TITLE: Heirs of Juan San Andres (Victor the lot, would be due and payable
S. Ziga) and Salvacion S. Tria vs. Vicente within five (5) years)
3. The validity of consignation for the
Petitioner: Heirs of Juan San Andres balance of the purchase price despite
Respondent: Vicente Rodriguez alleged noncompliance with
mandatory requirements.
4. The applicability of laches and
Juan San Andres was the registered owner of prescription in contesting the
Lot No. 1914-B-2 in Naga City. On September agreement after 24 year.
28, 1964, he sold a 345 sqm portion to
Vicente Rodriguez. Following San Andres’ COURT’S DECISION
death in 1965, a dispute arose over an
additional 509 sqm that Rodriguez claimed to WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of
have also purchased from San Andres, Appeals is AFFIRMED with the modification
leading to a legal battle involving the estate’s that respondent is ORDERED to reimburse
judicial administrator and Rodriguez’s heirs, petitioners for the expenses of the survey.
since both original parties had passed away.
1. The court found the property to be
The dispute led to a lawsuit filed by the sufficiently determinate,
estate’s administrator in 1987 for recovery of determinable through a survey
possession of the 509 sqm. Rodriguez, linked to the original 345 sqm portion
through his legal maneuvers, countered that sold. (the receipt profoundly
he had a verbal agreement with San speaks of a meeting of the mind
Andres for the additional area, supporting his between San Andres and Rodriguez
claim with a receipt and correspondence from for the sale of the property adjoining
the estate’s administrator. the 345 square meter portion
previously sold to Rodriguez on its
After the trial court sided with the San Andres three (3) sides excepting the frontage.
heirs, the Court of Appeals reversed the The price is certain, which is P15.00
decision, prompting the heirs to seek a per square meter.)
review from the Supreme Court.
2. It held the agreement to be an
ISSUES: absolute sale, not conditional, with
the receipt and subsequent
1. Whether the receipt acknowledged a correspondences serving as proof of a
contract to sell despite lacking precise perfected contract. (There is no
description of the object. (It ruled that reservation of ownership nor a
there was no contract of sale to stipulation providing for a
speak of for lack of a valid object unilateral rescission by either
because there was no sufficient party. In fact, the sale was
indication in Exhibit 2 to identify the consummated upon the delivery of
property subject of the sale, hence, the lot to respondent.)
the need to execute a new contract.
Contract to sell lang daw yung 3. The Court clarified that consignation
nagawa) wasn’t directly addressed in the
appellate court’s decision but
2. Whether the respondent (Rodriguez’s deemed Rodriguez’s act of depositing
heirs) should be obliged to fulfill the the balance into court as appropriate
condition of payment for a sale to be given the circumstances. (the
considered binding. (the appellate contracting parties agreed that full
court considered as a "condition" the payment of purchase price shall
stipulation of the parties that the full be due and payable within five (5)
consideration, based on a survey of years from the execution of a
formal deed of sale. At the time 4. Prescription and laches do not bar the
respondent deposited the amount of enforcement of rights within a
P7,035.00 in the court, no formal contract of sale if actions to fulfill
deed of sale had yet been obligations are evident
executed by the parties, and,
therefore, the five-year period during HISTORICAL BACKGROUND:
which the purchase price should be
paid had not commenced. In short, This case emerged from a transaction in the
the purchase price was not yet 1960s, evolving through the death of original
due and payable) parties, reflecting on the complexities of
proving agreements posthumously and the
4. It ruled out laches (concerns itself importance of clear, documented agreements
with the effect of delay and not the in property transactions. It demonstrates how
period of time that has lapsed) and contractual disputes can span generations,
prescription (deals with delay itself emphasizing the necessity of judicial
and thus is an issue of how much time interpretation to resolve issues rooted in the
has passed. The time period when adequacy of contractual terms and
prescription is deemed to have set in conditions.
is fixed by law), emphasizing that the
sale was consummated upon
delivery, with Rodriguez and
subsequently his heirs seeking to DETAILS:
complete their obligations. (the
contract of sale in this case is Respondent deposited in court the balance of
perfected, and the delivery of the the purchase price amounting to P7,035.00
subject lot to respondent effectively for the aforesaid 509-square meter lot.
