From Soft Skills To Hard Data - Measuring Youth Program Outcomes
From Soft Skills To Hard Data - Measuring Youth Program Outcomes
From Soft Skills To Hard Data - Measuring Youth Program Outcomes
September 2011
Alicia Wilson-Ahlstrom & Nicole Yohalem, The Forum for Youth Investment
David DuBois, University of Illinois at Chicago &
Peter Ji, Adler School of Professional Psychology
Funded by the William T. Grant Foundation
Table of Contents
Overview and Purpose { 4 }
Instrument Summaries { 19 }
Helping to build what are often referred to as “social-emotional” or “21st century skills” is an important
contribution that many youth programs make and more could be making. Yet these efforts remain
underrepresented in the program evaluation literature, in part because they cannot be measured using
administrative records or other databases to which schools and programs might have easy access.
Practitioners and funders regularly ask us for advice about how to measure these skills. In response we
developed this guide, which summarizes information about tools that programs can use to measure youth
progress in these areas. The guide builds on and complements several related resources available in the field
(for a listing, see Other Collections of Youth Outcome Measures, page 5).
Our goal is to help practitioners choose conceptually grounded and psychometrically strong measures of
important skills and dispositions that cut across academic achievement and other distal youth outcomes
like risk behavior, mental health and employment. We also hope to encourage the development of additional
measures in areas where our review reveals gaps. In a time of increasing pressure on programs to improve
policy-relevant outcomes, we want to facilitate access to good measurement tools. This can help advance the
out-of-school time (OST) field and facilitate collaboration among practitioners working toward common goals,
both in school and out.
The policy momentum building in this area is notable, but we decided to review measures of these skills for
several additional reasons. First, research suggests these are important to school and workplace success as
well as to risk behavior reduction.iii Also, the literature suggests that when programs achieve impacts in these
areas, they also make progress on more traditional academic measures like grades and test scores.iv And
despite growing interest, efforts to measure these areas effectively are still evolving.v
We also believe these outcome areas represent a strategic niche or, in economic terms, a “comparative
advantage” for many youth programs. OST programs operate with limited resources yet have significant
flexibility compared with schools. They can play a powerful role in building skills that matter for learning and
development. But to live up to this potential, activities need to align with outcomes, and programs need tools
that are accessible and that adequately measure the skills and dispositions that they expect young people
to develop. Not surprisingly, experts from the OST field encouraged us to focus on these skills during the
planning stages of this project.
{ 4 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
We arrived at four specific skill areas to focus on – communication, relationships and collaboration,
critical thinking and decision making, and initiative and self-direction – by reviewing commonly cited
frameworks developed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the
Partnership for 21st Century Skills and the U.S. Department of In addition to identifying common
constructs across these frameworks, we decided to focus on specific, skill- and ability-oriented outcomes
and to prioritize skill areas that are amenable to intervention by OST programs. We also focused on skills
that are cross-cutting, which means we left out some skills that relate to specific content knowledge (e.g.,
technology and global awareness).
Measurement Tools for Evaluating Out-of-School Time Programs, Harvard Family Research Project
Tools for Research & Evaluation of Intervention Programs, Outdoor Education R&D Center
Assessment Tools in Informal Science, PAER at Harvard University, in collaboration with 4-H
Compendium of Measures Used in P-12 Evaluations of Educational Interventions, IES and Mathematica
Compendium of Preschool - Elementary School SEL and Associated Assessment Measures, CASEL
SEL Measures for Middle School Youth, UW Social Development Research Group for Raikes Foundation
Measuring Student Engagement in Upper Elementary Through High School, REL Southeast
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 5 }
By no means do we suggest that this is a
comprehensive list of important skills and Skill Areas Featured in this Report
dispositions, or that these are the only skills
that OST programs should focus on or measure. Communication: Self-expression, listening, public
For example, many programs track academic outcomes speaking and recognizing non-verbal cues.
like school attendance, homework completion, grades
or standardized test scores. However, they typically Relationships & Collaboration: Interpersonal
track these outcomes using data obtained from skills, team work, flexibility and cultural
school records, which means program leaders rarely competence.
face decisions about what instrument to use.
Critical Thinking & Decision-making: Reasoning,
Finally, our decision to focus on these four areas was making judgments and decisions, responsible
also a practical one. Limiting the number of tools problem-solving, creativity and accessing,
allowed us to conduct detailed reviews and helped evaluating, and using information.
ensure that this resource would build on rather than be
redundant with other resources in the field. Initiative & Self-direction: Self-awareness, setting
and working toward goals, self-management,
Figure 1: Adapted from the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality
In 2007 we published Measuring Youth Program Quality vii, which reviewed observational measures of youth
program practices. Although we remain strongly committed to assessing the quality of program practices –
especially interactions among youth and adults at the “point-of-service” – it is critical that improvements in
program practices lead to good outcomes for participants. Because many programs are trying to measure
outcomes, we developed this guide as a companion document to our 2007 work on practices. Here we looked
for ways for programs to assess whether particular skills or dispositions transfer outside of the program
{ 6 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
setting (although some instruments include items or scales focused on the extent to which youth use specific
skills in the program itself). Figure 1 (on the prior page) shows how the outcome measures reviewed here fit
into a broad theory of change about youth program impact.
In selecting outcome measures to review, we first identified measures where a majority of the content (more
than half of the items in a given scale) mapped directly onto one of our four areas of interest: communication,
relationships and collaboration, critical thinking and decision making, and initiative and self-direction.
We looked for measures that were appropriate for use in a range of settings, including OST programs,
schools, youth development organizations and camps. We included some measures that have not been used
extensively in OST settings but could be. Our focus was on programs serving upper elementary- through
high school-age youth, a decision driven in part by the significant work already done to review measures
appropriate for use with younger children.viii We also prioritized measures that are accessible and relatively
low-burden for practitioners to implement.
On the technical side, we looked for instruments that had been investigated for scale reliability, factor
structure and sensitivity to OST program impact. That decision led to the exclusion of some promising tools
that are early in their development, but reflects our commitment to ensuring that practitioners have access to
instruments that yield valid and reliable information. We did include some measures that did not meet all of
our technical criteria in cases where a measure is already used extensively in OST programs and validation
efforts are ongoing. We hope the criteria that guided our technical review (see Framework and Criteria for
Ratings of Reliability and Validity Evidence, p. 61) provide a useful roadmap for further testing and development
of instruments that are not included here.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 7 }
Using the Guide
While programs collect outcome data for a variety of reasons – including the desire to better fit program
activities to the needs of young people, the desire to assess how much a program is improving outcomes and
the dictates of funders – several considerations are critical to selecting a measurement tool.
First and foremost, outcome measures should reflect the goals and activities of the program. Programs
should measure outcomes that they value and that they are intentionally trying to influence. Second,
programs should use measures that will yield valid and reliable information. Finally, programs should also
consider a host of important practical issues such as the cost, ease of administration and accessibility of the
tools. This guide includes information on all of these considerations.
For each instrument, we summarize the origins and focus of the tool, include sample items and discuss user
and technical considerations. Where possible, information is provided about length, cost, format (e.g., Web
vs. paper; translations), supplemental measures and tools, and training (whether it is available or required).
Our technical reviews focus on the degree to which reliability and validity have been established. Reliability
speaks to whether an instrument yields consistent information, while validity speaks to whether a particular
instrument in fact measures what it intends to measure.
We summarize the technical properties of each instrument as a whole and provide more detailed reviews of
the scales within each instrument that map most directly onto the four skill areas that are discussed above.
For each relevant scale we rate the strength of evidence for reliability and validity — the former derived from
consideration of internal consistency, inter-rater and test-retest reliability; the latter from consideration of
convergent, discriminant, criterion and construct validity. For a discussion of the importance of psychometrics
and definitions of all of these terms, (see Psychometrics: What are they and why are they useful?, p.51). For
those readers who are interested in detailed analyses of reliability and validity evidence for each scale and
want to understand the process used to arrive at technical ratings, please see the Technical Appendix.
The technical ratings should by no means be considered final. In most cases, the instrument developers
are continually gathering evidence of reliability and validity. Readers are encouraged to ask developers for
updated information and watch for forthcoming updates to this report.
Finally, a word of caution: We have tried to identify useful measures that are psychometrically sound so that
if change is detected, users can be confident that change is in fact occurring. But attribution – or determining
whether that change is a function of a specific program – requires specific approaches to study design that
are beyond the scope of this report.
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Looking across the Instruments
This section includes some observations about this set of eight instruments as a whole, and several
summary charts. The section that follows provides detailed information about each instrument.
Tables with normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a larger
population are available in four cases, although several developers are working to make such data available.
See Tables 4 and 5 for a summary of these and other user considerations.
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Table 2: Skill Areas Assessed
Relationships Initiative & What Else Does it
Instrument Communication Thinking &
& Collaboration Self-Direction Measure?
California Healthy Kids
Caring Relationships1; High Expectations; Meaningful
Survey Resilience &
X X X Participation; Goals and Aspirations; School
Youth Development
Module (RYDM)
Note: An X in a box means the instrument includes a scale where more than half of the scale’s items map directly onto the construct in question.
Caring Relationships, High Expectations, and Meaningful Participation each contain items that measure these in school, community, home and/or peer support contexts.
Measure includes a sense of competence in reading, writing, math and science.
Devereaux Student Awareness; Personal Responsibility;
Strengths Assessment Relationship Decision Making Goal-Directed Behavior;
(DESSA) Skills; Self-Awareness
Social Skills
Improvement Communication
System (SSIS)
Sense of
Communication Socially; Behavior; Initiative;
Survey of Afterschool Problem-Solving
Skills Relations with Future Planning – My
Youth Outcomes (SAYO) Skills
Adults; Relations
with Peers
Friendship Skills; Problem Solving
Youth Outcomes Battery Interest in Exploration;
Teamwork Confidence
Youth Outcome Behavior; Work Habits;
Measures Social Skills; Task Persistence
Online Toolbox Social
Note: This does not include all of the scales from each instrument, only those that map onto the skill areas that
are the focus of this guide.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 11 }
Table 4: User Considerations in Selecting Measures – Populations and Settings
Target Age/ Settings Tool has Been
Measures Availability of Normative Data
Grades Tested In
California Healthy Kids
Data collected and analyzed on large numbers of California youth who have taken
Survey Resilience & Middle & High
Primarily Schools the Resiliency & Youth Development Module. Reports summarizing these data and
Youth Development School
descriptive information about the state-level sample are available.
