Asymptotics For The Number of Bipartite Graphs With Fixed Surplus
Asymptotics For The Number of Bipartite Graphs With Fixed Surplus
Asymptotics For The Number of Bipartite Graphs With Fixed Surplus
fixed surplus
arXiv:2411.09419v1 [math.CO] 14 Nov 2024
In a recent work on the bipartite Erdős-Rényi graph, Do et al. (2023) established
upper bounds on the number of connected labeled bipartite graphs with a fixed sur-
plus. We use some recent encodings of bipartite random graphs in order to provide a
probabilistic formula for the number of bipartite graphs with fixed surplus. Using this,
we obtain asymptotics as the number of vertices in each class tend to infinity.
1 Introduction
Cayley’s formula gives the number of trees on n labeled vertices as nn−2 . Equivalently, this
counts the number of spanning trees of Kn , the complete graph on n vertices. Let Gn (k)
denote the collection of connected spanning subgraphs of Kn with exactly n − 1 + k many
edges. In [23], Wright established that for each fixed k
#Gn (k) ∼ ρk nn−2+ 2
for some constants ρk > 0. Here, and throughout the article, we write an ∼ bn if an /bn → 1
as n → ∞. In [17], Spencer gave a probabilistic representation of ρk as
1 k #
ρk = E Bex ds
k! 0
where Bex is a standard Brownian excursion. See [10] for a more thorough literature review
of this connection. See also [14] for the case of k = kn → ∞ sufficiently slowly.
Let Kn,m be the complete bipartite graph on n+m labeled vertices, where one class has n
vertices while the other has m vertices. We let Gn,m (k) be the collection of spanning graphs
of Kn,m with exactly n + m − 1 + k many edges. Scoins [16] established that
#Gn,m (0) = nm−1 mn−1 . (1.1)
Recently, in [8, 6], analogues of the result of Wright were established for k fixed and n, m →
∞. Using generating functions, the authors of [8] show that for each fixed k that
X N 1
#Gn,m (k) ∼ k−1 #GN (k) as N → ∞.
n 2
In [6], the authors consider local versions and show that as n, m → ∞ with n/m ∈ [1/2, 2]
π m− 1 n− 1 √
#Gn,m (1) ∼ n 2m 2 n + m and #Gn,m (k) ≤ ck (n + m)3k/2 nm−1 mn−1
for some constants ck → 0 as k → ∞. The authors of [6] can obtain an explicit representation
for the asymptotics #Gn,m (1) as the 2-core of any graph in Gn,m (1) is a cycle of even length.
In this article, we obtain the asymptotics so long as n/m → α ∈ R+ and k is fixed. More
precisely, we establish the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1. Suppose that n, m → ∞ and n/m → α ∈ R+ . Then
1.1 Overview
Our proof will be almost entirely probabilistic, in the spirit of Spencer [17].
In Section 2 we describe the (breadth-first) exploration of a graph G ∈ Gn,m (k) for some
k ≥ 0. This exploration gives us two processes X # , X encoding the number of vertices
discovered by each vertex in the exploration. In Section 2.1, we describe the law of these
processes when the graph G is a uniformly chosen tree in Gn,m (0). In Section 2.2, we relate
#Gn,m (k)/#Gn,m (0) to the expectation of a particular random variable Wn,m .
In Section 3 we discuss weak convergence. In Section 3.1, we prove weak convergence
involving some auxiliary processes Y # , Y . These processes are connected to X # , X in
Section 3.3 and to the process Wn,m in Section 3.4. In Section 3.4 we prove the convergence
of the moments of Wn,m in order to obtain Theorem 1.1.
2 Exploration of graphs
Let us now explain the exploration of a graph G ∈ k≥0 Gn,m (k). For concreteness, we color
the vertices of Kn,m as either white or black. We write the vertex set of Kn,m as Vn# ⊔ Vm
where Vn# = {i# : i ∈ [n]} are the white vertices and Vm = {i : i ∈ [m]} are the black
vertices. The exploration is analogous to the explorations in [7, 20, 5].
