Classification of Coronary Heart Artery
Classification of Coronary Heart Artery
Classification of Coronary Heart Artery
normal blood flow through the artery and up normal arteries concentrates only on Masking and segmentation process. The
contains the up normal blood flow through the artery which is above limitation can be overcome by using the following
usually leading to a heart attack and cardiac arrest to the proposed method.
blood supply. There is overwhelming evidence that high
blood cholesterol increases the risk of developing The paper is organized as follows: Literature survey is
atherosclerosis [12]-[15]. described in section 2. Proposed methodology are detailed in
section 3 followed by the statistical analysis and performance
This system is also able to perform risk classification of evaluation. In section 4 described the results and discussion
patients based on the semantically structured information of and comparison results are in section 4.1. Finally, the
patient data. And also contains the detection of luminal and conclusion and future enhancement are given in section 5.
medial–adventitial boundaries, based on the results of
neighbor pixel analysis, performed by means of a Kernalized 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS
function, and on a smoothing step using Radial Basis The flow chart of the proposed method for classification of
Function (RBF) approximation [16]. coronary heart artery disease using IVUS image is shown in
Figure 1.
the very high intensity regions are might belong to the plaque
regions of IVUS image.
If this system denote intensity of the pixel I (i,j) within the input
image and the pixel x is the shadow region and it can be
defined as follows:
x= (i,j) € ∑
Figure 3: Transformation of IVUS image regions
If intensity of pixel < low threshold
and I(i, j±1) ɛ ∑ (1) Iimage (rradial, θtangential) (3)
If intensity of pixel < low threshold
It is also facilitates the number of detection steps for
and I(i, j±1) > high threshold (2)
Ultrasound medical images such as contour initialization and
refining of the obtained contour in IVUS image Regions and
the algorithm 1 is used to describe the angle decomposition for
coordinate conversion.
S. Sridevi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3877 – 3886
3.4 Feature Extraction Euclidean two dimensional space, then the distance (d) vector
from p to q, or form q to p is defined as
In feature extraction stage, most important key points are
captured and extracted from IVUS images. In any
segmentation approach considerable number of normal d(p,q) = d(q,p) = (q1-p1)2+(q2-p2)2+…+(qn-pn)2 (8)
objects is recognized as pathological, which results in
reduced efficiency of the detection system. However, one 3.4.3 Nearest neighbor approach
of the most important problems of IVUS imaging system is
SIFT uses the nearest neighbor approach and it is mainly used
selection of standard feature set and the classification for classification method, which should be the first choice
method, which is used to extract Region of Interest (ROI) for a feature extraction study, where there is little or no more
while minimizing the false positive findings. Feature prior knowledge about the distribution of pixels in an image
extraction technique and its corresponding features are shown in the following Figure 4 – 6 and algorithm 3.
reported in Table 1.
Algorithm 3 nearest neighbor approach
Ta b l e 1 : Feature extraction techniques with corresponding
feature NN (Image, Candidate points) {
Step (1) Go through each candidate points in an image,
Feature extraction techniques Step (2) Calculate the "distance" from that image to
specific sample candidate points.
Shape: X-coordinate maximum length of the plaque image, Step (3) Out of those candidate points values pick the "k"
y-coordinate maximum length of the plaque image, area of Ones that is most close to candidate
ROI, Perimeter of ROI. Eccentricity of Lumen. points, maybe in a premade array of "k" }.
SIFT: Finding Harris corners, Calculating characteristic
scale Calculating main orientation, Calculating descriptors, Output: Get a Premade
Plotting/rotating matches.
In polar coordinates of the point p are (radial 1 characteristic
LBP: Relation between pixels and its neighbors.
(r1), tangential 1charactrestic (θ1)) and those of q are (radial
3.4.1 Shape Features 2 characteristic (r2), tangential 2 characteristic (θ2)) than the
distance between the points are defined as follows.
