1009181549davangere - ADS - Sheep - 22052018
1009181549davangere - ADS - Sheep - 22052018
1009181549davangere - ADS - Sheep - 22052018
Page No
Sl. No Particulars
From To
1 Introduction 1 2
8 Financing Agencies 5 5
9 Physical and Financial Programme 5 8
10 Financial Analysis 8 8
11 Sensitivity and SWOT analysis 8 9
12 Lending Terms 9 9
13 Repayment Period 9 10
14 Implementation Strategy 10 10
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
1. Introduction
Davanagere district has a total geographical area of 5975.97 sq.km of which 15% is
covered by forests. Agriculture being the predominant economic activity with 72%
SF/MF with an average land holdings size of around 1 ha. The sources and economy
of the district is mainly dependent on agriculture as more than 70% of the population
is directly or indirectly engaged in agriculture. The important cereal crops grown in
the district are maize, paddy, jowar and ragi under cereals, tur and horse gram under
pulses, groundnut and sunflower under oilseeds, cotton, tobacco and sugarcane under
cash crops during kharif and whereas in rabi major crops are jowar, wheat, cotton,
sunflower, etc. About 38 % of land holdings in the district are less than 1.0 ha and
large chunk of farming community is underemployed. Addition to the animal
Husbandry, Sheep farming is a significant subsector to agriculture, which is playing a
pivotal role in the rural economy providing gainful employment to a large number of
SF/MF and enhancing their economic statue. Besides providing supplemental income,
dependability even during drought times is one aspect that makes the livestock activity
more lucrative and progressive. Further agro climatic conditions of the district are
suitable for dairy occupation.
Sheep with its multi-facet utility for wool, meat, milk, skins and manure, form an
important component of rural economy particularly in the arid, semi-arid and
mountainous areas of the country. It provides a dependable source of income to the
shepherds through sale of wool and animals. The advantages of Sheep farming are:
Sheep do not need expensive buildings to house them and on the other hand require
less labour than other kinds of livestock. The foundation stock are relatively cheap and
the flock can be multiplied rapidly. Sheep are economical converter of grass into meat
and wool. Sheep will eat varied kinds of plants compared to other kind of livestock.
The Sheep is a multi-purpose animal producing meat, milk, hide, fibre and manure. In
hilly areas, Sheep are also used for hauling light loads. Sheep have very few
demands of housing and management. They hardly need separate housing and happily
share their homes with their owners or his other livestock. Sheep can be raised by
landless agricultural labourers, ladies and children because they can thrive well on
variety of leaves, shrubs, bushes, kitchen waste etc. Sheep farming can be a
profitable occupation for a farmer and can fit well into mixed farming. Sheep are
cheaper to maintain, easily available and have a friendly disposition. Sheep are
capable of adapting to various agro-climatic conditions ranging from arid dry to cold
arid to hot humid. They can be raised in plains, hilly tracts, sandy zones and at high
altitudes. Sheep are more tolerant to hot climate than other farm
animals. Sheep suffer from fewer ailments than other large animals. Sheep
give more production per unit of investment. Sheep are smaller in size and have a
younger slaughter age. Sheep meat has no religious taboo and is relished by all
sections of society.
Sheep hide is used for the manufacture of leather products. Sheep hairs are used for
the manufacture of rugs and ropes. Sheep manure is 2.5 times richer in nitrogen and
phosphoric acid than cow manure. Sheep form an excellent animal for physiological
and biomedical research.
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science (AHVS) conducts health camps, artificial
insemination, first aid at village level at regular intervals. 200 Veterinary Institutions
in the district provide veterinary services i.e. 19 Veterinary Hospitals, 72
Dispensaries, 19 arificial insemination centers and 84 Primary Veterinary Centers. In
addition, 6 Mobile Dispensaries also function in the district. Above Institutions are
sufficient to take care of the health of the sheep and goat population in the district.
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
4. Selection of beneficiaries
The farmers who owns marginal land or landless labour prefer to go for a sheep rearing
of about 10+1 sheep. Farmers who can afford to allocate a part of their land for
exclusive sheep breeding units do prefer to go for bigger units of size 100+5 sheep.
5. Training/Capacity building of the beneficiaries
Training for the beneficiaries is available from Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
Dept, Krishi Vignana Kendra, RSETI, NGOs, Karnataka Sheep and Wool
Development Corporation Ltd., Karnataka Sheep and Wool Products Development
Board, etc., is being provided to educate and maintenance of the sheep farm shall
carryout marketing of sheep and sheep products, organize
scientific sheep husbandry training camps, provide mechanical wool shearing
facilities etc.
