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Bear Grylls Survival Skills - Shelter Building - Bear Grylls - Bear Grylls Survival Skills, London, 2017 - Bear Grylls Publishing

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7 Bear

% Bear

This survival skills handbook was specially

created to help young adventurers just like you
to stay safe in the wild. Spending the night in the
wild can be a great experience, and a good shelter
can mean the difference between life and death.
This book will show you the best places to build
a shelter, how to build a shelter with materials
you’ve found in the wild, and, most
importantly, how to stay alive in ppel/
the most extreme conditions.
% Bear


Why we need shelter 4 Sheltering in trees 30

Useful tools Tepee tents 32

and materials 6
Building a
Tents 10 _~—S_ fire reflector 35

Choosing a place to Survival stories 36

build a shelter 14
Sleeping comfortably
Basic shelters 18 and staying warm 40

Hot climates 24 Sleeping without

any shelter 42
Cold climates 26
| Safety AA
Wet climates 28
Food, water, and shelter are the three most basic things needed to
stay alive. A good shelter will help to protect you from harm, and
can make you feel better in a difficult situation. It can give a sense
of security and belonging, as well as keeping you warm, dry, and
safe from predators.

Factors to consider
Before building a shelter, it is
important to consider its purpose.

How many people need to get into
the shelter? Do you need space to
store equipment? Small shelters are
usually quicker and easier to build,
but may not be fit for purpose if there
are a lot of you, or if you are planning
to use it for more than a night or two.

What do you need

protecting from?
Consider what dangers are
present in the environment
around you. Are there wild
animals in the area? What
are the weather conditions
like? This will determine how
sturdy the shelter will need
to be, and what materials you
should use.
How long can you spend building it?
It’s usually much easier — and safer — to
build your shelter during the day, when there
is plenty of light and fewer predators. How
many hours of daylight do you have left?

How long will it be needed?

An hour? A night? A week? This
will determine whether you need a
simple shelter to protect you from
a short downpour, or a sturdier
shelter that will last for a long time.

Is it in a good place? Do you want to be
hidden or easily found? If you are staying
in the shelter for longer than a day, you
will need access to food and water. Is the
shelter near a source of water?
A variety of tools and materials can be used to build a shelter.
If you know you will be building a shelter before you start a trip,
you should take some or all of this equipment with you. If you are
caught short, you will need to work with what you have with you,
or can find in the wild.

If you are planning to build a
shelter in the wild, it is a good
idea to take these vital tools with
you. Be very careful, as sharp
tools in careless hands can be
very dangerous. If possible, ask an
adult to use them for you.

A Bear.

bivouac (p.12)

Camping equipment
Taking some or all of this equipment
with you when you spend a night in
the wild will make your time much
more comfortable and enjoyable.

— sleeping ba
ee Oe

tarpaulin ice pac

lighter fluid
picnic table food cooler

tongs for ,
charcoal Y

sleeping mat EE
gas or
charcoal or barbecue
More useful tools and materials
Shelters can be built from any number of different materials
— from specialist equipment, to items you may have with you,
and materials you can find in the wild.

You can buy strong, lightweight
rope from camping shops, but ina
push you could use string, or even
parachute cord.

Wooden poles
If you don’t have tent poles with
you, look for straight, thick sticks
or branches instead.

These are incredibly handy,
particularly in wet climates. They
can be used to keep rain off you,
your equipment, and your campfire.

Shovels can be used to dig fire
pits, sleeping trenches, and
even toilets! \

Army poncho
This lightweight item is one of the most useful
pieces of kit you can bring. You can wear it over
your clothes and bag to keep dry, and it can be
quickly turned into a waterproof shelter with
very little other equipment (p18).
AK Grylls

First aid kit

You should always bring a first
aid kit with you on any adventure,
even a short hike.

Mobile phone
Assuming you have signal,
a mobile phone (and
portable power bank) can
be a life saver if you need to
call for help.