Module (RYDM)
Developmental Assets Middle & High OST programs; Schools; Normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a
Profile (DAP) School therapeutic settings larger population are not available at this time.
Normative data are available for each scale of the DESSA; based on a
standardization sample consisting of nearly 2,500 children that sample is reported
Devereaux Student
San Francisco Beacons Beacons afterschool Normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a
Middle School
Survey programs larger population are not available at this time.
Tested on a normative sample of 4,700 youth ages 3-18. In addition, 385 teachers
and 2,800 parents provided ratings. Sampling was conducted on a national
Social Skills Improvement Elementary – Primarily schools; Clinical standardization sample aligned with the demographic results of the 2006 U.S.
System (SSIS) High School settings Census. Sampling was conducted on a national standardization sample aligned
with the demographic data published by the 2006 U.S. Census Bureau. Information
about using norms is included in kits.
Survey of Afterschool 4th - 8th - 12th (SAYO-Y) OST programs/Afterschool Normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a
Youth Outcomes (SAYO) K - 12th (SAYO S & T) programs larger population are not available at this time.
ACA recently began collecting normative data on the Basic version of the Youth
Outcomes Battery. These data are intended to allow individual camps to compare
their scores with representative scores from typical ACA camps. (Data offer
Middle & High Primarily camps (both day limited comparison value for non-residential camp programs because 75% were
Youth Outcomes Battery
School and residential) collected on residential camps.) Details related to gender, age, race/ethnicity and
day/resident programming are forthcoming. Guidance on how to use norms for
comparison purposes is available at
Youth Outcome Measures Normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a
$195 for
Developmental Assets Developmental Assets Community - Survey available online or paper copy
~20 minutes3 50 surveys/ No
Profile (DAP) Mobilization (“40 Assets”) survey - User’s guide included
scoring sheets
$115.95 for standard
- Programs seeking more information prior to purchase may read an
Devereaux Student kit, including user
introduction to the tool
Strengths Assessment N/A manual and forms. Yes DESSA-Mini
- Fee-based in-service training available but not required
(DESSA) $39.95 for 25
- Free video and audio presentations also available
additional forms
San Francisco Beacons Youth Feedback Form (on program - Interested programs should contact the developer for access to and
~35 minutes Free No
Survey experiences) guidance on the survey
$248.45 for starter
kit, including rating
scales and manual
- ASSIST software provides computer scoring and reporting, including
($517.35 for Part of the Social Skills
individual, progress and multi-rater reports
Social Skills Improvement computer-scored Improvement System which includes
~25 minutes No - Online direct links to suggested interventions with the SSIS Intervention
System (SSIS) kit). $43.05 for guides for Performance Screening
25 hand-scored and Improvement Planning
- Available in Spanish
surveys; $53.60 for
25 computer-entry
Part of the APAS assessment
- Youth surveys available online only
Survey of Afterschool ~20 minutes $250 for unlimited system which includes an
Yes - Training available in-person or online
Youth Outcomes (SAYO) one year site license observational tool for assessing
- Survey may be customized
$5 (members) or $15 - Designed with camps in mind, though “camp” language can be replaced
Can be used in tandem with an
Youth Outcomes Battery N/A (non-members) per No with “program”
8-step program evaluation process
scale - Guidelines available online
Varies based on
Teacher Student Report, Program
number of sites,
Youth Outcome Measures Staff Student Report, Program - Interested programs should contact the developer for access and
~25 minutes number of students Upon request
Online Toolbox Observation tool and elementary guidance on the survey
per site, and level of
level survey
Social Skills Improvement Moderate-to- Male and female youth ages 12 and under and
Yes Yes Moderate
System (SSIS) Substantial ages 13-18
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 15 }
Table 8: Initiative & Self-Direction Scales – Technical Properties Summary
Overall Reliability Rating Overall Validity Rating
Substantial Moderate
Moderate Limited-to-Moderate
Commitment to Learning
Substantial Limited-to-Moderate
Positive Identity
Substantial Moderate
Personal Responsibility
Moderate Limited-to-Moderate
Goal-Directed Behavior
Moderate Limited-to-Moderate
Moderate Limited-to-Moderate
School Effort
Limited Moderate
None Limited-to-Moderate
None None-to-Limited
Time Spent in Challenging Learning
None Limited
Activities (Beacons)
Limited Limited
(Youth Outcomes Battery)
Interest in Exploration
Limited Limited
(Youth Outcomes Battery)
Limited None-to-Limited
(Youth Outcomes Battery)
Work Habits
Moderate-to-Substantial Limited-to-Moderate
(YO Toolbox)
Task Persistence
Substantial Limited-to-Moderate
(YO Toolbox)
Social Competencies
Moderate-to-Substantial Moderate
(YO Toolbox)
{ 16 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Table 9: Communication Scales – Technical Properties Summary
Overall Reliability Rating Overall Validity Rating
Communication - Teacher
Moderate-to-Substantial Moderate
Communication - Student
Moderate-to-Substantial Moderate
Communication Skills
Substantial Moderate-to-Substantial
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California Healthy Kids Survey Resilience & Youth Development Module
There are middle school and high school versions of the RYDM; each includes a shorter and longer form, with
33 and 56 questions respectively. The full version includes scales that assess home and peer environments
that are not included in the shorter version.
Each question (see sample items) follows a four-point response scale: not at all true, a little true, pretty much
true, very much true. To assist with interpretation of a youth’s scores on each scale, guidelines are available
for categorizing scores as high, moderate or low. Scale scores (average item response) over 3 are categorized
as “high”, those between 2 and 3 are categorized as “moderate”, and those less than 2 are categorized as
“low.” Programs may find it useful to report percentages of students whose scores fall in the high, moderate
or low categories for each scale.
{ 20 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
User Considerations
In this section we discuss several considerations related to the RYDM, including availability of normative data,
accessibility, ease of use and available supports.
The RYDM and related CHKS instruments are available for free on the California Healthy Kids Survey website
and can be used with permission from the California Department of Education.
Ease of Use
The RYDM uses a paper/pencil format. A typical youth will finish the survey in under 20 minutes. The website
provides instructions for administering the survey.
Availability of Norms
Normative data that characterize what is usual within a defined population can help programs better
understand the populations they serve and the effects of their programs. The administrators of the California
Healthy Kids Survey have collected and analyzed data on large numbers of California youth who have taken
the RYDM. Reports summarizing these data are available on and descriptive
information about the state-level sample is provided in this report:
Available Supports
WestEd provides training and analysis support to programs outside of California on a cost recovery basis.
They also have a range of resources on their website, including background information on the framework on
which the instruments are based, guidelines for customizing and administering the survey, and information on
interpreting and reporting scores.
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the RYDM and of specific scales
that map onto the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Appendix provides detailed
analysis of reliability and validity evidence for those five scales as well as a description of the process used
to arrive at ratings.
Reliability and Validity of the CHKS Resilience & Youth Development Module
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 21 }
5. How strong is available validity evidence?
• Moderate
7. What are some of the questions that would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work with
this instrument?
• To what extent do RYDM scales measure their specific intended constructs – e.g., does the Problem-
Solving scale correlate with other established measures of skills in this area and less so with measures
of other types of skills?
• What are the cumulative and unique contributions of RYDM scales, when considered collectively, to the
prediction of different types of youth outcomes?
• To what extent do RYDM scales predict outcomes at later points in a youth’s schooling or development?
• What is the sensitivity of RYDM scales for detecting expected effects of OST program participation?
Reliability and Validity of CHKS Resilience & Youth Development Module Scales
Reviewed in this Guide
Number of Evidence of Evidence of Corresponding Skill Area in this
Items Reliability Validity Guide
Cooperation and
3 Moderate None-to-Limited Relationships & Collaboration
Empathy 3 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
Self-Efficacy 3 Moderate Initiative & Self-Direction
{ 22 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Developmental Assets Profile
Overview and Purpose
The Developmental Assets Profile (DAP) was developed by Search Institute in 2004. Based on the Institute’s
developmental assets framework, the DAP measures the external assets (relationships and opportunities
provided by others) and internal assets (values, skills and self-perceptions) of youth in grades 6-12. Search
Institute developed the DAP in response to numerous requests for a measure of developmental assets
appropriate for program evaluation and clinical purposes. It can be used to assess individual youth or as a
group assessment for all participants in a program.
The DAP is a 58-item self-report questionnaire. Youth are asked how true each statement is for them in
the context of a three-month time frame and respond using a four-point scale: not at all, rarely/somewhat,
sometimes/very often, extremely/almost always.
The DAP can be scored to reflect the types and degree of developmental assets that each youth reports in
each of the following categories:
• Support
• Empowerment Sample Items from DAP Scales
• Boundaries and Expectations Reviewed in this Guide
• Constructive Use of Time
• Commitment to learning* I am actively engaged in learning new things.
• Positive Values (Commitment to Learning)
• Social Competencies*
• Positive Identity* I build friendships with other people.
(Social Competencies)
Alternatively, items can be re-grouped to yield scores
reflecting assets associated with each of the following I am developing a sense of purpose in my life.
developmental contexts: personal, social, family, (Positive Identity)
school and community.
* These scales each map onto one of the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Properties
section below summarizes our ratings of the reliability and validity evidence for these scales.
User Considerations
This section discusses the DAP in terms of several important user considerations, including accessibility,
ease of use, availability of normative data and other supports available to users.
The DAP may be administered online or in a paper/pencil format. A basic package of 50 surveys (online or
paper/pencil), 50 self-scoring profile forms and the user manual costs $195. Additional surveys and forms
may be purchased.
Ease of Use
Search Institute suggests it takes a typical youth 10-15 minutes to complete the DAP. The survey is self-
explanatory and requires no special training to administer. A Web-based scoring platform (included in
the survey package) allows users to administer, score, view, print and export DAP results. Materials and
procedures for hand-scoring are also available.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 23 }
Availability of Norms
Normative data that characterize what is usual within a defined population can help programs better
understand the populations they serve and the effects of their programs. Although norms based on a
representative national sample of youth are not yet available for the DAP, Search Institute is actively working
to address this need. The user manual provides the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile scores for each scale
based on the combined sample from the first two field trials of the DAP. The manual cautions users that
these preliminary data provide only “crude” points of comparison for research and field work with the DAP.
Available Supports
The DAP is scored by a local program administrator or evaluator (unlike their community-level surveys which
are scored by Search Institute). Search Institute does not provide training for the DAP, so users should have
experience with evaluation. Technical consultation is available from Search Institute and is negotiated on a
case-by-case basis.
