Challenges and Opportunities for the Indonesian Banking Sector and Beyond
Muyanja Ssenyonga, Jameaba2
One of the challenges financial institutions is how to adapt to a changing business environment, increasingly
demanding and differentiated customer preferences, digitalization and technological change. Using a
documentary analysis approach, the article navigates the ramifications of API based open banking, Block Chain
Technology (BCT) and entrance of Fintechs, Big technology companies (Big Tech1) and Telecommunications
companies (Telcos on the performance of general banking sector and financial system stability. Results
underscore the role of digitalization revolution and ICT in fundamentally changing the financial service
development and delivery, by empowering ICT savvy non-financial institutions including financial technology
companies (Fintechs), TELCOS, and Big Tech to become players in the industry; enhancement of financial
inclusion thanks; reduction in transaction costs; and inducing traditional banks to adopt new business models
that leverage Big Data and data analytics approach. Digitalization has paved way for the development of agile,
adaptive open banking supporting business models financial that supported collaboration with other providers
of financial services, back end and front end technologies, diversified customer base, strengthened capacity
and capabilities to leverage customer experience , develop and deploy financial innovations to strengthen
competitiveness. Nonetheless, despite its many benefits, most banks are yet to adopt BCT due to persisting
uncertainty that surrounds the technology a, its adoption, deployment and operations. BCT adoption has been
undermined by an array of failures of several BCT based crypto exchanges and assets, limited understanding of
BCT business case, regulatory ambiguity, and risk aversion. The adoption of BCT promises improvement in the
integrity and authenticity of financial service delivery, reduction in vulnerability to cyber insecurity,
decentralized authentication, increased operational efficiency, low compliance cost, shorter onboarding of new
product offers and customers, accelerated development and deployment of new product offers, which should
diversify and broaden liability sources and investment portfolios. Failure to adopt and deploy both business
processes and products on BCT poses the danger of empowering new entrants into financial service
development and delivery. The reluctance of conventional banks to adopt emerging technologies poses threat
to both their interest and non-interest income sources, ability to provide monetary policy transmission
function, providing customer wealth custodianship services, serving financial payments and money supply
transmission functions, and serving as lynchpin in financial system liquidity. The article highlights challenges
and pathways to mitigating them in such a manner that improves bank performance without undermining
financial system stability.
Key Words: Blockchain, CBDC, crypto assets, digitalization, Fintechs, emerging technologies, open banking,
P2P lending
JEL: E44, E02, G20, G32, 033,M15, M25
I. Introduction
Product and process innovations are pivotal for growth, productivity, profitability and competitiveness, albeit
unleashing creative disruption in the process (Ziemnowicz, 2013). Based on market, technology and degree
of change required, extant literature identifies four types of innovations as a spectrum that ranges from
incremental, disruptive, architectural to radical (Lopez, June 29, 2015). Innovations take various forms including
new products, processes, markets, inputs, organization structures, and business models. The onset of
deregulation and globalization of markets in early 1980s generated an increase in competition in factor and
product markets, which coupled with the age of the internet, spurred innovations in products, business
process2es and business models. Business model innovations transform the way businesses produce and
deliver products and services (business processes), managerial practices and processes to achieve the highest
efficiency, and factoring in not only internal stakeholders in organizational decisions but also, principally
customer preferences, competitor strategies and offers and regulatory agencies.
Nonetheless, the impact of the 1997 Asian financial Crisis which was aggravated by pervasive
mismanagement of the banking sector, on not banks but also financial sectors, economies and society,
fundamentally changed attitude toward risk taking in the financial sector. Risk aversion is today embedded in
national banking laws, and provisions , attributes, standards and principles of standard setting bodies. It thus
apparent that considering the attitude of practitioners in the general banking industry, regulatory and
supervisory agencies, and the general public, banks are facing formidable challenges to adopt to the new
financial services delivery regime that requires transforming business models, take aggressive steps to exploit
new opportunities, compete vigorously with new financial service providers, all that without flouting existing
laws, regulation and principles of prudential banking and undermine public confidence.
