overriding the default operation but is not required. The TYPE binding will read the point
type from the database and adjust for Analog, Multistate, or Digital values. Multistate and Digital values display the custom
enumeration or the Inactive/Active text respectively.
Without overrides on default properties, the component name (which for ease of binding should match the SEBA naming convention
on the database value name) is written to the Title. The Title is displayed above the point display whereas the Subtitle is displayed to
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the left. If title, subtitle, and tooltip are all empty, then by default the database description of the point is shown in a tooltip on hover.
Note: The snippets library contains Tooltip and Tooltip Script both of which must be applied once per graphic to enable the hover
functionality. If a title or subtitle is provided, the assumption is that they would be descriptive enough as to not require a hover tooltip;
however, the tooltip property can be manually set to force its display.
Units are derived from the Value binding. Decimals are auto-assigned based on the units. Units ft³/min are converted to CFM for
display. CFM, ppm, %, % Rh, h, min, s all display with zero decimals. Units inH₂O display with two decimal places. All others display
with 1 decimal point. This can be overridden using the Decimals exposed property.
ActiveCommandPriority is used in some cases in conjunction with getStatus() to determine if the point has been forced by the
operator. If a point does not have an ActiveCommandPriority (like a Temperature Input, for example) any of the available bindings
can be left unbound, or deleted from the graphic to clean up the bindings window with no ill effects to the graphic.
Reliability is used to determine whether the point should be shown with a red background. Any unreliable condition – over range,
under range, short, open, etc. – will turn the background red. Additional alarms can be added by adding a new binding, making the
Id=”Alarm” and incrementing the target attribute from Alarm1 to Alarm2, Alarm3, Alarm4, etc. OutOfService applies mostly to
hardware IO in the Automation Server, but is available for all points and will also show an alarm condition.
There are several Value bindings by default allowing the user to control the click and edit behavior. Id=”Value” controls which value
is displayed. Id=”Click” controls which value’s Edit Properties window is displayed upon click as long as property Clickable=”y, yes,
true” or is blank. Id=”Prompt” controls where the desired value will be written is property Prompt=”True.” In EBO 3.2 and later, the
synchronization of the Priority array and the Value property disallows writing to any bound value by the user. A custom Prompt
interface in JavaScript in the TGML graphic can work around this limitation.
Chilled Water
Bindings: Value
A pump assembly shows a VFD attached to an impeller. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts the rotation
of the impeller. Because some intermediate shades of colors are used, a dedicated component for three different water systems are
Condenser Water
Bindings: Value
A pump assembly shows a VFD attached to an impeller. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts the rotation
of the impeller. Because some intermediate shades of colors are used, a dedicated component for three different water systems are
Hot Water
Bindings: Value
A pump assembly shows a VFD attached to an impeller. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal starts the rotation
of the impeller. Because some intermediate shades of colors are used, a dedicated component for three different water systems are
Side View
Bindings: Value
A side view of a pump shows a more circular representation with a spinning impeller. A binding to the Value attribute of the
associated signal starts the rotation of the impeller. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and
highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
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Bindings: None
An averaging sensor alternates back and forth across the cross sectional area of the duct. The sensor is designed to align with the
top of a horizontal section of ductwork.
Bindings: None
A carbon dioxide sensor has a housing and a duct probe to detect the concentration of gases in the duct. The sensor is designed to
align with the top of a horizontal section of ductwork.
Differential Pressure
Bindings: None
A differential pressure sensor has a housing and a duct probe to detect the differential pressure in the duct. The sensor is designed
to align with the top of a horizontal section of ductwork.
Duct Probe
Bindings: None
A duct probe sensor has a probe to detect the temperature in the duct. The sensor is designed to align with the top of a horizontal
section of ductwork.
Freeze Stat
Bindings: Value
A freeze stat sensor has a probe to detect the temperature in the duct. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal
toggles the visibility of exaggerated ice crystals indicating and active freeze condition. The sensor is designed to align with the top of
a horizontal section of ductwork.
Smoke Detector
Bindings: None
A smoke detector has a probe to detect smoke in the duct. The sensor is designed to align with the top of a horizontal section of
Bindings: Value
A flow sensor has a paddle in the duct to detect air flow. A binding to the Value attribute of the associated signal toggles the angle of
the paddle to indicate it being pushed by air. The sensor is designed to align with the top of a horizontal section of ductwork.