The user guide provides extensive information on administering, scoring and interpreting the DAP as well as
notes on its use for research, program evaluation or clinical purposes. However, it assumes that the lead
administrator has the necessary professional or academic background to interpret scores appropriately.
(Search Institute suggests that masters-level training is appropriate for most applications.)
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the DAP and of the specific scales
that map onto the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Appendix provides detailed
analysis of reliability and validity evidence for these latter scales as well as a description of the process used
to arrive at ratings.
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes
{ 24 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
6. What is the nature of that evidence?
• Expected differences in DAP scale scores for students in middle schools with contrasting levels of
resources for supporting positive youth development.
• Expected associations of DAP scales with measures of risk behavior, thriving and grades.
• Improvements in DAP scale scores for youth participating in an OST program in Thailand compared to
those in a random assignment control group.
7. What are some of the questions that it would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work
with this instrument?
• Does factor analysis support the scoring system for the instrument - e.g., is there support for creating
separate scores for assets in each of the 8 targeted areas?
• To what extent do DAP scales measure their specific intended constructs - e.g., do scores on the
Social Competencies scale correlate with other well-validated indices of social skills and less so with
measures of abilities in other areas?
• What are the cumulative and unique contributions of DAP scales, when considered collectively, to the
prediction of different types of youth outcomes?
• To what extent do DAP scales predict outcomes at later points in a youth’s schooling or development?
• What is the DAP’s sensitivity for detecting effects of OST program participation among youth in the U.S.?
Social Limited-to-
8 Substantial Relationships & Collaboration
Competencies Moderate
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Devereux Student Strengths Assessment
Overview and Purpose
The Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) is a 72-item behavior rating scale designed to assess
eight social-emotional competencies for children in grades K-8. The instrument is strengths-based and does
not assess risk factors or maladaptive behaviors. The DESSA is based on a definition of social-emotional
competencies, such as a child’s ability to successfully interact with others in a way that demonstrates
awareness of and ability to manage emotions in an age- and contextually appropriate manner. Published by
the Devereux Center for Resilient Children, the DESSA is part of a series of strength-based assessments
grounded in resilience theory that also includes the Deveraux Early Childhood Assessment or DECA.
The DESSA-mini is an eight-item universal screening tool that estimates a youth’s overall social-emotional
competence. The mini version is recommended for use in situations in which the longer form is not practical
or feasible. The DESSA-mini does not yield individual scale scores, so programs should consider their
purposes when selecting which version to use.
The DESSA is completed by parents, teachers or
program staff in child-serving settings. For each item, Sample Items from DESSA Scales
the rater indicates on a five-point scale (never, rarely, Reviewed in this Guide
occasionally, frequently, very frequently) how often
the student engaged in each behavior over the past During the past 4 weeks, how often did the child…
four weeks. The 72 items are organized into the eight
scales listed below. A Social-Emotional Composite • Remember important information?
score provides an overall assessment of the strength (Personal Responsibility)
of a child’s social-emotional competence.
• Keep trying when unsuccessful?
The developers of the DESSA recommend a three- (Goal-directed Behavior)
step process for interpreting scores. The first step
is examining the Social-Emotional Composite as • Get along with different kinds of people?
a global assessment of a child’s social-emotional (Social Awareness)
competencies. The second step involves reviewing
the eight separate scale scores. Instructions in the • Give an opinion when asked?
manual help users convert separate scale scores (Self-awareness)
into norm-based scores that can be placed into one
of three categories – “strength”, “typical” or “need • Wait for her/his turn?
for instruction.” (For more detail, see An Introduction (Self-management)
to the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment.) This
step may provide useful information about the specific • Compliment or congratulate somebody?
strengths and needs of the child. For instance, (Relationship Skills)
scores may suggest whether a child’s strengths are
primarily intrapersonal or interpersonal. Step three, • Learn from experience?
individual item analysis, involves identifying strengths (Decision Making)
and needs. Overall, the preceding process may allow
programs to modify both individual interventions and
program-level strategies to align with children’s strengths and needs.
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The DESSA Record Form displays scores in two graphic formats: the Individual Student Profile, which conveys
strengths and needs compared to national norms, and the Classroom/Program Profile, which depicts social-
emotional functioning against national norms of all participants in a given classroom or program group.
* These scales each map onto one of the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Properties
section below summarizes our ratings of the reliability and validity evidence for these scales.
User Considerations
This section discusses the DESSA in terms of several important user considerations, including accessibility,
ease of use, availability of normative data and supports available to programs.
The DESSA may be purchased through Kaplan ( A standard kit costs $115.95 and
includes a user manual, a norms reference card and 25 hand scoring forms. Additional packages of 25 forms
may be purchased for $39.95 each. An online DESSA scoring assistant costs $32.25 for 25 online forms.
The DESSA is available in Spanish.
Ease of Use
The DESSA is a filled out by an adult – a teacher, program staff member or parent – for each child being
assessed. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes per child. Programs should consider their time and human
resource constraints for completing the forms, as the DESSA is not a self-report tool.
Availability of Norms
Normative data that characterize what is usual within a defined population can help programs better
understand the populations they serve and the effects of their programs. Normative data are available for
each scale of the DESSA and the Social-Emotional Composite, based on a standardization sample consisting
of nearly 2,500 children. The sample is reported to closely approximate the K-8 population of the U.S. with
respect to age, gender, geographic region of residence, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status based on
data published in 2008 by the U.S. Census Bureau. Norm reference cards are available for purchase and are
included in the DESSA kit.
Available Supports
The user manual offers detailed instructions for users. Programs seeking more information prior to purchase
may read an introduction to the DESSA. Fee-based in-service training is available but not required. Free video
and audio training presentations are available at
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 27 }
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the DESSA and of specific scales
that map onto the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Appendix provides detailed
analysis of reliability and validity evidence for these seven scales as well as a description of the process used
to arrive at ratings.
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes
7. What are some of the questions that it would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work
with this instrument?
• Does factor analysis support the scoring system for the instrument - e.g., is there support for creating
separate scores for skills in each of the 8 targeted areas?
• To what extent do DESSA scales measure their specific intended constructs - e.g., does the Decision
Making scale correlate with other established measures of skills in this area and less so with measures
of other types of skills?
• What are the cumulative and unique contributions of DESSA scales, when considered collectively, to the
prediction of different types of youth outcomes?
• What is the instrument’s sensitivity for detecting expected effects of OST program participation?
• Do ratings by OST program staff on the DESSA exhibit evidence of validity?
* The scope of this assessment of the reliability and validity of the DESSA does not include ratings on the
instrument that are provided by the child’s parent.
{ 28 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Reliability and Validity of Specific DESSA Scales
Number of Evidence of Evidence of Corresponding Skill Area in this
Items Reliability Validity Guide
Self-Awareness 7 Moderate Initiative & Self-Direction
Social Awareness 9 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
Personal Limited-to-
10 Moderate Initiative & Self-Direction
Responsibility Moderate
Social Awareness 9 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 29 }
San Francisco Beacons Youth Survey
Overview and Purpose
The San Francisco Beacons Youth Survey (Beacons Youth Survey) was developed by Public/Private Ventures
(P/PV) as part of an effort to evaluate the first five Beacons centers that opened in San Francisco between
the 1996 and 1998. This self-report survey is designed to assess how middle school youth spend their out-
of-school time (e.g., time in challenging activities) and to document developmental outcomes related to their
well-being (such as self-efficacy).
The Beacons Youth Survey is designed for OST programs and was created for research purposes. As such
it has not been widely distributed beyond the San Francisco effort. P/PV has also developed a staff survey
and other tools that programs can use to link information about activity quality, participation and youth
The different scales on the Beacons Youth Survey include items with a range of different response formats.
The most common format asks youth to respond using a four-point scale: strongly agree, somewhat agree,
somewhat disagree, strongly disagree.
The survey consists of 10 scales plus questions about basic demographic information. The scales are:
• School Effort*
• Self-Efficacy*
• Positive Reaction to Social Challenge* Sample Items from San Francisco Beacons Youth
• Passive Reaction to Social Challenge Survey Scales Reviewed in this Guide
• Leadership*
• Non-Familial Support I pay attention in class
• Peer Support (School Effort)
• Time Spent in Challenging Learning Activities*
• Adult Support at the Beacons I can depend on myself
• Variety of Interesting Activities offered at the (Self-Efficacy)
When I have a problem or argument with another
* These scales each map onto one of the skill student, I think about it afterward and try to figure
areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical out what went wrong
Properties section below summarizes our ratings of the (Positive Reaction to Social Challenge)
reliability and validity evidence for these scales.
In the last year, how often have you helped plan
activities or events for a group, team or club?
{ 30 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
User Considerations
This section discusses the Beacons Youth Survey in terms of several important user considerations including
accessibility, ease of use, availability of normative data and supports available to programs.
The Beacons Youth Survey is available free of charge, though it was designed originally for research purposes
and has not been adapted or packaged specifically for practitioner use. If non-Beacon programs use the tool,
they can replace references to “Beacons” (in the Beacons Experience scales) with the name of their program.
More information about this survey is outlined in a program evaluation report that describes its use in the
Beacons programs.
Ease of Use
A typical youth can complete the Beacons Youth Survey in about 35 minutes. The survey is designed to be
read aloud to youth in groups and filled out using paper and pencil. The survey is intended to be used in its
entirety, although individual scales can be used alone as well.
Availability of Norms
Normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a larger population are not
Available Supports
P/PV does not offer training to survey users. Programs interested in using the tool can contact the developer
for limited guidance on administration. However, programs will have to collect and analyze their own data and
should seek out an experienced local evaluator for assistance if necessary.
P/PV has developed a companion Youth Feedback Form designed to assess the quality of youths’ program
experiences. This survey may be used in tandem with the youth survey for programs interested in gathering
additional data to guide program improvement.
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the San Francisco Beacons Youth
Survey and of specific scales that map onto the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical
Appendix provides detailed analysis of reliability and validity evidence for these latter scales as well as a
description of the process used to arrive at ratings.
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 31 }
5. How strong is available validity evidence?
• Moderate
7. What are some of the questions that it would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work
with this instrument?
• To what extent do scales on the Beacons Youth Survey measure their specific intended constructs - e.g.,
does the Self-Efficacy scale correlate with other established indices of this construct and less so with
measures of youth attitudes or skills in other areas?
• To what degree do Beacons Youth Survey scales contribute to the prediction of youth outcomes in non-
academic domains?