Sleeping bag
Nowadays, sleeping bags
are very lightweight and
easy to Carry.
It is often safer to sleep off
the ground, particularly in
wet conditions, or if there
are dangerous animals like
snakes or scorpions around.

Keep your matches ina
waterproof bag — they will be
no use if they get wet!
If you know you will need shelter and can carry it, the most
sensible option is to bring a tent with you, or arrange to use one
that is already at your destination.

It’s worth checking to see if there
is a campsite in the area you are
planning to spend the night. These
are usually quite cheap to use, and
will save you carrying heavy camping
equipment with you.

Carrying your own tent

In the old days, tents included
a heavy piece of tarpaulin
and several large, wooden
poles. Nowadays, you can get
lightweight tents that will fit
easily in your rucksack.
AK Bear

If you are planning an adventure where
you will be cycling, you can use a special
bike trailer to transport your camping
equipment. You may find this easier, as
you won't need to carry a heavy rucksack.

Bivvy bag (bivouac)
Sometimes a bivvy bag can be
a good option. A bivvy bag is
essentially just a waterproof bag
that is big enough for you, your
sleeping bag, and sleeping mat.
They are extremely small and
light to carry, but the protection
they give is minimal.

Bivvy shelter
Remember that a layer
A bivvy shelter has a little bit more underneath is worth two on top
structure than a bivvy bag, but not as - natural insulation to lie on is
much as a tent. It is stilla very snug fit, critical to conserve heat.
but is an excellent emergency option, and
can make a huge difference in cold or wet
conditions. Bivvy shelters are very light
and pack up very small.

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A Bear

Things to consider when choosing a tent

how long does it take to put what will the weather

how will you carry it?
up and take down? conditions be like?

how many people need does it need to have space what sort of terrain will
to fit in the tent? for equipment? it be used on?
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The ideal location of a shelter is often not properly thought out.

People can be very keen to gather materials before checking the
area is safe and convenient. Making a rushed decision ultimately
means that your shelter might need to be moved or rebuilt.
Take time to look around the available area, and remember that
conditions can change. The situation will be different depending
upon whether you are in a survival situation or just camping out
for the night.

Place your shelter
near to water, but not
so close that you risk
getting swept away.

Make sure you choose a
location that is safe from
predators and poisonous or
prickly plants.
AK Bear

Make use of natural features
of the landscape as much
as possible - you might save
valuable time and energy.

Wind direction
If you are in a hot climate, you might want the
prevailing wind to come into the mounth of the
shelter. If not, it is best to position the shelter to
protect you from the wind.

Natural shelters
Sheltering in a cave or
cluster of trees can save
you time and energy, but only
if itis safe to do so.

You don’t want to carry
anything further than
needed, so build your shelter
close to building materials.

Large trees can provide
good shelter, but be care
— a hanging dead branct
called a “widow maker” |
a reason. Sleeping onar
can also be uncomfortak
so check the area before
set up camp.

widow maker

Keep fire ina safe place
where it won't get out of
control. Avoid building a
fire under trees, as you
could set fire to the roots
or overhanging branches.

Large rocks, or boulders
work well as a natural
A Bear

Animal pathways
Keep an eye out for animal pathways.
Lots of animals are nocturnal. You may

find yourself sleeping in the equivalent
of the forest’s motorway if you’re not
The location of your shelter can
mean the difference between
life and death, so take time to
think about it.

A gully or a ditch should be avoided —
it may turn into a river if it rains.
There are almost endless ways to build a shelter. The best
shelters are adapted to suit the conditions, but here are some
ideas to start you off. It’s worth experimenting and practising
shelter building when you aren't in an emergency situation.

practise shelter
building at home

Poncho shelters poncho shelter

A poncho is a very useful piece
of survival equipment. It is
basically a large waterproof sheet
with a hole in the middle and an
attached hood. You can wear it,
wrap things in it, or make it into a
shelter. It is useful if you choose
a good quality material to avoid
leaks and tears. Grommeted
corners (with a hole in them) are
also helpful when attaching it to
your structure.
* Bear

Basic lean-to shelter

{. Choose a location.

