3rd 4 1
3rd 4 1
3rd 4 1
Trees are tall plants. They are very important for our earth. Trees help
clean the air. They give off the gas called oxygen. People and animals need
oxygen to breathe. Many animals make their home on a tree. Birds,
monkeys, koalas and squirrels live on the trees. Some trees can also give
us food. They make fruits like apples, oranges, plums and bananas.
I took a little seed one day, about a month ago. I put it in a pot of soil and
hoped that it would grow. I poured a little water to make the soil right. I
put the pot upon the sill, where the sun would give it light. I checked the
plant almost everyday. So I can really tell with a little care and water I
helped it grow so well.
Q1. What did the speaker put in the pot of soil a month ago?
A) flower
B) A seed
C) A tree
D) A stone
Ans. B) A seed.
Q2. Why did the speaker pour water into the pot?
A) To make the soil right.
B) To keep away insects.
C) To cool it down.
D) To make it colourful
Ans. A) To make the soil right.
Q1. Change the masculine genders into feminine genders and rewrite
the sentence:
Bunch - Bunches
Fox - Foxes
Glass - Glasses
Knife - Knives
Thief - Thieves
Box - Boxes
Child – Children
Baby - Babies.
Q7. Underline the adjectives and circle the nouns they describe:
Q8. Fill in the blanks using suitable adjectives of quality from the bracket
given below:
[slow, long, intelligent, dark, cold ]
Q12. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adjectives given in the
My school: Name of the school - where is it? - best school - 50 rooms - all
class rooms are big and airy - very good teachers - big library room -
computer room - activity room - science lab - big playground
Ans. The name of my school is Gurukul Excellence International School.
It is in Global City Virar West. It is the best school of Virar, having 50
classrooms. All the class room are very big and airy. Teachers are very
good. We have big library room, computer room, activity room, science
lab and big playground too. My school is the best school of Virar.
There are a great many million fish in the sea. But this story is about just
one of them and a very small one at that. Now this little fish had
everything in the sea to make him contented, but he was not happy. You
will laugh when I tell you why he was not. He was unhappy because he
was so very small.
3) Why was it difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip?
Ans. It was difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip because the
turnip was huge.
1) How many describing words can you find in “li le by li le” poem?
Ans. We can find the following describing words in “li le by li le” poem-
li le, ny, mossy, deep, thread-like, slender, and mighty.
PART 6- Answer the following in your own words (any 1 of the given 2
questions) - 4 marks each (4 marks)
1) Imagine you are a li le fish. Describe what you might see around you.
Ans. If I were a little fish I would always stay with my school of fish, swim
together with them everywhere. I might see big fish such as whales,
sharks and also starfish and many more other fishes too.
Ans. I will discuss and share everything about my whole day at school. We
will play some indoor games. We will have dinner together and enjoy our
food while having some fun time with my family.
3) Imagine your class teacher takes the class to the school garden.
Ans. The day was very cool. We enjoyed a lot in the garden. We were able to identify
many insects, such as butterflies, beetles, honeybees, and dragonflies. We saw many
different types of colorful flowers. Most importantly, we enjoyed walking on the grass
without shoes.
Std : 3rd Question Bank Sub: Hindi
खंड क
एक बार की बात है , दो मु ग एक पहाड़ी को लेकर लड़ रहे थे । वे दोनों अपनी पू री ताकत से लड़ रहे थे , ोंिक जो भी
जीते गा वह पहाड़ी का राजा बने गा। अं त म एक मुगा जीत गया और दू सरा मुगा लड़ाई म गंभीर प से घायल हो गया
और हार गया। जीतने वाले मुग ने अपनी जीत की घोषणा करने के िलए एक ऊँची उड़ान भरी और ते ज आवाज़ म
िच ा कर सबको अपनी जीत के बारे म बताया। इतने म एक बाज़ उड़ता आ आया और इस घमंडी मुग को दे खा।
उसने झप ा मारा और मुग को पकड़ कर दू र ले गया। दू सरा मुगा जो हार गया था वह नीचे से सब कुछ दे ख रहा था,
वह ज ी से बाहर आया और खुद को पहाड़ी का राजा घोिषत कर िदया।
दो भाई जं गल से गुजर रहे थे । एक का नाम 'ए ा' था ोंिक उसके िसर पर एक ही बाल था। बाकी पू रा िसर गंजा
था। दू सरे भाई का नाम केशू था, ोंिक उसके िसर पर ब त-से बाल थे । जं गल म उ एक बूढ़ा जादू गर िमला-केशू
उसे मुँह िचढ़ाकर आगे चला गया, जबिक 'ए ा' ने उसे जंगल पार करने म मदद की। जादू गर ने केशू को गं जा कर
िदया और ए ा के िसर पर अ े से बाल उगा िदए।
अ) घर से आ) जं गल से इ) िव ालय से ई) खे त से
(ख) दोनों भाइयों के नाम ा- ा थे?
