NCM 33 Framework For Maternal and Child Health Nursing: ST ST RD ND TH TH RD TH TH TH
NCM 33 Framework For Maternal and Child Health Nursing: ST ST RD ND TH TH RD TH TH TH
NCM 33 Framework For Maternal and Child Health Nursing: ST ST RD ND TH TH RD TH TH TH
- This framework provides guidance and direction to implementation of programs and interventions in - One of the requirements of a profession (together with other critical determinants, such as member-set
maternal/reproductive, newborn and child health. standards, monitoring of practice quality, and participation in research) is that the concentration of a
discipline’s knowledge flows from a base of established theory.
OBSTETRICS – care of woman during childbirth; derived from Greek “obstare” which means to keep watch - Nursing theorists offer helpful ways to review clients so that nursing activities can best meet client needs—e.g.
PEDITRICS – derived from Greek word, “pais” meaning child By seeing a pregnant woman not simply as a physical form but as a dynamic force with important psychosocial
needs, or by viewing children as extensions or active members of a family as well as independent beings.
FOCUS OF MCN – care of childbearing and childbearing families
- Only with this broad theoretical focus can nurses appreciate the significant effect on a family of a child’s illness
PRIMARY GOAL OF MCN or of the introduction of a new member.
1. Promotion and maintenance of Optimal Family Health
2. Promotion of optimum health of the woman
3. Maintenance of optimum health of the newborn
Patricia Nursing is a caring relationship. Nurses grow from Assess a pregnant woman as a whole. An
4. Promotion and Maintenance of optimum health of the woman and the newborn
Benner novice to expert as they practice in clinical expert nurse is able to do this intuitively
5. Prevention and maintenance of optimum health of the woman and the newborn
settings. from knowledge gained from practice.
GOALS OF MCN ARE BROAD BECAUSE THE SCOPE OF PRACTICE OR RANGE OF PRACTICE INCLUDES THE Madeleine Essence of nursing is care. To provide transcultural Assess a pregnant woman’s family for
FF: Leininger care, nurse focuses on the study and analysis of beliefs about healing. Incorporate these
1. Preconceptual Health Care different cultures with respect to caring behavior. into care.
2. Care of women during 3 trimesters of pregnancy Dorothea The focus of nursing is on the individual; clients are Arrange overbed table so Terry can feed
- 1st trimester (1st – 3rd month); 2nd trimester (4th – 6th month); 3rd trimester (7th – 9th month) Orem assessed in terms of ability to complete self-care. herself; urge her to participate in care by
3. Care of women during Puerperium or 4th Trimester (6 weeks after childbirth) doing as much for herself as she can.
4. Care of infants during Perinatal Period (6 weeks before conception and 6 weeks after birth)
5. Care of children from birth to adolescent KEY RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF MCN NURSE
- Neonatal (28 days of life); Infancy (1-12 months); Adolescence (after 18 years old) 1. Provide evidenced based assessments with additional emphasis on health promotion and well-being
6. Care in setting as varied as the birthing room, the PICU, and the home according to the framework.
2. Provide information, support, advice, and appropriate referrals relating to children and parents well-being,
PHILOSPHIES OF MCN: including health, immunization, breast feeding, antenatal, and post-natal care.
1. MCN is family centered; assessment must include both family and individual assessment 3. Provide an innovative approach to flexible service delivery that will encourage access and participation for all
2. MCN is community centered; health of families depends on and influences the health of communities families in the community.
3. MCN is evidenced based because critical knowledge increases 4. Provide a focus on prevention, early detection and intervention of the health and well-being concerns of
4. MCN includes independent nursing functions because teaching and counselling are major interventions vulnerable infants, children and their families through an interdisciplinary and integrated service response.
5. MCN Nurse, Advocate (protects the right of family members, including fetus) 5. Recognize and facilitate the access to families of cultural and linguistic diverse backgrounds.
6. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention to protect health of new generation 6. Promote and provide information and advice about vaccinating against preventable diseases in cooperation
7. MCN is a challenging role for nurses with Council’s Immunization department.
7. Act as advocate for children, parents, the community & the Maternal & Child Health Service as appropriate.
8. Proactively participate in the Maternal and Child Health Service team in the development and
- In all settings and types of care, keeping family at the center of care or considering family as the primary unit of
implementation of continuous improvements to the service.
care is an essential goal because the level of a family’s functioning affects the health status of its members.