6. Techno Economics assumptions : Sheep have a very important place in
rural economy as they provide wool, meat, milk and skin. They are reared in all the
States of India but are mostly suitable for rearing in the arid, semi-arid and
mountainous areas. It is a source of income to low income groups particularly
shepherds. A model economics for sheep farming with a unit size of (10+1) and
(100+5) sheep is suitable in the district.
Source of animals
The animals may be purchased within or outside the district wherever best
breeds and good number of animals are available.
Sl Unit Total
Parameters Physical
No Cost Cost
Cost of Ewe 10 4500 45000
Cost of Ram 1 6000 6000
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
Sl Unit Total
Parameters Physical
No Cost Cost
Transportation cost of animals 11 100 1100
Night shelter for Buck, Doe and 120 80 9600
followers/Adults etc., Buck 20sft/Doe 10
sft (Rs.80 /sqft)
Equipment including water facility 11 200 2200
(feeder, water dispenser, etc.) @ Rs.100
per animal
Insurance @ 5% 2250
Fodder cultivation expenses 0.25 3000 750
Supplementary concentrate feed @ 21000
300g/animal/day (parent stock) Rs.18 per
kg for 12 months
Veterinary aid including vaccination @ 11 100 1100
Rs.100 per animal per year.
Miscellaneous Lumpsum 1000
Total Cost 90000
Total Financial Outlay 90000
The animals have to be properly insured including transit, the animals are insured
annually @ 5% premium.
The interest varies depending on the bank and the quantum of loan.
9. Financing Agencies:
Commercial banks, RRBs and DCCBs are operating in these blocks viz., Harapanahalli
and Jagalur taluk and financing shall be obtained from the branches of these banks.
Block level credit flow data to Sheep rearing activity sector is not available. The
subsector-wise credit flow is not being generated through the LBR system. Based on
previous trends the same has been estimated. Hence the credit flow data is not
representative of the actual credit flow.
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
Two blocks in Davanagere district have been covered in this ADS scheme comprising
2 types of units with (10+1) with a unit cost of Rs.90,000/- and (100+5) with a unit
cost of Rs.9.80lakh covering Harapanahalli and Jagalur benefiting 150 beneficiaries
which is phased out for 5 years. For both the units of sheep rearing, a total financial
outlay of Rs.535 lakhs has been earmarked for the activities.
Year wise and bank wise number of units, total financial outlay, bank loan and margin
money is given below for ( 10+1 ) unit.
Unit Bank
Name of No. of TFO Margin
Block Year Activity Cost (Rs. (Rs. Loan
Bank (Rs. Units Lakh) Lakh) (Rs.
Lakh) Lakh)
2018-19 0.9 5 4.50 0.45 4.05
2019-20 0.9 5 4.50 0.45 4.05
SBI 2020-21 0.9 5 4.50 0.45 4.05
2021-22 0.9 5 4.50 0.45 4.05
2022-23 0.9 5 4.50 0.45 4.05
2018-19 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2019-20 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
Canara Sheep
2020-21 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
Bank Rearing
2021-22 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2022-23 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2018-19 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2019-20 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
Harapanahalli and PKGB 2020-21 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
Jagalur 2021-22 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2022-23 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2018-19 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2019-20 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
DCCB 2020-21 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2021-22 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2022-23 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2018-19 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2019-20 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
Vijaya Sheep
2020-21 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
Bank Rearing
2021-22 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
2022-23 0.9 4 3.60 0.45 3.15
Total 105.00 94.50 11.25 83.25
Year wise and bank wise number of units, total financial outlay, bank loan and margin
money is given below for ( 100+5 ) unit.
Unit No. Bank
Name TFO Margin
Block Year Activity Cost of (Rs. (Rs. Loan
of Bank (Rs. Lakh) Lakh) (Rs.
