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UIC 513 and 518 Standards For Rail Passenger Comfort

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For rail passenger ride comfort, standards such as UIC (International

Union of Railways), EN (European Norms), ISO (International Organization

for Standardization), and GB (Chinese National Standards) cover various
parameters, including vibration, noise, temperature, and acceleration.
Here’s a breakdown:

1. UIC Standards:

o UIC 513: Defines methods to evaluate ride comfort, with a

focus on vibration levels for passengers. It provides a ride
comfort index based on vertical and lateral accelerations.

o UIC 518: Sets parameters for running behavior and stability of

railway vehicles, impacting ride comfort by limiting the
permissible levels of acceleration and jerk.

2. EN Standards:

o EN 12299: This European standard provides guidelines for

evaluating passenger comfort by measuring lateral, vertical,
and longitudinal accelerations in trains. It uses a "Comfort
Index" based on accelerations to determine ride quality.

o EN 13129: Focuses on climate control, including temperature

and humidity, which affect comfort levels for passengers in
rolling stock.

3. ISO Standards:
o ISO 2631: A critical standard that assesses human exposure to
whole-body vibration. It’s widely used in rail, measuring ride
comfort in terms of vertical, lateral, and longitudinal

o ISO 3381: Specifically addresses noise within rail passenger

vehicles, setting acceptable noise levels to reduce discomfort
and fatigue.

4. GB Standards (China):

o GB/T 5599: Provides specifications for passenger train

interior environmental conditions, including temperature,
noise, and air quality.

o GB/T 28046: Establishes ride comfort measurement

standards for railways, aligning with international norms on
vibration and acceleration.

These standards typically aim to ensure a safe and comfortable

environment for passengers by limiting accelerations, noise, and
vibrations that can cause discomfort.
UIC 513 and UIC 518 Standards for Rail Passenger Comfort
Both UIC 513 and UIC 518 are essential standards for assessing ride comfort and running
behavior in rail vehicles, focusing primarily on vibration and acceleration criteria that
directly affect passenger comfort.

UIC 513 - Passenger Comfort (Ride Quality)

UIC 513 defines criteria for ride comfort by measuring and evaluating the vibrations
experienced by passengers in different directions (vertical, lateral, and longitudinal). It
includes a Ride Comfort Index (N) based on acceleration measurements.

Key Criteria and Parameters in UIC 513

1. Ride Comfort Index (N):
- N is calculated based on the RMS (Root Mean Square) values of acceleration in each
direction, reflecting the discomfort caused by vibrations.
- Thresholds:
- Good Ride Comfort: N < 2.5
- Acceptable Ride Comfort: 2.5 ≤ N < 4
- Poor Ride Comfort: N ≥ 4

2. Measuring Directions:
- Vertical Acceleration (z-axis): Impacts comfort as vibrations in the vertical plane are
typically more noticeable.
- Lateral Acceleration (y-axis): Side-to-side vibrations can cause discomfort, especially at
higher speeds.
- Longitudinal Acceleration (x-axis): Acceleration and deceleration are less impactful but
considered in high-speed rail systems.

3. Measurement Method:
- Place accelerometers at seat level (preferably at the center of the vehicle or multiple
points to average data) and measure accelerations in the x, y, and z directions.
- Measure continuously over various segments of the route to capture accurate averages
and extremes.

4. Formula for the Ride Comfort Index (N):

- For each direction, calculate the RMS value of the measured accelerations using the
a_RMS = √(1/T ∫₀ᵀ a(t)² dt)
where T is the time duration and a(t) is the instantaneous acceleration.
- The combined Ride Comfort Index (N) is then calculated as:
N = √(k_x a_x,RMS² + k_y a_y,RMS² + k_z a_z,RMS²)
where k_x, k_y, and k_z are weight factors for each direction, typically standardized.