Shape features are mainly used to extract the following features
to identifying the exact plaque regions in a coronary artery. The Polar point = (R2+r2-2r1r2COS(θ1-θ2))2 (9)
features are like x and y coordinates maximum length, Region of
Figure 7 explains the Image feature points and also detected
Interest (ROI), perimeter of ROI and Eccentricity value
by using the Gaussian difference function, thus providing the
similarity invariance between corresponding points of an
image and also creating the feature descriptor by using the
The above said features are providing essential information to
common geometric transformation.
classify the heart disease dataset according to the mathematical
calculation shown in following equations.
Scale invariant interest point detector consists of four
parameters like initial Gaussian blur, steps per scale octave,
D=2 (4) minimum image size and maximum image size. Local image
CSF = (π.D/observed perimeter) 2
(5) interest points are matched by using local image descriptor. It
SCSA = ((CSAm – CSAI)/CSAm) x 100 contains the following similar descriptors are feature
(6) descriptor orientation bins, feature descriptor size, closest or
next closest ratio. Local image feature descriptions are
filtered by using the geometric filter, which are maximum
3.4.2 SIFT Features alignment error, minimal inliers ratio, and expected
In this approach introduces the Nearest Neighbor approach with transformation.
high probability Euclidean metric based algorithm for matching
the feature points in an image. In Cartesian coordinates, if p =
(p1, p2,…pn) and q = (q1, q2,… qn) are two points in
S. Sridevi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3877 – 3886
3.5 Classification
error, the training classifier finds out the optimal hyper plane
and it is used to map the input vector elements into higher
Algorithm 5 SVM – MRBFK Parameters cross validation
dimensional space where a hyper plane can separate the data
into different classes (Actual and Predicted classes).
Classification begins......
The Radial basis function is mainly handling the non-linear (1) ClassMidpointNormalize(Normalize);
relations with classes and their feature vectors and then (2) load and prepare the dataset
(3) Dataset for grid search
normalization was applied into feature vectors [0, 1] before
(4) x =
applying the classifier. Standard deviation and the radial (5) y =
basis kernel were selected based on the feature selection. The (6) Dataset for decision function visualization: features
kernel function considering two parameters namely k (xi,x) in x and subsamples to keep only 2 classes.
and γi. The k is the kernel parameter and γi is the error term. (7) x_2d = X[:,:2]
Testified results were obtained in order to set up the kernel (8) Scale the data for SVM training
(9) Training set obtains the transformation from one
parameter is shown in Figure 8.
coordinate to another.
MRBFK represents the value of inner product of two training %for an
points in feature space. Kernel function uses the two steps initial search set the gamma range.
which is mapping and do inner product in the feature space. (10) Param _grid = dict(gamma = gamm_range, C =
The Modified Radial Basis Function Kernel represented as C_range)
feature vector in some input space and used to maps the (11) validate accuracy of proposed method MRBFK
samples namely αi and xi, is defined as with the variable (gamma and C)
Proposed model of the SVM with Modified Radial Basis
Function Kernel
Step 0: Set the control parameters C,σ, k
Step 1: Train SVM with a primary MRBFK defined by Eq
Therefore (10) 7
Get αi, b and the set of support vectors and determine the
decision boundary by f(x) = ∑γiαiK(x, xi) + b iєsv
3.5.1 SVM Classifier with MRBFK Step 2: given f(x), train the modified RBFK SVM by Eq 8
For the same data and get the new decision boundary ḟ(x)
Modified Radial Basis Function Kernel is used to performing Step 3: based on ḟ(x) and newly observed state is
the models are easier to finding the best parameters place on obtained.
the IVUS image boundaries of the grid, and also kernel Output: Calculate the prediction and store the result.
parameter can be extended up to subsequent search.