We maintain a stack of active vertices that we denote by At for t = 0, 1, · · · , n + m.
We always start with the stack A0 containing the vertex v1 := 1# . We will define several
sequences (χ#j ; j ∈ [n]), (χj ; j ∈ [m]), and (γj ; j ∈ [n + m]). We will use these sequences to
define several processes
X t
X t
X # (t) = χ#s , X (t) = χs , N # (t) = γs , N (t) = t − N # (t). (2.1)
s=1 s=1 s=1
Exploration 1 (Breadth-first exploration of G). For t = 1, 2, · · · , n + m the stack At−1 =
(x1 , · · · , xs ) is of length s ≥ 1 (by induction). By step t, we have explored a := N # (t − 1)
many white vertices and b := N (t − 1) many black vertices. We now explore vertex x1 .
if: x1 = va+1 ∈ Vn# , then we find the neighbors of x1 that are either in At or have been
unexplored. Each neighbor in At corresponds to a cycle created. The unexplored ones will
be elements of Vm and we will label these as wb+1 , · · · , wb+r for some r where each wb+j = ij
for some i1 < i2 < · · · < ir . Set χ#u = r and update At = (x2 , · · · , xs , wb+1 , · · · , wb+r ). Set
γt = 1.
else: x1 = wb+1 ∈ Vm , then we find the neighbors of x1 that are either in At or have
been unexplored. Each neighbor in At corresponds to a cycle created. The unexplored ones
will be elements of Vm and we will label these as va+1 , · · · , va+r′ for some r ′ where wa+j = i#j
for some i1 < i2 < · · · < ir′ . Set χu = r ′ and update At = (x2 , · · · , xs , vb+1 , · · · , vb+r′ ). Set
γt = 0.
We call the pair (X # , X ) the child count processes defined via (2.1) associated with the
graph G. Moreover, it is easy to see that X ◦ X # (t) − X ◦ X # (t − 1) is the number of
white grand-children of the white vertex vt . Hence, standard properties of random trees and
Lukasiewicz paths (see e.g. [12]) imply that Z(t) = X ◦ X # (t) − t for t = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n + m
has increments in {−1, 0, 1, · · · } and satisfies
j=1 χj = n − 1 by simply noting which vertices are added to the stack At . Given any two
sequences (χ# , χ ) of non-negative integers, we can define X # , X using (2.1); however, this
need not correspond to a tree T ∈ Gn,m (0). Using the bijection between Lukasiewicz paths
and planar trees (see e.g. [12]), we can see that there exists a unique planar tree T plan built
from (χ# , χ ) whenever the Lukasiewicz path Z(t) = X ◦ X # (t) − t satisfies (2.2). We will
call such sequences (χ# , χ ) admissible.
3 7
7 1 4 2 6
4 6 2 5
3 5 8
Figure 1: A tree T on 7 labeled white vertices and 8 labeled black vertices. When exploring
any graph G whose exploration produces the tree T above, the possible edges that need to
be checked to find cycles are (listed in order of possible appearance) 5 4# , 5 6# , 8 4# , 8 6# ,
6# 7 , 2# 7 , 2# 1 , 2# 4 , 5# 7 , 5# 1 , 5# 4 , 5# 2 , 5# 6 , 1 3# , 4 3# , 4 7# ,2 3# , 2 7# ,6 3# ,
6 7# .
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
X # (t)
X (t)
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t
Figure 2: The child count processes for the tree T depicted in Figure 1, along with its (white)
Lukasiewicz path.
Proof. Let T plan be the rooted planar tree constructed from (χ# , χ ). This is uniquely
defined by (χ# , χ ). We must now assign labels to the vertices in T plan that are consistent
with Exploration 1 above. The first multinomial coefficient counts the number of ways to
assign the n − 1 labels to the children of the black vertices in increasing order, the second
counts the number of ways to assign labels to the children of white vertices.
The next lemma gives a probabilistic way to construct X # and X .