transferred ownership to him)
While the proceedings were pending, judicial
DOCTRINE: administrator Ramon San Andres died and
was substituted by his son Ricardo San
This case reiterates principles of contract law, Andres. On the other band, respondent
particularly pertaining to sales. It underscores Vicente Rodriguez died on August 15, 1989
that a sale can be deemed absolute even and was substituted by his heirs.
without a formal deed if consent, a
determinate subject matter, and agreed-upon Petitioner, as plaintiff, presented two
consideration are present. The resolution also witnesses. The first witness, Engr. Jose
clarifies that the fulfillment of obligations, Peñero, testified that based on his survey
such as payment of the purchase price, can conducted sometime between 1982 and
be subject to agreed conditions without 1985, respondent had enlarged the area
affecting the validity of a sale. which he purchased from the late Juan San
Andres by 509 square meters belonging to
NOTES: the latter's estate. According to Peñero, the
titled property (Exh. A-5) of respondent was
1. Consent, determinate subject matter, enclosed with a fence with metal holes and
and price certain are essential for a barbed wire, while the expanded area was
contract of sale. fenced with barbed wire and bamboo and
2. A sale can be absolute even in the light materials.
absence of a formal deed if there is a
clear intention to transfer ownership. The second witness, Ricardo San Andres,
3. Consignation (nagbayad pero hindi administrator of the estate, testified that
tinanggap) is a valid mode of fulfilling respondent had not filed any claim before
payment obligations when done in Special Proceedings No. R-21 and denied
accordance with the agreed terms knowledge of Exhibits 2 and 3. However, he
between parties. recognized the signature in Exhibit 3 as
similar to that of the former administrator,
Ramon San Andres. Finally, he declared that rendering judgment against the plaintiff-
the expanded portion occupied by the appellee (heirs of san andres):
family of respondent is now enclosed
with barbed wire fence unlike before 1. to accept the P7,035.00 representing the
where it was found without fence. balance of the purchase price of the portion
and which is deposited in court under Official
On the other hand, Bibiana B. Rodriguez, Receipt No. 105754 (page 122, Records);
widow of respondent Vicente Rodriguez,
testified that they had purchased the subject 2. to execute the formal deed of sale over the
lot from Juan San Andres, who was their said 509 square meter portion of Lot 1914-B-
compadre, on September 29, 1964, at P15.00 2 in favor of appellant Vicente Rodriguez;
per square meter. According to her, they
gave P500.00 to the late Juan San 3. to pay the defendant-appellant the amount
Andres who later affixed his signature to of P50,000.00 as damages and P10,000.00
Exhibit 2. She added that on March 30, attorney's fees as stipulated by them during
1966; Ramon San Andres wrote them a letter the trial of this case; and
asking for P300.00 as partial payment for the
subject lot, but they were able to give him 4. to pay the costs of the suit.
only P100.00. She added that they had paid
the total purchase price of P7,035.00 on SO ORDERED.
November 21, 1988 by depositing it in
court. Bibiana B. Rodriquez stated that they First. Art. 1458 of the Civil Code
had been in possession of the 509-square provides:
meter lot since 1964 when the late Juan San
Andres signed the receipt. (Exh. 2) Lastly, By the contract of sale one of the
she testified that they did not know at contracting parties obligates himself
that time the exact area sold to them to transfer the ownership of and to
because they were told that the same deliver a determinate thing, and the
would be known after the survey of the other to pay therefor a price certain in
subject lot. money or its equivalent.
On September 20, 1994, the trial court A contract of sale may be absolute or
rendered judgment in favor of conditional.
petitioner. It ruled that there was no
contract of sale to speak of for lack of a As thus defined, the essential elements
valid object because there was no sufficient of sale are the following:
indication in Exhibit 2 to identify the property
subject of the sale, hence, the need to a) Consent or meeting of the minds, that
execute a new contract. is, consent to transfer ownership in
exchange for the price;
Respondent appealed to the Court of Appeals,
which on April 21, 1998 rendered a decision b) Determinate subject matter; and,
reversing the decision of the trial court. The
appellate court held that the object of the c) Price certain in money or its
contract was determinable, and that equivalent.