खंड ख
. २ िनदशानु सार ों के उ र िल खए -
क) पयायवाची श िल खए -
अ) सू य- सू रज , िदनकर
ई) पु ी - बे टी , सु ता
ऋ) बादल - जलधर , मे घ
अ) सू य दय पू रब म और सू या पि म म होता है ।
ऊ ) नवीन× ाचीन
ऋ ) सरल × किठन
ए) भा × दु भा
ऐ) उप त × अनुप त
ओ) बाहर × अं दर
औ) धूप × छाँ व
ग) अ) सं ा श ढूं◌ँ ढ कर िल खए-
क म ल ड् डू ट
शे र ड म घ
को ल का ता घो ड़ा
गाय, भस
बाघ, िजराफ़
नर मोदी
िवराट कोहली
(घ) नीचे िलखे अनु े द म आए सवनामों पर गोला लगाइए-
(अ) रघु और म अ े दो ह।
ङ)िलंग बदलो-
(ई) रा स - रा सी
(ऊ) पोता-पोती
खं ड ग
पा -पु क
िकसान ने कहा-मने कहा, तू यही ं क, म घर जाकर अपनी गाय ले आता ँ । अगर तू बैल खा लेगा तो हम लोग भू खों
मर जाएँ गे। यह सु नकर िब ो को ब त गु ा आया। उसने िकसान को फटकारा-घर की गाय शे र को खलाते तु झे शम
नही ं आती? अगर गाय चली गई तो घर म न दू ध, न ल ी। ब े रोटी िकस चीज़ के साथ खाएँ गे?
उ र: खाएँ गे
उ र: ल ी
उ र: रोटी, दू ध।
उ र: धोिबन
उ र: बाँ ध
खबरदार जो अं दर आए,
हम पर ही सबका बस चलता
.३ ख िन िल खत ों के उ र िल खए-
बैठा था।
(घ) धोबी ों परे शान था?
इ) कभी-कभी तुम बाज़ार म हर चीज़ को दे खते ही खरीदने के िलए मचलने लगते हो। ा यह उिचत है ? यिद
नही ं, तो ों?
