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The Context of Traditional American Values: Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity

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~ 1 From the beginning of the history of the

United States there has been diversity-
Native Americans throughout the North
However, in time, many Americans came
to see strength in their country's diversity.
Today, there is widespread recognition of
I American continent, Spanish settlers in the value of cultural pluralism, particularly
.the Southwest and in Florida, French among young people.
missionaries and fur traders along the
3 When we examine the system of basic
Mississippi River, black slaves brought
values that emerged in the late 1700s and
from African countries, Dutch settlers in
began to define the American character,
New York, Germans in Pennsylvania,
we must remember this context of cultural
and of course the British colonists, whose
pluralism. How could a nation of such
culture eventually provided the language
enormous diversity produce a recognizable
and the foundation for the political and
national identity?
economic systems that developed in the
United States. 4 John Zogby, an American pollster who
surveys public opinion, says that what
2 Most early Americans recognized this
holds the United States together is that
diversity, or pluralism, as a fact of life.
"we all share a common set of values that
The large variety of ethnic, cultural, and
make us American .... We are defined by
religious groups meant that accepting
the rights we have.... Our rights are our
diversity was the only practical choice,
history, why the first European settlers
even if some people were not enthusiastic
came here and why millions more have
about it, or were even threatened by it.
come here since."




British claims
French claims
Spanish claims
Russian claims 500
Disputed 500 1000 kilometers

Source: http://web.uccs.edu/-history/index.(151 maps.html.

Traditional American Values and Beliefs * 31

5 Historically, the United States has been that were free from the controls that existed
viewed as "the land of opportunity," in European societies. They wanted to
attracting immigrants from all over the escape the controls placed on many aspects
world. The opportunities they believed of their lives by kings and governments,
they would find in America and the priests and churches, noblemen and
experiences that most people actually had aristocrats. 1 To a great extent, they
when they arrived nurtured a unique set succeeded. In 1776, the British colonial
of values. We will examine six basic values settlers declared their independence from
that have become traditional American England and established a new nation, the
values. Three represent traditional reasons United States of America. In so doing, they
why immigrants have been drawn to defied2 ·the king of England and declared
America: the chance for individual that the power to govern would lie in the
freedom, equality of opportunity, and hands of the people. They were now free
material wealth. In order to achieve these from the power of the kings. In 1787,
benefits, however, there were prices to be when they wrote the Constitution for their
paid: self-reliance, competition, and hard new nation, they separated church and state
work. In .time, these prices themselves so that there would never be a government-
became part of the traditional value supported church. This greatly limited the
system. This system of values, then, power of the church. Also, in writing the
consists of three pairs of benefits and the Constitution they expressly forbade titles
price people paid to have these benefits: of nobility to ensure that an aristocratic
• individual freedom and self-reliance, society would not develop. There would
• equality of opportunity and be no ruling class of noblemen in the
new nation.
· material wealth and hard work. 8 The historic decisions made by those first
settlers have had a profound 3 effect on
6 These three pairs of values have
the shaping of the American character.
determined the unique culture of the
By limiting the power of the government
United States and its people. Another
and the churches and eliminating a formal
way of thinking about these basic values
aristocracy, the early settlers created a
involves rights and responsibilities.
climate of freedom where the emphasis
Americans believe that people have the
was on the individual. The United States
right to individual freedom, equality of
came to be associated in their minds with
opportunity, and the promise of material
the concept of individual freedom. This is
success, but these all require substantial
probably the most basic of a~l the American
responsibility: self-reliance, a willingness to
values. Scholars and outside observers
compete, and hard work. After examining
often call this value individualism, but many
the historical origin of each of these pairs,
Americans use the word freedom. It is one
we will discuss the current state of these
of the most respected and popular words in
values in the United States.
the United States today.
Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance 9 By freedom , Americans mean the desire and
7 The earliest settlers came to the North the right of all individuals to control their
American continent to establish colonies own destiny without outside interference
aristocrats: people who belong to the highest social class
defied: refused to obey someone or do what was expected
profound: important and having a strong influence or effect