• What is the sensitivity of scales on the Beacons Youth Survey for detecting effects of OST program
*This summary does not include the scales on the Beacons Youth Survey that ask youth to report on their after-
school program experiences (i.e., Adult Support at the Beacons and Variety of Interesting Activities offered at the
Reliability and Validity of Specific San Francisco Beacons Youth Survey Scales
Number of Evidence of Evidence of Corresponding Skill Area in this
Items Reliability Validity Guide
Self-Efficacy 8 None Initiative & Self-Direction
Positive Reaction
to Social 6 Limited Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
Time Spent in
Challenging 8 None Limited Initiative & Self-Direction
Learning Activity
{ 32 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Survey of After-School Youth Outcomes
Overview and Purpose
The Survey of After-School Youth Outcomes (SAYO) was developed by the National Institute on Out-of-School
Time (NIOST) in 2003, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program. Updated in 2007, the SAYO is designed
to collect data about youth from teachers, OST program staff and youth about intermediary youth outcomes
that link to long-term healthy development and educational success.
The staff and teacher surveys are called the SAYO-S and SAYO-T. There are two versions of the SAYO-Y, for
grades 4-8 and 9-12. The SAYO is part of the Afterschool Program Assessment System (APAS), which includes
an observational measure of program quality.
The SAYO-S & -T are based on a menu approach and
programs are encouraged to collect data on outcomes Sample Items from SAYO Scales
that are most aligned with their goals. The SAYO-Y Reviewed in this Guide
includes scales assessing youths’ experiences in
an OST program as well as outcomes in the areas Seeks appropriate assistance and support from
of sense of competence and future planning and teacher or other adults in resolving problems
expectations. (Relations with Adults, SAYO-T)
The SAYO-S & -T each contain more than 30 questions Initiates interactions with adults
organized into eight and nine scales respectively. (Relations with Adults, SAYO-S)
The items use a five-point response scale: never,
rarely, sometimes, usually, always. SAYO-Y scales Shows consideration for peers
target areas considered by the developers to be best (Relations with Peers, SAYO-T/SAYO-S)
measured by asking youth directly. The two versions
of the SAYO-Y each contain more than 80 questions Demonstrates active listening skills (e.g., is able
divided across 18 scales. Students report on a range to summarize key points of speaker)
of their own perceptions, beliefs and attitudes a four- (Communication Skills, SAYO-T/SAYO-S)
point response scale: no, mostly no, mostly yes, yes.
Is able to regain control of behavior when given
SAYO-S & -T scales include: a warning
• Behavior in the Program (SAYO-S only) (Behavior in the Classroom, SAYO-T)
• Behavior in the Classroom* (SAYO-T only)
• Initiative* Sets goals for self
• Engagement in Learning (Initiative, SAYO-T/SAYO-S)
• Relations with Adults*
• Relations with Peers* When encounters difficulty, is able to identify and
• Problem Solving Skills* describe the problem
• Communication Skills* (Problem Solving Skills, SAYO-T/SAYO-S)
• Homework
• Academic Performance (SAYO-T only) It’s easy for me to join a new group of teens
(Sense of Competence Socially, SAYO-Y)
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 33 }
SAYO-Y scales cluster into three broad areas:
Program Experiences
• Engagement and Enjoyment
• Choice and Autonomy
• Challenge
• Perceptions of the Social Environment
• Supportive Relationships with Staff Members
• Responsibility and Leadership
Sense of Competence
• Sense of Competence in Reading
• Sense of Competence in Writing
• Sense of Competence in Math
• Sense of Competence in Science
• Sense of Competence as a Learner
• Sense of Competence Socially*
* These scales each map onto one of the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Properties
section below summarizes our ratings of the reliability and validity evidence for these scales.
User Considerations
This section discusses the SAYO in terms of several important user considerations including accessibility,
ease of use, availability of normative data and supports available to users.
Programs pay a one-time training fee on the APAS system of $250. Once trained, programs have
lifetime access to any of the APAS tools, including the SAYO. Online or paper/pencil options are
available, with the exception to the SAYO-Y which is administered online only. More information is provided
below under "available supports."
Ease of Use
The SAYO surveys contain more questions than are recommended for a single administration. NIOST
recommends that programs customize the survey by selecting scales that best fit their goals. In addition to
selecting which scales to use, programs may choose packages that include either the youth, teacher or staff
versions, or a combination.
For the SAYO-Y, programs are encouraged to select scales that sum to no more than 50 questions total.
Programs are encouraged to choose only three outcome scales when using either the staff or teacher
Availability of Norms
Normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a larger population are not
currently available.
{ 34 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Available Supports
NIOST has a range of supports available for the full APAS system, which includes the SAYO as well as the
previously noted observational program quality assessment tool, called the Afterschool Program Practices Tool
(APT). Though the tools are designed to work in tandem to help improve program quality and outcomes, the
SAYO can be used as an outcome measure apart from the APT.
To use the SAYO, programs must participate in a NIOST training (two staff per site are recommended) or take
an online tutorial. The online tutorial costs $250 and includes lifetime online access to tools. NIOST does
not require that SAYO users have prior research or evaluation experience. Additional information on training
can be found at the NIOST website.
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the SAYO and of specific scales
that map onto the areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Appendix provides detailed analysis of
reliability and validity evidence for these latter scales as well as a description of the process used to arrive at
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes.
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 35 }
7. What are some of the questions that it would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work
with this instrument?
• Does factor analysis support the scoring system for the instrument – e.g., is there support for creating
separate scores for each of the areas that are assessed on each informant version of the SAYO?
• To what extent do SAYO scales measure their specific intended constructs – e.g., does the
Communications Scale correlate with other established measures of skills in this area and less so with
measures of other types of skills?
• To what degree do scales on the instrument predict measures of youth outcomes from outside of the
SAYO assessment system?
• To what extent do SAYO scales predict outcomes at later points in a youth’s schooling or development?
• What is the sensitivity of scales on the SAYO for detecting effects of OST program participation when
utilizing a quasi-experimental or randomized control evaluation design?
* This summary does not include scales on the SAYO that typically would be viewed as indices of more distal
youth outcomes such as the scale on the SAYO-T in which teachers rate the youth’s academic competence, or
those scales on the SAYO-Y that are focused on the youth’s program experiences.
Reliability and Validity Evidence for SAYO Scales Reviewed in this Guide
Number of Evidence of Evidence of Corresponding Skill Area in this
Items Reliability Validity Guide
Behavior in the
Moderate-to- Moderate-to-
Classroom 4 Initiative & Self-Direction
Substantial Substantial
Initiative Moderate-to-
5 Substantial Initiative & Self-Direction
(SAYO-S & -T) Substantial
Relations with
Adults 4 or 5 Substantial Relationships & Collaboration
(SAYO-S & -T)
Relations with
Peers 3 or 4 Substantial Relationships & Collaboration
(SAYO-S & -T)
Moderate-to- Critical Thinking & Decision
Skills 3 or 5 Substantial
Substantial Making
(SAYO-S & -T)
Skills 4 or 5 Substantial Communication
(SAYO-S & -T)
Future Planning –
My Actions 4 Substantial Initiative & Self-Direction
Sense of
Competence Moderate-to-
4 Substantial Relationships & Collaboration
Socially Substantial
{ 36 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
For More Information
Wendy Surr
National Institute on Out-of-School Time
Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
(781) 283-2443
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 37 }
Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales
The SSIS includes rating scales, a performance screening guide, an intervention guide and a class-wide
intervention program. The rating scales, which are the focus of our review, utilize a multi-rater approach
in which students, teachers and parents provide parallel assessment information for each youth being
The SSIS Rating Scales capture student, teacher
Sample Items from SSIS Subscales
and parent reports on the “frequency and perceived
Reviewed in this Guide
importance of positive behaviors” as well as
information on problem behaviors that may interfere
Teacher Form
with a student’s ability to demonstrate prosocial
Speaks in appropriate tone of voice
skills. Teachers also provide ratings of the student’s
academic competence.
Stands up for others who are treated unfairly
The Teacher and Parent Forms allow for rating youth
as young as age 3 up through age 18. There are two
self-report Student Forms, for ages 8-12 and 13-18.
Tries to comfort others
The number of items averages about 80 items per
form, but varies somewhat based on the form and age
of the youth.
Participates in games or group activities
The Teacher and Parent Forms ask raters to indicate
the frequency of behaviors demonstrated by youth
Stays calm when teased
on a four-point scale: never, seldom, often, almost
always. Youth are asked how true various statements
are for them: not true, a little true, a lot true, very
Student Form
true. Teachers, parents and older students (13-18)
I am polite when I speak to others
are also asked to rate the importance of each social
skills behavior to the student’s development on a
three-point scale: not important, important, critical.
I stand up for others who are not treated well
Administrators can use a summary sheet for
each form to calculate an overall set of ratings
I try to make others feel better
for individual youth. For each domain an individual
youth’s score is categorized as well-below average,
below average, average, above average, or well-above
I smile or wave at people when I see them
average based on a comparison to normative data.
The user manual outlines procedures and examples
for interpreting reports and reporting when there are
I stay calm when I am teased
multiple raters.
{ 38 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
The SSIS includes three scales with corresponding subscales for two of the scales:
• Social Skills
• Communication*
• Cooperation
• Assertion*
• Responsibility
• Empathy*
• Engagement*
• Self-Control*
• Competing Problem Behaviors
• Externalizing
• Bullying
• Hyperactivity/Inattention
• Internalizing
• Autism Spectrum (teacher and parent report only)
• Academic Competence (teacher report only)
* These subscales each map onto one of the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Properties
section below summarizes our ratings of the reliability and validity evidence for these scales.
User Considerations
This section discusses the SSIS Rating Scales in terms of several important considerations including
accessibility, ease of use, availability of normative data and supports available to programs.
The SSIS Rating Scales are distributed through Pearson. The parent and student versions are available in
English and Spanish. Users may purchase either hand-scored or computer-scored starter kits. The hand-
scored starter kit costs $248.25 and includes a user manual and three packages of 25 student, teacher and
parent forms. The computer-scored starter kit costs $517.35 and includes the manual, a package of each set
of forms and scoring software. Packets of 25 additional forms are available and cost $43.05 (hand-scored)
and $53.60 (computer scored).
Ease of Use
Each form takes 10 to 25 minutes to complete. No special training is required to administer the scale, and
procedures for scoring are outlined in the user guide.
Availability of Norms
The SSIS Rating Scale has been tested on a normative sample of 4,700 youth ages 3-18. In addition, 385
teachers and 2,800 parents provided ratings. Sampling was conducted on a national standardization sample
aligned with the demographic data published in 2006 by the U.S. Census Bureau. The three forms have
normative scores by age group and gender. Information about using norms is included in kits.
