A Measurement System To Realize 3-D Carotid Occlusion Measurement From 2-D Conventional Ultrasonography
A Measurement System To Realize 3-D Carotid Occlusion Measurement From 2-D Conventional Ultrasonography
A Measurement System To Realize 3-D Carotid Occlusion Measurement From 2-D Conventional Ultrasonography
Abstract— A novel measurement system for the 3-D recon- for the early assessment of pathology, as well as for the
struction of occlusions of the carotid artery is presented. The monitoring of the progression of a degenerative phenomenon.
proposed system can be added onto a conventional diagnostic In clinical practice, the Ultra-Sound (US) techniques (also
ultrasonographic system, so that it can be considered as an
upgrade for preexisting equipments. It retrieves information from including B-mode, Color Doppler, Color Power Angio) rep-
a set of ordinary 2-D ultrasound images and spatial sensors in resent the most used diagnostic tools for assessing CVDs
order to build a 3-D representation of the vessel and of a possible (with respect to other modalities such as Magnetic Resonance
occlusion and to extract measurements of important medical Imaging and Computed Tomography Angiography), thanks to
parameters from them. The geometrical modeling of carotid is the following key advantages: i) real-time quick examination;
dealt with. This paper is also concerned with a metrological
characterization of the measurement procedure, including the ii) low costs; iii) repeatability and reliability; and iv) absence
development of a model for the estimation of the uncertainty of radiations and non-invasiveness.
according to international standards. Experimental results are Obviously, a major problem of the clinical examina-
also reported and discussed. tion based on US imaging is the need for quantitative
Index Terms— Biomedical measurements, measurement uncer- measurements. In order to overcome the drawbacks of
tainty, thickness measurement, volume measurement, biomedical image segmentation and IMT measurement manually per-
image processing, ultrasonic imaging. formed by operators, investigation efforts are being addressed
to the development and characterization of fully auto-
matic (user independent) systems able to detect the carotid
manner of a common 2D ultrasound exam. In particular, once C. The Trigger Detection for Data Storing Module
mounted the add-on package on the 2D ultrasound probe This is a very important software module that allows a
(Fig. 3) the diagnostician moves and tilts the probe until he reliable measurement process. It has a double aim. On one
finds a satisfying view of the segment of the carotid artery. hand, it has to guarantee the selection of 2D images syn-
Then, he pushes a button while holding the probe. This is a chronized with respect to the systolic cardiac event. On other
procedure similar to that adopted by a diagnostician to grab hand, it must allow the synchronization of the measurement
and print a photo of the ultrasound exam. information coming from the angle and movement sensors
This event is captured by the Trigger Detection For Data with the acquired 2D ultrasound image.
Storing module (described in the following subsection), which This module receives as inputs the signals acquired by the
is synchronized by the ECG signal. This module acquires DAQ board (i.e. the ECG, the accelerometer, and the push
the probe angles and positions and selects the appropriate button) and those coming from the data communication busses,
image from the frame grabber. In this way, although the frame namely the images coming from the FirewireTM bus and the
gabber continuously acquires 2-D images, only the images movement data coming from the RS 232 bus.
acquired after a programmable delay triggered by the diastolic It has been developed in the LabViewTM environment and
movement of the heart are stored on an external hard disk and operates as follows. When the diagnostician selects an image,
successively employed for 3-D reconstruction. and pushes the acquisition button, the Trigger Detection For
This step is repeated for each angle of incidence chosen Data Storing module selects the first 2D ultrasound image
by the diagnostician. Typically, a range of ±5° with a step that occurs after a suitable delay after the trigger event
of one degree for the angle of incidence allows to achieve an generated by the ECG signal. In the same time the software
acceptable 3-D reconstruction [23], [24]. collects measurement data coming from the add-on package
Once the data acquisition is completed, the diagnostician by means of a mobile acquisition window that has a length
has to select a box (Region of Interest, ROI) on any image. of 100 ms. This solution averages the angular and translation
This box is the area of the image that will be processed in order measurements, allowing the outlier filtering and the reduction
to extract the 2-D outline of the relevant interfaces between of noise.
