Important Questions: HISTORY
Important Questions: HISTORY
Important Questions: HISTORY
Ans: As per Ernst Renan, if the world had only one master and only
one law, it would be a problem, the existence of liberty is
guaranteed by the existence of nations. Hence the existence of a
nation is a necessity and a good thing. A nation is not interested in
holding on to a country against its will, and it never has any real
interest in annexing
As per Ernst Renan, the culmination of a long past of devotion, sacrifice and
endeavors is a nation. According to Ernst Renan, the base of a national idea
is to have social capital, glory, great men, and heroic past.
Ans: The cause of the Silesian weaver's uprising was the cheating
of the weavers by the contractors. In 1845, the weavers raised a
revolt against the contractors who used to supply them raw material
to weave textiles in finished form. The contractors drastically
reduced their payments. The viewpoint of the journalist Wilhelm
Wolft for this uprising was as fellows- Weaver's crowd reached the
house of the contractor and demanded higher wages. They were not
treated well, so a group of the crowd entered the contractors house
forcibly and destroyed the furniture, window panes, plundered it.
This shows that the viewpoint of the journalist was biased against
the weavers and in favour of the contractor. On the other hand, the
journalist did not understand the root cause of the uprising. He did
not understand the poverty of weavers.
6.What are the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to
the economic exchange and growth of the new commercial
classes during the 19th century in Europe?
Ans: The conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic
exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during the 19 th
century in Europe were:
(a) There were many states imposed restrictions on the movement
of goods, capital and people.
(b) Each confederation had its own system of weights and measures
that involved time consuming calculations.
© Because of countless principalities, there were many check posts
where custom duties were paid by the merchants. It resulted in price
rise and delay in supply
7. How were liberty and equality for women to be defined?
Ans: The French revolutionaries had raised the slogan of Liberty, Equality,
and Fraternity and these principles were made the basis of the French
revolution and the French national assembly had said it quite clearly by
issuing declaration of rights of men in 1789 that 'men are born free and
always continue to be free and equal in respect of their rights.' after this,19th
and 20th centuries with the development of the democratic principles the
concept of equality became more and more popular and it is the basic
principle of the present age.
Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political,
social and economic ideas supported by the liberals? Discuss
Ans; The 1848 revolution of the liberals refers to the various national
movements pioneered by educated middle classes alongside the revolts of
the poor, unemployed and starving peasants and workers in Europe. The
political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals were:
10. Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the
nineteenth century?
Italy were divided into separate regions and kingdoms ruled by various
Princely houses.
● Revolutionary uprising:
Middle class of German regions came together and formed the German
● Unification with the help of the army: Failure of revolution led to the
12. Explain any three causes of conflict in the ‘Balkan area’ after 1871.
a) Guiseppe Mazzini
b) Frankfurt parliament
(b) Count Camillo de Cavour: Of the seven states of Italy, only Sardinia-
Piedmont was ruled by an Italian princely house. When the revolutionary
uprisings of 1831 and 1848 failed to unite Italy, the responsibility to establish
a unified Italy fell upon this Italian state. King Victor Emmanuel II was its
ruler and Cavour was the Chief Minister. Cavour led the movement to unite
the separate states of nineteenth-century Italy. He engineered a careful
diplomatic alliance with France, which helped Sardinia-Piedmont defeat the
Austrian forces in 1859, and thereby free the northern part of Italy from the
Austrian Habsburgs.
14. What did Liberal Nationalism stand for? Explain any four ideas of Liberal
Nationalists in the economic sphere.
Ans: Liberalism or Liberal Nationalism stood for freedom for the individual
and equality of all before the law. Lour ideas of Liberal Nationalists in the
economic sphere are:
Liberalism stood for freedom of markets and abolition of state
imposed restriction. For example, Napoleon’s administration was a
confederation of 29 states, each of these possessed its own
currencies, weight and measures. Such conditions were viewed as
obstacles to economic exchange.
15.How did culture play an important role in creating the idea of the
‘nation’ in Europe? Explain with examples. (2013 D)
During the years following 1815, the fear of repression drove many
liberal nationalists underground.