Available Supports
The user guide includes information on administering, scoring and interpreting results. The manual suggests
that interpretation of scores and reports should be done by a professional familiar with test construction and
interpretation (an evaluator, for example), as no additional training is provided.
These scales are part of a family of assessment and intervention tools, including a universal screening tool
and social skills intervention programs. These other tools may be purchased to use in tandem with the rating
scales. Programs purchasing the computer-scored kit may link directly to specific interventions based on
scores obtained for individual youth.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 39 }
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the SSIS Rating Scales and of
specific scales that map onto the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Appendix provides
detailed analysis of reliability and validity evidence for these latter scales as well as a description of the
process used to arrive at ratings.
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes
7. What are some of the questions that it would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work
with this instrument?
• Does factor analysis support the scoring system for the instrument – e.g., is there support for creating
separate scores for social skills in each of the targeted areas?
• Do teacher- and youth-report subscales on the SSIS measure their specific intended constructs – for
example, does the Empathy subscale correlate with other well-validated indices of skills in this area and
less so with measures of other types of skills?
• What are the cumulative and unique contributions of SSIS scales and subscales, when considered
collectively, to the prediction of different types of youth outcomes?
• To what extent do SSIS scales and subscales predict outcomes assessed at later points in a youth’s
schooling or development?
• What is the sensitivity of the SSIS Rating Scales for detecting expected effects of OST program
{ 40 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
* This summary encompasses only the Social Skills scale and associated subscales of the SSIS Rating Scales.
The Problem Behaviors scale and associated subscales and the Academic Competence scale are not included,
as these typically would be viewed as indices of broader youth outcomes that are not the focus of this guide.
Furthermore, in keeping with the focus of this guide on tools for use by OST programs, the summary pertains
only to the student and teacher versions of the scale (i.e., does not include the parent version).
Reliability and Validity Evidence for SSIS Scales Reviewed in this Guide
Number of Evidence of Evidence of Corresponding Skill Area in this
Items Reliability Validity Guide
Communication Moderate-to-
7 Moderate Communication
(Teacher) Substantial
Communication Moderate-to-
6 Moderate Communication
(Student) Substantial
7 Moderate Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
Assertion Moderate-to-
7 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
(Student) Substantial
Empathy (Student) 6 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
Engagement Moderate-to-
6 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
(Teacher) Substantial
Self-Control Moderate-to-
7 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
(Teacher) Substantial
Self-Control Moderate-to-
6 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
(Student) Substantial
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 41 }
Youth Outcomes Battery
The Youth Outcomes Battery includes three survey Sample Items from Youth Outcomes Battery
tools: a Camper Learning Scale for 6- to 9-year-olds Scales Reviewed in this Guide
and Basic and Detailed versions of a Camp Youth
Outcomes Scales for 10- to 17-year-olds. Users can I am good at trusting my friends
administer different combinations of scales from (Friendship Skills)
these tools depending on their focal outcomes.
I am good at taking care of myself
The Camper Learning Scale includes 14 questions (Independence)
that ask youth about how much they learned in
different areas during their camp experience. The I know I can get along with other people in a
Basic version of the Camp Youth Outcomes Scales small group
is recommended for youth ages 10-13. It includes (Teamwork)
approximately 65 questions that ask youth about how
much their camp experienced changed their levels of I want to learn more about new ideas
skills in different areas (see list below). The Detailed (Interest in Exploration)
version of the Camp Youth Outcomes Scales is
recommended for older youth (13-17). The questions I don’t blame others for my mistakes
on this version are parallel in content to those on (Responsibility)
the Basic version, but each question has two parts
so as to assess both current “status” and “change.” When I have a problem, I make good choices
The first part asks youth how true the statement is about what to do
of them (“status”) using a six-point response scale: (Problem-Solving Confidence)
false, somewhat false, a little false, a little true,
somewhat true, true. The second part asks youth to
report how much or less true it is of them now compared to before they came to camp (“change”),
using another six-point response scale: a lot less, somewhat less, a little less, a little more, somewhat
more, a lot more.
Finally, there is a Camp Connectedness scale that can be administered with both the Basic and Detailed
versions of the Camp Youth Outcome Scales. This scale measures the camper’s personal relationship to camp
in areas such as belonging, youth voice and staff support. For purposes of this guide, the only
scales reviewed are the “status” scales from Detailed version of the Camp Youth Outcome Scales.
Responses to items are scored from 1-6 in ascending order of response choice. Scale scores are then
calculated by summing the scores for each item on a given scale. The results can be used to describe
perceived outcomes of youth and can be broken down by other variables, such as age of youth or
program type.
{ 42 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
The Youth Outcomes Battery includes the following scales:
• Friendship Skills*
• Independence*
• Teamwork*
• Family Citizenship
• Perceived Competence
• Interest in Exploration*
• Responsibility*
• Problem-Solving Confidence*
• Affinity for Nature
• Spiritual Well-being
• Camp Connectedness
* These scales each map onto one of the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Properties
section below summarizes our ratings of the reliability and validity evidence for these scales.
User Considerations
This section discusses the Youth Outcomes Battery in terms of several important considerations including
accessibility, ease of use, availability of normative data and supports available to users.
The full set of tools can be purchased online by ACA members for $40 and by non-members for $120.
Organizations may also purchase individual scales for $5 (members) or $15 (non-member). Once purchased,
programs can make as many copies as they need. Users also have access to an online Excel-based data
analysis template on the ACA website.
Ease of Use
The survey is available in a paper/pencil format. The basic version for older youth takes five to 20 minutes,
depending on the number of scales administered. The detailed version requires more time because each
question has two parts. Non-camp programs will need to adapt camp-specific language to fit their program
Availability of Norms
Normative data that characterize what is usual within a defined population can help programs better
understand the populations they serve and the effects of their programs. ACA recently began collecting
normative data on the Basic version of the Youth Outcomes Battery in which youth report retrospectively on
the extent to which their skills have changed in different areas as a result of their camp experience. These
data are intended to allow individual camps to compare their scores with representative scores from typical
ACA camps. (The data offer limited comparison value for non-residential camp programs because 75 percent
were collected in residential camps.) Additional work is underway and details related to gender, age, race/
ethnicity and day/resident programming are forthcoming. Guidance on how to use norms for comparison
purposes is available at
Available Supports
Although ACA does not provide training to programs outside of their membership, it has developed written
guidelines for the administration and scoring of the instruments and data analysis. The user guide outlines
differences between survey versions, tips for administering and scoring and scripts for staff to follow when
administering the survey. As noted above, users also have access to an Excel template to help with data
analysis. See the ACA website for additional information.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 43 }
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the Youth Outcomes Battery and of
the specific scales that map onto the areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Appendix provides
detailed analysis of reliability and validity evidence for these latter scales as well as a description of the
process used to arrive at ratings.
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes
7. What are some of the questions that it would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work
with this instrument?
• Does factor analysis support the scoring system for the instrument – eg., is there support for creating
separate scores for each of the targeted areas?
• Do scales measure their specific intended constructs – e.g., do scores on the Friendship Skills scale
correlate with other well-validated measures of social competence and less so with measures that
target skills in other areas?
• To what extent are YOB scales useful in predicting other important youth outcomes?
• What is the Youth Outcomes Battery sensitivity for detecting effects of OST program participation?
* This summary is limited to the status format scales on the Detailed version of the Camp Youth Outcome
{ 44 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Reliability and Validity of Youth Outcomes Battery Scales Reviewed in this Guide
Number of Evidence of Evidence of Corresponding Skill Area in this
Items Reliability Validity Guide
Interest in
8 Limited Limited Initiative & Self-Direction
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 45 }
Youth Outcome Measures Online Toolbox
Teacher and staff surveys provide parallel perceptions of individual youth and when administered on multiple
occasions over time, are designed to yield a comprehensive picture of behavior change and skill development.
The teacher and staff surveys each contain 44 questions that ask these adults to rate youth in terms of
specific behaviors (see sample items). Most questions use a five-point response scale: very poor, somewhat
poor, average, good, very good. The youth survey contains 30 questions that ask young people how true a
given statement is about them: not at all true, a little true, mostly true, really true. The battery is intended to
be used in its entirety, although individual scales can
stand alone.
Sample Items from Youth Outcome Measures
The staff and teacher surveys include the following Online Toolbox Scales Reviewed in this Guide
• Social Skills* Understands others’ feelings
• Prosocial Behavior with Peers* (Social Skills – Teacher/Staff)
• Aggressive Behavior with Peers
• Work Habits* Generates many solutions to interpersonal
• Task Persistence* problems
• Academic Performance (teacher version only) (Prosocial Behavior with Peers – Teacher/Staff)
The youth survey includes these scales: This student uses time wisely
• Social Competencies* (Work Habits – Teacher/Staff)
• Misconduct
• Work Habits* This student gives up on things before finishing
• Reading/English Efficacy them
• Math Efficacy (Task Persistence – Teacher/Staff)
* These scales each map onto one of the skill I can tell a funny story to a group of kids
areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical (Social Competencies – Youth)
Properties section below summarizes our ratings of the
reliability and validity evidence for these scales. I work well by myself
(Works Habits – Youth)
{ 46 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
User Considerations
This section discusses the Youth Outcome Measures Online Toolbox in terms of several important user
considerations, such as accessibility, ease of use, availability of normative data and supports available to
Information and resource materials about the Online Toolbox are available at http://afterschooloutcomes.
Programs interested in using the measure independently are free to do so. To receive a list of the survey
items, contact the tool developers via the website or by e-mailing This free list of scales
and survey items is not in survey format; it is meant for interested parties to view and use independently.
Programs interested in using the online toolbox portal need to enter into a service agreement with University
of California at Irvine. A one-year service agreement includes 1) access to the online surveys; 2) technical
assistance in administering the surveys; and 3) analysis and reporting of data. Fees vary based on the
number of sites, number of students per site and level of analyses.
Ease of Use
The surveys in the Online Toolbox can be administered online or using paper/pencil. The developers report
that most youth can complete the battery in about 10 minutes and that most teachers and program staff can
complete ratings on one student in five to eight minutes.
Availability of Norms
Tables with normative data designed to facilitate comparison of youth in a given program to a larger
population are not currently available.
Available Supports
Minimal training, i.e., self-training by reading instructions on the project website, is necessary to administer
these measures. Step-by-step instructions and additional resource materials are available at at no cost. Programs can enter into a fee-based service agreement with the
research team for access to the Online Toolbox, ongoing support via telephone and e-mail, and data analysis.