9. Participate in relevant networks & outreach programs concerning young children and families as requested.
- The family is the basic unit of society
- Families represent racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity. FRAMEWORK FOR MCN
- Children grow both individually and as a part of a family. 1. Nursing Process 2. Evidenced 3. Nursing 4. Nursing
- A family centered approach enables nurses to better understand individuals and their effect on others, and in (ADPIE) Based Practice Research Theory
turn, to provide holistic care.
CHILD HEALTH 1. Conception issues (In vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, cloning, stem cell research, surrogate mothers)
1. BIRTH RATE – number of births per 1000 population 2. Abortion
2. FERTILITY RATE – number of pregnancies per 1000 women of childbearing age 3. Fetal rights vs rights of the mother
3. FETAL DEATH RATE – number of fetal deaths weighing more than 500 g or more per 1000 live births 4. Use of fetal tissue for research
4. NEONATAL DEATH RATE – 1st 28 days of life; Infant is called Neonate 5. Resuscitation
5. PERINATAL DEATH RATE – Perinatal Period – 6 weeks before conception and 6 weeks after childbirth. 6. Number of procedures or degree of pain that a child should ask to achieve better health
Number of deaths of fetuses weighing >500 g and within the first 28 days of life per 1000 birth. 7. Balance between modern technology and quality of life
6. INFANT MORTALITY RATE – number of deaths per 1000 live births in the first 12 months of life.
7. CHILD MORTALITY RATE – number of deaths per 1000 population in children; 1-4 y/o.
8. MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE – number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births that occur as direct result
of reproductive process.
→ A thorough evaluation of the needs of patients with mild complications will determine the frequency of
COMMUNITY LEVEL PROVIDERS follow-up of these cases by the rural health unit, city health clinic or puericulture center.
- Refer primarily to Rural Health Units (RHUs), Barangay Health Stations (BHS), private outpatient clinics and its PATIENTS WITH POTENTIALLY SERIOUS COMPLICAITONS
health staff (e.g. midwife) and volunteer health workers (e.g. barangay health workers, traditional birth → These patients shall be referred to the most skilled source of medicinal and hospital care.
attendants) that typically comprise the Community Health Team (CHT). This team implements the MNCHN → As a first choice they will be referred if at all possible for continuing care or consultation.
Core Package of Services identified for the community level. → Second choice will be followed carefully by the rural health unit, city health clinic/puericulture center
→ All RHUs and BHS should have a master list of pregnant women in their respective catchment center.
COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY OBSTETRIC AND NEWBORN CARE (CEmONC) → The Home Based Mother’s Record (HBMR) shall be used when rendering prenatal care as a guide in the
- Capable facility or network of facilities that can perform the 6 signal obstetric functions for BEmONC, as well as identification of risk factors, danger signs and to be able to do appropriate measures.
provide caesarean delivery services, blood banking and transfusion services, and other highly specialized → There should be at least 3 prenatal visits following the prescribed timing:
obstetric interventions. o 1st prenatal visits should be made as early in pregnancy as possible, during the 1st trimester
- It is also capable of providing neonatal emergency interventions, which include at the minimum, the ff: o 2nd during the second trimester
1. Newborn resuscitation o 3rd and subsequent visits during the third trimester
2. Treatment of neonatal sepsis/infection o More frequent visits should be done for those at risk or with complications.
3. Oxygen support for neonates
4. Management of low birth weight or preterm newborn TETANUS TOXOID IMMUNIZATION
5. Other specialized newborn services - Neonatal tetanus is one of the public health concerns that is why it is important for pregnant women and child
bearing age women to get a tetanus toxoid immunization in order to protect them from this deadly disease.
COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY OBSTETRICS AND NEWBORN CARE FACILITY - A series of 2 doses of TT vaccination must be received by woman one month before delivery to protect baby
- Refers to lifesaving services for emergency maternal and newborn conditions/complications as in Basic from neonatal tetanus.
Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care plus the provision of surgical delivery and blood bank services and - And the 3 booster shots to complete the 5 doses following the recommended schedule provides full
other specialized obstetric interventions. protection. The mother is then called as a “Fully Immunized Mother” (FIM).