7. SWC-model test questions_Kebede
7. SWC-model test questions_Kebede
7. SWC-model test questions_Kebede
1. Which of the following soil conservation measures can develop to bench terrace?
A. Grass strips with frequent location shift
B. Fallowing
C. Crop rotation with reasonable soil management
D. Hedgerow with proper management
2. Aplant species having the following characteristics is preferred for hedgerow?
A. Deep vertical rooting
B. Lateral rooting
C. Non-nitrogen fixing
D. High horizontal canopy
3. One of the following tillage practice aggravate soil erosion
A. Conventional tillage
B. No tillage
C. Strip tillage
D. Mulch tillage
4. Which of the followings can be constraint in planning, implementing and managing soil
conservation measures?
A. The issue of land ownership
B. Land use policy
C. Benefit sharing arrangement in communal land
D. All
5. Aims of soil and water conservation MAY NOT include
A. Reducing erosion to tolerable level
B. Sustaining crop production
C. Reducing soil resistance to erosion
D. Improving soil aggregate stability and associated properties
6. Which of the following IS NOT biological soil and water conservation technique?
A. Level soil bund
B. Alley cropping
C. Grass strip and multiple cropping
D. Fallowing
7. One of the following IS NOT true regarding the basic strategies of soil and water
A. Protecting the soil from raindrop impact
B. Increasing surface runoff
C. Increasing the infiltration capacity of the soil
D. Reducing runoff and wind velocity
8. Which one of the following IS NOT correct about the soil management effect that
associated to soil properties in erosion control?
A. Soil particles and aggregates are disturbed by farm tools during tillage
B. High concentration of soil organic matter disintegrate soil structure
C. Soil microbes enhance aggregate formation in soil particles
D. Plants help for soil particles aggregation by its roots and exudates
9. Soil and water conservation activities could limit soil erosion due the following, except
A. Reducing detachment of soil particles by raindrop impacts through surface cover
B. Reducing transportation capacity of runoff through obstructions
C. Reducing deposition of sediment materials that detached
D. Reducing transportation capacity of runoff through velocity decrease
10. The following soil and water conservation measures are suitable on annual croplands
A. Hillside terrace
B. Hedgerow
C. Grass strip
D. Soil bunds
11. Which of the following MAY NOT be correct about the view of farmers on erosion and
soil and water conservation?
A. In most cases, farmers are aware about severe erosion and its impacts
B. Smallholder farmers are, in most cases, ignorant about soil conservation on their
land in any form
C. Lack of alternative employment and livelihood enforce farmers to practice over
cultivation and overgrazing
D. Farmers practice soil and water conservation if substantial benefits can be increased
and the investment costs can be recovered
12. A technique of soil and water conservation by which resting period of cultivated lands
scheduled for a given land corresponds to,
A. Area closure
B. Plantation forest
C. Intercropping
D. Fallowing
13. The practice of conservation in which the soil surface is dressed with organic/inorganic
material in order to reduce water loss and reduce raindrop impact is,
A. Terracing
B. Decomposing
C. Mulching
D. Nitrifying
14. Which one of the following can be TRUE about the constraints on practicing soil and
water conservation measure?
A. The guarantee to use the land for longer period can positively influences the interest
on soil and water conservation
B. Labor availability and access affect interest to practice conservation measures
C. In many areas, there is lack of local practice in soil and water conservation and
thus, lack of access to the technology influence the practice
D. Farmers can easily learn from other farmers on soil and water conservation practice
15. One of the following CANNOT beconservation advantage of a multi-purpose tree/shrub
grown in agricultural land?
A. Has ability to restore leached plant nutrient to the surface soil
B. Enhance concentration of eco-toxic chemicals
C. Improve soil organic matter
D. Soil anchoring ability against erosion
16. In Ethiopia, the internationally recognized and formally registered traditional soil and
water conservation and landscaping is situated in,
A. Harar
B. Tigray
C. Wollo
D. Konso
17. Which of the following IS NOT true?
A. Biological soil and water conservation measures are cheap to establish and maintain
B. Biological soil and water conservation measures can easily fit to existing farming
C. Biological soil conservation measures are effective but expensive
D. Soil improving role of biological measures contribute for conservation
18. Which of the following IS NOT correct?
A. Mulching helps to recover leached nutrient from deeper part of soil
B. Intercropping allows efficient cover of the soil
C. Crop rotation reduces the chance of maintaining soil fertility that reduce erosion
D. Area closure practiced to restore eroded soil by limiting human and livestock
19. Which of the following IS NOT true about water conservation structures?
A. Narrow spacing is needed if the canopy of tree is going to be wide
B. They better contribute in degraded lands
C. Preferred for areas with water stress
D. The location of planting site in the structure depend on species and level of water
20. Growing two or more agricultural crops at the same time in the same field in order to
maximize soil fertility management is,
A. Crop rotation
B. Fallowing
C. Intercropping
D. Agroforestry
21. Which of the following water conservation structure is commonly used in cultivated land
for growing annual crop?
A. Trench
B. Half moon
C. Tied ridge
D. Eyebrow basin
22. Which of the following approach can be considered as a new, and preferred to adopt and
sustain soil and water conservation?
A. Planning at federal level for the activities at village/farm
B. Top-down approach
C. Ensuring farmers participation and interest
D. Planning at regional bureau after collecting the information from sites
23. One of the following can be direct beneficiary from soil and water conservation and the
most responsible one
A. Federal government
B. Land owner or user
C. Regional government
D. None
24. Which of the following soil and water conservation measure can be categorized as
agronomic or crop management?
A. High density planting
B. Minimum tillage
C. Strip cropping
D. Crop rotations
25. Assume you are assigned expert to support the rangeland dominated pastoralists in semi-
arid degraded areas, then, which of the following IS LESS important to implement?
A. Controlled grazing
B. Planting forage species after constructing trenches and micro-basins
C. Cereal based agro-forestry
D. Planting grasses
26. The technology for soil and water conservation, in principle,
A. Should have a reasonable financial return
B. Should lead to the loss of existing benefits
C. Should not reduce risks of crop failure
D. Should not necessarily need social acceptability
27. Which of the IS NOT true about the role of soil and water conservation extension
provider from the institution?
A. Should provide technical support
B. Need to provide financial support to farmers
C. Create awareness on legal framework related to sloping land use
D. Connect farmers to financial supporter when needed
28. If a farmer request an expert about soil and water conservation after observing small rills
on a land with 5% slope on cultivated land, which one could be the advice of the expert?
A. Trenches
B. Grass strip
C. Bench terrace
D. Check dams
29. Which of the following IS TRUE?
A. Soil conservation is a task of different sectors
B. The technology disseminated from research outcomes are always best than local
practice everywhere
C. Effective soil and water conservation often need project support
D. Physical soil water conservation measures are not profitably in a few years after
30. Which of the following IS NOT true about roles of agronomic soil and water
conservation on physical soil and water conservation ones?
A. Stabilization of embankment of bunds
B. Establishing check dams in small gullies
C. Stabilizing parts of gullies after or with checkdams
D. Can solely serve as check dam in large gullies