The Watch According To Figs. Reversing The Above: Figs.: Movement
The Watch According To Figs. Reversing The Above: Figs.: Movement
The Watch According To Figs. Reversing The Above: Figs.: Movement
3) Disassemblyand assembly
Insert the
case back.
Tachymet er Ti merl
-D i al ring
H ol di ng ri ng
O s c i l l a t i n gw e i g h t tton gas k et
Framework screws
f o r a u t o m a t i c d e v ice ( 2 p cs)
Fi rst button
6f 3BA Calendar Mechanism
(Installing the second hand and chronograph
Second hand
minute and hour hands)
1. At the fly-back position, tentatively set During fly-back operation clearance between
the hands on the "0" position.
the minute hanl and the second hand will
2. Then repeat fly-back operation to ensure
be slightly changed since the second hand
the "0" position. If the hands fail to axle is pressed in one direction. Consequently,
resume correct position, adjust the hands install the minute hand and the second
while depressing Ihe fl y - back b ut t on.
hand by taking more clearance as compared
However, since the fly-back lever of the
chronograph hour hand has a springing charac-
teristic, it prevents the hand from rotating
while the hammer button is depressed. Con-
sequently, reinstall the chronograph hour
hand so that it coincides with "0" position.
3. Completely push in the hands at the point C hronograph mi nute hand
where they correctly indicate the "0"
NOTE: ph hour hand
The second hand axle is cut as
shown in the diagram. If the
second hand is tumed by force
after completely depressing it to
the bottom, the hand will loosen. If dial feet are bent, positions of the center
hole of the dial and the chronograph
hour and minute hand holes will become
Groove for
o p e r a tr n g
reco rdi ng
Fis.4 wheel stop lever
Completely set the center portion of
Should they malfunction, adjust
the spring around the tube of the
them by tuming the secondcoupl-
barrel and train wheel bridge.
ing lever axle eccentric pin. In this -
case,perform this adjustment while \ - Fi rst coupl i ng l ever scre w
observing the delicate clearancebe-
tween the secondcoupling lever and
the clutch lever. \--
Fi rst coupl i ng l eve r
2. Items to be checkedafter
assemblingthe balance
l) Check for strengthand height
of the minute recording
iumper (Refer to 6139A-8). \__ A
Sec ond c oupti ng tev e r (5
2) Check for meshing position l,
O 1hc pi nof tl te s t'tz - r l l d tottl tl i ttg /t'l r / i r ttttttl r l r iv
of the chronograph finger
(Referto 6139A.-9). do r r ot r otate it e\c c p1 dtr r i ng r di tr s tr r tc ttt.
3) Check for contacting condi- e As s er r tbl r - l h( ( t) upl i tl X 1t'tr 'r 'r i r i r \tr fti ti g ri ' n t l i l t , , r
tion of the hammer and to pr c v er t danr agi ng Ll tc l r ttr r l l t v l ttl i
hearts (Refer to 61394-10).
Balance cock screws (2 pcsl S crew for mi nute recordi ngj umper
Balance cock
Pallet cock
Neverlubricatethe v
J ew e l l e d p a l l e t f o r k a n d sta ff axle of this wheel. (Fig. 5)
Train wheel (processof force transmission) C enter chronographw heel {Fourth w heel )
Transmissionof force when chronogtaphmechanismis started. C enter w heel
Transmissionofforce when chrenographmechanismis stopped. Barrel
When the minute and secondchronographsare started,the force is transmitted
to both chronographand train wheel by the action ofthe clutch, and when the
chronographsare stopped, the force is transmitted only to the train wheel.
When the hour chronographis started,the force is transmitted frcm the barrel scape wheel
+ friction sping for intermediate hour recording wheel +intermediate hour
recording wheel hour recording wheel. When the hour chronograph is Hour fi ng er
- hour recordi ng
stopped, force transmissionto the hour recording wheel is stoppedby a slip of
the friction spring for intermediate hour recording wheel. w heel
Intermedi atemi nute recordi ng w heel recording wheel
L u b r ica ting the pi l l ar w heel
C ol umn
To prevent chipping, install
the pillar wheel on the bor-
rel and train wheel bridge
before assembline the latter.
wheel jumper.
P illa r w h e e l s c r e w
( Op e r a tin g lever)
Pill a r w h e e l r i n g
(Fl y - b a c k l e v e r )
(Pillar w h e e l j u m p e r l
{Fri cti on spri ng for i ntermedi ate hour recordi ngw heel }
( | ntermediate hour recordin g wheell
(l ntermedi ate hour recordi ng w heel ri ng)
6138A Hour Chronograph Meehanism
H our fl y-back l ev er
Pav attention not to break or bend
Mai n pl ate
thl hour hand axle@when attaching
or detaching the calendar plate. H our fl y-back l e v er
When assembling the calendar
phte, check on pivoting of the hour l. Refer to Fig. 15 in 61384-7 for
hand axle, and the interlocking con- the set position of the hour
dition between the hour wheel and fly-back lever. The cross section
the intermediate date wheel. If the diagram is shown in Fig. 10.
hour fly-back /euer protrudes to the Correctly set it to the eccentric
outer circumferential side. lhe calen- portion.
dar phte cannot be assembled.Thus, 2. Do not tum the eccentric pin of
the hour fly-back lever. lf it is
turned inadvertently,correct it
asshownin Fig. 11.