UIC 518 - Running Behavior and Stability

UIC 518 primarily focuses on the running dynamics and safety limits, ensuring the stability
and comfort of the ride through limits on lateral acceleration and jerk.
Key Criteria and Parameters in UIC 518
1. Lateral Acceleration (ay):
- Limits lateral acceleration to reduce the likelihood of derailment and improve ride
- Standard thresholds for lateral acceleration generally suggest keeping values below 1
m/s² for acceptable comfort and safety levels.

2. Lateral Jerk (Rate of Change of Lateral Acceleration):

- Jerk is a measure of how quickly acceleration changes, which can cause discomfort.
- Jerk thresholds vary depending on vehicle type and speed but typically stay below 0.3–
0.4 m/s³.

3. Measurement Method:
- Measure lateral acceleration at the car body and bogie level using accelerometers.
- Data is collected continuously over a section of track with a consistent speed and
analyzed for peaks and averages.

4. Formulas for Key Parameters:

- Lateral Acceleration (ay): Directly measured via accelerometers placed at key points on
the vehicle.
- Lateral Jerk (Jy): Calculated as:
Jy = da_y/dt
where a_y is the lateral acceleration, and t is time.
- Derailment Coefficient: UIC 518 also includes a criterion called the Nadal criterion, which
relates to the safety against derailment due to lateral and vertical forces. For safety:
Y/Q ≤ Threshold
where Y is the lateral force and Q is the vertical force, with a typical threshold of around
0.8 for standard operations.

- UIC 513 focuses on passenger comfort using the Ride Comfort Index (N), which is derived
from RMS accelerations in vertical, lateral, and longitudinal directions.
- UIC 518 ensures stability and safe running behavior by setting limits on lateral
acceleration, jerk, and derailment coefficients.

By adhering to these standards, rail vehicles can ensure passenger comfort and safety while
maintaining high operational standards.

EN 12299 and EN 13129 Standards for Rail Passenger Comfort

EN 12299 and EN 13129 are European Norms focusing on ensuring passenger comfort in
rail vehicles. These standards outline essential criteria, measurement methods, and
formulas to evaluate ride quality, environmental conditions, and system performance,
helping maintain a high level of comfort and safety for passengers.

EN 12299 - Passenger Comfort Evaluation for Rolling Stock

EN 12299 provides guidelines for assessing passenger comfort in rail vehicles by measuring
accelerations and vibrations experienced during travel. It includes criteria for ride quality
across vertical, lateral, and longitudinal accelerations, frequency sensitivity, and overall
Comfort Index.

Key Criteria and Parameters

1. Acceleration Measurements:
- Vertical Acceleration (z-axis): Up-and-down movements.
- Lateral Acceleration (y-axis): Side-to-side movements.
- Longitudinal Acceleration (x-axis): Forward and backward movements.

2. Comfort Index (CI):

- A composite index reflecting overall ride comfort.

3. Frequency Range:
- Focus on human sensitivity range (0.5 Hz to 20 Hz).

4. Threshold Limits:
- Defines acceptable limits for accelerations.

Measurement Methods
1. Sensor Placement:
- Accelerometers at seat level in the passenger compartment to capture acceleration data.

2. Data Acquisition:
- Continuous data recording during acceleration, cruising, and deceleration phases.

3. Data Analysis:
- Root Mean Square (RMS) calculations for each axis and frequency analysis.

1. RMS Acceleration:
- a_RMS = √(1/T ∫₀ᵀ a(t)² dt)

2. Comfort Index (CI):

- CI = √(a_x,RMS² + a_y,RMS² + a_z,RMS²)

3. Frequency Weighting:
- a_weighted = a_RMS × W(f)
Thresholds for CI:
- Good Comfort: CI < 0.5 m/s²
- Acceptable Comfort: 0.5 m/s² ≤ CI < 1.0 m/s²
- Poor Comfort: CI ≥ 1.0 m/s²

EN 13129 - Climate Control and Environmental Conditions in Passenger Rail

EN 13129 focuses on environmental comfort in passenger rail vehicles, including
temperature, humidity, and air quality management to ensure a comfortable journey for

Key Criteria and Parameters

1. Temperature Control:
- Ensures ambient and surface temperatures within comfort ranges.

2. Humidity Control:
- Relative humidity levels that prevent discomfort.

3. Air Quality:
- Ventilation rates and pollutant limits.

4. Thermal Comfort:
- Balance of temperature, humidity, and airflow for thermal comfort.

Measurement Methods
1. Temperature and Humidity Sensors:
- Installed in passenger compartments.