2. Stretch the poncho out to measure the
area of ground to clear.
3. Move the poncho away and clear the
If you are using your poncho to
area of debris.
build a shelter, you will probably
4. Attach a strong string or rope between
need to tie the hood to close
two vertical posts or trees about 60 cm
the hole up.
off the ground (this will depend on the
size of the person).
5. Attach one of the longer sides of the
poncho to the rope — tie with string
using the grommets to help.
6. Attach the other long side of the
poncho to the ground. Secure using
a tent peg or stake through the
grommets, keeping it taught and
closing the hood if necessary.

attach a strong string between

two vertical posts or trees

basic lean-to shelter

One-person shelter
1. Tie one end of a long pole to a tree around waist height.
2. Lay two heavy, slightly shorter poles on the ground, facing the same direction
as the first pole.
3. Hang a sheet over the top pole so there is the same amount of fabric hanging
over each side.
4. Tuck the sides of the sheet under the bottom poles and lay any spare
material inside the shelter to act as a floor.
5. You can place an extra pole at the entrance to stop the poles moving
inwards, or hammer some stakes into the ground.
6. lf you have spare material, use it to make a door at the entrance.
AK Bear

:Emergency blankets |A :
| These blankets are also known as space, survival, P tt
}o? Mylar blankets. They are very lightweight and c
}ptten silver coloured. They may be useful for BEAR SAYS
}2 smaller person, or for building a shelter for
Knowing how to make even the
ifir2wood or equipment, but they are a bit small
most basic of shelters could
):c shelter an adult. They are also very easily
save your life in an emergency.
} damaged by windy conditions.

taking an emergency blanket shelter

An emergency blanket won't be big enough to
puild a one-person shelter, but could be used to
}}puild a shelter similar to a poncho shelter (p18).
\o prevent the fragile material from tearing, wrap
he corners around small pebbles and tie them
with cord.

emergency blanket shelter

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Debris hut
This shelter is warm, fast, and easy to make a wedge shape using
build if suitable materials can be found. large, sturdy sticks or poles
It’s a simple design, and can be built large
enough for two people.
1 . Tie a long, sturdy pole on top of a tree
stump or other suitable base at around
waist height.
. Place several large sticks along both
sides of this pole, creating a wedge
shape. Make sure the shelter is big
enough for you to fit inside, and that the
sides are steep enough so that rain will
run off.
create a “mesh” using
. Put thinner sticks or other materials
smaller sticks
between the large sticks, making a sort
of mesh to stop anything falling into the
sleeping area.
4. Add plenty of grass or leaves over the
mesh until the sides are at least one
metre thick — the thicker the better.
5. Put some heavy branches on top of the
grass or leaves to stop it blowing away.
6. Get a pile of leaves or grass ready so that
you can pull it over the entrance as you
get inside.

cover the shelter with

leaves and grass

If you can, add some leaves
or grass to the inside of the
shelter to act as insulation. This
doesn’t need to be as deep,
and will help to keep
you warm.
A Bear

Debris lean-to shelter

This can be built with virtually no tools or equipment.
1. Find or make two uprights about 2 m apart. Trees would be ideal.
2. Tie a horizontal pole or branch between the two uprights at chest height.
3. Lean 6-8 branches or poles (around 3 m long) against the horizontal pole at
around a 45° angle, and push them into the ground. Make sure the shelter is
facing the right direction so the wind blows onto the back of the shelter.
4. Use thinner, bendy branches to weave a lattice through these poles.
5. Cover the lattice with leaves or any other fine material you can find, starting at
the bottom and piling it up.
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In a hot climate it is vital to have a shelter that will protect you
from the many dangers these climates present. Your shelter must
protect from sun, heat, wind, rain, and any dangerous animals,
such as snakes or scorpions.