Algorithm 5 consists of two steps, Step 1 initially, is used to
simplified classification problem involving the input features
(Shape, SIFT and LBP) and 2 possible target classes (actual
and predicted class). Finally, decision functions are
visualized for variety of parameter values. Step 2 consists of
mapping the classifiers of cross validation accuracy as a
function C and gamma. This paper found the effectiveness of
the SVM equipped with MRBFK to improve the precision and
studied the specificity with respect to the parameter k which
controls the degree of the conformal transform is defined as
S. Sridevi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3877 – 3886
3.5.2 Statistical Analysis Table 3: Pseudo code for performance metrics (TP, FN, TN, and TP)
True False True False
In this section the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of Positive Negative Negative Positive
classifier validation studies are calculated. In addition the Procedure: Procedure: Procedure: Procedure:
Kappa Statistic, Area under the Curve (AUC) and
Calculate calculate Calculate Calculate
Confidence Interval (CI) level are also computed from the the True the False the True the False
above said parameters for quantifying the degree of Positive as Negative Negative Positive as
agreement defined as follows. follows. as follows: as follows: follows:
True Flase True Flase
Kappa Value= ((observed – expected) Proportion / 1 – Positive Negative Negative Positive
expected proportion). (13) Rate= TP / Rate = Rate= TN / Rate = FP /
(TP + FP). FN / (FN + (TN + (FP + TN)
Area Under the Curve y = f(x) between x =a & x = b, Integrate FN).
I – Read TP). I – Read
y=f(x) between the limits a and b. (14)
image, T – I – Read I - Read image, T –
Ground image, T – image, T – Ground
3.5.3 Performance Evaluation truth Ground Ground truth
image. truth truth image.
TP=1 image. image. FP = 0
In the proposed method used to evaluate the performance
For i : m FN = 0 TN=1 For i:m
through statistical analysis. For this, True Positive (TP), False
Positive (FP), False Negative (FN) and True Negative (TN) step of 1 For i:m For i:m step of 1
For j : n step of 1 step of 1 For j: n
and then Sensitivity, Specificity, Precision and Accuracy are
calculated and shown in Table 3. step of 1 For j: n For j:n step step of 1
If I(i, j) = 1 step of 1 of 1 If (i, j) = 1
CI (0.86%) = X ±1.96 x Xx (1 – X)/ N (15)
and T (I, j) If (i, j) = 1 If I(i, j) =0 and T(i, j)
= 1 then and T(i, j) and T(i, j) = 0 then
TP = TP = 0 then = 0 then FP = FP +
+1, print FN = FN + TN = TN + 1, print
In this section, the performance of the proposed method is True 1, print 1, print Flase
presented. First, the performance of shadow detection Positive False True Positive
procedure investigated and corresponding segmented IVUS (TP) Negative Negative (FP).
images are analyzed by the proposed method. A sensitivity of (FN). (TN).
93.6 and specificity of 96.6 is obtained by comparing
manually and automatically detected regions. After shadow Condition: Condition: Condition: Condition:
detection the Shape, Scale Invariant Feature Transform TP Rate= 1 FN Rate = TN Rate = FP Rate =
features and Local Binary Pattern features were detected from when FP = 0 when 1when 0 when FP
the remaining portion of the plaque area. 0. FN =0. FN = 0. =0.
(No false (No false (No false (No false
positives) negatives) negatives) positives)
S. Sridevi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3877 – 3886
method. It is a specific table layout, with two dimensions 4.1 Comparison Results
(“actual” and “Predicted”), and identical sets of “classes” in The Existing and proposed method and its corresponding
both dimensions. Confusion matrix shows the performance of metric based analysis are reported in the table 4. According to
the proposed Modified Radial Basis Function Kernel the feature extraction, results based classification results are
(MRBFK) which are effectively used in higher dimensional validated and also the proposed method performance are
space to detect the misclassification errors in training and reported and compared with the existing methods.
testing samples.
Existing Method 1 (SVM) and its corresponding metrics
The Classification accuracy is reported in table 4. Classifier (Sensitivity, Specificity, Precision and Accuracy) is
that gives nearly similar accuracies which shows the reliability evaluated. Overall accuracy is 74%.
of the proposed image based validation method.
Existing Method 2 (ECOC) and its corresponding metrics
(Sensitivity, Specificity, Precision and Accuracy) is
evaluated. Overall accuracy is 84 %.
S. Sridevi et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3877 – 3886
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