The document discusses sensors and sensing in IoT applications. It covers the basic concepts of transduction and differences between sensors, transducers and actuators. It also describes different types of sensors based on their power requirements, output and measured properties and discusses considerations for choosing sensors in IoT.
The document discusses sensors and sensing in IoT applications. It covers the basic concepts of transduction and differences between sensors, transducers and actuators. It also describes different types of sensors based on their power requirements, output and measured properties and discusses considerations for choosing sensors in IoT.
The document discusses sensors and sensing in IoT applications. It covers the basic concepts of transduction and differences between sensors, transducers and actuators. It also describes different types of sensors based on their power requirements, output and measured properties and discusses considerations for choosing sensors in IoT.
The document discusses sensors and sensing in IoT applications. It covers the basic concepts of transduction and differences between sensors, transducers and actuators. It also describes different types of sensors based on their power requirements, output and measured properties and discusses considerations for choosing sensors in IoT.
* A major chunk of IoT applications involves sensing in one
form or the other.
* Almost all the applications in IoT, sensing forms the first step. * Actuation forms the final step in the whole operation of IoT application deployment in a majority of scenarios. * The basic science of sensing and actuation is based on the process of transduction. Transduction is the process of energy conversion from one form to another. * Sensors and actuators are deemed as transducers. Differences between transducers, sensors, and actuators Sensors: * Sensorsare devices that can measure, or quantify, or respond to the ambient changes (exernal stimuli) in their environment or within the intended zone of their deployment. Heat, Humidity.. * A sensor is only sensitive to the measured property. * A sensor does not influence the measured property.
Simple sensing operation
Sensor Classification: 1) power requirements, 2) sensor output, and 3) property to be measured. 1. Power Requirements: The way sensors operate decides the power requirements that must be provided for an IoT implementation. i. Active: Active sensors do not require an external circuitry or mechanism to provide it with power. It directly responds to the external stimuli from its ambient environment and converts it into an output signal. Ex. Photodiode ii. Passive: Passive sensors require an external mechanism to power them up. The sensed properties are modulated with the sensor’s inherent characteristics to generate patterns in the output of the sensor. Ex. Thermistor, RFID 2. Output: The output of a sensor helps in deciding the additional components to be integrated with an IoT node or system i. Analog: Analog sensors generate an output signal or voltage, which is proportional (linearly or non- linearly) to the quantity being measured and is continuous in time and amplitude. Physical quantities such as temperature, speed, pressure, displacement, strain, and others are all continuous and categorized as analog quantities. Ex. thermometer i. Digital: These sensors generate the output of discrete time digital representation (time, or amplitude, or both) of a quantity being measured, in the form of output signals or voltages. logic 1 or a logic 0 for ON or OFF. 3. Measured Property: The property of the environment being measured by the sensors can be crucial in deciding the number of sensors in an IoT implementation. Some properties to be measured do not show high spatial variations and can be quantified only based on temporal variations like ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, some properties to be measured show high spatial as well as temporal variations like sound, image. i. Scalar: Scalar sensors produce an output proportional to the magnitude of the quantity being measured. The output is in the form of a signal or voltage. Scalar physical quantities are those where only the magnitude of the signal is sufficient for describing or characterizing the phenomenon and information generation. changes in sensor orientation or direction do not affect these sensors colour, pressure, temperature, strain ii. Vector: Vector sensors are affected by the magnitude as well as the direction and/or orientation of the property they are measuring. Ex. Electronic gyroscope Sensor node in IoT Sensor Characteristics: Sensor of same type and class can be characterized by their ability to sense the phenomenon based on the following three fundamental properties. i. Sensor Resolution: The smallest change in the measurable quantity that a sensor can detect is referred to as the resolution of a sensor. A sensor’s accuracy does not depend upon its resolution. 0.5◦C change in temp and 0.25◦C change in temp. ii. Sensor Accuracy: The accuracy of a sensor is the ability of that sensor to measure the environment of a system as close to its true measure as possible. 