Beach shelter
You will need: something to dig with, driftwood to use as supports.
1. Look for the high tide mark (usually the highest point where debris has been
washed up). Build above this line so your shelter won't get washed away.
2. Dig a trench that is big enough to lie in. Face it North-South so it receives the
least amount of sunlight.
3. Pile up the sand to make sides.
4. Lay driftwood across the sides and top to create a roof and stop the sand
collapsing inward.

underground beach shelter

Below ground desert shelter

In some situations, sheltering
underground may make sense. An
underground shelter can protect you
from heat, as well as cold, animal
attacks, and extreme weather. Howeve
this shelter will take more effort to
build than one above ground. If it is ver
hot, it might need to be done at night
when it is colder.

creating a double cover will help

to keep the temperature down if
you have enough material
A Bear

Jungle A frame shelter

This is a more complicated shelter that will need practise to perfect. A knowledge
of knots would be useful in order to secure everything tightly. This shelter will keep
you off the ground, away from insects and snakes.
1. Take two long, sturdy sticks, connecting them at the top to create an A shape.
Secure this with a smaller stick tied about halfway down. You will need two
of these.
2. Find three long poles of a similar length. Secure each end of one to the top
of your A frames, then rest the other two on the connecting poles to create a
hammock area.
3. Tie the structure securely with rope or string (if you don’t have rope, parachute
cord or vines will do).
4. Secure one poncho or tarp as a roof, and the other as a hammock. The hammock
will need to be firmly tied, taped, or even sewn, so it can safely hold a person.

If you can learn about different
knots, you will find that you
jungle A frame shelter have less trouble getting your
shelter to work every time.
See eeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeaeeeeseeoeeeeesd

In cold climates, a good shelter can mean the difference between

life and death. A cold-weather shelter will need to protect from
wind, rain, snow, and cold.

Tree pit snow shelter

This will work if you are near to
evergreen trees and lots of snow.
A shovel or something to dig with
would also be helpful.

Dig down around the trunk of

the tree as far as you need, and
pack the snow tightly to make the
sides and the entrance firm. Use
branches to sit on, and to cover
the top of the hole.
AK Bear

Snow cave
1. Choose an area with deep snow if possible.
2. Pile up snow to make a mound, packing the snow
firmly as you go.
3. If possible, leave the snow for a couple of hours so it
can harden — your shelter will be firmer this way.
4. Dig a tunnel into the mound and hollow out the inside
of the cave. Smooth the inside to prevent drips.
5. Make ventilation holes and carve benches to sleep on.
6. Keep your shovels inside the cave with you, so you can
dig your way out in case of an avalanche or blizzard.
The most difficult shelters to build are ones to keep you dry. Heat
and cold are much easier obstacles to overcome. If you Know you
are going to be out in the rain, it is always worth packing a poncho
or a waterproof sheet so that you can keep the rain off. Being wet
is extremely miserable, especially when you are trying to sleep.
iin >

swamp bed


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Swamp bed

1. Find four trees, or drive posts into the ground to
make strong uprights. Make sure there is room
for you and your equipment.
2. Two long poles need to be lashed to the If you don’t have a waterproof
uprights. Make sure they are high enough to sheet, bracken or turfs could be
keep you dry, allowing for the maximum amount used as roofing material if the
the water will rise. structure underneath is strong
3. Tie shorter poles across to form the platform. enough to support it.
4. Cover the top of the platform with leaves,
grass, or any other soft material to make a more
comfortable sleeping surface.
A Grylls

Bracken foundation
This is built when the ground is marshy or
too wet to sleep on. It’s basically a thick
mattress of sticks and twigs that spreads
This isn’t a shelter - it’s a raised
you weight over a large area to prevent you
platform that would keep you
sinking. The twigs are laid in layers, and
dry and off the ground in wet or
each layer is laid at right angles to the last
muddy conditions.
one. The uprights are then driven through
the mattress to support a cover.


If you can, it is often a good idea to shelter in trees rather than on

the ground. This will put you out of the reach of most predators and
other dangerous animals, especially if you are in the rainforest or
somewhere else with a lot of wildlife.