Lakh) Units Lakh)
Harapanahalli 2018-19 Sheep 9.8 2 19.60 1.96 17.64
and Jagalur 2019-20 Rearing 9.8 2 19.60 1.96 17.64
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
11. Financial analysis: Livestock Projection chart is the basis for working out the
income and expenditure statement and the financial analysis, i.e., calculation of NPW,
BCR and IRR for Sheep unit is given below :
Financial Analysis for Sheep Rearing Unit
(Amount in `)
Parameters Year
1 2 3 4 5 6
Capital cost 90000
Recurring cost 0 11160 13950 11160 13950 11160
Total cost 90000 11160 13950 11160 13950 11160
Benefit 255 29482 59637 35513 59637 35513
Net Benefit -89745 18322 45687 24353 45687 24353
PW Cost @ 15% 113941.92
PW Benefit @ 15% 127033.61
NPW 14102.08
BC Ratio 1.11
IRR 21%
Based on the techno-economic parameters assumed under the project the details of
income and expenditure are worked out for the project and the investments are found
to generate adequate surplus and financially viable and bankable.
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
Weaknesses: i) Regular drought and lack of green fodder availability in the scheme
area ii) Inadequate awareness among the farmers on scientific sheep rearing practices
(iii) Lack of proper market facility (iv) lack of modern abattoirs for meat culling and
Opportunities: i) Growing demand for milk from consumers in the area due to
increasing in income level ii) Proximity to demand centres / markets. As Davanagere
district is centrally located in the state, it is well connected to other districts like
Bellary, Chikmagalur, Hassan, Shimoga and to the neighbouring states - Andhra
Pradesh, Goa, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. There exists an ample scope for supply
of sheep meat and wool. Besides, financing of the activity through JLG/SHG mode can
also be popularised in the district through NGOs and Sheep and Woollen Co-operative
Society, Davanagere.
After ensuring technical feasibility and economic viability, the scheme will be
sanctioned by the bank. The loan is disbursed in stages against creation of specific
assets such as construction of sheds, purchase of equipments and animals. The end
use of the loan is verified and constant follow-up is done by the bank.
12. Lending Terms - General and applicable schemes as per norms and guidelines
of the departments. Outlay of the project depends on the local conditions, unit size and
the investment components included in the project. Prevailing market prices / cost
may be considered to arrive at the outlay. Margin depends on the category of the
borrowers and may range from 10% to 25%. Banks are free to decide the interest rates
within overall RBI guidelines. However, for working out financial viability and
bankability of model project, the rate of interest is assumed at 12.00% p.a and varies
from bank to bank and depends on the quantum of loan. Security will be as per RBI /
NABARD guidelines issued from time to time. The loan repayment is determined, on
the basis of gross surplus generated in the project. Usually the repayment period of
loan for sheep farming is 6 to 8 years. The animals and other assets (shed, equipment)
must be insured.
13. Repayment period
The loan is repayable in 5 years and the details are as below :
Loan Repayment for (10 + 1 )
(Amount in Rupees)
Loan Gross Total Net
Year Interest Prinicipal
O/S Surplus repayment Surplus
1 81000 255 9720 0 9720 -9465
2 52608 18353 6396 10522 16918 1434
3 42087 45701 5050 10522 15572 30130
4 31565 24384 3787 10522 14309 10074
5 21043 45701 2525 10522 13046 32654
6 10522 24384 1262 10522 11784 12599
Davangere - ADS- Sheep Rearing - 2018-2023
Lending Terms - General and applicable schemes as per norms and guidelines of the
departments. Outlay of the project depends on the local conditions, unit size and the
investment components included in the project. Prevailing market prices / cost may
be considered to arrive at the outlay. Margin depends on the category of the borrowers
and may range from 10% to 25%. Banks are free to decide the interest rates within
overall RBI guidelines. However, for working out financial viability and bankability of
model project, the rate of interest is assumed at 12.00% p.a and varies from bank to
bank and depends on the quantum of loan. Security will be as per RBI / NABARD
guidelines issued from time to time. The loan repayment is determined, on the basis
of gross surplus generated in the project. Usually the repayment period of loan for
sheep farming is 6 to 8 years. The animals and other assets (shed, equipment) must be
14. Implementation strategy and Monitoring mechanism
The Plan has been prepared after thorough discussions with Animal Husbandry
Department, DD, Davanagere Sheep Breeding & Training Centre, Bankers, NGOs in
the taluk, Farmers’ Clubs, SHGs etc. The Plan will be placed before the DCC for its
perusal and approval. Blockwise allocation among banks has been tentatively done
based on discussions in BLBC/DLRC/DCC meetings. For successful implementation
of the plan, regular review would be undertaken in district and block level forum as a
regular agenda. Further, the following roles will be performed by the stakeholders