Business model innovations are crucial to transforming production and business processes; instituting and
sustaining agility and adaptability in managerial practices to align with an increasingly dynamic, demanding
and complex business environment; and laying firm foundation for nurturing and accommodating technological
change (Serrat, 2017). Four theories of innovation lay the groundwork for understanding the process and impact
of innovations on businesses, industry and society. The innovation diffusion theory propounded by Rogers,
considers innovation to comprise for components including the innovation, communication media used to
disseminate the innovation information, the social system context that underpin adoption and non-adoption,
Research Economist, Master Program in Public administration, Department of Management and Public
Policy, Gadjah Mada University
[Figure 1]
Bank assets show an upward trend during October 2021 to August 2022 period. However, growth of assets
shows high variability that may underscore inherent risk in bank asset acquisition and management (Figure 1).
[Figure 2 ]
The performance of general banks as reflected in ROA and net interest margin weighted by net operating
margin ratio , remains strong and shows improvement during March-2022 to August 2022 period. The
performance reflects an efficient use and source of bank funds (Figure 2).
[Figure 3]
Despite declining during March -June 2022 period, Capital adequacy ratio and core capital ratio to risk
weighted assets ratios remain higher than those recommended regulatory minimum. It is important to note
that CAR tracks movement in core capital ratio, an indication that banks increase capital buffers as required
when their the risk exposure increases. Meanwhile, as regards the trend of the operating expenses to
operating income ratio, which is an indicator of the efficiency of use of funds (bank operational efficiency),
shows a declining trend, which is in line corroborates improvement in bank efficiency. All such factors attest to
a healthy and prudent banking sector (Figure 3 ).
[Figure 4]
However, while net profit remains strong, its growth seems to decrease during March 2022-August 2022
period (Figure 4 ).
[Figure 5]
Investing in SBI and SBIS which are risk free reflects risk aversion, which impacts willingness of banks to disburse
credit to sectors and areas considered risky. While government bonds is an important risk free investment
albeit low return, increasing investment by banks poses the potential danger that the health of the banking
sector , and by extension the financial sector, becomes strongly associated with and influenced by the state of
government finances including budget deficit, politics and any other factors that affect public perception of
government performance (Figure 5) .
[Figure 6]
[Figure 7]
Such developments have led to the perception that mobile phones should serve as a medium that
expands outreach of various programs that target the underprovided sections of the population living in
underdeveloped regions in the Country. This is more so in financial inclusion programs that are tailored toward
onboarding sections of society that are excluded from financial services due to various factors that range from
inadequate bankability; stringent requirements that many members of society located in remote areas with
low physical and financial assets and limited education find onerous to meet; topography obstacles; and time
constraints (opening and closing hours concurring with the time when people are involved in economic
activities that earn them and members of their household livelihoods.
Besides, the significant decrease in data storage prices, increase in data storage capacities,
advancements in communications and information technology (speed, capabilities, reach, and diversity), and
rising importance of cloud web services, has led to a shift from analog to digital mobile services. It is such a
development that has led to an increase in mobile phone subscription. Based on mobile phone subscription
data, cellular mobile subscribers per 100 people increased from 2.4 (2002) , 132 (2015), 164(2017), but declined
to 119 (2018) before recovering to 130(2020) (Figure 8).
[Figure 8]
The increase in cellular mobile usage (Figure 2), has meant that 131 million Indonesians had access to mobile
phones in 2020 (World Bank, 2022). The increase in cellular phone ownership and internet access, has
underpinned an upward trend in the use of mobile phones as a medium to access financial services. By 2021,
45 percent of Indonesian aged 15 and above had mobile accounts, with the percentage of women higher than
that of male, 66 percent and 23 percent, respectively (Figure 3).
Thus, as regards using mobile phones to access financial services, there is still a disconnect between
high cellular phone ownership (73% of the adult population), internet access (51% of adult population) and
using mobile phones as a medium to access financial services (50% of all those who have mobile phone and
access to internet). It is only 26% of all adult working population (Figure 9) who have mobile phone and have
internet access use them as a medium to store money.
[Figure 9]
The disparity is also discernible from data on mobile phone ownership by social income status. While 56
percent of Indonesians aged 15 and above who hail from higher income group background have money
accounts, only 28 percent of those from poor social income background do so. The gap is also wide based on
gender. While 66.17% of adult Indonesian female population have mobile money account , but only 23.22%
of their male counterparts do so (Figure 10).