32 * Chapter 2
from the government, a ruling noble 12 For example, if adult children return
class, the church, or any other organized home to live with their parents because of
authority. The desire to be free of controls economic conditions or a failed marriage,
was a basic value of the new nation in most members of the family expect this
1776, and it has continued to attract to be a short-term arrangement, until the
immigrants to this country. children can find a job and be self-reliant.
Although receiving financial support
10 There is, however, a cost for this benefit
from charity, 5 family, or the government is
of individual freedom: self-reliance.
possible, it is usually expected to be for a
Individuals must learn to rely on
short time, and it is generally not admired.
themselves or risk losing freedom. They
Eventually, most Americans would say,
must take responsibility for themselves.
people have a responsibility for taking care
Traditionally, this has meant achieving
of themselves.
both financial and emotional independence
from their parents as early as possible, Equality of Opportunity and Competition
usually by age eighteen or twenty-one.
Self-reliance means that Americans believe 13 The second important reason why
they should take care of themselves, solve immigrants have traditionally been drawn
their own problems, and "stand on their to the United States is the belief that
own two feet." Tocqueville observed the everyone has a chance to succeed here.
Americans' belief in self-reliance in the Generations of immigrants have come to
1830s: the United States with this expectation.

They owe nothing to any man, they expect

nothing from any man; they acquire the
habit of always considering themselves
as standing alone, and they are apt to4
imagine that their whole destiny is in their
own hands.
11 This strong belief in self-reliance continues
today as a traditional American value. It is
perhaps one of the most difficult aspects
of the American character to understand,
but it i~ profoundly important. Most
Americans believe that they must be self-
reliant in order to keep their freedom.
If they rely too much on the support
of their families or the government or
any organization, they may lose some
of their freedom to do what they want.
Even if they are not truly self-reliant,
most Americans believe they must at
least appear to be so. In order to be in the
mainstream of American life-to have
power and/or respect-individuals must
be seen as self-reliant.
are apt to: have a natural tendency to do something
charity: an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick, etc.

Traditional American Values and Beliefs * 33

They have felt that, because individuals are equal. However, they do mean that each
free from excessive political, religious, and individual should have an equal chance
social controls, they have a better chance for for success. Americans see much of life
personal success. Of particular importance as a race for success. For them, equality
is the lack of a hereditary6 aristocracy. means that everyone should have an
equal chance to enter the race and win. In
14 Because titles of nobility were forbidden
other words, equality of opportunity may
in the Constitution, no formal class system
be thought of as an ethical rule. It helps
developed in the United States. In the
ensure that the race for success is a fair
early years of American history, many
one and that a person does not win just
immigrants chose to leave older European
because he or she was born into a wealthy
societies because they believed that they
family, or lose because of race or religion.
had a better chance to succeed in America.
This American concept of "fair play, is an
In "the old country,, the country from
important aspect of the belief in equality
which they came, their place in life was
of opportunity.
determined largely by the social class
into which they were born. They knew 17 President Abraham Lincoln expressed this
that in America they would not have to belief in the 1860s when he said:
live among noble families who possessed We ... wish to allow the humblest
great power and wealth inherited and man an equal chance to get rich with
accumulated over hundreds of years. everybody else. When one starts poo0
as most do in the race of life, free society
15 The hopes and dreams of many of these
is such that he knows he can better his
early immigrants were fulfilled in their condition; he knows that there is no fixed
new country. The lower social class into condition of labor for his whole life.
which many were born did not prevent
them from trying to rise to a higher social 1.8 However, the price to be paid for this
position. Many found that they did indeed equality of opportunity is competition. If
have a better chance to succeed in the much of life is seen as a race, then a person
United States than in the old country. must run the race in order to succeed; a
Because millions of these immigrants person has the responsibility to compete
succeeded, Americans came to believe in with others, even though we know not
equality of opportunity. When Tocqueville everyone will be successful. If every
visited the United States in the 1830s, he person has an equal chance .to succeed in
was impressed by the great uniformity of the United States, then many would say
conditions of life in the new nation. He that it is every person's duty to try.
wrote: 19 The pressures of competition in the life
The more I advanced in the study of of an American begin in childhood and
American society the more I perceived continue until retirement from work.
that ... equality of condition is the Learning to compete successfully is part
fundamental fact from which all others of growing up in the United States, and
seem to be derived. competition is encouraged by strong
16 It is important to understand what most programs of competitive sports provided
Americans mean when they say they by the public schools and community
believe in equality of opportunity. They do groups. Competitive sports are now
not mean that everyone is-or should be- popular with both men and women.

