Chapter 1-3
Chapter 1-3
Chapter 1-3
learning with real-life scenarios and cultural relevance, have been shown to
can bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical language use,
learning experiences (DepEd Order No. 31, series of 2012). Moreover, the
Filipino language and national culture while preserving the rich heritage of the
reflect the
unique cultural identity of the Philippines, this study aligns with the
materials fail to fully integrate digital tools and resources (Chen, 2021).
Additionally, there is a need for more culturally relevant content that reflects the
diverse experiences of learners from different backgrounds (Lee, 2022). This gap
2019). Contextualized materials can bridge this gap by providing opportunities for
there is a need for more research on the specific cultural and linguistic contexts
of Filipino learners (Labiste, 2019). This gap highlights the opportunity to develop
instructional materials that are deeply rooted in Filipino culture and history,
materials that specifically address the needs and interests of students in the
region. This gap can lead to a disconnect between classroom learning and the
This study bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical
tangible resource that will help educators implement in innovative and culturally
tool for educators to enhance student learning outcomes and foster a deeper
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
between individuals and their environment. A key concept in this theory is the
learner’s current abilities and their potential with appropriate guidance. The
relevance of this theory to the study lies in its focus on culturally relevant and
environments that respect cultural diversity. Qassab (2021) further confirmed that
educational resources.
resonating with the ZPD concept by providing students with resources that are
not only relevant but also tailored to their cultural background. By grounding the
create effective learning tools that promote language acquisition while honoring
Evaluation. In the Analysis phase, the available resources in the school are
identified. This information informs the Design phase, where the instructional
these materials with Grade 2 students to assess their effectiveness and collect
feedback. Finally, in the Evaluation phase, the materials are subjected to expert
validation, and revisions are made based on the feedback to ensure their
English 2.
English 2 in school?
2. After the pre-test, what are the least learned competencies of the students?
4.1 contents;
4.2 formats;
4.3 illustrations;
school level?
Significance of the Study
this study:
that align with the K to 12 curriculum, enhancing its effectiveness and relevance.
Definition of Terms
The following terms below are defined operationally, meaning they are
culture, and student experiences, making the learning process more meaningful
learners, ensuring that they are culturally relevant, effective, and engaging for
teaching vocabulary.
language mastery.
Validation. In the context of this study, this term means to the process of
knowledge, identify gaps, and demonstrate how this research builds upon
this lens, we will explore effective and practical strategies that educators can
call for increased understanding between cultures has never been louder or more
approaches to respond to this call, carefully crafted for the young learner English
learning and test their knowledge, and class-wide discussions allow instructors to
assess students’ comprehension. In both instances, classes shift to more
techniques for preparing students for such participation, and for making the most
The aim of the lesson plan is to provide a sample that will help ELT
classroom teaching with technology and online materials, so this lesson will
provide you with the basics of technology usage in English language classroom
(Jamshed, 2020). In this interactive webinar, the authors of the 6 Principles for
Development explore ways that the 6 principles can guide effective instruction
when working with adult English learners. They also explore how to apply
ways to collaborate with colleagues around the 6 principles (Hellman et. al,
Explore iCivics games and intentional scaffolds for students navigating the
complex academic vocabulary of social studies & civics. Whether you have a
classroom full of language learners or just one, it's a "can't miss" professional
content more accessible to all learners (Chapron, 2020). The Joy of Knowing
How to Learn focuses on vocabulary in the second of the language skills series
and continues to reinforce multi-sensory training as key to mastering basic
words, pivotal to advancing in reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The
for a wide range of students, including special needs students, English language
learners, homeschoolers and any others who benefit from direct vocabulary
application of IDLE. Designed for teachers and future teachers preparing to teach
With some creativity and care, teachers can find ways to bring these experiences
with English into the classroom, ultimately improving student learning outcomes
English proficiency (Lim, 2021). The Universal Design for Learning framework
provides rich supports for learning and reduces curriculum barriers to foster
access to the curriculum while maintaining high achievement standards for all
students. This study examines the extent to which implementation of the
the flagship journal of psychology in the Philippines, and its principal aim is to
Filipino people (“Philippine Journal”, 2024). The journal gives special attention to
articles prepared by the faculty members and staff, as well as students of the
university (“QSU Research Journal”, 2022). This also covers multidisciplinary and
that provides a platform for global researchers to publish their research findings
for advocacy and utilization (“Middle Eastern Journal”, 2020).It is an avenue for
students and faculty to publish materials out of their search of information to help
not only senior students and faculty themselves, but also for other students and
other faculty to learn from it, and be encouraged to write in order to express their
sciences and their allied disciplines. Articles that aim to synthesize normative
In this study of Eddy (2022), it was found that particular material designs
tasks. Building on this, Wang et. al (2024) demonstrated that VR technology can
and practical learning skills while identifying limitations for future research.
