Heart and Circulation Natural Authority by Rosina Sonnenschmidt Reading Extract
Heart and Circulation Natural Authority by Rosina Sonnenschmidt Reading Extract
Heart and Circulation Natural Authority by Rosina Sonnenschmidt Reading Extract
Appendix 122
Bibliography 123
Preface to This Volume
Preface to This Volume
innermost element of the physical human be- which human beings were sacrificed by cutting
ing, it is also the innermost heart’s desire in their heart out of the body and drinking their
the spiritual sense to experience oneness in blood always showed the demise of a culture,
the world of duality and discover the natu- no matter how highly developed it was – as in
ral authority within ourselves in the process. the case of the Mayas and Incas. The opposite
However the spiritual path to this experience has also occurred in human history, such as
may be shaped culturally and individually, the when the tribal culture of the cannibals be-
goal is this self-experience and this vision of comes more developed so that they no longer
ourselves that also reveals the meaning of life consumed another person’s heart in order to
and death to us. possess his or her life force. We recognise the
spiritual form of this action in that we want
Doing, saying or feeling something with the
to win the heart of someone in the sense of
heart leads to the higher significance and
their affection.
awakens the virtue of sincerity, integrity (in-
tegrity of the heart), purity and love without So there are many nuances and levels for consid-
utilitarian thinking or calculation. The heart ering the human heart. In most cases, these de-
energy is the higher octave of the solar-plex- scribe human qualities or – when there is a lack
us energy. The latter represents interpersonal of cordiality or warm-heartedness – the deepest
contact, closeness/distance and develops with- abysses of human existence. We are rarely inter-
in us the ability to differentiate between oth- ested in the material heart within the body that
ers and ourselves. A stable solar-plexus energy is well protected in the heart sac as it rhythmi-
means a stable immune system because this cally pulsates. As long as the heartbeat is incon-
must also differentiate between self and oth- spicuous, we feel that we are capable of facing
ers and separate the two as its main task. Mat- us life’s demands. But if the heartbeat penetrates
ters of the heart penetrate more deeply into us our consciousness in form of heart irregularity
or pour out of us. They do not tolerate even or tachycardia (palpitations) or heart arrhyth-
a hint of guile and negative intention. In the mias, we are wide awake and very fearful. At the
interpersonal encounter, this involves loving same time, feeling the heart means still being
affection and deep love for each other, which alive. The healing of these symptoms leads to
also include the love for the creatures of nature the heart once again beating inconspicuously.
and the all-encompassing love. This reveals its natural authority. This can be
seen in the image of the emperor: He is the cen-
Big words, deep feelings, sublime thoughts!
tre of his kingdom. His power (heart) can be
How significant the heart is for human beings felt throughout the country (organism), at all
is expressed in the general use of language. levels of society and in all of the arts, but peo-
When another person is heartless or acts in ple rarely actually see the emperor. He does not
a heartless way, this affects us the more than find it necessary to put himself on display – the
when someone runs around like a chicken energy that he radiates suffices. This also ap-
without its head or doesn’t even have both plies to each individual human being who lives
feet on the ground. The former tribal rituals in his or her natural authority. But if an emperor
Preface to This Volume
stages himself in a pompous way, he exercises want to express. This also applies to the saying
power over his subjects through his inhumane of wanting to get to the “heart of the matter”,
behaviour. He shows his weakness, for which which always involves the existential themes of
he compensates through cruelty. The emperor life and inner values, even when this concerns
loses his contact with the ground and his human financial investments or the choice of a teacher.
existence, which ultimately means his divine Values such as integrity, honest intention and
destiny. This also applies to the emperor’s claim authenticity must pass the test. When we use
of being the representative of God on Earth and the heart instead of the mind to look at other
calling himself infallible. This conjures up all of human beings, animals, plants and situations
the human shadows and cannot be maintained in life, we always penetrate to the essence. The
because the polarity distinguishes our earthly Japanese language has its own term for this
life and we are very fallible. This is what makes perspective, which we can translate with the
us human. Anyone who raises himself or her- word “heart-mind” (kokoro). What we per-
self to the high throne of infallibility has lost ceive with the heart-mind is genuine and au-
the connection to the human realm and to the thentic. This is why the Western culture also
Earth. It is revealing that this arrogant attitude associates the heart with the conscience, in ad-
leaves a long trail of blood behind it. dition to the ability to love, empathy and heal-
Ancient Egyptians had the concept that when ing power. A lack of conscience goes hand-in-
human beings enter the bodiless world, their hand with hard-heartedness or heartlessness.
