Fathima 1
Fathima 1
Fathima 1
the degree of
Submitted by
This is to certify that a seminar report entitled “SENSOR TECHNOLOGY” a bonafide record of
the technical seminar done and submitted by SHAIK FATHIMA bearing 22BFA04426 for the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of B. Tech Degree in ELECTRONICS AND
kind support and encouragement during the course of my study and in the successful
I would like express gratitude to Mrs. D. Srilatha, M. Tech (Ph.D) ,Assistant Professor,
seminar coordinator, ECE Department for her continuous follow up and timely guidance in
It’s my pleasure to convey thanks to Faculty of ECE department for their help in
I have great pleasure in expressing my hearty thanks to our beloved Principal Dr. N.
I would like to thank our parents and friends, who have the greatest contributions in all
my achievements.
9 Conclusion 25
10 References 26
Sensors have a very wide range, and there are many types, but
fundamentally, sensors are devices that detect the feature quantity of a
measurement object and convert this quantity into a readable signal,
which is displayed on and instrument. And sensing technology, simply
put, is a technology that uses sensors to acquire information by
detecting the physical, chemical, or biological property quantities and
convert them into readable signal. There are a wide variety of sensors
available for practically any industrial need. For demanding, mission-
critical industrial applications, sensors can help improve processes,
and offer unmatched asset protection.
These sensors offer real-time monitoring, including detection and
reporting, as needed by a process. Data monitored and collected by
sensors is sent for control and analysis, and any anomaly in a
particular property is reported by emitting an electrical signal by that
sensor. This way, sensors enhance process efficiency and product
quality, while ensuring that processes comply with best practices.
A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the
physical environment. The input can be light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure
orany number of other environmental phenomena. The output is generally a
signalthat is converted to a human-readable display at the sensor location or
transmittedelectronically over a network for reading or further processing.
Sensors play a pivotal role in the internet of things (IoT). They make it
possibleto create an ecosystem for collecting and processing data about a
specificenvironment so it can be monitored, managed and controlled more
easily andefficiently. IoT sensors are used in homes, out in the field, in
automobiles, onairplanes, in industrial settings and in other environments.
Sensors bridge the gap between the physical world and logical world, acting
as the eyes and ears for acomputing infrastructure that analyzes and acts upon
the data collected from thesensors.
On the other hand, passive sensors do not require any external power and
producean output response. GPS and radar are examples of active sensors that
require anexternal power source to operate. Active remote sensing techniques
such asRADAR and LiDAR measure the time delay between emission and
return todetermine an object's location, speed, and direction. Passive sensors,
also knownas self-generated sensors, produce their own electric signal and do
not requireexternal power. Thermal sensors, electric field sensing, and metal
detection areexamples of these. The sensor's detecting method is used in the
other categorism method.
Some types of sensors, such as seismic and infrared light sensors, are
available in both active and passive forms. The environment in which
the sensor is deployedtypically determines which type is best suited for
the application.
It is also called as IR Transmitter. It is used to emit Infrared rays.
Therange of these frequencies are greater than the microwave
frequencies(i.e >300GHz to few hundreds of THz). The rays
generated by an infrared LED can be sensed by Photodiode
explained below. The pair of IR LED and photodiode is called IR
As the name itself specifies that the resistor that depends upon the light
intensity.It works on the principle of photoconductivity which means the
conduction dueto the light. It is generally made up of Cadmium sulfide.
When light falls on theLDR, its resistance decreases and acts similar to a
conductor and when no lightfalls on it, its resistance is almost in the
range of MΩ or ideally it acts as an opencircuit. One note should be
considered with LDR is that it won’t respond if the light is not exactly
focused on its surface.
Load cells are similar to strain gauges which measure the physical
quantity likeforce and give the output in form of electrical signals. When
some tension isapplied on the load cell it structure varies causing the
change in resistance andfinally, its value can be calibrated using a
Wheatstone bridge.
To detect the change in the position an encoder can also be used. It has a
circularrotatable disk-like structure with specific openings in between
such that when theIR rays or light rays pass through it only a few light
rays get detected. Further,these rays are encoded into a digital data (in
terms of binary) which representsthe specific position.
Hall Sensor:
The name itself states that it is the sensor which works on the Hall
Effect. It can be defined as when a magnetic field is brought close to the
current carryingconductor (perpendicular to the direction of the electric
field) then a potentialdifference is developed across the given conductor.
Using this property a Hallsensor is used to detect the magnetic field and
gives output in terms of voltage.Care should be taken that the Hall
sensor can detect only one pole of the magnet.
The hall sensor is used in few smartphones which are helpful in turning
off thescreen when the flap cover (which has a magnet in it) is closed
onto the screen.
Put simply, a sensor converts stimuli such as heat, light, sound and
motion intoelectrical signals. These signals are passed through an
interface that convertsthem into a binary code and passes this on to a
computer to be processed.
You first start with something that you want to sense — the quantity
you’remeasuring. The human body, for instance, is great at sensing light
(with our eyes),smells (with our nose), and tastes (with our mouth). In
essence, our body isequipped with a set of sensors, but each carries out a
specific task.
A good sensor must have the ability to tell current very precisely. For
instance, ifthe light increases slightly, so too will the current produced
by the photodiode,and the sensor must be able to tell this. The better the
ability, the better thesensitivity. But sensors also need to be able to
withstand vibrations andtemperature changes, which often affect
the quality of the output.
5.Sensor Performance Characteristics
5.2 Sensitivity:
5.5 Noise:
All sensors produce some output noise in addition to the output signal.
In somecases, the noise of the sensor is less than the noise of the next
element in theelectronics, or less than the fluctuations in the physical
signal, in which case it isnot important. Many other cases exist in which
the noise of the sensor limits the performance of the system based on the
sensor. Noise is generally distributedacross the frequency spectrum.
Many common noise sources produce a whitenoise distribution, which is
to say that the spectral noise density is the same at allfrequencies.
Johnson noise in a resistor is a good example of such a noisedistribution.
For white noise, the spectral noise density is characterized in unitsof
volts/Root (Hz). A distribution of this nature adds noise to a
measurement withamplitude proportional to the square root of the
measurement bandwidth. Sincethere is an inverse relationship between
the bandwidth and measurement time, itcan be said that the noise
decreases with the square root of the measurement time.
5.6 Bandwidth:
5.7 Nonlinearity:
Devices can also be networked in conjunction with the Internet and can
beused for enhanced safety and convenience through intelligent home
solutions.These solutions involve networks of data collection, cloud, and
machine-to-machine communication. The sensor offers more data about
the path of glucosethan previously. With distance sensors and a
processing unit, the warning systemincorporated into the shoe delivers
audio, haptic, or visual input. It permits freeand ambient events on
natural auditory channels. It is revolutionary for thestandard fall mats to
be supplemented with fall mat sensors that rapidly recordload changes
and ask for assistance via the call system.
Sensors are used to detect items such as liquids, powders, and granular
solids.Many sectors, including oil, water and drinks processing, and food
production,employ high-level sensors. Trash management systems are
typical because levelsensors can monitor waste levels in waste
containers or dumpsters. These sensorsmeasure the presence of fuel or
hazardous gases and detect changes in air quality.Mining, oil and gas.
7.Advantages and Disadvantages of Sensors