Capacity-Building TaxComm 04232021
Capacity-Building TaxComm 04232021
Capacity-Building TaxComm 04232021
Tax Capacity Building Activities
• Activities since Committee’s 21st session (20-29 October 2020)
UN Virtual Workshop on the Handbook on Carbon Taxation
(30 Nov-1 Dec 2020)
Objective: provide practical knowledge on the potential options to
design and administer a carbon tax
Based on the approved chapters of the Handbook on Carbon Taxation
Delivered by Subcommittee members
Specialized presentations by UNEP and IMF
Six country experiences (Canada, Chile, Colombia, Sweden, Singapore and South Africa)
(i) Covid-19 brought challenges and opportunities for taxpayers and tax
administrations in developing countries.
Virtual Webinars
UN Webinar on Transfer Pricing Aspects of Financial Transactions
(March 2021)
More than 650 unique viewers on You Tube as of now;
interactive dialogue during Q&A
Highlighted key elements of financial transactions in the
UN Manual on Transfer Pricing (e.g., delineation, intra-group loans,
Credit rating, etc.) relevant for developing countries.
Presented practical examples (e.g., intra-group financial guarantees
Issue of asymmetric information between taxpayers and tax authorities
Financial transactions are very complex to analyze and to evaluate even
more for developing countries with capacity and resources constraints
Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT)
Toolkit on Transfer Pricing Documentation
Provide developing countries with a
sourcebook of guidance in in Launch webinar (17 February
implementing efficient and effective 2021)
transfer pricing documentation Attended by over 430 participants
regimes Streamed on YouTube
Outline policy choices and legislative Participants included government
options, including through sample officials, tax practitioners, civil
legislation and examples from over society, business, media and
30 countries academia
Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT)
Toolkit on Tax Treaty Negotiations
Toolkit on Tax Treaty Negotiations Objectives
Launched in March 2021 Provide practical and accessible
Available online for open access guidance before, during and after
Targeted to developing countries a tax treaty negotiation
Can be used interactively or Emphasize the desirability of
downloaded developing tax treaty policies and
treaty models for countries
Cover treaty policy, domestic
model and treaty negotiations
What’s Next on Capacity Development?
FSDO’s new initiative Tax Talks
Two initial topics: Talk on ‘The Future of Tax Incentives’ and ‘Where do LDCs stand
on the Digital Debate?”
What’s Next on Capacity Development?
UN Online Courses: Updates
Main steps:
- Diagnosis based on facts:
What’s Next on Capacity Development?
Dissemination of Committee’s Guidance (June-Dec. 2021
and beyond)
Capacity building on infrastructure asset management
• Infrastructure asset management supports DRM through:
Enhanced productive capacity of the economy
Better taxpayer compliance
Bolstered local revenue streams
(user fees, tax increments; property taxes)
Strengthened collateral/creditworthiness of
asset owners (e.g., national and local governments)
• In 2020, workshops on COVID-19 responsive
asset management (special focus on health facilities;
shelter; water and sanitation systems)
• Q1-Q2 2021:
• Publication Managing Infrastructure Assets for Sustainable Development:
A Handbook for Local and National Governments – a comprehensive toolkit
of practical, farsighted guidance *Available in Spanish and French, with more translations to come
• ‘Online Solutions Dialogues’ offered certifiable training to officials from the
Africa, Asia-Pacific and LAC regions covering the themes of asset management
basics, data and crisis resilience
• Upcoming: asset management Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and more
capacity development activities, including workshops for Ministries of Finance and
Local Government and continued field support on implementation of tools/AMAPs
Thank you