findings of Jie et al. (2024), who recommended the use of social media to
among Chinese non-English majors. Lee (2024) noted that participation in global
Lin (2024) called for further research into the scalability of the CSL Reading
domains, supporting the notion that effective instructional materials are crucial for
In the study, conducted of Navarro (2024), demonstrated that using a
Pineda et al. (2023) found that contextualized vocabulary learning materials for
with these findings, Mokalid (2024) found that integrating a contextualized Afro-
role in making content more relevant to students. Bacalla (2024) also highlighted
and usage.
instruction. They emphasize that such materials not only improve students'
vocabulary skills but also support overall comprehension and engagement. The
Research Design
This design is appropriate as it not only provides a clear picture of the current
state but also facilitates the development of effective instructional tools, ensuring
Research Locale
City. The school is unique due to its strategic location within a diverse and
that integrates both elementary and secondary levels, which allows for a
locale was chosen because it represents a typical public school setting in Butuan
teaching strategies makes it a suitable site for implementing and evaluating the
Kananga Integrated School in Butuan City. The total number of respondents will
sampling bias and provides a full picture of the intervention's impact on the entire
student group, ensuring that the findings are applicable to the whole population
of interest. The inclusion criteria for this study will focus on Grade 2 students
participation, students must be officially registered in the Grade 2 program for the
Research Instruments
The primary instrument for this study will be a pre-test validating tool
School to ensure cultural relevance, and the research team, comprised of BEED
reliability and validity, test items will be carefully selected or created, and
adjustments will be made to the difficulty level as needed. Clear scoring criteria
points for fill-in-the-blank items. Prior to full implementation, the pre-test will
potential issues and facilitate necessary revisions. It is anticipated that the pre-
test validating tool will be ready for use by the academic year corresponding to
the completion of the study, enabling accurate assessment of the impact of
The data gathering procedure for this study will involve several key steps.
First, the researcher will submit a formal letter of intent to the dean of the college,
who will then provide an endorsement letter addressed to the principal of Villa
utilize the school's facilities. This letter will outline the study's objectives,
methods, anticipated benefits for the school and its students, and the
Once permission is granted, the researcher will seek ethical approval from the
both the students and their parents or guardians. The consent form will clearly
explain the purpose of the study, potential risks and benefits, and participants'
right to withdraw at any time without penalty. The pre-test will then be
participant anonymity throughout the process. The collected data will be cleaned
and coded to prepare it for analysis, with checks for missing data,
inconsistencies, and errors. Descriptive statistics will summarize the
instructional materials and their impact on vocabulary acquisition. The data will
study's objectives, with findings discussed in relation to existing literature and the
theoretical framework. Finally, the results will be presented in a clear and concise
Ethical Considerations
with all data collected from Grade 2 students treated strictly confidentially.
Identifying information will not be linked to survey responses, and participants will
Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173), informed consent will be obtained
from both students and their parents or guardians, clearly outlining the study's
purpose and data usage. Data will be securely stored, either physically or
study aims to protect participants' rights while providing valuable insights into the