2. Air Quality Monitoring:

- CO₂, VOC, and particulate matter sensors.

3. Ventilation System Performance:

- Checks airflow rates and distribution.

1. Thermal Comfort Index (TCI):
- TCI = 0.5 × (T_a + T_s) + 0.1 × RH - 0.2 × V

2. Ventilation Rate:
- V̇ = Q / V_c

3. CO₂ Concentration:
- C_CO₂ = C_in + (N × S / V̇ )
Thresholds for Environmental Parameters
1. Temperature:
- Comfort Range: 20°C to 24°C

2. Relative Humidity:
- Comfort Range: 30% to 60%

3. CO₂ Levels:
- Acceptable Limit: < 1000 ppm

4. VOC Concentration:
- Maximum Allowable: < 500 μg/m³

5. Particulate Matter (PM2.5):

- Daily Average: < 25 μg/m³

- EN 12299 quantifies ride comfort using the Comfort Index (CI), based on accelerations.
- EN 13129 addresses environmental comfort by managing temperature, humidity, and air
quality within defined thresholds to enhance passenger satisfaction.

GB/T 5599 and GB/T 28046 Standards for Rail Passenger Comfort
GB/T 5599 and GB/T 28046 are Chinese national standards that focus on ensuring
passenger comfort in rail vehicles. These standards provide criteria, measurement methods,
and formulas to evaluate ride comfort, environmental conditions, and system performance
to maintain a high level of comfort and safety for passengers.

GB/T 5599 - Ride Comfort Evaluation for Rail Vehicles

GB/T 5599 focuses on the ride comfort of rail vehicles, evaluating comfort based on
accelerations and vibrations experienced by passengers during travel. This standard is
similar to the EN 12299 standard.

Key Criteria and Parameters

1. Acceleration Measurement:
- Evaluates vertical, lateral, and longitudinal movements (z, y, x-axes) for comfort

2. Comfort Index (CI):

- Indicates overall ride comfort based on acceleration measurements.

3. Frequency Range:
- Considers frequencies from 0.5 Hz to 80 Hz, focusing on human sensitivity to vibrations.

4. Threshold Levels:
- Sets acceptable limits for acceleration in each axis.

Measurement Methods
1. Sensor Placement:
- Sensors are positioned at seat and floor levels in passenger compartments to record real-
time accelerations.

2. Data Recording:
- Continuous data acquisition during acceleration, deceleration, and steady-state speed

3. Data Processing:
- Uses RMS (Root Mean Square) values for acceleration data in each axis.

1. RMS Acceleration (a_RMS):
- a_RMS = √(1/T ∫₀ᵀ a(t)² dt)

2. Comfort Index (CI):

- CI = √(a_x,RMS² + a_y,RMS² + a_z,RMS²)

3. Frequency Weighting:
- a_weighted = a_RMS × W(f)
Thresholds for CI:
- Good Comfort: CI < 0.5 m/s²
- Acceptable Comfort: 0.5 m/s² ≤ CI < 1.0 m/s²
- Poor Comfort: CI ≥ 1.0 m/s²

GB/T 28046 - Environmental Conditions in Vehicle Passenger Compartments

GB/T 28046 focuses on climate control, air quality, and passenger comfort in the passenger
compartments of rail vehicles, similar to the EN 13129 standard.