different tissues in the image. A useful feature of the proposed As far as the software implementation is concerned, it can
prototype is that if the edge detection fails on a single image, be schematized as the parallel execution of three synchronized
the diagnostician can choose between two solutions: whether loops. The first collects data coming from the DAQ board, the
to discard this image or to launch an edge correction routine. second from the movement probe and the third from the frame
Fig. 5. Examples of outputs of the segmentation procedure. Fig. 6. A position example of the contour lines.
grabber. The first loop executes a point by point acquisition on the knowledge of its pixel coordinates (px, py) and on the
and collects data into three vectors, one for each acquired orientation and position values (θx , θ y , d x , d y ) of the probe:
quantity, managed as a sliding window of 100 ms length.
x cos (θx ) − cos θy · sin (θx ) dx + px · tan (θx )·sin (θx )
A software routine detects when the ECG signal reaches the = − sin (θx ) cos θ y · cos
desired level and slope and generates an interrupt for the
y (θx ) px ·sin (θx )
z 0 sin θ y dy
acquisition of the last 100 ms of data about the trigger event.
In the same way, the second loop polls the RS232 bus at a · py (1)
baud rate of 38400 bps and collects data from the movement 1
probe. This adopted Micro-ISU BP3010 sensor acquires data Where px is the distance along the x-axis of the center of the
at a frequency of 64 Hz, which implies about 6 samples in the selected image from the origin of the x axis.
considered 100 ms window. Finally, the third loop manages By processing each point of the three interfaces of each
frames coming from the frame grabber and selects the first image, the 3-D reconstruction of the carotid can be displayed
image that occurs after the trigger event. and saved. This process is illustrated in Fig. 6. In particular
Fig. 6a) shows the interfaces related to a single 2-D image,
D. Software: 2-D Edge Detection while in Fig. 6b) the positioning of the interface pixels of 2-D
As for the 3-D image reconstruction phase, it is realized by images corresponding to all angles of incidence is reported.
segmenting each 2-D image, in the current plane, to extract
the object contours, which in turn are used to obtain the object F. Software: Percentage Occlusion Measurement
surface [21], [25]. Compared with other approaches available In order to evaluate the percentage of carotid occlusion, O% ,
in literature, the main advantage of such a solution is related the artery volume, VL , and the plaque volume, VP , have to be
to the amount of data to be stored and managed because only measured:
the interesting points are processed. Consequently it allows a VP
O% = · 100. (2)
fast and efficient 3-D rendering to be achieved. VL
Each 2-D image is processed in order to extract the three To this aim the reconstructed 3-D carotid (see Fig. 7a) is
interfaces: intima-lumen in near wall, intima-lumen in far sliced in the x direction, with a x-step, x, equal to one
wall, lumen-plaque. The segmentation is completely automatic pixel, obtaining for each cross section in the z − y plane the
[20]. The technician is asked only to select the ROI for the polygons representing the lumen and the plaque, respectively
image analysis, aiming at simplifying the elaboration software (Fig. 7b and Fig. 7c). The lumen polygon is defined by the
and at reducing the elaboration time. The contour detection interpolated interface between intima-lumen interfaces (in the
algorithm is based on the recursive application of suitable near and far wall), while the plaque polygon is delimited
cost functions. Namely, three cost functions are used, one for by the interpolated lumen-plaque and far wall lumen-intima
each interface. They are composed of some terms taking into interfaces. The volumes are obtained summing the single slice
account the characteristics of the investigated contours, such volumes, said ALj and APj the area of each polygon of the
as, for example, gray level above and below the contour or the lumen and plaque, respectively (Fig. 7d):
contour regularity. These terms are weighted by coefficients
empirically evaluated during a training phase performed on
VL = ALj · x, VP = APj · x. (3)
different carotid CPA images. In Fig. 5 the outputs of the
j =1 j =1
segmentation procedure for two CPA images are shown.
Each area is computed by dividing it into adjacent triangles
with consecutive points of the section contour:
E. Software: 3-D Volume Reconstruction
The three interfaces intima-lumen in near wall, lumen- 1
intima, and intima-media in far wall are extracted from the Akj = · (yi · zi+1 − yi+1 · zi ) , (4)
2-D image processing [23], [24]. Then, the 3-D reconstruction
algorithm locates each point of each interface in the 3-D space considering all the Mkj points describing the polygon (see
with respect to a given reference system (O, x, y, z), based Fig. 7d).