Lemma P 2.2. Let (ξj ; j ≥ 1), (ξj# ; j ≥ 1) be i.i.d. mean 1 Poisson random variables. Define
Y # (t) = s≤t ξs# and similarly define Y . Let S(t) = Y ◦ Y # (t) − t. Let X # , X be the
child count processes for a uniformly chosen random tree T ∈ Gn,m (0). Let
Proof. Let (x# , x ) be a fixed (deterministic) admissible sequence. The previous lemma gives
X X (n − 1)!m! 1
P X # (t) = x#s , X (t) = xs = Qn Qm .
s≤t s≤t
#G n,m (0) s=1 x#
s ! u=1 xu !
Set An,m = {Y # (n) = m} ∩ {Y (m) = n − 1}. Since Y # (n) ∼ Poi(n) and Y (m) ∼ Poi(m)
−n m −m mn−1
are independent Poisson random variables, P(An,m ) = e m!n e (n−1)! . Hence
nm mn−1
P(En,m ) = P(inf{t : S(t) = −1} = n|An,m )e−(n+m) .
m!(n − 1)!
Remark 2.4. We discuss this cyclic lemma in more detail in Section 3.3.
2.2 Counting graphs
Let us now turn to the graph counting. In the tree in Figure 1, we see that there are 20
possible edges to T to form a graph G with the same breadth-first spanning tree. It turns
out we can represent this as a functional of the child count processes X # , X . As this only
depends on the labeled tree T , we set
X m−1
W = W (T ) = −m(n − 1) + X (s) +
X (u) (2.3)
s=0 u=0
where X # , X is the child count process of T . It is easy to see that using Figure 2 that for
the tree T in Figure 1 that
X 8−1
X (s) = 37
and X (u) = 31,
s=0 u=0
N # (t) − N # (t − 1) we get
X n−1
X n+m
(X ◦ N (t − 1) − N (t − 1)) γt =
# #
(X (s) + s) −
(t − 1)γt.
t=1 s=0 t=1
A similar formula can be established for the other sums against (1 − γt ):
X m−1
X n+m
(1 + X ◦ N (t − 1) − N # (t − 1)) (1 − γt ) = (1 + X (s) + s) − (t − 1)(1 − γt ).
t=1 s=0 t=1
n−1 m−1 n+m
X X n m X
W = X (s) +
X (s) + + +m− (t − 1)(γt + 1 − γt )
s=0 s=0
2 2 t=1
n−1 m−1
X X n m n+m
= X (s) +
X (s) + + +m− = W (T ).
s=0 s=0
2 2 2
3 Scaling Limits
We are now left to investigate the random variable Wn,m := W (T ) where T ∼ Unif(Gn,m (0)).
We will henceforth include the subscript n in all the processes and assume that m = mn also
depends on n. To do this, it is easier to start with the scaling limits for Yn# and Yn from
Lemma 2.2. We will also let An,m be the event
An,m = {Yn# (n) = m, Yn (m) = n − 1}. (3.1)
In the sequel, we will need some more precise control on the growth of the processes
m−1 Yn# (nt) − t and n−1 Yn (mt) − t. As in the proof of Proposition 3.1, we can do this by a
uniform empirical process. The following lemma follows from the proof Lemma 13 in [1].
Lemma 3.2. Let (Uj ; j ≥ 1) be i.i.d. uniform [0, 1]. Then there is a universal constant
C, λ > 0 such that for all n ≥ 1
P sup | n(Fn (t) − t)| ≥ x ≤ C exp(−λx2 ).
3.2 Fluctuations of Sn
The convergence of the process Sn (t) = Yn ◦ Yn# (t) − t given An,m follows from Proposition
3.1 and a standard result on the fluctuations of compositions (see [18, 21] or [22, Section
13.3 ]). We recall this with the next lemma.
