NCM107LEC Maternal Reviewer
NCM107LEC Maternal Reviewer
NCM107LEC Maternal Reviewer
● Women's reproductive health
● Pais - child
● Nurses are legally responsible for
protecting rights of their clients,
including confidentiality, and are
accountable for the quality of their
individual nursing care and that of
other health care team members.
● Understanding the scope of
practice and standards of care
can help nurses practice within Miscellaneous stuff:
appropriate legal parameters. Grading system
● Documentation is essential in Attendance: 10%
protecting a nurse and justifying Written work: 20%
his or her actions Recitation: 10%
● Emancipated minor - are minors Quizzes: 30%
that are supporting themselves or Exam: 30%
mga nabuntis
● Wrongful birth (when parents are
not informed about the defects of
child inside of womb), wrongful
life (when nag incur ng disabilities
yung fetus because of tests or
procedures done), wrongful
conception (failed contraception)
● If a nurse knows that the care
provided by another practitioner
was inappropriate or insufficient,
he or she is legally responsible for
reporting the incident. Failure to do
do can lead to a charge of
negligence or breach of duty
● Conception issues, especially
those related to in vitro fertilization,
embryo transfer, ownership of
frozen oocytes or sperm, cloning,
stem cell research, and surrogate
● Abortion, partiularly partial-birth
● Fetal rights versus rights of the
mother (abortion, life of mother is
at stake, father’s values is not
aligned with the mother)
● Use of fetal issue for research
● Resuscitation (for how long should
it be continued)
● The number of procedures or
degree of pain that a child should
be asked to endure to achieve a
degree of better health
● The balance between modern
technology and quality of life