MCQs On Agronomy
MCQs On Agronomy
MCQs On Agronomy
Dr. Jagadish Jena
Assistant Professor (Agronomy)
Q.1 Agriculture deals with the art, science and commerce of crop production. Which of the
following better explain the art of agriculture?
a. Mechanization b. Market linkage
c. Farming experience d. Irrigation scheduling
Q.2 In terms of evolution of modern crop production, in which era global agriculture is right
a. Resource exploitation b. Resource conservation
c. Resource substitution d. Information
Q.3 Due to green revolution, Indian agriculture achieved from farm to plate to farm to export.
The green revolution technology didn’t positively impact
a. Crop intensification b. Productivity
c. Agrochemical usage d. Ecology and environment
Q.4 Agronomy deals with both soil and crop management. Which of the following is not a core
principle of Agronomy?
a. Increasing productivity b. Increasing disease and pest resistance
c. Increasing resource use efficiency d. Increasing profitability
Q.5 Green revolution was mostly emphasized on increasing the food grain production. By
which agriculture technology the green revolution can be transformed into rainbow
a. Crop intensification b. Agricultural biotechnology
c. Integrated farming system d. ICT
Q.6 In modern agriculture, along with increase in area and production two more dimensions
have been added i.e., space and time dimension. Which of the following best explains crop
intensification in space dimension?
a. Shifting cultivation b. Crop rotation
c. Lay cropping d. Multi-storied cropping
Q.7 The marginal farmers of India are often poor and having resource constraint for crop
production. Which of the following can sustain the livelihood of marginal farmers better?
a. Monocropping b. Intercropping
c. Integrated farming system d. Vertical farming
Q.8 The crop yield obtained by the progressive farmers under the guidance of scientists using
new technologies is known as
a. Average farmers yield b. Potential farmers yield
c. Potential yield d. Research yield
Q.9 There are several limitations and constraints faced during crop production. Which of the
following is an example of socio-economic constraint of crop production?
a. Availability of inputs and labor b. Weather and pollution
c. Variety and market facility d. Weeds and pest problem
Q.10 Indeterminate plants are those whose main axis remains vegetative and flowers form in
axillary buds. Which of the following is not an example of indeterminate plant?
a. Cotton b. Sorghum
c. Grape d. Cucumber
Q.11 There are several factors affecting crop growth and productivity. Which of the following
is not a genetic factor influencing crop growth?
a. Yield potential b. Inter and intra plant competition
c. Ecosystem adaptability d. Resistance to disease and pests
Q.12 There are several growth hormones which are produced in the plat body in smaller
quantity influencing the growth of the plant part or system. Which of the following is not
an example of growth promoter?
a. Auxin b. Gibberellin
c. Ethylene d. Cytokinin
Q.13 The naturally produced growth hormones are grouped into five major classes. 2,4-D,
NAA and IBA are examples of which of the following group of phyto-hormones?
a. Auxin b. Gibberellin
c. Cytokinin d. They are herbicides
Q.14 There are several weather parameters affecting the crop growth. Q10 is related to which
of the following weather parameters?
a. Temperature b. Precipitation
c. Relative humidity d. Wind speed
Q.15 Recording growth rate gives the idea of how the management factors affecting the crop
growth parameters. Which of the following growth parameter represents the dry matter
production per unit leaf area per day in a crop?
a. AGR b. CGR
c. RGR d. NAR
Q.16 Crop growth and development mostly influenced by atmospheric temperature. How
higher temperature affects the crop phenophase?
a. Remains the same b. Shorten phenophase
c. Prolongs phenophase d. Depends on the variety
Q.17 Tillage is the physical manipulation of soil with suitable tools. Which of the following is
not an objective of tillage?
a. Suitable seed bed preparation b. Removing hard pan
c. Improving soil structure and reducing erosion d. Mixing manure and fertilizer in soil
Q.18 Tilth is the qualitative characteristics of soil after tillage. Which of the following doesn’t
represent a good tilth?
a. Equal proportion of micro & macro pores b. Higher micropores than macropores
c. Crumby and friable d. Larger aggregates in irrigated agriculture
Q. 19 Tillage influences several soil properties. Which of the following soil property can hardly
be changed by tillage practice?
a. Porosity b. Texture
c. Structure d. Bulk density
Q.20 Bulk density represents the mass of soil to total volume of soil including the pore space.
What is the influence of tillage on the particle density of soil?
a. Increases particle density b. Decreases particle density
b. Depends on soil porosity d. Doesn’t affect particle density
Q.21 Tillage breaks the hard pan and aggregates and makes the soil porous. What is the impact
of tillage on soil thermal conductivity and heat capacity?
a. Remains same b. Decreases
c. Increases d. Depends on soil texture
Q.22 Different plough is having different purpose of usage. Which of the following plough is
the lightest and used for multiple purposes and by most of the marginal farmers?
a. Animal drawn MB plough b. Tractor drawn MB plough
c. Disc plough d. Country plough
Q.23 The depth of ploughing depends on the effective root zone depth of the crop. According to
CRIDA, the depth of ploughing when it is classified as Deep ploughing is
a. 5-6 cm b. 15-20 cm
c. 25-30 cm d. 30-50 cm
Q.24 Chisel ploughs are used for subsoiling and breaking hard pans at deeper depth. To
prolong the effect of subsoiling, vertical mulching is adopted mostly in which soil orders?