[Figure 10]
To that end, most people who own cellular phones and have access to internet, continue to use them more
for social networking purposes than as a medium to access financial services (Figure 11).
[Figure 11]
VI. BCT, Crypto assets , financial service delivery and financial stability
Blockchain, according to Higginson et al (2017), “is a shared, public ledger of records or transactions that is open
to inspection by every participant but not subject to any form of central control.” In a more comprehensive
definition or aptly description of the technology, Crosby et al. (2015) refers to blockchain as a “distributed
database of records or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared
among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of most of the
participants in the system. And, once entered, information can never be erased. Despite its current nascent
stage, block chain technology (BCT), has the potential to contribute exponentially to global GDP, if the
trajectory of current projections materialize. According to IDBRT (2017) block chain technology refers to
“tamper-evident ledger shared within a network of entities, where the ledger holds a record of transactions
between the entities underpinned by Cryptographic Hash Function.”
Based on International Data Corporation (IDC), spending on blockchain is projected to grow at a five-
year compound rate of 81.2 percent during 2016-2012 period. In 2018, blockchain spending is expected to
reach US$2.1 Billion, will be more than double Worldwide total spending on the technology in 2017 (US$954
Billion), and will US$9.7 billion in 2021. The business potential of BCT, which by 2030 is projected to reach
Efficiencies BCT is generating arise from lower transaction costs, reduction in intermediation costs
thanks to automation of initiating, conducting, approving, and recording transactions all of which replace
human labor; decentralized , replicative recording of transactions among all participants on the network. In
addition, BCT facilitates major cutbacks in the expenditure enterprises make in accounting and reporting fees
paid annually to in-house accountant staff, internal and external auditors; enhanced security, finality of
transactions that makes BCT a reliable repository and exchange for transactions that involve a diversity of
parties that are part to a transaction but have different yet complementary interests and located in various
parts of the globe. Thus, it is no surprise that based on the World Economic Forum projection, by 2027 at the
latest, if the current trajectory continues, 10 percent of the Global GDP will be stored on blockchain (WEF,
Besides, BCT has immense prospects in the global economy. This is discernible from statistics on the
value of capital invested in blockchain startups in 2017 that reached US$ 1 billion (Carson, 2018). Bitcoin value,
which is one of the BCT based applications17, was estimated to beUS$800 billion market by the end of 2017,
when Bitcoin value was US$20,000, which was a dramatic surge from US$20 billion in 2016 (Carson et al. 2018).
In 2017, US$6.5 billion and more than US$4 billion Initial Coin offering (ICO) value was made during
the first half of 2018 alone. ICO represents tokens that investors buy, which while unlike initial public offerings,
do not confer holders s any ownership rights to the value of the firm issuing them, are redeemable ‘promissory
notes’ in future in the event the underlying cryptocurrency comes into circulation. ICO, in other words
represents one of the speculative aspects of BCT products. This is because ICOs do not represent any valuation
since they are based on a value proposition that may either or not ever materialize (Adriano, 2018:20). This is
indeed borne out by the recent tumultuous decline in the value of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, drastic
decline in crypto exchanges as investors try to run for exit to avert even greater losses, which is contributing
significantly to the plummet in prices of nonfungible tokens (NFTs)18.
However, prior to that development, rising value of Bitcoin invited the interest of nefarious, treasure
hunting hackers’ and in some cases scammers. Hackers on several occasions targeted various crypto exchanges
and ripped them off hefty crypto sums. Scammers, whose motives is to manipulate crypto-enthusiasts who
expect to reap as much benefits without investing ample time, precaution in acquiring investment advice from
pundits in crypto-asset valuation as well as making background checks on veracity an integrity of individuals
involved in establishing and administering cryptocurrency exchanges prior to digging into their pockets, from
the very beginning target gullible investors to invest in roves after which they declare their concerns bankrupt,
ostensibly, as was the case of MapleChange (Madore 29, 2018), which was a Canadian Bitcoin exchange, due
to inability to pay investors anymore after a huge hack of their exchanges that cost them all the digital currency
they had.