Fig. 10. The 2-D edge detection on the #1 acquired B-mode image.
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an Assistant Professor of electrical and electronic measurements with the
[9] B. Chiu, M. Egger, J. D. Spence, G. Parraga, and A. Fenster, “Quan- Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Cassino
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imaging: A direct approach to stenosis measurement,” J. Vascular systems. He is co-author of more than 100 scientific articles, most of which
Surgery, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 838–844, 1999. were published in relevant international journals. He is a member of the
[11] A. H. Rotstein, R. N. Gibson, and P. M. King, “Direct B-mode NASCET Italian Association for Electrical and Electronic Measurements (GMEE),
style stenosis measurement and Doppler ultrasound as parameters for the National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT),
assessment of internal carotid artery stenosis,” Australasian Radiol., the Italian Federation of Electrical, Electronic, Automation, Information and
vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 52–56, Mar. 2002. Telecommunication (AEIT).
Luigi Ferrigno (M’04) received the M.S. degree Vincenzo Paciello (M’08) was born in Salerno,
in electronic engineering from the University of Italy, in 1977. He received the M.S. degree in
Salerno, Salerno, Italy, and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in infor-
electrical engineering from the University of Napoli, mation engineering from the University of Salerno,
Napoli, Italy. He is currently an Associate Professor Fisciano, Italy, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. Since
of Electrical and Electronic Measurements and the 2008, he is an Assistant Professor of electrical
Chief of the Metrological Laboratory LAT105 with and electronic measurements with the University of
the Department of Electrical and Information Engi- Salerno. He has been with the new Department of
neering at the University of Cassino and Southern Industrial Engineering of the same university since
Lazio, Italy. His current research interests include January 2011. His current research interests include
the realization and characterization of wireless sen- mechanical and electronic measurements, wireless
sor networks, the realization of the measurement system for nondestructive sensor networks, instrument interfaces, and digital signal processing for
testing, the characterization of electric system and components in non- advanced instrumentation.
sinusoidal conditions, and characterization of wired and RF digital transmis-
sion apparatuses.
Alfredo Paolillo (M’08) was born in Belvedere
Marittimo, Italy, in 1972. He received the M.S.
degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D.
Gianfranco Miele (S’06–M’08) was born in degree in information engineering from the Univer-
Cassino, Italy, on May 26, 1979. He received the sity of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, in 2000 and 2004,
M.S. degree (cum laude) in telecommunication engi- respectively. He is an Assistant Professor of elec-
neering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and infor- tronic measurements with the Faculty of Engineer-
mation engineering from the University of Cassino, ing, University of Salerno, Italy. He has been with
in 2004 and 2008, respectively. Since 2011, he the Department of Industrial Engineering of the
has been an Adjunct Researcher of electrical and University of Salerno since January 2011. His main
electronic measurements with the Dipartimento di interests are in measurement systems based on vision
Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Informazione (DIEI), for- and on numerical signal analysis.
merly the Dipartimento di Automazione, Elettro-
magnetismo, Ingegneria dell’Informazione e Matem-
atica Industriale, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy. In Paolo Sommella (M’11) received the M.S. degree in
2008, he was awarded the Carlo Offelli Prize for the best Ph.D. disserta- electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in infor-
tion in electronic measurement subject titled “Design and implementation mation engineering from the University of Salerno,
of an apparatus for reliable and repeatable power measurement in DVB- Fisciano, Italy, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. He
T systems.” His current research interests include electrical and electronic has been a Research Fellow with the University of
measurements, and, in particular, design and implementation of innovative Salerno since 2010. His current research interests
methods for performance assessment of RF telecommunication systems and are instrument fault detection and diagnosis, mea-
communication networks, image-based measurement systems, measurement of surement in software engineering, and biomedical
electromagnetic compatibility, and DSP-based measurement systems. He is a image processing.
member of the Italian Association for Electrical and Electronic Measurements
(GMEE) and of the IEEE “Instrumentation and Measurement Society.”