a. Entisols b. Alfisols
c. Oxisols d. Vertisols
Q.25 Japanese rotary weeder is a manual labor operated implement used for weeding and
incorporation of fertilizer. It is used in
a. Vegetable crops b. Line sown lowland rice
c. Pulse crops d. Sugarcane and maize
Q.26 The concept and practice of minimum tillage was started in the USA due to sudden rise of
oil price. Which of the following implement helps in minimum tillage sowing of crops?
a. Country plough b. Chisel plough
c. Happy seeder d. Rotavator
Q.27 Minimum tillage has several advantages and disadvantages. Which of the following is not
a disadvantage in minimum tillage?
a. Lower seed germination b. Higher immobilization
c. Difficulty in sowing operation d. More prevalence in annual weeds
Q.28 Puddling is the ploughing of soil under standing water to form impervious soil layer. The
main objective of puddling is
a. Increasing root growth b. Reducing nutrient losses
c. Improving soil aeration d. Increasing water use efficiency
Q.29 The technique used for increasing the germination percentage as well as synchrony by
soaking the seeds in water or suitable solvent
a. Priming b. Inoculation
c. Vernalization d. Stratification
Q.30 The full yield potential of a crop can be achieved when sown in wider spacing. Who first
made the effort to quantify plant population and yield relationship?
a. Howard b. Holliday
c. Lawes d. Gregory
Q.31 The plants where grain is the economic part, shows parabolic response curve in relation
to plant population vs. yield. Which of the following plant shows asymptotic response
a. Maize b. Groundnut
c. Berseem d. Finger millet
Q.32 There are 17 essential nutrients found for crop growth. Which of the following mineral
nutrient is plentily available in nature but most deficient in Indian soil?
a. Carbon b. Nitrogen
c. Potassium d. Iron
Q.34 Mineral nutrients are taken up by plants mostly in ionic forms. Which of the following
nutrient is available to plant both in cationic and anionic form?
a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorous
c. Molybdenum d. Boron
Q.35 Based on nutrient content in plant biomass, nutrients are classified as basic, micro and
macro nutrients. Which of the following is present in plant biomass in the highest
a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorous
c. Iron d. Carbon
Q.36 The forage area in rhizosphere depends on the mobility of the nutrient in soil. For which
of the following nutrient, the forage area is largest?
a. Nitrogen b. Magnesium
b. Phosphorous d. Zinc
Q.37 The locality of deficiency symptoms of essential nutrients depends on the mobility of the
nutrients in the plant. For which of the following nutrient, the deficiency symptom is
found in terminal buds?
a. Nitrogen b. Calcium
c. Sulphur d. Iron
Q.38 Chlorosis is the decrease in chlorophyll content in leaf causing yellowing. Which of the
following nutrient deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis in plants?
a. Nitrogen b. Potassium
c. Manganese d. Sulphur
Q.39 Crop response to applied nitrogen depends on crop type and its nutritional requirement.
Which of the following crops responds least to applied nitrogenous fertilizer?
a. Cereals b. Pulses
c. Oilseeds d. Fodder crops
Q.40 Manures increase soil organic carbon and soil health. Which green manure crop has both
stem and root nodulation?
a. Sunnhemp b. Dhaincha
c. Clusterbean d. Pillipesara
Q.41 Fertilizer leaving alkaline residue in soil is explained by equivalent basicity of the
fertilizer. Which of the following fertilizer is having the highest equivalent basicity?
a. Calcium nitrate b. Sodium nitrate
c. Dicalcium phosphate d. Calcium cyanamide
Q.42 There are different species of diazotrophs fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Which among the
following diazotrophs is a free living aerobic diazotroph?
a. Azolla b. Azotobacter
c. Azospirillum c. Rhizobium
Q.43 Among the total global area under genetically modified crops (GMCs), which type of
GMCs are being cultivated most widely?
a. Biofortified b. Enhanced shelf-life
c. Herbicide tolerant d. Insecticide resistant
Q.44 The term evergreen revolution, aiming to implement eco-farming techniques which are
ecological sound, environmentally safe and economically efficient was coined by
a. Norman Borlaug b. Albert Howard
c. Narendra Modi d. M S Swaminathan
Q.45 The phenomena in which a weed resistant to one herbicide of a chemical group of
herbicides shows increased susceptibility to another, is called
a. Co-resistance b. Cross resistance
c. Reverse resistance d. Negative cross resistance
Q.46 The technique of weed management where the field is ploughed and irrigated for
emergence of weeds in response to moisture and suitable environment, get killed by
applying herbicide or mechanical incorporation, is called
a. Brown manuring b. Soil solarization
c. Stale seedbed d. Field sanitation
Q.47 The metabolite released from plants must be modified by micro-organisms to become
toxic to the surrounding plants or organisms called
a. True allelopathy b. Functional allelopathy
c. Residual allelopathy d. Concurrent allelopathy
Q.48 With the elevated carbon dioxide concentration in Earth's atmosphere, considering other
factors constant, which crops may perform better and produce higher economic output
a. C2 crops b. C3 crops
c. C4 crops d. Tropical crops
MCQs on Agronomy
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