Chain of Infection
Chain of Infection
Chain of Infection
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, the students can:
• Discuss the links in the chain of infection;
• Identify how pathogens are transmitted; and
• Discuss breaking links to the chain of infection.
Chain of Infection Overview
• Pathogens are microorganisms that cause
• Bacteria
• Viruses
• Fungi
• Parasites
•Animals or insects
Human Reservoirs
In humans, there are two forms of
reservoirs: Symptomatic infection and asymptomatic
• The Portal of Exit refers to any route that the pathogen can
leave the reservoir. This depends entirely on the characteristics
of the reservoir.
• These droplets are relatively large and usually will fall from
suspension after 3-6 feet of travel.
• The droplets will rapidly fall on nearby surfaces and may remain
• Inhaling droplets
• Droplets entering the mucous membranes of the face
• A host touching droplets that have settled on surfaces and
then touching their face (mouth, eyes, nose).
• Strep Throat
• Influenza
• The common cold
• COVID-19
Mode of Transmission: Blood-Borne
•Mosquito: West Nile Virus
•Fleas: Bubonic Plague (Yersinia pestis)
•Ticks: Lyme Disease ( Borrelia burgdorferi )
Portal of Entry
Opposite the Portal of Exit is the Portal of Entry. This is any route that a
pathogen uses to enter the body (host).
Examples include:
Susceptible Host
This is the organism that will feel the effects of the infectious
disease that has traveled through the chain of infection.
Examples include:
•A patient with a bacterial infection, like strep throat, can be
treated with antibiotics to clear the infection.
•A patient who is an asymptomatic carrier may also be treated
to clear the infection and prevent spread to others.
•Cooking food to safe temperatures ensures that all bacteria
and/or spores have been killed before consumption.
Breaking the Chain: Protect Portals of
Other interventions protect portals of entry. There are many ways
that targeting the portal of entry can help to prevent the spread
of communicable disease.
Examples include:
• Wearing proper PPE when you are knowingly exposed to a
• Masks, gloves, face shields, etc.
• Practicing hand hygiene consistently.
• Handwashing and using alcohol-based hand rubs
• Isolating those who are infectious and minimizing contact
• Filtering or changing the flow of air
• Negative pressure rooms
Breaking the Chain: Increasing the Host's
• Vaccination programs help the body to create antibodies to
targeted pathogens before exposure.
• Prophylactic drug use for high-risk patients can help to mitigate the
spread of disease by preventing a pathogen from gaining ground
over the immune system.
• Herd immunity suggests that if a high
enough percentage of individuals in a
population are resistant to a pathogen, then
those few who are susceptible will be
protected by the resistant majority.