Further information about the Online Toolbox is included in two reports (Vandell et al., 2010).ix
Technical Properties
This section provides information about the overall technical properties of the Online Toolbox and of specific
scales that map onto the skill areas that are the focus of this guide. The Technical Appendix provides detailed
analysis of reliability and validity evidence for these latter scales as well as a description of the process used
to arrive at ratings.
1. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument generate consistent responses, that is, are reliable?
• Yes.
4. Is there evidence that the scales on the instrument measure what they intend to measure,
that is, are valid?
• Yes
7. What are some of the questions that it would be useful for scholars to address as they continue to work
with this instrument?
• To what extent do Online Toolbox scales measure their specific intended constructs – e.g., does the
Social Skills scale measure a distinct construct from the Prosocial Behavior scale, with which it has
demonstrated a high level of association?
• What are the cumulative and unique contributions of Online Toolbox scales, when considered collectively,
to the prediction of different types of youth outcomes?
• To what extent do the Online Toolbox scales predict outcomes assessed at later points in a youth’s
schooling or development?
• What is the sensitivity of scales in the Online Toolbox for detecting effects of OST program participation
when utilizing a randomized control evaluation design?
* This summary encompasses the scales in the Online Toolbox that map onto the skill areas that are the focus
of this guide or that assess youth attitudes, behaviors or skills in related areas. Scales that typically would be
viewed as indices of more distal youth outcomes are not included (i.e., scales assessing aggressive behavior on
the teacher and OST program staff survey, academic competence on the teacher survey, and misconduct on the
youth survey).
{ 48 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Reliability and Validity of Youth Outcome Measures Online Toolbox Scales
Reviewed in this Guide
Number of Evidence of Evidence of Corresponding Skill Area in this
Items Reliability Validity Guide
Prosocial Behavior 8 Substantial Relationships & Collaboration
Work Habits
(Teacher and Staff 6 Substantial Initiative & Self-Direction
Work Habits Moderate-to- Limited-to-
6 Initiative & Self-Direction
(Youth survey) Substantial Moderate
Task Persistence 6 Substantial Initiative & Self-Direction
Social Moderate-to-
7 Moderate Relationships & Collaboration
Competencies Substantial
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What are they and why are they useful?
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The organization Janice works for is interested in assessing the social and
emotional skills of youth who are served by the organization’s after-school
program and is looking for an instrument that measures these skills. After
reviewing several options, she settles on an instrument that seems easy to
use with questions that seem relevant for assessing the desired program
impacts on youth.
The instrument Janice chose looked useful on the surface, but when it was used in the field, it was not clear
that it was appropriate for the task at hand. Psychometric information might have helped Janice understand
the strengths and weaknesses of the instrument before she used it.
Psychometrics are statistics that help researchers evaluate an instrument and determine if it is useful for
measuring the desired concept.5 Psychometric information can be divided into two broad categories: reliability
and validity. Several different kinds of statistical evidence are used in each category to help establish that an
instrument is sound.
{ 52 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Reliability: The extent to which the instrument generates consistent scores each time it is used.
One useful analogy for understanding reliability is a game of darts. If a player’s darts consistently land on the
same location on the board, we would say that the dart player has excellent reliability (whether or not that
place is the center of the board). The same is true for research instruments that yield consistent information.
Various types of reliability are discussed below.
Internal Consistency: The extent to which the items on a scale measure the same concept.
An item is a specific question or rating, and a scale is a set of items within an instrument that jointly
measure a particular concept. For example, an instrument might include five items that are supposed to
measure a youth’s communication skills, and users would average or add the ratings across the five items
to get an overall communication skill score. Because items forming a scale are intended to jointly measure
the same concept, we can expect that the scores for each item will be related to all of the other items.6 For
example, say that the “communication” items include: (1) How often does the youth listen appropriately to
others when they are speaking? (2) How often does the youth express his or her ideas appropriately to others?
(3) How often does the youth seem to have difficulty understanding what others are saying? If the scale has
high internal consistency, the rating for any one question would be related highly to the ratings for the other
questions. (So if the first question received a high rating, we would expect that the second would also receive
a high rating and the third would receive a low rating.) In a scale with low internal consistency, the items’
ratings are unrelated to each other. Low internal consistency suggests e.g., items may not be related to each
other in a meaningful way (i.e., not getting at a single underlying concept), and therefore that the overall score
(the communication ability based on the average of the ratings) might not be meaningful, either.7
The analogy of the dartboard is useful when understanding internal consistency. Think about the individual
items as the darts: The aim of the thrower is meaningless if the darts land haphazardly across the board.
In the same way, an overall score like average communication is meaningless if the different items’ ratings do
not relate to each other. The statistic that determines internal consistency is called “Cronbach’s alpha.” For a
scale to have acceptable internal consistency, it should be near or above the conventional cutoff of 0.70.
This section on psychometrics draws heavily on a chapter written by Sean Fischer and Marybeth Shinn that appeared in the
Forum’s 2007 report Measuring Youth Program Quality.
Researchers also commonly use the term “construct” to refer to the concept that is targeted by a measure. Constructs also may
be referred to as the objects of measurement for scales. The constructs that are of primary interest in this guide are skills and
other related attributes of youth (e.g., attitudes).
In order for internal consistency to be applicable as an appropriate measure of a scale’s reliability, the scale should be what
researchers have called a “reflective” measure. A reflective measure is one in which it is reasonable to regard the responses to
items as all emerging from (and thus “reflecting”) the true level of the desired concept or construct for that youth (such as, in our
example, a youth’s communication skills or abilities). For this type of scale, it is expected that the responses to the different items
on a scale will be consistent (i.e., very similar) because they all are (hopefully) for the most part influenced by the same thing (i.e.,
the underlying concept or construct). In contrast, internal consistency would not be applicable to a set of items that researchers
would call a “formative” measure. A formative measure is one in which the responses to different items are each expected to help
produce (or “form”) an accurate assessment of the desired concept. For this type of scale, it is not expected that the responses to
the different items on a scale will be consistent because each may be contributing unique and thus potentially unrelated information
to measurement of the desired concept or construct. To illustrate, the sample items for the communication skills scale that we
provide would be considered a reflective measure because we expect the different ratings (e.g., being skilled at listening and self-
expression) to all reflect closely connected parts of the youth’s underlying abilities in this area. In contrast, if the communication
scale had items such as “makes speeches in classrooms” and “helps announce school-wide bulletins,” we would be consider the
scale to be a formative measure because we would not necessarily expect a youth who is involved in one type of specific activity
(e.g., making speeches in class) to be involved in others (e.g., making school announcements). The distinction between whether
a scale is best categorized as reflective or formative is not always clear cut. The large majority of the scales reviewed in this guide
appear to be primarily intended as reflective measures. In the few cases where a scale appeared to be formative in its orientation,
and thus internal consistency reliability would not be expected, we limited our consideration of reliability evidence to test-retest and
interrater reliability. An excellent discussion of this issue can be found in an article by Bollen and Lennox (1991)x.
Bollen, K., & Lennox, R. (1991). Conventional wisdom on measurement: A structural equation perspective. Psychological Bulletin,
110, 305-314.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 53 }
Interrater Reliability: The extent to which raters agree when evaluating the same youth at the same time.
When an instrument involves observers providing ratings, it is also important to consider interrater reliability.
For accurate assessment, an instrument should yield consistent scores regardless of the idiosyncrasies or
tendencies of individual raters. When findings depend largely on who is doing the rating (e.g., if Rater A is
more likely to give favorable scores than Rater B), it will be difficult to get a reliable sense of a youth’s true
level of skill or ability. For this reason, organizations should consider the interrater reliability of an instrument
even if only one rater will be rating each youth. Poor interrater reliability often stems from ambiguous
questions that leave a lot of room for individual interpretation, and such ambiguity is not always immediately
apparent from looking at the items on the instrument.
Some instruments’ developers offer training for raters. If you cannot receive formal training on an instrument,
it is still desirable whenever feasible to train raters yourself before conducting an assessment or evaluation.
Organizations can hold meetings to review each question individually and discuss what criteria are necessary
to assign a score of 1, 2 or 3, etc. If possible, raters should go through “test cases” to practice using the
instrument. When disagreement occurs on individual questions, raters should discuss why they chose to rate
a youth the way they did and come to a consensus. Practice evaluations will help raters develop a mutual
understanding of what to look for so that they can rate youth in a similar manner.
Several statistics are available to measure interrater reliability. A simple percentage agreement is perhaps the
most straightforward of these statistics. It does not account for those instances in which raters agree simply
by chance, however, and for this reason is less preferred than alternative statistics such as kappa and the
intraclass correlation. These methods also allow for more than two raters to be considered in the interrater
reliability statistic. For this guide, we considered findings to be relevant to interrater reliability when the raters
are observing the youth in the same setting at generally the same point in time. This generally involved either
two different OST program staff or two of the youth’s teachers providing ratings of the youth. Otherwise, it was
assumed that factors other than the measure’s inherent lack of reliability could be resulting in differences in
scores across raters, such as a youth exhibiting a different level of social skills when in an OST program than
when at school.
If a youth’s scores on a scale differ very little across two different times of measurement, it has strong
test-retest reliability. In general, test-retest reliability is a meaningful form of reliability only when the
measurements occur over a short enough period of time for the youth’s skills to have not changed due to
reasons such as normal development or participation in a program.
Let’s return to our earlier example of a scale that measures communication skills. If the scale was completed
twice by a group of youth over an interval only a few weeks, it would be reasonable to expect the same youth
to receive relatively the same scores each time. In this report, we consider findings to be relevant to test-
retest reliability only when the interval between measurements is three months or less. Typically, test-retest
reliability is assessed using either the Pearson correlation coefficient or an intraclass correlation. For the
measures reviewed in this guide, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used in all instances to assess
test-retest reliability. For this statistic, a value of .70 or greater often would be considered to indicate an
acceptable level of reliability.8
In some cases, the average score for a group of youth on a measure may tend to increase or decrease across two administrations
of the measure. In this case, if the relative standing (rank-ordering) of youth on the measure is relatively unchanged, the Pearson
correlation coefficient will still tend to indicate a high level of test-retest reliability. In comparison, the intraclass correlation can
be useful if there is an interest in also detecting whether youth tend to receive the exact same score on a measure across
{ 54 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
Validity: An instrument’s ability to measure what it is intended to measure.