Parachute hammock
1. Cut out a piece that contains six segments (slices) of a parachute.
2. Fold one segment over the next and then again, so you have a sleeping surface
made up of three thicknesses of fabric.
3. Find three trees that are a suitable distance apart, and tie the base of the
parachute between them using parachute cord.
4. Tie an awning line higher up in the trees, and drape the remaining segments over
it. Tuck in the final segment, and add stabiliser bars.


SSN wae
A Bear.

Tree boat hammock
This is a piece of camping
equipment that can be bought
If you have suitable trees in to make life simpler. It isn’t
your garden or local park, it is particularly light, but if you know
a good idea to practise building you want to sleep off the ground,
hammocks before you go and you want a hammock that
adventuring. doesn’t tip or shut around you,
then this option is definitely
worth considering.

tree boat





These simple tents are constructed from a parachute, some cord, and
poles, and can range in size depending on the materials available.

You will need:

three long
poles, lashed parachute
together at
the top

1. Stand the three 2. If necessary, ad

poles together in extra poles to
a tripod position. ensure your tepe
is sturdy.

3. Drape the 4. If you intend

parachute evenly have a fire in
around the poles, the tepee, lee
fastening securely an open spac
at the top. at the.top for
Building a tepee tent
This can be tricky at first, and it’s a good idea to practise building a tepee tent
beforehand if possible. One of the best things about tepee tents is that you
can do a lot of your preparation in advance, cutting your poles and tying them
together, so the shelter can be assembled relatively quickly and easily once
you reach your destination.
Tree tepee
If you don’t have any suitable poles,
it is possible to make a tepee tent
by gathering the material of your
If possible, use a piece of
parachute together at the top and
tarpaulin or a second parachute
lashing it to a tree branch. Use
to create a groundsheet for
tent pegs or stakes to fasten the
your tepee tent to help keep
parachute to the ground to give the
you dry.
tent its structure.

tepee tent
+ Bear

This simple reflector can be made from wood, rocks, or soil —
basically any material that is easy to get hold of. It doesn’t have to
be fancy — it just needs to be a flattish surface built behind a fire.

Benefits wooden fire

e Reflects light and heat into your shelter. reflector
e Directs smoke upwards and away from you.
e Acts as a windbreak.

How to build a fire reflector with soil and wood

1. Find a spot about 30 cm from the fire, and about 80 cm tall and 60 cm wider
than the fire.
2. Sharpen three medium-sized stakes and drive them into the ground.
3. Place larger logs between the stakes to the correct height — you may need to tie
the stakes or the logs together.
4. Fill any gaps with soil.
5. You can build more than one fire reflector if needed.
Building a shelter can be fun, but itis also a very important
survival skill. Many explorers have saved their own lives by
building a shelter to protect them from adverse conditions.

Scott and Haston

In 1975, Doug Scott and Dougal Haston
became the first explorers to climb
the southwest face of Mount Everest.
After reaching the summit, they made
the highest snow shelter that had
ever been constructed at that time. By
midnight, there was no oxygen left in
their breathing apparatus and their stove
had run out of fuel. The temperature was
estimated to have reached -50°C. They
would have died if they went to sleep.
Instead, they kept moving and massaging
each other to keep warm.

Doug Scott
as a young

Doug Scott n
% Bear

Returning to camp
They made it down to the nearest
camp after 30 hours without food
or sleep and, surprisingly, neither of
them suffered frostbite. It had taken
them 33 days in total to ascend,
which was the fastest climb of the
mountain at that time.

Mount Everest
Columbian survival
A man from Cambridge was carrying outa
Colombian weasel conservation project in the
cloud forests of Colombia in 1994. He got lost,
and eventually realised he wasn’t going to find
his way back before dark. He made a bivwvy bag
by wrapping a poncho around himself, and put
his feet in a rucksack to stay dry overnight. He
decided to sleep on a ridge to avoid landslips
that regularly occur in the area.