Key Criteria and Parameters

1. Temperature Control:
- Maintains ambient and surface temperatures within a defined comfort range.

2. Humidity Control:
- Defines acceptable relative humidity levels to prevent passenger discomfort.

3. Air Quality:
- Regulates ventilation rates and pollutant levels, including CO₂ and VOC concentrations.

4. Thermal Comfort Index:

- Combines temperature, humidity, and air movement factors to assess overall thermal

Measurement Methods
1. Temperature and Humidity Sensors:
- Sensors are installed in passenger compartments to monitor temperature and humidity

2. Air Quality Monitors:

- Measures pollutants like CO₂ and VOC concentrations.

3. Ventilation System Testing:

- Assesses airflow rates and distribution to ensure adequate ventilation.

1. Thermal Comfort Index (TCI):
- TCI = 0.5 × (T_a + T_s) + 0.1 × RH - 0.2 × V

2. Ventilation Rate (V̇ ):

- V̇ = Q / V_c

3. CO₂ Concentration:
- C_CO₂ = C_in + (N × S / V̇ )
Thresholds for Environmental Parameters
1. Temperature:
- Comfort Range: 20°C to 24°C

2. Relative Humidity:
- Comfort Range: 30% to 60%

3. CO₂ Levels:
- Acceptable Limit: < 1000 ppm

4. VOC Concentration:
- Maximum Allowable: < 500 μg/m³

5. Particulate Matter (PM2.5):

- Daily Average: < 25 μg/m³

- GB/T 5599 assesses ride comfort using the Comfort Index (CI) derived from acceleration
- GB/T 28046 focuses on environmental comfort by managing temperature, humidity, and
air quality to ensure a comfortable environment for passengers in rail vehicles.

GB/T 5599 - Ride Comfort Evaluation Criteria

1. Acceleration Thresholds:

o Sets acceptable acceleration limits for each axis (vertical, lateral, and
longitudinal) to gauge comfort levels.

o Reference levels are set for the Comfort Index (CI) with graded thresholds
for good, acceptable, and poor comfort levels, helping to quantify ride

2. Comfort Index (CI):

o Calculated from the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of acceleration.

o The standard provides recommended threshold values for different comfort


o For instance, thresholds like CI < 0.5 m/s² indicate high comfort, while
higher values reflect reduced comfort.
3. Frequency Weighting:

o Criteria include the use of frequency-weighting factors, which are referenced

to account for how human sensitivity varies across different frequencies,
especially in the 0.5–80 Hz range.

4. Reference to Standards:

o References international and national standards, such as ISO 2631 for

mechanical vibration evaluation, to align comfort criteria with global

GB/T 28046 - Environmental Conditions Evaluation Criteria

1. Thermal Comfort:

o Specifies temperature and humidity ranges to ensure thermal comfort.

o Typical comfort ranges are 20°C to 24°C for temperature and 30% to 60%
for humidity, mirroring international standards.

2. Air Quality Standards:

o Establishes limits for CO₂ concentration (usually under 1000 ppm) and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to maintain air quality.

o References indoor air quality standards to set maximum allowable levels for
pollutants like PM2.5.

3. Ventilation and Airflow:

o Ventilation rate calculations ensure sufficient air exchange to prevent the

buildup of CO₂ and maintain air freshness.

o Reference rates are drawn from standards to match recommended

ventilation levels for confined spaces in transportation.
ISO Standards ISO 2631 and ISO 3381 for Vibration Exposure and Ride
Comfort Evaluation
The ISO standards ISO 2631 and ISO 3381 are crucial for evaluating vibration exposure and
ride comfort, particularly in the context of transportation. They guide the design and
assessment of vehicles to ensure that vibration levels do not cause undue discomfort or
health risks for passengers or operators.

ISO 2631 - Mechanical Vibration and Shock: Evaluation of Human Exposure to

Whole-Body Vibration
ISO 2631 focuses on the broader issue of whole-body vibration exposure, not just in
railways but across all modes of transportation (cars, planes, etc.). It is particularly
concerned with how vibration affects human health and comfort.