Lemma 3.4. Suppose that xn , yn : [0, 1] → [0, 1] are non-decreasing càdlàg functions, and
ψ, ϕ : [0, 1] → R are continuous functions. Let cn → ∞ and suppose that in the Skorohod J1
topology both (cn (xn (t) − t); t ∈ [0, 1]) → ψ and (cn (yn (t) − t); t ∈ [0, 1]) → ϕ. Then
3.3 The Vervaat Transform
In this section we discuss in more detail the connection between Sn |An,m and Sn |En,m where
En,m is defined in Lemma 2.2 as well as the connection to the scaling limits.
We start with the operation in the continuum. Let f : [0, 1] → R be a càdlàg process
without any negative jumps such that f (0) = f (1) = f (1−) = 0. Note that f need not
attain its global minimum; however, t 7→ f (t−) will. We let τ be the first time that f (t−)
attains the global infimum of f . That is
τ = inf{t : f (t−) = inf f (s)}
where xj ∈ {0, 1, · · · } and suppose that fn (n) = −1. We call such a function fn a downward
skip-free bridge of length n. Similar to above, define
τn = min{k : fn (k) = min fn (j)}.
An important property of the discrete Vervaat transform is how it interacts with ex-
changeable incrementPkprocesses. For this, it will be better to define cyclic shifts more gen-
erally. Let gn (k) = j=1 yj where yj ∈ R for j ∈ [n]. We define
θn (gn , i)(k) = yj+i
where, again, we interpret the index j + i as its equivalence class modulo n. Note
Let us fix an n, m and let Xn# , Xn be the child count processes associated with a uniformly
chosen tree T ∈ Gn,m (0). Recalling Lemma 2.2, we see that
(Xn# , Xn , Zn ) = (Yn# , Yn , Sn )|En,m .
Recall that Yn = (Yn (k); k = 0, 1, · · · , m), Yn# = (Yn# (k); k = 0, 1, · · · , n) and
In particular, the (unconditioned) increments of Sn are i.i.d. From here, it is not hard to see
using Lemma 3.8(4) that if Un ∼ Unif{1, · · · , n} is independent of Yn# , Yn then
Un , Yn , Yn , Sn |En,m = τn , θn (Yn , τn ), θm (Yn , Yn (τn )), θn (Sn , τn ) |An,m
# # #
τ = inf{u : S(u) = inf t∈[0,1] S(t)}. By elementary properties of Brownian bridges, almost
surely τ is the unique global minimum of S on [0, 1]. By (3.5)
d √
(V (S)(t); t ∈ [0, 1]) = ( 1 + α Bex (t); t ∈ [0, 1]).
We begin with some algebraic manipulations. Note from the definition of Wn,m in (2.3)
n−1 m−1
X m X n m n n m
Wn,m = Xn (j) − j +
Xn (j) − j + + − m(n − 1)
n j=0
m n 2 m 2
n−1 m−1
X m X n m−n
= Xn# (j) − j + Xn (j) − j + .
n j=0
m 2
Since Xn# (n) = m and Xn (m) = n − 1, we have
n m
X m X n m−n+2
Wn,m = Xn (j) − j +
Xn (j) − j + . (3.8)
n j=0
m 2
We now relate these two summations above to the processes Yn# , Yn given An,m . To do
this, we will use Lemma 3.9 and the following lemma, which is a direct consequence of (3.7).
Lemma 3.11. Suppose that gn (k) = kj=1 yj for k = 0, 1, · · · , n for some yj ∈ R. Then for
i ∈ {0, 1, · · · , n − 1}
X n
θn (gn , i)(j) = ign (n) − ng(i) + gn (j).
j=0 j=0
n n
X n n #
+ (Yn (j) − j) − m Yn ◦ Yn (τn ) − Yn (τn ) − Yn# (τn )
m m
m−n+2 d
+ |An,m = Wn,m .
Moreover, almost surely on the event An,m we have Yn# (n) = m and so an application of
Lemma 3.11 gives (a.s. on An,m )
n n
X m m X # m
θn (Yn − Id, τn )(j) = τn (Yn# (n) − m) − n Yn# (τn ) − τn
Yn (j) − j
n n j=0
X m m
= Yn# (j) − j − n Yn# (τn ) − τn .
n n
This gives the first term in (3.9). The second term is obtained similarly. The result follows
from (3.8).