खं ड घ
रचना क ले खन
अ) तं ता िदवस -:
१५ अग - तं ता िदवस
मेरे पास एक कं ूटर है । मु झे कं ूटर चलाना खू ब आता है । मने अपने ू ल म इसे चलाना सीखा था। अब म
अपने घर म इसका भरपूर अ ास करता ँ । म इस पर पट श कर ले ता ँ। म एम.एस.वड पर भी काम कर
लेता ँ । अब तो म इं टरनेट का योग भी करना सीख गया ँ । इस पर म अपने मनमज की साम ी ढू ँ ढ़ ले ता
ँ। कं ूटर पर गे म खेलना मु झे ब त अ ा लगता है ।
.५ िच को दे खकर कहानी िल खए -
लोमड़ी बोली- कौए भाई तु म इतना अ ा गाते हो! मु झे भी एक गाना सुनाओ।लोमड़ी ने सोचा ों न म इस कौए को
मूख बनाकर रोटी ले लूँ।कौए ने जै से ही गाने के िलए मुँ ह खोला, रोटी नीचे िगर गई।लोमड़ी रोटी लेकर चली गई।
शीषक: 'एकता म बल है '/ एकता म श
एक िकसान के चार पु थे । वे आपस म लड़ते झगड़ते रहते थे। उ समझाना थ था। एक िदन िकसान बीमार पड़
गया। वह पु ों को अं ितम बार समझाना चाहता था। उसने लकिड़यों का एक ग र मँगवाया। उसने अपने पु ों को ग र
तोड़ने के िलए कहा। परं तु वे असफल रहे । िकसान ने ग र खु लवाया और एक-एक लकड़ी अपने पु ों को दे दी और
उ तोड़ने के िलए कहा। पु ों ने अकेली लकड़ी को तोड़ िदया। िपता ने समझाया िक अकेली लकड़ी को तु मने
आसानी से तोड़ िदया परं तु ग र को नही ं तोड़ पाए। इसी कार तु म भी एक साथ रहोगे तो तु ारा कोई कुछ नही ं
िबगाड़ सकता। इतना कहते ही िपता की मृ ु हो गई।
Std : 3rd Question Bank Sub: Maths
m) 25
p) 30
q)365 days
s)30 days
t) 7 days
Ans:-1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a, 5-g, 6-h,7-e, 8-j, 9-f, 10-I, 11-o, 12-n, 13-m, 14-p, 15-l, 16-k, 17-q, 18-t, 19-r,20-s
Q.3 Given below are some shapes . Count the number of rectangles, squares, triangles, circles in them.
3 8 1 14 0 63 1 01 025
(B) Solve the following and check whether your answer is correct or not.
-1 2 5 -2 1 9 -1 5 9 - 200
0 5 0 2 1 3 36 9 2 50
f). 400 cm = 4 m.
(j). 5000m = 5 km
(k). 4000m= 4 km
Q 6. Word problems:-
(a) Prerna has read 95 pages of a story book. Gauri has read 120 pages of that story book. Who has read more pages,
and how many more pages?
Solve:120-95=25. R.w
- 95
(b) 384 cars can be parked in a parking lot. On Saturday morning 94 cars were parked there. How many more cars can
be parked?
- 94
(c) A farmer packed 650 oranges. Out of these, 85 oranges got spoiled and had to be thrown away. How many oranges
were left with the farmer?
The total cost of a bat and ball is Rs 650. If the cost of the ball is Rs 478 , find the cost of the bat.
Solve:650-478=172, R. W.
- 478
(d) Khushboo bought a shirt for Rs 125 and trousers for Rs 165. How much money did she spend altogether?
+ 165
(f).Arvind has read 69 pages of a story book. Gouri has read 95 pages of that story book. Who has read more pages and how
many more?
than Arvind. - 69
(g).Meenakshi had Rs 650 in her purse. She bought a bag for Rs 377. How much money is left in her purse?
Solve:650-377=273, R.W.
- 377
Std : 3rd Question Bank Sub: Science
4. Early man used skin of animals (cotton and flax /skin of animals) to cover their body.
8. The water (water/air) in the soil turns into vapour when heated.
9. When water is poured over soil kept in a jar, air (air/water) bubbles start forming.
15. When it rains, we use raincoats ( raincoat/ sweater) made of waterproof material.
3. Dustbins c. Germs
4. Summer d. Wastes
5. Winter e. Raincoat
6. Waterproof f. Mosquitoes and flies
1 -c , 2-f, 3-d, 4-b, 5-a, 6- e, 7-g, 8-k, 9-j, 10-i, 11-h,12-n, 13- o, 14- l,15 - m
2. Part of soil that is made up of dead remains of plants and animals Humus
4. Things that do not flow and have a fixed shape and size Solids
5. Things that can easily flow and take the shape of the container Liquids
11.Fibres that are obtained from either plants or animals - Natural fibres
12. Insects and germs are found in dirty places can spread - Diseases
13. How many years does the rock takes to form soil - One thousand year
1. Solid: Pen
2. Liquid: Water
3. Gases: Oxygen
13. Clothes we wear during winter season – Dark Colour clothes and wool
Ans: Wire nettings stop the entry of insects such as mosquitoes and flies.