hearts are weighed in order to measure the In these cases, people have a lack of access in
quality of the consciousness with which they feeling what they say and do. A definite exam-
have lived their life. If the heart was too heavy, ple of cold-heartedness was Heinrich Himmler,
the scale arm of the scale pointed towards the who played romantic music in a string quar-
Earth. This meant that the deceased could not tet as quite a good violinist – directly after the
be incarnated before they had lightened their terrorising and torture of concentration camp
heart through good deeds in the afterworld. prisoners. The cruel aspects were split off (sy-
With a pure and a light heart, they were ready cosis!) and there were virtually two people who
to enter into the next process of becoming hu- had the same name and who crassly lived the
man. What a wonderful perspective of the in- ugliest and most beautiful aspects of life side by
carnation teaching! side. This can only happen when the heart has
turned to stone and the conscience becomes
The principle of “all or nothing” rules in the silent along with it. On the other hand, there
heart. Just like the heart cannot just beat a lit- is no stronger healing power than that of the
tle bit, this also applies in the figurative sense: heart.
People either have a heart or they do not. It
does not seem authentic if someone is just a I had a formative experience in this regard
little bit warm-hearted or just laughs a little as a child. After a serious case of diphtheria,
heartily or takes a tiny bite of an apple with too I suffered from anaemia, hypotonia and cold
little heartfelt pleasure. In relation to the heart, hands and feet. One day, a new country doctor
our language is always clear and we say what we came to our village. My parents brought me to
Preface to This Volume
him for tests because the illness had scarred to meet a famous yogi. He had heard that this
my heart and deformed the heart valves. The man was a great master and, in contrast to
profound experience was that I always imme- the ascetics, was someone who enjoyed life –
diately had warm hands and feet as soon as which was actually rather rare among yogis.
the doctor greeted me with a friendly voice. It so happened that I had to travel far beyond
When my stepfather wanted to tell him about Calcutta due to my field research and people
the cold extremities, the doctor laughed as he said that the yogi lived in a lovely ashram. So
looked at him and said: “Your daughter just the Canadian travelled with me. While I in-
needs to sing a lot – then her hands and feet quired about the address of the Theosophical
will already become warm.” Decades later, I Society, the young man asked a few people
was able to confirm this as a singer. But at that where the famous master lived. They pointed
time, the doctor’s charisma and warm-hearted in the direction of a small lake with an indefi-
voice flowed through me like a healing cur- nite gesture. It turned out that I was done with
rent. Since I excessively implored my parents my work and had time for a visit with the yogi.
about going to the “dear doctor”, he once asked So we walked along a path that led to the lake.
me at the practice why I wanted to see him We saw a completely ragged, dirty figure sit-
again and again. I told him: “You make me ting on the shore. As we came closer, the man
so wonderfully warm”, and he quietly smiled turned halfway around while still seated and
to himself in response. Yes, these are the true waved his fist wildly. I understood in Hindi
healers for whom the healing method is sec- that I was to stay back. So I sat on the ground
watched how the young man approached the
ondary. They have what we call a “big heart”,
older one. It was impossible that this person
which warmly envelops and flows through suf-
could be the yogi!
fering human beings. I have often encountered
such doctors-by-calling in my life because my After a while, the Canadian came running
eyes are not focused on the external craft that back to me with eyes wide in horror. He was
can be learned but whether someone has an frantic, green in the face and just about to
inner desire – from the heart – to work with vomit. I heard laughter coming from behind
people or other creatures. him – an extraordinarily hearty and conta-
gious laughter. The ragged man stood up and
In order to set the mood, I would like to de-
walked towards us. I perceived at that point
scribe another situation that I experienced in that he was not a beggar at all. At a distance
1972 in the countryside of India. It taught me of about three metres, he stopped. But it was
to use my heart to examine with which teach- easy to see the amused sparkling in his eyes
ers I become involved and what I allow to be- and hear his laughter.
come my heartfelt desire in spiritual matters
or life’s questions: What had happened?