Unsurprisingly, the above events sparked off a downward spiral in the value toward US$300 billion
(having shed US$500 billion in the aftermath of the hacks and outages that created serious concerns about the
purported security of the crypto currency against manipulation and theft (Chaparro, August 17, 2018). The
latest on an list that shows no signs of ending was the hack that infiltrated the Hong Kong based Mixin crypto
network, which is a P2P digital transactions network causing a loss of $ 200 million (Park, September 26, 2023).
In the aftermath of the hack, the network suspended transactions involving deposits and withdrawal of digital
assets on the platform. The hack came not long after a similar hack affected Hong Kong based CoinEx , when
hackers possibly ran off with $70 million of stored digital assets on the network (CoinEx, September, 12, 2023).
Indeed, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (Srivastava, September 24, 2018) 19 have become
increasingly circumspect for many in the aftermath of the cryptocurrency exchange hacks, decline in the public
confidence of BCT based currencies to become a reliable source of wealth creation (crypto assets), as a secure
and vital wealth repository and exchange , driver of firm value augmentation and scaling up, and medium of
transactions among various global participants located in far-flung parts of the globe, and the increasingly
fluctuating nature20.
Thus, ICO, nonfungible tokens (NFTs) represent just one aspect of the BCT downside, which include
among others structural features of the networks that defies centralized control, hence fosters opacity in the
transaction process and contract pricing; does not require centralized approval and recording of instances,
events (transactions); high vulnerability of online data to cyber-attacks, albeit the strong end to end
cryptographic encryption ; and high the potential for costly propriety data loss.
Proponents of BCT would argue that the design of the technology is supposed to provide answers to
such concerns. Features that have made BCT a vital part of digital transformation in future include decentralized
ledger system that is based on an immutable and indelible storage of records; replication of records to all nodes
or blocks (reduces the possibility of losing the record in the event one node becomes dysfunctional) (Higginson
et al. 2017); distributed ledgers resilient are generally cyber-attack proof (Mullen, 2018); and instances or
records once approved cannot be manipulated through modifications, enhances integrity and authority
(Henderson, Rogers, & Knoll. 2018; Crosby et al. 2015).
Moreover, every digital event on BCT has its own specific digital footprint on the network with a date
and time stamp when it is created , which enables participants to recognize the owner or initiator. Any new
digital event to be appended to the blockchain network, needs validation by consensus. The process is not
entrusted to all but certain participants (nodes) based on their identities. Identities of participants are
embodied in digital certificates that define ‘properties’(roles and responsibilities) of actors in the unit in the
[Figure 13]
While the Bahamas, Eastern Caribbean, Jamaica and Nigeria have launched retail CBDC, Senegal and
Tunisia and a host of more than 50 countries have opted to allow some forms of digital currencies to be issued
by parastatals and private companies. Meanwhile, other countries are at various stages of CBDC piloting (29
jurisdictions), with 72 central banks having expressed a positive stance about the benefits of CBDC especially
in contrast with unbacked crypto coins (December, 2019; Kiff, 2019; Auer et al. 2022; IMF, 2022).
As regards CBDC development, Bank Indonesia, in its Garuda Project report on Digital Rupiah,
emphasizes the need to design and disseminate two types of Digital Rupiah: Wholesale Rupiah and retail digital
Rupiah. Wholesale digital rupiah will be limited to interbank transactions, while retail digital Rupiah will be for
general use. The rationale for developing Digital Rupiah include efforts to accelerate digital transformation and
VII. Open banking services, financial services delivery, and financial system stability
Technically, API, serves as the technical medium and protocols that allow developers to access data and service
platforms in deploying applications that execute on a server elsewhere 46. APIs comprise code modules,
protocols and applications that facilitate data and code exchange within the organization and between one
organization and external parties. APIs can be developed in-house, purchased from external API developers
based on organizational standards and requirements, and outsourced from pre-built providers (API as
services). The first alternative is associated with the advantage of aligning API architecture with organizational
goals, context and circumstances, rather than adopting third party proprietary standards, but require adequate
internal expertise, resources, and architecture. Purchasing API developed based on order, are customizable,
easy to adopt as they are not constrained by organizational resource constraints, and being proven, validated,
documented and production-ready, they speed-up time to value through the “productizing” process by
lowering entry barriers to new business lines, markets, and new product development (Axway, 2022).