there was a conditional sale with the
balance of the purchase price payable within As shown in the receipt, dated September 29,
five years from the execution of the deed of 1964, the late Juan San Andres received
sale. The dispositive portion of its decision's P500.00 from respondent as "advance
reads: payment for the residential lot adjoining his
previously paid lot on three sides excepting
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the on the frontage; the agreed purchase price
judgment appealed from is hereby was P15.00 per square meter; and the full
REVERSED and SET ASIDE and a new one amount of the purchase price was to be
entered DISMISSING the complaint and based on the results of a survey and
would be due and payable in five (5) determinate or determinable. As the Court of
years from the execution of a deed of Appeals explained:
Concomitantly, the object of the sale
Petitioner contends, however, that the is certain and determinate. Under
"property subject of the sale was not Article 1460 of the New Civil Code, a
described with sufficient certainty such thing sold is determinate if at the time
that there is a necessity of another the contract is entered into, the thing
agreement between the parties to finally is capable of being determinate
ascertain the identity; size and purchase without necessity of a new or further
price of the property which is the object of agreement between the parties. Here,
the alleged sale." He argues that the this definition finds realization.
"quantity of the object is not
determinate as in fact a survey is needed to Appellee's Exhibit "A" (page 4, Records)
determine its exact size and the full purchase affirmingly shows that the original 345 sq. m.
price therefor" portion earlier sold lies at the middle of Lot
1914-B-2 surrounded by the remaining
In support of his contention, petitioner portion of the said Lot 1914-B-2 on three (3)
cites the following provisions of the Civil sides, in the east, in the west and in the
Code: north. The northern boundary is a 12 meter
road. Conclusively, therefore, this is the only
Art. 1349. The object of every contract remaining 509 sq. m. portion of Lot 1914-B-2
must be determinate as to its kind. surrounding the 345 sq. m. lot initially
The fact that the quantity is not purchased by Rodriguez. It is quite defined,
determinable shall not be an determinate and certain. Withal, this is the
obstacle to the existence of a same portion adjunctively occupied and
contract, provided it is possible to possessed by Rodriguez since September 29,
determine the same without the need 1964, unperturbed by anyone for over
of a new contract between the parties. twenty (20) years until appellee
instituted this suit.
Art. 1460. . . . The requisite that a
thing be determinate is satisfied if at Thus, all of the essential elements of a
the time the contract is entered into, contract of sale are present, i.e., that
the thing is capable of being there was a meeting of the minds between
made determinate without the the parties, by virtue of which the late Juan
necessity of a new and further San Andres undertook to transfer ownership
agreement between the parties. of and to deliver a determinate thing for a
price certain in money. As Art. 1475 of the
Petitioner's contention is without merit. Civil Code provides:
There is no dispute that respondent
purchased a portion of Lot 1914-B-2 The contract of sale is perfected at the
consisting of 345 square meters. This portion moment there is a meeting of minds
is located in the middle of Lot 1914-B-2, upon the thing which is the object of
which has a total area of 854 square meters, the contract and upon the price.
and is clearly what was referred to in the
receipt as the "previously paid lot." Since the That the contract of sale is perfected was
lot subsequently sold to respondent is said to confirmed by the former administrator of the
adjoin the "previously paid lot" on three sides estates, Ramon San Andres, who wrote a
thereof, the subject lot is capable of letter to respondent on March 30, 1966
being determined without the need of asking for P300.00 as partial payment for the
any new contract. The fact that the exact subject lot. As the Court of Appeals observed:
area of these adjoining residential lots is
subject to the result of a survey does not Without any doubt, the receipt profoundly
detract from the fact that they are speaks of a meeting of the mind between
San Andres and Rodriguez for the sale of the
property adjoining the 345 square meter stipulated, e.g., until or unless the
portion previously sold to Rodriguez on its price is paid. Ownership will then be
three (3) sides excepting the frontage. The transferred to the buyer upon actual
price is certain, which is P15.00 per square or constructive delivery (e.g., by the
meter. Evidently, this is a perfected execution of a public document) of the
contract of sale on a deferred payment property sold. Where the condition is
of the purchase price. All the pre-requisite imposed upon the perfection of the
elements for a valid purchase transaction are contract itself, the failure of the
present. Sale does not require any formal condition would prevent such
document for its existence and validity. perfection. If the condition is imposed
And delivery of possession of land sold is a on the obligation of a party which is
consummation of the sale (Galar vs. Husain, not fulfilled, the other party may
20 SCRA 186 [1967]). A private deed of either waive the condition or refuse to
sale is a valid contract between the proceed with the sale. (Art. 1545, Civil
parties (Carbonell v. CA, 69 SCRA 99 [1976]). Code).