Ans: Clothes protect us from heat of the sun, cold, rain and insect bites.
3. What are natural fibres? How are they different from man-made fibres?
Ans: Natural fibres are those that are obtained either from plants or animals. Man-made fibres are made by man.
Ans: In summer, we usually wear light-coloured clothes made from cotton or linen which allow heat from our body to escape.
They absorb very little sunlight. This keeps the body cool.
Ans: When garden soil is heated in a container covered with a lid, drops of water are noticed
on the inside of the lid. This shows that soil contains water The water in the soil forms vapour when heated, which touches
the lid and then cools down to form droplets of water.
Ans: Humus is made up of the remains of dead plants and animals. Humus holds the water and provides nutrients for the
plants it makes the soil fertile. It is usually dark brown or black.
Ans: a.The process by which water changes into steam on heating is called evaporation.
b.The process by which steam cools down and changes into tiny water droplets is called condensation
10. With the help of a labelled diagram, show how water changes its forms
Solid Liquid
1. Solids have a fixed or definite shape. 1. Liquids do not have any definite shape.They take the shape of the container.
12. Write four ways in which we can keep our house clean.
2. Floors should be cleaned daily with germ killer while cleaning the floor.
Draw solids
Draw liquid
Std : 3rd Question Bank Sub: Social Studeis
Section A
3) Orbit is the fixed path taken by a planet to revolve round the sun.
10) Tea and Coffee are popular beverages all over India.
15) The railways is the most convenient and common mode of transport.
18) The discovery of fire was the first major discovery of early man.
Ans :-Sun
2) Which one of the following is not a planet? a) Jupiter. b) Mars. c) Pluto. d) Venus
Ans:- Pluto
3) The planet nearest to the sun is Neptune. a) Neptune. b) Jupiter. c) Saturn. d) Mars.
Ans:- Jupiter
Ans:- Mustard
7) Tea and coffee are grown in hilly areas. a) Deserts. b) Plains areas. c) Hilly areas d) Coastal areas.
Ans:- Sesame
Ans:- Ship
Ans:- Aeroplane.
13) Which of the following means of transport is used by us for nearby places?
Ans:- Cycle
14) Which is the most convenient and common mode of transport?
Ans:- Train
Ans:- Train
Section B
Ans:-The sun and the eight planets form the solar system.
Ans:- Spices are added to food because spices make the food tasty.
Ans:- Early man learnt to light fire by rubbing two small stones.
1) What is an Orbit ?
Ans:- The eight planets that moves around the sun in the fixed path is called orbit .
2) How did fruit and vegetables reach a place where they are not grown?
Ans:- Fruit and vegetables reach a place where they are not grown with the help of train,bus, truck,ship,boat or an aeroplane.
Ans:- The Ganga and the Brahmaputra river have well-developed ferry system.
Ans:- Early man use to eat fruits,nuts,and the roots of plants or raw meat.
Ans:- Early man covered his body with animal skins or the barks of trees.
Ans:-In the beginning the early man lives in dark caves or on tree tops in thick forests.
Ans:-The early man moved in groups, because as he was afraid of wild animals like lions, tigers and elephants.
Section D
1) Name the planet according to their increasing they distance from the sun ?
1) Mercury
2) Venus
3) Earth
4) Mars
5) Jupiter
6) Saturn
7) Uranus
8) Neptune
1) Jupiter
2) Saturn
3) Uranus
4) Neptune
3) Why are farmers in our country able to grow many types of food grains?
3) So, Indian farmers are able to grow many types of food grains.
1) Rice
2) Wheat
3) Maize
6) Pulses
1) Mustard
2) Sesame (til)
3) Groundnut
4) Sunflower
5) Coconut
6) Palm
Ans:- The means by which people or goods are carried from one place to another are called means of transport.
4) They used fire to scare and drive away the wild animals at night.
Section E
1) Fire helped early man in many ways it gave him light in dark
2) Some main pulses are green gram, kidney bean, gram,black gram etc.
Section F
Indentify the famous foods found in state of India Look and Label
Oral content
9)What is the popular folk and traditional dance of Mumbai?10)What is the chief festival of Mumbai ?