Now, in order to establish scaling limits for Wn,m we just need to establish conditional
scaling limits for each of the terms appear in (3.9). The next lemma handles this.
Lemma 3.13. Maintain the notation as Lemma 3.12. Then jointly the following conver-
gences hold conditionally given An,m
n Z 1 n Z 1
1 X # m (d) √ # 1 X n (d)
√ (Y (j) − j)=⇒ αBbr (t) dt, √ (Y (j) − j)=⇒ Bbr (t) dt,
m n j=0 n n 0 m n j=0 n m 0
n # m (d) √ 1 n (d)
(Yn (τn ) − τn )=⇒ αBbr #
(τ ), √ Yn ◦ Y # (τn ) − Yn# (τn ) =⇒Bbr (τ ).
m n n m
Moreover, all the prelimits above are uniformly bounded in L (Ω, P(−|An,m )) for all p ≥ 1.
Proof. The uniform bound in Lp follows Corollary 3.3.
# #
Let us write Y n (t) = m−1 Yn# (nt) and Y n (t) = m−1 Yn (t) as we did in the proof of Corol-
lary 3.5. Throughout this proof, we work conditionally given An,m . By applying Proposition
3.1 and the continuity of f 7→ 0 f (s) ds we see
n Z n+1
1 X # m 1 m
√ (Y (j) − j) = √ Yn (⌊s⌋) − ⌊s⌋ ds
m n j=0 n n m n 0 n
Z 1+n−1
√ n 1+o(1) √
⌊nt⌋ ⌊nt⌋
# #
= n Y n (t) − dt = m Y n (t) − dt
0 n m 0 n
Z 1
(d) √
=⇒ α Bbr
(t) dt.
Pm n (d) R 1
Similarly, m√ n j=1 (Yn (j) − m j)=⇒ 0 Bbr (t) dt.
Also, by Corollary 3.5 and Lemma 3.6 we see that τn /n → τ = inf{t : S(t) = inf u∈[0,1] S(u)}
jointly with the convergence in Proposition 3.1. By Proposition 2.1 in [9, Chapter VI], if
tn → t, fn → f in the J1 topology, and f (t) = f (t−) then fn (tn ) → f (t). Therefore,
n m √ # τn (d) √ #
Yn# (τn ) − τn = n Y n (τn /n) − =⇒ αBbr (τ )
m n n
√ # (d) √
where we used the previous observation with tn = τn /n and fn = n(Y n (t)−t)=⇒ αBbr (t).
The other term is analogous. Indeed,
1 n √ # #
√ Yn ◦ Yn# (τn ) − Yn# (τn ) = n Y n ◦ Y n (τn /n) − Y n (τn /n) .
n m
# (d)
By Proposition 3.1 Y n (t)=⇒t locally uniformly in t and, in combination with [4, pg 146],
we have in the J1 topology
√ # # (d)
n(Y n ◦ Y n − Y n )=⇒Bbr .
The stated claim now easily follows.
Proof of Proposition 3.10. Using Lemma 3.12, we have
n √
1 d 1 X # m n # m
√ Wn,m = √ (Yn (j) − j) + (Yn (τn ) − τn )
m n m n j=0 n m n
1 X n 1 n
+ √ (Yn (j) − j) + √ Yn ◦ Y # (τn ) − Yn# (τn ) + o(1) An,m .
m n j=0 m n m
By Lemma 3.13,
1 √ √ #
√ Wn,m =⇒ αBbr
(t) + Bbr (t) dt − αBbr (τ ) − Bbr (τ )
m n 0
Z 1 Z 1
d √
= (S(t) − S(τ )) dt = 1 + α Bex (t) dt.
0 0
The convergence of moments follows easily from the uniform bound in Lp in Lemma 3.13
and, for example, Theorem 3.5 and equation (3.18) in [4].
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