In the same vein, after the late Juan R. San Thus, in. one case, when the sellers declared
Andres received the P500.00 downpayment in a "Receipt of Down Payment" that they
on March 30, 1966, Ramon R. San Andres received an amount as purchase price for a
wrote a letter to Rodriguez and received from house and lot without any reservation of title
Rodriguez the amount of P100.00 (although until full payment of the entire purchase
P300.00 was being requested) deductible price, the implication was that they sold their
from the purchase price of the subject property. 18 In People's Industrial Commercial
portion. Enrique del Castillo, Ramon's Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 19 it was
authorized agent, correspondingly signed the stated:
receipt for the P100.00. Surely, this is
explicitly a veritable proof of the sale over the A deed of sale is considered absolute
remaining portion of Lot 1914-B-2 and a in nature where there is neither a
confirmation by Ramon San Andres of the stipulation in the deed that title to the
existence thereof. property sold is reserved in the seller
until full payment of the price, nor one
There is a need, however, to clarify what the giving the vendor the right to
Court of Appeals said is a conditional contract unilaterally resolve the contract the
of sale. Apparently, the appellate court moment the buyer fails to pay within a
considered as a "condition" the stipulation of fixed period.
the parties that the full consideration, based
on a survey of the lot, would be due and Applying these principles to this case, it
payable within five (5) years from the cannot be gainsaid that the contract of sale
execution of a formal deed of sale. It is between the parties is absolute, not
evident from the stipulations in the receipt conditional. There is no reservation of
that the vendor Juan San Andres sold the ownership nor a stipulation providing
residential lot in question to respondent for a unilateral rescission by either
and undertook to transfer the ownership party. In fact, the sale was consummated
thereof to respondent without any upon the delivery of the lot to respondent.
qualification, reservation or condition. Thus, Art. 1477 provides that the
In Ang Yu Asuncion v. Court of Appeals, 17 we ownership of the thing sold shall be
held: transferred to the vendee upon the
actual or constructive delivery thereof.
In Dignos v. Court of Appeals (158
SCRA 375), we have said that, First. The stipulation that the "payment of
although denominated a "Deed of the full consideration based on a survey
Conditional Sale," a sale is still shall be due and payable in five (5)
absolute where the contract is devoid years from the execution of a formal
of any proviso that title is reserved or deed of sale" is not a condition which
the right to unilaterally rescind is affects the efficacy of the contract of sale. It
merely provides the manner by which function of courts is to give force and effect
the full consideration is to be computed to the intentions of the parties.
and the time within which the same is to be
paid. But it does not affect in any manner the Fourth. Finally, petitioners argue that
effectivity of the contract. Consequently, the respondent is barred by prescription and
contention that the absence of a formal deed laches from enforcing the contract. This
of sale stipulated in the receipt prevents the contention is likewise untenable. The
happening of a sale has no merit. contract of sale in this case is perfected,
and the delivery of the subject lot to
Second. With respect to the contention that respondent effectively transferred
the Court of Appeals erred in upholding the ownership to him. For this reason,
validity of a consignation of P7,035.00 respondent seeks to comply with his
representing the balance of the purchase obligation to pay the full purchase price, but
price of the lot, nowhere in the decision of the because the deed of sale is yet to be
appellate court is there any mention of executed, he deemed it appropriate to
consignation. Under Art. 1257 of this Civil deposit the balance of the purchase price in
Code, consignation is proper only in court. Accordingly, Art. 1144 of the Civil
cases where an existing obligation is Code has no application to the instant
due. In this case, however, the contracting case. 21 Considering that a survey of the
parties agreed that full payment of lot has already been conducted and
purchase price shall be due and payable approved by the Bureau of Lands,
within five (5) years from the execution respondent's heirs, assign or
of a formal deed of sale. At the time successors-in-interest should reimburse
respondent deposited the amount of the expenses incurred by herein
P7,035.00 in the court, no formal deed of petitioners, pursuant to the provisions
sale had yet been executed by the of the contract.
