Introduction To Smart Sensors & Its' Application: Pranay Mondal (Academy of Technology)
Introduction To Smart Sensors & Its' Application: Pranay Mondal (Academy of Technology)
Introduction To Smart Sensors & Its' Application: Pranay Mondal (Academy of Technology)
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sensors are capable of manipulation and computation of the sensor-derived data Sensor + interfacing circuit = smart sensor Capable of * logic functions, * two-way communication, * make decisions.
A sensor producing an electrical output when combined with interfacing electronic circuits is known as Smart Sensor", it is a combination of both sensor and actuator. It simply physical, biological or chemical input & converts it to the measured value into a digital format.
Interface Control Message Routing TIM Discovery and Control Data Correction Interpretation of TEDS Data Message Encoding and Decoding
TEDS Storage Analog Signal Conditioning Triggering Analog to Digital Conversion Command Processing Data Transfer Communications
First generation devices had little, if any, electronics associated with them.
analog systems with virtually all of the electronics remote from the sensor.
i. ii. iii. iv. v.
Minimum Interconnecting Cables High Reliability High Performance Easy to Design, Use and Maintain Scalable -Flexible System
Accelerometer: It consists of the sensing element and electronics on silicon. The accelerometer itself is a metal-coated SiO2 cantilever beam that is fabricated on silicon chip where the capacitance between the beam and the substrate provides the output signal.
Optical sensor: Optical sensor is one of the examples of smart sensor, which are used for measuring exposure in cameras, optical angle encoders and optical arrays. Similar examples are load cells silicon based pressure sensors.
Integrated multisensor:
This chip contains MOS devices for signal conditioning with on chip sensor. it is developed in university of California.
It is needed mainly to detect the minerals on the geological areas. Digital imaging & interpretation of tunnel geology. Remote measurements of tunnel response.
The smart sensor consists of both actuators & sensors, so it is more complexed than other simple sensors.
The complexity is much higher in the wired smart sensors, as a consequence the costs are also higher.