He made a raft of sticks to raise himself off biting ants AR
the damp ground and away from biting ants. AES
AK Bear

He was aware that there were pumas in the

area, so he collected bioluminescent fungi
to provide light, and kept his machete next
to him for protection. The next morning,
he followed a stream down a ravine, but
fell down a waterfall and was knocked
out. Luckily, he wasn’t too badly hurt and
managed to carry on walking and eventually
found a road and was taken to safety. Fresh
puma footprints were seen in the area.


puma footprint
Building a shelter to keep yourself dry is important, but it’s also
very important to keep yourself as warm and comfortable as
possible, as it often gets much colder at night, even in the desert.
If possible, you should bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag with
you on any adventure where you are planning on spending one or
more nights in the wild.

Tents and sleeping equipment

While shelter building is a very useful
skill, the most practical shelter in the
wild is a tent. If you know you are going
to be spending the night in the wild, it
is a good idea to take a tent with you. A
sleeping bag will keep you warm, and
an inflatable mattress will keep you off
the cold ground, as well as being much inflatable mattress
more comfortable.

sleeping bag

lightweight tent
Natural sleeping surfaces
If you do not have an inflatable mattress
or sleeping mat, heather or bracken can
make your sleeping area softer. Make
sure to clear the area of debris first —
sleeping on stones or uneven ground
can be very uncomfortable.

clear the area

heather can be used to make

a natural mattress

It often gets much colder at night, soa
campfire is invaluable when it comes to
keeping warm. If it is particularly cold,
you can sleep next to the fire to stay
warm. Campfires can also keep away
dangerous animals and insects, cook
food, and provide a sense of comfort
and security in a tough situation.

There may be occasions where you cannot find any materials to

build a shelter, and need to spend the night outside.

i ie. : he
Survival tips ae he ae
e If you can find a forest or wood, thenthe
trees can provide shelter even if you can’t e
_ reach any shelter building materials or — :
haven't got any tools. é Ao
e Try and choose a location away from any
animals that might disturb you. Insects
can be areal problem if you choose to
sleep close to their routes.
e Use the natural environment to help you — 4)
— sleeping under a hedge or next to a rock
might offer some protection.
e Scrapea dip in the ground if you can. i
e Choose the driest place possible.
e Check above in case anything
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look for natural

A Bear

sure youKHoue abouta
an) _
Rc dangerous wildlife inthe area. Mice
ay Sometimes the safest option if you ae “@
are approached byananimalistodo —
nothing, while other situations maybe
dealt with by running, fighting,oe a
-orclimbingtrees. a
° Be careful about what you eat ait dees, i
Educate yourself about whatis helpful
and what is harmful. i 3. YG oeaware of ner
@ Aditch might be a good location, giving 4 Be renra he pce
‘some protection from wind, but be. es
careful it isn’t going to turn me a aera a
_ itrains. na
et you are with sohep etyelse, huddle Ey
together to share body heat. St
io You will feel very exposed — it may be | oy)
i -worth deciding if itis safe for vouN ag A
r fon travelling ratherthanstop.
fay eet —

never eat wild mushrooms

unless an adult with plant
identification training tells
you it is safe to do so

be wary of ditches
The single most important thing on any adventure is safety — both
yours and that of everybody you are with. Before you go on atrip,
make sure you have the right equipment and are prepared for any
problems to ensure that everyone is safe.

1. Keep yourself safe — you can’t help anybody by
putting yourself in danger. AZ
2. Stop the burning by removing the person ee gattha lanes cnee
from the area, putting water on the flames, or blanket, jacket, or damp towel
smothering flames with a blanket.
3. Remove any clothing or jewellery that is close
to the burnt area, but don’t try and take off
anything that is stuck to the skin.
4. Run the burn under lukewarm or cool water.
Never use ice or any greasy substances.
5. Keep the person warm.
6. Cover the burn with cling film or a clear plastic
pour lukewarm
bag. water on the burn
7.Get an adult to provide a suitable painkiller
8. Sit them upright if the face or eyes are burnt.
9. Get them checked by a medical professional,
even for a minor burn.