Key Aspects of ISO 2631:

1. Frequency Weighting: The human body responds differently to vibrations at different
frequencies, and the standard uses specific frequency weightings to account for this
variation. This helps ensure that vibration measurements are more accurately aligned with
human sensitivity.

2. Root Mean Square (RMS) and Vibration Dose Value (VDV):

- The RMS acceleration is the primary measure of vibration intensity, and it is used to
assess short-term vibration exposure.
- VDV accounts for both the intensity and duration of vibration, offering a measure that
considers prolonged exposure. It is particularly useful for evaluating long-term discomfort
or health risks.

3. Comfort and Health Thresholds:

- Comfort: Typically, an RMS acceleration of less than 0.315 m/s² is considered acceptable
for comfort.
- Health risk: Prolonged exposure to vibrations above 0.63 m/s² RMS may lead to
discomfort, and sustained exposure beyond 9 m/s^1.75 VDV is considered to carry
significant health risks.

4. Exposure Limits:
- For short-term exposure, a 0.315 m/s² RMS is generally considered comfortable.
- Prolonged exposure, especially with RMS values above 0.63 m/s², could lead to
discomfort and potential health risks.

Accelerometers are used to measure vibration in all three axes of movement
(forward/backward, side-to-side, up/down). The data are processed to calculate RMS
acceleration and VDV using software that applies frequency weightings according to the
ISO 3381 - Railway Applications: Measurement of Ride Comfort in Railway
ISO 3381, specifically focused on railway vehicles, assesses the ride comfort by measuring
vibrations and accelerations in vertical and lateral directions, which have a direct impact on
passenger comfort.

Key Aspects of ISO 3381:

1. Acceleration Levels:
- The standard sets limits on vertical and lateral accelerations, as vertical accelerations are
the most significant for passenger comfort.
- For long trips, a 0.1 m/s² RMS acceleration in the vertical direction is considered
acceptable, while values above 0.3 m/s² RMS are deemed uncomfortable.

2. Frequency Range:
- The relevant frequency range for human comfort in trains is from 0.5 Hz to 80 Hz, as this
is where vibrations have the greatest effect on passengers.

3. Passenger Perception:
- Although ISO 3381 provides objective acceleration thresholds, it also accounts for
subjective measures of comfort based on passenger experiences.

Accelerometers are placed on train seats or other parts of the vehicle to measure vibrations
in the vertical and lateral directions. Data are logged over a route and analyzed to determine
whether vibration levels meet the comfort thresholds.

Comparison of Key Thresholds:

Standard Comfort Threshold Unacceptable Threshold
ISO 2631 RMS < 0.315 m/s² (comfort) RMS ≥ 0.63 m/s²
ISO 3381 Vertical RMS < 0.1 m/s² Vertical RMS ≥ 0.3 m/s²
(long trips) (discomfort)

Formulas for Ride Comfort Evaluation:

1. RMS Acceleration: The RMS acceleration is calculated to measure vibration intensity:

a_RMS = √(1/T ∫_0^T a(t)^2 dt)

- a(t) is the instantaneous acceleration.
- T is the time duration of the measurement.

2. Vibration Dose Value (VDV): The VDV considers both intensity and duration:

VDV = (∫_0^T a(t)^4 dt)^(1/4)

where a(t) is the acceleration and T is the exposure time.

- ISO 2631 provides a comprehensive framework for assessing whole-body vibration
exposure across all transportation modes. It emphasizes the importance of both short-term
comfort (RMS acceleration) and long-term health risks (VDV).
- ISO 3381 focuses on railway ride comfort, particularly with respect to vertical
accelerations, which are the most influential on passenger comfort in trains.

Both standards play a vital role in ensuring that vehicles are designed to minimize
uncomfortable and potentially harmful vibrations, thereby improving passenger safety,
comfort, and well-being.

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