parties, and, therefore, the five-year period
during which the purchase price should be TITLE: Emilia M. Uraca, Concordia D.
paid had not commenced. In short, the Ching, and Ong Seng v. Court of
purchase price was not yet due and Appeals, Jacinto Velez, Jr., Carmen Velez
payable. Ting, Avenue Merchandising, Inc., Felix
Ting, and Alfredo Go
This is not to say, however, that the deposit
of the purchase price in the court is Petitioners: Uraca
erroneous. The Court of Appeals correctly
ordered the execution of a deed of sale and Respondents: Court of appeals (Velezes)
petitioners to accept the amount deposited
by respondent. FACTS:
The Velezes (herein private
Third. The claim of petitioners that the price respondents) were the owners of the
of P7,035.00 is iniquitous (unfair or morally lot and commercial building in
wrong) is untenable. The amount is based question located at Progreso and M.C.
on the agreement of the parties as Briones Streets in Cebu City.
evidenced by the receipt (Exh. 2). Time Herein (petitioners) were the lessees
and again, we have stressed the rule that a of said commercial building.
contract is the law between the parties, and On July 8, 1985, the Velezes through
courts have no choice but to enforce such Carmen Velez Ting wrote a letter to
contract so long as they are not contrary to herein (petitioners) offering to sell the
law, morals, good customs or public policy. subject property for P1,050,000.00
Otherwise, court would be interfering with the and at the same time requesting
freedom of contract of the parties. Simply (herein petitioners) to reply in three
put, courts cannot stipulate for the parties days.
nor amend the latter's agreement, for to do On July 10, 1985, petitioners accepted
so would be to alter the real intentions of the the offer in writing through Atty.
contracting parties when the contrary Escolastico Daitol.
On July 11, 1985, Emilia Uraca
(petitioner) was informed by Carmen 1. Whether the original contract of sale
Ting of a revised price of P1,400,000. for P1,050,000 was valid and
Uraca agreed but proposed enforceable despite alleged novation
installment payments, with a down (Since it ruled in its decision that
payment of P1,000,000.00 and the there was no meeting of the minds on
balance of P400,000 to be paid in 30 the "second" price offered
days. Carmen Velez Ting did not (P1,400,000.00), hence no contract of
accept the said counter-offer of Emilia sale was perfected, the Court of
Uraca although this fact is disputed by Appeals erred in not holding that the
Uraca. original written contract to buy and
No payments were made by sell for P1,050,000.00 the Velezes
petitioners on July 12 and 13, 1985. property continued to be valid and
On July 13, 1985, the Velezes sold the enforceable pursuant to Art. 1279 in
property to Avenue Merchandising Inc. relation with Art. 1479, first
(Avenue Group) for P1,050,000. paragraph, and Art. 1403,
At the time the Avenue Group subparagraph 2 (e) of the Civil Code.).
purchased subject property on July 13,
1985 from the Velezes, the certificate 2. Whether petitioners had a better claim
of title of the said property was clean to the property based on their prior
and free of any annotation of registration of lis pendens (Article
adverse claims or lis pendens. 1544 of the Civil Code).
On July 31, 1985, petitioners filed a COURT’S DECISION
complaint against the Velezes
Avenue Group registered their deeds The petition is meritorious. (Claim which
of sale on August 1, 1985, and filed an has a valid basis)
ejectment case on October 30, 1985, WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
thereafter while petitioners amended assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals is
their complaint to align against hereby SET ASIDE and the dispositive
Avenue Group portion of the trial court's decision dated
Thereafter, herein (petitioners) filed an October 19, 1990 is REVIVED with the
amended complaint impleading the following MODIFICATION — the
Avenue Group as new defendants consideration to be paid under par. 2 of the
(after about 4 years after the filing of disposition is P1,050,000.00 and not
the original complaint). P1,400,000.00. No Costs.
E. traditio constitutum
possessorium – seller continues in
1. To enter on behalf of buyer into such
A contract in the nature of an option contract reasonable under the
to purchase if the goods prove to be circumstances
satisfactory, the approval of the buyer 2. To give notice to buyer regarding
being a condition precedent necessity of insuring the goods.
