Use of Pedicled Trapezius Myocutaneous Flap For Posterior Skull Reconstruction
Use of Pedicled Trapezius Myocutaneous Flap For Posterior Skull Reconstruction
Use of Pedicled Trapezius Myocutaneous Flap For Posterior Skull Reconstruction
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Copyright © 2015 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Volume 26, Number 6, September 2015 Brief Clinical Studies
23 months out from his trapezius flap procedure without any DISCUSSION
complications. The purpose of this study was to establish the trapezius myocuta-
neous flap as a reconstructive option for soft-tissue defect in
posterior skull area. Such defects are generally secondary to tumor
Patient 2 resection, which generally requires radiation. Irradiated wound bed
The patient was a 60-year-old male who was diagnosed with a and other coorbidities, generally present in these patients, would
nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma in 2001 and underwent a trans- increase the postoperative complication rates of free tissue transfer.
sphenoidal resection. During his work-up, he was found to have a In addition, distant tissue transfer would not have similar skin color
left cerebellar epidermoid mass that was followed over several and texture as the locoregional flaps.6 Free tissue transfer would
years with serial imaging. Owing to an increase in the size of the require extended operative time exposing the patients to the com-
epidermoid tumor, which was essentially filling the entire left plications of general anesthesia. Among locoregional flaps, pector-
posterior fossa and compressing the cerebellum, a left suboccipital alis major and lattisimus dorsi-based myocutaneous flaps are
craniectomy with titanium plate was performed in 2008. In Decem- considered ‘‘workhorse’’ flaps for head and neck reconstruction.7,8
ber 2012, he started noticing drainage on his pillowcases, mostly at Pectoralis major-based flap is the first choice regional flap in head
the nighttime while lying down. The drainage from the scalp was and neck surgery as it is easy to harvest and does not require
not concerning for CSF leak based in its appearance. The patient repositioning for anterior reconstruction. However, use of pec-
also noticed left ear tinnitus, fullness, and decreased left-sided toralis major flap might require repositioning of the patient for
hearing since his epidermoid tumor resection. A brain MRI in June posterior skull reconstruction. In addition, it would be aestheti-
2013 demonstrated a large nonenhancing mass in the left posterior cally unpleasing in women, and the amount of skin may be
fossa that seemed to track extracranially through the titanium mesh limited due to mobility of the breast on the underlying pectoralis
with areas of small puckered sites in the scalp at the site drainage. musculature.17 There is also a possibility of secondary contrac-
The findings were thought to represent either a recurrence of ture of the pedicle or gravitational displacement with time.7
epidermoid mass or a chronic infection in the epidural space. Lattisimus dorsi muscle flap will require extensive mobilization
The pituitary area appeared unremarkable without any evidence to reach the posterior skull, and function preservation might not
of recurrence. It was determined that the caustic contents of the be possible in some cases.
epidermoid cyst might be responsible for poor healing along the site Trapezius myocutaneous flap has a large arc of rotation and is
of titanium mesh attached to the scalp and could also result in scalp more pliable than both lattisimus dorsi and pectoralis major flaps.18
wound dehiscence resulting in drainage. As the patient did not have As the upper portion of the muscle contains the spinal accessory
any concern for rhinorrhea or CSF leak and was nontoxic in nerve, which provides innervation to the entire muscle, the well-
appearance, it was decided to perform a wound exploration in an vascularized lower portion of the trapezius muscle is considered a
elective fashion. He was followed conservatively for over a year dispensable unit. Use of the highly vascularized lower portion of
with malodorous yellowish drainage from 2 spots on his scalp along the muscle serves to prevent the motor function of the muscle while
the suboccipital craniotomy incision. He also reported further providing an excellent reconstructive option. Trapezius muscle
decrease in his left-sided hearing along with increased tinnitus flap enables posterior skull reconstruction in prone position with-
and fullness during this time period. A follow-up MRI demonstrated out the need to reposition the patient. The donor site can be
interval development of epidural air in the resection cavity and primarily closed, and there is minimal donor-site-associated mor-
development of 2 fistulous tracks extending from the epidermoid bidities with this flap.
tumor to the scalp. In addition, the imaging showed hair within Trapezius flap has been described in the study for head and neck
the extradural cavity suggesting communication with the mastoid reconstruction,16–24 but there are only few reports of its usage for
air cells. On examination, the patient had 2 areas along his left posterior skull reconstruction.25–27 The complication rate varies
suboccipital incision with dried and crusted fluid. Based on these from 0% to 57% in the study with most of the studies showing a
findings, the patient was planned for wound exploration and closure complication rate <20%.16–24 A recently published study by Can
with a trapezius rotational flap. The previous incision was reopened, et al17 demonstrated 35% complication rates in a series of 43
and the fistulous tracts were excised along with 4 cm 2 cm section consecutive patients operated for myocutaneous trapezius flap.
of flap that had 2 areas of hypergranulation tissue where the chronic Nine patients (21%) had recipient-site-related complications, but
infection had indurated through the scalp itself. The skin flap was only 1 patient had a complete flap failure. Only 1 out of the 43
carefully undermined revealing the cranial defect and the titanium patients required flap for posterior skull reconstruction. In our
plate, which was covered with exuberant granulomatous tissue series, there was no donor or recipient-site complication at a mean
beneath which was obvious pus. The plate was removed and pus follow-up of 12.5 months.
was cultured. The pus was odiferous and was quite extensive in its Our study shows that the trapezius flaps can be effectively used
range through the suboccipital region. It was thoroughly removed, for reconstruction of CSF leakage in the posterior skull. Among
and the bone edges of the previous craniectomy were freshened. The pedicled myocutaneous flap, pectoralis major has been described in
mastoid areas were exposed and there was no open mastoid air cell, 1 case report for CSF leakage,28 but there has been no report of
but several air cells were exposed with their mucous membranes trapezius flap being used for this indication. Our second patient
evident. With all of the pus removed and careful irrigation of the demonstrated complete healing of myocutnaeous flap in a patient
wound cavity, it was decided to obliterate this dead space with the with epidural abscess. There is another case report of 2 patients with
fascial and muscle extensions of the trapezius flap. The fashioned epidural abscess who had complete recovery after debridement of
flap extended distal to the insertion of the muscle to have a the abscess cavity and obliterating the dead space with trapezius
fasciocutaneous tongue that would be depepithelialized and tucked myocutaneous flap.27
down into the mastoid air spaces. The flap was then raised on its Trapezius myocutaneous flap is a very safe and reliable option
vascular pedicle, turned 1808 and inset to effectively obliterate the for posterior skull reconstruction, especially in a setting of hostile
dead space. Postoperatively, the patient had uncomplicated recov- host environment such as infection or radiation. There is limited
ery, and his flap and the donor site have completely healed data related to reconstruction with this technique. With this study,
(Fig. 3B). The trapezius flap has effectively prevented any wound we hope to establish trapezius myocutaneous flap as an alternative
leakage secondary to fistulous tracks from chronic infection. option for posterior skull reconstruction.
Copyright © 2015 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Volume 26, Number 6, September 2015 Brief Clinical Studies