Gnocchi Cricket
Gnocchi Cricket
Gnocchi Cricket
Izzet Engineer
STR 8(-1)
AC Speed Hit Point Skills Prof
DEX 16(+3) Maxim Bonus
CON 18(+4) 17 40 28/ Arcana(+7) +2
INT 20(+5) Investigation(+9)
CHA 14(+2) History(+7)
WIS 13(+1) Religion(+7)
STATS Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Spell Spell
1st 2nd level. 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Save Mod
level. (4) (2) level level level level level level level
15 +7
Shield Web
Ice Knife Mind
Thrust Toll the Dead
Chaos Hold Mending
Bolt Person
Shocking Grasp
Create Heat
or Metal Produce Flame
Water Mage Hand
Unseen Rope
Servant Trick
M1 Garand. 2d6+5 Piercing. Can’t be shot twice on one turn. 60/180 foot range. 40 .30
Rounds. Bayonet 1d4
Abcra-Bandolier: I can imbue spells into ammo, up to my proficiency bonus. Spells imbued
have a plus 1 to the Save DC or Attack Roll. Any spell or cantrip fired in this way, you add
the damage of the bullet as well. This applies to teammates. You can choose to
“OVERDRIVE” these are no longer spells I have prepared, you’re loading spells into the
chamber. The starting DC is a 1, and increases by one every time I use OVERDRIVE. If I roll
below that, it blows up in my face and I take the effects of whatever spell I was
attempting to load. The gun needs to be repaired until further use. Spell effects last until
the end of my next turn.
Forceful barrier
As a reaction you can move your barrier up to 10 ft. If your barrier collides with a
creature, the creature but make a strength save equal to your spell save dc or take 1d6+
your spell casting modifier of force damage.
Range for movement is 25ft, damage is increased to 3d6
Invisible barriers
Barriers are impossible to see unless a creature succeeds on a perception check with a
dc equal to your spell save dc
(Yes you can see your own barriers)
All barriers become completely invisible and imperceptible. If you choose you and your
allies can stand behind your barrier. You and any allied creature behind your barrier are
considered invisible if they are behind your enhanced barrier. This effect drops after a
minute and its concentration.
● 2 gold