Insight Sensor
Bindings: None
A future version with dynamic bindings may be included. For now, the component is representational only for the Insight Sensor.
Bindings: None
The ETP500 room temperature thermistor is a blank metallic plate that has no user adjustable inputs. It only senses temperature.
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Bindings: None
The ETR500 room temperature thermostat has no user adjustable inputs. It only senses temperature.
Bindings: SetpointAdjust
The ETR503 room temperature thermostat has the same footprint as the ETR500 but with user adjustable inputs. There is an
exposed attribute for MinSetpoint and MaxSetpoint which dictates the positioning of the Cool/Warm slider based on a binding to the
Value attribute of the associated signal.
Bindings: Temperature, Emergency Heat, Occupancy
The MN-S# thermostat component represents multiple thermostat part numbers in one. An exposed attribute “Thermostat”
determines the final buttons and display. Options are: MN-S1 (blank face), MN-S2 (add occupancy override button and LED
occupancy indicator), MN-S3 (add LCD screen and setpoint adjust buttons), MN-S4 (add 3 buttons for fan control and HVAC mode),
MN-S5 (add LED emergency heat indicator). The emergency heat and occupancy bindings control their respective LEDs (if present)
and the Temperature binding controls the 7-segment LCD display.
Bindings: Value
The SE7600 thermostat has just one binding for Value representing the displayed room temperature. The additional LEDs and
buttons are non-functional and present only as a representation of the thermostat face.
Bindings: Room Temperature, Temperature Scale, Display Language, Main Display, Occupied Heat Setpoint, Sequence of
Operation, Occupied Cool Setpoint, Time Format, HMI Color, User HMI, Occupancy Command, Custom button icon
The many bindings of the SE8000 component are necessary to mimic the thermostat operation in the space. The binding names all
align with the signal names in a natively discovered SE8000. This component is also used inside the many varieties of SE8000
TGML Configurators and a more detailed description of the operation can be seen in a video on that community page.
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Bindings: None
The STR-202 has a setpoint adjust wheel that can be bound to a value to make it functional, but is currently
representational only.
Bindings: nvoOccManCmd, nvoFanSpeedCmd, nvoSpaceTemp
The STR-350 has a 7-segment display with several icons controlled by the different bindings available. The buttons are
representational only and not functional. The bound temperature is displayed on the face of the thermostat.
Bindings: None
The SXWSATXXXRXX room temperature thermistor is a blank plastic plate that has no user adjustable inputs. It only senses
temperature. The wall mounted plate looks the same as the SmartX Sensor Device blank plate but wires directly into a temperature
input on a controller instead of utilizing the Sensor Bus of an IP controller.
Bindings: Actual room temperature
The TH900 has a 7-segment display with several icons which are currently not controlled by any bindings, but could be incorporated
in the future. Buttons are representational only and not functional. The bound temperature is displayed on the face of the thermostat.
There are two different models of this thermostat – Touchscreen or Buttons – that can be toggled using the exposed attribute
3 Way Actuator Left
Bindings: None
A 3 way valve can be placed on top of two sections of pipe to connect a vertical section to a horizontal section. Exposed attributes
for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be
customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
3 Way Actuator Up
Bindings: None
A 3 way valve can be placed on top of two sections of pipe to connect a vertical section to a horizontal section. Exposed attributes
for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be
customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
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for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be
customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
3 Way Electric Up
Bindings: None
A 3 way valve can be placed on top of two sections of pipe to connect a vertical section to a horizontal section. Exposed attributes
for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be
customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
3 Way Manual Up
Bindings: None
A 3 way valve can be placed on top of two sections of pipe to connect a vertical section to a horizontal section. Exposed attributes
for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be
customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette component.
Actuator Left
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of vertical pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
Actuator Right
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of vertical pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
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Actuator Up
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of horizontal pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor
represent the lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe
Color Palette component.
Electric Left
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of vertical pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
Electric Right
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of vertical pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
Electric Up
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of horizontal pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
Manual Left
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of vertical pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
Manual Right
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of vertical pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
Manual Up
Bindings: None
A 2 way valve can be placed on top of a section of horizontal pipe. Exposed attributes for PipeShade and PipeColor represent the
lowlight and highlight color giving the pipe its rounded appearance. These can be customized or choses from the Pipe Color Palette
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NAM Standard TGML Graphic Component Library Specification Sheet Page 20 of 20
USA: +1 888-444-1311
© 2023 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. January 2023