(R efer to Fi g.14l
Fi g.11 1 C orrect the ec c entri c
' pin so that the larger
wh e e l s t o p l e v e r
surface of it faces the
l. The hour recording stoP lever secondbutton
axle is designedas shown in Fig.
8; when detaching the sPring,
Fig. 8 removeit by slightly bendingit.
l n t e r me d ia te h o u r
recording wheel stop lever
H o u r r e co r d in g wh e e l
stop lever
2. The hour recording stop lever
spring axle is an eccentric pin.
Do not turn it as it is not screw.
If it is turned inadvertentlY,al-
ways cofect it so that the groove
of the eccentricprn (arrow mark) the center of the hour
recording wheel. Correct tt in a H ourhammer Intermedi ate
direction that spring force be- H our hammer oi n hour rec ordi ng
comes strong asillustrated left in P l ai n- S ecti on wheel stop
r e c o r d in g
C l utch ri ng
C oupl i ng l ever
The minute and second record-
ing wheels are stopped when the Fis'15
Hour recording wheel
clutch ring is raised through action Hour recording
of the coupling levers. The hour
recording wheel comes to a halt by a
slip of the hour recording friction
spring of the barrel. The slip comes
from the fact that the hour record-
ing wheel stop lever brakes the hour
recording wheel by the spring for
hour recording wheel stop lever.
F i s .1 6
The minute and second record-
ing wheels are started when the
coupling levers are separated from
the clutch ring. Simultaneously, the
second coupling lever pushes the
intermediate hour recording wheel
stop lever pin, revolving the inter- Intermediate hour recording
wheel stop lever
mediate hour recording wheel stop
lever in the
- direction. And then.
Spring for hour recording -
wheel stop lever. Second coupling lwer
the force of the spring for hour
recording wheel stop lever is not recording wheel stop lever pin
transmitted to the hour recording
wheel stop lever to releasethe brake
of the hour recording wheel and let
it start.
6f 3BA Operation of Chronograph Meehanism
Resetting Resetting of chronograph minute hand and second hand
1. Resetting of the chronograph
minute hand and second hand Fly-back lever
When pressing the second but- ntermediate fly-back lever
ton, the force is transmitted'to
fly-back lever - intermediate
fly-back lever - hammer, and
the hammer strikes the minute
l l ar w heel
heart and the second heart to
reset the hands to "0" position.
2. Resetting of the chronograph
hour hand
Second heart
Simultaneously with the above, Minute heart
the fly-back lever presses the
hour fly-back lever and the force Resetting of chronograph hour hand
(C ol umnl
P i l l ar w h eel
Hour hammer
Second button
hour recording wheel stop
61 3BA Setting Mechanism
Setting wheel
lever plate
Lubrlcating the satt rg
Setting lwer spring vulreellqer complqte
Second position of crown (day and
date correction)
l. Clockwise - Date correction
When turning the crown to the
right (clockwise), the correcting
gear moves to the date dial side
and interlocks with it. thus date
is corrected. Force transmission
is through crown + clutch
wheel setting wheel + cor-
recting g€ar + date dial.
2. Counterclockwise - Day correc-
When turning the crown to the Fis.22
left (counterclockwise), the cor-
recting gear moves to the day
star with dial disk side and inter-
locks with the intermediate
wheel for day correction, and
day is corrected. Force is trans-
mitted through crlwn - clutclt
wheel - setting wheel + cor-
recting gear + intermediate
wheel for day correction - day
star with dial disk.
Third position of crown (setting (D ay starl
time) I ntern
Intermediate wheel
for day
da correction
The setting wheel lever complete
moves to the minute wheel side by
action of the setting lever with axle,
Mi nute w hee l
and the intermediate setting wheel
( Intermediate setting wheel)
interlocks with the minute wheel.
hand is set correctly. Simultaneous- Setting wheel lever
compl ete
ly, motion of the setting wheel lever
complete is transmitted to the day-
date correction wheel rocking lever,
and the cotecting gear attains a
position where it interlocks neither
the date dial nor intermediate wheel
for day correction by action of the Daydate corrector
setting wheel lever complete and the wheel rocking lever
day-date correction wheel rocking
Fi 9.24
-6138A - l 0-