100kg is measured as 99.98kg. iii. Sensor Precision: The principle of repeatability governs the precision of a sensor. Only if, upon multiple repetitions, the sensor is found to have the same error rate, can it be deemed as highly precise. Sensorial Deviations: Most of the sensing in IoT is non-critical, where minor deviations in sensorial outputs some times change the nature of the undertaken tasks. However, some critical applications of IoT, such as healthcare, industrial process monitoring, and others, do require sensors with high-quality measurement capabilities. In the event of a sensor’s output signal going beyond its designed maximum and minimum capacity for measurement, the sensor output is truncated to its maximum or minimum value, which is also the sensor’s limits. Under real conditions, the sensitivity of a sensor may differ from the value specified for that sensor leading to sensitivity error. If the output of a sensor differs from the actual value to be measured by a constant, the sensor is said to have an offset error or bias. 0 C is shown as 1.1 C. Some sensors have a non-linear behavior. The amount a sensor’s actual output differs from the ideal transfer function behavior over the full range of the sensor quantifies its behavior. It is denoted as the percentage of the sensor’s full range. If the output signal of a sensor changes slowly and independently of the measured property, this behavior of the sensor’s output is termed as drift. In contrast, if a sensor’s output varies/deviates due to deviations in the sensor’s previous input values, it is referred to as hysteresis error. If the digital output of a sensor is an approximation of the measured property, it induces quantization error. Dynamic errors caused due to mishandling of sampling frequencies can give rise to aliasing errors. Finally, the environment itself plays a crucial role in inducing sensorial deviations. Some sensors may be prone to external influences, which may not be directly linked to the property being measured by the sensor. Sensing Types: Sensing can be broadly divided into four different categories based on the nature of the environment being sensed and the physical sensors being used. i. Scalar sensing: sensing of features that can be quantified simply by measuring changes in the amplitude of the measured values with respect to time. Ambient temperature, current, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, light etc. ii. Multimedia sensing: sensing of features that have a spatial variance property associated with the property of temporal variance. Unlike scalar sensors,multimedia sensors are used for capturing the changes in amplitude of a quantifiable property concerning space (spatial) as well as time (temporal). Images, direction, flow, speed, acceleration, sound iii. Hybrid sensing: The act of using scalar as well as multimedia sensing at the same time is referred to as hybrid sensing. Plant health monitoring by measuring soil moisture, temperature and camera. Smart parking system, traffic management system etc. iv. Virtual sensing: Many a time, there is a need for very dense and large-scale deployment of sensor nodes spread over a large area for monitoring of parameters. Advising farmer B by the use of sensors deployed in farmer A’s field. Sensing Considerations: The choice of sensors in an IoT sensor node is critical and can either make or break the feasibility of an IoT deployment. The following major factors influence the choice of sensors in IoT-based sensing solutions: 1) sensing range, 2) accuracy and precision, 3) energy, and 4) device size. i. Sensing Range:The sensing range of a sensor node defines the detection fidelity of that node. A lifelong fixed k- coverage tends to usher in redundancy as it requires a large number of sensor nodes, the sensing range of some of which may also overlap. In contrast, dynamic kcoverage incorporates mobile sensor nodes post detection of an event, which, however, is a costly solution and may not be deployable in all operational areas and terrains. the sensing range of a sensor may also be used to signify the upper and lower bounds of a sensor’s measurement range. Proximity sensor, camera ii. Accuracy and Precision:The accuracy and precision of measurements provided by a sensor are critical in deciding the operations of specific functional processes. Off-the-shelf consumer sensors are low on requirements and often very cheap. Their performance is limited to regular application domains, but it is not suitable for industrial processes. Industrial sensors are typically very sophisticated, and as a result, very costly, these industrial sensors have very high accuracy and precision score, even under harsh operating conditions. Energy: The energy consumed by a sensing solution is crucial to determine the lifetime of that solution and the estimated cost of its deployment. If the sensor or the sensor node is so energy inefficient that it requires renewal of its energy sources quite frequently, the effort in maintaining the solution and its cost goes up; whereas its deployment feasibility goes down. Sensor nodes deployed on the top of glaciers Device Size: Modern-day IoT applications have a wide penetration in all domains of life. Most of the applications of IoT require sensing solutions which are so small that they do not hinder any of the regular activities that were possible before the sensor node deployment was carried out. The wearable sensors are highly energy-efficient, small in size Actuators:An actuator can be considered as a machine or system’s component that can affect the movement or control the said mechanism or the system. The system activates the actuator through a control signal, which may be digital or analog. It draws response from the actuator, which is in the form of some form of mechanical motion.