The Ramakrishna Mission in Calcutta had The Canadian had asked the man on the shore
a wing for young researchers from around whether he was the Yogi G. The man turned
the world. A Canadian was with us who just halfway towards the visitor and held out
said that he had actually just come to India a half-rotten, disgustingly stinking fish head
Preface to This Volume
that he had pulled out of a dirty bucket full of do not belong to a specific philosophy of reli-
fish remains. Since the Canadian stared at the gion. They are valid for all times since they have
fish as if he was paralyzed and did not accept it been personally experienced time and again by
with thanks, the yogi ate the fish head himself human beings through the millennia and have
with loud smacking and groaning with pleas- been reflected in a seamless series of Zen mas-
ure. He laughed to himself as he did this. The ters. The Heart Sūtra3 is one of the wisdom texts
young researcher started feeling so miserable that express the intimate connection of Heaven
that he ran away. and Earth, of our true nature and human exist-
ence. It is no coincidence that the heart has the
We had the honour of speaking with the yogi
power to unify the greatest extremes and yet
and he said: “Only what you do from your heart
preserve the oneness in the multiplicity. This is
is significant and has the power to overcome
also shown in that it has been possible to allow
everything that seems important or unpleas-
ant to you – just like the miserable meal here, the material, analytical, emotional and spiritual
which is my touchstone for every student.” aspects of the topic “heart and circulation” to be
expressed in reconciliatory and peaceful har-
The young researcher realised that the instruc- mony on these pages. This is my heart’s desire
tion actually was not important enough for him as an author.
to give up all of his habits for it. This is an honest
and spiritual decision because spiritual training My perception as a homeopath and holistically
actually involves being supported by it even in thinking and acting therapist is that:
periods of boredom and frustration. Completely The most important matter of the heart should
devoting ourselves to it without any reservations be this current life that we are living at the mo-
is a decision of the heart and not the mind or the ment. But this does not appear to be obvious
intellect. Most people are familiar with this from
for most human beings. The consciousness is
their own life: Whatever we do from the heart
directed completely to the outside but – cross
has a much greater validity. This incident was
my heart – we often need an illness so that we
decisive for my own path of spiritual develop-
once again accept our life with a grateful heart!
ment because I decided that I would only have
Gratitude is a gift of the heart that makes us
the best teacher! Very soon after I returned from
happy. The deeper we go into the themes of
the first research trip, the best teacher for me
the heart, the more mindfully we will use such
and an extremely strict Zen master – Kôun-An
standard phrases as “thank you from the bot-
Dôru Chicô Rôshi (Brigitte D´Ortschy, 1921-
tom of my heart” or “heartfelt desire” or “I had
1990) – appeared in my life and helped me take
a change of heart”. The heart should always be
the path that I am still on today. Since I owe her
involved when we say or write such words and
the unclouded glance for what is genuine and
they should not just become empty phrases.
the striving for simplicity, I choose the words
for this volume that we recited at every Sesshin As a symbol, the heart affects all interpersonal
and Zazen-Kai (intensive days of inner contem-
Sūtra is a Sanskrit word and means “guide” or “didac-
tic poem” because all of the ancient Indian writings are
plation): the Heart Sūtra. Although the words composed in verse form. I translated the excerpts for
of Buddha Gautama form their heart, the sutras the chapter introductions from Sanskrit into German.
Preface to This Volume
relationships that are associated with positive Just as the heart is the highest physical and
images and feelings. This also shows its excep- psychological authority within our organism,
tional situation since no other organ or organ the Heart Sūtra may also inspire us to recog-
system has been so intensely stylised and so nise the highest authority in our consciousness
naturally integrated into our everyday life. through continuously “practising life”.
Oh Incarnated One,
The physical body is empty,
Every type of form is empty;
Appearance is no different than emptiness,
Emptiness is no different than appearance;
Whatever form is, is empty,
Whatever is empty, is form.
The same is true for feelings,
thought and volition.