If a scale on an instrument is supposed to measure a youth’s skills in a particular area, then it would be valid
if it yielded accurate information about the youth’s abilities in that area. The game of darts again provides
a useful analogy. Whereas reliability is about the player consistently throwing darts to the same location,
validity relates to whether or not the player is hitting the bull’s eye. The bull’s eye is the concept or construct
an instrument is intended to measure. Although reliability is essential, it is also important to know if an
instrument is valid. (Dart players who consistently miss the board entirely may be reliable – they may hit the
same spot over and over – but they are sure to lose the game.)
Sometimes an instrument may look like it measures one concept when in fact it measures something
different or measures nothing particularly well. For example, returning again to our example of a scale that
claims to measure communication skills, such a scale would not be particularly valid if it focused solely on
whether youth liked to talk a lot.
Validity can be challenging to assess because the concepts of interest are often not tangible or concrete.
Unlike the case of reliability, there is no specific number that tells us about validity. Rather, validity is more of
a qualitative assessment that is arrived at by considering the preponderance of available evidence. Several
different types of statistical analyses that can be used to inform judgments about a measure’s validity are
discussed below. These analyses have been associated with different types of validity, the names for which
are also provided below. It is important to remember, however, that ultimately all of the analyses share the
same goal of helping us to judge how well the scores on a scale capture whatever it is intended to measure.
It also is important to keep in mind that assessments of a scale’s validity should always be linked to the
particular intended use of the measure. Consider, for example, two scales that each have published evidence
of being valid measures of problem-solving ability. In deciding which measure to use in the evaluation of an
OST program, it would be appropriate to consider which scale is likely to provide the most valid assessment
of the particular aspects of problem-solving ability that the program is intended to improve. If the program has
the goal of strengthening problem-solving skills for resolving conflicts with peers, for example, then the scale
that appears most likely to be valid for assessing these aspects of problem-solving ability would be the most
appropriate choice. Ultimately, then, judgments of a scale’s validity can not be made in a vacuum, but rather
must be informed by careful consideration of the specific purpose or goal for which a measure will be used.
Convergent Validity: The extent to which the scores on a scale are associated positively with scores
on scales that measure the same or highly similar concepts.
If two scales are presumed to measure the same or similar concepts, one would expect scores on the two
scales to exhibit a high level of agreement or overlap. For example, suppose researchers have developed a
new scale (Scale A) that is intended to measure youths’ teamwork skills. To assess its validity, researchers
might administer both Scale A and another scale (Scale B), which is already well-established as a valid
measure of teamwork skills, to the same youth. Assuming that Scale A is also a valid measure, we can
expect that when Scale B finds that a youth has good teamwork skills, Scale A will as well. If this is not the
case, we would conclude that Scale A probably does not adequately measure teamwork skills.
It is useful to keep in mind, too, that claims of validity are population-specific. In other words, just because a measure such as
Scale B has been indicated to be valid for assessing a concept like teamwork in one population (e.g., youth ages 14 and older), this
does not guarantee it will be valid for all other populations (youth ages 10-12). Accordingly, if researchers are seeking to validate
Scale A for use with a population of youth (or raters) that is different from the one(s) on which Scale B has been validated, a lack
of expected association between scores on the two scales could reflect limitations in Scale B’s validity for the new population more
than it does a lack of validity for Scale A.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 55 }
validity is established with absolute confidence. With this in mind, returning to our example above, suppose
Scale A does not show a strong association with Scale B. Is this because Scale A is not a valid measure
of teamwork, or is it a reflection of limitations in Scale B’s validity?9 Another important consideration is the
well-established tendency of data on a set of scales that are collected from the same informant or using
the same method (such as youth self-report or teacher ratings) to show overlap for reasons other than the
different scales involved assessing the same concept. For example, an observer might tend to rate the same
youth relatively high or low across two areas, even if the youth’s abilities or skills differ across those areas,
because of what has been called a “halo effect.” For this reason, researchers typically give more weight to
convergent validity evidence that comes from different informants or methods (e.g., if Scale A is a self-report
measure of teamwork and Scale B is based on ratings by the staff of an after-school program).
Discriminant Validity: The extent to which scores on scales that measure distinct concepts are not
associated at unexpectedly high levels.
If two scales are presumed to measure different concepts, one would not expect scores on the two scales to
exhibit a strong association. Let’s continue with the same example of a new scale (Scale A) that is supposed
to measure teamwork. Researchers might administer this scale to a group of youth along with another scale
(Scale C), which is a well-established measure of a concept that is distinct from teamwork, such as creativity.
If Scale A is a valid measure, we can expect that the scores from Scale C will not exhibit a strong relationship
with scores from Scale A. If this type of strong relationship were found, we would have reason to question
whether Scale A is a valid measure of teamwork skills.
But just how strong of an association between scores on the two scales would be so high that it could cast
doubt on the Scale A’s discriminant validity? To help address this question, it is useful to have some type
of benchmark available. One benchmark used by researchers would be the level of association that Scale A
shows with another established measure of the same concept. This would include a scale such as Scale B,
the scale that we referred to above in discussing assessment of a scale’s convergent validity. In general, if
Scale A has discriminant validity, we would expect that its association with Scale C would be less strong than
its association with Scale B.
The same factors that we noted can complicate assessments of convergent validity can also make it
challenging to gauge a scale’s discriminant validity. Suppose, in our example above, that Scales A and C
are both based on the self-reports of youth, whereas Scale B is based on ratings of teachers. Scores on
Scale A could be associated with those for Scale C simply because both scales come from the same source
(something researchers refer to as “shared method variance”). This association could be stronger than Scale
A’s association with Scale B, thus suggesting that the scale’s discriminant validity is low even though this
may not be the case. To help sort out these kinds of issues, it is best to have available what researchers
call “multitrait-multimethod” data, in which multiple concepts are each measured using multiple methods.
In our example, this could involve adding a fourth measure, Scale D, that assesses the same concept as
Scale C (creativity) but does so based on teacher ratings. Among other things, this would allow us to see if
discriminant validity of Scale A is supported by it having an association with Scale B (teamwork assessed
using teacher ratings) that is less strong than its association with Scale D (creativity assessed using teacher
ratings). This type of comparison is desirable because neither association will be influenced or biased by
shared method variance.
Criterion Validity: The degree to which a measure is related in expected ways to some type of
criterion or outcome, measured either at the same time (concurrent validity) or a later time
(predictive validity).
If a scale does a good job of capturing the concept that it is intended to measure, then scores on the scale
would be expected to be related to criteria or outcomes that are influenced by that concept. For example, if
a scale is supposed to measure the abilities of youth to persist on difficult tasks, then we would expect that
youth who receive higher scores on the measure would also be more successful in school.
{ 56 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
There are two types of criterion validity: concurrent validity and predictive validity. With concurrent validity,
the scale and the criterion or outcome are measured at the same time. With predictive validity, the scale
is measured at one point in time, then the criterion or outcome is assessed at a later point in time. Thus,
if youth who score higher on the scale intended to measure task persistence are found to also be earning
higher grades in school at the same point in time, this would be support for concurrent validity. If these
youth also were found to be more likely to graduate from high school at some point in the future, this
would indicate predictive validity. Typically, greater weight and significance are attached to predictive validity
evidence. This type of evidence is especially well-suited to assessing whether scores on a scale demonstrate
expected associations with outcomes that may emerge only at later points in a youth’s development, such as
educational attainment or involvement in certain types of problem behavior.
Researchers may use both theory and prior research findings to determine which outcomes are most
appropriate to establish criterion validity. Ultimately, these determinations are judgment calls subject to
debate and disagreement. A further complicating consideration is the potential for the outcome or criterion
measure to have limited validity, which could then be an alternative explanation for why the scale of interest
does not predict that measure.
Construct Validity: The degree to which a measure is related in expected ways to measures of
hypothesized antecedent and consequent concepts, ideally within a defined model.10
Typically, the concept that is supposed to be measured by a scale can be expected to not only have an effect
on other concepts, as just discussed with criterion validity, but also to be influenced by different concepts
as well. There are typically many potential influences on whatever is intended to be measured by a scale.
One important type of influence for the measures reviewed in this guide would be participation in an OST
program. Many OST programs, for example, are intended to provide youth with positive learning and mastery
experiences. It is reasonable to expect that participation in such programs should, among other possible
outcomes, strengthen the abilities of youth to show sustained effort when faced with difficult or challenging
tasks. Accordingly, program participation should lead to higher scores on a measure of task persistence like
the one we referred to above.
OST program participation, of course, is only one of many factors that could be predicted to influence scores
on a measure intended to assess abilities in this area. We might also expect, for example, that youth who
experience difficulties with attention or hyperactivity would find it more difficult to persist on tasks and thus
score lower on the scale. Here, too, theory and prior research findings help researchers determine which
antecedent concepts are most appropriate to examine for a given scale. Ideally, there will be a well-delineated
model available that depicts an integrative network of relationships between several different antecedent
concepts, the concept of interest and potential consequents or outcomes (i.e., concepts expected to be
influenced by the concept of interest). Specialized methods, most notably structural equation modeling, are
available to test whether data collected on a set of relevant measures provide support for a proposed model
or theory. For purposes of informing assessment of a scale’s construct validity, we would be most interested
in the parts of the model that involve the scale’s linkages with measures of concepts that are expected to
either influence or be influenced by the concept the scale is intended to measure.
If findings are consistent with theoretical predictions for a scale, we would conclude there is support for
a scale’s construct validity. If findings are not consistent with what is expected, this could indicate an
issue with a scale’s validity. Alternatively, the same results could just as easily indicate a problem with the
accuracy of the associated theoretical predictions. Consider, for example, a situation in which participating
in an OST program is not found to lead to higher scores on our hypothetical scale intended to measure task
persistence, even though theory suggests that the program should improve skills in this area. Determining
whether the reason for this finding is a lack of validity for the scale (the program does improve task
Researchers sometimes use the term construct validity more broadly to encompass all different types of validity evidence that are
available for a measure. 11 To complicate matters further, it also could be the case that the OST program was poorly implemented.
This could be another reason for the unexpected results in our example rather than a problem with either the scale’s validity or the
theoretical prediction about what outcomes are affected the program when it is implemented appropriately.
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 57 }
persistence, but the scale is not able to detect its effects on this outcome), a problem with our theoretical
prediction (the program as designed does not have an effect on task persistence), or perhaps both of these
reasons is not a simple undertaking.11
Generally speaking, in this type of situation it is advisable to look to additional sources of information for
guidance. This could include whether the scale has exhibited good convergent validity with other well-validated
measures of the same concept, in which case we would tend to question the accuracy of our theoretical
model more than the validity of the scale. We also could look at whether the same theory has received
support when using other scales to assess the concept of interest, in which case we then would be more
likely to question the validity of the scale.