Simple actuation mechanism
Actuator Types:actuators can be divided into seven classes: 1) Hydraulic, 2) pneumatic, 3)electrical, 4) thermal/magnetic, 5) mechanical, 6) soft, and 7) shape memory polymers. i. Hydraulic actuators: A hydraulic actuator works on the principle of compression and decompression of fluids. The mechanical motion applied to a hydraulic actuator is converted to either linear, rotary, or oscillatory motion. These hydraulic actuators are also considered as stiff systems. The actuator’s limited acceleration restricts its usage. ii. Pneumatic actuators: A pneumatic actuator works on the principle of compression and decompression of gases. These actuators use a vacuum or compressed air at high pressure and convert it into either linear or rotary motion. They have quick response to starting and stopping signals. Pneumatic brakes iii. Electric actuators: Mostly electric motors are used to power an electric actuator by generating mechanical torque. This class of actuators is considered one of the cheapest, cleanest and speedy actuator Solenoid valves control the flow of water in pipes in response to electrical signals iv. Thermal or magnetic actuators: Thermal or magnetic energy is used for powering this class of actuators. These actuators have a very high power density and are typically compact, lightweight, and economical. Classic example of thermal actuators is shape memory materials (SMMs) such as shape memory alloys (SMAs) & Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs). v. Mechanical actuators: In mechanical actuation, the rotary motion of the actuator is converted into linear motion to execute some movement. The use of gears, rails, pulleys, chains, and other devices are necessary for these actuators to operate. These actuators can be easily used in conjunction with pneumatic, hydraulic, or electrical actuators. vi. Soft actuators: Soft actuators (e.g., polymer-based) consists of elastomeric polymers that are used as embedded fixtures in flexible materials such as cloth, paper, fiber, particles, and others. The conversion of molecular level microscopic changes into tangible macroscopic deformations is the primary working principle of this class of actuators. vii.Shape memory polymers: Shape memory polymers (SMP) are considered as smart materials that respond to some external stimulus by changing their shape, and then revert to their original shape once the affecting stimulus is removed. Features such as high strain recovery, biocompatibility, low density, and biodegradability characterize these materials. Photopolymer/light-activated polymers (LAP) Actuator Characteristics: The choice or selection of actuators is crucial in an IoT deployment, where a control mechanism is required after sensing and processing of the information obtained from the sensed environment. The correct choice of actuators is necessary for the long-term sustenance and continuity of operations, as well as for increasing the lifetime of the actuators themselves. i. Weight: The physical weight of actuators limits its application scope. heavier actuators is generally preferred for industrial applications and applications requiring no mobility, lightweight actuators typically find common usage in portable systems in vehicles, drones, and home IoT applications. ii. Power Rating: The power rating defines the minimum and maximum operating power an actuator can safely withstand without damage to itself. Smaller servo motors used in hobby projects typically have a maximum rating of 5 VDC, 500 mA, Servo motors in larger applications have a rating of 460 VAC, 2.5 A iii. Torque to Weight Ratio: The ratio of torque to the weight of the moving part of an instrument/device is referred to as its torque/weight ratio. This indicates the sensitivity of the actuator. Higher is the weight of the moving part; lower will be its torque to weight ratio for a given power. iv. Stiffness and Compliance: The resistance of a material against deformation is known as its stiffness. Stiff systems are considered more accurate than compliant systems as they have a faster response to the change in load applied to it. Hydraulic systems are considered as stiff and non- compliant, whereas pneumatic systems are considered as compliant.