2. A Holistic Perspective of Cardiovascular Diseases
2. A Holistic Perspective of Cardiovascular Diseases
sure and the related constraints, wants to step in competition with another person and feel-
out of line and becomes trapped in a continual ing inferior: “I can’t win against him/her!”
state of sympathicotonia.
Changes On and In the Small Intes-
Aorta Changes, General tine – The Heart’s Yang Partner
Conflict due to loss of territory that involves Starvation conflict. Inability to assimilate
leaving the parents or rights of inheritance something. The conflict of not profiting from
(oldest son, etc.). what we have acquired. Function of small in-
testine: This is where the nutrients reach the
Changes in the Aorta Close to the blood, which means that we now have some-
Heart and in the Frontal Brain Arteries thing from what we have eaten.
Conflict due to loss of territory topics such
as in angina pectoris and cardiac infarction. Changes in the Endocardium and
In the conflict-active phase small ulcers form Heart Valves
on the intima of the aorta. The consequence Decline in the sense of self-worth that affects
of this is the angina pectoris with pulling and the heart authority. During the conflict activ-
burning pain. This causes the bulging of the ity, the one-way valves of the heart become
vessel wall (aneurysm) as the first defect on leaky and the consequences of this are what
the aorta. The vessel wall can be subjected is called a heart valve defect. It ultimately re-
to high pressure and burst as a result. Dur- sults in cardiovascular weakness to varying de-
ing the resolution phase, the intima swells in grees. The resolution phase becomes apparent
the course of healing the syphilitic symptoms at the beginning through an inflammation of
through the sycotic symptoms. If the conflict the heart’s inner wall (endocarditis). If the self-
is not resolved at this point and rhythmical healing attempt by the organism is not under-
healing impulses do not reach the heart and stood and supported on the sycotic level here,
aorta through the blood, the danger arises of the result is thrombogenesis, embolism in the
thrombogenesis. In terms of the frontal brain
lungs and syphilitic heart valve atrophy. The
arteries, the territorial conflict must be fur-
latter can subsequently produce the genuine
ther differentiated. This usually involves an
heart valve defects that are difficult to treat.
unspoken rivalry between father and son. The
son cannot assert himself against the over- Not every defect of the heart valve is the same.
whelming power of the father (rise of pres- It is important to recognise how this symp-
sure in the brain arteries and/or swelling of tom developed and whether patients are in
the intima). the conflict-active phase or the solution phase.
From the holistic and miasmatic perspective,
Arteriosclerosis of Arteries Distant the diagnosis of endocarditis is one of the
from the Heart or Peripheral Arteries most significant signs that the organism is on
Competence conflict because someone has not the path to healing. These patients urgently
achieved self-imposed high goals. Also being need to be supported in their conflict-solution
2. A Holistic Perspective of Cardiovascular Diseases
process. It is obvious that the blood quality of repair after the conflict-caused changes in
and flow properties must be examined by now the vessels. In addition, it should also be de-
at the latest. If the blood can circulate freely termined whether:
and rhythmically, thromboses will not devel- 1. Angina pectoris has played a role in the
op. The fall into the syphilitic will therefore be medical history.
averted and atrophia of the heart valves does 2. The patient’s lifestyle has lead to waste
not occur as a result of endocarditis. products in the blood.
3. There has been a diagnosis of constricted
Cardiac Infarction in the Woman,
coronary arteries.
Arterial Stenosis, Elevated
4. A hereditary predisposition exists.
Masculine women (who do not menstruate, In any case, the conflict topics for men and
are sterilised, in menopause or take the pill) women must be precisely examined and re-
have an active feminine territorial conflict. solved. Many infarctions could be avoided if
Typical problems: sexual frustration and de- people made the effort to see them within the
pression. On the physical level, an ulceration context of the physical-psychological-men-
occurs in the intima of the coronary arteries tal conditions. The problem of increasingly
that produces an intensely pulling and chest- more women tending towards cardiac infarc-
constricting pain above the heart (angina pec- tion clearly shows a masculinisation of their
toris) in the conflict-active phase. self-image. Women are not only entering into
the masculine domains with their natural fem-
In the resolution phase, the intima ulcers swell
inine abilities (creativity, the multiplying and
(sycotic cell reproduction) and more choles-
nourishing principle, multifunctionality, etc.)