Press on the area with a clean, dry, and absorbent
material for a few minutes. If something is stuck
in the cut, leave it there until you can get medical
advice. You might need to press on either side of it.
Elevating the arm or leg helps reduce the flow of
blood. When the bleeding has stopped, wash and dry
the cut and put a dressing on.

put pressure on a cut

A Bear

Hold an ice pack on the bruise as soon as you
can, for up to ten minutes. A bag of frozen peas
in a tea towel will do the job if you don’t have an
ice pack. If you don’t have anything frozen, use
a clean, damp cloth. If the bruise is extremely
swollen, painful, or doesn’t go away on its own, or
if it was caused by a bump to the head, medical
advice is needed.

hold an ice pack on

the affected area
Make sure you have clean hands.

For asmall splinter, clean the wound with water.

if it doesn’t hurt, the splinter will work its own
way out if it is left alone. If it hurts, you can gently 7
touch the area with sticky tape and see if that
pulls it out.

If the splinter is larger, clean some tweezers with

alcohol. If you can see the end of the splinter, grip
it with the tweezers and pull it out in a straight
always make sure you
line. Squeeze the wound to make it bleed slightly, have clean hands when
as this will help remove dirt. Wash and dry the handling injuries
wound and pop a dressing on if needed.

Absorbent - something that soaks up liquid easily.

Bioluminescent - a living organism that gives out light.

Conservation - the protection of animals, plants, and natural resources.

Debris - loose natural material or rubbish.

Embedded - an object that is fixed firmly in its surroundings.

Frostbite - an injury to body tissue caused by extreme cold.

Fungi - single-celled organisms that produce spores, e.g. mushrooms,

mould, or mildew.

Grommet - an eyelet placed in a hole to reinforce it.

Gully - a ditch or channel cut by running water.

Insulate - to keep something warm.

Obstacle - something blocking the way.

Predator - an animal that stays alive by killing and eating other animals.

Prevailing wind - the most frequent wind direction experienced at a

particular location.
A Bear

Ravine - a deep, narrow gully with steep sides.

Segment - a portion.

Splinter - a small, thin sharp piece of material that has broken off
a larger piece.

Tarpaulin - a heavy duty waterproof cloth.

Tweezers - small, metal nippers or pincers.

Discover more amazing books in
the Bear Grylls series:
Perfect for young adventurers, the
Survival Skills series accompanies an
exciting range of colouring and activity
books. Curious kids can also learn
tips and tricks for almost any extreme
situation in Survival Camp, and explore
Earth in Extreme Planet.

Conceived by Weldon Owen in partnership

with Bear Grylls Ventures

Produced by Weldon Owen Ltd

Suite 3.08 The Plaza, 535 King’s Road,
London SW10 0SZ, UK

Copyright © 2017 Weldon Owen Publishing


Publisher Donna Gregory
Designer Shahid Mahmood
Editorial Susie Rae, Claire Philip, Lydia Halliday
Contributor Anne Farthing
Illustrator Bernard Chau

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, except brief extracts for the purpose of review, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

Disclaimer |
Weldon Owen and Bear Grylls take pride in doing our best to get the facts right in putting together |
the information in this book, but occasionally something slips past our beady eyes. Therefore we
make no warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information in the book and to the
maximum extent permitted, we disclaim all liability. Wherever possible, we will endeavour to correct
any errors of fact at reprint.

Kids — if you want to try any of the activities in this book, please ask your parents first! Parents — all
outdoor activities carry some degree of risk and we recommend that anyone participating in these
activities be aware ofthe risks involved and seek professional instruction and guidance. None of the
health/medical information in this book is intended as a substitute for professional medical advice;
always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.


% Bear

Venture out into the wild on an exciting adventure
with Bear Grylls
_Learn how to build a shelter to keep you safe from
any conditions in the wilderness
e : S

Includes step-by-step instructions and tips from Bear

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