Validity of Scale Structure: The extent to which individual items on an instrument measure the
different concepts that the instrument is intended to assess. (This is appropriate only for instruments
that have divided their items into scales.)12
As already stated, scales are composed of several items that, when averaged or summed, create an overall
score for a specific concept. Often, the items on a single instrument will be used to derive several different
scales, each intended to measure a different concept. The validity of scale structure is important is because
we want to know whether the items on an instrument have been grouped appropriately for purposes of
computing scales that represent the different concepts that an instrument seeks to measure. Determining
whether the individual items on an instrument adequately measure the concepts they are intended to
measure can be difficult, although conducting what is called a factor analysis is one helpful way to do so.
Factor analysis examines which items are similar to each other and which are different, and helps address
whether certain groups of items can be assigned to the same scales within an instrument. Ideally, these
groupings will correspond to the instrument developer’s hypotheses or assumptions.
For example, imagine an instrument with two scales intended to assess skills in the areas of Task
Persistence and Task Management. Suppose that in nearly all cases where youth receive high ratings on the
items that make up the task persistence scale, they also receive similarly positive ratings on the items that
make up the task management scale. Because of the high degree similarity in ratings for the two sets of
items, a factor analysis likely would indicate that the items involved are actually measuring just one concept,
not two. In this case, it could make more sense to compute just one scale from the items involved, perhaps
renamed Task Completion.
Factor analysis can also help determine if a scale on an instrument actually incorporates more than
one related concept. Imagine that we have an instrument with a scale called Social Academic Problem
Solving, but that a factor analysis finds responses to the items on the scale are not all closely related.
This would suggest that the items assigned to the scale are not all measuring the same concept. We might
discover, for example, that some items relate to Social Academic Problem Solving, whereas another set
relates to Problem Solving with Teachers. Ideally, when findings of a factor analysis suggest revisions to how
an instrument is scored, the results are confirmed through analyses conducted with a new set of data. The
technique of testing support for a particular hypothesized scale structure for the items on an instrument is
called confirmatory factory analysis.
In this guide, validity of scale structure is considered primarily when evaluating the psychometric properties of the overall
instruments that include the scales that are reviewed. Where appropriate, however, in reviewing individual scales we consider
whether factor analysis findings support the distinctiveness of the items that are used to compute the scale relative to those
assigned to other scales (and thus intended to assess other concepts) on the same instrument because of the relevance of this
evidence for assessing the scale’s discriminant validity.
{ 58 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
& Criteria
for Ratings of Reliability and Validity Evidence
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 61 }
Framework and Criteria for Ratings of Reliability
and Validity Evidence
This is an overview of the procedural steps and guidelines that were used to arrive at the ratings of reliability
and validity evidence reported for each of the scales reviewed in this guide.12 An overview of the framework
used is shown below (Figure 2).13 Those interested can request a copy of the complete rating system from
the authors. There are inherent limitations to any effort to boil down the often varied and nuanced sources
of evidence that bear on the psychometric properties of a measure into summative ratings. Users of this
guide are encouraged to be mindful of this and to always consider the ratings that are provided for a scale in
conjunction with the narrative accounts of the underlying evidence.
Inter-rater Relevant?
Test-retest Relevant?
Criterion- criterion or
Related outcome
{ 62 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
For each scale, the rating process began with the following set of general orienting questions:
• What construct is the measure intended to assess?
• For what types of youth populations (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.) is the measure intended to be
• For what types of raters (youth, OST program staff, teacher, etc.) is the measure intended to be
Having answered these questions, we next evaluated the available evidence as it pertained to each of several
different facets of reliability and validity (see Figure 1). The the section on psychometrics (see page 51) of
this guide includes a brief explanation of each of these types of reliability and validity. Orienting questions
similar to those listed above were used to facilitate ratings of the available evidence as it related to each
facet of a scale’s reliability and validity. In the case of reliability, these questions were used to identify which
facets of reliability were relevant for a particular scale. For example, if a scale was intended to be completed
only as a self-report measure by youth themselves, interrater reliability was not a relevant consideration. In
the case of validity, the orienting questions focused on the specific types of evidence that would be most
relevant in evaluating a particular scale’s validity. For criterion-related validity, for example, we made an effort
to identify the kinds of youth outcomes most likely to be influenced by the skill or concept that a scale was
intended to measure.
For each facet of reliability (as applicable) and validity, we evaluated the available evidence along each of
several dimensions. These dimensions included:
• quantity or amount (for example, the number of different studies)
• quality and rigor (for example, when assessing convergent validity evidence, the extent to which the other
scales involved had well-established validity for measuring the same skill or attribute)
• breadth and comprehensiveness (the extent to which evidence was available for particular groups such as
male and female youth and, as applicable, different raters such as teachers and OST program staff)
• strength (the level of support that findings typically provided for whatever facet of reliability or validity was
being considered)
• consistency (the degree to which findings were consistent across different studies or research samples).
The evidence as it related to each of these dimensions for a given facet of reliability or validity for a scale was
assigned a rating from 1 to 5 (the anchor terms used for each set of ratings are noted in Figure 2). Guidelines
were developed to facilitate the assignment of these ratings for different facets of reliability and validity. For
example, for rating strength of evidence for internal consistency reliability, guidelines focused on Cronbach
alpha coefficient (Very Low: < .30; Low: .30-.50; Moderate: .50-.70; High: .70- .90: Very High: >.90). It should
be noted, however, that in most instances guidelines were more qualitative in nature and thus required more
subjective judgment in their application. In assessing the quality and rigor of evidence for criterion-related
validity, for example we took into account the number and range of criterion or outcome measures, the extent
to which the criterion measures were well-validated, whether the measures assessed outcomes that were
The overall reliability and validity evidence for each of the instruments included in this guide was also evaluated. These
assessments took into account both reliability and validity evidence for each the different individual scales on an instrument. We
also considered evidence for the validity of the instrument’s scale structure (a description of this type of validity evidence is included
later in this section) as well as the extent to which different scales on the instrument have been demonstrated to make unique
(i.e., non-overlapping) contributions to the prediction of relevant criterion measures. These assessments were based on similar
criteria to those that are described in this appendix for assessing the psychometric properties of the individual scales that were
selected for review on each instrument. The resulting overall assessments of reliability and validity evidence for each instrument
that are reported in this guide were made using the same 9-point scale that was used in making the parallel assessments for
individual scales, as described in this Appendix. An assessment of “Limited”, for example, would correspond to a rating of 3, and an
assessment of “Moderate-to-Substantial” would correspond to a rating of 6. The process used in arriving at the ratings of reliability
and validity evidence for instruments, however, was less systematic and structured than that used for individual scales. According,
the assessments that are provided should be regarded as having the potential to be broadly informative only.
In developing our framework and approach, we found it helpful to consult prior efforts to evaluate the psychometric properties
of measures. These resources included the Compendium of Student, Teacher, and Classroom Measures Used in NCEE Evaluations
of Educational Interventions prepared by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (see in particular Volume II: Technical Details, Measure
Profiles, and Glossary (Appendices A – G), Malone et al., 2010) and the Compendium of Preschool Through Elementary School Social-
Emotional Learning and Associated Assessment Measures prepared by the Social and Emotional Learning Group of the Coalition for
Academic, Social, Emotional Learning (CASEL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (Denham, Ji, & Hamre, 2010).
© The Forum for Youth Investment From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 { 63 }
plausible and of likely interest for the scale, whether outcomes were assessed concurrently or at a later point
in time, whether analyses included statistical control for extraneous influences, and how representative the
samples involved were of the population of youth for which use of the scale was intended.
Having made ratings for each of the above dimensions for a given aspect of a scale’s reliability or validity,
an overall rating of the evidence was assigned on a scale ranging from 1 to 9 (1 = Not at All; 3 = Limited; 5
= Moderate; 7 = Substantial; 9 = Extensive). By virtue of the different dimensions that we used to evaluate
the available evidence, these ratings tended to be a function of both the scope and quality of the available
evidence and the extent to which the findings obtained were supportive of the relevant aspects of reliability
or validity. More specifically, whereas a high rating typically required both a relative abundance of evidence
and supportive findings, a low rating could be assigned either because of a general absence of evidence or
because evidence was available but not supportive.
The final step in the process was to assign overall ratings of the evidence to support the scale’s reliability and
validity, respectively, using the same nine-point scale. These ratings served as the basis for the assessments
of each scale’s reliability and validity evidence that are included in this guide. An assessment of “Limited,”
for example, corresponds to a rating of 3, and an assessment of “Moderate-to-Substantial”corresponds to a
rating of 6.
Several considerations should be kept in mind with regard to our overall ratings of reliability and validity
evidence for scales. First, these summative ratings were not arrived at by a simple averaging of the ratings
provided for different facets of reliability or validity. Rather, there was room for subjective judgment to
play a role based on the totality of the available evidence. For example, if ratings for a scale were at least
moderately favorable across all facets of validity, this allowed us to take into account the consistency and
breadth of the available evidence as an additional strength in arriving a summative or overall rating of validity.
Second, we tended to give greater weight to those facets of reliability and validity for which sufficient evidence
was available to make a reasonably informed assessment. So, for example, if scale’s internal consistency
reliability had been investigated extensively, but no studies had examined its test-retest reliability, our overall
assessment of reliability tended to influenced more by our rating of the former facet of reliability than the
latter. In a general sense, this approach reflected our view that it was appropriate to give more weight to
data that were present than data that were missing and unknown. Finally, as we have noted was the case
for our ratings of specific facets of reliability and validity, our overall ratings of evidence in each area were
nonetheless inevitably influenced by both the scope/quality and supportiveness of the available evidence. For
this reason, assessments of reliability and validity evidence for scales reviewed in this guide that fall at the
lower end of the rating scale should be interpreted with particular caution and not be taken necessarily as an
indication of a scale’s lack of promise or potential. In these instances, users are encouraged to take special
care to also review the technical summaries that are provided for each scale so as to have an appropriate
context for the summative ratings.
All ratings were arrived at independently by two of the authors of this guide (DuBois and Ji) with discrepancies
resolved by conference. For the most part there was fairly strong agreement in the ratings, especially with
respect to the overall assessments of reliability and validity evidence that are reported in this guide. However,
a formal assessment of inter-rater reliability was not conducted. Furthermore, the validity of the rating system
itself has not been evaluated. In keeping with the theme of this guide, we would thus encourage users to
regard the assessments that we provide as tentative and by no means definitive or firmly established.
{ 64 } From Soft Skills to Hard Data | September 2011 © The Forum for Youth Investment
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