Such mark will have no effect on the 1. Title of the goods as against the
instrument and remains to be negotiable. transferor;
2. Right to notify the bailee of the
DOCUMENT OF TITLE 3. Right, thereafter, to acquire the
1. By the owner obligation of the bailee to hold goods
2. By the person to whom the possession for him.
or custody of the document has been
entrusted by the owner, if by the TRANSFER FOR VALUE OF DELIVERY
terms of the document the bailee
issuing the document undertakes to If a negotiable document of title is transferred
deliver the goods to the order of the for value by delivery, and indorsement is
person to whom the possession or essential for negotiation, The right of the
custody of the document has been transferee are:
entrusted or if at the time of such 1. Right to the goods as against the
entrusting the document in such form transferor;
that it may be negotiated by delivery. 2. Right to compel the transferor to
NOTE: If the holder of a negotiable
document of title (deliverable to bearer) Negotiation shall take effect as to the time
entrusts the document to a friend for when indorsement is actually made.
deposit, but the friend betrays the trust
and negotiates the document by WARRANTIES ON SALE OF DOCUMENT
delivering it to another who is in good 1. Document is genuine
faith, the said owner cannot impugn the 2. He has a legal right to negotiate or
validity of the negotiation. As between transfer it
two innocent persons, he who made the 3. He has knowledge of no fact which
loss possible shall bear the loss, without would impair the validity or worth of
the document
4. He has the right to transfer the title to A. WHEN AVAILABLE:
the goods and that goods are 1. Goods sold without stipulation as to
merchantable or fit for a particular credit
purpose 2. Goods are sold on credit, but credit
term has expired
BAILEE 3. Buyer becomes insolvent
The bailee has the direct obligation to
hold possession of the goods for the B. LIEN ON PARTIAL DELIVERY
original owner. The goods cannot be When unpaid seller made partial
attached or levied and bailee cannot delivery of the goods, he may exercise
be compelled to deliver the goods his lien on the remainder, unless such
unless the document be first part delivery shows an intent to waive
surrendered or its negotiation the lien or right of retention.
prohibited by court.
FAILURE OF BAILEE OR PREVIOUS 1. Delivers the goods to a carrier or other
INDOSERS TO FULFILL THEIR bailee for the purpose of transmission
OBLIGATIONS to the buyer without reserving the
Indorser hall not be liable for any ownership in the goods or the right of
failure on the part of the bailee or possession thereof;
previous indorsers to fulfill their 2. Buyer or his agent lawfully obtains
respective obligation. possession of the goods;
3. By waiver thereof
GRAMMATICAL ERROR NOTE: Possessory lien is lost after the
It does not destroy the negotiability of seller loses possession but his lien as an
the document of title, for what should unpaid seller remains; hence he is still an
be considered is the intent. unpaid creditor with respect to the price
of specific goods sold. His preference
UNPAID SELLER can only be defeated by the governments
claim to the specific tax on the goods
Unpaid seller is one who has not been themselves (Arts. 2247 and 2241).
paid the whole amount of the price or
one who received a negotiable The bringing of an action to recover the
instrument and it has been purchase price is not one of the ways of
dishonored, buyer is insolvent, or losing the possessory lien. An unpaid
otherwise. seller does not lose his lien by reason that
he has obtained a money judgement or
RIGHTS OF THE UNPAID SELLER decree for the price of goods
Right to lien of goods or the rights to
retain them for the price while he is in
possession of them
Right of stoppage in transit after he RIGHT OF STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU
has parted with the possession of the An extension of the lien for the price;
goods and the buyer becomes entitles unpaid seller to resume
insolvent possession of the goods while they are
Special Right of resale in transit before the goods come in
Special Right to rescind the sale possession of the vendee
WARRANTIES It is a natural, not an essential
element of a contract, and is deemed
It is a promise that a fact is true. In a incorporated in the contract of sale. It
sale, it is a statement of fact abut the is inherent.
quality or character of the goods sold Its reason is to protect naïve and
to induce the sale relied upon by the unsuspecting buyers from scrupulous
buyer. Breach or violation of it gives sellers from running away from their
rise to a suit for damages. Warranty is wrongful doings.
enforceable only against the It may be modified or suppressed by
immediate vendor of the party agreement of the parties. Unless
dispossessed. waived, the warranties stay.