terol is deposited on the vessel walls. This leads
but are also copying masculine abilities such
in turn to a vessel narrowing of the coronar-
as a static state, perseverance, securing of the
ies (artery stenosis). If this initial biological
territory, identification with the work territory,
attempt to healing is not acknowledged, the
etc. They pay a high price for this despite all of
severe lack of blood circulation is followed
the political, economic and social successes.
by tissue death – acute cardiac infarction. This
state signifies the fall from the sycotic healing The female cardiac infarction should espe-
attempt into the syphilitic. cially remind us of something that the doctor
It is important to know that only 15% of the and numerologist Jürg Hess once expressed
cholesterol is absorbed from food and by far in these words: “We are born as originals. But
the greatest share of it is produced by the body most people die as a copy of someone else.”
itself in order to seal the cell walls. Increased
cholesterol values should therefore be evalu- Changes of the Heart’s Inner Wall
ated in a very differentiated manner. They are and the Myocardial Muscle
not the cause of a cardiac infarction; instead, Symbolic loss of the sense of self-worth, not
they are the expression of biological readiness having a good heart and hardheartedness.
3. Homeopathy and Conflict Resolution
In relation to the heart and circulation, both The long breath and a well-functioning heart
snake natures embody the even vibration and are especially necessary for them because both
all-or-nothing principle of the heart since the types of artists do the most difficult work on
primary substance of the venomous snakes is the stage, which the listeners and viewers
deadly and directly attacks the life centre. For should never notice. A physical problem that
personalities who are affected by Lachesis or can be seen especially in singers is the “ath-
Naja, it is important to keep a respectful dis- lete’s heart”. In other words, they develop an
tance so that they can assume the appropriate enlarged heart without being athletic. Even if
space. As communicative as Lachesis may be – they have very little physical movement, the
even to the point of talkativeness – they radiate performance of the breath and heart is enor-
respect and coolness. They are very selective mous. However, the positive and health-pro-
about to whom they really open their heart and moting aspects of singing also strengthen the
who they allow to approach them. Snake per- venous blood flow. In turn, this strengthens
sonalities are frequently found among singers the right heart and pulmonary circulation
or actors because the word, sound and voice through the deep breath and the distinctive
are their main means of expression. This is diaphragm rhythm. This is why singers rarely
also seen in relation to the respiratory organs. have varicose veins or the formation of varices.
3. Homeopathy and Conflict Resolution
We recognise extremes here – including ex- can tolerate major tension and need it in their
treme demands for performance – in Lache- life. They like to take on challenges. It would
sis and Naja that assume destructive traits if be completely inappropriate to curtail them in
there is no balance in life that allows the heart their will to express themselves. It is important
to come to rest. The greatest topic of the two to develop a sense for the extent to which the
snakes is finding the right balance for the mas- tension belongs to a person and to what degree
it extends beyond this and produces stress.
tering of tasks and not being continually over-
whelmed. In terms of the therapy, it should The series of the major cardiovascular rem-
not be forgotten that these are very solar per- edies must also include Latrodectus mactans,
sonalities who like to be in the limelight. They the Black Widow spider:
In terms of its nature and relationship to the stopped by anything or anyone. Their ener-
heart and blood circulation, this spider could gy flow is like a strong fast current, which
be called a high potentization of Pulsatilla, is physically expressed in the undisturbed,
even if the flower is harmless in comparison rhythmically varying blood flow in the arter-
to the aggressive venom of the spider. But ies. It is very important for these vital person-
they are similar in the unconventionality of alities that the supply of blood and nutrients
their behaviour and their harmonic order of reaches all the way to the toes and fingers of
free rhythm and improvisation, which – typi- the extremities. This only functions when the
cal of Latrodectus – they prefer to integrate capillaries are capable of opening. This is why
into their own rules and laws. Latrodectus diet is quite simply the healing remedy. Sup-
personalities have a nearly inexhaustible re- ported by the remedy Latrodectus mactans,
source of creative potential. They are equally it helps patients transport the oxygen-rich
found among researchers and artists who are blood without hindrances. The most impor-
practically obsessed with the realisation of tant theme for Latrodectus is the clarification
an idea and do not allow themselves to be of boundaries – their own boundaries and