6 hereditary: can be passed from an older to a younger person in the same family

34 * Chapter 2
them suffered terribly, but the majority
of them were eventually able to improve
upon their former standard of living.
Even if they were not able to achieve the
economic success they wanted, they could
be fairly certain that their children would
have the opportunity for a better life. The
phrase "going from rags to riches" became
a slogan8 for the "American Dream.,
Because of the vast riches of the North
American coptinent, the dream came true
Shaking hands may be a polite acknowledgment of your for many of the immigrants. They achieved
competitor as well as a greeting.
material success and many became very
20 The pressure to compete causes Americans attached to material things. Material wealth
to be energetic, but it also places a became a value to the American people.
constant emotional strain on them. When 22 Placing a high value on material
they retire, they are at last free from the possessions is called materialism, but this is
pressures of competition. But then a new . a word that most Americans find offensive.
problem arises. Some may feel useless and To say that a person is materialistic is an
unwanted in a society that gives so much insult. To an American, this means that
prestige 7 to those who compete well. This this person values material possessions
may be one reason older people in the above all else. Americans do not like to be
United States sometimes do not have as called materialistic because they feel that
much honor and respect as they have in this unfairly accuses them of loving only
other less-competitive societies. In fact, material things and of having no religious
generally speaking, any group of people values. In fact, most Americans do have
who do not compete successfully-for other values and ideals. Nevertheless,
whatever reason-do not :fit into the acquiring and maintaining a large number
mainstream of American life as well as of material possessions is still of great
those who do compete and succeed. importance to most Americans. Why is
this so?
Material Wealth and Hard Work
23 One reason is that material wealth has
21 The third reason why immigrants have traditionally been a widely accepted
traditionally come·to the United States is
measure of social status in the United
to have a better life-that is, to raise their
States. Because Americans rejected the
standard of living. For the vast majority
European system of hereditary aristocracy
of the immigrants who came here, this
and titles of nobility, they had to find a
was probably the most compelling reason
substitute for judging social status. The
for leaving their homeland. Because of
quality and quantity of an individual's
its incredibly abundant natural resources,
material possessions became an accepted
the United States appeared to be a land of
measure of success and social status.
plenty where millions could come to seek
Moreover, as we shall see in the religion
their fortunes. Of course, most immigrants
chapter, the Puritan work ethic associated
did not "get rich overnight," and many of
material success with godliness.
prestige: the respect and importance that a person, organization, or profession has
slogan: a short, easily-remembered phrase used in advertising or politics