However, organizations can also use pre-built APIs that are developed by external parties and are available as
services. While pre-built APIs are generally not customizable and create external proprietary technology lock-
in problems, they reduce demand on organizational resources, technology development, and architecture. That
way, pre-built APIs provide an organization the opportunity to accelerate its digital transformation journey
despite legacy system bottlenecks and paucity of requisite expertise.
Indeed as Andreesen (2007) argues, APIs facilitate the use of code modules and applications to
enhance functionality and customization of data to align with third party developer needs, imagination and
creativity. Understandably thus, considering the prevalence of legacy systems in the banking industry,
Application programming interface (API)47 are fundamental for the sector to accelerate digital transformation
X. Acknowledgement
The process of researching and making a writeup of the has benefited from the contribution of various parties.
Specifically, however, the author would like to extend gratitude to the following researchers and practitioners,
whose incisive and constructive feedback contributed in various ways to improving the paper. The list ,while
not exhaustive, includes Miroslav Mateev , Gianluca Mattarocci, Amanda Antonely de Albuquerque Bispo,
Ting-Kun Liu, Pujiyono Suwadi, Chen Xichan , Nada Mallah Boustani, Aleksandra Nocoń, Md. Hafez, Miroslav
Mateev , Eleftheria Kostika, Nur Setyowati, Malik Cahyadin, Muhammad Fazlurrahman Syarif, Sambas Kesuma,
Andrew Tek Wei Saw, Azharsyah, Tarak Nath Sahu, Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, Mohammed Al-Awlaqi,
Vedapradha R, and Alim Syariati.
1. In this article, Big Tech refers to both global technologies companies with large market capitalization
including Apple Inc.($2.123 trillion), Microsoft Corp ($1.757 trillion), Alphabet Inc.($1.189 trillion),
Amazon ($970.07 billion), Tencent ($463.53 billion), Meta Platforms ($348 billion),and Alibaba ($304.52
billion) ; as well as domestic technology companies , which because of the leverage they have over
emerging technologies and existing large customer base, are increasingly expanding into financial service
provision (https://companiesmarketcap.com/tech/largest-tech-companies-by-market-cap/)
2. Refer to ‘a sequence of structured or semi-structured tasks performed in series or in parallel by two or
more individuals or applications to reach a common goal, hence help in determining “tasks, rules, the
people and the applications used to deliver goods, services or information to internal and external
customers of an organization”(ULTIMUS, undated).
3. The rating score is based on ESG material risk exposure an organization faces based on its operations, gives
a score of 0-10 for institutions that have material ESG risk exposure that is negligible, score of 10-20 for
medium ESG risk score, score of 20-30 for high ESG risk score and severe ESG risk exposure for institutions
that have a rating of 40 and above.
4. However, with advancements in ML models, jobs losses are no longer limited to routine tasks but also
tasks that have eluded automation so far that involve complex decision making processes due to the
multiplicity of variables and context, and dependent on a variety of structured and unstructured data,
including driving a car on a busy street (autonomous car driving is on the cusp of achieving that);
interpreting output of medical equipment on patients such CT Scans; writing resumes and newspaper
articles (chatGTP3 is nearly there)(https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/).
5. the two companies merged in 2021 to create GoTo , which today has a market capitalization of US$32
billion (Medina, April 12,2022)
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Governor Bank Indonesia regulation No. 21/ 18 /PADG/2019
List of figures
Figure 1.
10500000 2.50%
10400000 2.00%
10100000 1.00%
10000000 0.50%
9900000 0.00%
9600000 -1.00%
9500000 -1.50%
Figure 2. ROA (%) and net interest margin to Net operating margin %
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Agt
ROA Net Interest Margin Ratio (%) / Net Operation Margin Ratio (%)
Figure 4. Net profit (Billion IDR) and Net profit Growth (%)
160,000 100.0%
140,000 80.0%
100,000 20.0%
80,000 0.0%
60,000 -20.0%
20,000 -80.0%
- -100.0%
2021 2022
World Indonesia
Figure 10. Mobile account ownership by social income status and gender
Figure 11. Mobile penetration, Internet penetration, Internet penetration, and Social media usage
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Source: IMF(2022)
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