Traditional American Values and Beliefs * 35

- - - - - --------- -------
24 Americans have paid a price, however, old jobs and finding that they and their
for their material wealth: hard work. The family members must now work longer
North American continent was rich in hours for less money and fewer benefits.
natural resources when the first settlers When the economy weakens, everyone
arrived, but all these resources were suffers, and there are greater numbers
undeveloped. Only by hard work could of the working poor-those who work
these natural resources be converted into hard but have low-paying jobs that do
material possessions, allowing a more not provide a decent standard of living
comfortable standard of living. Hard work and may not provide h~alth insurance
has been both necessary and rewarding and retirement benefits, and many have to
for most Americans throughout their rely on some outside assistance from the
,history. Because of this, they came to government or other sources.
see material possessions as the natural
reward for their hard work. In some ways, American Values and the State of the
material possessions were_seen not only as American Dream
tangible 9 evidence of people's work, but 27 In recent years, as the economy has
also of their abilities. In the late 1700s, declined, many observers have asked if
James Madison, the father of the American the American Dream is really dead. For
Constitution, stated that the difference in the most part, the American Dream has
material possessions reflected a difference not meant that the average American
in personal abilities. can really go from rags to riches. It has
25 Most Americans still believe in the value traditionally meant that by working
of hard work. Most believe that people hard, parents can enable their children
should hold jobs and not live off welfare to have a better life when they grow up.
payments from the government. There Every generation could be a little more
have been many efforts to reform the prosperous and successful than their
welfare system so that people would not parents. While the distance between the
become dependent on welfare and stop very rich one percent and the rest of the
looking for jobs to support themselves. population has dramatically increased over
However, a larger question is how much the last years, the overwhelming majority
hard work will really improve a person's of Americans still believe in the ideal of
standard of living and level of mate-rial the American Dream-that is, if they work
wealth. Is it still possible to work hard and hard, they and their children can have a
get rich in America? better life. The ideal of upward mobility
still exists in America. However, we must
26 As the United States has shifted from an distinguish between idealism and reality
industry-based economy to·one that is in understanding the relationship between
service- or information-based, there has what Americans believe and how they
been a decline in high-paying jobs for live. Some who find that they are working
factory workers. It is now much more longer hours for less money still hope that
difficult for the average worker to go the American Dream will exist again, if
from rags to riches in the United States, not for them, then for their children.
and many wonder what has happened
to the traditional American Dream. As 28 American values such as equality of
the United ~tates competes in a global opportunity and self-reliance are ideals that
economy, many workers are losing their may not necessarily describe the reality of
American life. Equality of opportunity, for
tangible: concrete, able to be touched

36 * Chapter 2
---- - - --
example, is an ideal that is not always put freedom to pursue their personal goals and
into practice. In reality, some people have a good opportunity to compete for success.
a better chance for success than others. These values are so tightly woven together
Those who are born into rich families that if any one of them is pulled out or
have more opportunities than those who even disturbed, the entire fabric is affected
are born into poorer families. Inheriting and may come apart.
money does give a person a decided
31 Finally, these six cultural values-
advantage. Rae~ and gender may still be
individual freedom, self-reliance, equality
factors affecting success, although there
of opportunity, competition, material
are laws designed to promote equality of
wealth, and hard work-do not tell the
opportunity for all individuals. And, of
whole story of the American character.
course, new immigrants continue to face
Rather, they form the basic structure or
challenges unique to their situation.
framework of the American culture. They
29 The fact that American ideals are only enable a nation of enormous diversity to
partly carried out in real life does create and maintain a national identity.
not diminish their importance. Most
32 In the next three chapters we will examine
Americans still believe in them and are
three historical factors that reinforced and
strongly affected by them in their everyday
helped to shape these values: the religious
lives. It is easier to understand what
heritage, the frontier heritage, and the
Americans are thinking and feeling if we
heritage of abundance. The remaining
can understand what these traditional
chapters will explore how these values
American cultural values are and how they
appear in aspects of American culture:
have influenced almost every facet 10 of life
business, government, ethnic and racial
in the United States.
diversity, education, leisure time, and the
30 It is important to remember two things family. The final chapter will discuss the
about these values. First, they are cultural challenges facing the United States and
values; they are the cultural engine that their potential impact on the future of the
drives the United States and continues to country and its values.
power a nation where people from all over
the world come and become
"American." Secondly, putting·
these six values together into a
· system creates something new.
As Aristotle said, the whole
is greater than the sum of its
parts. The relationship among
these values-the rights and
the responsibilities-creates the
fabric 11 of the American society.
It is this fabric that defines the
American Dream-the belief
that if people take responsibility
for their lives and work hard,
they will have the individual To some, owning a beautiful house means they have achieved the American Dream.

facet: one ofseveral parts ofsomeone's character, a situation, etc.
fabric: basic structure and way of life

Traditional American Values and Belie fs * 37

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